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Monday Night Wars 1995

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Alright then, it'll probably be done within the few days after Christmas. The only thing is that, due to me not having the workers on the database, it'll simply be names with no profiles attatched, which somebody will have to fix somewhere down the line. Do you have any idea on when the scenario will be starting? As in, what month.
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;170951]Alright then, it'll probably be done within the few days after Christmas. The only thing is that, due to me not having the workers on the database, it'll simply be names with no profiles attatched, which somebody will have to fix somewhere down the line. Do you have any idea on when the scenario will be starting? As in, what month.[/QUOTE] september of 1995 will be when i start
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;171126]If your using a converted 05 version of that scenario as your base you have alot of adding and editing to do to it, just so you know.[/QUOTE] yes i know that i started making this mod for tew 05 but never had the time to finish it...the new game seems a lot easier to edit..hopefully it will be done quicker
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Also, hey, good luck with this, guys The original nWo trio formed at Bash at the Beach '96, which I believe was July. Hall & Nash showed up about a month or two before that, and the group wasn't officially named until sometime after Hogan's turn, but BatB is generally considered the beginning. In other words, yeah, this is about 10 months before the nWo.
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Wasn't really watching WCW every week so I don't know when they (the announcers) started calling them the NWO but when the NWO got together during the post turn of Hogan promo he did refer to himself, Hall and Nash by saying "you can call this the New World Order of Wrestling brotha'.".
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That is true. But I always remembered that as being more of a figure of speech at the time, rather than him officially naming the group, which happened later. Kinda like how Gorilla Monsoon was calling Bret Hart the Excellence of Execution long before it became an official nickname. Not that it really matters, in the grand scheme of things.
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I'm only 13 so I only started watching wrestling 1998 and only watched the WWF... I got a whole years worth of WCW Nitro for Christmas (1997) on dvds and so I'm learning alot about the company that I didn't know and this scenario should be very good if it is done right.
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