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Backyard Pro Wrestling:A Tale Of 16 Backyarders

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1. Nick Clements isn't on the 9 is because 1-1 is ok but your ratings are low. Win one or two more and you should appear. 2. Potty, I should rephrase that. That means action out of BPW and not that you were released. I need to reword that. 3. Mad5526, yes you read that correctly that Cam did get picked up by CGC. I was suprised also.
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[B][U][SIZE="5"][CENTER]March 2007[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]World News-[/B]The Stomper is set to retire but plans to be active backstage. 3 more announcers entered the world. That is like 12 in 3 months. Andre Jones is the SWF Shooting Star Champ beating Zimmy, though he loses it in the next week to Calamari Kid. Brett Biggs is released from SWF. [COLOR="red"][B]FSW News-[/B]They are turned down by Shane Sneer but get Rudy Velaques. Then the next day Snap Dragon is released and Ernie Turner is highered. Suzanne is still not figuring out the whole 'booking' thing. The next day Turner is fired! I wonder how many enimies she has made? Later in the week Steve Flash is highered. After the show Air Attack Weasel was released. Later they get turned down by Craig Prince but get Bubba Lee and Brandon Smith. The next day Bubba Lee was fired. They then get Jason Rogers.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]XDW News-[/B]Dave Biggs extends his deal.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B][U]BPW Kill City Kills[/U][/B] [I]Colorado Springs Bar-Mid South-44[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B](-8)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]-Red Blitz and Mikey F'n Mayham defeat Cam and Andy Edwards [B]E[/B] [I]Blitz has his first win and over a big TV star in Cam. Andy keeps going downhill since being released.[/I] -Nick Clements defeated T-Tut [B]E[/B] [I]Clem looks to have a firm footing into the top 9 at this rate. Only YPW can screw him out of it.[/I] -Dave Biggs defeated James Casey [B]E-[/B] [I]Biggs has been looking pretty good lately. Casey is problably rated the worst if I ranked to 16. But I don't.[/I] -'Unholy Icon' defeats Maxx Hero [B]E+[/B] [I]Maxx goes down again to an FSW release. He could fall in the standings.[/I] -Matti Don and Clayton Adams defeat Haydez and Mike Snider [B]E-[/B] [I]Two of FSW's best beat the some of YPW and XDW's best. Haydez keeps his title without retaining. I have a feeling that soon Matti may take Haydez's title...we will see.[/I] -Morgan Williams defeated Rick Sanders [B]E[/B] [I]A big win with a small rating.[/I] -Bubba Lee retains the BPW Best Of The Backyard over Sean Deeley [B]C[/B] [I]Bubba is actually looking pretty good. I think he may get picked up by a bigger promotion soon.[/I] Show Rating-[B]D[/B] [I]BPW puts on a good show but loses people due to the new region. The BotB is up 0.7%.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B][U]FSW Guilty Pleasure[/U][/B] [I]The Weston Gymnasium-Tri State-48[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B](+1)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]-Kashmir Sighn defeated Matti Don [B]C-[/B] [I]Great match. Another week though without the tag titles being defended.[/I] -Mikey James defeats Maxx Hero [B]D[/B] [I]Both tag champs lose this month. Not a good sign for their reign.[/I] -Captain USA defeated Frankie Perez [B]D+[/B] -Clay Adams retains the FSW North Star over Rudy Velasques [B]C-[/B] [I]Clay stays on a roll beating another real star.[/I] Show Rating-[B]D+[/B] [I]A good rating but I don't like the booking, or the constant higherings and firings. I think FSW will be the first of the 4 to die. Rudy got MVP and the North Star goes up 0.9%.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]YPW Passion For Pain Piper Casino-South West-50[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"][B](+10)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]-Mike Snider defeated Red Blitz [B]E-[/B] [I]Not that good of a match but they at least got ring time and haven't been fired.[/I] -Insane Machine defeated Lee Wright [B]C-[/B] -Black Eagle defeated Nick Clements [B]C-[/B] [I]Great match for the Clementine.[/I] -Velasques defeated Sammy Slamm [B]D-[/B] [I]Slamm seems to be all over from E- to D in ratings. I don't know what to think of him...[/I] -Matt Sparrow defeated Larry Wood for the YPW Southern California Title [B]C+[/B] Show Rating-[B]C-[/B] [I]Good show with strong booking. YPW looks to hold onto show of the month. Black Eagle was the MVP.[/I][/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]BPW Stars Elsewhere[/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Cam Constable[/COLOR]-Lost to Jerry Martin (E-) and lost in a D- 6 man tag match to open the DeColt Wrestlefestival Night 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backyarder Match of the Month [COLOR="Red"]'Unholy Icon' defeats Maxx Hero E+ 3rd Win In A Row For FSW 2nd Appearence In A Row For Icon[/COLOR] Card Of The Month [COLOR="SeaGreen"]YPW Passion For Pain C+ 2nd Win In A Row For YPW[/COLOR] Money Ranks; [COLOR="seagreen"]YPW-52125[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]XDW-50073[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]FSW-49819[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]BPW-43955[/COLOR] Popularity Ranks; [COLOR="DarkOrange"]BPW-2.4[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]FSW-2.4[/COLOR] [COLOR="seagreen"]YPW-1.6[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]XDW-0.8[/COLOR] Top 9 Backyarders 1.[COLOR="Red"]Clayton 'Pretty Boy' Adams[/COLOR]-(0)-[I]Two wins including a retained title keep him up here.[/I] 2.[COLOR="seagreen"]Nick Clements[/COLOR]-(N)-[I]From not listed to number two. He rocked the charts with a win and a C- loss which propelled him to the top.[/I] 3.[COLOR="red"]Matti Don Catti[/COLOR]-(+2)-[I]The tag champ of FSW got a win and a loss including a C- with Kashmir. Only reason below Nick is the win was an E-.[/I] 4.'Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt-(+2)-[I]Moves into number 4 making him highest rated released superstar two weeks in a row. He won his one match over Maxx Hero in the match of the month.[/I] 5.[COLOR="seagreen"]Red Blitz[/COLOR]-(N)-[I]His first appearence ue to a win that got an E. He was also in an E- loss.[/I] 6.[COLOR="blue"]Morgan Williams[/COLOR]-(N)-[I]He won his only match with an E.[/I] 7.[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Mike Snider[/COLOR]-(0)-[I]He won his only match with an E.[/I] 8.[COLOR="red"]Maxx Hero[/COLOR]-(-6)-[I]Lost two match but kept the tag title. Only mad the list ue to a D and the match of the week E+.[/I] 9.Mikey F'n Mayhem-(0)-[I]Got an E win in his only match.[/I] Off The List-Sammy Slamm, Haydez, and Cam Constable.
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[COLOR=red]-Kashmir Sighn defeated Matti Don[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]C- Great match. Another week though without the tag titles being defended.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red]-Mikey James defeats Maxx Hero[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]D Both tag champs lose this month. Not a good sign for their reign.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] That is some seriously poor booking, it's about time the tag titles were defended. Talk about making your champions look weak.
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-Black Eagle defeated Nick Clements C- Great match for the Clementine 2.Nick Clements-(N)-From not listed to number two. He rocked the charts with a win and a C- loss which propelled him to the top. MAW Rip Chord Invitational 08 here I come. Just incase you didnt do it I am active in all areas
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