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Backyard Pro Wrestling:A Tale Of 16 Backyarders

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Have you ever experienced that one defining thing in life? That extraordinary thing that captures your heart and lives in your soul until the day you die. For 16 men Backyard Pro Wrestling is that thing. A 20 foot ring of canvas and steel is their love and life long dream. For them it feels like home. Once inside these ropes, a moment can last a lifetime. The reward for success can be great but the price of failure is most devastating. It is on this grand stage where dreams may become reality, where athletes forge legacies and mortals become legends. This is the story of those 16 and their time with Backyard Pro Wrestling. An era of the lives of very different people heading in different directions bonded by a common passion, and a long desired dream.
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In this dynasty I had people fill out forms to create a backyarder of no popularity and little skill. They each are part of one of three home promotions but all are part of BPW, [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Backyard Pro Wrestling[/COLOR]. Here is a summary of each home promotion... [COLOR="blue"]XDW[/COLOR]-Known as Extreme Danger Wrestling it has the largest following but also is the most dangourous in it's hardcore style making it easy for a hardcore worker to get over. It is in need of new talent as it's best 5 all left to go try and make it big. It is unknown if they will come back to their true home. It is based in the Tri-State. Home to 4 backyarders. [COLOR="Red"]FSW[/COLOR]-Five Star Wrestling is the smallest of the three but may have the best potential. It focuses on the puro style that is running rampant on the Indy scene. It needs to fill it's roster with those who have MMA, Technical, or High Flying potentioal. Based in the Midwest. Home to 8 backyarders. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]YPW[/COLOR]-Youth Pro Wrestling is alot like ECWA some would say. Except that instead of wrestlers wrestling at the Boys and Girls Center it is the Boys and Girls wrestling at the Boys and Girls Center. In fact it is funded by the United Way to promote fack fighting to get violence out of the schools. It gives teens and those who joined before being 21 a chance to wrestle some stars who they deem good examples. They also will not remove anyone from the roster when they get to old. It runs a traditional family friendly style. YPW is based in Calafornia. Home to 4 backyarders. I will post month by month what happens in these promotions and to these workers even after leaving these promotions. This will be a fun ride.
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[CENTER][B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]-Rosters-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U][CENTER]XDW[/CENTER][/U][/B][/COLOR] [U]Upper Midcard[/U] [B]Dave Biggs[/B] Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs is a 24 year old, High Flying Hardcord Nut. He grew up on the mean streets of Tampa, Fl. Many of his moves come from watching bums fight over rotten cat fish from dinner under the Alafia River Bridge. He joined the AirForce and became a fighter pilot but was kicked out for almost droping an A-Bomb on Iraq.... (something he always wanted to do) Thats how he go his nickname. [B]'Madman' Morgan Williams[/B] A rather decent although not spectacular High Flyer from Melbourne, Australia. His matches have no flow to them and he has a tendency to just drift from spot to spot. Never the less, he is a solid addition to any roster as he can slot into the midcard or undercard easily. [U]Midcard[/U] [B]Haydez[/B] Haydez is known as being both extremely skillfull in high flying and hardcore skills, although he is not your perfect technician nor is he great on the mic but he can still entertain the crowd with his unique style of wrestling. [U]Lower Midcard[/U] [B]Cam Constable[/B] Think of Canadian wrestlers and the names that come to mind are The DeColt family, The Stone family, Joey Poison, Johnny Bloodstone. What do they all have in common? Two things. They are technical genius, and they did not influence 'Hardcore Show' Constable in the slightest. This young Candian can do a hammerlock if he has to, but he'd rather you smash a light-tube over his head. None the less, he has a surprising grasp of the fundamentals. [U][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]FSW[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/U] [U]Main Event[/U] [B]Clayton 'Pretty Boy' Adams[/B] Clayton "Pretty Boy" Adams has always been popular for his looks. And that includes for wrestling fans and promoters. He was born to wrestle and even won the state high school wrestling tournament in his junior year. [B]Maxx Hero[/B] Tony Guidotti grew up knowing he wanted to be a wrestler. He watched every show for every promotion and as he got older he saw it change to as he calls it 'Wrestle Crap'. He decided he would be the Hero to save it and to make it what it was in it's hay day dispite his low skill level. [B]Thaddeus Tuttle[/B] A young man who got into wrestling to get out of a broken home. He tends to be more interested in the show than the basics. [U]Upper Midcard[/U] [B]Matti Don Katti[/B] Matti Von Katti, has been a fan of wrestling for 20 years...his dream is to one day make it as a wrestler, especially in Japan where he dreams of competing with his idol Optimus for the Burning Hammer Junior title. Random fact he nearly won a bronze medal representing Great Britain at the 2001 European Trampolining Championships. [B]Mike F'n Mayham[/B] Mikey was always under estimated and he loved it that way, what better way to catch his opponent off guard when they weren't expecting vicious there battle was going to be. With his life long dream to be a major player in the wrestling world. Love him or hate him Mayhem out does everything he can to impress the fans each night. [B]'Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt[/B] Not much is know about 'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt except that he is a young Canadian with a passion to earn a world title. He began his career in FSW because of his puro ability and high stamina. [U]Midcard[/U] [B]Andy Edwards[/B] 'Death From Above' Andrew Edwards has always been a wrestling fan. He has always, despite the disclaimers, acted out moves using his trampoline back home, many call him weird but he's just having fun. One day, he noticed a backyard wrestling promotion looking for people, he thought he should give it a try. [B]James Casey[/B] One day he ran away. His journey has brought him far. Along the way, he's developed considerable in-ring skills, although the origin of those abilities is as clouded as the rest of his past. [B][U][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]YPW[/COLOR][/CENTER][/U][/B] [U]Upper Midcard[/U] [B]Mike Snider[/B] Snider is a young kid who decided against going to college to pursue computer science and instead decided to enter the world of professional wrestling. However, since he has not had any real experience wrestling, all he is is a big ball of charisma. He's not a tiny guy, but he's not huge either. He should be a quick learner and start putting on better and better matches as time goes on. [B]Sammy Slamm[/B] Sammy Slamm was a backyarder who was involved in the infamous "Annihlation" backyard wrestling card that was raided by the police. In liu of jailtime, the judge sentenced him to proper training as a wrestler. Slamm actually took to the training and now is at least semi-trained, and has given up the backyard wrestling style completely, preferring to actually wrestle. [U]Midcard[/U] [B]Nick Clements[/B] Nick Clements is a 17 year old just breaking into the business. Deispite being based in the Midwest he passed up local FSW and hopped over to California and YPW. [U]Lower Midcard[/U] [B]Red Blitz[/B] As a son of German diplomats, Michael "Red Blitz" Krueger already has seen much of the world at his young age. Hiding his face under a red and yellow mask, Red Blitz cannot hide that his style is heavily influenced by puroresu. Using lots of strikes, he also likes DDTs and is notorious for working on his opponents arms and neck. [CENTER][U][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]BPW[/COLOR][/B][/U][/CENTER] [U]Main Event[/U] Clayton 'Pretty Boy' Adams [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] 'Madman' Morgan Williams [COLOR="blue"]XDW[/COLOR] Mike Snider [COLOR="seagreen"]YPW[/COLOR] Sammy Slamm [COLOR="seagreen"]YPW[/COLOR] [U]Upper Midcard[/U] Dave Biggs [COLOR="blue"]XDW[/COLOR] Haydez [COLOR="blue"]XDW[/COLOR] Maxx Hero [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] Nick Clements [COLOR="seagreen"]YPW[/COLOR] Red Blitz [COLOR="SeaGreen"]YPW[/COLOR] Thaddeus Tuttle [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] 'Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] [U]Midcard[/U] Cam Constable [COLOR="Blue"]XDW[/COLOR] Matti Don Katti [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] Mike F'n Mayham [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] [U]Lower Midcard[/U] Andy Edwards [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR] James Casey [COLOR="Red"]FSW[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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I have only a few days left to type but I am tired and have school tommarow. And now that I think about it, you know that 45 minutes of homework I mentioned in the other thread...I still have 43 minutes of it to do. In otherwords I will finish January tommarow.
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[CENTER][B][U]January 2007[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]World News[/B]-Corporal Doom turned down FSW, BPW, and YPW as they are all to small. Mean Jean won the Rip Chord Invitational. [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]BPW News[/COLOR][/B]-Gil Thomas is the owner and has Rick Sanders as booker. Shooter Sean Deely was quickly signed. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Blue"][B]XDW News[/B][/COLOR]-Fumihiro Ota is the owner and has Grandmaster Phunk as booker. From what I know about Phunks booking, well, XDW has a rough road ahead... They first signed Mario Heroic and then Mainstream Hernandez. Later they take Fox Mask, Remmy Skye, and Brendon Idol. Toward the end of the month Des Davids joined them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B][COLOR="Red"]FSW News[/COLOR][/B]-Kashmir Sighn is the owner and has Suzanne Brazzle as booker. They grab up Frankie Perez in an attemp to use him before he is stolen and misused in the big promotions. After there show Marc Speed was signed. They then released James Casey who had appeared in the show a week earlier. Soon after his tag partner Andy Edwards followed him out the door.[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]YPW News[/B][/COLOR]-Larry Wood is the owner and has Lee Wright as booker. They sign Steve Flash and Rudy Vasquez to be main eventers. The next day they got Black Eagle, Insane Machine, Matt Spearow, and Mean Jean.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="Red"][B][U]FSW Wraithchild[/U][/B] [I]Hunters Town Hall-Mid West-47[/I] -Matti Don Katti and Maxx Hero Defeat Andy Edwards and James Casey for the FSW Midwest Tag Titles [B]D-[/B] [I]A good opener that crowned the first champ ever in this dynasty.[/I] -Thaddeus Tuttle deafeated Mikey F'n Mayhem [B]D-[/B] [I]Another good match for an all backyarder contest.[/I] -Clayton Adams defeats Frankie Perez for the FSW North Star Heavyweight Title [B]D+[/B] [I]This one was a suprise. Adams must really have what it takes to win over Perez like that. Great match rating.[/I] Show Rating-[B]D[/B] [I]After seeing this show I would say FSW and namly Clayton Adams looks really bright. Great show I would say. Neither titles prestige changed. The show MVP was Perez not only for winning but also for letting the new star pull out a win.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][CENTER][B][U]BPW Lightning Strikes[/U][/B] [I]Ohio Jewish Center-Great Lakes-40[/I][/CENTER] -Nick Clements defeats Mikey F'n Mayham [B]E[/B] [I]They had an ok opener. I think the only reason Clem won was because he has better entertainment skills as Mikey is much better when it comes to the in ring action.[/I] -Andy Edwards defeated Matti Don Katti [B]E+[/B] [I]This was a nice gift after BPW learned that Andy had been released from FSW.[/I] -'Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt defeated James Casey [B]E[/B] [I]James didn't get the same gift that Andy did. This one lowered the rating.[/I] -Dave Biggs defeated Cam Constable [B]E-[/B] [I]This all XDW match was a bit of a letdown. These guys got to pick it up if they want to last on the Xtreme roster.[/I] -Mikey Snider defeated Red Blitz [B]E[/B] [I]All YPW. It would seem they showed XDW up...[/I] -Sammy Slam defeated Maxx Hero [B]E+[/B] [I]Good rating from these two upper midcarders.[/I] -Haydez defeats Thaddeus Tuttle for the BPW Backyard High Flyer [B]E-[/B] [I]I would expect better of these two but I was disapointed. Much worst than FSW's title matches.[/I] -Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Clayton Adams [B]D-[/B] [I]Not as good as his other match but Clay still looks to be the best backyarder.[/I] -Bubba Lee West defeated Rick Sanders for the BPW Best of the Backyard Title [B]D+[/B] [I]I really wouldn't count either of these guys as backyarders...[/I] Show Rating-[B]D[/B] [I]The show was ok. I am a bit worried on how much was spent on this one though. That is alot of workers used. Shooter Sean got the MVP.[/I][/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Backyarder Match of the Month [COLOR="Red"]Thaddeus Tuttle deafeated Mikey F'n Mayhem [B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Show Of The Month [COLOR="red"]FSW Wraithchild[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR][/B] Money Ranks; [COLOR="Red"]FSW-51152[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]BPW-48223[/COLOR] Popularity Ranks; [COLOR="DarkOrange"]BPW-0.8[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]FSW-0.8[/COLOR] [B][U]Top 9 Backyarders[/U][/B] [/CENTER] 1.[COLOR="red"]Clayton 'Pretty Boy' Adams[/COLOR]-[I]He had two matches with real stars including a title win over Frankie Perez both of which were in the D range.[/I] 2.[COLOR="red"]Thaddeus Tuttle[/COLOR]-[I]He may have lost the title match against Haydez but he did have match of the week which is an accomplishment in my book.[/I] 3.[COLOR="red"]Maxx Hero[/COLOR]-[I]He has had a win and a loss and is an FSW Tag Champ. Both matches have been at least a D- technically tieing it to the match of the week.[/I] 4.[COLOR="red"]Matti Don Katti[/COLOR]-[I]He has had a win and a loss and is an FSW Tag Champ. Both matches have been at least a D- technically tieing it to the match of the week.[/I] 5.Andy Edwards-[I]With a win and a loss and match ratings of E+ and D- I am confused on why FSW released him.[/I] 6.[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Sammy Slam[/COLOR]-[I]Here because of the E+ win over Maxx.[/I] 7.[COLOR="Blue"]Haydez[/COLOR]-[I]If he wouldn't have won the title he would problably not been on this list...[/I] 8.[COLOR="red"]Mikey F'n Mayham[/COLOR]-[I]He went under twice with a high rating of D-.[/I] 9.James Casey-[I]Not a good month as he lost two matches and got release from FSW. Only go this spot due to the good tag match rating.[/I]
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Only two shows in January? Guess the AI scheduled their shows for January for Week 1 when the game already advanced to Week 2. :D Not happy to see Red Blitz lose, but still, this all-YPW match managed to outshine the all-XWD match. Hah! [QUOTE]I am a bit worried on how much was spent on this one though. That is alot of workers used.[/QUOTE] Well, it's a big roster, so you would have to expect it. Maybe BPW should have gotten a bigger bankroll from the start. Any chance that you release the workers' data?
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[U][B][CENTER]Febuary 2007[/CENTER][/B][/U] [B]World News[/B]-MHW and JEF debut. This could be an oportunity for some of our talent...or two promotions who will dissapear in less than a year. TCW's PPV Malice in Wonderland's best match was interestlinly Wrestling Machine 1 vs. Wrestling Machine 2 with a B. 7 announcers entered the world on one day...and I have generation on low. [COLOR="Red"][B]FSW News[/B]-FSW have highered Rhino Umaga and Marc Speed. After their show FSW highered the RIPW champ Mikey James. He appeared to take up two spots as Mikey F'n Mayham and 'Unholy Icon' were released the next day. A week later Thaddeus Tuttle was cut from the roster. In week 3 Cameron Vessy and Air Attack Weasel got on board. Then randomly in an attempt 'to cut down roster size' Vessey and Umaga are released...THE NEXT DAY! This is horrible booking! In fact I have seen Phunk do a better job. Then 3 days later they grab up Snap Dragon and fire East Side Leroy the next day. A day later the C- superstar Marc Speed gets released. This is insane booking. Insanly bad![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]XDW News[/B]-Somehow an E- match made CGC want to sign Cam Constable to a PPA. This is a huge acomplishment for the 17 year old making him youngest on their roster. We will follow him on his journies.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][CENTER][B][U]FSW Take No Prisoners[/U][/B] [I]Hunters Town Hall-Mid West-47 [B](+0)[/B][/I][/CENTER] -'Unholy Icon' Defeated Matti Don Catti [B]D-[/B] [I]A Tie for best match from last month. Infact this is Matti's second D-. I would say this is a big win for Fayt as he beat the tag champ.[/I] -Maxx Hero defeated Rhino Umaga [B]D+[/B] [I]A BIG win over one of the hottest indy prospects on the market. This could be a sign that he could be ready for Thad's #2 spot.[/I] -Frankie Perez defeated Thad Tuttle [B]D-[/B] [I]Besides getting a new nick name T-Tut (mainly 'cause it is quick to type) gets a win against FSW's biggest name star. Unfortunatly the rating wasn't higher, though still equal to last weeks match of the month.[/I] -Clay Adams defeated Marc Speed to retain the FSW North Star Heavyweight Title [B]C-[/B] [I]What an amazing match, even better than with Perez. Now thats suprising. Clay has really cemented his spot at number one.[/I] Show Rating-[B]D+[/B] [I]A great yet expensive show. This one will be hard to beat as show of the month I think. Rhino Umaga was the MVP. The North Star Title went up 0.9%. New territory can't be good for things...[/I][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrange"]BPW Retaliation Stanley Hall-Mid Atlantic-52[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B](+12)[/B] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]-Nick Clements defeated Red Blitz [B]E[/B] [I]An Ehh match. Nick gets another win to his record.[/I] -Cam Constable and Andy Edwards defeat James Casey and Matti Don Katti [B]E[/B] [I]The new CGC star gets a win. The world does not like Casey as he has lost 3 matches and been released by FSW. Katti is on the slide with 3 losses in a row including this to be his second to Andy.[/I] -Mikey F'n Mayham defeated Maxx Hero [B]E+[/B] [I]I was suprised by the rating as these two have the highest proformance in all the backyard stars. I am still more suprised why Mayham was released...[/I] -Haydez defeats Thaddeus Tuttle to retain the BPW Backyard High Flyer [B]E-[/B] [I]I can't believe they want to keep the title on Haydez. I guess they see more in him than I do (Though in XDW he could shine well). I am even more suprised that Thad was released. I shack my head at Kashmir and Suzanne.[/I] -Alexander Fayt defeated Mike Snider [B]E-[/B] [I]Win for the man who lost his job. I still can't believe the losses. Kashmir has lost his mind.[/I] -Shooter Sean Deeley defeats Dave Biggs [I]E+[/I] [I]Good match putting 'A-Bomb' at 1-1.[/I] -Sammy Slamm defeats 'Madman' Morgan Williams [B]E-[/B] [I]Slamm is hot and undefeated. This one was lower than his other matches.[/I] -Bubba Lee West defeated Rick Sanders to retain the BPW Best of the Backyard Title [B]D+[/B] [I]I still really wouldn't count either of these guys as backyarders...[/I] Show Rating-[B]D-[/B] [I]A bit behind FSW's show but atleast they are not firing like crazy. No title prestige change.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][CENTER][B][U]XDW Pushing The Limits[/U][/B] [I]Rainbow Bar and Grill-South East-40[/I][/CENTER] -Des Davids and Brendan Idol defeat David Biggs and Haydez for the XDW Barbed Wire Brothers Tag Titles [B]E[/B] [I]Worst match on the card but it gave them some ring time with some stars.[/I] -Fumihiro Ota and Fox Mask defeated Mario Heroic and Mainstream Hernandez [B]D[/B] -Remmy Skye defeated Grandmaster Phunk for the XDW King of Backyard Title [B]D[/B] Show Rating-[B]D[/B] [I]This was booked alot like a WSX's (MTV's wrestling promotion) booking for those who have read the spoilers to that. Good card for them anyways. Fumihiro was MVP.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][CENTER][B][U]YPW Welcome To The Party[/U][/B] [I]Simmons Center-South West-40[/I][/CENTER] -Lee Wright and Black Eagle defeated Red Blitz and Mike Snider for the United Way Tag Titles [B]D[/B] [I]A solid match for the backyarders. Blitz still has no wins...[/I] -Cattely and Wood defeated Sparrow and Flash [B]C[/B] -Insame Machine and Sammy Slamm defeated Nick Clements and Rudy Velazques [B]D[/B] [I]Another good backyarder tag match. Slamm is on a 3 win roll.[/I] Show Rating-[B]D+ [/B] [I]I wasn't aware that 30% tag was 3 out of 3 matches. This will win card of the month as I though backyarders were integrated well with big stars.[/I][/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Out Of BPW![/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Cam Constable[/COLOR]-Lost to Jett in a E+ match on PPV. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backyarder Match of the Month [COLOR="Red"]'Unholy Icon' Defeated Matti Don Catti D- [I]2nd Win In A Row For FSW[/I][/COLOR] Card Of The Month [COLOR="Green"]YPW Welcome To The Party D+[/COLOR] Money Ranks; [COLOR="SeaGreen"]YPW[/COLOR]-53717 [COLOR="Red"]FSW[/COLOR]-51042 [COLOR="blue"]XDW[/COLOR]-46808 [COLOR="darkorange"]BPW[/COLOR]-46300 Popularity Ranks; [COLOR="DarkOrange"]BPW[/COLOR]-1.6 [COLOR="red"]FSW[/COLOR]-1.6 [COLOR="Blue"]XDW[/COLOR]-0.8 [COLOR="seagreen"]YPW[/COLOR]-0.8 Top 9 Backyarders 1.[COLOR="red"]Clayton 'Pretty Boy' Adams[/COLOR]-(0)-[I]He retained his title in an amazing match. He stays in number 1.[/I] 2.[COLOR="Red"]Maxx Hero[/COLOR]-(+1)-[I]A win, a loss, a title still held. The win over Rhino bumped him up.[/I] 3.[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Sammy Slamm[/COLOR]-(+3)-[I]He has mad an impact with many match wins including in a main event. He locks in spot 3.[/I] 4.[COLOR="Blue"]Haydez[/COLOR]-(+3)-[I]He keeps his title and keeps moving up.[/I] 5.[COLOR="Red"]Maddi Don Catti[/COLOR]-(-1)-[I]Still a champ and had a good loss on FSW.[/I] 6.'Unholy Icon'-(N)-[I]Dispite being released he gets two good wins. Lets just hope he doesn't drop off the list next month like 3 other FSW drop outs did.[/I] 7.[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Mike Snider[/COLOR]-(N)-[I]He is looking good and slowly going up the charts.[/I] 8.Mikey F'n Mayhem-(0)-[I]He got released but still had a win over a tag champ.[/I] 9.[COLOR="Blue"]Cam Constable[/COLOR]-(N)-[I]I havent been impressed by the low ratings. He only earned this spot as he was signed by CGC. This still confuses me.[/I] Off The List-Thad, Edwards, and Casey.
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