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It depends on your product. It's possible to get A rated matches from Regional level workers, even with neutral chemistry. Workers with a decent storyline running behind them can produce matches of high quality if they have the skills but the storyline's only to boost the rating. If your product relies heavily on overness, you need workers with high overness. If your product relies on workers with in-ring skill, then highly skilled workers can produce that for you. Title prestige can also give a match where the title is up for grabs a slight boost as well. All of my A grade matches running 5SSW have involved Sensational Ogiwara or Thunder Hike but that's kinda expected.
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[QUOTE=shadowmaster;190774]Where would I find out what I need for my fed to score high, ie a list of prerequisites in matches[/QUOTE] There is no list, no "do this and get A matches". If you know what your product is or what kind of worker works best in your promotion, you can go from there. A possible hint would be to hire workers with good to great Performance skills (basics, psychology, safety, selling, consistency) since without those, scoring particularly high is pretty darn difficult (if not impossible). But the first step is going to be learning your product and what it values in workers. If your product requires workers with sky high overness to produce highly rated matches, you're going to need workers with sky high overness. They still should have good to great performance skills though, that's a universal truth (as far as I've been able to tell).
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