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Backyard Pro Wrestling-Signups (We Need Worker To Have Matches)

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Name-Sammy Slamm Short Name-Slamm Picture (From C-Verse, just give the worker name of who you want to look like)-Mikey James Gender-Male Birth Month-August Year (1986-1990)-1988 Nationality-American Available-America, Canda, Japan Bio (You can write your own or get a generic style one by me)- Sammy Slamm was a backyarder who was involved in the infamous "Annihlation" backyard wrestling card that was raided by the police. In liu of jailtime, the judge sentenced him to proper training as a wrestler. Slamm actually took to the training and now is at least semi-trained, and has given up the backyard wrestling style completely, preferring to actually wrestle. Who Do You Want To Work For? (Post in Order Of Preference (XDW, FSW, YPW)- Style (from choices at the bottom)- Size-Solid/Flashy Cruiserweight Finishers (Type)- Slamm-O! (Pinfall), Slammdriver (Pinfall) Heel and Face Proformance (Must add to 100)-Heel 28 Face 72 Other Proformances (Name two others to have raised)-Wholesome, Cool Size: Medium Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 1 grade)- Stamina, Psychology, Charisma, Microphone Execellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 2 grades, Not same as good skills)-Technical, Basics
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Ahhh, excellent, another of these for me to join in with. We'll take a different character this time :-) Name- 'The Hardcore Show' Cam Constable Short Name- Cam Constable Picture - Acid Gender- Male Birth Month- February Year (1986-1990)- 1989 Nationality- Canadian Available- Canada, Japan, USA Bio - Think of Canadian wrestlers and the names that come to mind are The DeColt family, The Stone family, Joey Poison, Johnny Bloodstone. What do they all have in common? Two things. They are technical genius, and they did not influence Cam Constable in the slightest. This young Candian can do a hammerlock if he has to, but he'd rather you smash a light-tube over his head. None the less, he has a surprising grasp of the fundamentals, by the standards of a yardtard. Who Do You Want To Work For? XDW, FSW, YPW Style (from choices at the bottom)- Hardcore Brawler Size- Middleweight Face Gimmick: Extremist Hell Gimmick: Masochist Finishers (Type)- The Hardcore Bomb (None), Constable Driver (Pin) Heel and Face Proformance (Must add to 100)- Face 90 Heel 10 Other Proformances (Name two others to have raised)- Crazy, Comedy Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 1 grade)- Basics, Charisma, Consistency, Toughness Execellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 2 grades, Not same as good skills)- Hardcore, Psychology
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Guest The Aussie
Name- 'Madman' Morgan Williams Short Name- Williams Picture (From C-Verse, just give the worker name of who you want to look like)- Edd Stone Gender- Male Birth Month- September Year (1986-1990)- 1989 Nationality- Australian Available- North America Bio (You can write your own or get a generic style one by me)- A rather decent although not spectacular High Flyer from Melbourne, Australia. His matches have no flow to them and he has a tendency to just drift from spot to spot. Never the less, he is a solid addition to any roster as he can slot into the midcard or undercard easily. Who Do You Want To Work For? (Post in Order Of Preference (XDW, FSW, YPW)- FSW, XDW, YPW Style (from choices at the bottom)- Gymnast Spot Monkey Size- Lightweight Finishers (Type)- -Pinfall- Godsmack (Corkscrew Moonsault onto a Standing opponent) -Submission- Insanity Edge (Rollover STF) Heel and Face Proformance (Must add to 100)- Face- 40 Heel- 60 *Gimmicks* Face- Suicidal Heel- ****y Other Proformances (Name two others to have raised)- Legitemate, ****y Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 1 grade)- Stamina, Aerial, Microphone Skills, Charisma Execellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 2 grades, Not same as good skills)- Flashiness, Looks
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Here is our current status; BPW/Total Workers-15 FSW Wokers-8 XDW Workers-3 YPW Workers-4 We are really starting to take shape and look pretty good. There 5 more guys into the game since the last test so I will work on that. It looks like all will be put in there first choice for location and I won't move people to other locations until a promotion reaches 12 workers. I will then move workers depending on their style with priority on keeping those who signed up earlier in their original location. It looks like the launch date will be this friday or even late Thursday American time so keep the workers coming in as you only have around 36 hours.
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Name-Haydez Short Name-Haydez Picture-Black Eagle/Plague Gender-Male Birth Month-January Year-1988 Nationality-American Available- USA, Japan Bio- Haydez is known as being both extremely skillfull in high flying and hardcore skills, although he is not your perfect technician nor is he great on the mic but he can still entertain the crowd with his unique style of wrestling. Who Do You Want To Work For?- XDW Style- Spot Monkey Size- Lightweight Face Gimmick- Extremist Hell Gimmick-Extremist Finishers- Top Rope Leg Drop, Shooting Star Press Heel and Face Proformance-Face 72, Heel 85 Other Proformances- Legitimate, Crazy Good Skills- Stamina, Flashiness, Brawl, Basics Execellent Skills- Hardcore, Aerial
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