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USPW: Old School Is In Again!

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[COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="5"]USPW Red, White, and Blue! Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live in the Great Lakes Region The USPW vs The World Tournament Begins! We now have the participants in this amazing event. The winner of the tournament will end up being the USPW World Champion! [B]Winners of these three matches face off in a triangle match.[/B] =O= Bruce the Giant(USPW) vs USA Kid(TCW) Wolf Hawkins(TCW) vs Mainstream Hernandez(MAW) Flash Savage(MAW) vs Freddie Datsun(USPW) [B]Winners of these two matches face each other.[/B] Joey Poison(CGC) vs Sean McFly(USPW) Troy Tornado(TCW) vs Fox Mask(CZCW) [B]The Towers of Power(USPW) vs Canadian Blondes(MAW)[/B]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]USPW Red White and Blue![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from Perry Hall in Kentucky[/COLOR] [B]Preshow:[/B] [B]Giant Tournament Hype[/B] Bruce The Giant cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with USA Kid. [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR] [B]No More Friendship[/B] Sammy The Shark comes over to Darryl Devine backstage, looking angry. He says that he thinks that the recent actions of Darryl Devine have crossed the line, and as a result their friendship is over. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]TCW Alliance[/B] Troy Tornado, Wolf Hawkins and USA Kid announce that they are forming an alliance. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated USA Kid in 3:34 with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce The Giant makes defence number 6 of his USPW World title. [/B] Bruce the Giant looked amazing out there. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Break it Off[/B] USA Kid is heading back down the aisle after his match. As he reaches the stage he gets attacked by Wolf Hawkins, who came out of nowhere. Wolf Hawkins proceeds to powerbomb USA Kid right off the stage, through a table and onto a bunch of equipment. As Wolf Hawkins looks on smiling, USA Kid is stretchered out with a neck brace on. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Wolf Hawkins defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 6:36 with a Full Moon Rising.[/B] These two didn't click and it showed. Wolf Hawkins looked really good though. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Flash Savage defeated Freddie Datsun in 7:59 by submission after interference.[/B] Huey Cannonball, and Oscar Golden ran in to help their MAW stablemate win. Freddie Datsuns performance stood out as being really good. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]No Match but?[/B] Cameron Vessey comes out for his match, but looks confused. After looking around, he climbs over the security barrier, apparently talking to himself. He heads through the crowd to the front door, and then disappears into the street outside. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Joey Poison in 4:35 with a Delorean Driver.[/B] Sean McFly looked excellent out there. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Troy Tornado defeated Fox Mask in 5:54 with a Star Maker.[/B] Fox Mask looked like he had improved his technical skills and actually held his own with Troy for a minute. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Unhappy Attack[/B] Giant Redwood attacks Freddie Datsun backstage, and leaves him down and out. Giant Redwood needs to freshen up his character. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated Wolf Hawkins and Flash Savage in 8:25 when Bruce The Giant defeated Wolf Hawkins with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce The Giant makes defence number 7 of his USPW World title. [/B] During the match we also saw Huey Cannonball run in and attack Bruce The Giant, and Oscar Golden do the same to Bruce The Giant. Bruce the Giant was extremely tired by the end of this match. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Troy Tornado defeated Sean McFly in 7:45 by pinfall following interference from Wolf Hawkins.[/B] The announcing commentary wasn't up to par with this match. This match stole the show! [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Main Event Hype[/B] Troy Tornado had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Bruce The Giant. [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR] [B]Looking Unhappy[/B] Sean McFly is shown backstage walking around, looking very unhappy. [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR] [B]The Towers Of Power defeated Huey Cannonball and Oscar Golden in 8:54 when Mick Muscles defeated Huey Cannonball by submission. The Towers Of Power make defence number 7 of their USPW World Tag Team titles. [/B] During the match we also saw Flash Savage run in and attack Mick Muscles, and do the same to Danny Rushmore. This match was a bit dissappointing. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Motivational Words[/B] Sam Strong is backstage, psyching up Sean McFly after his loss. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Troy Tornado defeated Bruce The Giant in 9:44 with a Star Maker. Troy Tornado wins the USPW World title. Troy Tornado wins the USPW vs the World Cup title. [/B] Wolf Hawkins helped Troy Tornado get the win by distracting Bruce the Giant allowing Troy to hit the Star Maker. Bruce The Giant was visibly tiring toward the end. Troy Tornado and Bruce The Giant just don't click at all, and it showed in their performance. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Over the Top Celebration[/B] Having picked up the victory, Troy Tornado celebrates in the ring, and goes crazy, running around the ring like a madman, dumping water over himself, and hoisting both titles up over his head. [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D Overall (I can't believe this! Not again...) 1,518 in attendance The fans were annoyed at all the nonwrestling segments they had to sit through. [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]NEWS[/SIZE][/B] Bruce the Giant and Troy Tornado both want some time off to heal. USPW doesn't plan on giving Troy Tornado time off. Troy is expected to defend his USPW World title at USPW Alive this week. Freddie Datsun and Giant Redwood will be taking some time off.[/QUOTE]
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Hey, it's a small thing, but I really enjoyed the "I think this show will get a C" prediction before you post a show! I thnk you should do more of it, and NO CHEATING! Anyhow, this diary is really finding itself. I didn't dig it as much the first time I checked it out but I like it much better now... that could just be because I've had my coffee and I hadn't last time, but I think it's because you're really stepping it up and coming into your style. Good work!
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Just thought I'd let you know I'm still enjoying this. It's tough trying to get USPW over but you're really not doing a bad job. I think in the next couple of game months you'll find your nitch and start gaining pop. either that or you'll go bankrupt =)
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from Skid Row Club in New England[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly Thanks the Crowd for Supporting Him[/B] Sean McFly comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interupted by Troy Tornado. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match. [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Cameron Vessey defeated Burning EXILE in 5:38 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.[/B] Not much to say except this match wasn't as good as billed. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]FDA defeated T-Rex in 5:40 with a Stunner.[/B] T-Rex could use something to freshen his character up. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Fumihiro Ota defeated Cal Sanders in 8:49 by pinfall with a handful of tights.[/B] Fumihiro Ota could use something to freshen his character up. Ota looked really good. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Savage Fury defeated Fox Mask and Mainstream Hernandez in 8:14 when Tribal Warrior defeated Fox Mask with a Head Hunter Special.[/B] This match was terrible. The crowds mood was not very good already and this match brought it down even more. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Troy Tornado in 13:40 with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly wins the USPW World title. [/B] The announcing quality wasn't up to par with the match. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] C- overall (for once we gained popularity) 1,000 in attendance (sold out) No other notes at this time.
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[B]Bold Moves[/B] So today I had a meeting with Sam Strong and Shane Sneer. I told them that due to our product I wanted to focus more on entertainers, and technicians in the ring. They understood exactly where I was coming from. I handed them a list of people who did not fit into our new scheme of things. They told me that we couldn't get rid of all of them because some of our big name stars and such would be gone. I agreed... They later explained to me that I needed to focus on bringing in more guys to fit the scheme to cover up the styles of these guys for our audience. They also told me to get some big matches hyped up for the coming months. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B]NEWS[/B][/SIZE] USPW has released the following... Pete and Al the Hillbillies, April Appleseed, and Nene Ebina. The Hillbillies were USPW veterans but the women were newly signed. USPW offered a statement saying that they had no room creatively for these workers because they didn't fit their style. They wish them the best in the future and hope to be proved wrong about these four. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="5"][B]USPW Alive Preview[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]FDA vs Ernie Turner[/B] FDA is a newcomer on the scene and is hoping to walk away with a big win to help his momentum. [B]Cameron Vessey and Valentine vs Captain USA and Tom Angelus[/B] This is a match of old school vs new school. [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs Thomas Morgan[/B] Two future superstars take each other on in what could be the first of many great matches. [B]Lords of War vs Black Hat Bailey and Steven Parker[/B] The Lords of War are the #1 contenders to the Tag Team Titles. This will be a very tough "tune up" match for them as they face a masterful technician Black Hat Bailey and a young up and coming all rounder in Steven Parker. [B]=O= Sean McFly vs Eric the Bull for the USPW World Title[/B] Sean McFly defends his title against an up and coming star Eric the Bull.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][B]USPW Alive[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Live from Gymnasium Aguada[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Darryl Devine defeated USA Kid in 13:55 with a Devine Dream Drop.[/B] During the match we also had Jacob Jett run in and attack Darryl Devine. Devine wasn't at his best. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]Ernie Turner Hypes Match[/B] Ernie Turner had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with FDA. He asked who FDA was and why he had business being in this match. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Captain USA and Tom Angelus defeated Cameron Vessey and Valentine in 6:09 when Tom Angelus defeated Valentine with an Angel Drive.[/B] The crowd didn't like this match very much. The mood seemed a little poor after this awful match. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]FDA defeated Ernie Turner in 5:32 with a Crossface.[/B] Another bad match on a list of many that USPW has had in the last couple of months. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Thomas Morgan defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 8:17 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/B] In a bad match one positive to note was that Thomas Morgan seems to be getting better at his rumble skills. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Corporal Doom defeated Burning EXILE in 5:41 with a Corporal Punishment. Corporal Doom makes defence number 2 of his USPW National title. [/B] Who would have thought that Corporal Doom would be able to put on one of the better matches for the card? Well that isn't saying much since the previous matches have sucked. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]The Lords Of War defeated Black Hat Bailey and Steven Parker in 7:46 when Warlord Pain defeated Steven Parker with a War Machine.[/B] Keep bringing the bad ratings and the fans won't follow. The Lords of War were exhausted by the end of this match and it never even hit the 8 minute mark. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Demons of Rage Can't Wait to Face Lords of War[/B] The Demons Of Rage cut a promo against The Lords Of War hyping a possible match down the line. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Eric The Bull in 7:04 with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 1 of his USPW World title. [/B] McFly was a little off tonight. Eric the Bull didn't hold his own and made it tough for Sean to carry him to a good match tonight. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]World Title Challenge[/B] Peter Valentine comes to the ring and challenges Sean McFly to a match at the next big event. [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D- overall (back into the basement in ratings) 717 in attendance [I][B]OOC:[/B][/I] [I]I will have to stick with what I know even if I do want to use some workers or else I am going to be fired or something. So far I just continue to hurt USPW.[/I]
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[B]Personal Relationships[/B] Another day came and went except this time some big stuff happened. I had gotten a call from my girlfriend saying that she couldn't do this anymore. She said to call her back if I wanted any hope in saving our long lasting relationship. I called her and a guy answered. I immediately started yelling at him. A few moments later she got on the phone and told me it was her room mates boyfriend and she was in the bathroom. I believed her but something still wasn't right. She told me to hang on as she went to her room so we could talk. "Look I can't keep going on like this. The decision is yours to make and you have until tomorrow to make it." I froze and had no idea what to say or think even. "Ok I will know my answer by tomorrow. I love you but I have to go now." With that I hung up the phone not knowing what to do. [I]Later That Day...[/I] I called up Sean McFly and asked him what he would do. He told me to stick with the business if I love it but if I love her then I should go be with her. He wasn't a big help but I knew I could talk to him and it would be just between us. After much thought I called her back and told her I was staying BUT I wanted her to come with me. She told me she didn't know. I told her it was her turn to make a decision... I didn't feel so bad now and I flipped the script on her. I figured maybe her being with me would help my booking a little bit. If it didn't at least I would be less stressed out. [B][I]OOC:[/I][/B] [I]I hope these are interesting to read. I figure they will help everyone get aquainted with Mike Peters the booker. Mike Peters is a fictional character that I came up with that closely resembles myself and some conflicts I have dealt with or witnessed. If these are a waste let me know so I can quit doing them.[/I]
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[B]Arriving at Work[/B] That's right I obviously chose my job. I turned it around on my girlfriend and she chose to stay home. It hurts that our relationship of a few years is over because of my dream to be involved in wrestling. So I was thinking about all this when I walked through the doors to the USPW Headquarters(some run down warehouse). As I walked in Sophie, Sam Strongs secretary stopped me and handed me some dirt sheets that Sam himself wanted me to see. [LIST] [*]Harry Wilson signed with NOTBPW [*]Dog Fyte signs with NOTBPW [*]Barry Kingman signs with NOTBPW [*]Trent Shaffer signs with NOTBPW [*]Adrian Garcia signs with NOTBPW [*]Jerome Turner signs with NOTBPW [*]Zeus Maxmillion signs with NOTBPW [*]The Insane Heat signs with NOTBPW [/LIST] They all signed written deals... this had to be a stab at CGC. I would try to send them some talented guys on a trade and bring in some not so over guys to help them out. NOTBPW used to be one of the most traditional promotions that you could count on to leave your talent alone. They didn't steal workers or any of that. [I]I walked over to my cubicle.[/I] There was a note from Sam Strong. [INDENT][I]Mike Peters I think it is important that we get our not so over guys over with the fans. Use some angles and such to establish them. I also think you should write up some more feuds to also help them. I have loaned Freddie Datsun, and Giant Redwood to CGC for the services of Whippy the Clown and Joey Poison. It is only a one show deal for now and I want you to put them in some matches with our lower card guys. I will be out of town for a couple weeks so good luck I trust you will do well. Also save some money because we have been losing money.[/I][/INDENT] That is good because I like Joey Poison. Whippy the Clown can be useful I guess. Next time I will make sure we get them for at least 3 appearances.
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Fox Mask vs Black Hat Bailey[/B] Blach Hat Bailey should walk away with the easy win here against the younger cult hero Fox Mask. [B]FDA vs Corporal Doom =O= for the USPW National Title[/B] Corporal Doom faces newcomer FDA in a match where his experience should be enough but FDA has looked impressive in the few matches he has had. [B]Mighty Fine vs Towers of Power =O= for the USPW Tag Team Titles[/B] Mighty Fine are a regular team on the independant circuit but they shouldn't be a match for the Towers of Power. [B]Sammy the Shark vs Sean McFly =O= for the USPW World Title[/B] Sean McFly defends his title against Sammy the Shark in what is expected to just be a tune up match for McFly.[/QUOTE] [B][I]OOC:[/B] I am having a lot of fun with this diary I can't say it enough. I will have only two shows posted for this weekend this one and the one to be posted right after this one.[/I]
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[QUOTE][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][B]USPW Alive[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Live from the Ministry in the Tri State Area[/COLOR] [B]Dark Match[/B] [B]SECRET[/B] It didn't come out very good though. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]Black Hat Bailey defeated Fox Mask in 7:06 by submission after interference from Steven Parker.[/B] They don't click but they did alright for not having any chemistry together. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Angry Competitors[/B] Cameron Vessey is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into FDA. FDA says something that Cameron Vessey doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, FDA challenges Cameron Vessey to meet him in the ring for a match next week. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Corporal Doom defeated FDA in 6:50 by pinfall following interference from Cameron Vessey. Corporal Doom makes defence number 3 of his USPW National title. [/B] Corporal Doom has not had any really good matches espescially since claiming the title. I may need to reconsider who my champion is. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Mystery Guest Locker Room[/B] Bruce The Giant is walking backstage, past the door to the mystery guest's locker room. He looks around, takes a peek inside, then hurries off before anyone catches him, looking shocked. [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [B]Come Get Me[/B] Cameron Vessey has a microphone, and proceeds to taunt FDA, calling him names and generally acting like he is totally unafraid. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]The Towers Of Power defeated Mighty Fine in 5:55 when Mick Muscles defeated Jacob Jett with a handful of tights. The Towers Of Power make defence number 8 of their USPW World Tag Team titles. [/B] This was another bad match but we aren't expecting much from any of these competitors anymore. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Steve Flash defeated Bane, Big Richard, Fumihiro Ota, Raine and Bruce The Giant in 6:58 when Steve Flash defeated Bane with a Flash Bang.[/B] Bruce the Giants performance stood out as being good. Big Richard and Bruce the Giant were visibly tired at the end. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Distraction[/B] Sean McFly is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Peter Valentine comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Sean McFly does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too. [COLOR="red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Sammy The Shark in 9:34 with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 2 of his USPW World title. [/B] During the match we also had Peter Valentine run in and attack Sean McFly. Sammy and Sean do not click and it made the match kinda strange to watch with all of the botched moves and spots.[/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D Overall (I expected a better card than this again. Why can't I get D+, C- cards on a regular basis? Oh boy back to the drawing board.) 850 in attendance Sammy the Shark was used too much. (I may need to let him go even though he is one of my favorites.)
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]USPW Liberty and Justice Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="darkgreen"]Live from the West Texas Coliseum[/COLOR] Cameron Vessey vs Jacob Jett vs Big Richard vs Cal Sanders Demons of Rage vs Bane & FDA Jim Force vs Sammy the Shark Fox Mask vs Steven Parker =O= Corporal Doom vs Steve Flash for the USPW National Title =O= Towers of Power vs Lords of War for the USPW Tag Team Titles Bruce the Giant vs Fumihiro Ota vs T-Rex for the #1 contendership =O= Sean McFly vs Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title[/QUOTE] [B][I]OOC:[/B] It looks like it will be a good card that is a little top heavy. This show should get at least a D+[/I]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]USPW Liberty and Justice[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from the West Texas Coliseum[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]The Beginning of the End[/B] Sean McFly comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interupted by Peter Valentine. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before things take a violent turn and they start brawling. A whole host of staff hit the ring to break them up, and as they are being pulled apart it is clear a match is going to take place between them. [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Savage Fury defeated Golden Combatants in 6:42 when Java defeated Whippy The Clown with a Greetings From The Island.[/B] Terrible match but Savage Fury is getting better. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force defeated Sammy The Shark in 2:42 with a Full Force.[/B] Jim Force had to do some clean up action in this squash match. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Disrespect for Authority[/B] Mike Peters is in the ring with T-Rex, and is trying to make him see that he can't hope to beat him, as he holds all the power. T-Rex gets angry and beats up Mike Peters, leaving him down and out. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Cameron Vessey defeated Jacob Jett, Big Richard and Cal Sanders in 5:42 when Cameron Vessey defeated Big Richard by submission.[/B] This match should have been a lot better but it was terrible. All of the men involved have a lot of skill. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]The Demons Of Rage defeated FDA and Bane in 5:51 when Demon Anger defeated Bane by pinfall when Agent 69 interfered. [/B] During the match we also had Cameron Vessey run in and attack FDA. Another match that brought the crowds mood down. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Fox Mask defeated Steven Parker in 7:51 with a Fox Hunter.[/B] The crowd did not like this match but it is part of a storyline so they better get used to it. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Steve Flash defeated Corporal Doom in 6:08 with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash wins the USPW National title. [/B] This was a bad match but is served its purpose of getting the title on someone new. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]The Lords Of War defeated The Towers Of Power in 11:26 when Warlord Agony defeated Danny Rushmore with a War Machine. The Lords Of War win the USPW World Tag Team titles. [/B] I am happy that this match turned out to be better than expected. The fans seemed to like it. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Radiating Confidence[/B] Peter Valentine has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Sean McFly. [COLOR="red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Fumihiro Ota defeated Bruce The Giant and T-Rex in 8:32 when Fumihiro Ota defeated T-Rex with a Ninja Strike.[/B] Ota needs to freshen up his character but I am gonna have to put that on hiatus because next month he faces the World Champion. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Peter Valentine in 13:38 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 3 of his USPW World title. [/B] During the match we also had Fumihiro Ota run in and attack Sean McFly. Peter Valentine and Sean McFly have amazing chemistry which could be a good thing. I should get a better announcer if I am going to have better ratings. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Depressed[/B] Bruce The Giant is shown backstage walking around, looking very unhappy. [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR] [B]Back in the Ring[/B] Having picked up the victory, Sean McFly celebrates in the ring. [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] C Overall (This show can be considered a success. It should have increased our popularity.) 1,520 in attendance Bane was used too much. [I][B]OOC: [/B]I do not think I have gotten that positive note before. This is pretty exciting and I think I figured some stuff out.[/I]
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[B]Phone Call[/B] Sam Strong saw the show on the internet and decided to call me. He said that he read internet reports and everyone said the show was awesome. Fans loved the show and critics loved the show. One critic said, "It looks like Mike Peters has finally found his nitch." Sam made me feel so proud. I had learned a lot from this show too. I guess I would need to test my new theories at the following shows but I was sure I figured things out. I asked Sam what he thought about the show. He told me he loved it and he is glad that the Lords of War are Tag Team Champions. He said Corporal Doom would be mad about losing his title. Fumihiro Ota is getting stale and the crowd isn't into him as much anymore so I should think about doing something with him to freshen him up some. After we got off the phone I wanted to call my ex-girlfriend and share the good news but she wasn't taking my calls. She also would not care and it would annoy her if I did talk to her. I decided to go to the bar for the night with Peter Valentine. Peter is always asking me to hang out but I think it is a ploy to manipulate me into giving him the title. Either way at least I won't be alone for awhile.
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[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs Ghost[/B] This match is probably going to be a dark match so if you want to see it you have to attend the event. [B]Cameron Vessey vs FDA[/B] FDA issued the challenge last week and both men are looking to show who is better. [B]=O= Steve Flash vs Eric the Bull for the USPW National Title[/B] Steve Flash is set to defend his title for the first time at Alive against the monster Eric the Bull. [B]=O= Lords of War vs Towers of Power for the USPW Tag Team Titles[/B] The Towers of Power used their rematch clause to get this match. [B]=O= Sean McFly vs Peter Valentine for the USPW World Title[/B] Peter Valentine was given this match by Mike Peters but nobody seems to really know why. Many more workers will be in attendance and possibly added to the card but tune in to USPW.com to view the show.
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[I]Show will be up tonight... I just want to say the challenge of using USPW is great and I am having so much fun with it. If anyone ever wants to run USPW and try and turn it into a powerhouse it isn't as easy as you may think.[/I] [B]The Bar[/B] I had walked across the street to a motel from the bar. Peter had gotten into an intense argument about wrestling with some punk 22 year olds. I had to intervene and convince Peter that they were not worth his time. We had a good conversation about relationships and how hard they are in this business. He told me that I may love her but she would never understand how I feel about this business. Peter had heard stories from Sam Strong and about his lack of a relationship with his daughter Alicia. Alicia had just joined wrestling hoping to get closer to her father but USPW didn't bring in women wrestlers... I was still thinking about trying to bring her in to reunite them. Peter told me Alicia loved wrestling but always had some sort of grudge with her father for never being home. Sam had relationship issues for years because he always chose this business over his family. I was just beginning to realize how tough this business really was and why everyone was always drinking, popping pills, doing drugs, and plenty of other things. As I walked to the motel I thought a lot about what Peter had said and I knew that I would be forced to make some really tough decisions if I stuck with this business. I also decided to book Sean McFly against Peter Valentine in the main event for the World Title because of our great conversation.
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from the Portland Center[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Fox Mask defeated Steven Parker in 9:46 with a Fox Hunter.[/B] It is a dark match so I don't care about the rating too much... it is just too bad this is a storyline I am running. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Respect Given and Received[/B] The match is over, and Fox Mask is celebrating. Steven Parker walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect, and the two competitors shake hands. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Mystery Segment[/B] This segment is a test run for a future show. [COLOR="red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]Cameron Vessey defeated FDA in 5:56 by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/B] This was a bad match by two up and coming stars. Many backstage are wondering if Cameron Vessey has what it takes to be a superstar. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Sammy Truly is a Shark[/B] Sammy The Shark is shown sitting backstage, smiling as he reads the Financial Times. Behind him, a series of graphs show that his stock investments are increasing rapidly. [COLOR="red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Ghost in 6:47 with an Apparition #14.[/B] The fans hated this match. I am firm in believing that the crowd only wants to see established stars. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Devine Beat Down[/B] Darryl Devine is in the ring giving an interview. Steven Parker comes out and enters the ring. After some back-and-forth insults, he attacks, laying Darryl Devine out. Fox Mask comes out from the back, hits the ring, and cleans house, saving Darryl Devine. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Steve Flash defeated Eric The Bull in 8:08 with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 1 of his USPW National title. [/B] These two do not work in the ring together at a high level. Micky Starr suggested that we never use these two together again. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]A Giant Comeback[/B] A music video is shown to promote Bruce The Giant. [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [B]The Lords Of War defeated The Towers Of Power in 10:37 when Warlord Agony defeated Danny Rushmore with a War Machine. The Lords Of War make defence number 1 of their USPW World Tag Team titles. [/B] All four big men in this match were exhausted by the end. Everything I thought I had learned had not been proven correct with this show as another terrible match came and went. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Peter Valentine in 9:14 with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 4 of his USPW World title. [/B] During the match we also had Mike Peters run in and attack Sean McFly. Sean and Peter showed tremendous chemistry. Sean McFly came out of the match looking great. [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D+ Overall (Maybe I had learned something since I ran a show that was as expected) 989 in attendance (Didn't sell out but that is ok in a slumping industry) Mick Muscles was slightly over-used. [I][B]OOC:[/B] I have to admit after most of the ratings I figured my show would get a D- or worse even. I am surprisingly excited that I may have found out how to run a decent show with USPW.[/I]
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[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] This week TCW invades USPW with three stars taking on three of the USPWs wrestlers. Also why did Mike Peters get involved with Sean McFlys match? What is Mikes problem with the champ? [B]Steven Parker gets a rematch against Fox Mask[/B] This match is to prove who is ultimately better... Fox Mask or Steven Parker? [B]Chance Fortune vs Darryl Devine[/B] This match is between the future of TCW and the future of USPW. [B]Wolf Hawkins vs Peter Valentine[/B] In what is expected to be the match of the night between two of the heaviest hitters from TCW and USPW. [B]Demons of Rage vs Burning Exile & Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Burning Exile and Mainstream Hernandez are taking offense to being called DoR's practice for the week. [B]=O= Sean McFly vs Aaron Andrews in a nontitle match[/B] Aaron Andrews is a bright young star in TCW and is hoping to prove his value with a big win over Sean McFly but McFly is always on top of his game. McFly will not take Andrews lightly.
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[SIZE="5"][B]NEWS[/B][/SIZE] Cal Sanders has changed to a Super Junior style. FDA has been offered contracts by CGC, and 4C. Bane signed a PPA deal with INSPIRE. Corporal Doom signed a PPA deal with NYCW one of USPW's on screen rivals but off screen working agreements. Sammy the Shark was rated this week online as one of the most improved wrestlers going from a D in rumble skills to now a C-. USPW has noticed this and is happy with his hard work. It is said that USPW's Mike Peters will be meeting with Alicia Strong to negotiate some sort of contract for her services. The USPW audience is not a fan of female wrestling though so it should be interesting to see how they receive the legends daughter Alicia if she signs on.
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