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Long time no see... Picked up the demo... was curious if anyone else had this problem: I played as MAW, signed 3 people, Cal Sanders, K-Squared (Renamed to K-2), and Ben Williams, all to 150 or less PPA. After 4 weeks of shows in the D+ to C range, and working fan base in Stanley Hall up to 90ish, I end up with almost half the money I had at the beginning of the month and have like 30K left. Anyone see the same type of losses? I upped my ticket price by $3 per slot and just can't seem to make enough. Not sure if it turns over in a full game after a montha nd starts kicking or what, but it seemed i wasdoing so well and then had no cash flow... Great game though, can't wait to get enough extra free money to buy a copy asap.
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At the end of the month, you'll get money from sponsorships and merchandise. Of course, most of that will go to pay month-end expenses, so... believe it or not, you're doing the right thing. You can't make money until you're popular and your workers are popular... so running a weekly show is one of the best ways to fix both problems. The tricky part is making money before you start going broke.
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I started going profit when I reached E+ or D- popularity in Mid Atlantic. Just use as few people as you can, I just used Rip Chord as my announcing team, and used just 4-7 people per show. And now I'm Regional, C popularity in MA, I have about 130.000$ :)
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;177863]At the end of the month, you'll get money from sponsorships and merchandise. Of course, most of that will go to pay month-end expenses, so... believe it or not, you're doing the right thing. You can't make money until you're popular and your workers are popular... so running a weekly show is one of the best ways to fix both problems. The tricky part is making money before you start going broke.[/QUOTE] I'm not so sure, as a fledgling fed your two major expenditures are show and worker cost's and your major income is merchandise/sponsership. You make virtually zilch playing shows to 90 fans. So running a monthly show with a small company is more financially viable, often you will actually record a profit doing this (as long as you roster isn't overloaded with expensive workers) however if you want to see your popularity rise quickly running weekly show's will help you achieve that, i personally like to run the fed as a business and aim to record a profit every month, but everybody gets there kicks in different ways!
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[QUOTE=panix04;177903]I'm not so sure, as a fledgling fed your two major expenditures are show and worker cost's and your major income is merchandise/sponsership. You make virtually zilch playing shows to 90 fans. So running a monthly show with a small company is more financially viable, often you will actually record a profit doing this (as long as you roster isn't overloaded with expensive workers) however if you want to see your popularity rise quickly running weekly show's will help you achieve that, i personally like to run the fed as a business and aim to record a profit every month, but everybody gets there kicks in different ways![/QUOTE] since MAW starts with 80k, as long as you don't get a owner goal that states you need to have $125k in a year or that you can;t fall below 40k or so, it is very feasible to do weekly shows at 1 hr each using 3-4 cheap stars and two main eventers to bring shows to D - C- range. I did it in my game and went form 80k to 20k but was starting to make money by the 5th month. Pop will rise faster with more shows and thus the crowd starts getting bigger. By regional you are pulling in 1000 a show and you should be profitable from that point on as long as you dont sign or trade for 7000 k appearance people:p
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I've always ran one monthly show compared to a weekly show, you are pumping a lot of expenses in to your workers every month by running weekly shows therefore you lose it a lot faster than you'd actually gain popularity, so try doing monthly shows... If you notice AI controlled feds that are below regional, they only run monthly shows as well.. so you do gain money through merchandise and other stuff, just not enough to justify having weekly shows... just be sure you hire the right wrestlers w/ the right skills to fit your fed and doing monthly shows will be no problem, you should be doing c or c+ shows, so you'll gain popularity fast...
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;177972]I've always ran one monthly show compared to a weekly show, you are pumping a lot of expenses in to your workers every month by running weekly shows therefore you lose it a lot faster than you'd actually gain popularity, so try doing monthly shows... If you notice AI controlled feds that are below regional, they only run monthly shows as well.. so you do gain money through merchandise and other stuff, just not enough to justify having weekly shows... just be sure you hire the right wrestlers w/ the right skills to fit your fed and doing monthly shows will be no problem, you should be doing c or c+ shows, so you'll gain popularity fast...[/QUOTE] Unless they are on a touring schedule or running tv shows almost all teh size feds run only one show a month. that includes cult , national, etc, if they don;t have a tv show. Probably has something to do with the AI. Running weekly non television shows seems to be a human thing to do. Would probably be hard to do woth NYCW and all their bloated contracts. BUt with a decent economy and non restrictive owners goals it is easy to run weekly shows with MAW and start making profit before you go into negative money. I have done it and I believe FINisher has done it as well.
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