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PWR - The Best Of The Independants!

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After a short lived job of being head booker of CZCW I have said to myself 'I hate having a boss, it never turns out right' as I look into my past full of firings here and there, I just can't stay anywhere for long enough to really settle in. It wasn't always my bosses fault, but hey, its good to have someone to blame stuff on. Ive decided to do something about it, I am going to take my crack at becoming a boss, becoming a owner, like ive always wanted to be. I am going to start my own promotion in the South East were I see the most potential and, well, so I can be close to CZCW without being against them, since I believe I left in good terms and ive got a relationship with some of the guys down there. After a short talk with my room mate Ross who is quite a casual wrestling fan about what should I call this promotion, it didn't take long untill he suggested Pro Wrestling Revolution and it just clicked with me I want to bring the best of the independants into one promotion and revolutionise the buisness. Now I kind of got ahead of myself, where can I possibly get the money to countinue with this venture, well my aunt in DC came to my mind right away. So a couple of phone calls and some time surfing the net later I found myself on a plane heading for DC with a pad full of notes and a dream. I arrive in DC, the airport really got to me, since I hav'nt been on a plane since I was 14 when I made my last trip with my parents down to Hawaii after my dad Kyle Avator and my mum Stephanie Avator. My parents were not rich by any sense of the word up to that point but my dads new job ended up being our familys demise after a work related accident left me with only my mum to support me, my aunt was always willing to give us money, but she was always never took it she always wanted to be independant, kind of reminds me of me, yet, not to the same extent, if I really need the money, I am not affraid to ask. But, lets get back to our story, I took a bus to my aunts house, she has a bus stop right outside her door so, I didn't see the point of hiring a car and also I wanted my aunt to see me arrive on a bus because it may help towards my cause, though in my mind I felt there was a large chance she waould be very happy to give me the money I need. I got off the bus to see my aunt sticking her head out of the window shouted "hello!" and made her way to the door. I didn't want to jump right in and since we hadn't seen each other for more than 4 years we were not lacking in things to discuss. She was always a smart one, about 4 biscuits and 2 cans of coke later she said "Right so you came here for a reason?". I quickly swollow the last of my coke and explain my idea, I acted as if it was more of a job interview than asking a relitive for money, I think it went quite well actully and like I hoped she agreed to give my cash and she wired 100k to my account willingly. It was a very nice visit I was there for the weekend and enjoyed my time there, she mensioned an old friend that had done really well for himself in the marketing world, she suggested when I get back to hit him up I may run into a good deal. I took down the number in my overfilled notepad and began thinking how well this can help my cause. Anyway the weekend ends and im on the plane heading back home.
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So I got home, my room mate didn't seem to miss me, I got my beauty sleep (I don't think it worked) and then wrote down what I wanted to say to the marketer that my aunt was talking about. I phoned him up, he seemed like a nice laid-back kind of guy and I can see myself having a good relationship with him, he said that my aunt was a lovely woman and gave me a great deal, he said 'give me three weeks to market you around, ill get the crowd, you make the show' The deal went down fantasticly, now I am going to put more pen to paper and decide what I want my product to be like. After a good hour of my clogs turning I looked down at my pad to see, Match Ratio: 90% Minor Match: 10min Medium Match: 15min Main Match: 20min Match Intensity: 50% Match Danger: 85% Face/Heel Divide: Medium Traditional: Very Low Mainstream: None Comedy: Very Low Cult: Medium Risque: None Modern: Key Feature Realism: Very Low Hyper-Realism: None Hardcore: Medium Lucha: None Pure: Medium Daredevil: Key Feature Now with that done, I needed to begin thinking about what workers I should bring in, I decided my first stop is to talk to Cliff Anderson and see if I can begin a working agreement with him, long story short, I emailed him, organised a meeting with him over lunch, and he agreed. So I right away I decided to bring in Black Eagle (Plague) as one of my Main Event guys, Frankie Perez as my cult following upper card solid worker, Remme Skye as my upper midcard high flyer and Snap Dragon & Flying Jimmie Foxx as a tag team and knowing that Snap Dragon can go single if I need him to. Now I begin to look for some popular independant workers for my Main Event scene I decide to bring in the former SWF superstar Grandmaster Phunk as our main entertainer, Doug Peak as our main event brawler and someone who I see as having alot of potential and the best puro worker in american independants Hell Monkey. I also decide the bring in USPW's Cheetah Boy, the brother of Cliff Willson, Harry Willson, another good puro star in Samoan Machine and the young british Brilliant White as a cheap jobber. I turn my head to the Tag Team Devision and decide on Barry Griffen & Henry Bennett as Griffen & Bennett and Craig Walker & Trance Coleman as The Party Hounds so my final roster looks like this Faces in [COLOR="seagreen"]green[/COLOR], heels in [COLOR="Red"]red [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Main Eventers[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hell Monkey[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Grandmaster Phunk Doug Peak Black Eagle[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Upper Midcarders[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Frankie Perez Remme Skye[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Midcarders[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Harry Willson Cheetah Boy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Flying Jimmie Foxx Samoan Machine Henry Bennett[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lower Midcarders[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Barry Griffen Craig Walker[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Openers[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Trance Coleman[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Jack Avator[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Enhancement Talent[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Brilliant White[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=mad5226;172543]Nice back story, seems like a big roster for just starting out though doesn't it?[/QUOTE] Thanks. The reason its a big roster is because when I selected start own promotion I picked medium, which was larger than I expected meaning I was regional, I decided just to run with it and got my roster all done before deciding on doing this diary. But I have now decreased the pop down to make my promotion small sized and im just going to run with that current roster, seeing no real reason at this point of let them go.
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So I am now on to scheduling my events, I am planning on doing a sort of one weekend a month deal, where the 3rd weekend each month we hold a show on Saturday & Sunday. Its a learning experience at this point so this will be a test, doesn't work, then I will try something else. Now ive got that sorted out I need to approach a venue in which to hold my shows so I was looking for the tiniest venue possible in South East, I come across a blurb on the internet for Rainbows Bar & Grill stating "The Rainbow Bar & Grill in Florida can pack 300 fans in on a good day, and is known for serving free shrimp to anyone attending a show". Ok, so it aint the tokyo dome but it isn't suppost to be, it seemed perfect to me. I forgot about a referee but I managed with no real problems to get my old ref from CZCW pee-wee germaine Three weeks came and went quickly and it was the night of my first show entitled "PWR - A Weekend Of Feuds". Not bad eh...ok at least humor me. I got a call from our marketer he wished me good luck on the show, I thought that was a fantasticly nice gesture from the guy and he said he was sorry he couldn't make it. I got his name this time, I wasn't thinking straight when I phoned him up origanally his name is Paul Steen so I can finnally stop saying 'the marketer'. My room mate was as exited as I was for the show, I told him not to embarress me...again...I won't get into that. Anyhoo I got to the arena early even before the ring crew got there and looked about the place, seemed that I wouldn't have a phily crowd on my hands and im glad. The ring crew were very sloppy but I couldn't really judge and anyway I had more importent thing weighing on my mind than the ring crew, if the ring doesn't break, were fine. Black Eagle was the first to show up, I had worked with him previously in CZCW and he seemed to be happy to see me, but he isn't the easiest guy to really understand I am yet to see what makes him tick. The arrivals really picked up and it didn't take long untill my full roster showed up ready to perform. My room mate had a large grin on his face as he went up and introduced himself to all the wrestlers there he seemed to really get on with Doug Peak. I stood in awe to see a large amount of people spuing in to the bar to see the show, my show! The show began... PWR - A Weekend Of Feuds Night 1 Snap Dragon def. Cheetah Boy - C- I was very interested how this match would turn out. I was really hoping for a great opener for my PWR first show and it didn't disapoint, Snap Dragon put alot into and I know since ive seen him in all walks of mind from caring to not caring what-so-ever. The crowd seemed to enjoy it alot, and well, so did I. I can see these guys being employed by me for a quite a while (Me) Jack Avator def. Brilliant White - D+ Ok I had to put myself in here somewhere, I didn't really click with White, but he had been working a gruling schedule so I couldn't really blame him, I did my best and it turned out really good for a 7min match. I cut a promo saying that I will countinue my winning streak of one tommorow night (my way of advertising my next event) - C Grandmaster Phunk hits a promo of Frankie Perez and Remme - D+ Grandmaster Phunk & Doug Peak def. Frankie Perez & Remme Skye - D Frankie Perez & Remme work well as a tag team, but the clash of styles here were hideous and the match only got over on their pop, I wasn't impressed to say the least, but what was I thinking booking this. As I say its a learning experience Griffen & Bennett def. The Party Hounds - D+ This was what I thought to be my downer between the two main events and it actully ends up being better than one of the main events but it still a isn't great match-up. Hell Monkey def. Black Eagle - B- Im using Hell Monkey in the Main Event because he has the best in-ring skills of my main event guys and my other highly skilled main eventer Black Eagle. Fantastic main event for my first show and I was on the edge of my seat watching the monitor and so was most of the locker room. Overall: D+ It was a great night and I need to prepare myself for tommorow...
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;172768]Wow, Black Eagle and Hell Monkey getting a B-...I have both of them coming to my pending desitions. I believe if I sign them they will be facing each other on my show.[/QUOTE] I was shocked myself, the really outdid my expectations. Thanks for reading!
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I get home that night and start counting the money. To find out a huge 301 people payed to see my show! I had a huge grin across my face and I get to sleep on a positive for once. I found myself draming about what could be, global stardom, more money than I can imagine and...many other things... Anyway once I wake up I find a voice mail on my phone from Black Eagle, I was scared he might be injured or something. I press play 'Hey man, I am a little wrecked from last night and I was wondering if you could be careful when you book me, so I can fully heel...cheers" Could have been worse, I have things up my sleeve and luck I go straight on the internet to see if anyone voiced their opinion on my show. I find a news story on totalextremewrestling.com stating 'Pro Wrestling Revolution held PWR Weekend Of Feuds Night 1 last night in Rainbow Bar & Grill, and drew 301 fans. The feedback has been pretty good especially for a promotion that size'. I was very happy with this and I hope that tonight I can do it again. This time I decide to advance book some stuff and send it into some of the smaller internet sites hoping they may just post it. I sent them the following FOR RELEASE ASAP Pro Wrestling Revolution is holding there second show this weekend at PWR A Weekend Of Feuds Night 2. There are 3 matches currently announced! Remme Skye vs. Snap Dragon Doug Peak vs. Frankie Perez Hell Monkey vs. Samoan Machine Plus, you will also see Jack Avator, Flying Jimmie Foxx, Griffen & Bennett and Cheetah Boy in action! I was surprised to see such a good responce to my emails and to see the story being posted on a majority of the websites. I can't wait for tonight (Predictions Welcome)
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(Thank you all for your predictions) I was very obtimistic about the matches I advanced booked and I hope it helps our attendance. I was very pulled on who to put over in the Doug Peak, Frankie Perez, but I think I made the best decision. I am hoping the puro style gets over well in the main event of our show in Hell Monkey vs. Samoan Machine. Im keeping Black Eagle off the show to give him time to recover, it also helps my bottom line alot having both him and Grandmaster Phunk off the show, I just hope it does'nt affect the show quality. Im really putting the whole show on the Hell Monkey, Samoan Machine match so it better pay off. The show was much calmer for me and the talent who seemed very at home since they were here yesturday, at this point I think the weekend idea is working but its a little early to assume things since the weekend aint over yet. I see alot of the same faces in the crowd and I hope they react to it just aswell as last night, if the crowd isn't the same as Night 1's its really, really, close. The show begins... PWR A Night Of Feuds Night 2 Remmy Skye def. Snap Dragon - C- Good opener, I was really hoping alot from the match and I gave them a good 18min to show their stuff it payed off and they put on a great opener for the crowd Jack Avator def. Cheetah Boy - D+ Not a bad match, it gave an oppertunity for the crowd to calm there self down. But, without really affecting the overall show I hit the same promo as last time telling the crowd my winning streak will continue next month - C Frankie Perez before his match tells Doug Peak exactly what he thinks of him - C- Frankie Perez def. Doug Peak - D I was a little disapointed by the match I booked it so Doug Peak kept strong with Perez still going over, im all for the younger more talented workers going over against the more experienced guys. Flying Jimmie Foxx & Snap Dragon def. Griffen & Benett - D- The second half of the show really dipped. I am unhappy with my current tag team devision and I am thinking about over hauling it massively. I would appriciate it if anyone could tell me some good independant tag teams I could hire. Hell Monkey def. Samoan Machine - B- Once again Hell Monkey gives us a fantastic main event this time with the highly talented Samoan Machine. This weekend has really opened my eyes to the greatness of Hell Monkey, Black Eagle & Samoan Machine Overview: D+ Later that night the attendance is reported to be 298 as I said very much the same to last nights event. The internet in the morning said our show was pretty good for a promotion our size again Money wise I am down 3,000, not the best but with 97,000 still in the bank and how much I feel this show uped our popularity im secretly optimistic...
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One weekend down, lets hope many more to go. I loved the weekend schedule idea and I am planning on continuing it for a while. That week I begin planning my next weekend of events, I had a fantastic break through, I wanted to continue this Hell Monkey, Black Eagle, Samoan Machine thing so I create what I call the weekend of triple threts. I plan out what I want to do and then call up Paul Steen our marketer and tell him what to put on the leaflets, he said he was sorry he didn't actully send a copy of the leaflets from my first event to me by accident, but he will make sure to give me a copy for you memorys sake I get the leaflets through first class mail the Friday they look really awesome [IMG]http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/4962/anott2006night1leafletbs3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/4084/anott2006night2leafletbe2.jpg[/IMG] I will send a full card in to the websites shortly before the event.
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The end of the week saw me signing Dean Daniels, Rafael Ruiz, Ultimate Phoenix and Mikey James. I am planning to team up Rafael & Ultimate Phoenix as Los Latinos and Daniels & Mikey James as well oiled machines (thanks for the ideas MaxxHexx, btw). At this point im not going to fire my other tag teams untill im sure I am happy with these guys I have got the cards sorted out and ive sent them in to every wrestling site willing to help me out. They are as follows [CENTER]FOR RELEASE on Monday, Week 3, January 2006 This weekend Pro Wrestling Revoultion bring to you 'A Weekend Of Triple Threts" held at The Rainbow Bar & Grill in South East USA! [U][B]Night One[/B][/U] [B]The Rematch[/B] Remmy Skye vs Snap Dragon [B]Warm Up Match[/B] Hell Monkey vs Harry Willson [B]Tag Team Debut Match[/B] The Party Hounds vs Well Oiled Machines [B]One-on-One Challenge[/B] Black Eagle vs Samoan Machine [B]The Triple Thret[/B] Doug Peak vs Grandmaster Phunk vs Frankie Perez [U][B]Night Two[/B][/U] [B]One-On-One[/B] Remmy Skye vs. Flying Jimmie Foxx [B]Will The Winning Streak Continue[/B] Doug Peak vs. Jack Avator [B]Challenge Match[/B] Grandmaster Phunk vs. Frankie Perez [B]Tag Team Debut[/B] Los Latinos vs. Snap Dragon & Flying Jimmie Foxx [B]The Triple Thret[/B] Hell Monkey vs. Black Eagle vs. Samoan Machine How can I be there? Tickets $10 a night - Goto PWROnline.com or at the door (PREDICTIONS WELCOME)[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;172996]For indy tag teams I run in my dynasty where I have the same amount of money as you; Los Latinos-Rafael Ruiz and Ultimate Phoenix A Well Oiled Machine-Dean Daniels and Micky James Nice shows. One of my favorite 07 dynasties.[/QUOTE] You mixed the teams up, or at least you did in your post. Oh well. Night One The Rematch Remmy Skye vs [B]Snap Dragon[/B] Warm Up Match [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Harry Willson Tag Team Debut Match The Party Hounds vs [B]Well Oiled Machines[/B] One-on-One Challenge [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs Samoan Machine The Triple Thret Doug Peak vs Grandmaster Phunk vs [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Night Two One-On-One [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Flying Jimmie Foxx Will The Winning Streak Continue Doug Peak vs. [B]Jack Avator[/B] Challenge Match Grandmaster Phunk vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Tag Team Debut [B]Los Latinos[/B] vs. Snap Dragon & Flying Jimmie Foxx
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;173345]You mixed the teams up, or at least you did in your post. Oh well. [/QUOTE] my bad, im kinda tired...I added it correctly to my game just gotta fix the post. Just as a FYI you forgot to predict the Hell Monkey vs. Black Eagle vs. Samoan Machine match.
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[B][U]Night One[/U][/B] Remmy Skye vs [B]Snap Dragon[/B] [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Harry Willson The Party Hounds vs [B]Well Oiled Machines[/B] Black Eagle vs [B]Samoan Machine[/B] Doug Peak vs Grandmaster Phunk vs [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [U][B]Night Two[/B][/U] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Flying Jimmie Foxx[/B] Doug Peak vs. [B]Jack Avator[/B] [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] vs. Frankie Perez [B]Los Latinos[/B] vs. Snap Dragon & Flying Jimmie Foxx [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs. Black Eagle vs. Samoan Machine
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