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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Light-hearted, under pressure, and mysterious all in one... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, just who is Masked Man? Well, he's got a title shot whenever he wants one... we might find out sooner or later. But it should be a fun reveal. January, 2008. Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live! Live at the Snake Pit --Fearless Blue def. Andre Gorman (E+) Hype video for TV's main event: Ultimate Phoenix vs Fox Mask (D), followed by Masked Man coming out to cut a promo on Cal Sanders (D-). --Masked Man def Cal Sanders (E+) Show rating: E+. ... Okay, Masked Man doesn't get to main event on his own for a while still. Or maybe we shouldn't've put him in there with the jobber. January 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the Gutierrez Community Center --Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Roderick Remus(c) def. Fearless Blue in nine minutes (D-). Afterwards, Rod goes backstage and tells the rest of X-Factor, "X was right about one thing. They're just backyard punks. You can take 'em." (F) --Angel De Mexico def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in twelve minutes (D+) The X-Factor (Williams & Smart) come down to the ring and state that, since last week they won one of their two singles matches against the Tidal Tag Champs, they were invoking Tidal Booking and demanding their tag title match (F+). --Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor def. the Backyarders(c) in nine minutes (E). Hype video for Fox vs Phoenix (D-) --CZCW Title: Fox Mask... draws Ultimate Phoenix on a double-DQ when Plague runs in with a chair and takes them both out (C-). Final rating: D+ TV Rating: 0.0.... 0? What the... On the next Coastal Zone: Just two weeks to go before Broken. Will the Backyarders seek revenge on X-Factor? Will Plague reveal why he's in a bad mood? Who the heck is Masked Man, anyway? We'll answer... oh, two of these questions...
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Where we're not just the head booker... he's GOD! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! After much debate about it, we've decided that patch 1.3 will be installed when we hold CZCW Broken. Seems appropriate, as it should shake up the world quite a bit. January, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live At the Snake Pit, Southwestern USA --Backyarders def. The Gilberts (E+) Hype for TV main event: Fox v Plague, #1 Contendership --Xtreme Title Match: Roderick Remus(c) def. Snap Dragon (D+) Show rating: D. Well, better than last week's ugliness. I'm starting to think that with a half-hour show, we should just keep the jobbers far, far away. It'll be expensive... but still. Hrm. Ex-CZCW wrestler Camaron Vessey just signed on with MAW. Interesting. We were also coming to the last month of Remmy Skye's contract. Cliff still wouldn't let us sign or re-sign known druggies, so... Skye was going to have a profitable month as we jobbed the heck out of him. January, 2008. Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from... hrm. The GCC again, I think. We open with Fox and Plague in the ring having a heated arguement. The gist of it is that when Plague is overseas, he's not held back because he works for CZCW. But when he's in the Zone, he's held back because we works overseas, and he's sick of it. (E) --Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor def. The Gilbert Brothers in ten minutes (E+) Afterwards, the X-Factor makes an open challenge for any tag team they haven't beaten yet to face them at Broken (F+) --Fearless Blue def. Remmy Skye in twelve minutes (E). Afterwards, Skye throws a hissy fit (F) --Main Event: Fox Mask draws Plague in a double-count-out as the two go all through the community center (D+). It's announced that at Broken we'll see Phoenix vs Fox vs Plague. Show rating: D-. Well, good for Mexico at least. TV rating: 0.00. Dangit. We lost 'em somewhere. The Gilberts were asking for a lot more money... three times what they were getting before. They weren't worth it, and this owuld be their last month with the Zone. In the meantime, we were struggling in the US of A, as the economy had now hit F and continued to drop. Mexico was our real growth spot, and where we'd hopefully get popular enough in time to make up our budget deficit and survive until the USA gets better. And we weren't the only ones thinking this, as Mexican Hardcore Wrestling had opened up. Great... more competition. We only had eleven months left... how had January gone? Is this the path we need to stay on, or do we need to change things up again? Well, let's take a look at the... HOLY... ####!!!!!! We'd earned five thousand -less- than last month in ticket sales... and managed to shave -fifteen- thousand off worker costs, -and- ten grand off show costs? How the hell did... anyway, we'd made nearly twenty grand this month! On the next Coastal Zone: It's the last week before CZCW Broken and the new patch; is the wrestling world prepared?
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Where we learn from our mistakes... occasionally. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Under a sudden fit of common sense, we decided to check and see if Wednesday was the best day to hold Broken. Turns out Fox Mask had a GCG commitment that day, so we moved it to Monday instead. That would've been ugly. February, 2008. Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, southwestern USA --Masked Man def. Marc Speed (D) Announcement of TV main event: Three-Team Tag, with Phoenix, Fox, and Plague all selecting a partner. (D-) --CZCW Title: Ultimate Phoenix(c) def. Donnie J (C-) Show rating: D. Yeah, yeah, we're not using nearly the amount of angles we need. But it's a short show! February, 2008. Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV From the GCC, Southeastern Mexico We open with Ultimate Phoenix picking his partner: Remmy Skye (D). Fox Mask selects Masked Man (E), and Plague selects... Roderick Remus (E+). --DiCipher def. Randy Matravers in eight minutes (E-) --Angel De Mexico def. Masked Cougar in ten minutes (D+) --Main Event: Plague & Remus def. Phoenix & Skye and Fox & Masked Man in twenty-three minutes (C-). Afterwards, the three men involved in the title match next week get into a brawl until the show goes off the air (E+). Show rating: D. Awww, c'mon! Our good match was three times longer than the crappy one! TV rating: 0.00. We're not getting our audience back. That's disturbing. Very disturbing. On the plus side, our internet distribution has gotten us up to an F+ pretty much everywhere... maybe our internet deal is hurting the TV show? We had hit E- in Southeastern Mexico... but were still unable to break that D- in the Southwest USA. We needed better shows... but doing it consistently and affordably would be near impossible. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Broken.
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Welcome to CZCW Broken! February, 2008. Week 2, Monday Live from the Snake Pit We start out with Roderick Remus in the ring, issuing an open challenge, specificly, "I'll take on all challengers!" Out come: Masked Man, Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon, Remmy Skye, The Backyarders, Cal Sanders, Jimmy Foxx, and Insane Machine. Roderick pauses for a moment before saying, "Okay, when I say 'all comers'... look, there's only so many people will fit in the ring. So how about you guys split up into pairs and have matches. The winners join me for a six-man ladder match later tonight for the Xtreme Title." (D-) --Masked Cougar def. Cal Sanders in six minutes (D). Backstage, Angel De Mexico and DeCipher decide to join lucha-forces in our first all-Spanish segment.(F) --Snap Dragon def. Super Sonic in five minutes (D) Plague hypes the main event (D) --Flying Jimmy Foxx def. Daredevil Aero in six minutes (E+) Angel and DeCipher come out and accept The X-Factor's open challenge (E-) --Insane Machine def. Fearless Blue in four minutes (D) Fox Mask hypes the main event (D) --Masked Man def. Remmy Skye in seven minutes. (E) Hype for the ladder match: Roderick Remus vs Masked Man, Snap Dragon, Masked Cougar, Jimmy Foxx, and Insane Machine. (E) --Xtreme Six-Man Ladder Match: Masked Man def. Rod Remus(c), Snap Dragon, Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, and Insane Machine in fourteen minutes (D+). Phoenix hypes the main event. (E+) --Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) def. Angel & DeCipher in fourteen minutes (D-) Hype video for the main event (E+) --Main Event CZCW Championship Match: Plague def. Ultimate Phoenix(c) & Fox Mask in nineteen minutes (D). Final rating: D Well... it was a solid rating. We were also attempting to freshing up a lot of gimicks at once, so that may have hurt us somewhat. The sad thing is, Year In Review pulled in 1,300 fans. We barely got 800 for this show. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Can you say 'panic time'?
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It was the week of fire. The week of regret. It was the week of friends, and the week of enemies. It was the week of surprises. The week of chaos. The week is Week 2, February, 2008. The name of the place: Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Yeah, I'm a sci-fi geek, too. Bite me. February, 2008. Week 2, Tuesday. Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwestern USA We open with Donnie J demanding a shot at Plague. Plague comes out and accepts (D-) --Jesse Gilbert def. Marc Speed. (D-) Dammit, forgot to tell them Marc should win. We announce the TV main event: Plague (or Donnie) against Ultimate Phoenix (D-) --CZCW Title: Plague(c) def. Donnie J in thirteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+. Well, it was an improvement. Between shows, we re-signed Andre Gorman. He was coming in handy when we needed a talented jobber. February, 2008. Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the San Louis Potosi Hall, West-central Mexico We open with Ultimate Phoenix promising to regain his title in the rematch tonight (D-) --Xtreme Title Match: Masked Man(c) def. Masked Cougar in thirteen minutes (D+) Backstage, Roderick Remus comes up to Fox and berates him about losing the title match. "How could you, man? You're supposed to be the best here! I was supposed to beat -you- man! When I win the Coastal Zone title, it won't mean a thing unless it's you that I'm beating!" (E-) --Fox Mask def. Fearless Blue in four minutes (D-) --Ben Williams def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in nine minutes (E) Plague tells Phoenix that there's no way he's losing the title... not for a long, long time (D-) --CZCW Title: Plague(c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in seventeen minutes (D+). Show rating: D- TV rating: 0.00 Turns out Plague and Phoenix don't click. Oh, well. We had other stuff for him to do. On the next Coastal Zone: Patch 1.3 hits the Zone. And things may never be the same. Or maybe they will. We'll see.
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Well, that wasn't as extreme as I was expecting. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! February, 2008. Week 2, Saturday. GCG falls to Regional. USPW falls to Regional. TCW falls to International. SWF falls to Inernational. SWF releases Shane Stones. TCW releases Ryan Holland. Annnnnnnd that's about it. On the next Coastal Zone: Business as usual, I guess.
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The more things change, the more they stay exactly the freakin' same. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Geeze. To be honest, I was expecting a lot more to talk about. Sorry, guys. February 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Roderick Remus def. Ultimate Phoenix (C) Remus then says that he should be the one getting the Xtreme Title match tonight, and he's still willing to go... but he's denied by the ref (D-) --Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Masked Man(c) def. Insane Machine (C-) Show rating: C. Booyah! Had a feeling that would do it! Between Remus and Phoenix's chemistry and Machine's inability to have a bad ladder match... FEbruary 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from... hrm. We'll stay at the San Louis Potosi Hall for a while. Our first pre-show match as we job out the Gilberts to the Backyarders, but don't have the confidence to put it on TV. Backyarders win in twelve minutes (E+) Donnie J starts the show by calling out Fox Mask. Everyone knows that Fox is always the de-factor #1 Contender... but Donnie wants his shot, and Donnie wants it at Bash At The Beach. To get it, he figures he's got to go through Fox tonight (E-) --Andre Gorman def. Remmy Skye in nine minutes (D-) Skye then throws a hissy and challenges Masked Man to an Xtreme Title Ladder Match at the live event next week, and if he loses, he's leaving the Zone (E-) --Tidal Tag Title Match: X-Factor(c) def The Gilbert Brothers in ten minutes (E+). Afterwards, Citizen X gets up on the announce table and lets his former lackies know that their open challenged has been accepted. At April's Bash At The Beach, the X-Factor will defend their titles against... Marc Speed and Citizen X, the Controlled Substances (F+). --Fox Mask def. Donnie J in twenty-two minutes (D+) Show rating: D- TV rating: 0.0... 3! We're back, baby! Well, relatively speaking. On the next Coastal Zone: We're planning for a major show more than a month away? Brilliant!
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Where we're apparently only worth three stars. But then, that's because all the haters out there vote us down so their pathetic attempts look better. Or something. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! And now, the ceremonial Jobbing Of The Leaver. February 2008, Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Marc Speed def. Mark Smart (D) Remmy Skye spends some time taunting Masked Man, reminding us that he's the master of the ladder match, despite having not won one in a long time (E-) --Xtreme Ladder Match: Masked Man(c) def. Remmy Skye (D) Show rating: D. Well, it was also cheaper than last week. February 2008, Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from San Louis Potosi Hall, Southeast Mexico --Andre Gorman def. Super Sonic in six minutes (D-) Angel De Mexico challenges Masked Cougar (E+) --Angel De Mexico def. Masked Cougar in fourteen minutes (D+) Plague announces that Fox v Donnie last week was -not- a contendership match, and he's still picking his opponents, like tonight's chance of a lifetime (E-) --CZCW Championship: Plague(c) def. Fearless Blue in six minutes (D) Rod Remus hypes his match with Donnie E, saying that anyone Fox can beat, he can too (E-) --Rod Remus def. Donnie J in thirteen minutes (C-). He then makes an open challenge for anyone to face him, because he is the true next generation of wrestler (E) Show rating: D+ TV rating: 0.03 With all the changes in the roster, we decides we were going to re-order things somewhat and see where people end up... Enhancement: Cal Sanders, Randy Matravers. No surprises there. Openers: DeCipher, Mark Smart. At one point, I think Smart was higher ranked than Williams. Well, we'd give him a chance to rise. Lower Midcard: Super Sonic, Daredevil Aero, Ben Williams. No surprises there either, but Williams will hopefully be moving up with this title feud. Midcard: Cougar, Dragon, Jimmy Foxx, Andre Gorman, Angel De Mexico, Fearless Blue. Upper Midcard: Insane Machine, Rod Remus, Fox Mask, Citizen X Main Event: Plague, Donnie J, Ultimate Phoenix, and... MASKED MAN? Damn, our push for him worked a lot better than intended! We had our first big self-made star... now why couldn't we manage to get Fox Mask back into the main event? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: March comes in like a lion, and we... um... wait. Fox, Dragon, Cougar, Phoenix... nope, no lion on the roster. Nevermind, we'll come up with something.
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My best match in my CZCW game, and coincidentally best show, was April 2007... Plague vs. Burning EXILE. Still, in 2009, May, thats the best card, and match I've booked. Sad really, but Plague got injured for a year, and I couldn't resign Donnie J, or James Prudence... and Ultimate Phoenix didnt think we were big enough.
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Predicting the outcomes of week-old TV shows eight minutes before they reveal themselves: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Sorry, wife was watching last week's Ghost Whisperer. I guessed it. Yay, me. Sadly, this is the month that 5SSW went out of business. AAA probably wasn't hiring, and the girls wouldn't bother giving BSC the time of day, so... eh. WLW and GCG were looking to follow them very shortly. Both promotions had just ended tours, and didn't have much hope. USPW dumped their head booker, but we didn't want the job, so didn't care... and they still put on a D show. No wonder we weren't getting over... literally -nobody- could book shows as good as ours. March 2008, Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Controlled Substances def. Air Force One (C-) Ultimate Phoenix accepts Roderick Remus's challenge, provided it's a lucha libre match (D-) --Roderick Remus def. Ultimate Phoenix with a bit of cheating to win (C) Show rating: C. Take that, USPW's Phantom Booker! For the roster of TCW, this Wednesday will be known as Black Wednesday as Tommy Cornell's promotion takes a giant tumble to cult size. This comes on the heels of a C+ show that sold out the Laurent Ballroom. Among the casualties: ex-Zoner Fumihiro Ota, Dylan Sidle, Steve Gumble, Ice Man CA, Freddy Huggins, Ronnie V Pain, Wolf Hawkins, The Darkness Brothers, Hell's Bouncer, and Eugene Williams. That night they put on TCW Unexpected Results (Gotta love the choice of name) and put on a B- show. March 2008, Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the Gutierrez Community Center, Southeastern Mexico We open with Fox, Phoenix, Roderick, and Donnie in the ring arguing. They briefly consider a four-way #1 contenders match, but since they're doing that for the tag titles, it might be a bit much. Fox suggests a tag match, and the winner gets the contendership. Out comes Plague, and he says that's fine with him... but get out of his ring 'cause he's got a match (E+) --CZCW Title: Plague def. Andre Gorman in thirteen minutes (D) --Tidal #1 Contendership: Marc Speed (representing the Controlled Substances) def. DeCipher (Team Mexico), Daredevil Aero (Backyarders), and Flying Jimmy Foxx (Air Force One) in thirteen minutes (D-) That makes it official: Controlled Substances vs X-Factor at Spring Break Bash (F) --Tag Main Event: Rod Remus & Donnie J def. Fox Mask & Ultimate Phoenix when Plague interferes, allowing Remus to pin Fox at seventeen minutes (D+) Next week, Donnie J vs Plague, again (E) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 On the next Coastal Zone: You can only push some guys so far... and Masked Man in a four-way battle for the Xtreme Title!
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Booking while watching movies since 2003... or whenever TEW Original came out... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Wolf Hawkins thought we weren't big enough for him. Yeah, well... we'll see if SWF wants him... I bet not. However, Masked Man gladly resigned... for over double what we were originally paying him. It was worth it. March 2008, Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Masked Cougar draws Insane Machine when the match goes into the crowd for a double-count-out (C-) Snap Dragon calls out Fox Mask, saying he should be in the main event instead, and he wants to prove it tonight (E) --Fox Mask def. Snap Dragon (D+) Show rating: D+ Attendance for the live events was rising, which was a good sign... and we realized we hadn't looked at finances for last month. We should do that now... if we remember, things were looking bad halfway through the month... ... We made five grand last month. Now as much as we needed, but it was a profit. Ticket sales were up two grand, sponsorship and merchandise down somewhat. Show costs were up three grant, and worker costs skyrocketed thirteen thousand. But then, we were spending money to get popularity... if we just pulled back on spending a little, we were made in the shade. March, 2008. Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We start with Fox Mask talking about how much he disliked the ending to last week's match (E+) --Ben Williams def. Marc Speed in eleven minutes with help from Mark Smart (E+) --Super Sonic def. Randy Matravers in six minutes (E-) --Xtreme Title: Masked Man(c) def. Andre Gorman, Fearless Blue, and Flying Jimmy Foxx (E) Afterwards, Masked Man said we'd do this again at Spring Break Bash... but it'd be a ladder match. And if these losers wanted to try again, there'll be qualification matches (E) --CZCW Title: Donnie J draws Plague(c) when Fox Mask runs in with a chair around twelve minutes in and clobbers them both (D+). Show rating: D. Not as bad as it should have been given the bad matches, but some of our people were in bad moods for some reason. TV rating: 0.03, but that's not the big news... ...For the first time ever, we'd sold out a Mexican venue for a TV taping! Sha-weet! On the next Coastal Zone: The buildup to Spring Break Bash continues. Who will face Masked Man in the four-way ladder match? Who faces Plague? How do we fill up the rest of the two-hour show if we only have the three title matches?
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Okay, so, we planned the big show a month ago. So we're just getting into the buildup now. So? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So? After the chaos of the last couple weeks, this one was nice and quiet. March 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Xtreme Qualifier: Angel De Mexico def. Fearless Blue (E+) TV Main Event Announcement: Fox Mask vs Ultimate Phoenix vs Roderick Remus for the Spring Break Bash title match -- No DQ. (E+) Hype video for SBB: Tidal Tag Title match (E) --CZCW Title: Plague(c) def. Donnie J (D+) Show rating: D. Our live shows had to start doing better... but then, they'd also be cheaper now that we were done with Donnie J for a while. Wednesdays were bad for the American wrestling industry, as SWF followed TCW into the cult swandive. The casualties: Knuckles, Mikel Alonso, Andre Jones, Mick Muscles, Shady K, Kid Toma, Bulldozer Brandon, Valiant, Lead Belly, Bart Biggz, Duane Fry, Dawn the Cheerleader, and Jay Fair. That was a lot of talent to flood the market, especially with TCW's castoffs earlier. In perhaps the biggest move of balls seen so far, Bruce the Giant walked out on USPW (who lost their TV slot in the meantime) thinking he could get a better deal somewhere else. But... where? March, 2008. Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from San Louis Potosi Hall, West Central Mexico --Daredevil Aero def. Cal Sanders in seven minutes (E+) Afterwards, The X-Factor come out and beat down Citizen X at the announce table (F) --Xtreme Qualifier: Masked Cougar def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eleven minutes (D+) Remus, Fox, and Phoenix all do short interviews about the match, revealing that whoever wins gets Plague at Spring Break Bash, but whoever loses won't get a title shot until after the 'summer show season' (E+) --DeCipher def. Randy Matravers in six minutes (E-) --Main Event Contendership Match: Roderick Remus def. Fox Mask and Ultimate Phoenix in seventeen minutes (D+). It's Remus vs Plague at SBB, and the unlucky non-contender is... Ultimate Phoenix. But Fox makes him a deal... if Phoenix can beat Fox at SBB, he'll give Phoenix the first title shot he earns (E) Show rating: D. Possibly more than we deserve, as that kinda stunk. TV rating: 0.03. At least it's steady. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One week left! One more Xtreme Qualifier. Citizen X wants revenge on the X-Factor. Plague gets ready to face the rookie phenom Remus. And will the rookies stink up the joint again?
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For those who like to do predictions: CZCW Spring Break Bash CZCW Title: Plague(c) vs Roderick Remus Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Masked Man(c) vs Masked Cougar vs Angel De Mexico vs ??? Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) vs Controlled Substances Fox Mask vs Ultimate Phoenix Rumored Undercard (Meaning, we haven't decided yet) Six-Man Lucha Action: DeCipher, Matravers, and Sanders vs The Backyarders OR Air Force One vs Backyarders (Sonic & Aero) for Tidal Contendership
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CZCW Spring Break Bash CZCW Title:[B] Plague(c)[/B] vs Roderick Remus [I]Obviously.[/I] Xtreme Title Ladder Match: [B]Masked Man(c)[/B] vs Masked Cougar vs Angel De Mexico vs ??? [I]Just tell me who he is already darnit![/I] Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) vs Controlled Substances [B]Fox Mask vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]Will add some more dimensions to the fued I see brewing.[/I] Rumored Undercard (Meaning, we haven't decided yet) Six-Man Lucha Action: DeCipher, Matravers, and Sanders vs The Backyarders OR [B]Air Force One[/B] vs Backyarders (Sonic & Aero) for Tidal Contendership
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;187190]For those who like to do predictions: CZCW Spring Break Bash CZCW Title: [B]Plague(c)[/B] vs Roderick Remus Plague is a safe champ for now, need to make that money man. Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Masked Man(c) vs Masked Cougar vs Angel De Mexico vs [B]???[/B] I have a feeling ??? is going to be a [B][I][U]BIG[/U][/I][/B] Name and may walk away with this one. Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) vs [B]Controlled Substances[/B] CS will have a short title run at lease a few weeks. [B]Fox Mask [/B]vs Ultimate Phoenix Fox mask wins on some outside attack. Rumored Undercard (Meaning, we haven't decided yet) Six-Man Lucha Action: DeCipher, Matravers, and Sanders vs The Backyarders OR Air Force One vs [B]Backyarders[/B] (Sonic & Aero) for Tidal Contendership[/QUOTE] You could have the backyarders win a title shot and just use them as fodder for controlled substances for a while.
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CZCW Spring Break Bash CZCW Title: [B]Plague[/B](c) vs Roderick Remus Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Masked Man(c) vs [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs Angel De Mexico vs ??? Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) vs [B]Controlled Substances[/B] Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix [/B] Rumored Undercard (Meaning, we haven't decided yet) Six-Man Lucha Action: DeCipher, Matravers, and Sanders vs [B]The Backyarders[/B] OR Air Force One vs Backyarders (Sonic & Aero) for Tidal Contendership
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CZCW Spring Break Bash CZCW Title: [B]Plague[/B](c) vs Roderick Remus Xtreme Title Ladder Match: [B]Masked Man[/B](c) vs Masked Cougar vs Angel De Mexico vs ??? Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) vs [B]Controlled Substances[/B] [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Ever since the orriginal Coastal Zone I root for Fox[/I] Rumored Undercard (Meaning, we haven't decided yet) [I]Six-Man Lucha Action: DeCipher, Matravers, and Sanders vs [B]The Backyarders[/B][/I] OR Air Force One vs Backyarders (Sonic & Aero) for Tidal Contendership [I]And I must say that TEW2007 is worth every penny if only because the zone is back![/I]
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