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Dave 2007: The Return

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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]July 1983:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/SWF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Supreme Wrestling Federation was riding high on the back of a massive feud between their Champion Sam Strong and a relative newcomer who had beaten the odds and become the #1 Contender at The Supreme Challenge - SWF's BIG Pay-Per-View. The Challenger was a 19 year old british lad who worked under the name Clarity. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/clarityold300res.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Richard Eisen had seen Clarity working in the UK and brought him into the SWF seeing massive potential in the rookie. Eisen had put him initially in a feud with Micky Starr allowing the young rookie to establish himself as someone to look out for. Merchandise started to fly off the shelves and Eisen decided it was time to put Clarity in a main event. So the stage was set for Strong Vs Clarity. The feud started like most feuds do. Clarity won cheaply over Strong, much to his dislike. There was some verbal name calling, and a lot of pushing and shoving. Clarity demanded a title shot but wound up getting lumbered in a #1 contendership match against Micky Starr and Rip Chord which he managed to win. This was all followed up by Clarity's sneak attack on Strong during the preshow of The Supreme Challenge. Eisen in his wisdom knew that Strong had to come away with the belt otherwise he would make Sam Strong look weak and possibly devalue the championship by giving it to such a newcomer. However he wanted Clarity to come away with as much momentum as he could for the next feud. So he decided to book the main event as a steel cage match. [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Tonights Main Event [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]VS[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/clarityoldcopy.png[/IMG][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Sam Strong Vs Clarity[/B][/SIZE] [I]in a steel cage match for the SWF Championship[/I][/CENTER] The original idea was to make Clarity look impressive and give him a high risk move to amaze the fans. But the night before The Supreme Challenge, Richard Eisen had decided that Rip Chord would rush in and knock Clarity off the top of the cage and allow Strong to win. This would allow Chord and Strong to feud once again over the cheap finish giving Clarity a quick holiday before feuding midcard for a while. But the thing is. The intern forgot to tell Clarity about the change in plans. Clarity had just knocked Strong down to the mat and was on his way to climbing out the ring. He got one foot over the top and stopped to look back at Strong lying there. It was time for the high risk move. However this was when Rip Chord rang in and slammed the cage wall to knock Clarity off [I](like in the revised plan)[/I] He slipped off the cage wall and went straight down to the mat where he remained whilst Sam Strong got up and saw what happened. He screamed some abuse at Chord for cheating and proceeded to climb the cage for the win. [SIZE="3"][B][CENTER][B]Winner & STILL Champion:[/B] [I]Sam Strong[/I][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The crowd cheered and Strong celebrated, meanwhile the referee came in to check on Clarity. A quick examination later and he made an "X" signal to the back to get the medical team out. The crowd that had started to file out just stood and watched.... [B]To Be Continued....[/B] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]July 1983:[/B] After The Supreme Challenge [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/SWF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The crowd watched in horror as the medical team ran down and tended to Clarity. They surrounded him for almost half hour before strapping him down to a stretcher and slowly taking him out of the arena. The crowd cheered his name in a gesture of support. [SIZE="3"][B][I][CENTER]Two Days Later...[/CENTER][/I][/B][/SIZE] [B]Doctor:[/B] [I]Ok you can see him now but dont be long. He needs his rest.[/I] [B]????:[/B] [I]Thank you Doctor........... Clarity... erm i mean Adam, can you hear me.[/I] It was Sam Strong come to pay a visit. [B]Strong:[/B] [I]Im sorry man, I heard that young Astil forgot to explain to that the ending had been changed. Dont you worry though. Mr Eisen has dismissed him now[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]Did they think i would go after him. Is that why im strapped down?[/I] [B]Strong:[/B] [I]Your not strapped down??[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]Then why cant i move my legs?[/I] [B]Doctor:[/B] [I]Im Doctor Remianen. Your girlfriend asked to be the one to tell you. She's flying in from England & should have been here already but i suppose i can tell you now you ask.[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]WHAT!!!![/I] [B]Doctor:[/B] [I]You have some spinal damage. Thats why you cant actually feel your legs.[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]Im paralysed????[/I] [B]Doctor:[/B] [I]Its too soon to tell. We need to wait for the swelling to go down before we can make an accurate guess, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you may not walk again[/I] [B]To Be Continued....[/B] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"]The Road To Recovery[/SIZE][/B] [B]July 1983:[/B] Clarity starts the long road to reabilitation.
[B]August 1983:[/B] Injury deemed to be permanant. Clarity vows to walk again.
[B]May 1985: [/B] In a bout of depression, Clarity attempted suicide. He was saved by his girlfriend who has stuck by him since the accident.
[B]July 1987: [/B] Whilst out with family, Clarity gets a tingle in his pinky toe.
[B]August 1987: [/B] Clarity proposes to his girlfriend Marie, who happily agrees.
[B]January 1988:[/B] The Wedding of Clarity & Marie
[B]February 1988:[/B] Clarity starts to regain some movement in his legs
[B]March 1988:[/B] Marie announces pregnancy.
[B]December 1988:[/B] Marie gives birth to Clarity's child. A boy called Quinn.
[B]June 1991:[/B] After years of physio, Clarity finally steps out of his wheelchair.
[B]September 1991:[/B] Marie gives birth to a baby girl. They name her Abby.
[B]May 1994:[/B] Clarity marks his 30th birthday by getting rid of the wheelchair completely and relying on a cane.
[B]January 1998:[/B] Clarity marks the new year by getting rid of the cane and relying on his own two feet again[/CENTER] [B]To Be Continued....[/B][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Pro Wrestling Hits Presents:[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]Where Are They Now?[/SIZE] [B]Q:[/B] [I]I remember my dad telling me all about when he used to watch SWF as a kid. He told me about the feuds Sam Strong used to have whilst Champion. He mentioned this young guy callled Clarity that was being pushed to the sky, but then suddenly vanished. What happened to him. Tigerkinney, England.[/I] [B]A:[/B] Considering that Clarity main evented The Supreme Challenge with Sam Strong in 1983, you would have thought that more information would have been available. However since SWF's push was more about his talent, than his mike skills, he was never interviewed before he disappeared. However, Pro Wrestling Hits, has managed to dig up the details of this tragic story. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/clarityold300res.png[/IMG] Clarity's Promotion Picture 1983 Clarity was this british rookie that Richard Eisen took a liking too. He was given some easy feuds to build up his popularity before given a title shot against Sam Strong at The Supreme Challenge. Clarity decided to dive off the cage but instead slipped and fell awkardly to the ring suffering a severe spinal injury. This injury put him in a wheelchair for close to 11 years, however a few years ago, he finally started walking for himself again. We dug a little deeper and found Clarity himself to ask him some questions about what he has been doing throughout the years. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/clarity2007300res.png[/IMG] Clarity 2005 [B]PWH:[/B] Its been over 20 years since we last saw you in the ring. What have you been upto in that time? [B]Clarity:[/B] When i first suffered my injury, i spent most of my time training. I refused to believe that i would never walk again. However as the years past and i was making no progress, i began drinking heavily. It all hit home on my 21st birthday (May 1985) when i tried to commit suicide. I was stopped and that was the last time i touched a drop of alcohol. Since that point i have divided my time into 3 areas. The first was to get myself walking again, the second was my own business i set up. With a lot of time on my hands, i took to a hobby i had as a child - drawing, and created Clarity Colours, my design studio. The third and most importantly is my family. My then girlfriend stuck with me during my injury and agreed to be my wife, and i have two children that are quite a handful, Quinn & Abby. [B]PWH:[/B] Do you think you will ever be back in the ring? [B]Clarity:[/B] I would have love to be back in the ring, but the years confined to a chair, have left me nowhere near the shape i was in. I dont think i could compete with the likes of Tommy Cornell, Runaway Train, Cristian Faith or Liberty anymore. However, my son Quinn has decided that he wants to wrestle for a living. He is only 17 though, so i still get a say. [B]PWH:[/B] Do you blame anyone for your injury? Everybody these days always sues in those circumstances. [B]Clarity:[/B] I was angry at first while i lay in my hospital bed, but then i realised that it wasn't really anyones fault. There apparently was a young intern at SWF that hadn't given me the updated match finish who they fired after my accident, i spoke to Richard Eisen and managed to get the boy back to finish his internship. [B]PWH:[/B] What do you think of the state of the wrestling industry today? [B]Clarity:[/B] Its a totally different world than when i was wrestling. Things were slower paced back than and pretty simular in styles. Now you have brawlers, entertainers, old school technical wrestlers, and high flying cruiserweights all with the ability to talk to the fans. Its very different indeed. [B]PWH:[/B] Finally, we have heard a rumor that you have been offered some kind of contract in the industry. Is there any truth in this? [B]Clarity:[/B] No comment [B]Next Issue: We talk to Alfredo Menendez, the El Barbaro[/B][/CENTER] [B]To Be Continued....[/B] [/FONT]
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From the desk of Clarity [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"]'Clarity' [B]*Deleted*[/B] Hampshire United Kingdom Adam, I saw your interview in a copy of Pro Wrestling Hits from last year. For someone to have suffered such a setback like you have and still remain as upbeat as you is quite an achievement. And as such i have a proposal for you. I own a company called Danger and Violence Extreme. Its a hardcore promotion thats started edging itself more towards SWF. My head booker is a guy called John Campbell. You may know him as Nemesis. Well he is stepping back from wrestling due to injuries and i need a replacement. And im looking your way. I need someone that is used to hardships and setbacks and i couldn't think of a better person than you. Basically, what you would be doing is booking my show. I would give you a pretty free reign on the hiring and firing as well. Can you give me a call and we can discuss this. Phil Vibert 27/11/06[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]To Be Continued....[/B]
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[SIZE="4"][B][FONT="Century Gothic"]Monday 1st January 2007 - Pepsi Arena - Tri State Area[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/clarity2007150res.png[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/PhilVibert.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]Mr Vibert, i got your letter and im interested in your position available.[/I] [B]Vibert:[/B] [I]Good your hired. Now get to work right now.[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]Hold your horses. Give me your roster list and recent stories and i can go home and study them.[/I] [B]Vibert:[/B] [I]I wish i could. Nemesis was knocked out whilst prepping some of our workers and he hadn't wrote down exactly how he wanted tonights show to go. And to make matters worse, Its Back in Black tonight, our Pay-Per-View, not just a normal TV show[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]OK calm down. Give me a quick run down of the stories and lets see what we can do....[/I] [B]To Be Continued....[/B] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/DavePPV.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Back In Black Preview[/SIZE] Sammy Bach [B]VS[/B] The Latino Kings If there is one thing you really dont want to do, is wind up in the middle of an arguement between the Latino Kings. However thats exactly where Sammy Bach ended up giving the Kings something to focus on. Now Bach must face all 3 in a handicap match. Johnny Martin [B]VS[/B] Hells Bouncer Both men were on the losing end of a triple threat #1 contenders match that Eric Tyler won. Now they face each other to determine who goes after the belt next. McWade Brothers [B]VS[/B] New Jersey Devils (c) [B][COLOR="Navy"][I]Tag Team Championship[/I][/COLOR][/B] The McWades would do almost anything to get there hands on the tag team gold and have been hounding Alex Braun & Tank Bradley for weeks now. The Devils have given the McWades the opportunity to put there money where there mouth is. Chris Caulfield [B]VS[/B] Guide [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]Hardcore Match[/COLOR][/I][/B] Guide wanted to make a name for himself outside of tag team action and challenged Chris Caulfield. Caulfield agreed, letting guide know that he isn't named "The Hardcore American" for nothing and would show him exactly why. Eric Tyler [B]VS[/B] Jack Geidroyc (c) [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]TLC Match for the Brass Knuckles Championship[/COLOR][/I][/B] Tyler beat both Hells Bouncer & Johnny Martin for the #1 contendership, and has been trying to get in Giedroycs head only for Giedroyc to up the stakes and demand a TLC match. Has Giedroyc ruined his chances of retaining? Big Cat Brandon [B]VS[/B] Eddie Peak (c) [B][I][COLOR="Navy"]Unified Championship[/COLOR][/I][/B] Eddie Peak layed down an open challenge which Brandon has taken up. And has since defeated Peak in tag action and by count-out. However on the last show, Peak came away with a clean win over Brandon in a triple threat match. Now they go 1 on 1 to determine just who is better. [B]Its a new year and a new look DAVE. See you at the PPV.[/B][/CENTER][/FONT]
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so far this is looking good, hope this goes as well as PWA, which I am still sad it is over :((;)) [Center] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/DavePPV.png[/IMG] Back In Black Predictions WINNERS IN [B]BOLD[/B] Sammy Bach VS [B]The Latino Kings[/B] Johnny Martin VS [B]Hells Bouncer[/B] [B][U]Tag Team Championship[/U][/B] McWade Brothers VS [B]New Jersey Devils [/B](c) [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]VS Guide [B][U]Brass Knuckles Championship[/U][/B] Eric Tyler VS [B]Jack Geidroyc [/B](c) [B][U]Unified Championship[/U][/B] Big Cat Brandon VS [B]Eddie Peak (c)[/B] [/CENTER]
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Quality stuff so far, great back-story. You've made the right decision switching to this diary, you had literally gone as far as you could have gone with your PWA one. [I]I'll make some predictions:[/I] [B]Sammy Bach VS The Latino Kings[/B] The three on one will be too much for Sammy Bach, there will probably be a beat-down afterwards and Teddy Powell will be involved in making the save from Bach making a visit to E.R. [B]Johnny Martin VS Hells Bouncer[/B] Martin is broken down and Hell's Bouncer is ...well he's big and that's it. I'd still say Bouncer wins this, despite all his limitations. [B]McWade Brothers VS New Jersey Devils (c)[/B] [B][COLOR=navy][I]Tag Team Championship[/I][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#000080][COLOR=black]I have the McWades in NOTBPW and to me they are pretty useless (they are the Cornellverse Harris Brothers) but their brawling style suits DAVE alot better. I see the Devils retaining, but on a cheap finish such as a DQ[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Chris Caulfield VS Guide[/B] [B][I][COLOR=navy]Hardcore Match[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR=black]If this was a regular wrestling match I would pick Guide, but it's not..it's hardcore, so advantage Caulfield. [/COLOR] [B]Eric Tyler VS Jack Geidroyc (c)[/B] [B][I][COLOR=navy]TLC Match for the Brass Knuckles Championship[/COLOR][/I][/B] This has all the potential to be the best match on the card. Giedroyc to retain in what should be a good match, that will further establish Giedroyc as a rising force in DAVE. [B]Big Cat Brandon VS Eddie Peak (c)[/B] [B][I][COLOR=navy]Unified Championship[/COLOR][/I][/B] I predict that none of the titles will be changing hands and that Peak will retain, but Big Cat Brandon will put in a great showing.
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I'll bite... [B] [U]Sammy Bach[/B] VS The Latino Kings[/U] I'll pick the plucky underdog here, but I agree with Tigerkenney about the post-match attack and subsequent save. [U]Johnny Martin VS[B] Hells Bouncer[/B][/U] A passing of the torch? Perhaps ... Hell's Bouncer may be a piece of crap, but he's got a lot of monster heel in him, and if you so choose, he could probably be ridden to some semblance of greatness. [U]McWade Brothers VS [B]New Jersey Devils[/B] (c) Tag Team Championship[/U] I'm going to go with Braun & Bradley here. The McWades will do something stupid and get themselves DQ'ed. [U][B]Chris Caulfield [/B]VS Guide Hardcore Match[/U] I couldn't agree with Tigerkenney more here. Guide is out of his element, unless Scout gets involved, seeing as though it is a hardcore match. [U]Eric Tyler VS [B]Jack Geidroyc[/B] (c) TLC Match for the Brass Knuckles Championship[/U] Tyler may be great, but the TLC stip pretty much clinches it for Giedroyc. I'll call it right now - Crashing On from the top of a ladder knocks Tyler unconscious and Giedroyc makes the academic cover. [U]Big Cat Brandon VS [B]Eddie Peak[/B] (c) Unified Championship[/U] This isn't going to be one and done. I see a long, drawn out, well wrestled feud here - the chase will be on. And chases are no fun if the "underdog" gets the first win.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/DavePPV.png[/img] [SIZE="3"][B]BACK IN BLACK[/B][/SIZE] LIVE from the Pepsi Arena 1st January 2007 Attendance: 8,840[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Preshow Ratings: C x2[/COLOR][/B]
We start the show by seeing Sammy Bach & Teddy Powell backstage. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Powell[/COLOR][/B]: [I]Theres no way im gonna just let you walk out there and try beat three men on your own. I have your back.[/I] [B][COLOR="navy"]Bach[/COLOR][/B]: [I]Thanks Teddy, Knew i could count on you.[/I] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Rating:[/B][/COLOR] D [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Bookers Note:[/COLOR] [I]The 1 on 3 sounded good in principal until i tried to book it and finding that i didn't have it, so it became 2 on 3 which i did have.[/I]
[CENTER]Adrenaline Rush [B][COLOR="Navy"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Latino Kings [I](Galindo, Velasquez, Chavez)[/I] The Latino Kings defeated Adrenaline Rush in 12:51 when Jesus Chavez defeated Teddy Powell by pinfall with The 187 Neckbreaker.[/CENTER] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Winners:[/B][/COLOR] Latino Kings [B][COLOR="navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] D-
[CENTER]Hells Bouncer [B][COLOR="Navy"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Johnny Martin Hell's Bouncer defeated Johnny Martin in 13:32 by pinfall with a Damnation Drop. [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Winner:[/COLOR][/B] Hells Bouncer [B][COLOR="navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B]D- The match is over, and Johnny Martin is left down. Hell's Bouncer is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C-
[CENTER]The McWade Brothers [B][COLOR="Navy"]VS[/COLOR][/B] The New Jersey Devils (c) [I][COLOR="Navy"]Tag Team Championship Match[/COLOR][/I] The New Jersey Devils defeated The McWade Brothers in 12:39 when Alex Braun defeated Dallas McWade by pinfall with a Braun Damage[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Winners: [/COLOR][/B] New Jersey Devils [COLOR="Navy"][B]Rating:[/B][/COLOR] D-
[CENTER]Chris Caulfield [B][COLOR="Navy"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Guide [I][COLOR="Navy"]Hardcore Match[/COLOR][/I] Chris Caulfield defeated Guide in 14:51 by pinfall with a Danger Drop[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Winner:[/COLOR][/B]Chris Caulfield [B][COLOR="navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Bookers Note:[/COLOR] [I]That was actually the best match of the night. May have to think about putting them together again.[/I]
Eric Tyler is in the ring before his match: [B][COLOR="Navy"]Tyler:[/COLOR][/B] [I][CENTER]"You know something, i have heard people saying that im now scared to face Jack Giedroyc since he made it a TLC match. Im not.. I think HE is scared to face me. Thats why he keeps trying to change the match to something more favorable to him. Well im gonna beat him regardless, just you wait and see"[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Eric Tyler [B][COLOR="Navy"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Jack Giedroyc (c) [I][COLOR="Navy"]TLC Match for the Brass Knuckles Championship[/COLOR][/I] Jack Giedroyc defeated Eric Tyler in 14:56 by pinfall with a Crashing On off a ladder [I](Yeah you were right with that one gbasalmon)[/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Winner:[/COLOR][/B] Jack Giedroyc [COLOR="navy"][B]Rating:[/B][/COLOR] D+ Having successfully defended his championship, Jack Giedroyc holds the title belt aloft with one hand whilst standing over the fallen Eric Tyler [B][COLOR="Navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] B
[CENTER]Big Cat Brandon [B][COLOR="Navy"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Eddie Peak [I][COLOR="navy"]Unified Title Match[/COLOR][/I] Big Cat Brandon defeated Eddie Peak in 16:37 by pinfall with a Big Cat Pounce[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Winner:[/COLOR][/B] Big Cat Brandon [B][COLOR="navy"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C- [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Bookers Note:[/COLOR] [I]Didn't see that coming did you[/I] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Navy"]FINAL PPV RATING:[/COLOR][/B] D+[/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Bookers Note on Show:[/COLOR] [I]Most of the feuds in this show were pulled from my head. I wanted to advance to the next day to get the owner goals, not realising they had a show on the first day. So i was stuck with trying to book a show without really knowing the roster. Now that its out the way, i can view the roster and decide where to take things. As for the Unified title change. Having just had a heel carry my old diary's title for 10 months, i wanted to break tradition straight away, so i took it off Eddie Peak. I do however have a plan for them[/I] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="3"]1st January 2007 - Pepsi Arena[/SIZE] Backstage[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/PhilVibert.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]....[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/clarity2007150res.png[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Vibert:[/B] [I]I hope you know what your doing with this. We have just taken our main belt and put it on an ex tag teamer.[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]I have a plan. Trust me.[/I] [B]Vibert:[/B] [I]Strangely i do trust you. Oh i have a few conditions to your job. The first is that you make us money, lets say about a million in two years. Shouldn't be that hard for us. My second condition might bite you in the butt a little. I dont want any sloppy wrestlers who cant do there job. So i shall be screening your potential signees to make sure they have the basics needed.[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]The money should be easy enough. My wife is currently managing my design studio which has been turning over money quite well for years. I do have one condition myself for this job.[/I] [B]Vibert:[/B] [I]Oh yeah. And whats that[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]I want to get back in the ring[/I] [B]Vibert:[/B] [I]Well. I dont have a problem with that. Just as long as you book yourself appropriately. I dont want you hogging the main event and titles.[/I] [B]Clarity:[/B] [I]Deal[/I] [B]End of Backstory....[/B] [/FONT]
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