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Match type performance

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It's not hard to deduct that a hardcore wrestler will be given a much lower match rating if he works a submission match, but does a technical wrestler (so better at mat/chain/subm then rumble skills) gets a better match rating with a submission match (the only technique-based match) then a normal 1-on-1-match? thanks.
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Generally speaking, a worker with good to great technical skills (regardless of what style of worker they are) will give a better chance of a match rating higher than a worker without good to great technical skills for matches rated on technical ability. The same goes for matches rated on Brawling (Cages and the like), matches rated on Hardcore, and matches rated on High Spots. Basically, it comes down to the workers in the end. If you have two workers with B+ or better technical skills work a submission match, depending on your promotion's product, that match is more likely to rate high than if you put two people with C- technical skills. Your product comes into play because there are some product types were overness far outstrips worker in-ring ability and vice versa. Match prestige also factors in (I'm pretty sure a submission match would have higher prestige than a vanilla 1v1).
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