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Antitrust - The End of a Monopoly

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[CENTER][COLOR=Red][B][SIZE=3]SCAR Burn the Evidence - Live on North American Prime Select Sunday, Week 3, March 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Isaak Road Arena (Mid-Atlantic) Attendance: 9,847[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][B] MATCH 1 CALAMARI KID vs. CHRIS ROCKWELL[/B][/COLOR] The former backyard star made good use of the ropes in the opener, nearly flipping his way to a victory over his former friend. But Rockwell wore down his legs, specifically targeting the knees to hamper his high-risk offense. Calamari worked up a head of steam and went for his top rope spinning heel kick that waylaid Rockwell in his match against Bruce, but it was caught and turned into a cloverleaf. Kid struggled valiantly to get out, but eventually had to tap before permanent damage was done. [COLOR=Red][B] Winner: Chris Rockwell at 12:12, C[/B][/COLOR] Cut to an interview with [COLOR=Red][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR]. He was fired up and stated that his only problem tonight would be having to leave the cage, since he’d rather beat Gilmore unconscious and pin him. [COLOR=Red][B]B MATCH 2 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY vs. SHOCK AND AWE (w/ General Rodriguez) (C)[/B][/COLOR] Short and sloppy, this was nothing more than a angry brawl that didn’t take long to break down. Referee Jay Fair took an elbow at the one minute mark and was out like a light, awaking only when a top-rope shoulder tackle from Butcher Braun on JD Morgan was enough to get three and send an elated Rodriguez’ arm up into the air. ([I]Fry: Mind games and all, the champions weather the storm! Phunk: I didn’t think they would do it![/I]) [COLOR=Red][B] Winners, and still SCAR Tag Team Champions: Shock and Awe at 6:51, D-[/B][/COLOR] Chris Rockwell was found by cameras getting dressed after his match, and he bragged that he never had a doubt he’d beat “[I]that cartoon character[/I]” Calamari Kid. He said his run of excellence wouldn’t be stopping until he was at the top of SCAR. [COLOR=Red][B]B- MATCH 3 JOE SEXY vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] Datsun was a step behind Sexy in this one, possibly as a result of being choked unconscious on Thursday. Sexy braved one last-ditch-attempt set of offense from Datsun and rolled through a crossbody to pull Freddie up and nail him with the One Night Stand. [COLOR=Red][B] Winner: Joe Sexy at 8:56, C-[/B][/COLOR] The backstage interviewer tried to talk to [COLOR=Red][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] on his way to the ring, but [COLOR=Red][B]John Greed[/B][/COLOR] pulled the microphone in front of his own face. “[I]The time for talking is over, bub. Mainstream’s gonna say everything that needs to be said on top of that ladder, with me right there watching him do it.[/I]” [COLOR=Red][B]D- MATCH 4 TRIPLE THREAT LADDER MATCH “THE BIRD MAN” MATT SPARROW vs. KID TOMA vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (w/ John Greed) (C)[/B][/COLOR] Greed did just watch for the opening minutes, but grew worried when his client took a hell of a beating from Toma and Sparrow. Hernandez tried to madly dash up the ladder and grab his title, but Sparrow climbed up behind him and hit a nasty falling reverse DDT that wowed the crowd. Greed got antsy on the outside, and later, when Toma spilled out to the floor, Greed tried to kick him underneath the ring apron, but Toma struck back by hauling out a second ladder and clobbering Greed with it. Near the end, both Toma and Sparrow had set up ladders side-by-side and were simultaneously racing to the top. ([I]Fry: One of these men is going to get it![/I]) When they’d got to the top rung, Toma jumped over to Sparrow’s ladder and tried to make him fall with forearm strikes. They battled hard, and Mainstream Hernandez climbed the other ladder to join the fray. Toma and Sparrow immediately targeted him, with Toma nailing him with hard headbutts. John Greed, sensing that Hernandez was almost done, hooked a ladder from the outside of the ring and yanked it over, sending Toma and Sparrow crashing down on top of it. Hernandez was barely able to reach up and pull his belt down. ([I]Fry: Hernandez retains! But John Greed’s involvement was needed to do it. Phunk: If there ain’t no rule against it, it flies![/I]) [COLOR=Red][B] Winner, and still SCAR Body Count Champion: Mainstream Hernandez at 15:40, C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, Freddie Datsun was getting checked out by a trainer, who shone a light in each of his eyes. [COLOR=Red][B]Enforcer Roberts [/B][/COLOR]wandered up and mocked this, also looking closely at his eyes. “[I]Geez, Freddie, hope you weren’t too banged up out there to give it your best shot. What’s the next stop on the Freddie Datsun Obscurity Tour? MAW?[/I]” Datsun snapped, and nailed Roberts in the forehead with the trainer’s metal first aid kit. He leapt onto Roberts and starting railing on him as officials poured into the fray. [COLOR=Red][B]C+ MATCH 5 THE BRUCES (Jack and Bulldozer Brandon) vs. THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS (Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole)[/B][/COLOR] Jack is the seasoned vet, but he ended up being the one in distress when Bart and Zimmy held him up in their corner. He finally made a tag to his well-rested cousin, who cleaned house, belly-to-belly suplexing Zimmy over his head into Biggz. Jack took Zimmy to the floor, and Bulldozer Brandon destroyed Bart with a jackhammer move that got three. Jack came back in and raised his cousin’s hand. ([I]Fry: What a first match, and what a first win for Brandon Bruce![/I]) [COLOR=Red][B] Winners: the Bruces at 11:36, C- Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] was pacing backstage until he noticed the camera, and smirked. “[I]Despite the fact that I’m the champion of the world, despite the fact that I know I’m the best professional wrestler today… I have to admit that stepping into a steel cage with that psycho Remo is not something I want to do. I had my doubts about whether I’d come out of the ring with my belt, with my pride—hell, with my head left my shoulders. So last night, I did something I don’t do very much. I picked up a Bible.[/I]” He held one up. “[I]And as I read verse after verse, two things happened. One: I realized how many weak people there are who need this book and these words to even have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Two: I realized that I have nothing to worry about tonight[/I].” “[I]See, I’ve been given more talents than anyone else, and I’ve taken that blessing and improved it ten-fold from what I started with years ago. Whoever is up there designed me to succeed. I am the premiere talent in professional wrestling, and I will be the man to lead the renaissance of this sport. I will pound Remo to the mat, stretch him out, make him cry and then leave with the SCAR Championship because that’s how things are meant to be, and because it’s my destiny.[/I]” “[I]Don’t believe in a book, folks. Don’t believe in a work of fiction. Don’t believe in false promises and fake prophets. Believe in something that isn’t going away. Believe in your World Champion.[/I]” [COLOR=Red][B]B MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) STEEL CAGE MATCH (ESCAPE ONLY) FOR THE SCAR CHAMPIONSHIP REMO vs. ANGRY GILMORE (w/ Crippler Ray Kingman) (C)[/B][/COLOR] Remo was in first, and then Gilmore shook hands with Kingman and rolled in under the descending cage. Gilmore was still full of confidence, but after he rocketed off the ropes and barely budged Remo with a flying clothesline, his confident façade disappeared. He backed off and did circles in the cage. Remo advanced on him as the champ went to one knee, but he got suckered in and tripped Remo into the steel with a drop toehold. Gilmore worked hard to take over as Kingman shouted in directions, but Remo recovered by putting Gilmore in a chokehold and one-hand chucking him into the mesh. Remo grabbed Gilmore, slinging him over one shoulder, and threw him hard face-first into the cage like a dart. Gilmore popped back at him, dazed, and Remo repeated it twice until the champion had been sliced open. ([I]Fry: The blood is flowing, and Remo is just getting started![/I]) Remo set Gilmore up for the Destroyer, but it was aptly reversed into Anger Management. ([I]Fry: Planted! Phunk: Go out the door![/I]) Gilmore slowly went for the cage door as blood trickled down his forehead, and Kingman commanded the outside referee to open it up. When the chain finally came off, Remo grabbed Gilmore’s foot and pulled him down. The referee closed the door back up, but Kingman slipped his cane into the ring before the door was shut. ([I]Fry: I saw that![/I]) Both men rose but Gilmore splintered the cane over Remo’s head to put him back down, and to split him open over the right eyebrow. After a pause, Gilmore began to climb the side of the cage. ([I]Fry: Up goes the champion…[/I]) Remo suddenly rose to his feet and grabbed Gilmore in a powerbomb position. He blasted Gilmore with a ten-foot powerbomb to get the crowd to their feet. ([I]Fry: And down goes the champion! He got wasted![/I]) Remo thought about going for the door, but as Gilmore stirred, he waited and the champion walked groggily right into a spine-shattering Remo Buster. ([I]Fry: Goodnight! Now get out of there, Remo! Phunk: Gilmore ain’t moving![/I]) Remo began to scale the cage, making it halfway up, and seeing little movement in Gilmore put his arms over the top of the cage. ([I]Fry: He’s gonna do it![/I]) That’s when the cage began to rise. ([I]Fry: What the…[/I]) The entire structure began to rise foot by foot as Remo looked up in shock. ([I]Phunk: The whole thing’s going up![/I]) Remo started to kick at the cage, almost thirty-five feet in the air, and Kingman hoarsely screamed at Gilmore to get up. The champion couldn’t, but all he had to do was roll to the floor to win. ([I]Fry: I can’t believe that! Remo’s suspended way up in the air, and Gilmore has won! Kingman didn’t do that, the champion didn’t do that—who’s behind this?[/I]) [COLOR=Red][B] Winner, and still champion: Angry Gilmore at 25:15, B+ Burn the Evidence Overall Rating: B- [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Rating wise, sort of a one-note Pay Per View. The main event brought it once again, but I was hoping for a little more out of the ladder match, Sexy/Datsun and the Bruces/Biggz/Zimmy match, even though Brandon Bruce isn't really over at all yet. We could have been boosted to a B if a couple undercard matches were a little better. - JonnyV1 goes 5/6 to take the predictions two months in a row. What a machine! He is owed a super prize since I didn't get a hold of him last month. Thanks to everyone who put their two cents in, I really appreciate it. [B]Fast Results: [/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Angry Gilmore [/B]def. Remo to retain [B](B+) The Bruces[/B] def. Bumfhole/Biggz [B](C-) Mainstream Hernandez[/B] def. Sparrow, Toma to retain [B](C) Joe Sexy [/B]def. Freddie Datsun [B](C-) Shock and Awe[/B] def. By Any Means Necessary to retain [B](D-) Chris Rockwell[/B] def. Calamari Kid [B](C)[/B][/quote][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=4]Neck and Neck... and Neck[/SIZE] Before the plane took off, I barely had enough time to get onto my PDAiPodBerryTooth to check some email and try to wind down. But what I read in my inbox wound me up, and would keep me awake for the entirety of the plane ride back to the coast. It was from a friend I had made in the SWF, a fellow writer, Wilco. Where was a lowly junior writer, he had tenure, having been around for nearly five years. He’d impressed by treating me to blow-up after blow-up, and won me over by aiming it at almost anyone (even Richard Eisen, who never took anything a writer said seriously anyway). A typical gripe of Wilco's was, “How come these Internet f***s blame the writers if an angle sucks, and praise the wrestlers if it’s good? What [I]is [/I]that s***?” Amen, brother. I hadn’t heard from him since he'd sent me his congratulations on being given SCAR, and his new communiqué had the interest-piquing title of “Holy F***”. [quote][I]Jimmy Jim, S*** is falling apart here. We just taped Big League at the Laurent, and it’s easy to tell the whole company’s in disarray. Richard wasn’t around—hasn’t attended a show since “When Hell Freezes Over”, and that was almost three months ago. I think he could smell the stink coming off of us from his mansion, so halfway through the live show, he hit Sammy Keith up on his cell, and didn’t let him go until we were off the air. People were calling for us to turn it around in our home base, New England, but dude, let me tell you, it sucked. The first 3/4 of the card was rated D for "dismal" and the main event of Richard's baby boy against Frehley didn't salvage much. The fans left angry, and Richie Boy could tell it was a failure even from over the phone. He made the entire roster stay a half hour after the show, and reamed everyone out[/I][I]—[/I][I]over speakerphone. And then he might have hit another first: he canned a bunch of people[/I][I]—[/I]over speakerphone[I]. American Machine, Remmy Skye, Valiant, Mikel Alonso and one of the valets…. s***, I can’t remember who. But imagine getting fired by a cell? I think he wanted to make a statement and get the troops in line, but now everyone’s paranoid that they’re going to be next. Keith still has the book, but without the boss around to help, he's juggling controlling the locker room and trying to come up with storylines. It’s been Train vs. Enygma in the main event three Pay Per Views in a row—think he’s out of ideas? Train himself doesn’t seem to want the belt anymore; he’s as over as ever, but if business is going down, he doesn’t want it to be blamed on him. Here’s the real kicker: a couple guys’ contracts are up this month, and they’re refusing to take written contracts. They say they don’t want to get tied down to SWF while the business is going haywire. The days when a guy would give both his nuts for a five-year lock-in with them is over. That's the general consensus of the boys too. Why get locked in for two years or more when you don't know who's going to be in the toilet (or on the rise) in two months? Well, I'm out. I’m rooming with Nevada Nuclear, and if he sees I’ve got the laptop going, he’ll Google himself for two hours. See you in the unemployment line, old buddy.[/I] - Wilco[/quote]That certainly made things interesting. With SWF on an even keel with us and TCW at non-national status, it opened the door for some things I’d never even contemplated. Could the day be far off where an SWF star would jump to SCAR? Sure, they were still more popular than us and far more prestigious, but we had an easier schedule which might entice some of their old timers. Once again, things had just gotten a lot more interesting. So I sank into my airplane seat and waited for the next curveball to be thrown my way. Big Smack Scott attempts a coup to become head booker? D'arcy Arnold's bunions flare back up? Bring it on.
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 104) Live on Thursday, Week 4, March 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Lowe Ballroom (North West) Attendance: 4,182[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] The show opened with [COLOR=Green][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] in the ring welcoming us to another edition of Sexy Time. “[I]Tonight will be very special, as my guest will be someone who anonymously requested to be on the show. Let’s bring him out right now![/I]” Sexy seemed surprised, and so did the fans, when [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] stepped through the curtain. ([I]Fry: DaVE’s Brass Knuckles Champion![/I]) He stepped in and Sexy tossed him a mic before speaking himself. “[I]Oh, look, another product of DaVE’s work-and-release—whoops, working [/I]agreement [I]with SCAR. What, no barbed wire, no cane, no apple with a razor blade in it? That stuff’s hardcore![/I]” Sexy smirked, but Giedroyc slapped the microphone out of his hand, and he looked a little scared. “[I]This isn’t about DaVE. This is about me, Jack Giedroyc. I’m here because I thrive on facing the best competition in the world, and SCAR’s got it. I’m here because want to wrestle Gilmore, Remo, Roberts, Rockwell, Jack Bruce, and anyone who’s going to push me to the limit. I do things my way, and that means fighting who I want, when I want. Joe Sexy, I want to start by facing you, love machine.[/I]” Sexy rolled his eyes and gingerly borrowed Giedroyc’s microphone. “[I]Alright, champ, we’ll go through the routine. We’ll meet out here later on, I’ll beat you, and you go on home to DaVE and we never see you again. Capiche?[/I]” “[I]Oh, I’m not here on loan, Joe…[/I]” Giedroyc swung open his coat to show off a SCAR T-shirt. “[I]I’m here to stay. I signed a contract earlier today that makes me a SCAR wrestler for the long haul. That means I can beat you tonight, and next week, and the week after that, for as long as it takes people to realize that I’m here... and I'm not going anywhere.[/I]” Sexy took it all in. “[I]Is that the case? Well, then, Jacky Boy, welcome to the roster. But I think there’s something you should see on the screen behind you.[/I]” Giedroyc turned to face the video screen, and Sexy brained him with the microphone in the back of the head. Giedroyc fell down, and Sexy was out, walking briskly up the aisle. Giedroyc looked up with pure fury. ([I]Fry: There goes Joe, and I don’t think we’re getting any match later! Phunk: But if Giedroyc joined SCAR, then Sexy better watch his back![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C MATCH 1 ANDRE JONES vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] This was wisely booked for Remo as a “blow-off-some-steam” match after the controversial Burn the Evidence main event, and it was Andre Jones who was chosen to get burned. The former volleyballer was completely dominated and had his night ended with a Remo Buster/Destroyer combo. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Remo at 4:17, B-[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=Green][B]General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] came down to the ring for an interview. But before she could say a word, [COLOR=Green][B]Bart Biggz[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] came down the aisle to crash the party. They slid in and crowded around her. Zimmy took the microphone from her hand and looked at Rodriguez. “[I]How come Gorgeous here gets promo time for her freaks, but we can’t get thrown a bone? We’re the quickest rising brother tag team in wrestling history![/I]” ([I]Fry: You’re not brothers.[/I]) Biggz took the stick. “[I]It seems that if you want to get noticed, Zimmy, you have to do something drastic. So—[/I]” He grabbed Rodriguez by the hair and yanked her head back sharply. ([I]Fry: Come on now![/I]) Biggz spoke. “[I]Is this going to get us noticed? Get your boys out here now so we can take their gold![/I]” He didn’t need to ask, because Bradley and Braun were already storming down the aisle. As they climbed in, Bart threw Rodriguez into them, slowing them down. Zimmy and Bart took the advantage and stomped them to the mat as the angry champions tried to recover. Zimmy and Bart went to the outside, and brought in both sets of steel steps. Braun was thrown to the outside and the Brothers from Different Mothers stood in either corner, holding the steps. Tank rose to one knee in the center, and Bart and Zimmy rushed him, sandwiching his upper body between the steel. ([I]Fry: My God! Phunk: Brutal![/I]) Rodriguez, angry on the outside, pointed to the timekeeper and tried to rouse Braun on the outside. ([I]Fry: Here comes the referee! This just became a match! Phunk: A Tag Title Match![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]D+ MATCH 2 FOR THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS vs. SHOCK AND AWE (w/ General Rodriguez) (C)[/B][/COLOR] With Bradley taken out of commission, it was a two-on-one. Braun was quickly worn down as Rodriguez looked on with worry. Braun got rocked with the Bumfhole Buster, but Zimmy wasn’t done. He tagged in Biggz, and put Braun in an electric chair position. He dropped Butcher back just as Bart came off the top with a legdrop across his neck. Biggz covered just as Tank barely began to stir in the corner. ([I]Fry: One! Two! Three! And that’s new Tag Team Champions![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winners, and new Tag Team Champions: the Brothers from Different Mothers at 3:07, D[/B][/COLOR] Zimmy hugged Bart as they were given the belts. Both Bradley and Braun were too hurt to protest any of the celebration. ([I]Fry: They’ve won the belts, but they did it against one damn man![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C- [/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=Green][B]Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR] was walking when Remo grabbed him by the shirt collar and pushed him against a wall. Remo said that he wanted to know what part Kingman had in the cage rising at Burn the Evidence. Kingman denied any part in it. “[I]I might hate your guts, Richardson, but I’d rather send you to the stitch-sewer than send you into the rafters. Plus I was at ringside. How’m I supposed to rig the cage when I’m standing beside it?[/I]” Remo fumed and released Kingman before walking off. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ MATCH 3 JACK BRUCE vs. KURT LARAMEE vs. CHRIS ROCKWELL vs. CALAMARI KID[/B][/COLOR] The two main forces in this wild four-way were Bruce and Rockwell, with Bruce brawling all around ringside with Laramee and getting the better of SCAR’s malcontent. But inside the ring, Rockwell repeated his show at the Pay Per View by locking Calamari in the cloverleaf submission. Bruce tried to break it up, but Laramee yanked him back to the floor and the Kid had no choice but to submit. ([I]Fry: Another big win gets added to Rockwell’s resume! Phunk: I’m believin’ the hype! This guy’s stardom bound![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Chris Rockwell at 14:47, B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] John Greed[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] cut a joint interview, playing up Mainstream’s success in the Body Count Championship ladder match. The camera swung left and we saw an angry Kid Toma approaching them. Greed pushed the microphone away cautiously and pulled Hernandez to the right. “[I]Interview over, goodnight America.[/I]” They ran to the right but saw Matt Sparrow coming at them from that hallway. Cornered, they quickly sprinted out the back door, with Toma and Sparrow in pursuit. [COLOR=Green][B]D- MATCH 4 BIG SMACK SCOTT vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Brandon’s first singles match was plagued by a lack of selling by either man, as they both wanted to seem unmoveable. In the end, Bulldozer won out, and he was able to stagger his experienced opponent with a shoulderblock, and went into the three-point stance before felling him with a running clothesline. Scott was brought back up and driven with a huge belly-to-belly for three. ([I]Fry: Just like that, Brandon bulldozes through Big Smack Scott![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 7:38, D[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR], head bandaged, was shown in a candid sit-down interview with Duane Fry that occurred earlier in the day. When quizzed about the cage rising, he quickly dismissed that he was involved, and stated that “[I]what happened wasn't done by anyone in the arena. That wasn’t done by anyone that’s made of skin and bones. See, I learned an important lesson last night. I thought I could do it on my own, with what I’ve been given, but the truth is, someone’s watching out for me. If Remo wants to find out who raised that cage, he’ll have to walk through St. Peter’s Gates to do so.[/I]” Fry didn’t follow. “[I]God did it. God helped me.[/I]” B+ [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] After their fight broke out at Burn the Evidence, this one allowed them to get at each other in the ring, but it didn’t seem like much was solved. Roberts was constantly going for the RCT, but Datsun was able to break away before it was cinched in each time. After felling Enforcer with a DDT, Datsun slid out and grabbed a chair, screaming that he was going to finish this. He got in and swung, but Roberts avoided the shot with the chair slipping from Datsun’s hands. The RCT was locked in, and Datsun kicked and fought to try and break away. He slowly drooped to one knee, and then the other. But before he passed out, he picked up the chair and swung it over his head to brain Roberts and put him down. ([I]Fry: What a shot![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, by disqualification: Enforcer Roberts at 16:56, B-[/B][/COLOR] Both men were down when Remo’s theme hit and he walked out to a big reaction. ([I]Fry: Here comes Remo![/I]) Roberts was pulling himself up by the ringropes when Remo clotheslined him out hard. Remo called for a microphone. “[I]I don’t care that we’re live, and I don’t care that the show’s over. No one’s leaving until I get answers about who f***ed me over at Burn the Evidence.[/I]” Remo paced the ring, and when officials tried to coax him out, he threatened to attack them. Finally, a woman in a sharp business suit walked through the entrance. She had red hair accented by a unique headband. [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] ([I]Phunk: Who’s that? Fry: I have no idea.[/I]) She had a microphone, but Remo shot first. “[I]Look, lady, I didn’t ask for a personal trainer, I asked for someone with answers for me. So unless—[/I]” “[I]UNLESS... you want to keep your job, Remo Richardson, I would stop talking.[/I]” Remo started pacing the ring again as the unknown woman spoke. “[I]I had wanted to stay out of the public eye for longer than this, but you’ve forced my hand. Now I want everyone in this arena and across this country to listen to me. Many of you think that SCAR was created out of thin air just because Remo, Bruce and some others wanted it to. But any company needs financing and ownership. So shareholders were found to finance the Squared Circle Antitrust Rebellion. They’re the people who write the cheques and pay the bills. But those people aren’t happy anymore.[/I]” “[I]They didn’t expect their investment to be so chaotic, Remo. Let’s look back at the last three months. Off-property assaults! Invasions by other companies! For God's sakes, kidnappings! Try selling that portfolio publicly. They wanted out, Remo, and they got out. They sold every last share to someone, a very wealthy individual from a family that’s swimming in wealth. That someone is me.[/I]” Remo cut her off. “[I]Fine, you're the owner. So unless you want to give me a name, honey, you can get to stepping.[/I]” “[I]You want a name? My first name’s Cherry.” [/I]She pointed to the headband. “[I]I’m wearing this so you’ll never forget it. But I’m sure you’ll never forget my last name, Remo. It’s…[/I]” “[I]Eisen![/I]” ([I]Fry: Oh… my… God.[/I]) Her lips curled into a smile and Remo shook his head. “[I]That ain’t possible![/I]” “[I]Oh, it’s possible, and it’s completely legal. The papers were signed Sunday afternoon, and it was my call to send the cage back up into the rafters while you were still on top. Maybe I was being presumptuous, but I wasn’t about to let you win the Championship without knowing whether you were on board with my new regime.[/I]” “[I]I am the owner of SCAR, and this sinking ship is going to be turned around… the Eisen way. I’ll talk to you next week, Remo, but until then I have one question for you to consider. Are you ready to kiss and make up with the Eisens?[/I]” She lowered her microphone and smiled again before waving broadly to the entire audience. Remo was beside himself in anger. [I](Fry: I… Jesus Christ, an Eisen owns SCAR, and I am still in shock! What the hell is going to happen?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ Overall Rating: C [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - And that's March. I was hoping for more than a C out of this one, but there was some necessary development that we just had to get out of the way, especially the final segment which is going to be a major focal point as we go forward. This show dropped our popularity a little but we can get it back. - Cherry Eisen will be played by women's wrestler Cherry Bomb, in case there's any confusion. [B]Fast Results:[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] def. Freddie Datsun by DQ [B](B-) Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. Big Smack Scott [B](D) Chris Rockwell[/B] def. Calamari, Laramee, Bruce [B](B-) The Brothers from Different Mothers[/B] def. Shock and Awe to become the Tag Team Champions [B](D) Remo [/B]def. Andre Jones [B](B-)[/B][/quote][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/COLOR]
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[B]End of Month Operational Report (March 2007) To: D’arcy Arnold CC: Marketing, Advertising, Talent Relations, Creative[/B] --------------------------------------------------- March might have been wrestling's most tumultuous month in recent memory. Both SWF and TCW took huge tumbles due to some poor shows and are joining us at cult status. Here’s last month’s buyrate numbers: [B] SWF Awesome Impact[/B] (NAPS) – [B]6.03 SCAR Burn the Evidence[/B] (NAPS) – [B]3.72 TCW Just Another Day?[/B] (USAFC) – [B]2.56[/B] We have reason to be a little bit concerned, as our PPV number fell while the competition’s rose. Their numbers should go down in April with their recent difficulties, but we really need ours to rise again if we want to stay on North American Prime Select. Our preliminary numbers on Sports America for Survive or Die have been okay, but not stellar. They’re happy with the numbers we’re pulling, and hopefully we can parlay this into moving up past eleven o’clock into primetime when the new season approaches. We've noticed, likely due to Danger and Violence Extreme losing their TV show, that many of their stars seem willing to sign pay-per-appearance contracts in addition to their PPA deal with DaVE. We have recently acquired Jack Giedroyc this way, and we're aiming to add a few more names this way in April. This month we’re really going to try to push some new working agreements to put together a couple of marquee matches. - Jim Jehovah
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 1, April 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B][COLOR=Red]A SPECIAL RELEASE FROM SCAR’S OWNER, CHERRY EISEN[/COLOR][/B] “[I]Hello, SCAR fans. On behalf of the entire Eisen family, and Uncle’s Favourite Niece Acquisitions, I would like to thank you for your continued support of this company. In the coming weeks, you will notice many changes to the wrestling you’ve watched since the beginning of this year. For one, no longer will the dissent of those such as Remo, Jack Bruce and others who have tried to turn SCAR into a warzone be tolerated. To make this company more successful than any other, it needs order, not anarchy. That is what I will bring to the table as the owner of SCAR. That, and the Eisen family touch. Thank you for reading, and see you Thursday night![/I]”
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_KurtLaramee.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]LARAMEE CHALLENGES REMO THIS THURSDAY[/B][/COLOR] In the first match ever to be sanctioned by Eisen, [COLOR=Red][B]Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] will take on one of SCAR's creators, Remo. The King of the Streets requested a chance to take on Remo, perhaps to win over his new boss. Laramee has been outspoken about wanting to leave SCAR and return to his former company, but now that an Eisen is running the show, what he liked about his former company may just have come to him.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]GIEDROYC DEBUTS AGAINST SEXY ON SPORTS AMERICA [/B][/COLOR]After being challenged by SCAR’s newest performer, [COLOR=Red][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR], Sexy distracted him and then used a microphone to knock him down. Joe made a hasty escape from the arena, but Jack Giedroyc will be unescapable when they face off one-on-one on Survive or Die. Can Giedroyc start his SCAR tenure with a big win?
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[B][COLOR=Green]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 105) Live on Thursday, Week 1, April 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Gorski Ballroom (South West) Attendance: 4,690 [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/B] The show began with [COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] entering the arena and walking past groups of workers, most of which regarded her with looks of contempt, with some shaking their heads. She moved to her office, and was approached by[COLOR=Green][B] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR], who had his arms behind his back. “[I]Tom, how are—[/I]” He brought out a muffin basket. “[I]This for you, Ms. Eisen. Welcome to the team.[/I]” She accepted them proudly. “[I]What a nice gesture![/I]” “[I]I wanted to give you a proper welcome since I’m so glad you’ve come to turn things around.[/I]” She opened the door. “[I]Come on in, champ, and let’s talk business.[/I]” He gladly went in, and she shut the door behind them. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ----------[/B] [B] MATCH 1 KURT LARAMEE vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Some cheap-shots by Kurt got him ahead in the early-going, but Remo stormed back to waylay Laramee with a spear after Laramee missed a clothesline. Remo went for the kill with a Remo Buster, but Laramee turned it into a DDT on the way down to spike his opponent. With both men hurt, it was a struggle to get up, and as Laramee joined Remo on one knee, he fitted a pair of brass knuckles on his fist. He nailed Remo in the mouth, and the referee called for a DQ. ([I]Fry: Blatant shot with those knucks![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner by disqualification: Remo at 11:39, B-[/B][/COLOR] Remo went down, and Laramee straddled him, laying in more shots to the mouth with the brass knuckles. ([I]Phunk: Remo’s getting his teeth re-arranged![/I]) Laramee was finally pulled away by the referee, and Remo sputtered blood from his busted-up mouth. ([I]Fry: Do you think Laramee was even looking for a win, or was he just trying to inflict pain to impress you-know-who?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- ---------- MATCH 2 KID TOMA and MATT SPARROW vs. INSANE MACHINE and MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (w/ John Greed)[/B][/COLOR] The unlikely team of Toma and Sparrow had a common goal, to get revenge on Hernandez, so they teamed up and showed some great cohesion. Mainstream was tattooed by hard Toma kicks and then chucked into the corner for a Sparrow tornado DDT. The Body Count Champion tagged Machine in and went to the floor, where Greed consulted with him. Machine faced similar hardships, and ate the Bird Brain Buster followed by Toma’s lethal Long Range Headbutt, and Hernandez didn’t even bother to break up the pin. ([I]Fry: Toma and Sparrow were simply dominant! Can you believe not too long ago they wanted to rip each other’s throats out?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow at 9:23, C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]---------- [/B][/COLOR] Angry Gilmore was sitting on a leather couch in Cherry’s office, and they seemed to be getting along well. “[I]I’m glad you understand what we’re trying to do here, Tom,[/I]” she said. “[I]As it was, SCAR was nothing but a cult favorite. Now it can be branded as the worldwide superpower it deserves to be! Maybe I’ll call it SWF… 2![/I]” Gilmore changed the subject to himself, and said that he shouldn’t have to defend his belt for a while. “[I]With all the trouble Remo’s been giving me, I’d kind of like to have a break from getting into the ring after the tag match tonight.[/I]” Her face went blank. “[I]There’s kind of a problem with that…[/I]” She brought out a file folder. “[I]See, the investors before me were sort of keen on the talent trading agreements with other companies, and their last act in power was to sign the main event for the next Pay Per View.[/I]” “[I]Well, who am I facing?[/I]” She took a glossy 8x10 out of the folder and handed it to him, in such a manner that the camera couldn’t see. “[I]See for yourself.[/I]” He looked at the glossy and seemed incredulous. “[I]They got him?[/I]” His expression soon turned into anger. “[I]Sorry, Tom, but it’s signed, sealed and delivered. There’s nothing I can do.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]---------- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] was in hype mode for his match against Jack Giedroyc, saying that he didn’t think much of the newcomer, and comparing him to a “[I]girl I met in the South West once, 'cause she was only useful when she was laying on her back.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]---------- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 JACK GIEDROYC vs. JOE SEXY[/B][/COLOR] Giedroyc came out with a lot to prove, but Joe slowed him down, even locking him in the Sexy Results surfboard. Giedroyc fought out and clocked Sexy with a flying leg lariat before finishing him convincingly with the Crashing On jawbreaker. ([I]Fry: Successful debut for Giedroyc![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Jack Giedroyc at 11:08, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]---------- [/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] came out to hype their tag match with Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts later. Bruce had some harsh words for his new boss, saying she was "[I]going to destroy everything we’ve worked for.[/I]" He promised to fight for SCAR and said it started by taking out the trash in the main event. Datsun was next, and seemed very agitated. He directed all his anger at Roberts, claiming that “[I]tonight, I’m looking for blood! I’m tired of being pushed around everywhere I go—it ends in this ring![/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 JD MORGAN (w/ Jean Cattley) vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Cattley was very hands-on on the outside, doing anything he could to try and get his partner the win, even stomping down Bruce when he tumbled to the floor. But that wasn’t stopping the big bruiser, who tossed Morgan from post to post and crushed him with a belly-to-belly suplex for another big win. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 5:38, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] We saw [COLOR=Green][B]Shock and Awe[/B][/COLOR] walking around backstage, with Fry reporting that he’d heard they were here to find the new Tag Team Champions, Zimmy Bumfhole and Bart Biggz. Well, [COLOR=Green][B]the Brothers from Different Mothers[/B][/COLOR] found them, attacking from behind and laying on another huge beatdown. Both Bradley and Braun were nailed by shots with the gold belts, and got a pile of boxes pushed over on them before the champs were satisfied. [COLOR=Green][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] In the trainer’s room, Remo’s upper lip was being stitched, and we could see that Laramee had done some damage to his gums as well, which were bleeding. Cherry Eisen entered and moved the trainer aside, feigning concern. “[I]Looks like your opponent got a little out of hand! I know this isn’t the best time, but I want an answer to my question. You’re a great asset to my company, Remo, but only if I know that you’re on the right side. So what’s it going to be: are you ready to kiss and make up with the Eisen family?[/I]” Remo paused for a moment before spitting blood in her face. She gasped, and wiped it off with her hand, furious. She tried to speak, but found herself unable, and stormed out. The trainer moved back into place, jaw agape. “[I]Holy s***, man.[/I]” Remo shrugged. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ENFORCER ROBERTS and ANGRY GILMORE vs. FREDDIE DATSUN and JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] It wasn’t booked as a Texas Tornado-style match, but Datsun ignored the rules to go after Roberts on the apron. From then, it was Freddie and Roberts battling on the floor while Gilmore and Bruce duked it out as the legal men. Gilmore went for Anger Management but milked the set-up for too long and it was reversed into the New York Minute. Bruce covered but Roberts dove in to break it up. Gilmore rolled out as Roberts gave it to Bruce. He shot the rock star into the ropes, and charged him for a line. Bruce ducked it and Roberts went into the corner. Datsun ran up the steps and nailed him in the back of the head with the ring bell to send Roberts faltering forward. ([I]Phunk: Dude![/I]) Roberts was prey for the New York Minute from Bruce which got three, even with Gilmore diving into the ring, trying to break it up with a steel chair. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners: Jack Bruce and Freddie Datsun at 18:44, B-[/B][/COLOR] Bruce had no chance to escape from a chair shot across the back from the angry SCAR Champion, and was tossed from the ring. Datsun tried to enter to help him, but took a shot of his own that knocked him to the floor. Gilmore stalked the ring, having cleared it, when the lights went out, causing the usual high-pitched screams from the crowd. ([I]Fry: What’s going on?[/I]) A video began to play on the screen that showed a silhouette striking, stretching and suplexing other silhouettes inside a ring. A voiceover began. “[I]From the land of tradition…[/I]” Gilmore was already freaking out. “[I]He comes for one chance at immortality.[/I]” The silhouettes disappeared and a perspiring face came into focus. [CENTER] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] “[I]Dan Stone Jr.[/I]” Gilmore tossed the chair down hard as the fans cheered. The champion puts his hands over his ears, trying to shield himself. ([I]Fry: Can you believe it? The Canadian legend will enter SCAR for one night only! Phunk: And he might leave as the champion too![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- Survive or Die Overall Rating: B- [/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Power of working agreement with NOTBPW, take form of Dan Stone Jr.! He’s on loan with us and will main event our next Pay Per View. - A B- rating ain't bad, but it wasn't good enough to raise our popularity, and we even took a tiny step backward because of it! I'm beginning to realize how tough it's going to be to get back to National status. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Bruce/Datsun[/B] def. Roberts/Gilmore [B](B-) Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. JD Morgan [B](C) Jack Giedroyc [/B]def. Joe Sexy [B](C) Toma/Sparrow[/B] def. Machine/Hernandez [B](C-) Remo [/B]def. Kurt Laramee by DQ [B](B-)[/B][/quote]
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;202202]And now you're gonna job Dan Stone Jr! Incredible! Hey, name your favorite wrestler... I think I might wanna let DaVE "borrow" him.[/QUOTE] My, you're cynical. Favourite wrestler? Giant Redwood. Here's Sam Strong's number. Make it a five-appearance trade, won't you?
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[quote][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE=4] TV Troubles for the Big Two! Threats and warnings and cheerleaders, oh my! (Monday, Week 2, April 2007)[/SIZE][/U][/B] Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water—we mean, turn on the TV, some of your favorite wrestling shows may be leaving the airwaves in the near future. According to sources at America-Sports-1, both of the SWF’s shows, [I]Big League[/I] and the long-running [I]Supreme TV[/I], just aren’t cutting it anymore demographically. The network believes that with wrestling on a downswing, it could be best to cut ties to the recently-floundering federation. And that’s not all. It looks like TCW’s resurrected juggernaut [I]Total Wrestling[/I] is also on the bubble across the dial at GNN Total Sports. Despite the strongest ratings in all of wrestling, Cornell and company have been warned that they will have to add about 20% their current numbers to keep their timeslot. At this point it’s possible that in one month’s time, neither SWF or TCW will have a show on the air due to cancellation, which is absolutely blowing our minds. What will that leave for North American watchers of fake-face-punching? Well, there’s SCAR’s [I]Survive or Die[/I], which is choosing to survive, posting very okay numbers on Sports America. The network seems to be ecstatic with SCAR’s performance, and they recently announced that last week’s episode was the most-watched program in the channel’s history, narrowly outdrawing 2001’s [I]Bounty Presents: the National College Cheerleading Showcase[/I]. They’re among some proud company, we tell you what. There’s also the high-quality North of the Border Pro Wrestling’s [I]Main Event[/I], but unless you’re Canadian or a Buffaloian with a crapload of tinfoil on your antenna, you’re locked out. Either way, SWF and TCW losing their airtime would be a huge boon to these two companies, as it would mean some jonesing wrestling fans would be on the prowl for a new weekly fix.[/quote] [quote][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE=4] SCAR—getting Stoned, and who has soured on them (Monday, Week 2, April 2007)[/SIZE][/B][/U] SCAR’s newest interpromotional deal is official with NOTBPW, which accounts for the announcement that Dan Stone Jr. will face Angry Gilmore at their next Pay Per View, currently titled Crashing the Border. The handshake deal was reached when SCAR exec D’arcy Arnold was backstage at the Ed Henson Memorial show and hammered the details out with Senior and Junior. In exchange, it looks like the SCAR Champion himself will be returning to his homeland to do at least one show with the Stone Family, in what should be a great moment any way you slice it. Don't look for any more exclusive Danger and Violence Extreme workers to be loaned to the United States' number-three promotion, though. In the wake of DaVE's cancellation from East Coast Today, Phil Vibert has reportedly cut off the trade flow, not wanting to risk any more of his remaining big names losing value as jobbers-to-the-SCARs.[/quote] ---------- Sensational, yes, but WrestleWorld always got their facts straight. Phil Vibert had indeed cut off all talent trading with us, claiming that he thinks things have “[I]been too crazy[/I]”, and said to call him back in a few months. If I knew Phil Vibert well, which really I didn’t, this was his way of saying, “Thanks for poaching Jack Giedroyc without asking permission.” Of course I didn’t need to ask, since Jack assured me he was loyal to DaVE and would always make them his first priority, but the last couple of months hadn’t been kind to Vibert. If I had lost my TV show and one of my champions was moonlighting in another company, I’d likely board up the windows too. What worried me a little was the comments section of that article. It seemed like rather than being excited for Dan Stone Jr.’s arrival in SCAR, fans were already assuming that he would lose, citing that most of DaVE’s loaned talents had been on the losing end of their matches. Their point was extremely valid. It was important to keep the viewers guessing, and if they could peg the outcome of a match weeks before it was going to happen… that’s not good. We had a huge upper hand on SWF and TCW by being able to bring in some of the best guys from around the globe, now it’s time for us to exploit it. And the only way for us to cause a big stir was for some of these traded workers to go over, BIG. Lots to think about. Now let’s hope the other networks get cancel-happy, so [I]Survive or Die[/I] can take the crown of "Top Rated Non-Traditional Sports Program in the United States". American Curling Association, we're gunning for you.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 2, April 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]SUPER JUNIOR![/B][/COLOR] Cherry Eisen may now control SCAR, but the former ownership group had one outstanding action in the books: signing Canadian icon [COLOR=Red][B]Dan Stone Jr.[/B][/COLOR] to a one-night deal to face the Champion, Angry Gilmore. The representative of the storied Stone family will get his shot at [COLOR=Blue][B]“Crashing the Border”[/B][/COLOR] in what will be a rare opportunity for American fans to see him in action, and what could lead to Stone Jr. capturing what has always eluded him: a major American championship. Gilmore will address his new challenger on this week’s Survive or Die—from his reaction last week, we’re guessing he isn’t pleased.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SUBMISSION MATCH—DATSUN AND ROBERTS[/B][/COLOR] A [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]cunning[/COLOR][B] Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] has upped the ante in his dispute with “Outcast” Freddie Datsun; after having his bell rung in last week’s main event, he’s requested a submissions match at the Huntsville Fairgrounds this Thursday night, where the only way to defeat your opponent is to make him lose consciousness or submit. While using deadly holds, including his signature Roberts Control Technique, is the Enforcer’s strong suit, Datsun might have made a foolish decision to accept this match, as his submissions game is far from renowned.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_CalamariKid.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] GOLD UP FOR GRABS[/B][/COLOR] Sports America will also host two big title matches, with [COLOR=Red][B]Calamari Kid[/B][/COLOR] trying to rebound from some recent losses to defeat the embattled Body Count Champion, Mainstream Hernandez, and the new Tag Team Champs, Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole, aka the “Brothers from Different Mothers”, will put on their first defense.
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 106) Live on Thursday, Week 2, April 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East) Attendance: 4,309 [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] tried to enter his dressing room, his belt dangling from one hand, but found it curiously locked. He continued to jiggle the knob until it opened, and [COLOR=Green][B]Crippler Ray Kingman[/B][/COLOR] walked out. “[I]Champ, we gotta talk. You were getting awfully chummy with Cherry Eisen last week.[/I]” “[I]She’s the boss, Ray.[/I]” “[I]She’s an Eisen, Tom. Her family took this once-respected sport and made it into a circus. She’s against everything we’re about.[/I]” “[I]I thought we were about dominance. The best way to stay on top is to make friends in high places, and right now, she’s the one with all the power and no allies to share it with.[/I]” Kingman looked down and shook his head. “[I]Say what you will, Tom, but I can’t stand behind you if you’re going to support an Eisen.[/I]” “[I]Then stand behind someone else. I’ve gotta do what’s right for me. Now let me into my dressing room.[/I]” Gilmore brushed by him and closed Crippler Ray out. Kingman glared over his shoulder at the door’s nameplate. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 1 FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP CALAMARI KID vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (C) (w/ John Greed)[/B][/COLOR] Hernandez spent the match working on Calamari Kid’s shoulder but also looking over his own to make sure Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow weren’t on their way down to get him. Calamari staged a late comeback but Mainstream Dreams finished the job to John Greed’s applause at ringside. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, and still champion: Mainstream Hernandez at 11:00, C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Hernandez finally let his guard down, and posed on the top rope with his belt. That’s when [COLOR=Green][B]Toma[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Sparrow[/B][/COLOR] stomped down the aisle, seemingly oblivious to each other, and grabbed John Greed from behind. Greed was dragged up the aisle in a headlock by Sparrow, as Toma tattooed the manager with kicks that had him crying. ([I]Fry: My former broadcast colleague is being hauled out of here! Phunk: Toma and Sparrow found somethin’ in common: beatin’ Greed’s ass![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]E+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Angry Gilmore walked out to the ring to an arena full of boos, and held his belt high up in the air, basking in their reaction. “[I]A couple weeks ago, you heard me say that God helped me keep my championship at Burn the Evidence. But I was only mostly right. It wasn’t a deity… it was an Eisen.[/I]” “[I]But no one could prevent a certain someone undeserving of a title opportunity from getting one. In ten days, I find myself facing a man who is a household name… in Canada. He has won tens of championships… in Canada. There is debatably no better all-around wrestler… in… Canada. Dan Stone Jr., listen to me. This. Is. Not. Canada.[/I]” “[I]I know because I got out of there the very first chance I could. Stone, you are a big fish in a small pond. And in ten days, you will dive into the water with a shark. I have earned everything I’ve got, and all you have to show for yourself are hand-me-down belts, a bunch of ugly brothers and the reflective glow of the great things your daddy did.[/I]” “[I]These greasy-faced tape-trading geeks might give a crap about what you’ve done, but I don’t. You haven’t proven a damn thing yet, and you don’t deserve to be in the same ring as me. But in ten days… you will see why I am THE world champion, and why you’re just… from Canada.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] As Gilmore left the ring, we cut abruptly to [COLOR=Green][B]Freddie Datsun[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] trying to get at each other as a bunch of wrestlers and officials tried to tear them apart. ([I]Fry: They’re in the main event and they can’t even wait that long![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 BIG SMACK SCOTT vs. REMO[/B][/COLOR] Remo was strictly dominant, tossing Scott from pillar to post and finishing him with two humongous Remo Busters. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Remo at 7:20, B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Remo was getting up from the cover when [COLOR=Green][B]Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] jumped the barrier, putting on a pair of brass knuckles as he did. ([I]Fry: That’s Laramee![/I]) Kurt slid in and sucker-punched him with a shot to the back of the head that knocked him down. Laramee continued to lay in hard kicks and taunt Remo. ([I]Fry: Who do you think put Kurt up to this? Take a guess![/I]) The crowd jumped to their feet as [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] legged it down the aisle and slid into the ring. He ripped Laramee off of Remo, nailed him with some right hands and dropkicked him right through the ropes. ([I]Fry: Bruce has cleared the ring![/I]) He called for a microphone as Remo started to pull himself together on the mat. “[I]That was the last straw right there.[/I]” He helped Remo to his feet and continued. “[I]I can take it when a tool like Angry Gilmore has the belt—really, I can. I can even [/I]barely[I] stomach how that b**** has control of SCAR. But when a talentless piece of trash like Kurt Laramee is given a purpose, and that purpose is to bust up my buddy Remo, I throw down![/I]” "[I]Cherry, you might think you already have SCAR, but you’ve got nothing but stock in a animal you don’t know how to tame. If you want this company, you’ll have to take it from the two guys who made it all happen: me—[/I]" He stuck a thumb into Remo’s chest. “[I]And this guy.[/I]” Remo took the microphone. “[I]Ms. Owner, I spit in your face last week because I never would’ve wasted the saliva on your rich uncle. You can send all the headhunters you want, and we’ll turn them all back. They’ll have their weapons, but we’ll have something more, because we created something huge. We created this.[/I]” Bruce grabbed the microphone back and spoke directly to the entrance. “[I]You can call us the Founding f***ing Fathers, Cherry! Our names are on the constitution, our hard work and sweat put this ring here, and if you want complete control… if you want a perfect regime… you’ll have to go through us first![/I]” Bruce threw the microphone down and hugged Remo. ([I]Fry: Did you hear that? The Founding Fathers, so to speak, are standing their ground![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] had seen the whole thing on her monitor. She threw the bottle of water she was holding against the wall. Angry Gilmore entered and she directed all her anger towards him. “[I]Remo wants to brag about spitting blood in my face? Well he’s going to lose a lot more than that, because at Crashing the Border, Kurt Laramee will have him gushing… in a First Blood match![/I]” “[I]Good idea, chief, but you said you wanted to—[/I]” “[I]See you.[/I]” Her demeanour brightened a bit. “[I]See, I feel bad about you having to face that unworthy Canook, so I went and got you a little present. Something you’ll enjoy. Go get your trunks on, and be in the ring later. Don't bring the belt.[/I]” Gilmore smiled warily and left. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] The tag champs [COLOR=Green][B]Bart Biggz[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR=Green]Zimmy Bumfhole [/COLOR][/B]came out to show off their gold. Biggz did the talking. “[I]This just goes to show what brothers can do![/I]” ([I]Fry: Again, not brothers.[/I]) “[I]We’re the best tag team going, which doesn’t say much considering the quality of the division. First there’s Botch and Fall—whoops, Shock and Awe, but we’re done with them. Or Ota and Narato, who defy logic by somehow being ninjas [/I]and [I]uncool. Cattley and Morgan—like their style, but not in our league.[/I]” “[I]Then there’s tonight’s opponents, New School. Frankie Perez and Mikey James. Boys, you should be wrestling for hot dogs in front of stoned college kids, not facing off with the family that will change this industry… the Brothers from Different Mothers.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS NEW SCHOOL vs. THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS (C)[/B][/COLOR] Perez and James tried their damndest, but came up short. It didn’t take too long for Perez to be suplexed to the floor, and for James to take that electric chair-legdrop combo for a quick loss. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners, and still champions: the Brothers from Different Mothers at 4:58, C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 ANGRY GILMORE vs. ???[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore waited patiently in the corner for his present, and a new theme brought her out… yes, her… [COLOR=Green][B]Alicia Strong![/B][/COLOR] ([I]Fry: My Lord! That’s Sam Strong’s daughter, Alicia! Phunk: She’s a wrestler? Fry: If being trained by the legendary Sensational Ogiwara makes you a wrestler, you bet your ass![/I]) The slim blonde rolled in, and after the referee called for the bell, extended her hand to Gilmore. He cracked and began to laugh, soon bending over and holding his sides. ([I]Fry: An utter lack of respect here… Phunk: Well, come on, she’s a girl![/I]) Strong moved quickly and dove over Gilmore, shocking him with a sunset flip. ([I]Fry: Shoulders down! Two! The champ barely gets out![/I]) Gilmore rolled out of the ring, incredulous that Strong had almost pinned him down. He eventually got back in and they engaged in a total mat wrestling exhibition, with Gilmore punctuating his takedowns with kicks to the ribs, but Alicia staying clean and by the books. She locked him in a painful armbar, but he powered up to his feet and reversed it into an Anger Management that planted her. He smartly grabbed the three. ([I]Fry: Gilmore takes it in Alicia Strong’s debut, and what a debut! She really had him reeling![/I]) The champion looked disgustedly at Strong as the referee tended to her. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 14:53, B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=Green][B]Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] was bragging about how since his “rebirth”, he had annihilated the competition and was undefeated. He said he couldn’t be beaten, and that’s when [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] entered the frame. He said that was quite the coincidence—he hadn’t been beaten either. He admitted he’d only had one match, but asked Rockwell to make it two at Crashing the Border. Rockwell thought it over and finally agreed. [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) SUBMISSIONS MATCH ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. “OUTCAST” FREDDIE DATSUN[/B][/COLOR] They dove at each other from the get-go for a wild brawl, but after both men ran out of steam and the crowd settled down, the submissions game kicked in. Roberts was right at home, working over Datsun’s neck with an STF-type maneuver, but the Outcast wouldn’t quit. He put on a hold of his own, locking Roberts in a painful figure four which marooned him right in the middle of the ring. The Enforcer hollered and battled, finally breaking out by grabbing the referee and throwing him onto Datsun to get a break. ([I]Fry: Remember, no DQ![/I]) Roberts seemed frustrated that he couldn’t make Datsun tap, and went to ringside to grab a chair. Before Datsun could react, Roberts brained him with the chair and put him on his back. ([I]Phunk: When this big dude has a chair, there’s nothing your ass can do but close your eyes and pray he don’t kill you![/I]) Roberts folded out the chair, and pulled a hurt Datsun up to his feet. Datsun was hoisted up and powerbombed through the steel which drew a gasp from the crowd. ([I]Phunk: That’ll bend your spine! Fry: This is supposed to be a submissions match![/I]) As if hearing Fry, Roberts applied a ground version of the RCT on a laid-out Datsun, and the referee quickly dropped Freddie’s arm three times to end the match. ([I]Fry: Roberts simply destroyed Datsun. I wish he’d done it the honorable way but that’s just not in his vocabulary![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Enforcer Roberts at 16:58, B Survive or Die Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Roberts and Datsun match up well, and so they got the main event slot to try and carry us to a better-than-usual rating… they delivered. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] def. Freddie Datsun [B](B) Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Alicia Strong [B](B-) Brothers from Different Mothers [/B]def. New School to retain [B](C-) Remo [/B]def. Big Smack Scott [B](B-) Mainstream Hernandez [/B]def. Calamari Kid to retain [B](C)[/B][/quote]
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[SIZE=4][B]Outgoing, Incoming[/B][/SIZE] Finally with a free day, it was time to take care of some business. First was to lock down our latest acquisition. I’d left her a message late last night, and I was pleased to find she’d already hit me back with a reply on my office voicemail. “Hi Jim. I’ll have the contract faxed back by the end of today. Thanks so much and I’ll see you at Crashing the Border—that’s when you said I’d start, right?” I was glad to be done that, but there was another female worker on my radar, the recently-axed SWF valet whose name Wilco originally couldn’t remember. Jessie Gilmore. The wife of our World Champion. She was well-known for her time managing the Biggz Boyz, fairly good on the mic, smoking hot, and best of all, unemployed. We had to jump on this. Angry Gilmore’s words from months ago were still with me. “I just want to be with my wife.” Hopefully I could make it happen. I dialed the number I had for her, and let it ring. Her sweet voice picked up. “Jessie, this is Jim Jehovah from SCAR, how are you?” I gave her what I thought was a great offer—pay-per-appearance with a big downside and a share of merch, should she ever warrant any. But I got shot right down. “My agent has told me to tell you what we said to TCW, and what he's advising all of his clients to say: no. Right now, we’re not signing for anyone. He’ll only let me go with whoever is going to be the number one promotion, and since we don't know, we'll sit on the sidelines for a while. Sorry.” Swing and a miss. Not even the prospect of being on the road with her husband could get her to sign a non-written deal. That was the nature of the business as it was: things were so chaotic that no big name would want to sign long-term for a company, only for them to lose their TV deal a month later. Before I left to get some lunch, I noticed the message light blinking. Someone had left one while I had Jessie on the horn. I pressed the button. “You have… one… new message. First message.” “Jehovah.” Richard. “So I got a niece now, do I? Wish you’d come up with something that clever while you were working for me.” I was sweating again. “If you want to play me for ratings, go ahead. You guys need it with the numbers you’ve been doing. But I just never want to hear my name on your show, ‘cause the next time I go to court, it's to put someone out of business.” Click. I was no longer an employee of his but Eisen could still make me sweat buckets from the other side of the country. Now for lunch, and a change of shirt.
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If I was Eisen, having an Eisen on SCAR might make SCAR fans watch SWF for a few weeks to see what's going on and if they are reacting. Shamefor Gilmore that you didn't get Jessie. The Freddie Datsun and Enforcer Roberts matches are making a fan out of me for Freddie.
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[QUOTE=JonnyV1;205754]If I was Eisen, having an Eisen on SCAR might make SCAR fans watch SWF for a few weeks to see what's going on and if they are reacting.[/QUOTE]Great point. Given their ratings, I don't even know if that could save Supreme TV or Big League. It seems like their fate is sealed. I'm hoping Jessie settles for less sooner rather than later. What might be more likely is her going to NOTBPW, who can actually give her the written deal she wants.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 3, April 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]STONE JR. TO APPEAR DAYS BEFORE TITLE MATCH[/B][/COLOR] Angry Gilmore’s opponent at [COLOR=Blue][B]"Crashing the Border"[/B][/COLOR] wasn’t expected to enter a SCAR arena until the day of his match, but after the champion’s comments last week, [COLOR=Red][B]Dan Stone Jr.[/B][/COLOR] will be making an unscheduled stop at Survive or Die this week! What will the Canadian wrestling flag-bearer have to say to Gilmore, and will we get an in-ring preview of their match that's only three days away?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AliciaStrong.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]A STRONG DEBUT[/B][/COLOR] She may not have come out of her first match with a win, but who would have thought [COLOR=Red][B]Alicia Strong[/B][/COLOR] could hang in with the SCAR Champion for almost fifteen minutes? SCAR-Wrestling.com has learned that the daughter of the legendary Sam Strong has signed a long-term contract, and will be back in action this week. Can the skilled newcomer rack up her first win?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]BRUCE VS. LARAMEE ON SPORTS AMERICA[/B][/COLOR] "The King of the Streets" Kurt Laramee will go to war with Remo in a First Blood match on Sunday, where he’ll score huge brownie points with Cherry Eisen if he can bust his opponent open once again. But before that, he’ll have to deal with SCAR’s other “Founding Father”, [COLOR=Red][B]Jack Bruce[/B][COLOR=Black], when they face off live on Sports America.[/COLOR][/COLOR] Will Laramee be softened up, or get a huge ego boost, heading into the Michigan Statewide Arena?
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Love this diary. There's some real good stuff in this and it's one of the few I look out for when I come on here. Some very impressive bits in. You're using the trades to great effect, even if they are being jobbed out somewhat... But great diary, you've got (yet another) reader in me.
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 107) Live on Thursday, Week 3, April 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Laurent Ballroom (New England) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out) [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] MATCH 1 ALICIA STRONG vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX[/B][/COLOR] If her match against Angry Gilmore showed off her technical chops, this one showed she can fly too. She matched everything the flashy Phoenix came off the top with, scoring with a big diving hurricanrana that wowed the crowd. She quickly followed it with a vertical double-arm DDT that Fry called the Angel Driver for a win. ([I]Fry: How about that? That’s victory number one! Phunk: I never seen a girl do all that kinda stuff![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Alicia Strong at 9:17, D+ [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]----------[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]Dan Stone Jr.[/B][/COLOR] stepped through the curtain and looked up at the SCAR banner above the entranceway as most fans rose to their feet in response. ([I]Fry: Look at the respect for this man! He’s done so much! Phunk: And none of it means a thing because he done it in NOTBPW! He ain’t shown [/I]us[I] nothing![/I]) Stone got into the ring and asked for a microphone. “[I]Some of you know who I am, but many of you may not. My name is Dan Stone Jr. and at Crashing the Border, I will be the second SCAR Champion.[/I]” “[I]It’s not every day that you pick up the phone, and on the other end is someone offering you the chance of a lifetime. I was given the chance to fight for a prestigious championship in not just a new company, but also a new country. Since then I’ve heard, ‘Stone, you’re a Canada-created myth. Stone, you haven’t proven a damn thing in the United States.’ And to those people, I say…[/I]” “[I]You’re right. I’m starting from scratch, and I know it. But that’s what’s so exciting. That’s what has my heart beating a little faster than it has in a long time. That’s what has my [/I]BLOOD [I]rushing through my veins as I speak right now! Standing in this ring, being in SCAR, makes me a rookie again, and now, I get to prove myself all over again![/I]” “[I]I will walk out of Michigan with the belt around my waist, but I won’t cross the border with it. Unlike Gilmore, I’m going to defend it like a man, and I’ll take on all comers until I lose it. For the people who don’t believe it’s gonna happen, watch me on Sunday because I’m going to shock this whole industry![/I]” He had more to say, but was interrupted by [COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][COLOR=Black]'s theme, and she[/COLOR][/COLOR] walked through the entranceway. “[I]Welcome to SCAR, Dan. I’d like to say it’s a pleasure to host you, but… it’s not. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make you feel at home during your short stay. So I’d like to offer you a match here tonight. You wouldn’t disappoint these fans by declining, would you?[/I]” Stone shook his head. “[I]You already know my answer—bring it on![/I]” “[I]Super. Because your opponent tonight is Enforcer Roberts![/I]” ([I]Fry: Uh oh! We saw what that unstoppable machine did last week! Phunk: I don’t think this hockey puck’s going to make it to the Pay Per View![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- ----------[/B] [/COLOR] Backstage, we saw [COLOR=Green][B]By Any Means Necessary[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]New School[/B][/COLOR] embroiled in an argument over who deserved to take a crack at the Brothers from Different Mothers at Crashing the Border. [COLOR=Green][B]Shock and Awe[/B][/COLOR] entered the fray, which caused Morgan and Cattley to take a couple of cautious steps backwards, and [COLOR=Green][B]General Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] argued that her team had unfinished business with Biggz and Bumfhole. [COLOR=Green][B]Ota and Narato[/B][/COLOR] were next to enter and plead their case. Cherry Eisen entered the mess on her way back from the ring. “[I]Alright, stop it! You all think you’re worthy of a title shot? I say none of you are! I’ve got other plans for Bart and Zimmy. But it looks like there’s not enough room for all the teams in SCAR. So tonight—actually, right now—we’ll have a fatal fourway tag match, and the losing team… is fired![/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]D- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 FATAL FOURWAY TAG MATCH BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY vs. NEW SCHOOL vs. OTA AND NARATO vs. SHOCK AND AWE (w/ General Rodriguez)[/B][/COLOR] As you can imagine, neither of the heel teams wanted to be in the ring to have a chance at being pinned, or fired, so New School and Shock and Awe got a chance to hack at each other and vie for the crowd’s support. When things broke down, Morgan and Cattley started to bother Rodriguez at ringside, and Tank Bradley stuck his head through the ropes to yell at them. Fumihiro Ota launched off of the top rope with a flying legdrop across his head, and he fell backwards into the ring for a rollup by Perez. ([I]Fry: Two! Three! Phunk: Dude, they’re fired! Fry: I can’t believe it—the former Tag Champs are history![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Winners: New School at 6:44, D+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] We saw [COLOR=Green][B]Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B][/COLOR] taking advantage of the catering table when [COLOR=Green][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] snuck up behind him and tapped him on one cliff of a shoulder. “[I]Big guy, what’s the haps? I seem to somehow be short a guest for tonight’s edition of Sexy Time—Big Smack Scott cancelled on me. I hope that bastard falls asleep in his tanning bed. Then I thought, ‘Why not get the hot rookie on the show, give him some exposure?’ What do you say, Bulldozer?[/I]” “[I]Not interested.[/I]” Bruce turned back to his meal, not sensing Sexy’s anger. Joe grabbed the glass plate he was eating from and smashed it over his head. Bruce went down, dazed, and Sexy stormed off. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] John Greed[/B][/COLOR], clothes torn and dirty, rushed up to [COLOR=Green][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] backstage. The champion tried to calm him down. “[I]Where the hell have you been?[/I]” “[I]Toma and Sparrow took me to some basement! All I remember was a lot of yelling and it smelling like bird s***! I only got away when they started beating the crap out of each other.[/I]” Hernandez took a deep breath. “[I]Good, man. We should get out of here for a while, things are getting—[/I]” “[I]Uh… I also had to agree to… give them another title shot.” “What? But—[/I]” “[I]Don’t sweat it, man! I’m your agent, I’ll have it covered. We’ll get through it this Sunday, and then they’ll never get a shot again.[/I]” Hernandez walked away with him, grumbling. [COLOR=Green][B]D [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 PLAGUE vs. CHRIS ROCKWELL[/B][/COLOR] Rockwell came out in a sweat suit, showing a lack of respect for his opponent. Plague slipped in a couple of kicks, but the former Lobster Warrior had it covered, dominating and adding to his undefeated tear with his fisherman’s buster, the Rockwell Duster. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Chris Rockwell at 3:35, C+[/B][/COLOR] He took a microphone afterwards. “[I]Whew! What a workout. Giedroyc, you’re gonna be just another win to add to my resume, and that’s all. If you think you can stop my path to the SCAR Championship, you, sir, are dreaming.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] was backstage with the interviewer, and wanted to inform Remo that “[I]this ain’t your SCAR no more—this is my SCAR, baby.[/I]” He said he’d bust Remo’s mouth up again with pleasure, all for Cherry Eisen, so he could get his release and return to the company he loved. “[I]Bruce, you get the preview tonight, and don’t plan on your buddy coming to help your ass—he been banned from the arena.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]---------- [/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 JACK BRUCE vs. KURT LARAMEE[/B][/COLOR] Bruce was on fire, Cactus-clotheslining Laramee to the floor and whaling on him with right hands after they crash landed. Laramee fought back with his street fighter’s offense, and tried to blast Bruce with the Switchblade Powerslam, but Bruce rolled down his back with a schoolboy that nearly got him. Laramee disgustedly stomped Bruce out of the ring, and Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole ran down to ringside after he did. They quickly gathered up a set of the heavy ring steps each. ([I]Fry: What are—[/I]) They ran and crushed him between the two sets of stairs, sending him down in a heap. ([I]Fry: Dear God! Phunk: There’s some brotherly love for you! Ha ha![/I]) Bart and Zimmy threw the steps down and slapped hands, and the referee called for the bell. [COLOR=Green][B]Winner, by disqualification: Jack Bruce at 12:32, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] Laramee rolled out and started laying in stomps on Bruce as the bell rang repeatedly. Cherry Eisen appeared on the video screen. “[I]Stop it! That’s enough… let’s leave some of him for Crashing the Border. Bruce, Mr. Founding Father, you want to be a marquee name in SCAR? I’ll give you a huge marquee match for the Pay Per View—how about the Tag Team Champions in a handicap match?[/I]” ([I]Fry: That’s not fair at all! Two on one?[/I]) Bart and Zimmy smiled broadly, looking down at Bruce. Eisen threw up the devil horns. “[I]Rock on, Jack![/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] walked down a hallway on the way to the ring, but stopped, seeing something he liked… Alicia Strong. He approached her as she fumbled for a keycard to be buzzed out of the building. “Y[I]ou looked good out there… real good.[/I]” ([I]Fry: What a creep![/I]) “[I]In fact, stick around, ‘cause after I choke out Stone, I’ll show you a couple of submission holds.[/I]” She opened the door to leave when he grabbed the handle and closed it. “[I]You know, it’s rude to not answer me.[/I]” She thought about it, and hauled off and nailed him with a high kick to the side of the head that knocked him down. ([I]Fry: There’s an answer![/I]) “[I]Anytime, anywhere.[/I]” She left as he held his head and rolled around in pain. [COLOR=Green][B]C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) DAN STONE JR. vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B][/COLOR] Roberts seemed fine enough to compete, and oh boy, did these two ever pull out all the stops. After Roberts got him in the corner and chopped away at his chest, Stone reeled him in and opened up with even-louder shots, finally finishing it with a forearm strike that put Roberts over and out to the floor. Stone followed out to the apron, and dove at him with a flying clothesline that knocked both men over the announce table. ([I]Fry: The crowd is chanting for Dan Stone![/I]) Back inside the ring, Stone was slowed down with a gigantic superplex and Roberts then sized him up for an RCT. He lunged at him but Stone ducked around back and locked his arms for a big German suplex. ([I]Fry: Taken back up, and a second! One more time? No—it’s that big back suplex, Roberts got crushed![/I]) Enforcer was scooped up and put in a double underhook. Stone cried out and drove him with a tiger danger driver. ([I]Fry: Dropped him! Two, and three! Stone takes it, what a win![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Winner: Dan Stone Jr. at 19:28, A[/B][/COLOR] Stone had his arm raised. ([I]Fry: A hard-fought win, that’s what we could see in just three days! He—[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR] slid into the ring, having entered through the crowd, and nailed Stone Jr. in the back of the head with the SCAR Championship. ([I]Fry: It’s Gilmore! Phunk: I didn’t think he was here! Fry: He wasn’t![/I]) Gilmore trash-talked Stone, who was barely moving. ([I]Fry: It’s going to be these two competitiors, no weapons, with wrestling as their only recourse on Sunday, and Gilmore had better be ready to do just that![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B Survive or Die Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - For those keeping score at home (wait, where else would you be keeping score?) that’s the fourth “A” match in SCAR history, and the second that Enforcer Roberts has been a part of. Here's hoping Stone and Gilmore can top it. - Cherry Eisen was apparently used too much. That was a result of having too much to prep for the Pay Per View and only one show to do it. [B]Fast Results:[/B][quote][B]Dan Stone Jr.[/B] def. Enforcer Roberts [B](A) Jack Bruce[/B] def. Kurt Laramee by DQ [B](C+) Chris Rockwell[/B] def. Plague [B](C+) New School[/B] def. Shock and Awe, BAMN, Ota/Narato [B](D+) Alicia Strong[/B] def. Ultimate Phoenix [B](D+)[/B][/quote]
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[quote=keefmoon;206440]Love this diary. There's some real good stuff in this and it's one of the few I look out for when I come on here. Some very impressive bits in. You're using the trades to great effect, even if they are being jobbed out somewhat... But great diary, you've got (yet another) reader in me.[/quote]Thanks for the kind comments. I've checked your diary out a couple of times and you're doing a great job with the time period. It really takes me back. [CENTER]**** [COLOR=Blue][B][SIZE=4] Final Preview – SCAR Crashing the Border Live from the Michigan Statewide Arena in the Great Lakes Sunday, Week 3, April 2007 [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Special Attraction[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]For the SCAR Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]NOTBPW’s Dan Stone Jr.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Angry Gilmore (C)[/B][/COLOR] Angry Gilmore’s biggest challenge yet comes from outside, not within. The SCAR Champion began his career in Canada, and his past will come back to haunt him when Dan Stone Jr., arguably the biggest force in Canadian wrestling, gets his one shot at worldwide glory. Stone says that if he wins, he will remain in SCAR to defend the championship until he loses. Can Gilmore stave off an opponent who might have much more to gain than he has to lose? [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_KurtLaramee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Blue][B]First Blood Match[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]“The King of the Streets” Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Remo[/B][/COLOR] In her war against SCAR’s Founding Fathers, owner Cherry Eisen has a great weapon: the morally-challenged Kurt Laramee. He has been on a mission to please Eisen and hurt her biggest threat Remo. The perfect opportunity will arise at Crashing the Border, when the only way to win is to draw blood from your opponent. Will Laramee pull off the biggest win of his career, or Remo’s trademark rage have him seeing red—all over Kurt’s face? [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th__Q.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_KidToma.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Blue][B]Four-way International Body Count Challenge[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]For the SCAR Body Count Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]??? [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Matt Sparrow[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Mainstream Hernandez (C) (w/ John Greed)[/B][/COLOR] Hernandez may have thought his back was already against the wall when John Greed revealed to him that he had given Toma and Sparrow one more title shot, but now he might really be screwed. SCAR has jumped in to announce that there will be a fourth competitor from a “foreign promotion of great esteem”. Not only that, but this opponent will be selected by one lucky fan—[B][COLOR=Blue]JonnyV1[/COLOR][/B] from SCAR-Wrestling.com’s message board! Who will this fan select, and can Mainstream Hernandez possibly hold on to his prize? [COLOR=Blue][B]Also![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Handicap Match[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. The Brothers from Different Mothers[/B][/COLOR] Bruce is the ultimate anti-authoritarian but he may have met his match in his new boss. He has been booked against the new Tag Team Champions, Bart Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole, in a handicap match. He’ll have to fend off both newfound brothers to survive the night in Michigan. [COLOR=Blue][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Alicia Strong[/B][/COLOR] After being rebuffed and kicked silly by newcomer Alicia, Roberts has demanded a one-on-one match. The question may not be whether the wrecking machine Roberts will be victorious, but if Strong will be able to leave the ring under her own power! [COLOR=Blue][B]J[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][B]ack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]vs. Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] Two streaking SCAR superstars with a grudge will collide live on Pay Per View! Who will come out on top? [LEFT][U]Prediction Key[/U]: Dan Stone Jr. / Angry Gilmore Kurt Laramee / Remo ??? / Toma / Sparrow / Hernandez Jack Bruce / Biggz and Bumfhole Enforcer Roberts / Alicia Strong Jack Giedroyc / Chris Rockwell All predictions are definitely appreciated! [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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Dan Stone Jr. / [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] Unless this is an actual signing and you haven't told us, Angry Gilmore will retain. If Dan Stone has one more appearence then he might win, just to give the title back on the next Scar show. Kurt Laramee / [B]Remo[/B] Tried to do good things with Kurt myself, but never have. I'm hoping my dislike for him won't stop me getting most predictions for the third time in a row. ??? / Toma / Sparrow / [B]Hernandez[/B] Okay, I got a bit of an advantage as I know who it is. So I'm not giving any reasons behind my pick. Jack Bruce / [B]Biggz and Bumfhole[/B] Jack is one of your stars, but you can't job out Biggz and Bumfhole surely. [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] / Alicia Strong One of Cornellverse's most underated. Love to see him get a push he deserves. Should be a good match. Jack Giedroyc / [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] Just a feeling
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