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GCG: Giving The Tiger Its Roar Back

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Dude, as an avid Japan player, PGHW in particular, this is my favorite dynasty on the boards. I'd like to see some guest appearances by PGHW and INSPIRE guys, whatever it takes to bring down BHOTWG, right? Maybe bring in Brian Vessey for a one shot deal, it'd be a guaranteed B+ match against Hyobanshi, and would attract a lot of fans. Also, I was shocked to see that SUKI was still available...he's one of the most overlooked workers in the game, if you need some cheap help, pick him up! BTW, your diary has one of the best presentations I've ever seen in a diary, easy to follow, entertaining to read...keep up the good work!
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You've got a reader in me, even with the match ratio being 100%...you have managed to make this a very intriguing read and with all your various working agreements, it will always be interesting to see what talent you will bring in from the likes of TCW, NOTBPW, WLW and ROF. The thing that always worries me with feds with no angles, is that in diary terms you are reliant on making the match action sound interesting. Your match summaries are excellent....short summaries obviously weren't going cut the mustard...so I see you've not done that, but then again a waffly description that practically goes move for move would just lose readers. For me you've got the balance just right, enough detail for readers to imagine the matches in their head but concise enough not to lose them either. With so many diaries cropping up it's hard to follow all of them, and though I've yet to come across a truly bad diary (though admittedly I don't read every diary that happens to crop up) I do tend to look out for one's that seem to have that something uniquely different from the others and this diary for me has that X-Factor. I guess that kind of turned into an in-depth review.
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[QUOTE=gbasalmon;177506]Just wanted to let you guys know that this diary will be on temporary hold. Being a complete idiot, I downloaded the 1.2 patch and now must wait until my next paycheck to have enough money to purchase the full game.[/QUOTE] All those great logos and not even a free game? :(
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[QUOTE=NeoMetsFan;179119]Dude, as an avid Japan player, PGHW in particular, this is my favorite dynasty on the boards. I'd like to see some guest appearances by PGHW and INSPIRE guys, whatever it takes to bring down BHOTWG, right? Maybe bring in Brian Vessey for a one shot deal, it'd be a guaranteed B+ match against Hyobanshi, and would attract a lot of fans. Also, I was shocked to see that SUKI was still available...he's one of the most overlooked workers in the game, if you need some cheap help, pick him up! BTW, your diary has one of the best presentations I've ever seen in a diary, easy to follow, entertaining to read...keep up the good work![/QUOTE] A working agreement with INSPIRE is not a bad idea at all, it might be something to look into. I'd love to bring in some PGHW guys, but since they aren't on tour in January, unfortunately it's a no can do. I'd love to put on a Mito Miwa vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi or a Bryan Vessey vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha matches.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Waking The Ghosts Tour Sunday, Week 3, January 2007 Saitama Sports Field in Kanto in front of 1,554 people[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]MERLE O'CURLE vs. NAMBOKU MAKUDA[/B] Makuda has been keeping a low profile in GCG, but that doesn't mean he's not still in the long range plans. He's been a victim of the numbers game, just like his opponent Merle has been over in ROF. O'Curle has come over to Japan to show that he can get by with his killer submission holds and crisp style. Frankly, this match was better than it had any business being. O'Curle was working over every one of Makuda's limbs, looking for a chance to lock in the Celtic Wreath and end it, but Makuda fought back with all the tenacity of his namesake, "The Pit Bull". He reversed an attempt by Merle at a DDT and locked in an impromptu Dragon sleeper for the submission victory. It's a shame that O'Curle is still employed by ROF actually, as he can only come over by talent trade. He'll be one to watch for in the future to be sure. [B]Winner: Namboku Makuda Rating: C-[/B] [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. JULIAN WATSON[/B] Seeing as though Watson's partner Jack Marlowe was tied up with the main event, Julian was free to enter into singles action, and he had a huge roadblock ahead of him, NOTBPW's Tim Westybrook. Tim was not going to go down easily, and he and Julian engaged in what can only be described as a slugfest. Westybrook could have went all night, and he extended Watson farther than he may have ever gone in a singles match. However, Watson was up to the task and was able to dispatch Westybrook with a DDT after countering Tim's TNT Whirlwind. [B]Winner: Julian Watson Rating: D+[/B] [B][U]NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH[/U] PISTOL PETE HALL & HENRY BENNETT vs. SHOTARO IKINA & YASUHIDE TAYAMA[/B] The last few weeks these four men have become well acquainted with each other, and this time the stakes were the highest they've ever been. Whoever won this match earned a shot at the tag-team champs, whomever they may be, at Parade of Champions. Considering what was at stake, it's no surprise Pistol Pete wrestled like a man 20 years younger. He was the glue that held this match together, leading his partner Bennett through like a champion. Ikina & Tayama did their part also, bumping for the young Tennessean like he was hitting them with sledgehammers. Of course, the glory was to go to Pistol Pete, who dispatched Tayama with a Pistol Whip Lariat and won for his team a shot at tag team gold. [B]Winners: Pistol Pete Hall & Henry Bennett to become #1 Contenders for the World Heavyweight Tag Titles Rating: C-[/B] [B]KIMINOBU KUROKI vs. MAMORU NAGAHAMA vs. EAGLE KAWASAWA vs. SHINGEN MIYAZAKI[/B] There's always a place for a contest where men are just fighting to say they are the best and this was one of those matches. No titles on the line, no title shots, just respect. Kuroki is one of the up-and-comers in GCG, as are Kawasawa and Miyazaki. Nagahama was the X-factor in this match, as he has more experience than the other three men, but he's been out of the ring so long that his skills have degraded a bit. However, it appears to be coming back to him, as he put on a real good showing in this match, going move for move with men nearly 10 years his junior. However, he was not destined to win this match, as the match took its toll on Nagahama's reconstructed knee, and while he was favoring it, Kawasawa took the opportunity to spring off of his good knee and nail him with the Vision Quest for the win. [B]Winner: Eagle Kawasawa Rating: C[/B] [B][U]OPENWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/U] MAGNUM KOBE vs. TAKAYUKI 2000 (Champion)[/B] Takayuki 2000 is the Openweight Champion, which means he will take on anyone, any size, any style, any promotion. And tonight was no exception, as WLW's Magnum KOBE was across the ring from him tonight. No slouch himself and a member of the prestigious Circle of Blood, KOBE was a real threat to take the Openweight Title back to WLW with him. He nearly did on numerous occasions, using his high-rish offense to try to keep Takayuki on his toes. Takayuki took whatever opportunity he could to take KOBE off of his feet and lock in submission moves, softening KOBE up for the Persian Deathlock. He didn't ever actually lock it in, but he didn't need to. KOBE tried to go up top one too many times and missed his attempt at a flying cross body block. Takayuki ducked out of the way, then rolled up KOBE with an Oklahoma roll for the win to retain his title and keep it in GCG. [B]Winner: Takayuki 2000 to retain the Openweight Title Rating: C-[/B] [B]STEVIE GRAYSON vs. NAONOBU MURKAMI[/B] One of GCG's imports was on display this match and relatively late on the card for his tenure with the company. Stevie Grayson, late of TCW (I'm sure he's sick of hearing it, so I might actually stop referring to him as such), is settling into his spot quite nicely and looks to possibly have a future in the company. However, his opponent is no slouch, not by a long shot. Anyone who is anyone in GCG has to say that they went through Naonobu Murkami to reach the highest levels of the company and Grayson is no difference. On this day, Murkami was the better man, as he caught Grayson coming off the top rope with a huge lariat for the win. [B]Winner: Naonobu Murkami Result: C[/B] [B][U]WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/U] JACK MARLOWE vs. TOSHIHARU HYOBANSHI vs. HIROYASU GAKUSHA[/B] This match follows hot on the heels of last Tuesday's match, which was a four corners match that also included Dark Angel. Seeing as though Dark Angel took the loss, he was excluded from this match. Even without him, this match was still hands down the best of the night. You know Hyobanshi and Gakusha are going to bring it every night, and Jack Marlowe yet again didn't look like he was the oddball in this match. However, he was the one who was destined to take the loss, as Gakusha caught him with the Gakusha Golden Bomb (GGB) for the win to retain his title and end the show on a high note, which sent the fans away from Saitama Sports Field with a smile on their faces. [B]Winner: Hiroyasu Gakusha to retain the World Heavyweight Title Rating: B[/B] [I][U][B]OVERALL NOTES[/B][/U] Hmm, interesting. I love overusage notes, especially when they're for people who were on the pre-show! Yes, of course Rashid Lawal wrestled too much. And God forbid I let a match develop with enhancement talent like our Irish friend Merle O'Curle. If I sound bitter, it's because I am. Those sore spots aside, this show was great - save one thing. I know Masatake Hori is the voice of GCG, but if he keeps stinking up the announce booth like he has been, I swear either Mr. Furusawa is going to strangle him or I will momentarily remember who he is, then forget again and claim insanity/amnesia when I strangle him. Or maybe I can just hire another announcer. Either or...[/I] [CENTER][B]OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="Silver"] Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman beat Nigerian Hit Squad [B](13:05)[/B] when Ferdinand used a rolling cradle on Rashid. [B]D+[/B][/COLOR] Namboku Makuda beat Merle O'Curle [B](13:58)[/B] with a Dragon sleeper. [B]C-[/B] Julian Watson beat Tim Westybrook [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NOTBPW_small.png[/IMG] [B](15:46)[/B] with a DDT. [B]D+[/B] [B]#1 Contenders Match[/B]: Pistol Pete Hall & Henry Bennett beat Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama [B](11:50)[/B] when Hall used the Pistol Whip Lariat on Tayama. [B]C-[/B] Eagle Kawasawa beat Kiminobu Kuroki, Mamoru Nagahama, and Shingen Miyazaki [B](8:32)[/B] when he used the Vision Quest on Nagahama. [B]C[/B] [B]Openweight Title Match[/B]: Takayuki 2000 (c) beat Magnum KOBE [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/WLW_small.png[/IMG] [B](18:32)[/B] with a Oklahoma roll. [B]C-[/B] Naonobu Murkami beat Stevie Grayson [B](14:40)[/B] with a lariat. [B]C[/B] [B]World Heavyweight Title Match[/B]: Hiroyasu Gakusha (c) beat Jack Marlowe and Toshiharu Hyobanshi [B](20:28)[/B] when Gakusha used the GGB on Marlowe. [B]B[/B] [/QUOTE]
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New announcer [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B]GCG OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE[/B][/SIZE] GCG would like to announce that we have come to terms with announcer Hidetada Kozu on a exclusive pay-per-appearance deal. He will be joining the team of Masatake Hori and Hanshiro Furusawa and will add a lot to the product with his mere presence. [I]Actual reaction: If I had to go through one more show with Hori tanking his announcing duties, I was going to actually do something that might cause amnesia, like put my head through a wall. He signed on for $1,300 per appearance and a $800 downside guarantee, which is pretty much a formality. His skills will be much appreciated and if he ends up supplanting Hori, so be it.[/I]
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[QUOTE=gbasalmon;179259]Hmm, interesting. I love overusage notes, especially when they're for people who were on the pre-show! [/QUOTE] The Road Agents really do come out with some right gubbins sometimes, when it comes to over-usage....I've often come across some useless notes such as I've over-used some lower-tier member of my roster, when all I did was put him in a match (and not even a long one at that) at the beginning of the card or on the pre-show. I just ignore the Road Agent notes now, as nine times out of ten, what they have to say is not worth listening to.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]MATCHES ANNOUNCED FOR THE NEXT TWO SHOWS[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B]Tuesday from Miyagi Athletic Field in Tohoku[/B][/SIZE] [LIST=1] [*][B]Non-Title Match[/B]: Nigerian Hit Squad vs. Nathan Coleman & Stuart Ferdinand (c) [*][B]Openweight Title Match[/B]: Takayuki 2000 (c) vs. Jimmy Cox [*]Eagle Kawasawa vs. Dark Angel [*]Kiminobu Kuroki vs. Jack Marlowe [*][B]Students & Teachers[/B]: Kazu Yoshizawa & Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Yoshifusa Maeda & Hiroyasu Gakusha [/LIST] [SIZE="3"][B]Sunday from Nagasaki Sports Park in Kyushu[/B][/SIZE] [LIST=1] [*]Merle O'Curle vs. Kiminobu Kuroki [*]Quick Kick Nakao vs. Rhino Umaga [*]Aaron Andrews vs. Jimmy Cox [*]Nigerian Hit Squad vs. Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama [*]Shingen Miyazaki & Namboku Makuda vs. Pistol Pete Hall & Henry Bennett [*][B]World Heavyweight Title Match[/B]: Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha [/LIST]
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Show Results (OOC: For just this one show, the recap will be just match results. For some reason the write-up I had ready to go have disappeared. Hope y'all don't mind too much...) [LIST=1] [*]Dark Match: Julian Watson beat Quick Kick Nakao. (D+) [*]Sean Deeley beat Merle O'Curle. (C+) [*]Henry Bennett beat Stevie Grayson. (D+) [*][B]Non-Title Match[/B]: Coleman & Ferdinand (c) beat Nigerian Hit Squad. (D) [*][B]Openweight Title Match[/B]: Takayuki 2000 (c) beat Jimmy Cox (B-) [*]Barry Griffin & Daisetsu Satou beat Rhino Umaga & Shingen Miyazaki. (C-) [*]Eagle Kawasawa beat Dark Angel. (C+) [*]Jack Marlowe beat Kiminobu Kuroki. (C) [*]Hiroyasu Gakusha & Yoshifusa Maeda beat Toshiharu Hyobanshi & Kazu Yoshizawa (B-) [/LIST]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"]GCG Waking The Ghosts Tour "Hyobanshi-Gakusha I" Sunday, Week 4, January 2007 From Nagasaki Sports Park in Kyushu in front of 881 people Announcers: Masatake Hori, Hanshiro Furusawa, & Hidetada Kozu[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Before the show actually started, for the benefit of the live crowd, we set up a match for later in the card, a return match between Tim Westybrook & Takayuki 2000 for the Openweight Title. After this match, Tim was heading back to Canada, and declared his intention to take the belt back to the Great White North with him. Takayuki 2000 came out and told him that the only way he would do that is prying it out of his unconscious hands. [B]Rating: F- for Tim's challenge, E- for Takayuki's acceptance[/B] [B]MERLE O'CURLE vs. KIMINOBU KUROKI[/B] In his last appearance for GCG before going back to England, O'Curle wanted to actually win a match. However, he had to take down "Double K" to accomplish that and that is not that easy to do, even though Kuroki has had a bad string of luck in the past few weeks. O'Curle and Kuroki set out to have a technical match, and Kuroki showed great skill in doing that, a skill he hasn't shown in the past few weeks. "Double K" emerged victorious with his Mercury Sleeper seated Dragon sleeper. [B]Winner: Kiminobu Kuroki Match Rating: C[/B] [B]NIGERIAN HIT SQUAD vs. SHOTARO IKINA & YASUHIDE TAYAMA[/B] One of the most impressive and fluid teams in GCG are Ikina & Tayama. Tayama is a force of nature that is just beginning to be harnessed and Ikina is a wiley veteran who can hit the Ikina Driver at any moment and bring the match to a screeching halt. The team they were facing up against has potential, but they're not even close to capitalizing on it - yet. Rahabad & Rashid Lawal barely made it through a 12 minute match, but they were pressing hard the whole match, trying to batter Ikina & Tayama senseless. Ikina & Tayama were definitely the better team on the day, as Ikina dropped Rahabad with the Ikina Driver and added another notch in their belts as they had defeated yet another tag team. [B]Winners: Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama Match Rating: D[/B] [B]QUICK KICK NAKAO vs. RHINO UMAGA[/B] Rhino Umaga has been lost since Samoan Machine left for Burning Hammer, and is looking for either a singles push or a new tag partner. He did look really good in his role today, as Nakao did his job of making his opponent look like a million bucks. He sold Umaga's offense like a champ, even the huge Rhino Charge spear in the corner that ended the match. [B]Winner: Rhino Umaga Match Rating: D+[/B] [B][U]OPENWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/U] TIM WESTYBROOK vs. TAKAYUKI 2000 (Champion)[/B] In his last match before he goes back to NOTBPW, Tim challenged Takayuki to one more shot at the Openweight Title. Takayuki, being the fighting champion that he is, accepted with no hesitation. The two proceeded to have another good-to-great match, with Tim showing even more hard-hitting offense and some technical skill also. After a fairly even match, Tim decided to go for his TNT Whirlwind F5-like maneuver, but Takayuki spun out of it and hooked a crucifix, and was able to tip Tim over and pin his shoulders to the mat for a win. [B]Winner: Takayuki 2000 to retain the Openweight Title Match Rating: C+[/B] [B]SEAN DEELEY vs. JIMMY COX[/B] It has been said a lot that Jimmy Cox has done more with less than anyone else in GCG history, so it only makes sense that he would meet up with Sean Deeley before he goes back to Canada, as he has more potential than almost anyone to step into a GCG ring in recent memory. Deeley showed his amateur stylings, and Cox put in his extremely solid effort. Cox ended up winning the match, as he got a chance to hit the Immortal Driver and made it count. [B]Winner: Jimmy Cox Match Rating: C+[/B] [B]NAMBOKU MAKUDA & SHINGEN MIYAZAKI vs. EAGLE KAWASAWA & DARK ANGEL[/B] After putting on an extremely good match last Tuesday against each other, Dark Angel & Eagle Kawasawa were paired up against Namboku Makuda and Shingen Miyazaki, who are both trying to find their way in GCG, working up the ladder slowly but surely. Unfortunately for them, this was not to be the match that they climbed another rung, as Angel & Kawasawa were too much for them, and Makuda was the one who took Angel's Descent Into Hell to score the pinfall for Eagle & Angel. [B]Winner: Eagle Kawasawa & Dark Angel Match Rating: C-[/B] [B][U]WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/U] TOSHIHARU HYOBANSHI vs. HIROYASU GAKUSHA (Champion)[/B] This match has been in the offing since the beginning of the Waking The Ghosts Tour, but we thought it wouldn't happen until Parade of Champions. Plans change, and it's been decided that we'd try it out now. Quite simply, this match was awesome. Hyobanshi and Gakusha showed that they have excellent chemistry one-on-one, and seamlessly wove pummeling each other together. There was a sense that there may have been a bit too much no-selling, but that's a small concern. The only problem that anyone could have with the match is the finish, as the match spilled outside the ring towards the end. As Shunko Nakada neared the end of the 20 count, Hyobanshi had enough left in the tank after this marathon of match to get Gakusha up into the Nova Bomb Redux (Orange Crush Bomb). As Gakusha came crashing down the mat outside the ring, Nakada called for the bell, counting both men out and declaring it a draw, therefore Gakusha retained the title. [B]Winner: The match ended in a draw, so Hiroyasu Gakusha retains the World Heayweight Title Match Rating: B-[/B] [I][B][U]OVERALL NOTES[/U][/B] We ended with a hot match, which had to send the crowd home happy. The only problem The Devestator had for the whole show was that we may have let the Westybrook-Takayuki 2000 match drag on a little too long, which may or may not be true. I'm happy with how everyone performed at this show, although I would have loved to have Pistol Pete available, but he's working the TCW show tonight. Silly working agreements...[/I] [SIZE="4"][B]Overall Show Rating: C+[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE][COLOR="Silver"]Jack Marlowe beat Stevie Grayson [B](13:47)[/B] with a Jungle Jack Hammer. [B]C+[/B][/COLOR] Kiminobu Kuroki beat Merle O'Curle [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/ROF_small.png[/IMG] [B](8:36)[/B] with the Mercury Sleeper. [B]C[/B] Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama beat Nigerian Hit Squad [B](12:02)[/B] when Ikina used the Ikina Driver on Rahabad.[B] D[/B] Rhino Umaga beat Quick Kick Nakao [B](9:32)[/B] with a Rhino Charge. [B]D+[/B] [B]Openweight Title Match[/B]: Takayuki 2000 (c) beat Tim Westybrook [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NOTBPW_small.png[/IMG] [B](16:43)[/B] with a crucifix. [B]C+[/B] Jimmy Cox beat Sean Deeley [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NOTBPW_small.png[/IMG] [B](18:31)[/B] with the Immortal Driver. [B]C+[/B] Eagle Kawasawa & Dark Angel beat Namboku Makuda & Shingen Miyazaki [B](21:14)[/B] when Angel used the Descent Into Hell on Makuda.[B] C-[/B] [B]World Heavyweight Title Match[/B]: Hiroyasu Gakusha and Toshiharu Hyobanshi went to a draw [B](47:50)[/B]. [B]B-[/B][/QUOTE]
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Burning Hammmerrrrrr!!! It's official, Burning Hammer is out to destroy me. I roll into the GCG offices and check my messages, and there's one from Dark Angel's agent, telling me that Burning Hammer has contacted him about coming to work for them. If they offer him a written deal, there is no way that I have the funds available to match what they can offer. Also, I've received notices from Rhino Umaga & Nathan Coleman's agents that they have been offered an opportunity to tour with Burning Hammer also. So, they're looking to temporarily reconstruct Samoan Destruction, Inc. and also steal one-half of my tag champs? Hmph. PGHW has also offered Nathan a shot, so hopefully he takes them on their offer, because we have a working agreement with them so I can at least have Coleman & Ferdinand drop the titles, if need be. In other news, we've had an influx of new talent in the wrestling world - Cameron Vessey and Carlos Gonzalez have entered wrestling. I decided to put some feelers out to Vessey's camp on the off chance that he's interested in signing a deal. He'll probably end up wrestling in America, but maybe he'll choose Japan like his dad and uncle have with great success. Finally, we have a new competitor in the world wrestling landscape, JEF (Junge Europaeische Federalisten) has opened their doors. They seem to be positioning themselves as a sort of European INSPIRE and it will be interesting to see what types of wrestlers they end up employing. I'll be following that story, as if they succeed, it might weaken INSPIRE, which is fine by me.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCG_wtg2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"][B]MATCHES FOR TUESDAY'S SHOW[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] Nigerian Hit Squad & Magnum KOBE [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/WLW_small.png[/IMG] vs. Kiminobu Kuroki, Kazuma Narato [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/WLW_small.png[/IMG] , & Rhino Umaga Julian Watson vs. Shingen Miyazaki Naonobu Murkami & Namboku Makuda vs. Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama Stevie Grayson vs. Dark Angel [U]Openweight Title Match[/U]: Eagle Kawasawa vs. Jimmy Cox vs. Takayuki 2000 (c) [U]World Heavyweight Title Match[/U]: Jack Marlowe vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha (c) Predictions are always welcome!
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[B]Nigerian Hit Squad & Magnum KOBE [/B] vs. Kiminobu Kuroki, Kazuma Narato , & Rhino Umaga Julian Watson vs. [B]Shingen Miyazaki[/B] [B]Naonobu Murkami & Namboku Makuda[/B] vs. Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Dark Angel[/B] Openweight Title Match: Eagle Kawasawa vs. Jimmy Cox vs. [B]Takayuki 2000 [/B](c) World Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Marlowe vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. [B]Hiroyasu Gakusha [/B](c)
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[QUOTE=gbasalmon;180995][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCG_wtg2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"][B]MATCHES FOR TUESDAY'S SHOW[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] Nigerian Hit Squad & Magnum KOBE [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/WLW_small.png[/IMG] vs. Kiminobu Kuroki, Kazuma Narato [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/WLW_small.png[/IMG] , & Rhino Umaga Julian Watson vs. Shingen Miyazaki Naonobu Murkami & Namboku Makuda vs. Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama Stevie Grayson vs. Dark Angel [U]Openweight Title Match[/U]: Eagle Kawasawa vs. Jimmy Cox vs. Takayuki 2000 (c) [U]World Heavyweight Title Match[/U]: Jack Marlowe vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha (c) Predictions are always welcome![/QUOTE] Due to circumstances beyond GCG's control, Kazuma Narato will not be able to make it to tonight's show. Therefore, the six-man tag match has been changed to a tag match, pitting Quick Kick Nakao & Magnum KOBE against the Nigerian Hit Squad (Rashid & Rahabad Lawal). We apologize for any inconvenience. Also, until further notice, GCG tour shows have been reduced to two hours in length.
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The next show will be up some time tomorrow, with more to come (I'm about 3 shows ahead on the diary in reality). Also, I'll try to start weaving in a little more about the rest of the Cornellverse as I go, especially as the Waking The Ghosts Tour comes to an end and we wait for the next tour. When that comes, I'll probably cover the other puro promotions extensively and switch to a news recap and analysis format.
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Waking The Ghosts Tour – Tuesday, Week 1, February 2007 [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Waking The Ghosts Tour – Tuesday, Week 1, February 2007 – Kumamato Athletic Center in Kyushu in front of 835 people Announcers: Hidetada Kozu & Hanshiro Furusawa[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]Quick Kick Nakao & Magnum KOBE vs. Nigerian Hit Squad[/B] The Nigerian Hit Squad is getting better every time they come out, but yet again, it was not Rashid & Rahabad’s night. They are improving slowly but surely and are virtually a lock to be asked to come back for the summer tour. Quick Kick and Magnum looked excellent tonight, especially KOBE. KOBE was the one who did score the pinfall, as he got to the top rope and came crashing down onto Rashid with a KOBE Bomb senton. [B]Winners: Quick Kick Nakao & Magnum KOBE in 8:33 when KOBE used the KOBE Bomb on Rashid. Match Rating: C- [/B] [B]Julian Watson vs. Shingen Miyazaki[/B] These two men are right in the middle of the ladder in GCG, trying to claw and scrape their way to the top. Miyazaki has all the potential in the world, but Watson has both that and a friend in the right place, as his normal tag partner is Jack Marlowe, who is skyrocketing up the card every show. Watson came up victorious this match, as he beat down Shingen using his intensely physical style, then took him up and over with a Death Valley Driver for the pinfall. [B]Winner: Julian Watson in 14:03 with a Death Valley Driver. Match Rating: C[/B] [B] Stevie Grayson vs. Dark Angel[/B] Dark Angel has been the subject of controversy in the last few days, because there are rumors that he is discussing a contract with Burning Hammer. He isn’t exclusive to GCG as he also works for NOTBPW. He made his case for staying gainfully employed in GCG and frankly, didn’t do that good of a job. It’s not that this match was bad, it just missed that certain spark that makes a match good to great. The main item to come out of this match is the fact that Stevie Grayson eschewed his normal high-flying attack and chose to go toe-to-toe with the newly scientific Dark Angel. Dark Angel was still the better man, though, and put Grayson down with the Descent Into Hell. [B]Winner: Dark Angel in 26:02 with a Descent Into Hell. Match Rating: D+[/B] [B][U]Openweight Title Match[/U] Eagle Kawasawa vs. Jimmy Cox vs. Takayuki 2000 (Champion)[/B] We have known for a while now that Eagle Kawasawa and Takayuki 2000 were destined to meet for Takayuki’s Openweight Title, but the wild card in this match was Jimmy Cox. His presence in the match seemed to distract Takayuki, perhaps avoiding the Immortal Driver was a bit too much of Takayuki’s concern. It proved to be his downfall, as Eagle Kawasawa was able to capitalize on Takayuki concentrating on Cox too much and nail Takayuki with the Vision Quest and WIN THE OPENWEIGHT TITLE! [B]Winner: Eagle Kawasawa in 25:10 with the Vision Quest on Takayuki to WIN THE OPENWEIGHT TITLE. Match Rating: C+[/B] [B]Murkami & Makuda vs. Ikina & Tayama[/B] Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama are fast becoming the most feared tag team in GCG as they are cutting a patch of destruction through the ranks, setting their sights on taking down whomever leaves Parade of Champions the tag champs, whether it be Pistol Pete Hall & Henry Bennett, or Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman. They have shown that they have more than enough in the tank to hang with either, as they wrestled in a long match tonight, so long that everyone but Tayama was noticeably dragging by the end. Ikina still had enough energy, however, to help Tayama with their new tag finisher, the Super Ikina Driver. Tayama picks up the opponent in a wheelbarrow, in this case Makuda, then swings them around towards Ikina. Ikina locks in a double underhook and drops to the ground with his Ikina Driver, as Tayama drops to his knees, adding additional force to the move. [B]Winners: Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama in 16:45 when Ikina used the S.I.D. on Makuda.[/B] [B]Match Rating: D+[/B] [B][U]Non-Title Match[/U] Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Jack Marlowe vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha (Champion)[/B] Hiroyasu Gakusha barely escaped Miyagi Athletic Field on Sunday with his World Heavyweight Title, as he ended the night sprawled out after a huge Nova Bomb Redux on the outside of the ring. Would Gakusha get his revenge tonight? Or would Hyobanshi get his first win over Gakusha in any capacity? And how would the added factor of Jack Marlowe affect the match? There may have been too many things going on at once in the ring, because this match seemed slightly disjointed. There was a flow to the match, but it wasn’t nearly as smooth as Hyobanshi & Gakusha were on Sunday. Perhaps they just need some rest after their nearly 50 minute match. It was Hyobanshi who would emerge the winner, as he was able to get Marlowe up into the Nova Bomb Redux, and bring him crashing down the canvas for the pinfall. [B]Winner: Toshiharu Hyobanshi in 16:42 with the Nova Bomb Redux on Marlowe. Match Rating: C+[/B] [B][U]Overall Notes[/U][/B] Other than entirely too much Stevie Grayson, The Devastator didn’t have much a problem with our bargain basement show tonight. Hopefully we turn around financially soon, because we were hemorrhaging money last month, ending up losing over $100,000 last month. That’s why we ran the Kumamoto Athletic Center – the arena rights were 1/8 as expensive. We need to make up some ground so we can build to Parade of Champions and end this tour with a bang. [B]Overall Show Rating: C[/B] OOC: I'm trying the show reports with the full results with the matches instead of at the end. Please tell me which one you prefer - this way or the way with all the results at the end.
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News and Notes from Wednesday to Saturday, Week 1, February 2007 [SIZE="4"][U][B]Wednesday, Week 1, February 2007[/B][/U][/SIZE] [B][I]A Little Less Rhino[/I][/B] Just as I should have expected, Rhino Umaga jumped at the chance to tour with Burning Hammer on their upcoming Firehouse tour, which starts next month. It’s not known whether or not Rhino is going to stay on the Waking The Ghosts tour, or if he’ll be getting money from Burning Hammer to sit at home and rest up for their tour. [I][B]JEF Finally Has An Owner[/B][/I] It’s been announced that ROF star Razor Valentine is going to be the one heading up JEF, the new MMA-based organization out of Europe. He hasn’t signed any other talent yet, so it will be interesting to see who he pursues. [SIZE="4"][U][B]Thursday, Week 1, February 2007[/B][/U][/SIZE] [I][B]Multimedia Bonanza[/B][/I] Today was a huge day in PPV and TV show news. 21CW, TCW, and PGHW all got new TV shows. PGHW’s Emergency will start on Japanese Sports Vision next year, TCW’s Showdown will start on East Coast Today next season, and 21CW’s Retribution will air on UK Broadcasting Digital. Also, DaVE regained their PPV deal, this time with USA Free Choice. USPW has a PPV deal with American Option and UCR signed a deal with Euro Your Demand. Last but not least, our rival INSPIRE has their first PPV deal, on Emperor Choice. [I][B]Matches Signed for Sunday’s Show[/B][/I] 1. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. Quick Kick Nakao & Mamoru Nagahama 2. Stevie Grayson vs. Yasuhide Tayama 3. [U]Openweight Title Match[/U]: Jimmy Cox vs. Eagle Kawasawa © 4. [U]Non-Title Match[/U]: Pistol Pete Hall & Henry Bennett vs. Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman © 5. Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Naonobu Murkami [SIZE="4"][B][U]Friday, Week 1, February 2007[/U][/B][/SIZE] [I][B]More Multimedia Bonanza-ing[/B][/I] SWF will be debuting their new show SWF Full Throttle on East Coast Today, and NOTBPW will be debuting Spotlight on Maple Leaf Sports. [I][B]GCG Signs Second-Generation Star[/B][/I] We have come to terms on an exclusive PPA deal with second generation star Cameron Vessey. He’ll be getting $500 per appearance and can only work for GCG until his deal expires in 9 months. [I][B]GCC Announces Matches for Tuesday[/B][/I] 1. Cameron Vessey vs. Naonobu Murkami 2. Stevie Grayson vs. Henry Bennett 3. Kiminobu Kuroki vs. Takayuki 2000 4. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. Eagle Kawasawa & Shingen Miyazaki 5. Kazuma Narato vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha [SIZE="4"][B][U]Saturday, Week 1, February 2007[/U][/B][/SIZE] [I][B]Another GCG Wrestler Signs With The Hammer[/B][/I] One half of the World Tag Champs, Nathan Coleman, has decided to join BHOTWG on their upcoming Firehouse Tour. It will definitely help his overness, but also burn him out to be on two tours at once and working a regular schedule with DaVE, where he teams with Travis Century as the Perfect Criminals. [I][B]Stars of The Golden Canvas Rating[/B][/I] Our TV show, which featured highlights from Hyobanshi-Gakusha I, Jimmy Cox beating Sean Deeley, and Eagle Kawasawa winning the Openweight Title, got a 0.90 rating on All Japan TV Saturday night.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]GCG Waking The Ghosts from the Tokushima Arena in Shikoku in front of 495 people Sunday, Week 1, February 2007 Announcers: Hidetada Kozu & Hanshiro Furusawa[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] No dark matches or flat challenges this time, we go straight to the ring for the first official match. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/RashidLawal.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/RahabadLawal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/QuickKickNakao.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/MamoruNagahama.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nigerian Hit Squad vs. Quick Kick Nakao & Mamoru Nagahama[/B] The Nigerian Hit Squad are jerking the curtain again, this time against Quick Kick & Nagahama, two gentlemen who haven’t had much lately in a GCG ring, or any ring for that manner, as Quick Kick has had a few matches in WLW also. The script was different this match though, as Quick Kick & Nagahama showed Rashid & Rahabad that they still have a lot more to learn. Nagahama got Rahabad to tap out to a Main Event Sleeper Hold. [B]Winners: Nakao & Nagahama in 7:46 when Nagahama used a Main Event Sleeper hold on Rahabad. Match Rating: D+[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/YasuhideTayama.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Yasuhide Tayama[/B] One half of the dominant team of Ikina & Tayama was on display tonight, as Yasuhide locked up with Stevie Grayson. As always, Stevie was game, but he didn’t have quite enough to take down “The Coming Storm”. Yasuhide threw him around the whole match, and the only offense Stevie got in was countering Tayama’s attempt at an inverted powerbomb with a wheelbarrow bulldog. Tayama quickly recovered though, and nearly put Grayson through the mat with the inverted powerbomb, which he calls the Category 5, for the win. [B]Winner: Tayama in 13:57 with the Category 5. Match Rating: C-[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NambokuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/Takayuki2000.jpg[/IMG] [B]Namboku Makuda vs. Takayuki 2000[/B] After losing the Openweight Title to Eagle Kawasawa last Tuesday, Takayuki was in a very foul mood. And he took it out on Makuda, who bore the brunt of Takayuki’s rage. Unfortunately, Takayuki’s rage made for a sloppy bout, which wasn’t helped by the fact that Makuda’s own bruising style didn’t quite mesh withTakayuki’s intense but technical approach. Takayuki intensely dissected Makuda and locked in the Persian Deathlock for a decisive victory. [B]Winner: Takayuki 2000 in 14:47 with the Persian Deathlock. Match Rating: C[/B] [B][U]Openweight Title Match[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] Eagle Kawasawa (Champion) vs. Jimmy Cox (Challenger)[/B] Both men came into this match with something to prove. Cox wants to show everyone that he has what it takes to hold gold in GCG, and Eagle wants everyone to know that beating Takayuki 2000 and Cox in the three-way last week was no fluke and he really is a champion. That being said, this match needed no backstory, as it was an excellent match. Kawasawa and Cox unloaded on each other for a little over a half-hour, holding absolutely nothing back. The crowd was abuzz the whole time, and seemed sad that it finally ended with the same finish as last week’s match – Kawasawa countered the Immortal Driver with a knee to the gut, then nailed Cox with the Vision Quest for the win and his first title defense. [B]Winner: Eagle Kawasawa in 30:42 with the Vision Quest to retain the Openweight Title. Match Rating: B[/B] [B][U]World Heavyweight Tag Titles[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/HenryBennett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NathanColeman.jpg[/IMG] Pistol Pete Hall & Henry Bennett (Challengers) vs. Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman (Champions)[/B] After a week or so in America working shows for TCW, Pistol Pete has come back to GCG a refreshed and reenergized man. He looked amazing in this match, showcasing the bruising style that GCG have come to expect from the esteemed veteran. He very nearly won the match for his team with a Pistol Whip Lariat on Ferdinand, but Coleman leapt into the ring to break the count, much to the consternation of referee Shunko Nakada. Coleman & Ferdinand then proceeded to isolate Hall and try to wear him down. Hall, ever the trooper, tried to withstand the assault, but finally saw the need to make the hot tag to Bennett. Bennett tried very hard, and showed some newly hard-hitting offense, but Coleman & Ferdinand were too much and put Henry away with their new finisher, the Pioneer Twist II. Ferdinand puts the opponent up in the Argentine backbreaker, then swings him off, just as Coleman bounds off of the ropes and catches his waist, then brings him down with a flying neckbreaker. [B]Winners: Ferdinand & Coleman in 15:42 with the Pioneer Twist II to retain the World Tag Titles. Match Rating: C[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NaonobuMurkami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/ToshiharuHyobanshi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Naonobu Murkami vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/B] With World Heavyweight Champ Gakusha on the sidelines, this was Toshiharu’s party to headline, and he did it in style. It didn’t hurt that he had Naonobu in the ring with him, as the rock solid veteran was a great foil for Hyobanshi, as he sold his offense wonderfully and made him look excellent. The crowd was into this one from the get-go, as they were waiting for Hyobanshi to show why he is going to Parade of Champions to take on Gakusha one more time. Hyobanshi played into that beautifully, interacting with the crowd more than we’ve seen from him in the past. He finally hooked in a front facelock, screamed out to the crowd, then lifted Murkami up and back down again with the Nova Bomb Redux for the win. [B]Winner: Hyobanshi in 23:58 with the Nova Bomb Redux. Match Rating: B[/B] [B]Overall Notes[/B] It’s a true shame that only a shade under 500 people saw this card live, as it was our best card in nearly a month. Kawasawa-Cox and Murkami-Hyobanshi are on the short list for GCG Match of the Year, and the rest of the card was solid also. No one tanked tonight, and even the Takayuki 2000-Makuda match wasn’t a complete train wreck. This will definitely help out our standing in Shikoku, and hopefully impact our perception overall, as we proved we’re capable of putting on a show that received an overall rating of [B]B-[/B].
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WTG Tour - Tuesday, Week 2, February 2007 (OOC: Yes, this diary has returned from the dead. I needed to rescue it from the doldrums of the fourth page. I have a few more show reports to get in after this one, then the hype machine really ramps up for Parade of Champions.) [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]GCG Waking The Ghosts Tour Tuesday, Week 2, February 2007 from Ibaraki Community Hall in Kanto in front of 1,000 people (SELL OUT!) Announcers: Hidetada Kozu & Hanshiro Furusawa[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]PRE-SHOW[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/ToshiharuHyobanshi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Special Dark Match: Jimmy Cox vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/B][/SIZE] In a treat for those in attendance, Jimmy Cox and Toshiharu Hyobanshi locked it up without the cameras rolling. Hyobanshi looked like a future World Champ as usual, and Cox showed why he is a definite contender for the Openweight Title and maybe even the World Title. In the end, Hyobanshi was too much for Cox, eventually falling to the Nova Bomb Redux. There’s definitely no shame in losing to Toshi, and Cox is still tapped for great things. [B]Winner: Toshiharu Hyobanshi in 17:41 with a Nova Bomb Redux.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_bminus.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]OFFICIAL SHOW[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/HenryBennett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Henry Bennett vs. Stevie Grayson[/SIZE][/B] Stevie Grayson is trying to make his name in GCG, and so is Henry Bennett. Bennett is definitely on a better track than Grayson, as he definitely showed a spark of something in this match. He is further refining his technical game and is focusing it much better now, as he has finally perfected a finisher, which he used on Grayson successfully – a Sharpshooter he calls the Old No. 7. [B]Winner: Henry Bennett in 13:44 with an Old No. 7.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_cminus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NaonobuMurkami.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Cameron Vessey vs. Naonobu Murkami[/B][/SIZE] Tonight was a night that Cameron Vessey will remember for years – his first actual wrestling match. With a last name like his, he’s a virtual lock to go far in this business. But every journey begins with a single step, and he has to hone his skills first. In GCG, there’s no one better to do that against than Naonobu Murkami. He’s a rock-solid veteran who will help Vessey harness his limitless potential. Vessey will win many matches in the future, but tonight was not one of them. Murkami debuted his Divine Spirit Driver scoop tombstone piledriver and beat Vessey with it in a very solid match. [B]Winner: Naonobu Murkami in 10:48 with a Divine Spirit Driver.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_c.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/RahabadLawal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/RashidLawal.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Shingen Miyazaki & Eagle Kawasawa vs. Nigerian Hit Squad[/SIZE][/B] There comes a time in your career where you have to pass certain milestones to show that you have what it takes to succeed, and the Nigerian Hit Squad has to show that they have the stamina to work a mid-length match before they can be trusted to be a force in the tag ranks. And tonight was not one of those nights. Both Rashid and Rahabad had a hard time maintaining their energy throughout this match, which was no issue for Shingen & Eagle, who could probably go all night. Eagle was the one who got the pinfall, with his Vision Quest on Rahabad. [B]Winner: Eagle Kawasawa & Shingen Miyazaki in 18:05 when Eagle used a Vision Quest on Rahabad.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_dplus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/BarryGriffin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Barry Griffin vs. Dark Angel[/SIZE][/B] Two natives of the British Isles met in this unadvertised matchup. It was a solid workman-like effort from both men, but neither brought something special to the table in this match. During the match, Barry Griffin did debut his new finisher during this match, the Union Jack, a cross-legged fisherman buster, but it wasn’t enough, as Dark Angel put away Griffin with a Descent Into Hell. It’s disturbing to see Dark Angel reduced to unadvertised midcard matches, but we've against his possible leaving to Burning Hammer, which is apparently still on the table. [B]Winner: Dark Angel in 9:41 with the Descent Into Hell.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_c.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/KiminobuKuroki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/Takayuki2000.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Kiminobu Kuroki vs. Takayuki 2000[/B][/SIZE] Even without the Openweight Title number one contendership in question, this match would have more than enough intrigue about it to be one to watch. Both of these wrestlers are the future of GCG, loyal relative youngsters who will stay with GCG through thick and thin, trying to return it to its former glory. As such, this won’t be the first time these two lock it up. However, for the time being, Takayuki is a bit higher on the pecking order, due in large part to Kuroki’s stamina problem. In this match again, Kuroki had trouble staying at top energy levels for the whole match, which made it easier for Takayuki than it should have been to lock in the Persian Deathlock, as the lactic acid buildup was already well underway. Kuroki tapped quickly, and further reinforced the fact that Kuroki won’t truly break through until he gets that problem taken care of, if at all. [B]Winner: Takayuki 2000 in 23:45 with a Persian Deathlock.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_bminus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/Generic18.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/HiroyasuGakusha.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]World Heavyweight Title Match: Hiroyasu Gakusha © vs. Kazuma Narato[/SIZE][/B] In theory, this was an awesome matchup. The up-and-coming Narato, a WLW mainstay, versus the super-consistent World Champ Gakusha looked good on paper, but matches aren’t wrestled on paper. Narato’s high-flying style didn’t mesh well with Gakusha’s ground-and-pound, and it made for an extremely odd looking match. It was very stop and start, as neither man could really maintain any flow and it hurt the match greatly. Gakusha ended it all with a Gakusha Golden Bomb in an unfortunately underwhelming match. [B]Winner: Hiroyasu Gakusha in 31:09 with a Gakusha Golden Bomb.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_cplus.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Overall Notes[/B][/SIZE] The show overall had a great flow to it. The crowd got hyped up early with the exclusive Hyobanshi-Cox match, and the Takayuki 2000-Kuroki match didn’t hurt either. According to Maeda, who was road agent-ing tonight, the Nigerian Hit Squad was a bit too high in the card and the main event went a little long, both valid points to be sure. However, it didn’t hurt us overall, as this show should help our standing in the shrinking wrestling industry in Japan. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_cplus.jpg[/IMG] [B]OVERALL[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/WLW%20Diary/puronewswire.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U]Tuesday, Week 2, February 2007[/U][/B] [B]Time to Heal[/B] After last night’s show, Kiminobu Kuroki, Takayuki 2000, Eagle Kawasawa, and Stevie Grayson all told the trainer that they were feeling drained and needed some time off. That’s easy to do for everyone, as we are off again until next Sunday. [B]JEF Signs Up Two More[/B] JEF has signed up two more people to their nascent promotion – Toby Juan Kenobi is looking to expand and take on a singles career, and Mike Peterson has signed on also, most likely to road agent the proceedings. [B]Vessey Loves GCG[/B] One match in, and Cameron Vessey already views himself as a fixture in GCG, so much so that he’s declared that he’s going to be loyal to GCG and it’ll be hard to sign him up anywhere else, as he’s on an exclusive per appearance deal. While PGHW and Burning Hammer could offer him more money, he’s apparently putting more value in GCG giving him his first break in wrestling. [B][U]Wednesday, Week 2, February 2007[/U][/B] [B]El Yaaggoudi Signs On To Tour With BHOTWG[/B] INSPIRE wrestler Mohammed El Yaaggoudi is adding some dates to his calendar, as he’s decided to tour with Burning Hammer on their upcoming Firehouse tour. It’s not known yet how he will be used, that will probably be determined as we get closer to the beginning of the tour in March. [B]Dark Angel Looking Worse for the Wear[/B] There are reports circulating that GCG & NOTPBW star Dark Angel is starting to be beaten down by wear and tear on his body. He is 36 years young and has been wrestling for more than a decade, so it’s feared his body may be breaking down enough that he might need to take some time off to recuperate. [U][B] Thursday, Week 2, February 2007[/B][/U] [B]Congrats on Your Engagement![/B] News out of England is that current 21CW and former ROF star Adam Matravers and his fiancée, Phoebe Plumridge, are finally going to tie the knot. [B]Contract News Worldwide[/B] According to sources in the company, Brett Biggs has been offered a contract extension with SWF. He is still one-half of the tag champs with his brother, Bart, so it should be automatic that he gets resigned. There is good news for DaVE, as they have successfully resigned Guide to a per appearance deal. He is still able to leave if he gets offered a written deal, but at least he’s under some sort of contract. A little farther up the coast, Herb Stately has signed on with RIPW. It’s not known yet whether he’ll be managing or doing color commentary work, but we’ll definitely follow that story. In potential contract news, USPW is out to Jim Force for an extension and 4C has extended feelers to head referee Andy Gordy’s camp about an extension also. [B]El Yaaggoudi Is Having a Week[/B] An interesting story has come out of INSPIRE, as Mohammed El Yaaggoudi has stated that he is the MVP of the roster and should be main eventing shows if the people in charge weren’t afraid of his skills. Seeing as though those people are Takayuki Kikkawa and Tasuki Iesada, that’s a fairly amusing charge – especially from a midcarder who has won only one of his three matches this year for INSPIRE, being able to defeat Kalu Owasu at their last show. [B]New Tag Champs in NOTBPW[/B] At last night’s NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Edd Stone & Johnny Bloodstone were able to defeat the Can-Am Blondes and become tag champs, cutting off Owen Love & Damian “The Natural” Carvill’s reign before it really ever had a chance to start. In news of interest to GCG fans, star Shingen Miyazaki was unsuccessful in his attempt to take the Unlimited Action Title off of Harrison Hash. [B][U]Friday, Week 2, February 2007[/U][/B] [B]GCG Announces Matches for Sunday’s Show[/B] 1. Stuart Ferdinand (w/ Nathan Coleman) vs. Rhino Umaga 2. Cameron Vessey vs. Pistol Pete Hall 3. Takayuki 2000 & Jimmy Cox vs. Eagle Kawasawa & Shingen Miyazaki 4. Kazuma Narato vs. Jack Marlowe 5. Toshiharu Hyobanshi & Namboku Makuda vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha & Kiminobu Kuroki [B]Dominguez Re-ups with OLLIE[/B] News out of Mexico is that Mario Dominguez, one half of the brotherly tag team Los Dominguez with Julio, has negotiated an extension with OLLIE. [B]Recent Web Poll Names Best Wrestler & Announcer[/B] According to a web poll from this very website, the best wrestler in the world is TCW’s Tommy Cornell and the best announcer is DaVE’s Mitch Naess. Enough with the Cornell stuff – it’s like the universe is named after him or something… [B]SWF Nothing to Lose Leaves Something to Be Desired[/B] In a mostly underwhelming effort, SWF put on Nothing to Lose last night. The best match of the night was Sam Keith-Angry Gilmore, which of course was smack dab in the middle of the card, while the catch-as-catch-can spectacular of Runaway Train-Skull De Bones was the main event. [U][B]Saturday, Week 2, February 2007[/B][/U] [B][B]Lots of Contract News[/B][/B] There are numerous wrestlers who are in negotiations to re-sign with their respective companies: Raul Hughes & INSPIRE, 21CW & Adam Matravers, Rudy Velasquez & DaVE, Rocky Golden & TCW, and Speedy Marie & UCR. Golden is the most important name in this list, as he still is the International Champion, turning back challenges thus far from Giant Tana, American Buffalo, Genghis Rahn, and Billy Jack Shearer. Also, Jakki White Trash has come to terms with NYCW on a per appearance contract, as has Nyoko To****ala with WLW. [B]Lee Sidelined[/B] At yesterday’s Warrior Engine show, Henry Lee suffered a knee injury during his tag match. He and Doug Peak were challenging unsuccessfully yet again for the Blood Brothers Title against The Pack, consisting of Taheiji Konoe & Munemitsu Senmatsu. He’s going to be out of action for a little more than two weeks, so basically until March. [B]GCG Trying To Broaden Its Fan Base[/B] A source inside GCG has informed us that they are in negotiations to potentially gain TV clearances in Canada and the United States. It’s unknown whether or not the stations in question (Maple Leaf Sports in Canada & Sports America in the USA) will be interested in carrying GCG’s programming, but GCG is trying to extend their viewership and gain fans across the Pacific. Also, they are in preliminary talks with Japanese PPV carrier J-Remote 1 to possibly carry GCG programming the future.
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Waking The Ghosts Tour, Sunday, Week 2, February 2007 [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/GCC_birthplace.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sunday, Week 2, February 2007 GCG Waking the Ghosts from Hofu Arena in Chukogu in front of 840 people Announcers: Hidetada Kozu & Hanshiro Furusawa[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/YasuhideTayama.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Aaron Andrews vs. Yasuhide Tayama[/SIZE][/B] TCW sent Aaron Andrews for the night and his task was simple – stop Yasuhide Tayama. That is easier said than done, as there’s a good reason Tayama’s nickname is “The Coming Storm”. He wrestles like a wild force of nature, throwing care to the wind, giving his opponent absolutely no quarter. Andrews was no different, as he was battered around the ring by Tayama, then mercifully put away with the Category 5 inverted power bomb. [B]Winner: Tayama in 11:43 with a Category 5.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_cplus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Rhino Umaga vs. Stuart Ferdinand (w/ Nathan Coleman)[/SIZE][/B] One half of the Tag Champs were in action, as Stuart Ferdinand made his first singles appearance of the year, taking on the newly solo Rhino Umaga. Umaga hasn’t done much since Samoan Machine left for Burning Hammer, and he’s lacking direction. This match didn’t help, as Rhino’s intense offense played right into Ferdinand’s game plan of working on his head and shoulders. Ferdinand lulled Rhino into a false sense of security by playing possum in the corner, then ducking away at the last moment from a Rhino Charge attempt. Rhino went shoulder first into the corner and Ferdinand capitalized immediately, locking in a version of a Goku-Raku stretch he calls the X-Clutch to get a submission victory from Umaga, which doesn’t happen all that often, as Samoans very rarely tap out. [B]Winner: Ferdinand in 16:53 with an X-Clutch.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_cminus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Cameron Vessey vs. Pistol Pete Hall[/SIZE][/B] Vessey made quite an impact in his first match, even though he lost to Naonobu Murkami. Tonight he had an even bigger test, GCG legend Pistol Pete Hall. Hall may have the fact that he and Henry Bennett are challenging for the Tag Titles at Parade of Champions in the back of his mind, but he sure didn’t show it tonight. Hall led Vessey through all the paces tonight, showing him exactly why he is a legend, down to the Pistol Whip Lariat which ended it all. Vessey didn’t look out of place by a long shot, and may have surpassed a good deal of the talent in GCG already, which is amazing, considering he’s only 19! [B]Winner: Hall in 13:36 with a Pistol Whip Lariat.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_bminus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/Takayuki2000.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Takayuki 2000 & Jimmy Cox vs. Eagle Kawasawa & Shingen Miyazaki[/SIZE][/B] Coming off of the last match, these four men would have do a lot to top it and bring the crowd even higher, but they did not disappoint. Given the talent in the ring, that is no great surprise. Takayuki and Eagle definitely have no love lost ever since Eagle took his Openweight Title a week and a half ago. Jimmy Cox can never be taken lightly and was good enough to take Toshiharu Hyobanshi to the limit in a dark match last Tuesday. Miyazaki was the wildcard this match, as he has been hot and cold lately. He seems to be turning the corner, perhaps, as he earned his place in this match with a solid effort and was at least the equal to everyone else in the match. He was the one who went down in defeat though, as Takayuki was able to isolate him long enough to make him tap out to the Persian Deathlock, ending an excellent match. [B]Winners: Takayuki 2000 & Cox in 21:41 when Takayuki used the Persian Deathlock on Miyazaki.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_b.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Jack Marlowe vs. Kazuma Narato[/B][/SIZE] Kazuma Narato has returned to a GCG ring, and he was looking to avenge his loss last Tuesday to Hiroyasu Gakusha. Standing in his way was a man that some have tapped as being a huge part of the future for GCG, Jack Marlowe. Probably drawing on his experience in Mexico with MPWF, Marlowe knew exactly how to combat Narato’s high-flying style, making for a crisp and exciting match. Marlowe and Narato meshed beautifully, with Marlowe countering Narato’s offense with his stiff offense and Narato throwing in the occasional flurry of lightning quick leaps and snappy mat work that kept Marlowe on his toes. In the end, however, Marlowe was too much for Narato, as he is for a good deal of GCG regulars. [B]Winner: Marlowe in 18:35 with a Jungle Jack-Hammer.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_cplus.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/ToshiharuHyobanshi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/NambokuMakuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/HiroyasuGakusha.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/KiminobuKuroki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]Toshiharu Hyobanshi & Namboku Makuda vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha & Kiminobu Kuroki[/B][/SIZE] In a rematch from the first main event of the year, Hyobanshi and Gakusha each brought their normal tag partners with them to the Hofu Arena to wage war. This match was even better than their first encounter, no doubt because of the great tension and excitement in the arena whenever Hyobanshi & Gakusha are interacting with each other. They didn’t cross paths much during the match, but Hyobanshi would occasionally shoot a glance over to Gakusha, communicating with an icy intensity that he is going to be the next World Heavyweight Champion. Gakusha didn’t seem to care, though, as he was focused on the task at hand. He threw Namboku Makuda all over the ring with a succession of suplexes, and then nailed Makuda with the Gakusha Golden Bomb. To Gakusha’s great surprise, Makuda managed to kick out of the GGB and tagged in Hyobanshi. Gakusha quickly tagged in Kuroki, as he wanted no part of Hyobanshi quite yet. Hyobanshi obliged him and proceeded to batter Kuroki repeatedly, then crushed him with a huge Nova Bomb Redux to gain the win for his team. This ended the show on a great note, which had to send the 840 in attendance home with a smile on their face. [B]Winners: Hyobanshi & Makuda in 23:41 when Hyobanshi used the Nova Bomb Redux on Kuroki[/B]. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_bminus.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Overall Notes[/U][/B] From top to bottom, this was an excellent show. It had a great flow to it, bringing the crowd to periodic highs and leaving the crowd with a good taste in their mouths after the main event tag match. The Hyobanshi-Gakusha dynamic is developing quite nicely and should make their second meeting at Parade of Champions that much more hotly anticipated. Maeda seemed to think that the Andrews-Tayama and Ferdinand-Umaga matches went a bit long, which are understandable complaints. I tend to err on the side of longer matches, as I think GCG crowds appreciate an actual story to the match, and slightly longer matches give the wrestlers and opportunity to tell that story. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/GCG%20Diary/TEW%20Graphics/grade_bminus.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]OVERALL[/SIZE][/B]
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