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Workers being used too much...

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Sometimes when playing, I get a message saying "[Whoever] was used too much on this show." And, the odd thing is, I've only used him once on that show. (Most recently, it happened with Thomas Morgan, who is currently a Lower Midcarder with me.) It also only seems to happen with Lower Midcarders, Openers and Enhancement Talents. What I gather from this is you shouldn't use the lower pushed guys too much. (Even when one of them has a title, apparently.) That's fine... but why am I getting it if I've just used them once on a show? Does it mean their match was too long? Or (and this is what I think) does it mean I've been using them too much on the past few shows? (And the show where I got the message was just the breaking point.) As a general rule, I try to have a title match for every title at all my shows (including my lower midcard title) ... this means whoever has the lower midcard title is making an appearance on every show. Is this too much? (Should I cut lower midcard title defenses back to every 2nd or 3rd show?) For the record, I'm running weekly shows with a "big" show every three months.
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As far as i'm aware it's because you've used them for too long, time-wise, on that particular show. I think it's to do with how popular they are and how much momentum they've got. For example, people wouldn't mind watching The Rock for 30 minutes during a show but that wouldn't be the case for Giant Gonzalez. :D
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;187870]As far as i'm aware it's because you've used them for too long, time-wise, on that particular show. I think it's to do with how popular they are and how much momentum they've got. For example, people wouldn't mind watching The Rock for 30 minutes during a show but that wouldn't be the case for Giant Gonzalez. :D[/QUOTE] A good point. In Giant Gonzalez' case, though, I think 45 seconds of him is too much.
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yes, I've used a lot of my lower card wrestlers as my main tag teams in my fed, because the title for tag teams is a lower card prestige, so I've used the two workers in more than two angles and have got that dreaded message... some enhancement talents of mine have received that message just for being on the card...:eek:
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The tolerance for lower level workers is pretty minimal - anything over about five minutes for ETs is pushing it, for example. I believe someone conducted a test where a qualified main eventer in a Global fed can appear for an hour or so on a given show, and there's no repercussions. It [I]might[/I] be a percentage, incidentally. I remember on 05 when I had the Rock with my created fed. He appeared in about 40 minutes out of 90 or thereabouts, and the fans complained of seeing too much of him. Go figure...
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