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Build up, yeah, we remember when we used to do that. How... 2010. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Now celebrating 16,000 views! May 2014, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open by announcing the Xtreme Title Match for Surf Slam: Donnie J defends against Angel de Mexico (D) Opening Tag Match Hot & Cold def. The Backyarders in nine minutes, Ice pins Sonic (D) A.D.B. hypes his title match next week, and the traditional Champs v Challengers match tonight (D+) Random Match Alicia Strong draws Amazing FireFly in twenty minutes time limit (C) We then announce a rematch at Surf Slam, No Time Limit (D-) Donnie J hypes the main event and Surf Slam (D+) Random Match Dragon Assassin def. Marc Speed in fourteen minutes in a surprisingly good match (C) Amazing FireFly rants about Alicia and how her style is to wear people out. Well, he's got energy to spare (D) Main Event Champs V Challengers Tag Match Josh Jones & Donnie J def. A.D.B. & Angel de Mexico in twenty-four minutes of excellent match, ending with Jones pinning Angel (B-) Show rating: C Waaaaho, that ain't bad. Surprisingly good main event, too. On the next Coastal Zone: Surf Slam 2014! While you wait, check out our new side-project, CNW! Cosa Nostra Wrestling: making wrestling a family business... starring Antonio, and four people get whacked in the first post...
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;319374]While you wait, check out our new side-project, CNW! Cosa Nostra Wrestling: making wrestling a family business... starring Antonio, and four people get whacked in the first post...[/QUOTE] We are - and although it's started off darn good, I hope you're not even thinking of slowing down on this one!
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Welcome to Surf Slam 2014! June 2014, week 1, Thursday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,536) Opening Match Raku Makuda def. Oscar Golden in twelve minutes (D) A.D.B. rants about how he should be the champion, and tonight, he makes it happen (C+) Snap Dragon comes out, waiting for someone to accept his open challenge, and it's... Cal Sanders? (D) Open Challenge Snap Dragon def. Cal Sanders in six minutes of.. wait... good match? (C) ... time to push Cal, maybe? No Time Limit Rematch Amazing FireFly def. Alicia Strong in in thirty-two minutes with the FireFly Splash (C) Afterwards, Alicia grudgingly offers a handshake (C-) Three-Way Xtreme Contendership Match Fearless Blue def. Marc Speed & Harry Wilson in fourteen minutes (C) Josh Jones hypes the main event, telling A.D.B. he may be the new hot thing, but plenty of others have come before him, and plenty more will come after him... (C-) Tidal Tag Titles 5SSW(c) def. Hot & Cold in ten minutes of not bad, but still a let-down as Dragon pins Too Hot (D) Hype for the Xtreme Match (C) Xtreme Ladder Match Donnie J(c) def. Angel de Mexico in sixteen minutes (C+) Hype for the main event (C) Main Event Title Match A.D.B. draws Josh Jones(c) in twenty-seven minutes via double count-out as the two brawl out into the crowd, flying off bleachers and whatnot in an attempt to do each other in (B) Show rating: B-! Booyah! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: With a show like that... did we break any Zone records? a B- was our highest before, after all...
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Where sometimes, we even surprise oursel... wait, we've used that one... eh, still true. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Let's look at the record book. Best show booked... Nope, Year In Review 2012 still holds that title. Highest attendance... Nope, Spring Break Bash 2013 still has 3,746. No broken records. But it was an out-of-nowhere great show, so we won't complain. Oh, and the day after, Angel de Mexico revealed why we had him lose: he'd just signed a written deal with SOTBPW. He'd be leaving. Oh, and they'd be on PPV now. Joy. Let's give him a sendoff, shall we? June 2014, week 2, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's gym (SOLD OUT) The show opens with an in-ring arguement between Angel and FireFly over who should be leading the Revolution. "Right now, the Revolution is you, me, and Dolphino. And I'd rather let Dolphino lead than you, FireFly." Looks like they'll settle this in the main event, Lucha Libre style (D+) Opening Match Cal Sanders def. Andriy Boronin in eight minutes (D-). Random Match Marc Speed def. Antonio in nine minutes (D+) We announce that we'll be getting a rematch between Josh Jones and A.D.B. at... um, crud, what's the next show.. Battle on the Beach? Sound good? Six-Man Tag XDW (Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero, and Super Sonic) def. Donnie J & 5SSW (Dragon Assassin and Yuma Maruya) in fifteen minutes when 5SSW got tired of Donnie J's chauvanistic attitude and left him to fend for himself, letting Blue get the pinfall (C-) Hype for BatB (D) Random Match Snap Dragon def. Oscar Golden in eleven minutes (D) Main Event Lucha Libre Leadership Match Amazing FireFly def. Angel de Mexico in twenty-three minutes since, of course, Angel is leaving the company tomorrow. (C-) Show rating: D+. Wow, no improvement? We seriously need to be pulling off Cs in Puerto Rico now? That... kinda bites, yo. On the next Coastal Zone: Without Angel de Mexico, we press onwards...
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Best Roster Utilization? More like Luckiest Roster Mismangement. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, after the downer of last week, we had not a whole lot going on. Alicia re-upped her contract. And in a blow to the wrestling world, Sean McFly has officially retired due to severe back injuries sustained nearly a year ago that simply were not healing correctly. This is a severe blow to wrestling, as five of his last six matches were A matches. He had been Wrestler of the Year in 2012 and 2013, and was ranked #9 last year -- and that was base don a half-year's worth of work. NOTBPW has not released an official statement as of yet. June 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We start backstage, where Alicia asks FireFly for a temporary truce as they have a tag match against Speedball and Snap Dragon tonight (D) Opening Tidal Contendership Three-Way Match Cal Sanders & Antonio def. The Backyarders and Hot & Cold in eleven minutes via Cal getting a fluke roll-up on Aero when Sonic is double-teamed by Hot & Cold. (D-) A.D.B. hypes Battle at the Beach and reveals tonight was a "pick your opponent's opponent" night (D+) Pick Your Poison match #1 A.D.B. def. Oscar Golder in fifteen minutes (D+) Josh Jones rants about A.D.B. and hypes BatB (D-) Pick Your Poison match #2 Harry Wilson def. Josh Jones in nine minutes with help from A.D.B. (D+) followed by an A.D.B. beatdown on Jones (D-) Main Event Tag Strong & FireFly def. Dragon & Speedball in twenty-six minutes, Strong Takedown on Dragon (C-) Show rating: D+. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Cult's gonna take forever at this rate...
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Where we suddenly feel a bit light on main eventers... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously, in the last few months we've lost Rod Remus, Angel de Mexico, and Soul Taker. We'd replaced them with a couple women who were unknown in the US, Donnie J, and A.D.B... although Donnie was workingout well, A.D.B. was a tempermental douchebag at times. It wasn't really the same thing, y'know? June 2014, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open backstage, where Josh Jones and A.D.B. are already brawling, with everyone else in the show trying to pull them apart. Eventually, Javier goes backstage and orders them to stay apart or they're both out of Battle at the Beach (E+) Opening Match Snap Dragon def. Alicia Strong in twenty-four minutes with a surprise Dragon's Breath for the pin (C) Donnie J talks up Fearless Blue, and how he's probably the best backyard wrestler to break into the big time... but that doesn't make him good enough to take the title off Donnie J (D-) Filler Match Amazing FireFly def. Marc Speed in twenty-three minutes (C-) Hype video for Jones vs A.D.B. (D-) Main Event Champs vs Challengers Match A.D.B. & Fearless Blue def. Jjosh Jones & Donnie J in twenty-six minutes when A.D.B. pins Jones with his feet on the ropes (C-) Show rating: D+ C'mon, why can't we pull out at least a C- show anymore? Christian Faith has retired. He hasn't worked since TCW cut him loose in October 2013. Vin Tanner is retired too, hasn't worked since he left DAVE in August 2013. Finally, American Machine is out as well after a PGHW tour. MAW and USPW haven't announced plans for him yet. Oh, and Alicia Strong has -finally- won the BSC Queen of the Ring title. Took her long enough. On the next Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach 2014! CZCW Title: Josh Jones vs A.D.B., gimmick to be named at the show Xtreme Ladder Match: Donnie J vs Fearless Blue Tidal Tag Titles: 5SSw vs Cal Sanders & Antonio "Speedball" Marc Speed vs Raku Makuda Plus about half an hour we haven't decided on yet. All this, and Josh Jones debuts a new catchphrase/nickname!
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach 2014! July 2014, week 1, Thursday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,334) Dark match: Extreme Deluxe def. Dolphino in six minutes (E) We open with the Tidal Tag Champions in the ring, saying their opponents tonight got lucky on a fluke win, and tonight, they'll be sent backstage without belts (E-) Tidal Tag Titles 5SSW (c) def. Cal Sanders & Antonino in eleven minutes when Cal gets DQ'd for questionable hand placement during an abdominal stretch on Yuma (D) Backstage, Alicia and FireFly discuss how short the card is, and suggest they go at it again tonight (C+) Hype for the Xtreme Title match (C-) Xtreme Ladder Match Donnie J(c) def. Fearless Blue in eighteen minutes of standard xtreme action (C) Not only is Fearless Blue turning in C matches, but he's not the one getting worn out in the ring... if we'd've know that when we hired him, we'd've pushed him harder, sooner. A.D.B. hypes up how he's beaten Josh Jones psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and tonight, he beats him physically There will be no escape, there will be no tricks, tonight, he will be... the Last Man Standing (C) Filler Match Raku Makuda def. Marc Speed in sixteen minutes (D) Backstage, Josh Jones tells us that backstage attacks, intentional countouts, and witty promos may win championships where Bradley is from, but this is the Zone. You win titles based on your ability in the ring... and yeah, Bradley might just have that ability to be a champion. But not while the reigning king of the Zone is the leader of the New J-neration, Josh Jones (C-) Impromptu rematch Alicia Strong def. Amazing FireFly in thirty-three minutes of excellent action (C+) Hype video for the main event (C) Main Event Last Man Standing Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. A.D.B. in thirty-eight minutes after finally delivering a top-turnbuckle inverted Canadian Backdrop for the win (B-) Show rating: C. Oh, c'mon, the bad matches were short... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Three weeks to Wave of Fury. Who won't take their losses lying down?
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Where sometimes, you need to implement a 30-day clause. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! At last night's show, Dragon Assassin managed to tweak her knee and shred some ligaments. She'd be out for nearly a month. Well, it was going to... wait, what do you mean, we scheduled a show for the next night? We don't do Fridays, we lose our announcer.... aw, crud. Hey, Cliff? You're taking over play-by-play again. Yeah, I know it'll suck... July 2014, week 1, Friday CZCW.COM Tour Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) We open with a clip from earlier today, with Javier telling Cal that his actions in the Tidal Tag Match were reprehensible, so tonight, he's got a singles match with Christian Price... and Price has permission to beat some sense into him (F+) Opening Tag Match The Backyarders def. Hot & Cold in twelve minutes, Aero pins Ice (D-) Oscar Golden comes out and makes a logical, well-thought-out case for why he should get an Xtreme Title Shot. Donnie J comes out and agrees with every point, and tells him that his match is tonight (E+) Punishment Match Cal Sanders def. Christian Price in ten minutes, getting the surprise pin (D) Cal then cuts a promo, saying if he can't get a Tidal Tag Title rematch, then he wants a singles match with Yuma... and he promises to keep her on the mat (E-) Xtreme Title Match Donnie J def. Oscar Golden in thirteen minutes of surprisingly good match... turns out they have good chemistry (C) Hype for the main event: A triangle contendership match (D) Triangle Contendership Match Amazing Firefly def. Alicia Strong & A.D.B. in twenty-seven minutes to become the new #1 Contender for the Coastal Zone Title (C) Show rating: D+. Okay, yeah, the first half sucked... On the next Coastal Zone: Back to Thursdays, like we're supposed to do. Is someone getting a surprise push?
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Where we're out of pre-simmed shows, so let's see how many we can get done before the wife complains. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, where were we... um... oh, right, working on contenderships for Wave of Fury and dealing with Cal's new creepy persona. We should also make sure nobody's upset at how they're being used and possibly set some seeds for later shows. So many ideas, so little time. July 2014, week 2, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Antonio def. Harry Wilson in fifteen minutes via Italian DDT (D-) Afterwards, Josh Jones comes down and invites Antonio to be the first member of The New J-Neration. Antonio, who is absolutely not getting a push based on his position in another dynasty, is interrupted by Amazing FireFly saying that starting a stable won't protect Josh... and he'll prove it. Tonight, Josh and Antonio against FireFly and a partner of his choice. Josh accepts, and Antonio still hasn't said if he's in or not... (E+) Creepy Match Cal Sanders def. Yuma Maruya via count-out at nine minutes as Cal's offense got more and more creepy and Yuma finally left the ring and refused to get back in there with him (D+). Afterwards, Cal taunts Yuma, saying she can run all she wants... he's invoking Tidal Booking, and since her partner's out injured, she'll have to face him alone, again... and he wants her in a Falls Count Anywhere match so she can't run anymore (E-) Xtreme Title Match Donnie J(c) def. Super Sonic in seventeen minutes of okay action (C-). Donnie seems to be running through the XDW peeps lately. Hype video for Josh vs FireFly at Wave of Fury (D-) Main Event Tag Josh Jones & Antonio def. Amazing FireFly & Snap Dragon in twenty-five minutes, Jones pins Dragon after reversing a Dragon's Breath. (C) Show rating: C-. Better than we deserved, maybe. And now, a Welcome to the Coastal Zone Trivia Question: It is currently July 2014. How many times, since the start of this dynasty, has the CGC World Title changed hands... and how many times has it -not- been held by a DeColt? The answers after our next show. You would think BSC would have The X-Rated Tour, not INSPIRE. Oh, well. Yeah, even with 90-minute shows, we're doing two in a post. So sue me, things are going slow... and XDW still has a week before I can begin negotiations with them. July 2014, Week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Harry Wilson over Andriy Boronin in a "Give Harry A Win" match (E+) Our opening segment sees Antonio agree to be part of The New J-Neration... he sees big things in it's future. (E+) Falls Count Anywhere Match Cal Sanders def. Yuma Maruya via DQ when Yuma kicked him in the nuts... repeatedly... for over a minute before Pee-Wee bothered to call for the bell. Has Cal learned his lesson? (D) Backstage, FireFly ambushes Josh from behind, sending him face-first into a stacked pile of chairs and stomping him before Antonio shows up and vows to get revenge later tonight (E+) Xtreme Title Match Donnie J(c) def. Daredevil Aero in thirteen minutes, continuing the 'Defeat XDW Tour' (D+) Xtreme Contendership Triple-Threat Ladder Match Fearless Blue def. Marc Speed & Too Hot in seventeen minutes (D+) Main Event Amazing FireFly def. Antonio in fifteen minutes (C). It turns out these tow have great chemistry and may have saved the show. Afterwards, Josh Jones runs out and beats down FireFly in revenge (D-) Show rating: D+. Okay, the main event didn't -quite- save the show. Cult is -way- too far away at this point to consider getting there this year. Not with shows like this. It was time for a new plan. Starting next week: CZCW Puerto Rican Main Event. An hour of action starring CZCW's best and brightest. It'll also mean we can do two shows a post and still have it be just one week... Answer to our Trivial Question: the CGC World Title was changed hands 11 times since the dynasty started; every single one was a DeColt. On the next Coastal Zone: We begin our new push towards Cult and hope it gets us somewhere, while hopefully making more money by running more shows in other places. Will it work? Who knows? Not us!
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Where every experiment is worth trying on live subjects: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Fun headline: "Corporal Doom staying with AAA." Apparently he's head booker. Jim Lou Freebush announces both them -and- BSC. Randomly-generated Jose Marcos, 18, has just been voted Most Entertaining Wrestler In The World in an Internet Poll. He has yet to have an actual match. Thus proving all internet polls are trash. This is the guy who was randomly-generated with A* in looks, mic work, charisma, and acting. As soon as he decided to work in the US, we were going to try to pick him up... if we didn't have that darn B- Basics / C- Resilience restriction on us... stupid Cliff... let us hire who we want to hire... July 2014, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (1,988 people -- shoulda gone with the Grissom) We open with Jones and Antonio stalking smack about FireFly, who comes out to respond. FireFly boasts that tonight, his partner will assure him a win... but it turns out he doesn't have a partner yet. The New J-Neration laughs. (D-) Opening No-DQ, Falls-Count-Anywhere Match Yuma Maruya def. Cal Sanders in ten minutes with the Handspring Back-Elbow followed with a punt ot the crotch (D+) Backstage, FireFly asks Dolphino to tag with him, for old time's sake, to honor the New Mexican Revolution. "Dude, the only time you guys even admitted I was in the group was when you needed someone to lose. You -must- be desperate." (D-) Random Match Raku Makuda def. Oscar Golden in sixteen minutes which should have been more like then (D-) Tag Match Josh Jones & Antonio def. Amazing FireFly & Dolphino in fourteen minutes as we find out FireFly and Dolphino have absolutely no chemistry in a let-down of a match (D+) Hype for Jones vs FireFly at Wave Of Fury (C) Main Event Four-Way To Determine The Main Event At Puerto Rican Main Event Alicia Strong def. A.D.B., Snap Dragon, and Marc Speed in twenty-five minutes by pinning Snap Dragon (C+) Show rating: C-. Well, we had to expect the main event couldn't save the -entire- show.... July 2014, Week 4, Friday CZCW Puerto Rican Main Event Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) The opening segment has Snap Dragon out to inform us that a certain three-initialed person has failed to show up. So since there's a spot in the main event open... he wants it. Alicia never would have beaten him one-on-one, he was distracted by the other two, yadda yadda. Alicia comes out and acccepts the challenge, but it's going to need ot be a No Time Limit match. (D+) Opening Non-Title Match Josh Jones def. Donnie J in fifteen minutes (C-) Josh cuts a promo on FireFly afterwards (D-) Main Event Alicia Strong def. Snap Dragon in just over thirty minutes of excellent action (C+) Show rating: C, and a strong C at that. Now -that's- how we're going to find a way to hit Cult by the end of the year... by blowing a lot of extra money on extra shows. Hooboy... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The last week before Wave of Fury! Will Dragon Assassin be back? Why did A.D.B. no-show? And how long can we keep up PRME before the matches begin to get stale?
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Our Favorite Book: How To Make Friends And Welcome To The Coastal Zone! A.D.B. failed to tell us he'd be late, and didn't bother to explain why, so we fined him. Again. This time, he got mad at us for it. Heh... prepare to learn the wrath of the vengeful booker... Gabriel Green, a fixture of the British Indy scene since 2007, has retired. He never held a contract with an actual promotion. Fellow Brit Vic Walker failed a steroid test; it's unknown who gave him the test, as he hasn't worked since August 2012 (and that was the first time since November 2008). Steroid Testing is obviously being done by the Department of Homeland Security. The following contracts were renewed: All of XDW, Josh Jones, and Antonio. We've got a little over three weeks before we have to do more renewals. August 2014, week 1, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour National Arena, Tijuana (1,976) Opening Match Dragon Assassin def. Cal Sanders in thirteen minutes to re-establish dominance (D+) Amazing FireFly gets some interview time and goes off at Josh Jones (C) Tidal Contendership Match Backyarders def Hot & Cold in thirteen minutes, Aero pins Ice with top-rope moonsault (D+) Backstage, Josh Jones and Donnie J discuss their match last week and hype the Champs vs Challengers match tonight (D+) Wrath Of The Booker Match Antonio def. A.D.B. in fifteen minutes via Italian DDT in a surprisingly good match (C+). Afterwards, A.D.B. claims Antonio got lucky, and challenges him to a Lucha Libre Rules match at Wave of Fury. Antonio accepts. (D) Champs vs Challengers Tag Main Event Fearless Blue & Amazing FireFly def. Josh Jones & Donnie J in twenty-three minutes when FireFly pins Donnie (C) Show Rating: C-. Oh, c'mon... August 2014, week 1, Friday CZCW Puerto Rico Main Event Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Snap Dragon def. Harry Wilson in twenty-two minutes (C-) Hype for the various matches at Wave of Fury (D-, F+, E+, D-). Main Event Alicia Strong def. Oscar Golden in twenty-two minutes in a bit of a letdown (D+) Show rating: D+. We tried to see if something new would work as the main event of PRME, but it looked like we were going to have to stick to the expensive names there... Tragedy strikes an up-and-coming Zoner: A man who had recently had contendership matches for both the Tidal Tag Titles and Xtreme Title, Too Hot, was injured suffering a spinal disalignment in a freak cooking accident that saw him trip on a bottle of wine and land back-first on a (thankfully, cold) propane grill. Doctors are telling him he'll need at least two months off before he can wrestle again; possibly not even then. And in Alumni news, P-Dawg has signed up to work with DAVE as well as SWF, and Matt Sparrow has won the TCW All-Action Title. And, in Entirely Too Embarassing News, BSC has hit Regional size. They may hit Cult before we do... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Wave Of Fury 2014! CZCW Title: Josh Jones(c) vs Amazing FireFly Xtreme Title: Donnie J(c) vs Fearless Blue Tidal Tag Titles: 5SSW(c) vs The Backyarders Lucha Rules Match: A.D.B. vs Antonio Probably more to be determined at showtime. Card subject to change. Very subject.
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Welcome to CZCW Wave Of Fury 2014! August 2014, week 2, Thursday Grissom Arena (SOLD OUT) Note: Due to freakin' MPWF deciding to hold a show tonight, half the card needs to be changed. Yeah, we have no idea what happened, either. FireFly, A.D.B., and Super Sonic are all unavailable. Opening Match Cal Sanders def. Simon Ice in thirteen minutes. No groping this time. (D-) Alicia shows up and hypes the fact she's replacing FireFly in the main event (C-) Tidal Tag Title Match 5SSW(c) def. XDW (Aero & Deluxe) in eleven minutes when Dragon pins Deluxe (D-) Dolphino shows up and rants about Fearless Blue. That... was supposed to be Donnie J. (E+) Josh Jones hypes up the new main event (D+) Random Match Snap Dragon def Raku Makuda in sixteen minutes (C-) Fearless Blue talks up his chance to beat Donnie J at one of the biggest stages the CZCW has. (D) Not A Grudge Match Antonio def. Harry Wilson in nineteen minutes (D) Hype video for the Xtreme Match (C-) Xtreme Ladder Match Fearless Blue def. Donnie J(c) in nineteen minutes (C) Hype for the main event (C+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong def. Josh Jones(c) by count out in twenty-eight minutes (C+) Show rating: C ..... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! If only our planned matches had happened.... August 2014, week 2, Friday CZCW Puerto Rican Main Event Make-Up Show Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Antonio def. A.D.B. in twenty-three minutes (C+) FireFly comes out to complain about how Alicia took his shot. Alicia comes out to prove she deserves it. Simple, no? (D) Main Event Alicia Strong draws Amazing FireFly in twenty-five minutes due to time limit (C+) Show rating: C. This is starting to get to me... On the next Coastal Zone: Do we try throwing all continuity out the window? Nah...
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Where not every show needs to be rewritten on the spot... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, that was... amazingly good given what had happened. But still not anywhere near what we had been hoping for. Oh, well. Guess we didn't have anything major planned until All Hallow's Zone... so what to do now? August 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour National Arena, Tijuana (1,617) Opening Tidal Tag Title Match 5SSW(c) def. The Backyarders in eleven minutes, Dragon forces Aero to submit (D+) Josh Jones comes out to make an open challenge, and Marc Speed says tonight, it's his time, and he's taking the title (D-) Xtreme Ladder Match Fearless Blue(c) def. Harry Wilson in eighteen minutes (D+) Josh hypes up Speedball's accomplishments (D-) Random Match Donnie J def. A.D.B. in sixteen minutes (D+) Marc Speed rants about how Jones has had a stranglehold on the title... but tonight, no longer (D) Main Event Title Match Josh Jones(c) def. Marc Speed in twenty-two minutes of some of the best action we've had lately (C+) Show rating: C-. August 2014, Week 3, Friday Puerto Rican Main Event Usual place, usual sell-out Donnie J def. A.D.B. cleanly in fifteen minutes (C+) Alicia and Amazing FireFly argue about last week, and finally settle on a ladder match to decide which of them deserves the next shot more. (D+) Alicia def. FireFly in thirty minutes of ladder match (C+) Show rating: C+. Okay, well, if it was the best way to get over there... sure, we'll run the same show over and over.... On the next Coastal Zone: We try to recover from this week and see what we can do to prevent the typical "The year is half over already?" doldrums...
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Where men are real men, women are real women, and you are Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! Our very own Cal Sanders has become the very first CPWA Intercontinental Champion. If the promotion lasts more than a year, that will be a good feather in his cap. This makes us wonder if we missed anyone else winning anything lately, so... TITLE RECAP! Who's holding gold, and where? Alicia Strong: BSC Queen of the Ring Harry Wilson: RCAW World Heavyweight Champion ... and that's it. Remember when the Zone used to have champions from everywhere? Well, okay, not really, but still... we we starting to feel like we didn't -deserve- cult. We no longer had the talent for it. Ah, depression rocks, y'know? August 2014, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Grissom Arena, Southwest USA (SOLD OUT) We open with Harry Wilson out with his RCAW World Heavyweight Championship, making an open challenge. It's accepted by A.D.B., and that's pretty much all we have to say about that (D+) Xtreme Four-Way XDW Match Fearless Blue(c) def. Daredevil Aero, Super Sonic, and Extreme Deluxe by pinning Deluxe in nine minutes (D+) Alicia hypes the fact that she's facing Josh Jones again tonight (C) RCAW Title Match Harry Wilson(c) def. A.D.B. in fifteen minutes (C-) Josh Jones tells us that tonight, he will show us all why he is the most dominant champion the Zone has ever known, and that The New J-Neration rules. (D) Main Event 2 of 3 Falls Title Match Josh Jones(c) def. Alicia Strong in forty-six minutes, two falls to one, after reversing a Strong Takedown into an Atomic J-Nerator for the final pin (B-) Show rating: C Puerto Rican Main Event Usual time, usual place, usual results Christian Price def. A.D.B. in nineteen minutes (D+) Music videos for: XDW, 5SSW, New J-Neration, and our RCAW and CPWA champs. Snap Dragon def. Amazing FireFly for the #1 Contendership at All Hallow's Zone (C-) Show rating: C-. On the next Coastal Zone: September hasn't started yet and All Hallow's Zone has a main event? Whazzupwitdat?
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Where the best offense is... well, pretty damn offensive. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Re-negotiation time came up. We decided to try and keep Christian Price around, if only because he worked decently on the occasions he's around. A.D.B., despite his recent severe de-push, was willing to negotiate. Oscar Price, however, decided he wasn't going to talk to us. Wonder what brought that on... beyond his not being used. Snap Dragon also came up for renewal, but we weren't too worried about him. Well, it turns out our RCAW title match had been the biggest match in their history... they were having trouble making ends meet. We convinced Cliff to make a random buyout bid... maybe get a new belt, or something. Cliff, for some reason, paid them a hundred grand. That was pretty expensive for getting a reason to push Harry... Price and ADB both re-upped... ADB surprised us, as he was upset at us for fining him for missing that second show... or third show... or whatever it was... and didn't like his losing streak. Still, maybe he was just smart... if we wanted him to be worth the money, we couldn't keep jobbing him out like that... Septermber 2014, week 1, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour National Arena, Tiujuana (SOLD OUT) Josh Jones comes out to talk about Snap Dragon... but Amazing FireFly interrupts him and demands a match. Since they're in Mexico, they decide to do this Lucha Libre Style (D+) Tidal Tag Title Match 5SSW(c) def. The Backyarders in nine minutes in a pretty much standard match for these four (D+) Backstage, Oscar Golden is talking about how he should be holding gold. Fearless Blue comes up to him and tells him that tonight's his chance. (D-) RCAW Title Match Harry Wilson(c) def. Simon Ice in thirteen minutes (D+) Fearless Blue tosses a few quick insults at Golden through the camera (D) Xtreme Ladder Match Fearless Blue(c) def. Oscar Golden in a disapointment of a match (D) FireFly rants about Jones and says tonight is for Mexico (C-) Main Event Title Match Josh Jones(c) def. Amazing FireFly in twenty-five minutes of fast-moving lucha action (B-) Show rating: C- Puerto Rican Main Event Same time, place, etc. Donnie J def. Antonio (C-) Hype for All Hallow's Zone Snap Dragon def. Raku Makuda (C) Dragon cuts an interview on Jones Alicia Strong def. Speedball (C-) Show rating: C- Coming up on the Coastal Zone: With former alumni getting even bigger, can we manage to stop feeling so small?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;337430]Well, it turns out our RCAW title match had been the biggest match in their history... they were having trouble making ends meet. We convinced Cliff to make a random buyout bid... maybe get a new belt, or something. Cliff, for some reason, paid them a hundred grand. That was pretty expensive for getting a reason to push Harry... [/QUOTE] Please tell me you've got another couple of hundred grand in the bank. I don't want you hitting cult and regretting this move!
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[QUOTE=eayragt;337470]Please tell me you've got another couple of hundred grand in the bank. I don't want you hitting cult and regretting this move![/QUOTE] Yeah, we do. Anyway, Bonus Fun Time: We have now simmed out to All Hallow's Zone. For the right to book a future title match: Name who will be holding all four title belts at AHZ, and who will be challenging for them. As a tiebreaker, what will the main event be?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;337746]Anyway, Bonus Fun Time: We have now simmed out to All Hallow's Zone. For the right to book a future title match: Name who will be holding all four title belts at AHZ, and who will be challenging for them. As a tiebreaker, what will the main event be?[/QUOTE] That first question sounds like their might be a change of champions, so I'll go for: Harry Wilson (c) vs Cal Sanders for the RCAW Title 5SSW (c) vs ... er.... I'm not even going to guess for the Tidal Tag Titles ADB (c) vs Fearless Blue for the Extreme Title Josh Jones (c) vs Snap Dragon for the CZCW Championship And fi you're giving out tie breakers for the Main Event... I still can't get past the CZCW Championship match.
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Where our workers are better-known than our promotion: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Rod Remus had turned down DAVE's latest offer. He wanted to work someplace bigger... so maybe TCW was hiring soon... but he promptly lost the DAVE Brass Knuckles title to Mick Muscles. I guess DAVE likes alliteration. Cal Sanders came up for renewal (it must be renewal time). So did Too Hot, who was doing okay before his injury, so we made him an offer. So did Dolphino, but a) we weren't using him and b) he was consistently late. We'd be letting him go. In return, we contacted a couple of people who weren't working... but both still had their 'more popular than thou' personalities intact. September 2014, week 2, 2014 CZCW.COM Tour Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,351) We open with 5SSW making an open challenge to defend their Tidal Tag Titles against, and they're greeted by some new music... it's... The New J-Neration of Josh Jones and Antonio? (E+) Tidal Tag Titles New J-Neration def. 5SSW(c) in fourteen minutes to become the new Tidal Tag Champions in the best tag title match we've seen in a while (C) Backstage, Alicia and Dragon get into an arguement over if Dragon deserves his title shot. Alicia intends to make him defend it, tonight (C+) Xtreme Ladder Match Fearless Blue(c) def. ADB, Donnie J, and Speedball in twenty minutes (C-) Dragon assures us his match at All Hallow's Zone would still be a title match (C+) Main Event 2 of 3 Falls Match Snap Dragon def. Alicia Strong in thirty-seven minutes (B-) Show rating: C Yeah, we just gave Jones two titles. Eh, why not? Puerto Rican Main Event Usual time, usual place, etc, etc, etc. Josh Jones def. Dragon Assassin in a "Pick Your Title" match (C) Hype for All Hallow's Zone and XDW ADB def. Donnie J and Marc Speed in an Xtreme Contendership Match (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: Love is in the air! Who's the newest couple in the Coastal Zone?
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Where some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, apparently Antonio had gone and snagged himself an older woman. Granted, Raku was only seven years older than him, but still... it's a bit of a difference. She'll probably retire soon and he'll still have a decade ahead of him... September 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour National Arena, Tijuana (1,832) Tidal Tag Title Match New J-Neration(c) def. Backyarders in eight minutes (C-). Afterwards, Josh cuts a promo on Snap Dragon, saying their match at All Hallow's Zone will be just as easy. (C) Filler Match Simon Ice def. Extreme Deluxe in seven minutes (E) Harry Wilson makes an open challenge for his RCAW Title, and Oscar Golden takes him up on it (D-) RCAW Title Match Harry Wilson(c) def. Oscar Golden in thirteen minutes (D+) Random Match A.D.B. def. Raku Makuda in fifteen minutes (C) Triple Threat Extreme Contenddership Main Event Donnie J def Alicia Strong and Amazing FireFly when the other two were too concerned with each other to see him sneak up and get the match-winning roll-up at twenty-two minutes (C-) Hype for All Hallow's Zone's matches (C+, D-) Show rating: D+ Puerto Rican Main Event Same time, same place, etc. Raku Makuda challenges Snap Dragon for his title shot Fearless Blue def. Oscar Golden (E+) Dragon cuts a promo on Jones Hype for the AHZ Xtreme Match Snap Dragon def. Raku Makuda (C-) Show rating: D. Whoopsie. On the next Coastal Zone: Will a contract offer totally screw over All Hallow's Zone?
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Sometimes, we forget what we're doing. Welcome to the... um... Coastal... Zone? Is that it? This was going to cause a huge headache for us...SOTBPW made Snap Dragon an offer he couldn't refuse. He'd be joining them this week... and our last month of build was for nothing, it seemed. time to fix things with a Special Main Event! September 2014, week 4, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA (SOLD OUT) Tidal Contendership Match Backyarders def. 5SSW in fourteen minutes (D+) Josh and Antonio come out to make fun of the Backyarders, ending with a brawl between the two teams (D) Filler Match Cal Sanders def. Oscar Golden in ten minutes (D+) Champs vs Challengers, Sort Of Donnie J & Marc Speed def. Fearless Blue & Harry Wilson in fifteen minutes, J pins Wilson (C-) Speedball then tells Wilson it's going to be his turn to pin the RCAW champ at All Hallow's Zone. He wants a match, he wants the title. Wilson's more than ready to meet him (D) Six-Way Contendership Match, Sort Of, Where If You Pin The Champ Or The #1 Contender, You Become The New #1 Contender. Raku Makuda def. Snap Dragon, Josh Jones, Alicia Strong, Amazing FireFly and ADB in twenty-four minutes by pinning Snap Dragon to become the new #1 Contender (C+) Makuda then tries to hype up AHZ and her title shot (E+) Show rating: C- Puerto Rican Main Event Same place, etc, etc, etc. ADB def. Snap Dragon (C+) Snap Dragon kvetches about losing, Alicia comes out and challengges him to put up or shut up, Loser Leaves Town Alicia Strong def. Snap Dragon (D+.... wow, did I order those two wrong or what?) Show rating: C-. Could have easily been a C if I'd ordered those differently. On the next Coastal Zone: Oscar Golden is gone. Snap Dragon is gone. We're only one person over the expected roster level for the first time in... well, a long time. What'll we do? Can we last until the C- Resilience / B- Basics rule is gone, or will we be forced to hire people who work elsewhere? Here's a hint to the answer: Dolphino is leaving, too...
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The beginning of a new era... that seems a lot like the old era... just missing a few people... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Snap Dragon is gone. He went right into an Upper Midcard role with a national company... even hitting cult wouldn't've kept him with us. Rod Remus left DAVE the same day, but he was unemployed. The fun part of the story is that he left the same night he turned in a show-stealing performance with Frankie Perez at DAVE WrestleRave. DAVE is probably more upset about that than I am. Three more months until we can hire people with below-average basics... this was going to be a hard period... On the plus side, Too Hot has recovered. He's not in the best of shape, but he's still athletic enough it hopefully won't hinder him. Hrm. Three months left. No chance of reaching Cult... unless... nah... well, maybe... October 2014, week 1, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with ADB making an open challenge, and Amazing FireFly taking him up on it (D) Opening Match Raku Makuda def. Cal Sanders in thirteen minutes (D-) and then taunts Josh Jones (E) Hype video for the RCAW Title match All Hallow's Zone (E) Tag Match Hot & Cold def. The Backyarders in sixteen minutes (D-). Hype for the main event of AHZ (E+), and then Hot & Cold say they just beat the Tidal contenders... so to prove they deserve a title show, they'll beat 5SSW at AHZ (E-) We announce another match for AHZ: FireFly vs ADB vs Alicia Strong in a #1 Contenders Match (D-) FireFly (D-) and ADB (D) hype the just-announced match. Main Event Amazing FireFly def. A.D.B. in half an hour of excellent action (C) Show rating: D+ And the next night... Puerto Rican Main Event Same time, same place Josh Jones def. Christian Price (C) Donnie J complains about nto being in the contendership match, despite having another match at AHZ Alicia Strong def. Donnie J (C+) Show rating: C. On the next Coastal Zone: Dolphino leaves. Okay, it's not as traumatic as the last few that've left. But it puts us at the limit.
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Where sometimes, you just have to hire people who work elsewhere. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We found exactly two people who met our qualifications: C- Resilience, B- Basics, D+ Aero, male, and not someone who rejected us for being too small in the past. We'd see if they answered. And in the meantime, DAVE was trying to poach Speedball from us. Joy. We didn't want to risk falling below "Small Roster" size... and of course, he accepted, but on a pay-per-appearance basis, so we could keep him around... until someone else decided they wanted him. Dangit. Thomas Morgan rejected us for not being big enough. That left us with one hopeful candidate... that, or hire more 5SSW alumni, and frankly... we didn't want to. Sorry, girls, but most of you could retire at any moment. Luckily, our second choice came through. October 2014, week 2, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour Grissom Auditorium (SOLD OUT) Opening Four-Way Match Too Hot def. Antonio, Dragon Assassin, and Daredevil Aero in fourteen minutes by pinning Antonio (D+) Music video to promote the arrival of The King Of Clubs, Craig Green (F-... apparently, nobody outside Canada has heard of him) Backstage, Fearless Blue is walking when he gets a ladder thrown at him. Donnie J delivers a few more good smacks with it before running off (D+). In another part of backstage, Harry Wilson and Marc Speed are face to face, it looks like they're going to come to blows... but instead, they shake hands, promising to give each other one hell of a fight (D) Random Match Alicia Strong draws Amazing FireFly in twenty minutes due to time limit (C+) Josh Jones cuts a promo on Raku Makuda (E+) and then Antonio joins him for a joint promo on the Backyarders (D-) Main Event Six-Man Champs vs Challengers Match Challengers (Raku, Speedball, and Donnie J) def. Champs (Josh Jones, Fearless Blue, and Harry Wilson) in twenty-six minutes when Raku pins Wilson (C) Show rating: C- And the next day: Puerto Rican Main Event Ricardo Montenez Ballroom (1,827) It's a special Round Robin edition of PRME! ADB def Amazing FireFly via cheating (C+) Hype for Jones vs Makuda Alicia Strong def ADB (C+) Hype for Blue vs J (which suddenly has as much heat behind it as the triple-threat) Alicia draws FireFly when ADB clocks them both with a chair (C) Show rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: With two (or is it one?) week left before All Hallow's Zone, how will things heat up?
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Where sometimes even our main events wind up playing second fiddle... or third fiddle... or sometimes lower... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had one week left before CZCW.COM Tour was replaced with All Hallow's Zone for the week... and until last PRME, the Xtreme Title was tied with the three-way for the most anticipated match. Maybe we could get some of that back... And in the meantime, we swallowed our pride and made three more offers... this time to people who weren't unemployed. We'd see if any of them bite. TCW, to tick us off, played Puerto Rico this week and pulled in 7,641. We need two months to get that many. October 2014, week 3, Thursday CZCW.COM Tour National Arena, Tijuana (1,995) Opening Match Fearless Blue def. Marc Speed by DQ when Donnie J slides in a ring bell and then drop-toe-holds him into it (C-) Hype for the Tag Title Match (E+) and CZCW Title Match (F+) Reverse Opening Match Donnie J def. Harry Wilson via DQ when Fearless Blue, still bleeding, chairs Donnie (C) Hype video for the triple-threat main event (C) Three-Team Main Event -- Pick Your Partner ADB & Craig Green def. Alicia & Raku and FireFly & Super Sonic in thirty-two minutes (D+) As ADB and Green are celebrating, we go to backstage, where Donnie J is hunting down Blue with with a ladder... but Blue gets the drop on him and leaves him laying (D-) Show rating: (D+) Annnnnd as customary... Puerto Rican Main Event Now at the Ballroom (1,881) Since it worked so well last time... it's Round Robin Handicap Night! FireFly & ADB def. Alicia Strong (C) Hype for the title match Alicia & ADB def. Amazing FireFly (C) Hype for the non-title Tag Match at AHZ ADB def. FireFly & Alicia Strong when they can't agree on what they're doing (C-) Show rating: C- Coming up on the Coastal Zone: CZCW All Hallow's Zone 2014! #1 Contendership for Year In Review: Alicia Strong vs Amazing FireFly vs ADB Xtreme Ladder Match: Fearless Blue(c) vs Donnie J CZCW Title: Josh Jones(c) vs Raku Makuda Tidal Tag Titles: The New J-Neration(c) vs The Backyarders RCAW Title: Harry Wilson(c) vs Marc Speed Hot & Cold vs 5SSW
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Hmm, look slike I had none of those matches right. Ah well #1 Contendership for Year In Review: Alicia Strong vs Amazing FireFly vs [B]ADB[/B] [I]Unless he doesn't turn up[/I] Xtreme Ladder Match: [B]Fearless Blue[/B](c) vs Donnie J [I]As strange as it seems, Blue's getting it done[/I] CZCW Title: [B]Josh Jones[/B](c) vs Raku Makuda [I]I don't see the upset of the decade[/I] Tidal Tag Titles: [B]The New J-Neration[/B](c) vs The Backyarders [I]Raku could cost them the titles, but they've only just got them, so I feel the J-Neration will carry on until two titles becomes too much for Josh[/I] RCAW Title: Harry Wilson(c) vs [B]Marc Speed[/B] [I]'Cause I don't like Wilson[/I] [B]Hot & Cold [/B]vs 5SSW [I]Why not?[/I]
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