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[B]Friday, Week 3, September 2008 WOW Labour Pains[/B] When the lights came up Christina was standing in the ring Christina: Paige, a man once said you don’t let boys play with men. Well, you are a little girl who shouldn’t be playing with women. I’ve had tougher matches against high school boys. You weren’t even a challenge. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Roxy Kitten v Roz Larren – Lingerie Match[/B] Roxy looked solid as she racked up her third win in a row, defeating Roz by pinfall [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Eve came out. Eve: Candy. Your pink hair must match your brains. I know you are all proud because you defeated me and captured the title. But the WOW Gold Title is mine, and always will be. Tonight, I’m going to defeat you and take my title back! [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo v Nadia Snow[/B] Nadia showed no signs of ring rust as she dominated the match and scored a pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Karen Killer was seen backstage with Ginko Kuroda Karen: I know some of you are disappointed that Ginko isn’t wrestling tonight. I’m here to tell you that is just so she can get ready. Next month at WOW Ghoulish Games, Ginko here is going to go out to the ring and dominate Otsune Tsumura. Its not going to be close because Ginko has only one goal. To take the title, and I’m going to take here all they way. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Olivia Diamond[/B] Debbie has been strong, but Olivia went into her back of dirty tricks and used what looked like hair spray to disorient Debbie. The pin came quickly after that. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Roxy Kitten and Kinute Mushashibo came out to mock the latest movie. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Candy Floss v Eve Grunge – WOW Gold Title[/B] Eve clearly was willing to do almost anything, but she wanted a win and not a DQ so her tactics never quite angered referee Dewey Libertine enough to get him to call for the bell. That may have been her downfall as during one of her talks with Dewey, Candy was able to grab her and put her in a schoolgirl for the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Agent 69 v Kate Lilly – Best of 7 (Lilly leads 3-2)[/B] It was a brawl, it was a masterpiece of acrobatics, it was two ladies who wanted to win and would do anything to achieve that goal. Kate hit a Lilly Launch Pad, but Agent 69 kicked out of the pinfall attempt and then managed to get Kate in a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. Kate failed to break it and Agent won to tie the series. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [/B] (Allan was kicking himself after the match when he looked at the program. Somehow the program was printed with Kinuye facing Olivia rather than Nadia, but other than that the show was a definite success.)
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[QUOTE=mvargus;179826] Karen Killer was talked into signing with WOW as a manager.[/QUOTE] How could this be? She's the only female on my roster...and you stole her from me :p this actually is a good diary and I'm sorry I overlooked it buddy.. I love the women's diaries, and I couldn't do one myself.. keep it going....:D
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;180873]How could this be? She's the only female on my roster...and you stole her from me :p this actually is a good diary and I'm sorry I overlooked it buddy.. I love the women's diaries, and I couldn't do one myself.. keep it going....:D[/QUOTE] I'm hoping to take this company all the way to at least national. Its proving to be harder than I had expected. I do have some major changes planned for the future, since I'm starting to see larger crowds and have a bit larger roster, but people will have to keep reading to find out.
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October 1, 2008 Ultimate Combat Ring in Europe has closed its doors. Currently the US is the only country with many people supporting wrestling and the support is falling. This is devastating most of the wrestling world as the economies of most countries are also weak. Although the economies of the UK and Mexico have started recovering.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, October 2008 WOW Ghoulish Games[/B] Paige Croft came out to the ring to start. Paige: Christina last time you defeated me, but you had to use dirty tactics to win. I know that I can defeat you anytime, anyplace if it’s a clean match and I want to prove it next month at WOW Turning the Seasons. Unless you are too afraid. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Roxy Kitten v Olivia Diamond[/B] Roxy kept her winning streak alive as she jumped around the the ring and quickly gained a pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Karen Killer came out with Ginko Ruroda. Karen: tonight my client is going to face Otsune Tsumura, one of the Asian invasion. I’m here to say that not only will Ginko win, but that we are going to start building the best organization within WOW, once that will claim the title and hold it forever. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Ginko Kuroda v Otsune Tsumura[/B] Ginko was strong, but Otsune made it look like she was going to finally lose a match. However Karen jumped up to the ring apron and clawed at Otsune. The hit was just enough to distract the wrestler and Ginko pulled out the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] A video was shown recapping the matches between Agent 69 and Kate Lilly while Marty Papin talked about their decising match upcoming at WOW Turning the Seasons. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Rei Chikanatsu v Eve Grunge[/B] Eve dominated the match, but Rei got some offense going and Eve seemed to be upset. She started to resort to dirty tactics and referee Dewey Libertine called for the bell. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Christina came out Christina: Paige, you tell me that you can beat me anytime. Fine. I’ll meet you at WOW Turning the Seasons. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Candy Floss [c] v Nadia Snow – WOW Gold Title Match[/B] Candy and Nadia has a wild match and did the best they could to excite the crowd. In the end Candy scored the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Debbie put together a strong match and kept away from Mary Beth and her hard hitting brawling style. In the end Debbie scored the pinfall [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] After the match Mary Beth turned on Debbie and beat her down. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] (the vocal crowd didn’t care for Roxy or Rei, but really hated Mary Beth. It looks like it might be time to accept the fact that she just won’t get over with the crowd.)
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Ginko is right now being pushed as a upper midcarder. Although if I auto-push her she ends up as a lower midcarder. I have her as one of my future main eventers once I build up some more momentum and overness with her. Since Jan 2008 the worst match Ginko has had was a D-. This convinced me that she was ready for a big push and I moved her to the upper midcard in after her match with Calamity Joan in August.. As of the current post Otsune was a midcard wrestler who didn't have a specific push. However, I do have plans for her. I'm finding that since I signed a non-aggression pact with AAA (mostly to protect myself from having my future stars stolen) I'm stuggling a bit to get the roster set. Candy Floss and Eve Grunge are really no better than midcarders, but with the rest of the roster being very young and raw right now they are near the top of my overness chart.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, November 2008 WOW Turning the Seasons Lingerie Tag Match Rei Chikanatsu / Angel Takudome v Olivia Diamond / Christina Charisma As Asian Invasion v Lady Gems[/B] It was an awkward match and none of these ladies had been in a tag match before, but Angel caught Olivia off guard and scored the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] After the match Calamity approached the ring Calamity: Ginko has been acting all high and mighty and even more obnoxious since she acquired Karen Killer as a manager. Well, I’m here to say that I can still defeat her anytime, anyplace. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Calamity Joan v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Calamity looked very good in this match and easily got the pinfall from a slumping Mary Beth. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Calamity was taking a moment to acknowledge the cheers of the fans when Ginko Kuroda ran from the back and attacked her. They would end up brawling until separated. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Nadia Snow[/B] A solid match that ended when Nadia was able to pull of a clean pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] After the match as Otsune was heading to the back Nadia grabbed Marty Papin’s microphone. Nadia: I know everyone fears our new wrestlers from Japan. They are so experienced. Wrestling there is so developed. They know their stuff. Well, tonight I just proved that they don’t know their stuff, and I’m going to continue to prove that. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Candy Floss [c] v Ginko Kuroda – WOW Gold Title Match[/B] Ginko and Candy were going all out. It looked liked a close match, but when Karen tried to distracted Candy it resulted in the referee getting in Ginko’s way and Candy quickly moved to get the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Afterwards Ginko and Karen beatdown Candy in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Agent 69 v Kate Lilly – Best of 7 series (series tied 3-3)[/B] Both wrestlers went all out and did their best to win the match. It was an exciting spectacle of high flying excitement when Agent pulled off a stunner and got the roll up pin. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match Agent 69 and Kate shook hands and celebrated. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+ [/COLOR][/B] (I could almost hear Allan groan as he watched the final match. After a solid title match Kate and Agent 69 came out flat and just didn’t wow the crowd like they are capable,.)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, December 2008 WOW Happy Holi-Daze[/B] Well, its official Dewey is going to be leaving in a few days. He just signed a written deal with DaVE. But meanwhile, I have a match to report on. As we started the crowd was given a picture of backstage where Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose were chatting. Suddenly Eve Grunge came charging in and attacked Kate, leaving her on the ground and retreating before Debbie could react. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Kinuye Mushashibo v Roz Larren[/B] A good opening match with Roz winning by pinfall [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Paige was shown backstage chatting with Buttercup Paige: I know everyone is expecting me to be scared, but I’m going to crush Christina in our rematch. She’s nothing, but right now I have to go out and defeat Olivia to show Christina what I’m going to do to her come WOW Annual Party. [COLOR="Red"]F+ [/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Olivia Diamond[/B] Olivia is a good wrestler, but Paige dominated and quickly had Olivia tapping to a boston crab hold. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match while Paige was returning to the back Christina came charging out of the back and DDT’d the unready Paige to the concrete. Officals had to stretcher the unconscious Paige to the back and Christina smiled. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Roxy Kitten v Eve Grunge – Santa’s Little Helper[/B] This match was open and exciting, but Eve controlled the early part. However, Roxy planned ahead and got Eve to leave the ring and then used the steps to stun Eve. Referee Elegance counted out Eve before she could recover enough to return to the ring. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] As Eve was leaving Kate was walking down to the ring. Kate: Well, if it isn’t little miss sneak-attack. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But all it proves is that you never deserved the title you once held. And now that you’ve shown your colors. I’m going to guarantee that you never again hold the WOW Gold Title. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Ginko Kuroda.[/B] Kate and Ginko haven’t faced off, but the quickly began trading moves and throws. In the end Kate was just a bit more than Ginko could handle and Ginko was defeated by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Candy Floss [c] v Agent 69 – WOW Gold Title Match[/B] Candy and Agent were fighting a close match when Angel Takudome came out and knocked the Agent from the top ropes just as she was preparing to go for a moonsault. Candy followed up with the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR][/B] (Only a D- again. Despite a great final match. Allan was a bit disappointed.)
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Wednesday, Week 4, December 2008 Dewey will be leaving WOW tomorrow to start working for DaVE on a written contract. Allan did manage to sign Oz Lord to be a new referee, but he is not as good nor as respected as Dewey who will be missed.
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January 1, 2009 Well, the year end wasn’t too exciting for WOW, but there is a bit to talk about. First the last promotion in Europe. Eastern European World Wrestling has gone under. Right now there are no more promotions in Europe. Which considering the current state of wrestling there is probably not a surprise. None of the wrestlers of WOW was in the top 100. In fact only 2 female wrestlers made the list. Thunder Hike and Sensational Ogiwara. They are both still unemployed as there are no women’s promotions in Japan. Women’s wrestling is down. North of the Border Pro Wrestling still has its women’s division, but they only employ 7 wrestlers for that division. Babes of Sin City and Angel Athletic Assocation are going strong. (Although WOW had better shows than BSC 11 of the twelve months.)
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Next its time to look at the improvement of the ladies during the last six months. Allan was checking the videos and reports. There is quite a bit of improvement as expected. Agent 69: This young lady is showing more confidence on the microphone. She also is getting the best pop of all the heels on the roster. Calamity: Its obvious that she’s been studying how to connect with a crowd and her angles are looking sharper. Eve: Surprisingly Allan says she’s looking more comfortable in facing the high-flying wrestlers on the roster. Ginko: Her matches are definitely flowing and tell a story in the ring. Kate: She’s added some more power to her arsenal Kinuye: Kinuye is definitely been working on the basic wrestling skills all wrestlers need to do well to have a safe match. Olivia: another wrestler who looks much better at the high-flying matches the fans seem to love. Paige: She wants to be known as a chain wrestling expert and she’s definitely been working on the required skills. Rei: another who definitely has put some work on basic wrestling skills. Roz: She doesn’t seem as hesitant when she is using a chair in angles or matches.
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Okay, I'm up to date. Dammit, someone's figured out my little secret (Ginko). Little heads up: if you put Ginko & Agent 69 together as a tag team, they can make pretty much anyone look good. Both of their performance skills paired with their contrasting skillsets, gives you a lot of flexibility as to who you choose to face them. Kinda surprising AAA let Wendy Anderson go, especially since she's the protegé of the booker. Then again, TCW's been known to let Wolf Hawkins fly the coop and he's the protegé of [B][I]the owner[/I][/B]. Interesting use of Candy Floss. I've never found a use for her and with the new workers 07 introduced (Agent 69, Paige Croft, etc), I usually skip over her completely. You're doing well so far. [COLOR="White"]*subliminal message*PUSH OTSUNE*subliminal message*[/COLOR]
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Candy is about to start skydiving down to the midcard. When I started she was one of the few wrestlers I had with any name recognition, so I put her in the main event to attract fans, but now that others are gaining fan recognition, she's rather useless as a main eventer. Eve Grunge is about to get the same treatment.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, January 2009 WOW Annual Party[/B] [B]Tag Team Match – Asian Invasion v Roz Larren/Mary Beth Chase[/B] A close match where Rei Chikanatsu scored the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Next a video was shown to hype the upcoming match between Paige Croft and Christina Charisma. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Tag Match – Lilly & Rose v Eve Grunge & Olivia Diamond[/B] A Good and wild match. Kate would hit the Lilly Launch Pad in a double team and Debbie would then follow up for the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After Eve had returned to the back Kate and Debbie were laughing in the ring Kate: Eve is just such a joke. Debbie: Her last name says it all, She’s always getting dirty Kate: Well, with all the time she spends on her back. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Ginko Kuroda v Calamity Joan[/B] Calamity seemed a bit upset about the situation, but tried to come out strong. However Ginko used the ropes and managed to hold on for the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] After the match Karen Killer took the microphone. Karen: My client here wants a bigger challenge. And so Debbie Rose. You seem to like touching thorns. Lets see if you can defeat Ginko. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Christina Charisma[/B] Paige came out angry and dominant and after a few moves finished off Christina with a figure-four leglock. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] After the match Paige ran out into the crowd to celebrate. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Candy Floss [c] v Nadia Snow – WOW Gold Title[/B] Candy and Nadia both looked good in this title matchup. However Nadia got impatient and started using some questionable tricks. In the end referee Oz Lord declared Nadia disqualified giving Candy the win. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [/B] (Nothing special, but once again managed to get 2 matches at D-. Hopefully it will keep getting better.)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, February 2009 WOW Hate Fest[/B] The night began with a video of Agent 69’s best matches. Hyping her as one of the top wrestlers in the land. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Roxy Kitten v Olivia Diamond – Foam Party[/B] Roxy continued her run of great matches and defeated Olivia. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] Paige came out: Paige: Allan, everyone knows you have power over the schedule. I want another match with Christina, a rubber match Allan: Interesting. I shall think upon your request. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Rei Chikanatsu v Nadia Snow[/B] Rei continued to look good and won another match. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Calamity came out Calamity: I’m upset with Ginko. She’s acting all high and mighty ever since Karen signed you and started managing you. But it’s a lie. You are nothing. I can defeat you. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Eve Grunge[/B] A strong match by the two main eventers. Kate would get the pinfall after hitting the Lilly Launch Pad. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Agent 69[/B] Agent 69 managed to avoid a pinfall to a Thorn Cutter and then hit a stunner to put Debbie on the mat and score a pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Christina then walked down to the ring to get ready for her match, but she turned to Allan who was working color commentary Christina: Allan, I’ve heard that Paige wants another match Well, I want the same thing. Allan: Let me see what the schedule will allow [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B] Candy Floss [c] v Christina Charisma – WOW Gold Title[/B] Another good and solid match. Candy looked good and strong even when Agent 69 came down to interfere. In the end Candy hit a moonsault and got the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D- [/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D- [/COLOR][/B] (I’d like to say I’m good at telling what Allan is thinking. I know he was in shock as Roxy and Olivia competed. It was one of the best matches ever in WOW and it was from a pair of midcarders.)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, March 2009 WOW Bring on the Pain[/B] The night began with a video montage of the recent feud between Paige Croft and Christina Charisma announcing that they would face each other at WOW April Duels [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo v Roz Larren – Evening Gown Match[/B] Kinuye would win rather easily as she pulled off Roz’s little black dress. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Calamity was on her way to the ring when Ginko and Karen appeared at the ring entrance Ginko: Calamity, you are just a little girl. Why don’t you go back to school? Calamity: And you pretend that you are all great, but what does that mean. Allan then spoke into his microphone Allan: its time you got into the ring. Next month at April Pains, you ladies will face each other. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Calamity Joan v Olivia Diamond[/B] Calamity won her warm up match although Olivia looked good. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Agent 69 then appeared at the ring entrance Agent 69: Candy, we are going to have another match, and I am going to say right here, and right now that the next time we meet in the ring, I will defeat you. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Agent 69[/B] Otsune looked strong, but not strong enough to defeat Agent 69, who hit a stunner and follow up with a pin. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] [B] Debbie Rose v Ginko Kuroda[/B] It wasn’t pretty, but Ginko got the pinfall while using the ropes for additional leverage. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Christina was coming down to the ring for her match Christina: I know most of you have followed my matches with Paige Croft. Tonight I get a warm up match. But the big thing I want to tell you all is that next month at WOW April Pains I will defeat Paige. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Christina Charisma[/B] Kate and her Lilly Launch Pad put Christina into a pinfall, [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR][/B] (record attendance of 126. 3 good matches, although the best one came too early. Definitely a great show and continues the improvement for WOW)
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April 1, 2009 I was finishing closing the books for March and discovered that after all sponsor and merchandise money was added in WOW lost only $16 for the month. It was the best month financially yet. It looks likely that WOW will be profitable soon.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, April 2009 WOW April Pains (first ever 90 minute show)[/B] Paige started out set u p as if she’s giving a press conference. Paige: Tonight I’m going to face Christina, and I assure you all that I will defeat her. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo v Roz Larren[/B] A rematch from the previous month. This time Roz looked good, but got caught using a chair and disqualified. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Candy then ranted about Agent 69 Candy: Yes, she’s an agent. But not a free one if you understand the reference. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Tag Match: Asian Invasion v Olivia Diamond & Mary Beth Chase[/B] It was a close match, but never really in doubt as Angel Takudome got the pinfall victory, [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Karen Killer came out with Ginko Karen: tonight my client the great Ginko is going to face Calamity Joan in a match. Its not going to be a match, its going to be a burial. Ginko is going to disassemble Calamity and we will be sending her home in a box. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Otsune Tsumura v Nadia Snow[/B] In a wild match Nadia hit a tornado DDT and followed up with the pin. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] As Paige Croft and Christina Charisma came to the ring a video played recapping their feud and the recent promos [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Christina Charisma[/B] Paige got the win by submission although she appeared to use some hairspray to stun Christina. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Calamity Joan v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Karen attempted to assist Ginko by tossing a chair into the ring, but referee Oz Lord saw the chair enter the ring and called for the bell, disqualifying Ginko. D[COLOR="Red"][/COLOR] Kate then came out Kate: I know many forget just what is going on, but Eve used to lord it over us when she was “champion” Tonight, I’m going to hand out some punishment for her actions. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Eve Grunge v Kate Lilly[/B] A Lilly Launch Pad trumped Eve’s attempt to get a figure-four leglock and won the match for Kate. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][B] Candy Floss [c] v Agent 69 – Wow Gold Title Match[/B] Two wrestlers giving their all, but Agent 69 hit a Stunner and then rolled Candy up for the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] (the inconsistency of the main eventers once again showed up and this show wasn’t nearly as good as it could have been.)
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May 1, 2009 I have been organizing the files and have 4 new contracts to add to the files. Allan has signed Karen Bilous, Megumi Nakajima, Mitsu Ariwa and Yukiko Matsumara all to PPA contracts. Surprisingly only Megumi is going to cost more than $150 per show for this first contract. The death of 5SSW has definitely affected the value of a woman wrestler.
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[QUOTE=mvargus;184975]May 1, 2009 I have been organizing the files and have 4 new contracts to add to the files. Allan has signed Karen Bilous, Megumi Nakajima, Mitsu Ariwa and Yukiko Matsumara all to PPA contracts. Surprisingly only Megumi is going to cost more than $150 per show for this first contract. The death of 5SSW has definitely affected the value of a woman wrestler.[/QUOTE] You are far more forgiving than I (and tons more than Torri :p). Candy Floss is an albatross. :( And those four workers are always cheap. Megumi's the only one who might have a bit of overness anywhere. Some very good pickups though (Megumi could carry your promotion to Cult, I think. Just don't let her do any promos for a while ;)). Allan's got a keen eye, it seems. :)
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June 1, 2009 Thunder Hike announced that she’s going to retire at the beginning of next month and try to find more work behind the scenes. She’s been a semi-active wrestler for some time now. Thursday, week 1, June 2009 With DaVE reaching global size there is a run on road agents, and Buttercup has been contacted by both CZCW and MAW. (OOC note - I was playing with version 1.2 at this point) Thursday, Week 2, June 2009 Buttercup signed a PPA deal with CZCW. They are planning on using her as a road agent. The major issue is that she has informed Allan that CZCW will be coming first in her priorities. This could cause problems in the future if there is a scheduling conflict.
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