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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Hey, look... a falling star... "No, boss, we're the ones who're falling." Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeap, Rod Remus decided we were too small for him anymore... in a way, his last contract re-signing was amazingly nice of him, giving us eighteen months. But now, one of our best talents was leaving... and we'd brought in a few more to replace him. Life in the Zone goes on. To be honest, we knew he was leaving from the moment he signed an 18-month contract instead of a 9-month... so we were able to get the best out of him and then use him to set up Josh Jones as the new Rod Remus. What we're really worried about now is, what happens if his brother leaves when his contract is up? We don't have a backup announcer... January, 2014, week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym Backstage, The New Mexican Revolution celebrates, asking Soul Taker when he's going to use hit title shot from Year In Review. Taker says he's considering challenging Josh Jones tonight... but Angel brings up the fact that Taker's lost his last... well, every title shot against Jones. Firefly notes that Angel has, too. And let's face it, FireFly doesn't have the best record against him, either. Everyone is silenced by... El Beastia Purpura, shouting that he's sick of sitting on the sidelines. Taker takes his place in the six-man tonight... because in the main event, he's taking the CZCW Title away from Josh Jones (D) Six-Man Lucha Libre Match The New Mexican Revolution (Angel, FireFly, Taker) def. Alicia Strong, Fearless Blue, & Arther Dexter Bradley in twenty-two minutes when FireFly gets a hurricanrana pin on Alicia (C) Josh hypes the main event the best he can (E+) Main Event Championship Lucha Libre Match Josh Jones(c) def. El Beastia Purpura in twenty minutes via pinfall. (D+). Afterwards, the rest of the New Mexican Revolution come out and beat Purpura down for failing, telling him he's out of the group... and the Zone (D-) Show rating: D+, 0.24 TV Yeap, Purpura's contract had come and gone, and we weren't using him the right way to justify the four figures plus downside he wanted. But we'd never guess where he was going... On the next Coastal Zone: Duh-duh-duh, duh, duh.... Another one bites the dust...
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No-good little... Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Purpura up and joined SOTBPW. He's not worth the money! Hope they're happy with him... Interesting news this week: Rich Money and John Greed both injured on the same night. Different feds tho. Always thought those two would make a good team... Alicia Strong remained on the BSC roster. How she hasn't taken their title yet is beyond me... She is, of course, undefeated. January 2014, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with an announcement of two men who'll be competing tonight for a CZCW Championship spot at CZCW Broken: Arthur Dexter Bradley and Snap Dragon. The two come out and say a few words, then begin insulting each other, finally coming to blows before Pee-Wee tells them to back off of they're out of the match tonight (D+) Filler Match Extreme Deluxe def. Ultimo Soetsu in eight minutes of near-total crap (F+) Simon Ice comes out and challenges Marc Speed to some Tidal Booking (E+) Tidal Booking Marc Speed def. Simon Ice in twelve minutes with a Speedball Driver (C-) Hype video for the New Mexican Revolution (D-) Main Event Contendership Match Snap Dragon def. Arthur Dexter Bradley in eighteen minutes when his fellow Zone Original, Marc Speed, shows up out of nowhere to land a Speedball Driver while Pee-Wee's back is turned. (C) Show rating: D+, 0.21 TV, a new low for us in a long, long time. Oh, yeah, we're definately not renewing the TV show until we're Cult. Maybe not even then... January 2014, week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live form Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with A.D.B. upset about being cheated out of a title shot tonight. Alicia Strong comes out to tell him to man up, and Javier decides that tonight, the two of them will face off for an Xtreme Title Shot at Broken (D+) Tidal Booking Super Sonic def. Marc Speed in thirteen minutes when A.D.B. runs in and hits Speedball with his own Speedball Driver... and Sonic's not about to pass up the win (C) Alicia hypes up the main event (D-) Main Event Xtreme Contendership Match A.D.B. def. Alicia Strong in twenty-five minutes when, after a match of neither invdividual giving up, Marc Speed runs in, looking for revenge, and A.D.B. goads him into a Speedball Driver in front of Pee-Wee, getting the win by DQ. (C+) Show rating: C, 0.22 TV We ad originally planned on Donnie J vs Too Hot for tidal booking... but Donnie J couldn't make it, so we decided to use Speedball again, and the rest of the show just wrote itself. On the next Coastal Zone: The buildup to CZCW Broken conti... what do you mean, it's next week?
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Hey, when in doubt... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! This year's Ric Chord Invitational Challenge winner: Jumbo Shrimp??? Well, okay then. In other news, a certain promotion is being beset with political troubles... wait, it's up? And the person throwing their political weight around is... Cliff Anderson???? How can you play politics when you own the dang company???? Citizen X has decided he's too big for DAVE, meaning we were never going to get our hands back on him... in response, DAVE had him lose the DAVE Unified Title to Nevada Nuclear. And we thought -we- were petty. CZCW Broken February 2014, week 1, Wednesday Gorski Ballrooms, Southwest USA (3,326) In the preshow, Angel de Mexico complains about how he's not on the card. That leads to the start of the show... Opening Match Angel de Mexico def. Oscar "I was hired over a month ago but I work for someone else on Thursdays" Golden in nine minutes (C) Dueling interviews from Josh Jones (C) and Snap Dragon (C+) Four-Team Tidal Tag Title Ladder Match Hot & Cold def. The Originals(c), The Girls, and The Backyarders in twenty-one minutes (C-) Afterwards, The Originals have a loud argument about whose fault that was (neither one was even in the ring when the titles were grabbed) before leaving the arena via different exits (D+) Hype video for A.D.B. vs Amazing FireFly (C+) Xtreme Title Lucha Libre Match A.D.B. def. Amazing FireFly(c) in twenty-four minutes of amazing action as it turns out these two are a great pair (B-) Hype video for the main event (C) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. Snap Dragon in twenty-eight minutes of Global-worthy match to retain his title... possibly due to the blow-up between The Originals as Snap Dragon looks towards the entry several times only to see nobody coming down to help (B) Show rating: C+. Now that's what we're talking about! On the next Coastal Zone: Back to TV. We're getting ready for another D/D-...
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And with very little news 'cause it's only been a day, Welcome to the Coastal Zone! On a side note, Javier Brook is now pulling double-duty for us at the announce table and also as our main interviewer; Cliff remains the third wheel on the announce table; Pee-Wee is still reffing but not as well as Javier used to... February 2014, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with A.D.B. celebrating his new title, and Fearless Blue coming out to say that he can take it away from him, yadda yadda, you know the drill (D+) Tidal Tag Title Match Hot & Cold(c) def. Ultimo Soetsu & Antonio in ten minutes (E+). Backstage, Extreme Deluxe is talking to someone about how he things Alicia and Raku shouldn't be in the Zone, very 'no girls allowed' attitude. He turns around... and there's Alicia, telling him to get ot the ring so she can shove his foot in his mouth (E+) Filler Match Alicia Strong def. Extreme Deluxe in seven minutes as we do our part to keep Alicia from getting Female Worker of the Year this year (D-) Short interview with Blue about hsi chances tonight (D-) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match A.D.B.(c) def. Fearless Blue in nineteen minutes of action that we really didn't expect from Fearless Blue. Will A.D.B. gain a rep as a miracle worker in the zone? (C) Show rating: D+, saved by one heck of a main event, 0.21 TV. Fresh off his recent tournament win, Jumbo Shrimp is the new MAW champion. Sam Keith hs lead MPWF to a PPV deal and is looking to renew his contract as head booker. Their roster includes A.B.D., Amazing FireFly, Snap Dragon, Super Sonic, and former Zoners Inky, Insane Machine, Masked Cougar, Luna Obscura, Mark Smart, and Nathan Casino. They were, essentially, the Zone having gone full-hardcore, full-Lucha. And, of course, being based in Mexico. They were also Cult at C+ prestige and bigger than we ever had been. Gah. February 2014, week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Pow... waitasec. This ain't there. Auditorio Jaun Escobar? Sounds expensive... (1,715) Opening Match Marc Speed def. Cal Sanders in a six-minute squash (D+) Backstage, Donnie J, Alicia Strong, and Fearless Blue are all trying to argue for a title shot with Javier Brook. Javire finally decides Donnie gets teh shot tonight, and Alicia and Blue will face off to see who gets the next one (D) Contendership Match Alicia Strong def. Fearless Blue in seventeen minutes (C-). Blue is slowly but surely building up stamina for Zone-length matches. Backstage, Donnie J and Josh Jones face off in a war of words. Jones plays up the age difference... after all, Donnie was champ, what, six, seven years ago? (D-) Main Event Title Match Donnie J def. Josh Jones(c) by DQ in eighteen minutes when Marc Speed does the run-in and attacked his former partner, shouting something about losing titles (C-) Show rating: D+ , 0.21 TV So close to a C- show... and we managed to blow $100,000 on the arena, a full quarter of our current budget. Yeeps. On the next Coastal Zone: Ch-ch-ch-changes... nah, just kidding.
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The breeding ground for future talent... pity we can't keep any... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Former Zoner KC Glenn has signed a written contract with NOTBPW. Good for him. For the record, our popularity in Puerto Rico right now is a D, with spillover into the Southeast bringing us to a D- there. Hrm. Some of the boys are upset we're not using them. Let's remedy that a bit... and revisit Mexico, which seems to be forgetting us. February 2014, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the National Arena, Tijuana, Mexico (1,932) Opening Six-Man Match XDW (Aero, Sonic, Extreme) def. Hot & Cold and Cal Sanders in eleven minutes when Deluxe pins Sanders in a match even we were surprised by how it turned out... we told Crusher to do something with it (D-) Hype for the main event: A.D.B. defends against Soul Taker (C) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Raku Makuda in thirteen minutes (D) Soul Taker's entry takes a while (D) Main Event Xtreme Lucha Libre Match A.D.B. (c) def. Soul Taker in nineteen minutes (C+) Show rating: C-, 0.22 TV Hey, wait, don't we have a show in March? Yeap... we should, y'know, plan that. February 2014, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Tag Match The Backyarders def. Ultimo Soetsu & Dolphino in six minutes (D-) Four-Way Xtreme Contendership Ladder Match Angel de Mexico def. Amazing FireFly, Fearless Blue, and Harry Wilson in nineteen minutes (C) Main Event Alicia Strong draws Snap Dragon in a twenty-minute time-limit draw (C) We close with hype for Jones vs Strong (E) Show rating: C-, 0.22 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Our TV show is over... back to the Internet! CZCW March of Glory 2014!
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CZCW March of Glory March 2014, week 1, Wednesday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,272) We open with dueling interviews from Alicia Strong and Josh Jones, hyping the main event. The focus is on title reigns... and how Josh has blown away Alicia's record, and Alicia is ready to end it and start a new record-breaking reign. (C+, C-) Tidal Tag Title Ladder Match Hot & Cold (c) def The Backyarders and Christian Price & Oscar Golden in eleven minutes in a (failed) attempt not to suck (D-) Hype for the Xtreme Match (C+) Xtreme Title Lucha Libre Match A.D.B. def. Angel de Mexico in twenty-two minutes of excellent action (B-) Hype for the Main Event (C+) Main Event Title Match Josh Jones (c) draws Alicia Strong in a thirty-minute time limit. Actually, it was twenty minutes, but the crowd chanted for ten more, and both wrestlers agreed... but there was a wedding crew that needed to set up in the ballroom so we had to leave before more overtime could be reached (B-) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Spring Break Bash begins, and you won't be able to guess who's coming to the Zone! No, really,because they're not huge names...
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Where we just don't rest: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! And moving right on to the next show... but it's the end of the TV era (again), so we're beginning the weekly CZCW.COM Tour, still on Thursdays (hey, it worked for us)... but we were going with hour-and-a-half shows in an effort to get more guys over, and extending our 'big shows' to two and a half hours to make them seem special. Also, we swear no more TV until we manage to hit Cult... or someone other than Los Desportes Hoy wants us. March 2014, week 1, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Snap Dragon def. Soul Taker in nineteen minutes of get-'em-hot-for-the-new-era action (C+) Javier Brook calls out Marc Speed to discuss his actions during Donnie J's last title match. Marc comes out, but so does Donnie J, and the former partners are arguing about who cost who which title. The two begin to brawl, and Snap Dragon comes back to try and separate his two friends... when a stray fist hits Javier. Fed up, he makes the main event: Donnie J vs Marc Speed, winner gets a title shot with no interference allowed. And Snap Dragon gets to ref the match tonight (D) Hot & Cold come down to the ring and make an open challenge, saying there needs to be at least one title match on this show (E) Tidal Tag Title Match The Backyarders def. Hot & Cold(c) by DQ in nine minutes when Daredevil Aero spits in Too Hot's face, and Hot kicks him in the nuts in response... and Pee-Wee sees it (D-) Marc Speed tells us that what he did to Donnie before was payback, plain and simple, for costing them the Tidal Tag Titles. From here on out, it's not about payback, it's about looking out for number one (D-) Xtreme Contendership Match Harry Wilson def. Oscar Golden in fourteen minutes (D-) to get the title shot at Spring Break Bash (D-) Donnie J rants about Marc Speed. When they took the Tag Team Titles, they both know it was only temporary, a stepping stone to gain the singles greatness they were both due. If Marc can't handle that, it's not his fault. After all, he's the former CZCW Champion... Speed is the has-been. (D-) Main Event Contendership Match Donnie J draws Marc Speed in twenty-five minutes when the two refuse to seperate and a chair winds up connecting with Snap Dragon's head, causing him to DQ them both (C) Javier gets angry and tells them since it's a draw, they'll both face Josh Jones for the title at Spring Break Bash... but it'll be a Gauntlet Match, and Jones won't enter until one of them has been eliminated (E+) Show rating: D+ Wow, two title matches set up for the next big show the day after another big show? Are we trying to appear competent? On the next Coastal Zone: The champions make an appearance?
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Where a brave new era begins with a D+... which is about right for us. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Apparently, A.D.B. has been making comments about how he should be main eventing the Zone. Well... we did give him the Xtreme Title. He's been doing okay with it, but we'll see if that's just due to the quality of people we've been giving him... if he can pull off a good match with Wilson, we'll consider giving him a shot at Jones... but what worries us is that he's done this -twice- this week. For those not keeping track, time until we can hire not-over-qualified jobbers so we can dump our growing-even-more-expensive jobbers: Ten months. Argh. Congrats to the latest Zoner to hit the big time: Remmy Skye has signed a written contract with TCW. March 2014, week 2, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Eight-Man Match XDW (Aero, Sonic, Blue & Deluxe) def. Simon Ice, Too Hot, Ultimo Soetsu, and Antonio in eleven minutes of "Hey, that wasn't that bad, really." (D-) Hype video for the New Mexican Revolution (current members: Angel de Mexico, Amazing Firefly, Soul Taker, and... Dolphino. Hey, every group needs a jobber.) (D-) XDW celebrates backstage, with the Backyarders saying they'll challenge Hot & Cold again, Fearless Blue saying he could make a run at Jones, and Deluxe saying he could take down A.D.B... and getting laughed at by his friends in that way only friends can get away with (E+) Random Tag Match Angel & FireFly def. Alicia & Raku in twenty-six minutes when FireFly lands a FireFlyRana for the pinfall on Raku (C-) A.D.B makes fun of Harry Wilson, calling Spring Break Bash his easiest title defense yet (D+) Hype video for the SBB Main Event (E+) Main Event Non-Title Match Josh Jones def. A.D.B. in twenty-seven minutes, although Pee-Wee missed the fact that A.D.B.'s leg was under the ropes during the pinfall (C+) Show rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks to Spring Break Bash. Will Harry Wilson try to distinguish himself? Can Donnie J and Marc Speed stay out of trouble? And what's XDW up to?
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Where we just realized we have more factions than we realized: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously. XDW, the New Mexican Revolution, The Girls (Okay, that's more of a tag team than a faction), The Originals... One more and we can pretend we're ROH or something. A.D.B. once more ranted about how he should be main eventing the Zone... HE JUST DID! Maybe he's more trouble than he's worth. March 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with Javier Brook, Donnie J, and Marc Speed. Javier tells them that tonight, they'll be forced to get along, because they're facing Soul Taker and Amazing FireFly... and if they lose, then whoever lets their partner get pinned is spending Spring Break Bash at home (D-) Opening Match Dolphino def. Raku Makuda with a total fluke rollup in what had been seven minutes of a squash match (E+) Backstage, Daredevil Aero and Super Sonic sneak into an empty locker room and quickly find Hot & Cold's lockers and steal their title belts, replacing them with cardboard XDW title belts (E-) Hype video for Alicia Strong (D-) Six-Man Match XDW (Aero, Sonic, and Deluxe) def. Too Hot, Simon Ice, and Ultimo Soetsu in nine minutes when Super Sonic pins Too Hot. But the real story is that Hot & Cold came out with their cardboard XDW title and treated them just like the real title belts... which confused the heck out of XDW (D-) Donnie J and Marc Speed are arguing backstage, making up threats about what they'll do if the other causes them to get thrown out of Spring Break Bash (D+) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Fearless Blue in sixteen minutes of warmup (D-) FireFly and Taker come out, and announce that they've reached a deal with Javier. If they win, then a member of the New Mexican Revolution will be added to the title match at Spring Break Bash (D-) Main Event Tag Match The Originals def. The New Mexican Revolution in twenty-nine minutes with a Speedball Driver on Soul Taker (C) Show rating: D+ Good... but we've hit the point where we need C- or higher to get more popularity. Maybe we shouldn't've moved to 90 minutes... On the next Coastal Zone: One week before Spring Break Bash, it's time for the traditional Champs vs Challengers match... which means handicap! Another prank backfires, and... wait, who the...?
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Taking an idea and running with it... into the ground... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! .... Okay, Soul Taker working elsewhere, we could deal with. But we need to scrap the plan for the show tonight, because A.D.B. missed it... for some reason... so the Champs vs Challengers match is off... so this is going to be a sucky rewritten-at-the-last-minute show. March 2014, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Live from Guadalahara, Mexico (525) Opening Match: Winner Gets A Contract Andriy Boronin def. Ultimo Soetsu in five minutes. Sure, he's not a flier, but he's one-sixth of Soetsu's cost, isn't working anywhere, and meets our restrictions (E) Warmup Match Harry Wilson def. Oscar Golden in fourteen minutes (D) Backstage, The Backyarders sneak into Hot & Cold's lockers again and steal their outfits, replacing them with XDW's old backyard-days outfits. (E) Tidal Booking Too Hot def. Daredevil Aero in ten minutes (D-) Tidal Booking Super Sonic def. Simon Ice in seven minutes (D) Notes: Hot & Cold both didn't let wrestling in ratty, second-hand outfits phase them. Josh Jones hypes Spring Break Bash (E+) Tag Match Alicia & Raku def. Angel & Dolphino in thirteen minutes with a Strong Takedown on Angel (C-) Afterwards, the two teams get in each other's faces, with Angel threatening to call in Taker and FireFly... and Alicia tells them to all show up at Spring Break Bash, 'cause she's pretty sure she and Raku can find another pair to make it a four-on-four match (D) Main Event Non-Title Match Josh Jones def. Antonio in ten minutes (D+) Show rating: D. but then, we're not as popular there... we just haven't been for a long time. Yeah, Andriy Boronin was in, Soetsu was out. Soetsu wasn't worth six hundred a show. Andriy was 22 and from the Ukraine, so nobody spoke any language in common with him. He also wasn't a flier, he was a mat wrestler and brawler. We figured he'd pick up flying soon enough... or, y'know, not. A.D.B. didn't tell anyone why he missed the show. Not a single word. And in "Well, Duh" news, Richard Eisen is playing politics in SWF. All together now... "Well, Duh!" And our final news before the end of the post, a new randomly generated worker is sure to take Mexico by storm. Jose Marcos, 18, small luchadore, with D+ flying skills... B booking skills, and A* mic, charisma, acting, and looks, with B+ star quality. Damn, we wish we could hire this guy. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Spring Break Bash 2014! CZCW Title: Josh Jones vs (Donnie J vs Marc Speed) Xtreme Title: A.D.B. vs Harry Wilson Tidal Tag Titles: Hot & Cold vs The Backyarders Eight Man Match: New Mexican Revolution vs Alicia Strong, Raku Makuda, and To Be Announced. Who knows what else?
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Actually, we haven't done a whole lot in Mexico for a while now... just a token appearance to keep our popularity from dropping. The rest was all TV shows, and those ratings sank like a stone. Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash 2014! Live from the Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,567) Opening Match Cal Sanders def. Andriy Boronin in six minutes. Welcome to the Zone, kid (D-) Before the Tidal Tag Title match, the Backyarders come out and monkey with the sound equipment... when Hot & Cold come out, they come out to the theme to Dora the Explorer. The Backyarders are surprised ot see that it doesn't seem to affect their opponents any... They just can't prank them. (D-) Tidal Tag Titles Hot & Cold(c) def. The Backyarders in nine minutes. Too Hot gets the pin... and then Hot & Cold do the "We Did It!" dance from Dora, to the embarassment of the Backyarders (D) Dueling Interviews from Jones, Speed, and J (D+, C, C). Handicap Match Snap Dragon def. Oscar Golden & Christian "I don't do Thursdays" Price in fourteen mintues (C-) Eight-Man Match 5SSW (Alicia Strong, Raku Makuda, Dragon Assassin, Yuma Maruya) def. The New Mexican Revolution (Amazing FireFly, Soul Taker, Angel de Mexico, Dolphino) in twenty-two minutes in one heck of a style clash ending with yet another Strong Takedown on Angel in a surprisingly good match. (C+) Hype for the Xtreme Match (C-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match A.D.B.(c) def. Harry Wilson in eighteen minutes where he actually manages to drag Harry Wilson into the infamous B Club (B-) Hype for the Main Event (C-) Main Event Title Gauntlet Match Josh Jones(c) def. Donnie J and Marc Speed in thirty-five minutes (Marc Speed was eliminated at 19 minutes due to disqualification, refusing to break after a five-count, C+) Show Rating: C Now -that-'s the Zone! On the next Coastal Zone: Meet the new girls. Angel and Alicia butt heads over which faction is better. Josh Jones seeks a new challenger. And can A.D.B. do the impossible yet again?
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Where we proudly hire people who don't speak English... or Spanish... or Japanese... hrm... might have a communication issue here... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! April 2014, Week 1, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, Puerto Rico (1,443) We open with a loooong segment (very unlike us) with Alicia Strong and Angel de Mexico going face to face in the aftermath of last night's eight-man match. Both sides have teams in tonight's three-team Tidal Contendership match, but both team captains want to go one better, and finally decide to meet in the main event for a championship contendership (C-) Tidal Contendership 5SSW (Dragon Assassin & Yuma Maruya) def. New Mexican Revolution (Taker & Dolphino) and XDW (Aero & Sonic) in thirteen minutes (D-) Hype that title match for next week (E-) Hype video for Josh Jones (D-) Xtreme Lucha Libre Match A.D.B.(c) def. Fearless Blue in eighteen minutes by DQ when Extreme Deluxe does aseries of ineffective run-ins and gets caught on the third one (C). Blue and Deluxe arue a bit afterwards (E-) Main Event Contendership Match Alicia Strong def. Angel de Mexico in twenty-seven minutes (C) Show rating: C- Well, that wasn't as good as expected, but it was good enough. By our calculations, if we kept running lots of shows in Puerto Rico and didn't screw any of them up, we might be able to hit Cult this year... but it would involve a big 'screw you' to Mexico as we wouldn't really be able to run many, if any, shows there. Even less than we've been doing lately. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Will the Tidal Tag Titles become a pawn in the Faction Wars?
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Guest The Aussie
I'm quite impressed that of all people, You got a B- rating out of Harry Wilson. I'm enjoying this quite a lot and would love to see you finally breaking into the Cult size.
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Absolutely nothing happens sometimes. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! April 2014, Week 2, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, Puerto Rico (1,325) Tidal Tag Title Match 5SSW (Dragon Assassin & Yuma Maruya) def. Hot & Cold(c) (Simon Ice & Too Hot) in thirteen minutes with a Dragon Lock on Too Hot to become the new Tidal Tag Champions (D+) Alicia Strong cuts a promo on Josh Jones, saying last time was the warmup. Tonight is the real deal. And tonight, she shows the world why she held that title so long in the first place (D) Faction Wars Tag Match New Mexican Revolution (Taker & Dolphino) def. XDW (Blue & Deluxe) in fourteen minutes, twelve of them reminders of why Deluxe shouldn't be in the ring (E+) Josh Jones mocks Alicia and tells her that tonight ends just like the last time... with him keeping his title (D-) Hype video for the New Mexican Revolution (E) Xtreme Contendership Match Snap Dragon def. Raku Makuda in thirteen minutes with a Dragon's Breath (C-) Hype video for 5SSW (E) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. Alicia Strong in twenty-six minutes of good match to keep his title (C+) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Well, at least we're consistent. Can we be consistent enough?
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Oh, how the mighty have... well, risen. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Rod Remus: New DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion. Okay, so it's not the Unified title, but it's a stepping stone there. So, we're thinking... if we have three four-man factions (XDW, 5SSW, New Mexican Revolution)... who do we add to The Originals to make four of them? And how do we get Donnie and Speedball to make up after their split? Maybe it's best ot leave that one alone... April 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with Extreme Deluxe reminding everyone how he used to be CZCW Champ, and he wants his belt back. Jones comes out and laughs at him, and says "Tell you what... I've got, oh, half an hour free. You want this belt? I'll fight you for it. Afterwards, anyone else in the back can come down here and take a crack at it as well. But when that time's up? That's it, no more challengers, I'm done defending for the night (E) 30-Minute Championship Gauntlet Match Josh Jones(c) def. Extreme Deluxe via pinfall in five minutes (D+... Deluxe almost got a C-range?) Josh jones(c) def. Too Hot via pinfall in five minutes (D+) Josh Jones(c) def. Raku Makuda via pinfall in eight minutes (D+) Josh Jones(c) def. Harry Wilson in eight minutes via DQ, chairshot (D) Pee-Wee calls the gauntlet off due to Jones' being unable to continue after the vicious chairshot. Snap Dragon cuts a promo on A.D.B (D+) and is then accosted by Donnie J and Marc Speed, both of them asking him to give them his shot -- mainly as a way to decide which of them he likes better. He decides neither of them gets it (D+) Tidal Tag Title Match 5SSW (Dragon & Yuma) def. NMR (Taker & Dolphino) in seven minutes when Yuma pins Dolphino (D-) A.D.B. taunts Snap Dragon, pointing out the thirteen-year age difference between them (D) Xtreme Ladder Main Event A.D.B.(c) def. Snap Dragon in twenty-four minutes of some of the best action we've seen this year (B-) Show rating: C- Now that's what we're talking about... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We give Josh Jones the night off, and see if A.D.B. can add new members to the B-club.
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You can tell it's a slow news week. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Friday's big news: Steve DeColt injured. Monday's big news: Steve DeColt back at 100%. Yeah, not a whole lot else happening... Ooo, there's something. Citizen X, despite being one of SWF's Main Eventers and not working anywhere else, is leaving them because they're too small. We were never gonna get him back now... .... Awwwww, CRAP! The show's starting in five minutes, and A.D.B. isn't here yet... REWRITE! This is starting to be a problem... April 2012, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) In the back, XDW are joking around and psyching themselves up. They're planning on having a great night tonight, and the beginning of XDW's Rebirth (E) Opening Match Extreme Deluxe def. Andriy Boronin in eight minutes (F+) Another Match Antonio def. Oscar Golden in nine minutes (D) Javier interviews the 5SSW team of Dragon Assassin and Yuma Maruya, proving translation as they rant against their tag team opponents tonight, The Backyarders (E-) Tidal Tag Title Match 5SSW (c) def. The Backyarders in twelve minutes (D+) Backstage, Snap Dragon and Donnie J are arguing over if.... wait, Dragon? No, no, Speedball, not Dragon.... aww, crap, an extra tow grand down the drain... (D+) Six-Man Ladder Contendership Match Marc Speed def. Donnie J, Fearless Blue, Amazing FireFly, Alicia Strong, and Harry Wilson in thirty-four minutes (C-) We announce Speedball vs Josh Jones for next week (D) Show rating: D. In retrospect, we were hoping for a far better main event... because A.D.B. had been in our plans. You can't rely on anyone, it seems... On the next Coastal Zone: So where exactly were you, then?
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Strike two! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! A.D.B. didn't tell anyone why he was gone, so we fined his butt. If he did it again, well... we don't believe in suspecting PPA workers. We're fire him, B- matches or no. Canadian Pride Wrestling of Alberta has opened. We might actually have a problem with that, as they'll be taking anyone with mat skills, even if they fly. They're replacing London Fighting Championships, which has gone out of business. Right away, they make offers to Harry Wilson and Remmy Remus. Zone Alumni news: Fox Mask has won the TCW Tag Titles with Texas Pete. There's an interesting pairing... Also, Masked Cougar has taken the PGHW TV Title. Meanwhile, we've yet to make Cult. Maybe by the end of the year if we stop doing shows like the last one. Anyway, even though we don't have a big event schedule, it's time to give Puerto Rico a week off... May 2014, Week 1, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Gorski Ballroom (3,206) Backstage, Javier asks Josh Jones his thoughts on tonight's main event. Jones says that Speedball is just like everyone else... they'll try to take his title over and over, but they'll never succeed. Like it or not, he is the face of the Coastal Zone, and nobody is going to change that (D-) Opening Tag Match Hot & Cold def. The Backyarders in seven minutes, Too Hot pins Super Sonic (D) Hype video for the New Mexican Revolution (D) Possible Tidal Booking Soul Taker def. Dragon Assassin in thirteen minutes (D+) Javier interviews Marc Speed, and Speedball says that Jones is forgetting one thing... he's got a lifetime of experience in the Zone, and tonight, he puts the final touch on his career. Tonight, he takes the CZCW Title home with him... and Donnie J won't be in any shape to interfere, since he's got something else to do (D-) Xtreme Ladder Match Donnie J def. A.D.B.(c) in eighteen minutes, both to give him something to do and to kick A.D.B. for missing last week's show (C+) Hype video for the main event (C) CZCW Title Main Event Josh Jones(c) def. Marc Speed in seventeen minutes with the Canadian Backdrop (C+) Show rating: C- Well, that was better, but we could've done better in the Southwest... granted, we didn't use our big names, so that could be part of it. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Back to Puerto Rico!
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Know Thy Enemy: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Time for our semi-bi-annual look at the competition... yeap, still there. The only interesting note is that in MHW, Josh Jones is only a midcarder, Super Sonic is in the upper-midcard. Huh. God, I hope some news happens this week. Remmy is now announcing us, DAVE, and CPWA... we'd have to be careful CPWA didn't get too big or they'd take our announcer... and now CPWA is going after Josh Jones and Marc Speed. What do they do, try to poach main events? May 2014, week 2, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with an interview with A.D.B, revealing the main event: A.D.B, Alicia Strong, and Amazing FireFly in a three-way ladder match for the Coastal Zone Contendership. A.D.B.'s got some choice words for his competition (D-) Opening Match Too Hot def. Oscar Golden in nine minutes in a stinker (E+) Alicia Strong is interviewed backstage about the main event (D) Faction Wars Tag Match NMR (Soul Taker & Dolphino) def. XDW (Fearless Blue & Extreme Deluxe) in twelve minutes, Taker pins Blue (E) FireFly's turn for interview time (D-) Xtreme Three-Way Match Donnie J(c) def. Angel de Mexico & Raku Makuda in sixteen minutes by waiting for Raku to hit a low blow on Angel, then rolling her up for the win (C-) Hype video for the main event (D-) Main Event Triple Threat Contendership Ladder Match A.D.B. def. Alicia Strong & Amazing FireFly in twenty-six minutes of make-up-for-the-first-third-of-the-show action (C+) Show Rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: We lose a star, and try to resign a bunch of others.
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Where the action is fast, the fighters are furious, and the movie references are inane: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Citizen X was indeed leaving SWF, so they had Skull DeBones take the title off him on the way out. Interesting choice which shows how much of a shell of it's former self SWF is right now. Even worse, Soul Taker had re-signed with OLLIE... and despite his loyalty to us, it was a written contract. We had just lost one of our bigger, longer-term stars. Marc and Josh both signed up to boost the star-power of CPWA, but they were smaller than us so we weren't too worried yet. I gotta stop wishing for more news to happen. Contract renegotiation time came up for FireFly, Donnie, Pee-Wee... I swear, I thought I'd need to re-up my own contract at this rate. May 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with A.D.B. calling out Josh Jones for his title match. Instead, he gets Alicia Strong, who says she A.D.B.'s match is at Surf Slam... and he probably won't show up. The two almost begin to brawl, but out comes Amazing FireFly, who "wants some of this". When all heck's about to break, Josh Jones comes out and suggests a nice tag match tonight. (D) Opening Xtreme Lucha Libre Match Donnie J(c) def. Harry Wilson in fourteen minutes (C) Backstage, ADB and Josh Jones cut dueling promos on Surf Slam (C-, D-) Name-Based Match Snap Dragon def. Dragon Assassin in seventeen minutes (D+) Oddly enough, they don't click at all. Go figure. Dragon makes an open challenge for Surf Slam afterwards (D) Main Event Tag Amazing FireFly & A.D.B. def. Josh Jones & Alicia Strong in twenty-eight minutes, A.D.B. pins Alicia (C) Show rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Just one more show before Surf Slam. Don't we have two more titles to find challengers for?
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