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#81 GDE71 - Phil Vibert #82 Imarevenant - Nevada Nuclear #83 theunholyicon - The Great Hisato #84 Remianen - Yuma Maruya #85 Remianen - Melody Cuthill #86 theunholyicon - [B]Axxis Jr.[/B] #87 Imarevenant - [B]Chris Caufield[/B] #88 GDE71 - [B]Darren Smith[/B] #89 GDE71 - [B]9PM Friday/2 hours/GBA[/B] #90 Imarevenant - [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] #91 theunholyicon - [B]Sam Sparrow[/B] #92 Remianen -
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So far we have... [QUOTE=theunholyicon;172821][B][U]Current Rosters [/U][/B] [U][B]RQW[/B][/U] Dan Stone Jr. (Written) Bryan Vessey (Written) Buddy Garner (Written) Eisaku Kunomasu (Written) Yoshimi Mushashibo (Written) Art Reed (Written) Samoan Machine (Written) SUKI (Written) Louis Figo Manico (Written) Hell Monkey (Written) Lobster Warrior (PPA) Eisaku Hoshino (PPA) Dark Angel (PPA) Haruki Kudo (PPA) Hiroaki Nakasawa (PPA) Koki Ishibashi (PPA) Li Bingci (PPA) Magnum Kobe (PPA) Professor Nero (PPA) Duan Fry (PPA) Phil Vibert (PPA) Darren Smith (PPA) (Referee) 9PM Friday/2 hours/GBA (TV Show) [B][U]EWA[/U][/B] Tommy Cornell (Written) Eddie Peak (Written) Bryan Holmes (Written) Champagne Lover (Written) Randy Bumfhole (Written) Zimmy Bumfhole (Written) Burning EXILE (Written) Remo Richardson (Written) Troy Tornado (Written) Acid (Written) Johnny Bloodstone (PPA) Guide (PPA) Scout (PPA) Liberty (PPA) BLZ Bubb (PPA) Texas Pete (PPA) Sam Strong (PPA) Ultimate Phoenix (PPA) Akima Brave (PPA) Jacob Jett (PPA) Nevada Nuclear (PPA) Chris Caufield (PPA) Big Cat Brandon (PPA) [B][U]WCW[/U][/B] Sensational Ogiwara (Written) Wanda Fish (Written) Joanne Rodriguez (Written) Megumi Nakajima (Written) Thunder Hike (Written) Kit Hayamoto (Written) Kiko Sakakibara (Written) Huntress Makiko (Written) Devils Daughter (Written) Victoria Stone (Written) Saori Nakadan (PPA) Crusher Ichihara (PPA) Jason Azaria (PPA) Emma Chase (PPA) Tsugiharu Odaka (PPA) Rip Chord (PPA) Cherry Bomb (PPA) Tamara McFly (PPA) Saeko Hiroyuki (PPA) Ikuko Temko (PPA) Yuma Maruya (PPA) Melody Cuthill (PPA) [B][U]WTF[/U][/B] Sean McFly (Written) Jeremy Stone (Written) Marc DuBois (Written) Wolf Hawkins (Written) Jack Bruce (Written) Angry Gilmore (Written) Sensational Dragon (Written) Elemental II (Written) Human Arsenal (Written) Steve DeColt (Written) Christian Faith (PPA) Peter Michaels (Announcer) (PPA) Alex DeColt (PPA) Joey Minnesota (PPA) Chief Two Eagles (PPA) (Road Agent) Black Eagle (PPA) PRIDE Koiso (PPA) Runaway Train (PPA) Phenomenal E. (PPA) The Great Hisato (PPA) Axxis Jr. (PPA) Sam Sparrow (Referee) (PPA)[/QUOTE]
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#85 Remianen - Melody Cuthill #86 theunholyicon - Axxis Jr. #87 Imarevenant - Chris Caufield #88 GDE71 - Darren Smith #89 GDE71 - 9PM Friday/2 hours/GBA #90 Imarevenant - Big Cat Brandon #91 theunholyicon - Sam Sparrow #92 Remianen - [B]Raven Nightfall[/B] #93 Remianen - [B]WCW Livewire/10pm Wednesday/2hr/GNN Total Sports[/B] #94 theunholyicon #95 Imarevenant #96 GDE71 Oh and if it needs noting: Jason Azaria - Announcer Emma Chase - Color Commentator Rip Chord - Road Agent Tsugiharu Odaka - Referee
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#89 GDE71 - 9PM Friday/2 hours/GBA #90 Imarevenant - Big Cat Brandon #91 theunholyicon - Sam Sparrow #92 Remianen - Raven Nightfall #93 Remianen - WCW Livewire/10pm Wednesday/2hr/GNN Total Sports #94 theunholyicon - [B]WTF Throwdown/9PM Friday/ 2hr/America 1 Sports[/B] #95 Imarevenant - [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] #96 GDE71 - [B]Unknown (his last thing on the list was Remo Richardson who has been taken) [/B] So, I think we should have one round left?
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Can't believe I didn't notice 2 of my list had been picked up on Writtens. 24. Masaru Ugaki 25. Kozue Kawashima Am I correct that if I want anymore people on the roster that I'll have to negotiate with them? Also, is there anyway to find out what my payroll is looking like? Thanks for the fun.....
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Yeah, I can give you guys heads up on the payroll, after the first month, if thats okay. (Easier than tracking it all down you see.) And (to make it fair) anyone after that will be negotiated with through me, in which the contracts preceedings I will message you, and so on. I will not go after anyone on anyones list, to be fair. Unless I NEED them. (I needed Burnine EXILE but saw him on Imarevenants list, and he was like his next pick, and Burning wouldn't have been my next pick so I left him alone) And what I need from you guys now, is titles, tag teams, stables, etc. any key notes. The formation and set up of your federation. I can just use automatic pushes for now if you want, but I'm sure some of you have a certain mold you want to work around.
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;173550]So far we have...[/QUOTE] Current Rosters RQW Dan Stone Jr. (Written) Bryan Vessey (Written) Buddy Garner (Written) Eisaku Kunomasu (Written) Yoshimi Mushashibo (Written) Art Reed (Written) Samoan Machine (Written) SUKI (Written) Louis Figo Manico (Written) Hell Monkey (Written) Lobster Warrior (PPA) Eisaku Hoshino (PPA) Dark Angel (PPA) Haruki Kudo (PPA) Hiroaki Nakasawa (PPA) Koki Ishibashi (PPA) Li Bingci (PPA) Magnum Kobe (PPA) Professor Nero (PPA) Duan Fry (PPA) Phil Vibert (PPA) Darren Smith (PPA) (Referee) 9PM Friday/2 hours/GBA (TV Show) Masaru Ugaki (PPA) Kozue Kawashima (PPA) EWA Tommy Cornell (Written) Eddie Peak (Written) Bryan Holmes (Written) Champagne Lover (Written) Randy Bumfhole (Written) Zimmy Bumfhole (Written) Burning EXILE (Written) Remo Richardson (Written) Troy Tornado (Written) Acid (Written) Johnny Bloodstone (PPA) Guide (PPA) Scout (PPA) Liberty (PPA) BLZ Bubb (PPA) Texas Pete (PPA) Sam Strong (PPA) Ultimate Phoenix (PPA) Akima Brave (PPA) Jacob Jett (PPA) Nevada Nuclear (PPA) Chris Caufield (PPA) Big Cat Brandon (PPA) EWA Uprising/10pm Thursday/2hr/National Pride TV (TV Show) Shane Sneer (PPA) [B](I gave him to you as your last uncontested pick, if you want to change this please send me a message, I just chose one guy off your signing guys that you needed and added him here to finish the original roster) [/B] WCW Sensational Ogiwara (Written) Wanda Fish (Written) Joanne Rodriguez (Written) Megumi Nakajima (Written) Thunder Hike (Written) Kit Hayamoto (Written) Kiko Sakakibara (Written) Huntress Makiko (Written) Devils Daughter (Written) Victoria Stone (Written) Saori Nakadan (PPA) Crusher Ichihara (PPA) Jason Azaria (PPA) Emma Chase (PPA) Tsugiharu Odaka (PPA) Rip Chord (PPA) Cherry Bomb (PPA) Tamara McFly (PPA) Saeko Hiroyuki (PPA) Ikuko Temko (PPA) Yuma Maruya (PPA) Melody Cuthill (PPA) Raven Nightfall (PPA) WCW Livewire/10pm Wednesday/2hr/GNN Total Sports (PPA) Ginko Kuroda (PPA) WTF Sean McFly (Written) Jeremy Stone (Written) Marc DuBois (Written) Wolf Hawkins (Written) Jack Bruce (Written) Angry Gilmore (Written) Sensational Dragon (Written) Elemental II (Written) Human Arsenal (Written) Steve DeColt (Written) Christian Faith (PPA) Peter Michaels (Announcer) (PPA) Alex DeColt (PPA) Joey Minnesota (PPA) Chief Two Eagles (PPA) (Road Agent) Black Eagle (PPA) PRIDE Koiso (PPA) Runaway Train (PPA) Phenomenal E. (PPA) The Great Hisato (PPA) Axxis Jr. (PPA) Sam Sparrow (Referee) (PPA) Adrian Garcia (Color Commentator) (PPA) WTF Throwdown Fridays/9PM America One Sports/2hr (TV Show)
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;173866]Current Rosters EWA Tommy Cornell (Written) Eddie Peak (Written) Bryan Holmes (Written) Champagne Lover (Written) Randy Bumfhole (Written) Zimmy Bumfhole (Written) Burning EXILE (Written) Remo Richardson (Written) Troy Tornado (Written) Acid (Written) Johnny Bloodstone (PPA) Guide (PPA) Scout (PPA) Liberty (PPA) BLZ Bubb (PPA) Texas Pete (PPA) Sam Strong (PPA) (Road Agent) Ultimate Phoenix (PPA) Akima Brave (PPA) Jacob Jett (PPA) Nevada Nuclear (PPA) Chris Caufield (PPA) Big Cat Brandon (PPA) EWA Uprising/10pm Thursday/2hr/National Pride TV (TV Show) Shane Sneer (PPA) [B](I gave him to you as your last uncontested pick, if you want to change this please send me a message, I just chose one guy off your signing guys that you needed and added him here to finish the original roster) [/B] [/QUOTE] That pick is good, thank you. I'll send you the stuff you need ASAP What are we doing about Owners though, are we picking somebody from our roster, letting the game decide, or playing freestyle where we start out as owners?
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K, so technically since it is still the holidays and New Years is coming up, don't expect this too be done anytime soon. I figure January 2nd hopefully. Promotions are all up and made, and the contracts that I could remember are all imported and some deleted from their original promotions if it was a written contract. But I'm gonna have to write them all down by hand and do it that way, because I don't want to go in, each time, find someone, forget something, close out of the window and go back to this screen. So yeah, and I'm busy come tomorrow night (Liddell/Ortiz) and new years (booze)
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;174061]Promotions are all up and made, and the contracts that I could remember are all imported and some [B]deleted from their original promotions [/B]if it was a written contract. [/QUOTE] Sorry but I have another question. This brought up something for me. Are SWF, TCW, NOTBPW and the National<----->Global promotions still in game.....because if so, I think we all need to prepare for a massive raid on our PPA guys as soon as the game starts up.
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;174103]Do you want to just sign all workers to writtens?[/QUOTE] That, or we take those feds out (leaving the smaller feds in that don't sign writtens) or knock them down in size, and make it a competition between the four of us to see who can rise the quickest. Either way (writtens or adjusting SWF, TCW, etc.) is cool with me though, even doing nothing and seeing what happens would at least be interesting :D .
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