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Stan “The Man” Manna will make his United States Pro Wrestling Debut as he takes on [B]Tom E. Hawk.[/B] New USPW Champion Peter Valentine will be in action [B]Peter Valentine[/B] The investigation of Officer Tracy Brendan continues. She will get some good information and form a strong lead towards someone. [B]Giant Redwood[/B] vs Freddie Datsun TRex vs [B]Bruce the Giant[/B]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Orange"][SIZE="7"][B]USPW American Wrestling[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Wednesday February week 1, 2007 Live from the Grissom Auditorium [/SIZE] [B]Confidence or ****iness? [/B] Giant Redwood starts off the show with a pre taped interview, in it he talks about how he will easily destroy Freddie Datsun just like he did at the Stars, Stripes and Slams show. He said Freddie would be lucky if he left “only” with a messed up eye socket this time. [B]Jim Force vs. Lex Appeal[/B] Lex and Jim had a hard fought match that was eventually one by Jim Force. During the match the announcer hyped that Jim Force will be using his rematch clause in his contract to face Peter Valentine at the next big show, USPW Red, White, and Blue. [B]Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys[/B] Java and Tribal Warrior were able to beat the Hillbilly’s by using some good tag team moves, and not allowing Pete to make the hot tag, pulling him away just in time to finish him off. [B]The Insider Has Inside Information?[/B] Mikey the fixer, dressed in dress pants and a dress shirt have Mark Smart up against a wall in the back, telling him that if he tells anyone about the information he knows he will have hell to pay. Mikey turns around and sees officer Brendan, he puts Smart and down and smiles as he walks away. [B]What Does Mark Know?[/B] Officer Brendan ask Smart what he knows and he quickly says nothing. She asks him if he thinks that she is stupid. She tells him she knows who he is, she says he knows everything there is to know about the business. That Bruce The Giant coming to USPW was reported on his website before he ever appeared in USPW. Mark just looks at her before walking away saying he has a match. [B]Mark “The Insider” Smart vs. Peter Valentine[/B] This is a non title match, while Valentine is in the ring waiting, The fixer beats Smart down backstage, he brings him down to ringside and slides him into Peter who hits his Heartbreaker. [B]“The Man” vs. Tom E Hawk[/B] Stan had a good introduction where he plays his own theme song on the guitar as he walked down to the ring, he wasn’t really playing but it was hard to tell. The entrance took about as much time as the match as Stan Manna dominated. [B]Demons of Rage vs. Captain USA and Cheetah Boy[/B] Captain USA couldn’t beat the Demons by himself so he got himself a partner, a very, very bad partner and it didn’t quiet work out for him as he was once again hit with The Demon Double Down. Cheetah Boy hit a move or two but it didn’t faze the Demons and he was a non factor. [B]Tag Team Challenge[/B] The Lords of War come to the ring and issue an open challenge for any team around the world to face them in a street fight at USPW Red, White and Blue. They said whatever team accepted would show they had alotta balls but little sense. [B]A Rat?[/B] Officer Brendan is walking into her locker room and there is a yellow envalope on her bench, she looks down as does the camera and on the package it says I know who did it. She opens the package, reads it and smiles as she puts on her coat. [B]Redwood vs. Freddie [/B] This was a very open match that was dominated early on by Datsun. Redwood was able to catch up and both men were delivering heavy blows throughout, you could feel the hatred between the too. Redwood took the turn buckle padding off and whipped Freddie in with an irish whip, catching him with a bear hug on his way back and Freddie had no choice but to tap out. [B]The Main Event![/B] Bruce The Giant and T-Rex went head to head for the first time in 2007 with Bruce picking up the victory with his Giant choke slam. Rex tried to go with a hit and run approach and it seemed to work for the beginning part. But as soon as Bruce caught Rex there was no where to run and no where to hide. [B]Culprit Gets Caught?[/B] A video is shown that says Officer Brendan has found out and will reveal who the person that attacked Micky Starr is. And she will reveal it next week![/CENTER]
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[COLOR="Plum"][CENTER][SIZE="7"]News and Notes[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] USPW American Wrestling got a 3.99 rating for last weeks show. The rating is not good enough for Sports America as they have pulled the show off the air immediately. The show scored a rating of D-, which isn’t good, not even for USPW. The fans thought the show was good for a promotion the size of USPW and they did receive a sell out in their last show on Sports America. Eric The Bull is gone from MAW as he worked his one show, as he defeated Mark Smart. MAW has moved up to small size. Jim Force has signed a deal with Canadian Golden Combat Wrestling. He will work for United States Pro Wrestling still but will have to split time. Every network USPW was negotiating with has decided that either USPW was to small or the industry’s decline is to bad to take on a wrestling show. USPW had scouts at the American Independent show yesterday, only one wrestler really caught the eye of the talent evaluator and it was Puerto Rican Power. No word yet if they plan on pursing him. Freddie Datsun is fully fit from his injury. Referee Baby Jamie’s contract is up in a bout a month and is expected to resign. TCW has fallen to cult size and USPW is thinking about declaring war on the promotion. But it would be hard without a television show. USPW tried to sign Robert Oxford who’s contract with TCW is coming to an end but since Sam Strong won’t let USPW sign someone who works some where else he won’t let USPW sign him which is pretty stupid because if he signed he would be leaving TCW. Baby Jamie has resigned. Poisoned Superman is stopping this diary.
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Sorry you are not continuing this, but after doing about 3 months of USPW myself, I know how it can kill a lot of fun when you realize just how bad the roster really is for their popularity level. USPW is a really challenging promotion to succeed with this time around unless you basically gut the entire roster. Kind of like NYCW was in 05.
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