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BGW 2007 (Created CVERSE)

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The time was now, or the time was never. Either way, we have just embarked on an adventure that would lead to economical ruin or greatness. Well for myself as my business "partner" had plenty of his own money not invested in this venture. Six months ago I quit my job as the host of Kentucky Sports Report. KSR was a statewide syndicated radio show that focused on UK basketball and UL football as well as High School Basketball and Football. Invariably the talk would turn to the Cincinnati Reds and some of the states Western callers would want to talk about the St. Louis Cardinals. Then one day I got started talking about professional wrestling...... That's when I let my mouth get my ass in trouble. I mentioned that I wished there was more quality professional wrestling events in Kentucky. In fact, if I could find someone with experience in the business and able to match my $25,000 investment, that I'd be willing to start up a federation. We could even run most of the events in Kentucky with a few in Ohio to start out. That way the goal of bringing good Pro Wrestling back to Kentucky would be realized and we could grow the company if we were truly successful. The phone lines lit up. That told me that the interest was there. Even though a lot of the calls were saying that wrestling wasn't a sport and that I was wasting time talking about it, enough people had a positive sound in their voices talking about the subject. There was time for one last caller and that call ended up changing my life. It was an older gentleman who agreed with a lot of what I was saying. He said he did really enjoy the new style of high-flyers that were still able make the wrestling look real. As I was attempting to bring the call and the show to an end, he mentioned that he had previous wrestling experience and he could easily pony up $25,000 to bring wrestling back to the BlueGrass state. He then said that we should talk about making this a reality. I thought he was yanking my chain. His call was a good call, so I did what I usually do when someone wants to talk to me. I told them to stay on the line and give their details to James, my producer. I then signed off the show thinking I'd get the information from James and toss it in the trash when I got home. I spent the rest of the day doing a bit of "work" around town, having lunch with a couple of local businessmen. They gave me a good bit of ribbing about my wrestling fetish. I picked up the check, but their production costs on the next set of advertising they did would be higher. When I got home I finally took a look at the information James had written down. The name couldn't be correct could it? [B]Preston[/B] fricking [B]Holt[/B]!!! He definitely had experience. He had owned two federations and was even a champion in one of them. If this really was Preston Holt, my life was about to change. I gave him a call and arranged to meet him over the weekend. When I walked into the local O'Charley's I was halfway hoping it really would be Preston Holt and halfway dreading that it would really be Preston Holt. It definitely wasn't going to be easy to start from scratch and end up with a successful, profitable business. Needless to say, Mr. Holt was there waiting for me when I arrived a couple minutes late. He had a sparkle in his eye and he had a bombshell to drop on me. "Kid" he says. I don't want your money, I only need you to help me communicate with these younger wrestlers. If you'll do that for me and come up with new, fresh, ideas, I'll bankroll the fed. Of course, that means you'll be my employee instead of being an owner. You'll also have to meet certain goals and follow certain guidelines that I'll be imposing on you from time to time. As long as you can do that, you will have a job. I'll also set it up so that if you are still working with the fed when I want to retire or the big guy takes me home, that you will be given 100% stake in BlueGrass Wrestling. By the way, that's the name. BlueGrass Wrestling. BGW for short. So the last six months have been spent scouting the Indy "talent" and the lower carded workers in the smaller feds. We decided we didn't want to upset any of the big boys when we were just learning to crawl. The downside is we spent a good deal of our budget. The plan is to go out and hire a referee that won't damage the quality of our matches. I'll be doing the announcing as I have the skills to not botch it up. Mr. Holt will be doing Road Agent duties for the main show and I'll handle the Dark Matches to get some experience doing so. We want to bring in around a dozen workers. Mostly young guys who will work cheap, but with a couple guys who are really good at the meat and bones of wrestling to help train up the young guys. Hopefully, we will be able to entice guest stars to come in from time to time. The Monthly shows will start out at 60 minute affairs that we will have available to view on the internet. Hopefully this won't keep live attendance down. If it does, then I guess we will switch to small DVD releases. If things go extremely well then we will do 30 minute shows where we have developed a following due to the internet exposure. The plan for 2007 will be January [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/OnTheTop.jpg[/IMG] February [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/HighClass.jpg[/IMG] March [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LiveWire.jpg[/IMG] April [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/GotMilk.jpg[/IMG] May [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/WildSide.jpg[/IMG] June [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/IronMen.jpg[/IMG] July [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/KOTB.jpg[/IMG] August [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/BurningUp.jpg[/IMG] September [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LightningStrike.jpg[/IMG] October [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/RedneckJustice.jpg[/IMG] November [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LastStand.jpg[/IMG] December [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/CashMoney.jpg[/IMG] OOC:Everything listed in this thread dealing with BGW is fictional. Meaning it's ALL lies. The game won't start until the retail releases. Feedback is appreciated.
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[B]January 1st 2007[/B] Economy C + Falling Wrestling Industry B- Falling Style Name: High Speed Match Ratio: 80% Minor Match 6 min. Medium Match 10 min. Main Match 15 min. Face\Heel Strong Key Feature: Modern Heavy: Realism Medium: Mainstream Low: Hyper-Realism Very Low: Comedy Default Prices Event Distribution: Internet Release Quality: Standard Music Usage: In House Production System: Just In Time Product Quality: Standard Popularity: 1% Prestige: 0 [B]January 2nd[/B] Mr. Holt [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/PrestonHolt.jpg[/IMG]called me into the office(trailer). He was finally ready to clue me in on the goals and guidelines for the early part of our existence. The biggest thing was he wanted us to make money. I have no problem with making money, but increasing our bank account from $30,000 to $100,000 in two years time. That seems a little harsh. However, I did agree with his hiring guidelines. No known steroid users(they really wouldn't fit our product) and no lumbering giants(minimum D Athleticism). With the law being layed down, I was finally ready to contact our targeted workers and then cross my fingers and hope for the best. I hope the workers are as enthused to work for us as we are to work with them. [B]January 3rd[/B] Playboy Jake Sawyer wasted no time in letting us know that we were too small of a pond for him to be the big fish in. I had really hoped to bring him in. At least my hopes were smashed quickly. After checking the net I feel like a fool. TCW signed him. No wonder he wanted nothing to do with us. At least he took the time to inform me. [B]January 6th[/B] The phone was hot and heavy today at the BGW Headquarters(same trailer). The day started out rough as Fumihiro Ota decided to go with the unemployment line instead of working with us. Despite being at SWF's feeder fed, Brendan Idol will be working for us until he gets called up!!! We were also able to add Masked Cougar and Joey Beauchamp along with 6 other fine wrestlers. [B]January 7th[/B] We secured Oz Lord to be the ref for us. He will be adequate and was willing to work at a fair wage. Angel De Mexico deemed us worthy of his services. Well at least our $$$ were worthy. [B]January 8th[/B] Burning EXILE joined PGHW instead of us. Can't say that I blame him. Thankfully we were able to bring in a mouthpiece for Angel De' Mexico. Her English is only passable, but some of our fans here in Kentucky doen't exactly speak CORRECT English either. Having settled on our roster, I now have to book a venue and promote the show. [B]January 9th[/B] I was able to get the Paroquet Springs Conference Center in Sheperdsville to give a discounted rate by booking four months in a row. I asked for and received the ability to move the Day of the week if they had the day open and I HAD to switch it due to worker conflicts. So the flexibility along with the price makes this the perfect place for BGW to debut. Really easy negotiations. Almost too easy. [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/OnTheTop.jpg[/IMG] Will showcase the following roster: [B]MAIN EVENTERS[/B] Faces [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/BrendanIdol.jpg[/IMG] Heels [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B]Upper Midcard[/B] Faces [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] Heels [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Midcard and Lower Midcard[/B] Face [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] Heels [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]Manager/Referee/Annnouncer/Road Agent[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JenniferHeat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/OzLord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/GaryJacksonAlt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/PrestonHolt.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Remianen;172546]Those banners are hot. Simple to make too, I'm guessing? Nice premise![/QUOTE] Very easy to make..... [url]http://cooltext.com/LogoBrowse.aspx[/url] very simple just play around with the options.... I was able to do it.....
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[B]January 9th[/B] I got a few important things done today. Firstly, I sent off word to Rip Chord and Professor Nero seeking Working Agreements with MAW and RIPW respectively. Secondly, and possibly more important: The [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] for our first show[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/OnTheTop.jpg[/IMG] was announced. [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]VS.[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B]January 10th[/B] Great News today! Both Rip Chord and Professor Nero have agreed to a working agreement. [B]January 20th[/B] Well we've had a quiet time since the intitial flurry of activity involved with getting any venture off the ground. I really hope everyone had their travel plans all worked out and arrive on time for the show. I'm getting ready to go pick Preston up and we are going to head on over to Sheperdsville and the Paroquet Springs Conference Center to make sure everything is set up the way it needs to be. Wish us luck!
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[B]January 20th[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/OnTheTop.jpg[/IMG] Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Match 1: D- Angle: E Match 2: D [B]Main Show[/B] Gary Jackson [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/GaryJackson.jpg[/IMG] Ladies and Gentleman, all twelve of you. I want to thank you for coming out tonight and taking a chance on BlueGrass Wrestling. I have a surprise for you and even for our wrestlers. The winner of tonights four matches will be paired against each other next week in two Semi-finals with the winners meeting in the MAIN EVENT to crown the first BlueGrass Wrestling Champion. So be sure to come back next month. [B]E[/B] Kashmir Singh[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] VS. K-Squared[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] Kashmir enters the ring wearing a T-Shirt that reads "Singhing the Pain". Clearly a play on the phrase Bringing the Pain. Kashmir Singh defeated K-Squared in 5:53 by pinfall. This was a pretty straight-forward affair with Kashmir's brawling eventually wearing down K-Squared [B]D-[/B] K-Squared [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] Having been defeated, K-Squared takes his revenge on Kashmir by sneaking away with Kashmir's T-Shirt. [B]F-[/B] Joey Beauchamp[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG]Brendan Idol[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/BrendanIdol.jpg[/IMG] In the back we see Joey Beauchamp sneaking up and closing the locker room door on Brendan Idol. Joey Beauchamp wedges a mop handle so the door won't open and Brendan Idol will not be able to show for their match. [B]F[/B] Brendan Idol[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/BrendanIdol.jpg[/IMG] VS. Joey Beauchamp[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] Both combatants have been introduced and only Joey Beauchamp is in the ring. Oz Lord starts the count. When Oz hits three, there's a loud noise from out back. At 6 Brendan Idol comes sprinting down the entranceway. At 9 he slides under the ropes where Joey Beauchamp knocks him cold. Joey then toyed with Brendan and eventually Joey Beauchamp defeated Brendan Idol in 7:42 by pinfall. [B]D+[/B] Little Bill Lebowski[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] VS. Mark Smart[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] This was an interesting match that was pretty even until Mark Smart start to show some fatigue. It was at that point that Little Bill Lebowski defeated Mark Smart in 10:34 by submission. These two looked to work pretty good with each other and that's a good thing. [B]E+[/B] Little Bill Lebowski [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] Little Bill Lebowski having just finished his match, makes a quick exit to the back. He is mumbling to himself as he does. [B]F+[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] Angel De Mexico[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] VS. Masked Cougar[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] I have to admit this one should have been better. Angel seemed off his game. I don't know if it's the language barrier or if it was something else. Nevertheless the match ended at the 14:46 mark with a pin. Ángel De México defeated Masked Cougar in 14:46 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. [B]D-[/B] Masked Cougar [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] Masked Cougar grabs the microphone and just goes off on Angel De Mexico. Angel and Jennifer just head on to the back. Cougar continues to rant and rave. The gist of it all being that He should be the one advancing in the tournament not someone who needs a cha-cha to speak for him. Fortunately he runs out of steam after three minutes. [B]F+[/B] Gary Jackson [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/GaryJacksonAlt.jpg[/IMG] I hop in the ring to thank the fans for coming out. Then I remind them to be sure to attend the next show[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/HighClass.jpg[/IMG] where we will crown the first BlueGrass Wrestling Champion. The last thing i leave them with is the announcement that they can watch the show again on the company website as soon as tomorrow morning. [B]F+[/B] With that the show closed. [B]D-[/B]
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[B]January 21[/B] I logged onto the forums on our site a couple hours after posting the show and the posts are very positive about the show. Hopefully we will see an increase in live bodies at BGW High Class. We also start the hype machine on the Semi-final matches. Angel De Mexico VS. Little Bill Lebowski Joey Beauchamp VS. Kashmir Singh The winners meet in the MAIN EVENT to be crowned BGW Champion!!! [B]January 24[/B] We got word of a really cool Indy show that was put on in Canada. So I hopped on the net and after scouting the matches, have decided that I will not be making any acquisitions. [B]January 27[/B] Wow. The word is they had a sellout crowd of 300 for the Rip Chord Invitational which was won by Mainstream Hernandez. Eddie Howard lost the final match after upsetting The Mean Machine in the first round. [B]February 1, 2007[/B] Well we got the books balanced today and the news wasn't that bad. For the whole month we lost $2,400. Merchandise is one area where we should see an improvement as we become more popular. Realistically, it can't get much worse. [B]February 6[/B] I've spent the last 6 days reading about all the new TV Shows and PPV deals being signed. All I want is more than 12 people to show up at our next show. [B]February 8[/B] Word of an American Indy show was all over the net and I was able to track down the footage. I'm going to send out two offers and we will see if anything comes out of it.
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[B]February 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/HighClass.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance: 17 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Match 1:[B]E+[/B] Angle :[B]E-[/B] Match 2:[B]D+[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] I start this show like I plan to start them all. I, Gary Jackson, am in the ring and I welcome all Seventeen fans in attendance. I then remind them that tonight BGW will crown its first Champion. "In fact, I'll get out of the ring and get the first semi-final started." [B]E-[/B] [B]BGW Championship Semi-final[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico VS. Little Bill Leboswki[/B] Great chemistry between these two! A shorter match than usual due to the winner having to go again. Ángel De México defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 5:40 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Angel De Mexico will be in the Championship match later tonight. [B]D-[/B] Little Bill Lebowski having just tasted defeat, makes a quick exit to the back. He is mumbling to himself like he did last show when he won??? [B]E-[/B] [B]BGW Championship Semi-final[/B] [B]Joey Beauchamp VS. Kashmir Singh[/B] Kashmir Singh is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, K-Squared comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting Kashmir. Kashmir does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too. [B]F-[/B] Things are pretty even with Kashmir keeping a watch on K-Squared when K-Squared stands up and takes off his shirt. Underneath is the "Singhing the Pain" T-Shirt he stole from Kashmir last show. As Kashmir moves to exit the ring Joey Beauchamp takes advantage and gets a roll-up victory. Joey Beauchamp defeated Kashmir Singh in 7:37 by pinfall. Joey Beauchamp will be facing Angel De Mexico in the Main Event tonight for the BGW Championshp. [B]D[/B] K-Squared moves into the ring as Kashmir heads out back. He hops on the mic "Kashmir. You are sooooo bad. "Singhing the Pain"? Watch my match from the back and I'll show you someone "Bring the Pain". [B]F[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. K-Squared[/B] Cal Sanders defeated K-Squared in 9:40 by pinfall. During the match we also had Kashmir Singh run in and attack K-Squared. You HAD to know Kashmir couldn't sit back and do nothing.... [B]D-[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]BGW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] Angel De Mexico[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] VS. Joey Beauchamp[IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] This was a very nice match between these two. The speed of ADM ended up being the key to the victory as he wore Joey down and hit his finishing move. Ángel De México defeated Joey Beauchamp in 16:28 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México wins the BGW Championship title. [B]D[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/JenniferHeat.jpg[/IMG] Having picked up the victory, Ángel De México celebrates in the ring with his manager Jennifer Heat. [B]F+[/B] With the celebration winding down, I move into the ring and thank the fans for coming out. "Be sure to check the net tomorrow moring to watch the show again. Also, be sure to join us next month for [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LiveWire.jpg[/IMG] to see who ADM defends his title against. I'm sure Kashmir Singh and K-Squared will have some sort of interaction. And what's up with Little Bill Lebowski?? Thanks again for coming out and see you next month". With that the show ended. [B]D[/B] [B]February 21[/B] Post show buzz on the net:The feedback has been extremely positive, it was apparently a great show for them.
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[B]March 1, 2007[/B] I've been able to reach one more working agreement while also being turned down by NYCW for a working agreement. With the books balanced the outcome was a bit better this month. We only dropped $1,851. Merchandise sales did increase, but they still really aren't "paying the bills". The Press Release on our website now shows the Main Event for BGW LIVE WIRE is going to be Angel De Mexico VS. TBA(To Be Announced). [B]March 7[/B] We have signed a new worker. He's an ex-football player who injured himself(not Des Davids). We also have loaned out one worker and of course have access to one temporarily. Another American Indy show was held and while there is talent to be had, we are pretty well full at the moment. Also, no one is so much better than what we have that we need to bring them in. [B]March 11[/B] Joey Beauchamp gave me a call to let me know that 21st Century Wrestling had offered him a deal. So I got on the phone and have asked Jeff Nova if they would like to hammer out a Working Agreement. [B]March 12[/B] Thanks mate, but no thanks. That was the response I got from 21CW. So I'm going to have to be prepared for Joey to be leaving. However, that would also mean he would have to give up his nice gig with UCR. He might just not sign with 21CW or he might only sign another PPA. [B]March 15[/B] Joey Beauchamp called and said he had decided to sign with 21CW. The good news for us is that it's just another PPA. The bad news for us is that's 3 PPA's so he will be very busy and might not re-sign with us as we are the smallest fed he works for. [B]March 17[/B] I just got off the phone with Masked Cougar. WLW want him to go on tour with them. I would expect him to jump at the chance to rejoin them.
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[B]March 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LiveWire.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance: 15 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Match 1:[B]D+[/B] Angle :[B]E-[/B] Match 2:[B]D-[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] "Have we got a show for you tonight, you might be asking yourselves." Well, of course we do. What will be Little Bill's reaction after his match tonight considering that he's in the Main Event wrestling for the title? Also, K-Squared has asked for some mic time and will get it. As always, I want to thank each and everyone of you who came out to catch the show. Now let's get this show started. [B]F+[/B] [B]Brendan Idol VS. Thomas Morgan[/B] A nice quick match to get us started. Brendan Idol defeated Thomas Morgan in 5:55 by pinfall. [B]D[/B] Marc Speed comes out to the ring with a microphone and introduces himself. He claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match. [B]E[/B] It doesn't take long for a rather large "man-beast" to come out from the back. He lets it be known that Bulldozer Brandon Smith doesn't back down from ANY challenge. "I'll be more than happy to show you the error of your ways Mr. Speed. [B]E+[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith VS. Marc Speed[/B] So we have two wrestlers who are new to BGW facing off against each other. BBS is known from his football days at the University of Minnesota and Marc Speed is known from his work for CZCW. A really good match from these two as BBS was really working stiff. However, it was the in-ring experience that paid off for Marc Speed as he was able to win via pinfall at the 7:49 mark. [B]D[/B] K-Squared comes out to take advantage of his mic time. He's wearing Kashmir's T-Shirt. "I've thought about taking the scissors to this shirt. I know I would really enjoy that. However, I just got the approval of Preston Holt for a match at BGW Got Milk? next month. Kashmir Singh Vs. K-Squared. If I win, you have to take the scissors to your shirt. If you somehow get lucky and win, you get your T-Shirt back. [B]F[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. Masked Cougar[/B] A surprising result as the Lumberjack Cal Sanders gets the better of Masked Cougar in 9:39. [B]D[/B] As soon as Cal Sanders hits the back, a [B]LOUD[/B] argument can be heard out-back. So I scramble back there quickly. I'm treated to a chaotic scene involving Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Marc Speed, Brendan Idol and Cal Sanders. From what few snippets I can decipher, they are arguing over who should get the next title shot. Finally having enough, I somehow get their attention. "Next month at BGW Got Milk? we will see Bulldozer Brandon Smith taking on Cal Sanders and Brendan Idol taking on Marc Speed with the winners facing off in the Main Event with the winner getting a title shot at BGW Wild Side." [B]E-[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]BGW Championship[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] VS. [B]Little Bill Lebowski[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] Ángel De México defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 13:53 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México makes defence number 1 of his BGW Championship title. These two work so well together. Unfortunately, ADM and Jennifer Heat just don't look like they are working out. She's fine and he's fine, they just don't pair well. Nevertheless, possibly our best match ever. [B]D+[/B] After taking the defeat, Little Bill Lebowski [B]SPRINTS[/B] back to the locker room. I just don't understand why he has such a strange post-match "routine". [B]E-[/B] I decided to shake things up and have Jennifer Heat handle the end of show procedures of thanking the fans and reminding them about the matches being available on the net. She also put over all the great matches already scheduled for [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/GotMilk.jpg[/IMG]. She did a very nice job. Probably better than I have been doing. [B]E-[/B] With that, the show ended. [B]D+[/B] [B]March 21[/B] Initial feedback has been extremely positive. "It was apparently a great show from them." Have to love it. We will be looking to do something different with Jennifer Heat, but it will take a few shows to separate her from ADM. [B]March 22[/B] Masked Cougar will be going on tour with WLW. We knew it was going to be a reality. [B]April 1, 2007[/B] Worker costs were up. Sponsorship money was up. Merchandise was almost non-existant. We lost $2,550 in March. It's a good thing that the April show is planned to used just a few workers. The Stomper hung up his boots.
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[B]April 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/GotMilk.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance: 13 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Match 1:[B]D-[/B] Angle :[B]F+[/B] Match 2:[B]D-[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] What do you want? milk What do you want? milk What do you want? [B]MILK!!![/B] Well then it's a good thing that BlueGrass Wrestling [B]HAS[/B] Milk. I proceed to thank the fans who continue to come out and support us. "Please bring a friend or two EACH next month." [B]E-[/B] [B]#1 Contender Semi-final[/B] [B]Brendan Idol VS. Marc Speed[/B] Our guy against the guy on loan. The fans were behind Brendan and so was Marc as he was making Brendan tap 5:59 in. So we have an "outsider" in the MAIN EVENT with a chance at the title on the line. [B]D[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith is on the mic from the back. "No way a Lumberjack is going to beat the Dozer. They always bring a Dozer in to push the trees down when they need it done right anyhow." [B]E+[/B] [B]#1 Contender Semi-final[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith VS. Cal Sanders[/B] Cal Sanders chopped the big man down. You can clearly see that BBS will be a factor with more ring time. Cal Sanders defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 5:43 by pinfall. [B]D[/B] The match is over, and Cal Sanders is celebrating. Bulldozer Brandon Smith looks angry, and jumps him from behind, beating him down. BBS repeatedly ran Cal's shoulder into the ringpost. He's going to have a tough time against Marc Speed in the Main Event. [B]F+[/B] [B]Shirt VS. Scissors[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh VS. K-Squared[/B] Very nice match from these two that went back and forth that saw Kashmir Singh defeat K-Squared in 10:33 by pinfall. [B]D-[/B] Kashmir Singh proudly dons his "Singhing the Pain" T-Shirt. [B]F[/B] [B]#1 Contender Match[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. Marc Speed[/B] Winner gets a title match BGW Wild Side. Cal came out with his shoulder wrapped to his side. He was gonna go at it one-armed!!! Marc wasn't sure if he was just pretending to be hurt and so was overly cautious in the early going. Midway thru the match Cal was really starting to have a hard time putting up much resistance and Marc was able to get in some clean shots on his shoulder. Eventually he was able to get control and unwrap the shoulder. He finally put Cal out of his misery as he made him tap out at the 17:21 mark. Marc Speed gets a shot at the title against Angel De Mexico at BGW Wild Side. Definitely the best match ever. [B]C-[/B] I moved to the ring thanking the fans for coming out and reminding them to be sure to attend the next show to see if Angel De Mexico can handle Marc Speed. "We will have another "guest star" coming in to. So be sure to be here. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ends. [B]D+[/B] [B]April 21[/B] I'd really like to see attendance turn upwards, but the economy and wrestling industry are both falling. The IWC seems to love us. The feedback has been extremely positive. [B]May 1,2007[/B] With the books balanced this was by far our best month financially. We only dropped $773. Granted we restricted the number of workers at the show. I do believe that we are at a point where the attendance will increase due to us getting more and more exposure. The fans also know what to expect from us as our shows have been of a good consistent quality. Snap Dragon has been announced as the "guest star" and he will be wrestling against Cal Sanders.
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[B]May 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/WildSide.jpg[/IMG] Paid Attendance:32 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky As you can see we have re-upped with the PSCC for the next four months. Also, BBS was contacted by and agreed to tour with WEXXV. [B]Pre-Show[/B] Angle :[B]E+[/B] Match 1:[B]D[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] I open the show with "Ladies and Gentlemen, let me be the first to say that we have a record crowd on hand tonight, so give yourselves a round of applause. We have an exciting MAIN EVENT for you tonight as Marc Speed gets his shot at the title against our champion Angel De Mexico. So, get on the edge of your seats and enjoy your trip to the [B]WILD SIDE[/B]. [B]E-[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith VS. Tempest Appleby[/B] The dozer takes on the dancer. You would expect that BBS would have been able to handle the fancy feet of Tempest Appleby but alas it was not to be. Tempest Appleby defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 5:46 by pinfall. [B]D[/B] Tempest breaks out in dance. Look at him go. Tempest Appleby just cut up a rug. [B]E-[/B] Joey Beauchamp has a microphone, and tears into Mark Smart, telling him that he is going to get easily beaten in their upcoming match. [B]E[/B] [B]Joey Beauchamp VS. Mark Smart[/B] Joey hasn't quite has the success here in BGW as he has overseas. That changed tonight as he defeated Mark Smart in 7:50 by pinfall. Not the best but passable. [B]D-[/B] Ángel De México(with help from Jennifer Heat) cuts a promo from out back, hyping up his upcoming title match with Marc Speed. [B]E+[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. Snap Dragon[/B] Snap Dragon was brought in for this match. He was supposed to lay down to Cal. Of course he wouldn't. So Snap Dragon defeated Cal Sanders in 9:33 by pinfall with a Dragon's Breath. At least it was a VERY good match. I might have to bring his contrary behind back. [B]D+[/B] [B]BGW Championship[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico VS. Marc Speed[/B] Angel has 1 defense thus far and Marc earned his way into this title shot last month at Got Milk? So would Angel's run be shorted out by the Speedball? Well that's why we let them wrestle. Ángel De México defeated Marc Speed in 15:42 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México makes defence number 2 of his BGW Championship title. Jennifer once again did a good job at ringside despite not having any chemistry with Angel. [B]D+[/B] I hop into the ring and thank the fans all THIRTY-TWO of them for coming out. "I hope you enjoyed yourselves tonight and will be back for [B]BGW IRON MEN[/B] next month. If you want to travel to Cincinnati in a couple weeks we will be putting on a 30 minute show there. As always this show will be on the net early tomorrow. See you next month. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ends. [B]D[/B] [B]May 21[/B] The feedback is similar to what it has been in the past. Also waiting for me on the answering machine was a message from Kashmir Singh that NOTBPW had contacted him about working for them. Not exactly what I wanted to hear. [B]May 25[/B] Well it's a good thing that Kashmir Singh won his T-Shirt back from K-Squared as he will be taking it with him North of the Border. He just signed a written deal with them. [B]June 1,2007[/B] Increased attendance with a tiny increase in Merchandise was not enough to make it a profitable month. $1,508 loss is the bad news that confronts me when the accountant dropped by the trailer. [B]June 7[/B] [B]BGW Get It On[/B] I decided to take it across the Ohio and have a little bitty 30 minute show in Cincinnati at the Ohio Jewish Center. Here is what happened. PAID Attendance:34 Ohio Jewish Center Cincinnati, Ohio Jennifer Heat brought out a new client of hers.....Antonio. [B]E[/B] Antonio debuts against Thomas Morgan. Antonio defeated Thomas Morgan in 3:35 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [B]D[/B] A nice start with the company. Masked Cougar returns to action against new employee Stretch The Chicken Boy. Masked Cougar defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy in 4:32 by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. MC was able to carry the match to a respectable [B]D-[/B] We gave the crowd a title match between Angel De Mexico and Little Bill Lebowski. Ángel De México defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 8:42 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México makes defence number 3 of his BGW Championship title. [B]D[/B] Masked Cougar comes running from out back and starts jawing with ADM. "I've been to Japan and have learned quite a lot. I want a shot at that strap you've been lucky to hang on to. [B]E-[/B] I stand up at the announcers desk and interrupt Masked Cougar. "Now now guys. This is easy to settle. Firstly, thanks to those of you in attendance tonight. We appreciate you coming out to support us. Secondly, Let's sign a match for [B]BGW Iron Men[/B]. Let's make it a House of Fun match for the [B]BGW Championship[/B] between Angel De Mexico and Masked Cougar." The crowd went wild.....well maybe not wild. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ends. [B]D[/B] [B]June 8[/B] The IWC seems to love what we are doing as we continue to get great feedback. We also use the show in Ohio to see how we could do out of state and I was impressed. It will probably be the only time we visit this year due to $$$ concerns. Don't let it get out, but at BGW IRON MEN, I'll be going with a minimalist approach. July's show is going to be expensive. There's some foreshadowing for you.
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[B]June 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/IronMen.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:31 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Angle 1:[B]F+[/B] Match 1:[B]D-[/B] Angle 2:[B]F+[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] "Welcome to [B]BGW Iron Men[/B]. Tonight's MAIN EVENT features Masked Cougar trying to get the strap off of Angel De Mexico. In the first match of the night, we get to see if Bulldozer Brandon Smith can pick up his first win here in BGW. So let's get this show started." [B]E-[/B] [B]Antonio VS. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] Antonio debuted at our experiment in Ohio and did really well. He was playing up the fact that BBS is a very large man. BBS was getting in some good offense and was getting a little over-confident when Antonio caught him with an Italian DDT for the pin and the win at the 5:55 mark. [B]D-[/B] To help introduce Antonio to our fans in Kentucky I had him come over to the announcers table. His manager Jennifer Heat helped him get through the interview which was a good thing as he was nervous. "I'ma really really really happy to be here. If Rip don't wanna help me no more, hey fuhgedaboutit." [B]F+[/B] Little Bill Lebowski is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Mark Smart. Smarty says something that Lebowski doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Smarty challenges Lebowski to meet him later tonight for a match. [B]E+[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. Joey Beauchamp[/B] Not much to say. Just a good normal match as Cal Sanders defeated Joey Beauchamp in 7:46 by submission. [B]D[/B] Mark Smart has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Little Bill Lebowski. [B]E-[/B] [B]Little Bill Lebowski VS. Mark Smart[/B] I had a feeling that these two would be very hot to get at each other. Little Bill Lebowski drew with Mark Smart in 9:46 following a double disqualification. Despite LBL being off his game, the fans got into the match. [B]D-[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]BGW Championship[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] VS. [B]Masked Cougar[/B][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] You could see just how much Masked Cougar wanted this one. Unfortunately for him, it was not to be as Ángel De México defeated Masked Cougar in 13:59 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México makes defence number 4 of his BGW Championship title. [B]D[/B] I was hoping for better out of that match. Jennifer Heat finished with her managerial duties, Thanks the crowd for coming out tonight and mentions that next month we will be crowning the [B]BGW King of the BlueGrass[/B]. Be sure to have your fans come out for that TWO hour show. More show for the same dough. [B]E[/B] With that the show ended. [B]D[/B] [B]June 21[/B] The feedback has been extremely positive for our latest show. Now I really have to start working on bringing in some talent for the tournament. It will be an expensive show and I really didn't cut back on the workers for [B]BGW Iron Men[/B] either. August is going to have to be where the belt gets tightened.
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[B]July 1,2007[/B] Well we had our biggest loss of $$$ to date($5,683). We did run a second show and that explains it, but I'm really going to have to start watching the workers fees if I'm going to be over $100,000 by the end of 2008. However, I'm excited by some of the names we are bringing in to challenge our guys for the King of the BlueGrass tournament title. The winner will be able to ask for a title match sometime in the first half of 2008. [B]July 3[/B] The pairings for the [B]BGW King of the BlueGrass[/B] tournament show were posted on our website today. Surprisingly, Angel De Mexico is not involved. Burning Exile takes on Cal Sanders Joey Beauchamp takes on Oscar Golden Bulldozer Brandon Smith takes on Remmy Skye Masked Cougar takes on Tempest Appleby There will be two other matches on the card to provide some rest for the tournament participants.
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[B]July 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/KOTB.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:34 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] No pre-show as there is so much going on. I put over the fact that the winner of the tournament gets a title shot of their choosing in the first six months of 2008. [B]F+[/B] [B]Burning Exile VS. Cal Sanders[/B] Cal Sanders defeated Burning EXILE in 5:34 by pinfall. Cal moves on to the semi-finals with this win. [B]D[/B] [B]Joey Beauchamp VS. Oscar Golden[/B] Joey Beauchamp defeated Oscar Golden in 5:39 by pinfall. Joey Beauchamp will take on Cal Sanders in the semis. Another good match. [B]D[/B] Ángel De México comes over to Jennifer Heat backstage. He says that he has been thinking about it a lot, and he feels there are too many differences between them that cannot be worked out, and that they should split up. He leaves, with Jennifer Heat looking upset. So Jennifer Heat will now only be managing Antonio. How will this affect the champions run? [B]E[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith VS. Remmy Skye[/B] Remmy Skye defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 5:41 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. Another solid opening round match. Remmy moves on to take on the winner of the next match. [B]D[/B] [B]Masked Cougar VS. Tempest Appleby[/B] These two have pretty good chemistry!! In the best match of the opening round, Masked Cougar defeated Tempest Appleby in 5:33 by pinfall with a High Rise Cougar Pounce. So Masked Cougar will face Remmy Skye in the semis. [B]C-[/B] [B]Jeremy Jazz VS. Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B] A match to give the guys a breather. Stretch The Chicken Boy defeated Jeremy Jazz in 9:10 by pinfall with a Poultry In Motion. This is what I expected. [B]E+[/B] K-Squared attacks Stretch The Chicken Boy in the ring, and knocks him down and out. K-Squared pulls a ladder out from under the ring, and slides it in. He uses it to batter Stretch even more, and ends by setting it up and posing on it, above the downed body of Stretch. Wow, what is it with K-Squared??? [B]F[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. Joey Beauchamp[/B] Back to the tournament!!! Steady, good, decent. Joey Beauchamp defeated Cal Sanders in 9:48 by pinfall. Joey Beauchamp is in the Finals!!! [B]D[/B] [B]Masked Cougar VS. Remmy Skye[/B] Will it be an all BGW final? Despite being off his game this match, Remmy Skye defeated Masked Cougar in 9:50 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. [B]D+[/B] In a wild tangent, In an interview, a furious Masked Cougar swears that he will get revenge on Ángel De México??? [B]F+[/B] [B]Brendan Idol VS. Rafael Ruiz[/B] Newcomer against regular. Another time eater for the tournament guys to rest. Nice match as Brendan Idol defeated Rafael Ruiz in 9:46 by pinfall. [B]D[/B] Joey Beauchamp cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Remmy Skye. The main theme being that he wasn't going to let an outsider win this title. [B]E+[/B] Remmy Skye cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Joey Beauchamp. Predictably, Remmy said the he WAS going to come into BGW and take the tournament title. [B]D-[/B] [B]BGW King of the BlueGrass[/B] [B]Joey Beauchamp VS. Remmy Skye[/B] In what was clearly the best match ever for [B]BlueGrass Wrestling[/B] Remmy Skye defeated Joey Beauchamp in 14:44 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. Remmy Skye wins the BGW King of the BlueGrass title. Will Remmy Skye be able to come back in the new year and get his title shot? Amazing match. [B]C[/B] Gary Jackson is in the ring thanking the fans for coming out and then reminds them to be sure to attend the next show. He also mentions that they can watch the show again on the company website as soon as tomorrow morning. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ended. [B]D+[/B] I'd like to say that I was going to have Remmy win it all along, but I can't. He was supposed to lay down to Joey Beauchamp to really set up a long-term plan. Now I just have a different way to get there. [B]July 21[/B] Great news from the net as fans no longer view us as a "Local" fed, they now view us as a "Small" fed according to a fan poll. Also, the feedback from KOTB has been extremely positive.
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[B]August 1,2007[/B] While feeling really good about everything except having to remember to bring Remmy Skye back sometime next year, Wille the accountant dropped by the trailer to let me see the books. He says it looks like our sponsorship money is getting to be somewhat substantial and the the fan really are starting to buy Merchandise. However, we still lost $1,729 in July. He gave me a strong suggestion that I turn it around soon or there would be no way to get the bank account where Preston Holt wants it to be. More news from Willie indicated that the Economy and the Wrestling Industry were both still falling in consumer confidence. [B]August 9[/B] In a surprising move INSPIRE let Marat Khoklov leave and join BHOTWG. He defended the title 15 times before losing it to Tadiyuki Kikkawa. He lost in two chances to get the belt back and left with a 19-6 record.
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[B]August 20[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/BurningUp.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:57 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Dark Match 1:[B]D+[/B] Angle :[B]E-[/B] Dark Match 2:[B]D[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] A record crowd for us at BGW. I welcome everyone to the show and give a quick listing of the matches for tonight. [B]F+[/B] [B]Antonio VS. Thomas Morgan[/B] Antonio defeated Thomas Morgan in 5:49 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. Jennifer Heat did some good work for Antonio at ringside. Still not sure how her pairing with Antonio is going to work out. [B]D[/B] We cut to out back where Masked Cougar and Joey Beauchamp are attacking Ángel De México, they leave him down and out. [B]E-[/B] Clearly the heels have it in for our champion. [B]K-Squared VS. Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B] These two both wanted this match after last months ladder beatdown K-Squared put on Stretch. The fans got into it and the wrestlers got too into it. K-Squared drew with Stretch The Chicken Boy in 8:02 following a double disqualification. [B]D-[/B] This one feels like it is just getting started. I just had to ask Stretch how he was doing after the match. "Well ya knows I'm Stretchy right. I's can bend and Stretch so's I's don't feels hurts so bad." [B]F+[/B] [B]Brendan Idol VS. Masked Cougar[/B] Excellent match as these two are pushing for a title shot. Masked Cougar defeated Brendan Idol in 11:14 by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. [B]C-[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get his first win in his upcoming title match against Ángel De México. Especially after the talk JB and MC had with my opponent. [B]E[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]BGW Championship[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico(C) VS. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] I really thought this would be a safe match as BBS hasn't won one yet. However, I didn't know ADM was going to be a little worse for wear before the match started. They really didn't click and Angel wasn't as hurt as he was letting on. Ángel De México defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 12:52 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México makes defence number 5 of his BGW Championship title. [B]C-[/B] Wow. Imagine if they had average chemistry. Jennifer Heat(with her increased Color Commentator job) is taking over the end of show spot. She thanked the fans for coming out. "Be sure to look for this show out on DVD very soon. Also, please join us next month for the start of our tag team tournament at [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LightningStrike.jpg[/IMG]. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ends. [B]D+[/B] I was really hoping for a C- grade for the show with the last two matches being C-. Nevertheless a very very good show. A new record attendance. Our first attempt at releasing a DVD. [B]August 21[/B] I'm going to get the big head, no not that....if I keep reading what the fans are saying about our shows. The feedback has been awesome, the small company has outshone some of the bigger promotion's recent efforts. That's great. Now let's hope we start making some profit!!! [B]September 1,2007[/B] Wille dropped by the trailer and gave me some good news. August was our second best month financially. while that was good news, it meant we still lost money. We were only down $932. I do think we are [I]this[/I] close to making money and it's not too soon. [B]September 9[/B] I get word that Joey Beauchamp is suffering from "Mover's Back Strain" which he suffered while working for 21CW. He should be fine in time for our show. [B]September 20[/B] Well I spent the last several days working out new contracts with everyone except my ref. So I've hired a couple of refs who I'll have to suffer with for a little while. I will get to run them out in the dark once each and then have to figure out which one is best.
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[B]September 21[/B] For the first time we are on a Sunday. [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LightningStrike.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:67 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Dark Match 1:[B]D-[/B] Angle :[B]E-[/B] Dark Match 2:[B]D-[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Gary Jackson is in the ring to open the show. He thanks the crowd for attending and then does a quick listing of the matches to be seen. I also let the fans know that Bulldozer Brandon Smith's flight back from Japan where he is touring with WEXXV was delayed and unfortunately he won't be here in time to wrestle tonight. [B]F+[/B] Antonio(with help from Jennifer Heat) cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Valentine. [B]E-[/B] Valentine is being thrust into the Main Show as the sub for BBS. [B]Antonio VS. Valentine[/B] Antonio defeated Valentine in 8:52 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. Valentine was off his game, most likely due to the nerves of it being his first show with the company. The ladies do like his outfit. [B]E+[/B] Good enough for a late sub, but honestly too low of a grade for the main show. Ángel De México comes to the ring. Masked Cougar , Joey Beauchamp , I want you two in a tag match next month at [B]Redneck Justice[/B]. I will let you know who my partner is right before the match. Are you two man enough to accept the challenge or will you continue your cowardly attacks? [B]E-[/B] [B]The Odd Squad VS. Troubled Youth[/B] First match in a long drawn out Tag Team Tournament. Troubled Youth defeated The Odd Squad in 14:16 when Joey Beauchamp defeated Frankie Dee by submission. [B]D-[/B] So Troubled Youth take the early lead in the tournament. Joey Beauchamp is backstage, psyching up Masked Cougar for his upcoming match. [B]E+[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]Cal Sanders VS. Masked Cougar[/B] Masked Cougar defeated Cal Sanders in 18:56 by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. A pretty nice match where Cal did the good stuff to put Masked Cougar over. [B]D+[/B] It was odd not having a title match on the show. Jennifer Heat is in the ring thanking the fans for coming out and then reminds them to be sure to attend the next show to find out who Angel De Mexico chooses as his tag team partner to take on Joey B and Masked C. She also mentions that the DVD of this show wil be available soon. [B]E[/B] With that the show ended. [B]D[/B] We were lucky with the grade we got considering the no-show of BBS. Add to that we stretched the matches longer than usual to "try" to hold down costs. The attendance is amazing considering that the economy and the wrestling industry are in the crapper. [B]September 22[/B] The IWC knows an average show from a good show. The feedback has been very positive instead of extremely positive. [B]October 1,2007[/B] Willie came by the trailer today with these words: "So close, yet so far". Of course that means we still lost money in September. Granted it was only $110. This was the first month we made money on merchandise and was the best month for sponsorship income. Now if only people would feel better about the economy AND the wrestlnig industry. In what may be bad news, Masked Cougar has been contacted TWICE to go on tour.
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[B]October 21[/B] We've increased our advertising and marketing starting with this show and for all future shows in the hope of growing our shows. However, our workers were getting plenty of attention before this show, so we run the risk of someone hiring some of our guys. [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/RedneckJustice.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:114 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Shepderdsville, Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Angle:[B]F+[/B] Match:[B]D-[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Gary Jackson is in the ring to open the show. He thanks the crowd for attending and then does a quick listing of the matches to be seen. [B]E-[/B] I didn't want to keep the fans waiting long. [B]Antonio VS. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] No flight problems tonight as we give the fans what we promised them last month. Antonio defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 6:17 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [B]D-[/B] Once again the Dozer can't finish with a victory. Ángel De México comes out and says that it is time for him to reveal his mystery partner for his upcoming tag match. Out comes Cal Sanders, and joins his partner in the ring. They pose for the fans and then head to the back to discuss strategy. [B]E[/B] [B]Frankie Dee VS. Rafael Ruiz[/B] Rafael Ruiz defeated Frankie Dee in 7:38 by submission. I was counting on Rafael to carry the match and he had an off night. [B]E[/b] Joey Beauchamp and Masked Cougar had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Ángel De México and Cal Sanders. [B]E[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith is shown backstage walking around, looking very unhappy. Who could blame him? He's lost every match he's had in BGW so far. [B]F+[/B] [B]Off The Hook VS. One of a Kind[/B] Second match in our long, long tag team tournament. Off The Hook defeated One of a Kind in 9:50 when Tempest Appleby defeated Valentine by pinfall. [B]D-[/B] Having picked up the victory, Off The Hook celebrate in the ring by dancing for the crowd. [B]E+[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico/Cal Sanders VS. Joey Beauchamp/Masked Cougar[/B] Can our champion get payback against the men who put a beatdown on him? Joey Beauchamp and Masked Cougar defeated Ángel De México and Cal Sanders in 14:37 when Masked Cougar defeated Cal Sanders by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. This was a very good match. The surprising thing is that Joey Beauchamp came out of the match looking good. [B]D[/B] Jennifer Heat closes the show by thanking our record crowd for coming out to our show. "I hope you will continue to support us as we look to give you the best wrestling that there is. You've seen all four teams who are in the Tag Team Tournament. That tournament will continue at [B]BGW Last Stand[/B]. Also, will Bulldozer Brandon Smith finally get a win? What's going to happen with our champion? You only need to join us next time to find out. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ended. [B]D[/B] I messed up this show by selecting the wrong referee to work the Main Show. It should still increase our popularity, but it surely won't be an extremely good show. [B]October 22[/B] Yep. We only have very positive feedback. I'll have to do a better job.
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[B]November 1,2007[/B] It was that time of the month. Yes, Willie the accountant was dropping by the trailer. Merchandise is continuing to grow and was a profit maker for the second month in a row. However, I still am using too many workers and we lost $1,627. Well, let's hope that 2008 will be a huge profitable year for us or I might be out of work. The Economy and the Wrestling Industry are still dropping in the consumers eyes which actually makes the progess with merchandising and attendance growth more impressive.
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[B]November 21[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/LastStand.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:100 Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville,Kentucky [B]Pre-Show[/B] Angle:[B]F+[/B] Match 1:[B]D[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Once again the show starts with me addressing the crowd. "The first match tonight will be a match in the tag team tournament. That will be followed by another epic struggle for Bulldozer Brandon Smith to get his first victory and last, but definitely not least is the MAIN EVENT. Antonio will get a chance to shine against Masked Cougar. [B]E-[/B] [B]Off the Hook VS. Troubled Youth[/B] Off The Hook drew with Troubled Youth in 8:53 following a double count out. The crowd HATED the finish of the match and crapped the rating. Joey Beauchamp did shine in the match. [B]E[/B] Both teams have 1 Win and 1 Draw. Masked Cougar comes out to the ring with a microphone. "Angel De Mexico. Angel....I'm going to make your life a living hell. Get the irony in that Angel. That strap you are masquerading around with should be MINE. Living Hell for you buddy, [B]BGW Championship[/B] for me..... [B]E[/B] [B]Brendan Idol Vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] Brendan Idol defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 12:31 by submission. The crowd seems to be getting behind BBS as he continues to lose. He was less than totally concentrating on the match however. [B]D[/B] Masked Cougar is in the ring, and calls out Ángel De México to watch his match against Antonio to see what he was going to do to Angel. As soon as Ángel De México appears he gets jumped by Joey Beauchamp, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Ángel De México down and out. [B]E[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]Antonio[/B][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] VS. [B]Masked Cougar[/B][IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] Masked Cougar defeated Antonio in 19:10 by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. A nice long match which was marred by the two workers not clicking. Still ended up being good enough for the fans. [B]D[/B] Jennifer Heat consoles Antonio on his loss then gets on the mic to end the show. "As is our custom here in [B]BGW[/B] we want to thank you the fans for supporting us. Be sure to join us for [B]BGW Ca$h Money[/B] next month to see your champion back in the ring, this time against Rafael Ruiz. We will also see the next match in our Long, Long Tag Team Tournament(TM©right LLTTT). Drive safely and have a great night. [B]E[/B] With that the show ended. [B]D[/B] Not the best show, but acceptable. Next show goes back to four matches and that should allow for a better grade. [B]November 22[/B] Once again the feedback was very positive. I need to get that back up to extremely positive if I can. [B]December 1,2007[/B] We lost $2,431 when Merchandise took a nosedive. I'm going to cut back on the advertising and marketing in hopes of lowering costs while not losing too much attendance. The Internet will be getting the video of our next few shows until we get the show quality back up.
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[B]December 21[/B] [IMG]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/CashMoney.jpg[/IMG] PAID Attendance:[B]52[/B] Paroquet Springs Conference Center Sheperdsville,Kentucky Attendance dipped more than I thought it would, but the economy is really hurting people right now. [B]Pre-Show[/B] Match 1:[B]E+[/B] Angle:[B]F+[/B] Match 2:[B]D[/B] [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] I start the main show from the announcers table. Ladies and Gentlemen. [B]BGW[/B] welcomes you to [B]BGW CA$H MONEY[/B]. Our Champion, Angel De Mexico is defending the [B]BGW Championshp[/B] tonight in the Main Event against Rafeal Ruiz. Everyones favorite loser, Bulldozer Brandon Smith is once again in the ring, we also have another insallment in the LLTTT. So let's kick off!!! [B]E-[/B] [B]One of a Kind VS. The Odd Squad[/B] The Odd Squad defeated One of a Kind in 5:34 when Stretch The Chicken Boy defeated Valentine by pinfall with a Poultry In Motion. The Odd Squad have a 1-1 record while One of a Kind are 0-2. [B]E+[B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith VS. Mark Smart[/B] Mark Smart defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 7:58 by pinfall with a Smart Attack. The streak continues. [B]D[/B] A very nice match. Bulldozer Brandon Smith is being helped back down the aisle by a team of officials and medics, having just suffered a defeat. Mark Smart is in the ring with a microphone, and proceeds to taunt Bulldozer about the loss. Bulldozer tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials heavily outnumber him and drag him backstage. [B]E-[/B] Joey Beauchamp and Masked Cougar attack Cal Sanders backstage, and leave him down and out. Clearly they targeted Cal due to his association with ADM. [B]E-[/B] [B]Brendan Idol VS. K-Squared[/B] Brendan Idol defeated K-Squared in 10:47 by submission. Not a lot to say. [B]D[/B] The fans liked this somewhat straight-forward match. [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]BGW Championship[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico VS. Rafael Ruiz[/B] These two didn't click, yet they put on our best match in months!!! Ángel De México defeated Rafael Ruiz in 14:44 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Ángel De México makes defence number 6 of his BGW Championship title. Even with all the distractions, ADM keeps on winning. [B]C-[/B] Jennifer Heat is in the ring thanking the fans for coming out and then reminds them to be sure to attend the next show. She also mentions that they can watch the show again on the company website as soon as tomorrow morning. [B]E-[/B] With that the show ended. [B]D+[/B] [B]December 22[/B] Now we're talking. The feedback has been awesome. Local man Mathew Laurent seemed to doubt what another person had posted about our company outshining some of the bigger promotion's recent efforts. I still was pumped to see the show better received. I did still spend too much on workers. [B]January 1,2008[/B] What would Willie say? I've planned out [B]BGW On The Top[/B] with finances in mind. However, it just seems like I'm still spending too much money. If I don't like the news from Willie next month, I'll be going down to 30 minute shows as much as I don't want to. The news from Willie on New Years Day? Down $2,150. Merchandise picked up to a profitable level. January looks to be our last 60 minute show unless something really good happens.
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