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somehow I missed posting the show for May 2009. Here it is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Friday, Week 3, May 2009 WOW Schools Out[/B] The night began with a video of the backstage area. Ginko was wandering through seeking someone. She came upon Calamity Joan from behind and attacked her viciously leaving her down on the floor. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Roxy Kitten v Mitsu Ariwa[/B] Mitsu seemed tentative in her first match for WOW, and Roxy was almost casually confident after her run of victories recently. Roxy would get the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Nadia Snow and Olivia Diamond came out Nadia: tonight Olivia and I are going to compete in the new tag division here at WOW. We plan on being the first and only tag champions WOW ever has. And to demonstrate, tonight we will take on the two ladies who seem to have fallen in love with themselves Olivia: that’s right. Rei and Angel have been calling themselves Asian Invasion and backstage like to brag about being undefeated. Tonight they won’t be undefeated anymore. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Tag Match: Asian Invasion v Ice Maidens (Nadia Snow & Olivia Diamond)[/B] It was a good match, but Nadia stood out as the strongest here. She would roll up Angel for pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Agent 69 came down to the ring Agent 69: I’d like you all to cheer for your new WOW Gold Champion! Yes, the title is now where it belongs. As the fans reacted Candy Floss came down to the ring and stood facing Agent 69. She held out her hand for the microphone. Agent handed over the microphone, but then as Candy turned to the audience swung the title belt and left Candy stunned in the ring as she returned to the back. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Debbie Rose v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Megumi arrived and immediately sent out a signal to the rest of the wrestlers that she’s going to be a force in WOW. Debbie tried to get in a Thorn Cutter, only to have it reversed and fall to a Nakajima Straight Jacket. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Olivia and Roxy were backstage and relaxing. For some reason the conversation turned to who was the better looking and by the time they were done they’d agreed to meet in a bikini contest later in the evening. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Otsune was dominating the match and Mary Beth growing frustrated. Mary Beth decided to start pulling hair and using a closed fist and when referee Oz Lord ordered her to stop took a swing at him. He immediately called the match and declared Otsune the winner. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Candy came down and demanded a title match. Allan told her she could have it as long as she didn’t lose the next match. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Candy Floss v Christina Charisma[/B] Candy clearly was struggling to defeat Christina. Finally nearing the end of her strength she pulled Christina out of the ring and held here there until referee Oz Lord declared the double count out for a draw. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Allan got up from his color commentator’s seat to emcee a bikini contest between Olivia Diamond and Roxy Kitten. Roxy would be declared the winner with an outfit that didn’t leave much to the imagination. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Eve Grunge[/B] Paige dominated the other technical wrestler and quickly pulled out the win. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Agent 69 v Kate Lilly – WOW Gold Title[/B] For her first title defense Agent 69 found herself up against the lady she recently competed against in a best of seven series. This time Agent 69 was taking no chances and when she got Kate down used the ropes to guarantee the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR][/B] (not one good match until the final match where Agent 69 and Kate Lilly put on one of the best shows ever for WOW. Attendance was terrible at 92 as well despite the recent run of D- shows)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, June 2009 WOW Summer Haze[/B] Candy starts out in the ring Candy: two months ago I lost to Agent 69. But that belt is mine, and I’m going to get it back tonight. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Roxy Kitten v Karen Bilous[/B] Karen is a skilled wrestler, but she needs to learn the WOW style. Roxy took advantage of a mistake made by Karen and collected her 8th win in a row. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Calamity and Agent then get into an argument backstage so loud that it can be heard at the ring. Allan announces that its time to pack one another in a match. He announces that it will be Calamity v Agent 69 at WOW Independence Ball. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Tag match Asian Invasion v Mitsu Ariwa & Ginko Kuroda[/B] The new team of Mitsu and Ginko should have easily won, but their inexperience in working together resulted in a missed tag and Rei Chikanatsu made sure to get the pin. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] As they got backstage Karen Killer announced that Ginko had been off her game partly because of Calamity getting an undeserved title shot and that Ginko was planning revenge. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Yukiko Matsumara v Mary Beth Chase[/B] Mary Beth dominated and toyed with Yukiko before pinning her. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Then Christina appeared backstage set up for a press conference. She stated that she wanted Otsune in the ring at WOW Independence Ball [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B] Kinuye Mushashibo v Christina Charisma[/B] Kinuye surprised everyone including herself by pulling off the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Eve Grunge[/B] Debbie pulled off a clean victory using her Thorn Cutter after a fierce battle. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match before returned to the back Eve took a moment to grab the microphone. Eve: Kate, you aren’t wrestling tonight after the beating that Agent 69 gave you, which just shows that you are weak. I say here and now that you are not going to defeat me again, and I’m going to make you tap out. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Megumi used her Nakajima Straight Jacket to get the pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] As Otsune was walking back to the locker room Agent 69 was coming down for her match against Candy Agent: Otsune everyone says you are so good. I hear Allan is even planning to give you a title shot. Well, you just got shown up, and it just shows you aren’t good enough. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] Agent 69 [c] v Candy Floss – WOW Gold Title Match Candy wanted her title back, but Agent 69 wasn’t going to lose. She pulled off a stunner to counter one of the moved that Candy tried and followed up with the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR][/B] (the show was a bit weak. And the crowd is acting like they want Candy to turn heel, but otherwise thanks to a couple great final events, the show turned out ok.)
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Week 4, June 2009. For some reason AAA has signed Lisa Bowen and Seduction in the last couple of days. I have no clue as to why. July 1, 2009 Thunder Hike has announced that she is formally retiring. I’d hoped to get her in at least one match, but didn’t get a chance to hire her.
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July 1, 2009 Well, Allan just competed his review of all the wrestlers work for the last 6 months. Not everyone improved, but many of the wrestlers are looking better Agent 69 has put work on the fundamentals and her wrestling is a lot more solid. Calamity has benefited from her time in angles and is a bit more confident in front of a microphone. Candy Floss has a bit better looking punch Christina has put work in many areas and shows improvement in her flashiness and selling Debbie isn’t having to rely as purely on high risk moves and has an improved suplex. Ginko is looking like her pairing with Karen has helped all around when it comes to angles. Kate is better at connecting to an audience both inside and outside the ring Kinuye is has added a missile drop kick to her arsenal Nadia might have lost a little weight, the fans definitely are giving her more wolf whistles Olivia is looking more serious in the ring Rei is looking better in the ring in general with many new moves showing up. Roxy is not as wild in the ring. Although she’s still very weak when it comes to the skills most wrestlers take for granted Roz another who isn’t having as many bad shows. Everyone seems to have more confidence in her moves.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, July 2009 WOW Independence Ball Roxy Kitten v Roz Larren[/B] Roxy came out and left no question that her streak was going to stay alive easily defeating Roz. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match Roxy asked for the microphone Roxy: The competition here is disappointing. Jen Neptune in BSC has been more of a match for me. Is there no one here who will take me on? [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Nadia Snow came out Nadia: You had your match for this month, but I’ll take you on at WOW Bash at the Beach and end this silly streak of yours. Roxy did not look pleased [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Tag Match – Yukiko Matsumara & Kinuye Mushashibo v Eve Grunge & Mitsu Ariwa[/B] Mitsu would put Yukiko in an camel clutch submission that Marty Papin called the Dragon’s Jaws and forced the tap after Eve and Kinuye started fighting outside the ring. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Backstage Agent 69 was bragging about how she will defeat Calamity Joan in the main event tonight [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Christina Charisma[/B] Christina looked solid, but Otsune out thought her and used an irish whip followed by a suplex to get the victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the match Karen Killer came down with Ginko Kuroda Karen: Next month Ginko Kuroda will be facing Calamity Joan in the ring. As you know Calamity has been talking about how evil my client is. I’m here to tell you that my client isn’t just evil. She is the essence of evil and next month, at WOW Bash at the Beach she will defeat Calamity. E- [B]Candy Floss v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Candy wasn’t happy when Buttercup gave her the orders backstage, but she allowed Karen Killer to knock her from the top ropes resulting in a quick win for Ginko. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B] Paige Croft v Nadia Snow[/B] A wild match that had to be called after the two went for ten minutes without a winner. During the match Olivia Diamond came down to interfere, but Paige was able to avoid the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] After the match Paige went and found Olivia to complain about her interference, the end result was a match scheduled for WOW Bash at the Beach. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Megumi looked good, but Kate went all out to prove that she’s still the best in the business and pulled off the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Calamity Joan v Agent 69 [c] – for WOW Gold Title[/B] Agent actually looked a little surprised by Calamity’s intensity, but in the middle of the match Ginko came out to attack Calamity, and in the confusion Agent pulled off the pinfall victory [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] After the match Ginko continued to attack Calamity as the lights went out. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [/B] (not a disaster, but definitely not good enough. The main event was surprisingly bad after Agent 69’s run of decent matches.)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, August 2009 WOW Bash at the Beach[/B] This had been a solid D- show in 2007 and 2008. It would be nice to get my first ever D show. [B]Kinuye Mushashibo v Mitsu Ariwa[/B] Mitsu gets her first solo win when she locked in the Dragon’s Jaws and forced Kinuye to tap. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Backstage Candy Floss is shown breaking into Agent 69’s locker and stealing the title belt. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Lilly & Rose v Lady Killers (Roz Larren and Karen Bilous) – Tag Match[/B] Kate and Debbie haven’t paired much recently, but didn’t show any lack of communication as they tossed Roz and Karen around the ring. In the end Kate hit her Lilly Launch Pad to pin Roz. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Backstage Nadia Snow is shown stalking Roxy Kitten, as the crowd watches Nadia charges and beats down Roxy. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Olivia Diamond[/B] Paige is wrestling strong recently and puts Olivia in a sleeper hold to get the win. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Roxy Kitten v Nadia Snow[/B] Roxy seemed a bit out of sorts after the early beat down, but tried her best to get involved in the match. In the end Nadia hit a DDT (Marty called it a Deep Freeze) and got the pin. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Next a video played showing the history of Kinuye and Eve and announcing that they would be meeting at WOW Labour Pains in September [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B] Calamity Joan v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Ginko seemed angry and used every trick she had. Getting another victory over Calamity. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Backstage Nadia found Buttercup who was interviewing the wrestlers. Nadia: I just want to say that Roxy disappointed me. She’s been acting so ****y, like she is one of the best and yet tonight out in the ring I destroyed her. She was nothing, and I’m going to keep proving that. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Agent 69[/B] It was a marathon match lasting nearly 20 minutes. Otsune and Agent 69 traded offense often. In the end Agent was just a bit stronger and got the pin. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR][/B] (The last 2 matches were both rated D, but the show couldn’t get over the D- barrier overall. Agent 69 and Otsune managed to survive their long match and look good while doing it. Allan said that Otsune could expect a new feud in the future.)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, September 2009 WOW Labour Pains[/B] The night began with Eve backstage bragging about how she would crush Kinuye in their match this evening. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Tag Match – for WOW Tag Titles Asian Invasion v Lady Killers[/B] A brand new title and some inexperienced tag teams fighting for it. Both fought well, but in the end it was Angel Takudome rolling up Roz for the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Allen then stood up from hit color commentator spot. Allen: Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight WOW will be entering a new era. Tonight we bring to the ring a lady who is famous in women’s wrestling around the world and has been called perhaps one of the top wrestlers in the world. While Five Star Supreme Wrestling was in business she held their World Championship 8 times and was voted Female Wrestler of the year in 2007 and 2009. I bring you SENSATIONAL OGIWARA! [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Kinuye Musashibo v Eve Grunge[/B] In a huge upset Kinuye used a moonsault to get the victory over Eve. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Not one to take losing with a smile Eve followed up by beating down on Kinuye before leaving the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Ginko Kuroda[/B] With Karen Killer in her corner and willing to distract the referee after Debbie hit a thorn cutter Ginko was able to avoid the pinfall and then lay Debbie out with a bulldog and get the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Buttercup then appeared at the locker room door Buttercup: I know most of you might remember that I worked color commentary for WOW in the early days. Well, I’ve been watching backstage and I see the skills of all the wrestlers. Tonight I signed a deal where I’ll support one wrestler and take her to the title. That lady is Otsune Tsumura. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Christina Charisma[/B] Kate would get the win after hitting a Lilly Launch Pad. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Calamity then came out to rant against Ginko. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Candy Floss v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Megumi was clearly the better wrestler and defeated Candy using her Nakajima Straight Jacket. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] Agent 69 then came down. Agent: I’ve been told that tonight I have a non-title match with Sensational Ogiwara, and that everyone expects me to lose this match. I’m here to tell you that I’m not just a pretty face and I have no fear of this lady from Japan. I’m the champion and at the end of tonight I will still be your undefeated champion [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Sensational Ogiwara v Agent 69[/B] Agent looked like she was going to have to eat her words as Ogiwara dominated the match and made her look helpless on many occasions. But Agent used some kind of spray in Ogiwara’s face to distract her and then grabbed her tights in the pin to get the victory. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [/B] (I just don’t believe it. The best female wrestler can only get a D in the main event. The crowds just don’t like WOW right now.)
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[QUOTE=mvargus;186997](I just don’t believe it. The best female wrestler can only get a D in the main event. The crowds just don’t like WOW right now.)[/QUOTE] It will get better, believe me. You have quite a few pieces of coal that Sensational Ogiwara can apply pressure to and maybe get you a few diamonds in the process. :)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, Octboer 2009 WOW Ghoulish Games[/B] Eve was down at the announcing booth when the show started she was demanding a rematch with Kinuye Musashibo. Allan said that she did not deserve the honor. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Kinuye Musashibo v Karen Bilous[/B] Karen looked strong, but Kinuye hit a huracanrana and held on for the pin. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] As Kinuye was celebrating her victory Eve charged from the announcers table and attacked Kinuye, leaving her unconscious on the mat. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Tag Match, Calamity Joan & Roxy Kitten v Nadia Snow & Olivia Diamond As Calamity Cats v Ice Maidens.[/B] Both teams traded offense but the end came when Nadia pinned Roxy after hitting a Deep Freeze. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Backstage Christina Charisma is seen stalking Kate Lilly and then attacking as Kate walks down a hallway. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Eve Grunge[/B] Debbie was definitely the stronger wrestler and a Thorn Cutter put Eve on the mat for the easy pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Candy Floss comes down to the ring holding the WOW Gold Title. Agent 69 appears from the back before Candy can say anything and beats her up while retrieving the title. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Sensational Ogiwara v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Ogiwara quickly turns this match into a clinic of mat wrestling and finishes by putting Ginko on the match and pinning her. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Karen then said a few words Karen: My client might have lost tonight. However, this is only the beginning. Right now she has a war to win against Calamity Joan. I’ve been told that the two will meet in December at WOW Happy Holi-daze and that will be the end. Ginko will destroy Calamity. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Kate Lilly v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Both ladies tried their best, but couldn’t get a victory and after 10 minutes the match was called due to time limit. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Agent 69 [c] - WOW Gold Title[/B] Agent 69 was the dominant wrestler and successfully defended her title winning by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] After the match Agent 69 took the microphone Agent 69: I hear that everyone is saying that I cheated to defeat Sensational Ogiwara in our first match and that I shouldn’t be in the ring with her. Well. I resent the idea that I’m not good enough and I will put my title on the line to face her in the ring. Allan: Then at WOW Happy Holi-daze in December you can face her for the title in a ladder match! [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR][/B] (Well, 2 goals achieved and it was a shock how it happened. Agent 69 and Otsune put on a C- rated match and gave the show a D+ rating, both records. Sadly Ogiwara and Ginko proved to be a bad combination.)
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[B]Friday, Week 3, November 2009 WOW Turning the Seasons Kinuye Mushashibo v Roz Larren – Bra & Panties match [/B] Allan had decided that he hasn’t sent out an T&A events in a while, so he asked Kinuye and Roz to go out and wow the crowd. It ended with Kinuye using a moonsault to pull Roz’s outfit off. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] As Kinuye was celebrating her victory Eve Grunge came down and started attacking Kinuye. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Tag Match – Asian Invasion [c] v Ice Maidens – for WOW Tag Title[/B] Nadia is on a roll and she and Olivia are working together very smoothly. In the end Angel Takudome got isolated and rolled up by Olivia to give the Ice Maidens the victory and the title belts. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Karen Killer was seen backstage with Ginko Kuroda Karen: Its time that we put an end to this pointless feud with Calamity. You are better and should be moving on and facing tougher opponents. Tonight you get to face Kate Lilly and will destroy her. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Christina Charisma[/B] Christina was looking strong, but Kate Lilly came running down to hit the Lilly Launch Pad and then snuck out before the referee noticed. Debbie followed up with the pin. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Agent 69 was then seen backstage. Agent 69: I’m off this month, but everyone is already talking as if I’m going to lose to Sensational Ogiwara next month at WOW Happy Holi-daze. It might be a ladder match, and Ogiwara might just be the greatest wrestler ever, but she’s old and I have the fire. I’m going to get up the ladder first and keep the title. Its my title and I’ll never give it up. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Eve Grunge[/B] Otsune had Buttercup in her corner and the change seemed to work as Buttercup intervened to break one of Eve’s submission holds and Otsune would then hit a fisherman’s suplex for the victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Kate was in fine form and kept Ginko off balanced the whole match. However, Kate finally mistimed a Lilly Launch Pad and found that Ginko had moved before she landed the move. Ginko followed up with the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Allan then held a bikini contest between Rei Chikanatsu, Mitsu Ariwa and Nadia Snow with Nadia snow winning. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B] Sensational Ogiwara v Megumi Nakajima[/B] The superstar from Japan hasn’t won the crowd yet, but she was a powerful force and defeated Megumi. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] As referee Oz Lord held up Ogiwara’s arm in victory Agent 69 came down to the ring with the title belt. It looked like she was going to attack Ogiwara, but the backstage area emptied out as half the roster appears to keep the two rivals apart as the night ended. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D- [/COLOR][/B] (not a bad night considering the Otsune v Eve and Kate v Ginko matches were known bad pairings – but Allan said they were necessary for storyline reasons. Attendance was 109, in a terrible environment for wrestling [F-])
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[B]Friday, Week 3, December 2009 WOW Happy Holi-daze[/B] It’s the last show of the year and I know that Allan is hoping to book a great show so the year and end with a boost for the company. The US economy is sinking into oblivion and the wrestling industry just finished hitting bottom so lets see if he pulled it off The night became with Calamity backstage Calamity: I don’t know what’s up with Ginko. She seems to have this need to crush me because I stopped her rampages months ago, but if she needs to finish it in the ring all I can say is that tonight will finish it. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo v Mitsu Ariwa[/B] Kinuye continued her streak and won the match by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Tag Match – Yukiko Matsumara & Roxy Kitten v Ice Maidens – for WOW Tag Titles[/B] Nadia and Olivia made sure that Roxy was in the ring and wore her down. Once Yukiko was tagged they eliminated Roxy and Olivia put Yukiko in a sleeper hold (the Diamond Necklace) and held on for the win. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] After the win Olivia and Nadia celebrated in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Eve Grunge[/B] A match between two mat technicians, but Eve just never got into the match and was quickly overwhelmed by Paige, and tapped out. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] After the match the camera followed Eve backstage. She seemed extremely upset and when she encounters Kinuye, she issues another brutal beating. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Calamity Joan v Ginko Kuroda[/B] Calamity did her best to defeat Ginko and looked good for a while, but Karen joined in the match and the distraction was enough to give Ginko the victory. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] After the match Calamity held out her hand offering a handshake. Ginko looked over at Karen for a moment, but then took her hand ending the long running feud. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Candy Floss v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Candy wasn’t good enough to compete in this match and easily fell to a Nakajima Straight Jacket. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Candy seemed to melt down after the match and attacked Megumi as she exited the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Sensational Ogiwara v Agent 69 [c] – Ladder match for WOW Gold Title[/B] Agent 69 was a whirlwind of energy, but often seemed almost desperate against Ogiwara’s determined and disciplined offense. However, Agent managed to dump a ladder with Sensational Ogiwara on it and then quickly set up another ladder to get the titles and preserve her reign as WOW champion. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] Afterwards Agent 69 stood over a groggy Ogiwara and taunted her with the title belt. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR][/B] (It wasn’t as good as the D+ from October, but still a solid result. The lack of overall overness is still really hurting the roster as most fans just don’t care to watch WOW yet.)
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January 1, 2010 WOW has been in existence 3 years, and is still struggling along with a few other “small” promotions. Attendance hasn’t gotten above the 120 level, but some of the wrestlers are starting to receive attention. Allan is very hopeful that 2010 will be the breakout year.
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WOW is still doing ok financially. The original capital isn’t totally gone, although care is being taken a bit more to insure that only a limited number of wrestlers appear in each show. One or two good shows should move the company up in popularity enough to start brining in sellouts at the tiny gymnasiums where WOW currently performs and that will have a huge effect. There is no chance of getting a PPV contract yet.
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Since the roster has changed so much I thought it would be nice to do a recap. (Red indicates Heel) [U]Main Event[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Agent 69[/COLOR] Kate Lilly Sensational Ogiwara Debbie Rose [COLOR="Red"]Megumi Nakajima Eve Grunge[/COLOR] [U]Upper Midcarders[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Christina Charisma[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Candy Floss[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ginko Kuroda[/COLOR] Otsune Tsumura [U]Midcard[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Nadia Snow[/COLOR] Rei Chikantatsu Roxy Kitten Calamity Joan Paige Croft [COLOR="Red"]Olivia Diamond[/COLOR] [U]Lower Midcard[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Roz Larren[/COLOR] Kinuye Mushashibo Yukiko Matsumara Angel Takudome [COLOR="Red"]Karen Bilous[/COLOR] [U]Opener [/U] [COLOR="Red"]Mitsu Ariwa[/COLOR] [U]Managers[/U] [COLOR="Red"]Karen Killer[/COLOR] – managing Ginko Kuroda Buttercup – managing Otsune Tsumura [U]Others[/U] Marty Papin – Announcer Allan Rabb – owner, authority figure, doubling on color commentary Oz Lord – main event referee Elegance – trainee referee (if she ever improves that is.) [U] Titles[/U] WOW Gold Title – established Jan 2007 - Held by Agent 69, 6 defenses 70.6% Prestige WOW Tag Titles – established September 2009 – Held by Ice Maidens, 0 defense, prestige 49.8% [U]Tag Teams[/U] Asian Invasion – Rei Chikanatsu & Angel Takudome Calamity Cats – Calamity Joan & Roxy Kitten [COLOR="Red"]Ice Maidens[/COLOR] – Nadia Snow & Olivia Diamond [COLOR="Red"]Lady Killers [/COLOR]– Roz Larren & Karen Bilous
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[B]Friday, Week 3, January 2010 WOW Annual Party[/B] [B]Tag Match – Kinuye Mushashibo & Yukiko Matsumara v Lady Killers[/B] The Lady Killers looked good and are starting to work together well, but a bit of confusion on a tag left Roz in the ring to take a huracanrana from Kinuye and be pinned. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] Eve Grunge was show holding a press conference in the back. Eve: I know that everyone is talking about how Kinuye defeated me, but I want everyone to know that it was a fluke. Now I want a rematch so I can prove that I’m the better wrestler. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B] Tag Match – Asian Invasion v Ice Maidens – for WOW Tag Titles[/B] Asian Invasion looked good, but in an open and flowing match Nadia Snow managed to hit a Deep Freeze on Rei Chikanatsu and get the pin while Olivia tied up Angel Takudome [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] After the victory Nadia and Olivia celebrated in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Kate Lilly v Candy Floss[/B] It was Candy’s first match as a heel, and she was facing Kate Lilly. She did her best, but Kate hit a Lilly Launch Pad and got a pin. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Kinuye was shown backstage Kinuye: Tonight, Eve challenge me to a match. If she wants a match. I will face her and defeat her, any time, any place. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Paige Croft v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Paige tried her best to win and used numerous holds and lifts, but Megumi used her experience to wear down Paige and then reversed a figure-four for the submission victory. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] A hype video was played to get the crowd interested in the upcoming match between Otsune Tsumara and Agent 69. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Otsune Tsumura v Agent 69 [c] – for WOW Gold Title[/B] Buttercup tried to get involved, but Agent 69 was having nothing of it and used a head-scissors takedown to get the pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR][/B] (This match wasn’t as good as Allan wanted. He’d forgotten to increase the time to 90 minutes and was forced to replan it on the fly. It did have 174 in the audience, a new WOW record.)
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Candy Floss a heel huh? I just revamped my CWA roster and have signed her and 3 other ladies for some hot women's action.. and I have to say I never thought of her as a heel until what you did...:D I will see how she does as a face and then we'll go from there, another good show!!!!
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[quote=Remianen;185017]You are far more forgiving than I (and tons more than Torri :p). Candy Floss is an albatross. :( And those four workers are always cheap. Megumi's the only one who might have a bit of overness anywhere. Some very good pickups though (Megumi could carry your promotion to Cult, I think. Just don't let her do any promos for a while ;)). Allan's got a keen eye, it seems. :)[/quote] Hey, I don't know what you're trying to say.. but I don't appreciate you trying to besmirch my good name *waves fist* Anyway, GREAT diary. Am lovin' it! It's always good to see an all-female promotion0. The more the merrier! Keep up the good work! I like how you have a solid roster of american and japanese workers and how completely different your roster is from mine. Unfortunately for me, I don't quite have that luxury.. damned 5SSW and restrictions being on. Lol :)
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[QUOTE=Torri;188516]Hey, I don't know what you're trying to say.. but I don't appreciate you trying to besmirch my good name *waves fist* Anyway, GREAT diary. Am lovin' it! It's always good to see an all-female promotion0. The more the merrier! Keep up the good work! I like how you have a solid roster of american and japanese workers and how completely different your roster is from mine. Unfortunately for me, I don't quite have that luxury.. damned 5SSW and restrictions being on. Lol :)[/QUOTE] Restrictions are on for my world, but with 5SSW being out of business for 2 years I can now get almost any of the decent Japanese ladies to work for me. Its been very frustrating though. I'm not the best booker. I can get my popularity to go up most times, but I can't seem to get it to climb like others can.
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;188510]Candy Floss a heel huh? I just revamped my CWA roster and have signed her and 3 other ladies for some hot women's action.. and I have to say I never thought of her as a heel until what you did...:D I will see how she does as a face and then we'll go from there, another good show!!!![/QUOTE] I had to try something, she wasn't really clicking with my top heels when put into matches.
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[B]Friday, Week 3, February 2010 WOW Hate Fest[/B] The night began with a video to hype the match later between Kinuye Mushashibo and Eve Grunge [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Debbie Rose v Ginko Kuroda[/B] A big match for an opener and Debbie and Ginko tried not to disappoint. In the end Debbie pulled out the victory after hitting a Thorn Cutter [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] Debbie held out her hand for Ginko to shake after the match, but Ginko slapped her instead and then stormed from the ring. [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] Backstage Eve was getting ready for her match Eve: I’m not going to lose. Last time was a fluke. I wasn’t prepared and Kinuye surprised me, but tonight I’m going to take her and defeat her. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Tag match: Calamity Cats (Roxy Kitten & Calamity Joan) v Lady Killers[/B] A good solid tag match with Roxy getting a pinfall victory. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Kinuye then came down to the ring Kinuye: I’m about to face Eve in a match. She prides herself in her technical skill, but tonight. Tonight I will beat her. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo v Eve Grunge[/B] Eve might have thought she was well prepared, but lightning struck again as Kinuye got the victory. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] Sensational Ogiwara v Nadia Snow The sensational one made Nadia look like a rookie as she easily got the win. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B] Kate Lilly v Megumi Nakajima[/B] Both wrestlers fought hard and managed to break free of attempts to hit finishers. In the end their fatigue resulted in them falling out of the ring and neither was able to return before the countout. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B] Agent 69 v Paige Croft[/B] Paige was given a chance to fight in the main event, but Agent 69 was not going to let anything disrupt her title reign and won after using what looked like hair spray to stun Paige. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] Afterwards Agent 69 grabbed the microphone Agent: I keep hearing more and more about how Sensational Ogiwara is the greatest woman’s wrestler, but I’m still champion and I will remain champion. I will not lose to her or anyone else. [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR][/B] (Allan had hoped for a bit better fan reaction at the end, but it was a very solid match and the ending matches built up nicely. The only worry was the attendance dropped to 162 from the 174 from January.)
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[QUOTE=Torri;188516]Hey, I don't know what you're trying to say.. but I don't appreciate you trying to besmirch my good name *waves fist*[/QUOTE] Besmirch your good name? Your Kate Avatar is like an Iron Maiden. :p She cracks the whip! Nothing wrong with it, mind you. I just don't like the 'strong dislike' relationship that often results from firing people. So I find ways to get them work semi-regularly (usually by jobbing or wrestling dark matches every now and then). Yeah, I'm a wuss :( I think once the industry starts to rebound, WOW will be able to break through the glass ceiling though.
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