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My First Diary Attempt

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[CENTER][B]27 May 06[/B][/CENTER] Today is the biggest day of my life. I just graduated from Ohio State University with a honors degree is business. It seems that some of my fathers hard working genes are in me after all. As happy of a moment as this is I'm still scared to death. You see while all of my friends were busy lining up "real" jobs, I was out trying to get lucky with the dean's daughter (I failed miserably by the way), and staying out late going to wrestling shows. My whole life I've wanted to be a pro wrestler, of course my parents just laughed at me and told me I should get a more "realstic" dream. See my dad is a successful business man who travels around the world selling differant products to people who don't really need them. I swear the man could sell a porno to a nun. Lucky for me I'm just like him. It seems I have a way with words, and the ability to capture someones attention as soon as I open my mouth. I tried explaining to them that this would be perfect for my wrestling career, but they just laughed it off, like they always do. Oh well with this great talent I have with words it shouldn't be to hard to get a job...right?
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[CENTER][B]1 Aug 06[/B][/CENTER] It seems that my charasmatic abilites have failed miserably. Since my graduation from OSU I've had a whopping 3 interviews. All of which I've appearantly failed miserably because no one has offered me a job. Of course mean while I continue to blow the little bit of money I do have left drinking away my sorrows and finding any hole in the wall wrestling show I can to see a quality match. My parents have apperantly gotten tired of my living with them because they've begun to drop subtle hints. This morning I woke up and sitting on my night stand was todays paper with the classified section already out and the possible jobs circled in red. "Thanks mom"! But then something happened that will change my life forever. This afternoon as I was finishing up my lunch (which consisted of 2 day old pizza yum) I got a call from my old man. "great" I thought to myself. another lecture about how it's time for me to grow up and start acting like a man. But that wasn't how it went at all. I'll spare you all the details and just get into the meat of the conversation. It seems that my dad was down in the Middle Atlantic Region of the U.S. where he was about to close a deal with a local Omish company who wanted to buy something like 50,000 t.v.'s (I would've loved to be there for that conversation) Anyways he said that as he was finishing up the deal he was approached by a man by the name of Rip Chord. Rip told him he was the owner of a small wrestling company and he was looking for a man as suave as my dad to become the head booker for his company. At first my dad laughed and said that he would never quit what he does now to run some company where a bunch of men role around with each other half naked. But then he got an idea, and told Rip all about me. He said that at first Rip wasn't to sure if someone as young as me could handle the job, but after my dad did, whatever it is he does, Rip agreed to meet me. He said that I needed to head down there ASAP. He had already called Delta and reserved me a ticket, Rip would be expecting me at MAW headquarters tomorrow morning at 9.
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[CENTER][B]2 AUG 06[/B][/CENTER] Well my meeting with the legandary Rip Chord wasn't spectacular to say the least, but it got the job done. MAW headquarters was amazing and I felt awe struck the moment I walked in the door. Rip wasn't as intimidating in person as I had thought he would be and after we got down to discussing the business at hand things ran pretty smoothly. More than once though he thought of ending the meeting and going with someone with a bit more experiance, but this was my passion, perhaps even my calling and I wasn't going to let anyone, not even a legand like Rip stand in my way. Soon I saw that fire inside me that people see in my dad, and I was throwing together sentences that I didn't even think were real, but I could tell from the look in his eye that Rip saw the fire too, and soon I had him convinced I was his man. We ended the meeting with a firm hand shake and him telling me to come by his office on the first of November for my first offical day of work. This was going to be one job I wouldn't wouldn't mind showing up to.
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[CENTER][B]1 NOV 06[/B][/CENTER] My first day of work as a pro wrestling booker. The moment I walked in the door of MAW I knew I was never going to want to leave. Sophie, the receptionist there, greated me with a smile that nearly made me melt, then showed me to my new office. "WOW" My first office job ever, and my name is on the door. I can help but smile proudly to myself, and decide that when things slow down I'm going to have to take my dad to the best resturant money can buy for what he did for me. As I fall back in the comfy leather chair a copy of the times is sitting in front of me, and who's that on the cover? Why none other than yours truely. [CENTER][I]Mid Atlantic Wrestling found themselves a new head booker today by the name of Clayton Adams. Adams, 23, is the youngest head booker of any professional wrestling orgination. Has MAW finally struck gold and found the man who will turn they're company into a major player? Or are we seeing a last ditch effort at staying out of bankrupty by hiring some kid off the streets for a mere pennies. We'll have our answer in a couple of months when MAW holds their annual Rip Chord Invitional.[/I][/CENTER] Well it wasn't the best article about me, but hey I made the front page I guess I can't argue with that. I decide I'm going to frame it and put it on the wall, and as soon as I do Sophie walks in and tells me Rip would like to see me in his office. As I sit down for my first ever business meeting with my new boss I can't help but notice the look in his eyes, no longer does he look like the calm easy going person who gave me my job. the fire has returned to his eyes and he looks like the wrestler that everyone once feared. "I'm going to make this short Clayton. No one thinks you have a chance in hell at running this thing, hell even I am having my doubts. The papers are in a frezy and we've already had three of our stars walk out on us when I told them the news. The rest have agreed to stick around at least until the end of the Jan. show only because they have so much respect for me. With that being said your first day here isn't going to be an easy one. I want you to start woking the phones and find some solid replacements for what we've lost today, then I want you to go down to the locker room and talk to the guys. Let them know who you are and what your about, but for God's sake don't let anymore of them walk out on this company before Jan. Once you find replacements for the three workers we lost let me know and I'll deicde then if you can hire them. Now get out of my office, there's alot to get done." Completly stunned by this meeting I walk out of the office with my head hung a little low. I'd been working here for less than an hour and have already recieved my first ass chewing, I'm pretty sure this is some kind of record. But I'm determined and first thing is first. I need to head down to the locker room to talk to some of the guys and figure out who we are missing.
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[CENTER][B]15 November 06[/B][/CENTER] Well it's been a couple of weeks now since my disaterous first day at the office and a lot has changed since then. My visit with the wrestlers wasn't that bad at all, in fact once I told them about my desire to turn MAW into the next big thing, and how I loved wrestling growing up when it was "real" most of them seemed to be on board. I've even hung out with Steven Parker a few times. Anyways, one of the man things we talked about was who it was that left the company (since Rip in all his anger failed to mention it) turns out it was three potential stars: Stan Manna, Huey Cannonball, and Des Davis. This was pretty disappointing for me to hear because I had some big plans with Des, but his lost not ours. I decided to hear what some of the guys had to say about the new talent I should scout and after what seemed like hours of debate my list got narrowed down to four potintial stars: [CENTER]Champagne Lover, Fumihiro Ota Cal Sanders Burning Exile[/CENTER] After that was taken care of I talked to the guys a bit more about their families and life outside of work. They all seemed very pleased to have a booker who would listen to their ideas and actually cared about them as people not just wrestlers. Hopefully this wil make the boss happy because his office is where I'm going next. This meeting was very differant from the last after showing the boss my list of perspective wrestlers and telling him about how I came to decide on it, he seemed to be at ease with knowing that the guys have taken a likeing to me. He says that perhaps I'm cut out for this business after all and not only will he allow all four signings, but he'll also let me start making more decisons on my own. He sets up another meeting with me on the first of the month to go over a few "small" guidelines he has about the company, and tells me not to make any more moves until then
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[CENTER][B]1 Dec 06[/B][/CENTER] So today I had another meeting with Rip where he told me the goals he has established for me. He said that it was important that the media doesn't protrey us as going out of business, because it may make future wrestlers shy away from signing with us. With that in mind he said it was critical that the company doesn't fall below 15,000 dollars for the next year. That seemed pretty reasonable to me, seeing how I planned on actually making the company money not loseing it. His next topic was also about the way the media views us and said that drug useage, specificly Steroid useing, will not be tollerated in his company. Meaning that at least for the next 2 years I am not allowed to sign anyone who has been involved with steroids in the past. He said he will also be doing a random testing from time to time and no one, including myself is exempt from participating in it. His third and final topic was about talent here in MAW. He said he believes the thing that is going to set us apart from SWF, and the thing he has built this company around, is that our wrestlers actually have talent. He said that any new talent I bring in has to also show they know how to wrestle and not just talk a big game, keeping that in mind I'm not allowed to sign anyone who's basic skills aren't at least a D. After discussing these goals he said he had some great news for. Being as the only reason I got the job as head booker is because of my ability to think on my feet and knowing just what to say and when to say, I'll be joining Marc Earnest at the announcers booth for the invitational. At first I was shell shocked, but then quickly snapped out of it and realize what a huge oppurtunity that was for me. We ended the discussion by agreeing to meet on the first on every month at a minimum. And I realized I still had lots to do to prepar for the Invitational that was just around the corner.
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[CENTER][B]1 JAN 07[/B][/CENTER] With the Rip Chord Invitational right around the corner I've been up to my ears in making sure everything was going right. When I walked in this morning Sophie informed me that I had two messages, then handed me a cup of the finest coffee I've ever tasted. "Mr. Fumihiro Oto called yesterday." My ears pearked up when Ii heard the name, my first offical signing? "He said he would have to be a fool to work for someone who is just a kid, and is insulted that you would even contact him." Ouch I thought to myself, well when we become the next big thing I hope he doesn't expect an invite because I hold a very nasty grudge. "The next message was from Mr. Champagne Lover. He says that he loves that your trying to bring old school back into mainstream wrestling. Unfortunatly, with his commentment to SOTBPW and his varies deals making soap operas he's already being spread to thin. He's really sorry he can't join but perhaps your paths will cross again." Well at least he wasn't so rude about it, besides I did think he was a great wrestler and hope that one day I can convince him to join my company. Sophie smiled briefly after that and said "I also have some good news." I'm not sure which was better, her smile or the fact that their was good news. "Cal Sanders is waiting for you in confrence room A, and Burning EXILE is in room B." Overwhelmed with gittiness I immediatly jumped to my feet and rushed off to meet with Cal and Burning EXILE. After hours of negotiations I finally got Cal Sanders to agree to a 9 month PPA contract worth 125 dollars per show. I thanked him for coming out here to see me and told him I looked forward to working with him later this month. I wasn't as successful with Burning EXILE but I did get him to agree to a 3 month short term contract at 600 dollars per appearance. After the meeting I made my way over to the bosses office to have our monthly sit down. As I walked in he was finishing up a phone conversation with what seemed to be a translator of some kind. As he hung up the phone I informed him of the recent signings and of the two signings that we didn't get. This news didn't seem to bother him at all. "Well I have some great news Clayton. I just got off the phone with SAISHO owner Sadakuno Nishimuraya and we've agreed to a working contract. What that means for you is that you can do talent trades with them in hopes to better future shows and younger talent." I was delighted to hear this because Japan has always been known for the quality wrestlers and I was sure I would be going to them alot in the future. The rest of the meeting was pretty uneventful, he said he liked what I had done so far, but I needed to get two more wrestlers signed to replace the ones I didn't get and I needed to start working out a schedule for the tournament at the end of the month. Excited to finally get to write out a few matches I shook his hand and headed to the office.
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[CENTER][B]13 JAN 07[/B] [I]It has been reported that new MAW head booker Clayton Adams has made several free agent signings in the recent months. The details of the contracts are unknown, and Mr. Adams was not available for comment. The signings are: Cal Sanders Burning EXILE Frankie Dee Harry Wilson[/I][/CENTER]
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[COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER]RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL FRIDAY JANUARY 25TH[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER]FIRST ROUND[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][CENTER]Steven Parker VS. Ricky Douglas Burning EXILE VS. Eddie Howard Oscar Golden VS. The Mean Machine Harry Wilson VS. Flash Savage[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Ticket will go on sale at the door on a first come first serve basis.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL RESULTS[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Black"][CENTER][B]Rip comes out to the ring and thanks the fans for coming out tonight.[/COLOR][/B]notes: E+ Wow this didn't go as planned at all, I expected at least a D [B]Steven Parker defeats Ricky Davis in 5:46 with a future shock[/B] notes: D+ Not a bad first match hopefully I can build off that. [B]Burning EXILE defeats Eddie Howard in 6:34 by count out notes: D The Mean Machine defeats Oscar Golden in 8:12 by submission notes: C- Harry Wilson defeats Flash Savage in 4:43 by pinfall notes: D- and this one brought the crowds mood down Steven Parker comes to the ring and says he's going to be the first ever person to hold both the Mid Atlantic Championship and be the Invitational winner at the same time. notes: E+ Guess I thought he was better at cutting a promo than he really is. Call to Action defeats Cal Sanders and Frankie Dee in 11:20 Mainstream pinned Frankie after a Super Kick notes: D+ not to bad, I really like Mainstream Hernandez I don't know why I didn't put him in the tournament. Steven Parker defeats Burning Exile in 9:43 by pinfall after a future shock note: C This was a great match, I'm glad I picked up Burning EXILE! The Mean Machine defeats Harry Wilson in 13:34 by pinfall with a mood swing notes: C- Another great performance by The Mean Machine Rip Chord comes to the ring and announces the final match will be a 2 out of 3 falls match. notes: E The Mean Machine defeats Steven Parker in 17:58 by 2 falls to 1. Getting the last fall by pinfall using the ropes for leverage notes: C That's 3 C's on the night for the Machine AWESOME! The Mean Machine celebrates his invitational victory. notes: D FINAL NOTES: D+ Not a bad first show at all I don't think, this should quite the critics for now and help out the fan base. I lost 6,600 dollars though and only 64 people showed up to the event.[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;174124]For something that hasn't had one show or including any pictures I am loving this and that is a rare thing for me. When I finish my mod I am gonna be starting my own TCW diary again. Anyways I look forward to this diary continueing for a long time. Good luck![/QUOTE] Thanks for all the good comments guys its really appricated. I would love to put some pics up here, but I dont know how to do that yet lol. Care to help out? :D
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[CENTER][B]1 FEB 07[/B][/CENTER] My first show as a pro booker was a huge success, and as soon as it ended I ran to the locker room to give everyone my thanks for a job well done. Everyone in there shared my enthusiam, everyone that is except Burning EXILE. It seems he was rather depressed through out the night because no one else in the locker room spoke Japanese (I learned this of course by talking to his translator because I don't know Japanese myself.) At first I thought screw it why should I have to conform to him, he should be the one learning English not the other way around. Then it hit me, this would be a perfect opputunity for me to start working my relations with SAISHO. I could bring in one of there stars for a couple shows to keep EXILE happy, all the while making friends in the business. The next day I went to the book store to buy a Japanese for Dummies book, then it was off to the office. My meeting with Rip went fairly well, he said the show was such a huge success he's decided to hold another one at the end of this month. Liking the idea I tried to one up him by suggesting we look for a small t.v. contract to run a weekly show. He seemed to like this idea at first but after thinking it over he said I was jumping the gun a bit and we should wait till I got a few more shows under my belt. Realizing there was no way I could win this argument yet I decided he was right then went to my office to plan the next big event for MAW... MAW Up Rising. On my way out of the office the most bizzare thing happened to me as I headed for my car I was attacked! No not by muggers, or pety thugs this was much worse than that, it seems I had been attacked by...a Boar. Yes that's right appearantly those damn things run rampant in the Mid Atlantic. I'm not seriously injured though, however I did sustain a broken wrist I don't expect it to keep me from my day to day duties.
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[CENTER][B]7 Feb 07[/B][/CENTER] I had another meeting with Rip today, after reviewing the sells of last months DVD sells I suggested that we no longer make DVD's instead we should make the company a website and post or matches on there to further our popularity. Rip wasn't to happy with this idea at first, but I told him that just because we were a traditional wrestling federation doesn't mean we can't stay up to date with technology. He finally agreed to give the website a go, but warned me that if it didn't take off after a couple of months he would be pulling the plug on it and continuing with DVd sells. With that out of the way I headed back to my office to get in contact with SAISHO about a talent trade, and this didn't go as I had hoped at all. It seems they want the person I give them to be equally as popular in Japan as their wrestler is. I tried to explain to them that wasn't really poissible but they weren't budge from their current position so the deal fell through. Unwavered I got on the phone and immidiatly started contacting a few Japanese stars here in the stats, as well as some solid american wokers as well. After a few days of negotiations I was finally about to sign Cameron Vessey to a 9 month 350 dollar PPA contract. Seeing that he's a little over in Japan I decide to contact SAISHO once again and this time come to terms to swap him for KAZ for two shows. Not a real even trade on my part I'll admit, but KAZ is a solid wrestler who could put on a decent show. All that's left for me to do now is book the show for Up Rising and hope it's as successful as last month.
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[B]STEVEN PARKER[/B] VS MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ Too early for Stevie to lose the title [B]THE MEAN MACHINE[/B] VS ANTONIO This has "squash match" written all over it :p THE CANADIAN BLONDES VS [B]BURNING EXILE AND KAZ[/B] Give the Japs a victory, and then let 'em loose to Natural Storm to give the champs some credibilit. Pretty good card.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]Up Rising Results[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Black"][B][CENTER]Erik Strong defeats Cal Sanders and Ryan Turner in 8:32 pinning Ryan Turner after a Strong Sault.[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR][CENTER]Notes: D nice solid way to start the event. [B]The Canadian Blondes defeat KAZ and Burning EXILE in 9:56 with Golden pinning KAZ after a Golden Shower.[/B] Notes: D+ I was impressed with the performance KAZ put on and look forward to using him again in the future. [B]The Mean Machine defeats Antonio in 10:45 by pinfall after a mood swing.[/B] Notes: C- Another solid match by the Machine, and it wasn't a squash ha :D [B]After the match The Mean Machine Picked up a mic and said he was going to tear through Mid Atlantic Wrestling until he was given the title shot he deserves.[/B] Note: D The fans didn't really like this from the beginning, I don't even know why I bother with angles. [B]Steven Parker defeats Mainstream Hernandez in 12:55 by pinfall after a future shock.[/B] Notes: C- This was Parker's first title defense. [B]After the Match Rip Chord came out and thanked everyone for their support then announced that their will be another show next month entitled A New Beginning and the Main Event will be Steven Parker defending his title against The Mean Machine. [/B] Notes: As happy as the crowd was to hear about next month's main event they still hated this segment. D-[/CENTER] Final Notes: The overall grade for the show was a D+, so it can still be concidered a great show. We also managed to attract 129 people which is double last months attendence. We lost 1,817 dollars from it, but hey they say you have to spend money to make money right?
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[CENTER][B]1 MAR 07[/B][/CENTER] Business is starting to pick up nicely around here. I was stopped by a mob of reporters on my way into the office today who have now deemed me as "The man who will lead MAW to the top." Funny how things change after only a couple of months. They asked about the card for the next show and I assured them it will be out within a week, but they could get it a day early if they visited the company's new website at [url]www.maw.com[/url] The main thing on Rip's mind during this meeting was the website, appearantly it was costing the company about 1,000 dollars a month between up keep and lost DVD sells. Once again Rip thought we should get rid of it, but I stood my ground. I told him the website was only just now getting off the ground and it has already increased our popularity worldwide by about .2 percent. The term worldwide seemed to make him happy and he decided he would keep an eye it. Back in my office things were starting to get pretty redundent, however when I looked over the roster I realized that we were lacking some serious babyfaces. In fact of our top 10 superstars only 2 or 3 were in fact babyfaces. I decided this was a serious issue that needed to be addressed seeing how the heel face divide in this company is so strong. Then I got an idea to perhaps add to the already growing website. I would post a diary asking the fans what they think I should do. Should I hire new fresh talented babyfaces, or keep the roster I have now and just make some changes in the alligenment of certin people? VOTE NOW! On a side note a couple of the guys, mainly The Mean Machine and Burning EXILE have notice my intrest in the way they train for matches, and have decided to take me under their wing. So now in my spare time which is usually only once or twice a week I head down to the gym with the rest of the roster and am slowly starting to learn the fine art of wrestling. Who knows maybe a few years from now I'll get to live another dream of mine and actually be involved in a match more so than just commentary.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: A NEW BEGINNING LIVE FRIDAY MARCH 23,2007[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="5"][B]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]STEVEN PARKER VS THE MEAN MACHINE[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]MAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/SIZE][/B] [B]"Natural Storm" D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard vs "The Canadian Blondes" Oscar Golden and Flash Savage[/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]Antonio vs Harry Wilson KAZ vs Frankie Dee[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door, or you can purchase them on our website at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]A NEW BEGINNING RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]KAZ defeats Frankie Dee in 8:15 by pinfall after a super rana[/B] Notes: D- Not the match I was hoping for, I expected better from KAZ. [B]Harry Wilson defeats Antonio in 10:03 by pinfall[/B] Notes: E- That match was completly horrible, it appears they don't click at all. This show isn't going as planned at all. [B]Natural Storm defeats The Canadian Blondes in 13:27 after Rayne pins Savage[/B] Notes: D+ This is a better grade, but I'm afraid I've dug myself to deep to recover. Natural Storm made there first tag title defense. [B]The Mean Machine and Steven Parker come to a draw after they began hitting each other with foreign objects 14:00 into the match.[/B] Notes: D not to big of a surprise there seeing how the fans hated the ending. Steven Parker makes defense number 2. [B]Rip Chord comes to the ring and says that isn't how a title match is suppose to end and next month we'll see a rematch but it only be a regular match, it will be a CAGE MATCH![/B] Notes: E Again I don't even know why I bother with talking but the fans seemed to like the idea of a cage match, and I like the idea of another show.[/CENTER] Final Notes: Finished the show with a D- which isn't a complete lose, it still increases my popularity. 138 people where in attendence so that went up.
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[CENTER][B]1 April 06[/B][/CENTER] There has been alot of changes already since the last show. Immediatly following it I was approached by Burning EXILE (and his inturpter because he still hasn't learned the english language.) They informed me that this was the final month of his contract (which I was already awear of and already had a new contract ready for him.) However, he said while he loved working with us and he believes this promotion is heading for bigger things, he just recently signed a contract with BHOTWG to do their next tour. He said that with these responsibilites he didn't think he could handle staying with us, but promised to be in contact with me as soon as the tour ends. I guess we'll see how that goes. I was also informed that was the last show KAZ was obligated to do with us, so he went back to Japan while I contaplated rather or not I use him again in the future. My meeting with Rip was nothing spectacular, again he criticitzed the website and again I defended it by informing him that popularity is up .2 again worldwide, and the extra few ticket sells that we had came from internet sells. He mumbled something about the government and computers, I'm not really sure what he was talking about. He informed me that he's been very pleased with my current performance and he's debating on giving me even larger responibilites by putting me in charge of the merchindise sells as well. I wasn't going to push to much to get them just yet though because I'm already up to my ears with paper work, plus reporters are now calling wanting to get an exclusive. "Not Yet" has been my answer so far. In other side notes I successfully resigned Jay Fair our referee to new deal worth 875 per appearance for another 9 months. I hate paying him more than my wrestlers but he's been here since day one for Rip and I can't just throw him out in the cold. My "wrestling" career is slowly developing Cal Sanders was helping me out alot this month and i was able to successfully execute a suplex without killing him.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]MAW: REVENAGE LIVE FRIDAY APRIL 27,2006[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Black"][SIZE="4"]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH INSIDE A STEEL CAGE [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Steven Parker vs The Mean Machine[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs Cameron Vessey Antonio vs Eric Strong Cal Sanders vs Max Mayhem[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis, or order them off our website [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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