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D.O.T.T. MACW TEW07 Style

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[QUOTE][CENTER][B]April Week 3 Mid-Week Report[/B][/CENTER] -Our top headline today is that we have NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions in Jack and Jerry Brisco. Congratulations Brisco Brothers on defeating the team of Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. -Speaking of the Briscos, they were the recipient of an attack at the last television taping by the team of the Midnight Express. Jim Cornette, manager of the Express, has been lobbying Jim Crockett's office, asking for a shot at the NWA World Tag Team Titles for his men. So far there has been no word on whether or not they will receive this shot. -Nature Boy and NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair gave himself the night off at the last television taping. He was confronted by Bob Orton, Jr., who challenged him for a shot at his title belt. Flair declined the title shot but did tell Orton that he would receive a non-title match for his trouble, just not at the tv taping. -We still have not received word on who attacked Jay Youngblood. With Youngblood being the tag partner of Ricky Steamboat on that night it literally could have been anyone! -And what about these LarryLand Challenges? Word has it that these will continue until someone steps up that can beat Larry Zbyszko. Just who will be stepping up to the plate? [B]Confirmed Matches for MACW In Your Town[/B] [I]Non-Title[/I] Ric Flair vs. Bob Orton, Jr. [I]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line[/I] Dory Funk Jr. vs. Wahoo McDaniel LarryLand Challenge with Larry Zbyszko Jack Brisco vs. Bobby Eaton Mike Rotundo vs. Mike Davis[/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC always appreciated!
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[B]Ric Flair vs. Bob Orton, Jr.[/B]: I gotta go with the no contest here. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line Dory Funk Jr. vs. [B]Wahoo McDaniel[/B] LarryLand Challenge with [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] Everbody loses in LarryLand!:D [B]Jack Brisco[/B] vs. Bobby Eaton: Honestly, I'd love to see an upset. [B]Mike Rotundo[/B] vs. Mike Davis: I see Main Event written all over Rotundo.
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((OOC: Thanks for the predicitions!)) === [SIZE=5][CENTER][B]MACW In Your Town![/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Macon City Auditorium. Macon, Georgia Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=RED]Arrival Of A Champion[/COLOR][/B] The show began by focusing on the arrival of Ric Flair to the building in a long white stretch limousine. The crowd in the arena booed as Flair seemed really confident while heading to the arena itself. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Mike Rotundo vs. Mike Davis[/U][/B] The young Rotundo continued along his winning streak in this match with Mike Davis. Rotundo dominated the match as most people would expect him to do here. He finished Davis off with an Airplane Spin! [B][U]Mike Rotundo b. Mike Davis =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Rotundo got on the microphone and spoke about his current winning streak, finishing with a challenge for Greg The Hammer Valentine for the United States Heavyweight Title. The crowd didn't care. =D [B][COLOR=RED]Prelude To A Title Shot[/COLOR][/B] Tony Schiavone was in the promo area alongside Bob Orton, Jr. They talked to each other about the match tonight against Ric Flair. Orton said that it is merely a formality tonight and that he will be getting that well-deserved title shot against Ric Flair. =C+ [B][COLOR=RED]A Mystery Revealed[/COLOR][/B] A pre-recorded interview ran with Double A Arn Anderson. He stated that Jay Youngblood was in the wrong place at the wrong time at the tv taping. He was teaming with the wrong man. But if Jay wants revenge, he won't be far. Double A stands for excellence and that's what Arn Anderson is. =E+ [B][COLOR=RED]Upcoming Match[/COLOR][/B] One more interview ran out in the promo area. This one had Jim Cornette talking about his man's match tonight against Jack Brisco. He said that the Midnight Express started their message at the tv taping and would continue that message here tonight when Bobby Eaton beat Jack Brisco and ensured an NWA World Tag Title shot for his Midnight Express. =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Jack Brisco vs. Bobby Eaton[/U][/B] One half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions Jack Brisco came into this match looking for revenge against Beautiful Bobby Eaton, a man who along with Dennis Condrey attacked the Brisco Brothers at the tv taping. This was a very scientific matchup that saw Jack Brisco dominate most of it due to his in-ring experience and scientific prowess. Dennis Condrey came down to the ring later in the match and helped provide a distraction on Brisco, leading to a short offensive run by Eaton. Brisco fired back though and nearly ended the match on an inside cradle. But it was a distraction of the referee by Condrey and a tennis racket shot by Jim Cornette that led to a quick pinfall and upset by Eaton! [B][U]Bobby Eaton b. Jack Brisco =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Following the match, Cornette led Condrey into the ring and the Midnight Express began dismantling Jack Brisco with stomps and knees to the ribs! The crowd cheered as Jack's brother Jerry came rushing down to the ring! He slid inside and punched Dennis and then Bobby, clearing the ring of the Midnight Express and standing over his brother with a watchful eye. =C [B][COLOR=RED]Replay of Events[/COLOR][/B] A video played showing the events which occured last week between Jimmy Valiant and the Great Kabuki, centering around Kabuki giving Valiant the mist shot into the eyes. =C- After the video, Jimmy Valiant was shown with an eyepatch covering one eye leaving a hospital area. Tony Schiavone caught up with Valiant and they discussed the Great Kabuki. Valiant promised to return soon to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and swore his revenge on the Great Kabuki, saying that he will be restoring the Boogie and Woogie to Mid-Atlantic soon! =D+ Bob Caudle and David Crockett announced with a graphic that next week Jimmy Valiant would get an opportunity for revenge as he takes on the Great Kabuki. Of course Kabuki will be seconded by his manager Gary Hart, who probably has some devious deeds in store for Jimmy Valiant! =C [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race vs. House of Humperdink[/U][/B] This was an unannounced, special match featuring two former World Champions against an up-and-coming tag team. Despite the presence of Sir Oliver Humperdink, Rhodes and Race dominated the match like one might expect them to. Dusty and Harley showed remarkable chemistry in this match. Dusty picked up the pinfall on the One Man Gang following his Bionic Elbow. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race b. House of Humperdink =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Following the match, Terry and Dory Funk, Jr. came running out to the ring and slid inside! The brawl was on between the Funks and Rhodes and Race! It was a pier-sixer out there as security officials had to come running out and break things up, keeping these men apart! =B- [B][COLOR=RED]LarryLand Challenge[/COLOR][/B] Once the ring was cleared it was time for Larry Zbyszko and his LarryLand Challenge. Zbyszko came out and did his usual running down of the fans here in Georgia before saying to bring out the next pathetic loser trying to make a name for himself against the Living Legend. =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]Larry Zbyszko vs. Robert Gibson[/U][/B] Zbyszko was in for a bit of a surprise when Robert Gibson came out to the ring and slid inside. He met the Living Legend in the center of the ring with some punches and whipped him across. He floored the Legend with a dropkick to some cheers from the crowd! Larry had to regroup outside the ring but once inside, the Living Legend proved worthy to that name as he returned to his usual domination. He finished off the Rock and Roll Express member with a ShoulderBreaker. [B][U]Larry Zbyszko b. Robert Gibson =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]6 Man Mayhem![/COLOR][/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett announced a match for the upcoming tv taping. It will be a 6 man tag match featuring The Funks and Ivan Koloff on one side and Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel on the other. That should be an all out war! =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line Dory Funk Jr. vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/U][/B] Following that announcement was the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title match pitting two of the participants in that match against each other. Dory was a little worse for wear after his brawl with Rhodes and Race earlier in the night and Wahoo used that to take an early advantage, getting several quick near-falls on Funk. Dory used a rake of the eyes to get the advantage back and turned his focus on the knee of Wahoo, working it over with various holds in preparation for that Spinning Toe Hold that the Funks have made famous. The crowd started getting behind Wahoo in this match and he used their fever to start creating a comeback for himself and that war-dance. He brought Funk down with several chops and while his back was turned, Ivan Koloff came running down toward the ring with Russian Chain in hand! He slid inside and brained Wahoo from behind, causing the quick DQ! [B][U]Wahoo McDaniel b. Dory Funk, Jr. =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Ivan punched on Wahoo, opening up his forehead with that Russian Chain! Wahoo was bleeding all over the ring before getting choked with that chain! Once Wahoo was down and out, Ivan got on the microphone and stated that he accepted Wahoo's challenge and would face him in a Russian Chain match! =C+ [B][COLOR=RED]An Easy Night...Right?[/COLOR][/B] Ric Flair was shown within the back, pacing as he seemed to be getting ready for his next match here against Bob Orton, Jr. He looked up and said that tonight Ric Flair is going to take it easy. Tonight, the Nature Boy will try not to completely humiliate his opponent. Tonight the NWA World Heavyweight Champion is going to walk that aisle at half-speed just so that Bob Orton, Jr. can keep up. After all the dust clears and everything is settled, Ric Flair is gonna leave the ring, get into his limousine and go out celebrating a victory right here in Georgia. Whooo. =B [QUOTE][B][U]Non-Title Ric Flair vs. Bob Orton, Jr.[/U][/B] As many would expect, Orton came out to the ring first and set his cowboy hat outside the ring and then the Nature Boy came out with his blue and white sequined robe and NWA World Heavyweight Title. Flair slid inside the ring and a wrestling contest began between the two men. Flair took the immediate advantage over Orton, chopping him in the corner before working viciously on Orton's knee. That should be no surprise to fans of the Nature Boy, though, as Flair likes to start early setting up to that Figure 4. As the match continued, it seemed like Orton was easily outclassed by Ric Flair, barely putting up any offensive strings together before Flair returned to the advantage. Flair, though, made the mistake of trying to whip Orton from one corner to the other. It was blocked and Flair was the one whipped across the ring! Flair bounced out of the turnbuckles and was taken over with a back body drop by Orton! The crowd cheered as Orton seemed to have a prolonged advantage here! Orton clotheslined Flair down and even went for the sleeper but Flair quickly went to the ropes to stop that hold. Flair caught Orton with a back elbow and then went back to work on that knee, bouncing off the ropes and giving a stomp to the back of it! The fans started trying to cheer Orton back and Orton did come back with a few rights and lefts to Flair's gut! He whipped Flair into the turnbuckle and Flair flipped right over it, landing on the apron! Flair started running the apron but was hit with a clothesline, knocking him down to the mats below! Orton tried to follow Flair but was held back by the referee! Flair grabbed his NWA World Heavyweight Title belt and headed up the ramp, waving his hands as the referee counted him out! Bob Orton, Jr. just looked dumbfounded as the bell sounded and he was awarded the victory. The show ended with Orton standing tall in the ring and Flair disappearing to the back. [B][U]Bob Orton, Jr. b. Ric Flair =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]April Week 4 Report[/CENTER][/B] -Welcome to the final week here in April of 1983, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling fans! -Ricky Steamboat made his World Wrestling Federation debut in a losing fashion as he teamed with Jimmy Snuka and was beaten by the team of Bob Backlund and Pedro Morales. -Roddy Piper made his WWF debut on the same card also in losing fashion. He teamed with the Masked Superstar losing to Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. -Word has it that the brother of a current MACW Superstar will be appearing soon here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Who will it be? You have to tune in and find out! -Another team should be showing up here soon in Mid-Atlantic. This team is known to drive the girls wild. -Dizzy Ed Hogan has been given his release notice here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors. -Word has it that Bob Orton, Jr. will be getting his title shot against Ric Flair this week on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling In Your Town. So make sure to get your tickets! [B]Confirmed Matches For Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] [I]Main Event[/I] The Funks and Ivan Koloff vs. Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel Arn Anderson vs. Jay Youngblood LarryLand Challenge Featuring Larry Zbyszko Ric Flair vs. Vinnie Valentino[/quote] Predictions/Comments/Critiques/ETC always welcomed.
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First of all, GREAT show! Bobby going over was a nice surprise. Confirmed Matches For Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Main Event The Funks and Ivan Koloff vs. Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel: No contest [B]Arn Anderson[/B] vs. Jay Youngblood: Youngblood never gets much love in your diaries or anyones elses for that matter. LarryLand Challenge Featuring Larry Zbyszko: No one wins in Larryland [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Vinnie Valentino: Flair all the way! As for the new tag team? Judging from the Gibson appearance, I'm going for those R&R teenie boppers. Also, on the brother thing... How about Barry O? Good stuff so far, man. EDIT: Forgot to predict for the 6 man.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Mid-Atlantic Region Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair vs. Vinnie Valentino[/U][/B] This WRESTLING show opened with a match pitting the NWA World Heavyweight Champion against the young up-and-coming Vinnie Valentino. The crowd was solidly behind the underdog but as can be expected Flair dominated the match from the beginning to the end. The end came with the Figure 4 Leglock and the submission from Valentino. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Vinnie Valentino =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Flair did not release the Figure 4 after the bell sounded, causing the referee to count. Flair finally let go but continued to stop on the leg of Valentino, pushing the referee out of the way as he continued his assault. =D+ While Flair continued the fight, the crowd cheered as Bob Orton, Jr. came running out to the ring! His cowboy hat even flew off and went down the aisle as he slid inside the ring, fighting Flair off. The Champ took the low road and headed out, grabbing his NWA World Heavyweight Title belt and exiting stage right while being stared down by Orton. =D+ [B][COLOR=RED]An Easy Win[/COLOR][/B] Gary Hart and the Great Kabuki gave a pre-recorded interview, stating that at MACW In Your Town, Kabuki is going to unveil some new tricks against Jimmy Valiant. Valiant may have promised revenge but all he's going to get is pain courtesy of the Great Kabuki. =C [B][COLOR=RED]We Want A Title Shot[/COLOR][/B] Jim Cornette led his Midnight Express down to the interview area and stated that everyone saw what Bobby Eaton did to Jack Brisco and what his Midnight Express have done to the Brisco Brothers these past few weeks. Don't they deserve a title shot on those merits? Jack, Jerry you better be ready because this Midnight Express is rolling right through you to get those belts. =D+ [B][COLOR=RED]Challenge Accepted[/COLOR][/B] A pre-recorded interview taking place within the parking lot with Greg The Hammer Valentine showed Valentine leaning against a car and looking into the camera. He asked Mike Rotundo if he really thinks he can hang in there with the Hammer. Valentine says he doesn't think so but if he wants to challenge for this belt? The challenge is accepted. This was punctuated by Valentine ramming a sledgehammer against the side of the car several times, totally destroying the front end. =B [B][COLOR=RED]LarryLand Challenge[/COLOR][/B] The entrance of Larry Zbyszko can only mean one thing: The LarryLand Challenge! Zbyszko came in and ran down the crowd for a little bit before inviting the next participant in the LarryLand Challenge to come down to the ring and get beat 1-2-3. =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Larry Zbyszko vs. Rufus R. Jones[/U][/B] The Freight Train came down to the ring to accept the challenge. Larry just laughed and didn't even attack Rufus before the start of the match! They locked up and Rufus pushed Zbyszko back into the turnbuckles! Rufus charged with his Freight Train Avalanche early but Zbyszko moved out of the way and Rufus hit chest-first! Zbyszko began his quick dissecting and dominated the match from this point on. He even lifted Rufus into his famed Shoulderbreaker, getting the 3-count from there! [B][U]Larry Zbyszko b. Rufus R. Jones =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Rock and Roll is Coming[/COLOR][/B] While Zbyszko celebrates in the ring, a music video is played hyping the debut of the newest tag team here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling: The Rock and Roll Express consisting of Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. The girls go wild for the Rock and Roll! =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Arn Anderson vs. Jay Youngblood[/U][/B] Jay Youngblood came into this match with revenge on his mind as he took on Double A Arn Anderson. The two locked up and Youngblood used his straight-mindedness to gain an early advantage on Anderson. The fans went wild for Youngblood while Arn went outside to regroup. Anderson came back in and slowed the action down with a rake of the eyes and began his own dissecting of the neck of Youngblood, using a front facelock and choking him on the ropes. Youngblood made a brief comeback but Double A held the advantage for most of this match, getting a two count late with his dreaded Double A Spinebuster. When that didn't work, he lifted Youngblood up and dropped with with the Anderson DDT and that finally secured Arn a victory as Youngblood seems to be paying for Ricky Steamboat's mistakes. [B][U]Arn Anderson b. Jay Youngblood =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Arn continued the attack on Jay Youngblood when another unknown superstar came down to the ring with a wooden chair! He drove Anderson away and Bob Caudle announced this man as Jay's younger brother Mark Youngblood! =D [B][COLOR=RED]An Attack and Revenge[/COLOR][/B] Three men came down to the interview area for a speech before their main event match tonight: Dusty Rhodes, Wahoo McDaniel and Harley Race. Each got in their say about the Funks and Ivan Koloff and said they would work together tonight to take out their frustrations on their opponents. =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]The Funks and Ivan Koloff vs. Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel[/U][/B] This was a bit of a pier six brawl to start off with as most people would expect, seeing all 6 men in there fighting. Once things calmed down though it turned into your basic tag team match with Wahoo playing the face-in-peril and Ivan Koloff getting a few shots in quickly before tagging out, playing hit-and-run with Wahoo. McDaniel started coming back though and was able to tag out to Harley Race. Race cleared house before another pier six brawl started again with all 6 men inside the ring! The action spilled over to the outside with Ivan and Wahoo brawling up the aisle and out of sight, leaving just the Funks and Dusty and Harley. Dusty got the tag but Dory got a rake of the eyes and tagged out to Terry Funk. Terry watched as Dusty reached around blindly and took his shots when he could. Harley was pulled into the ring so that the referee would turn his back and Dory tossed Terry the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title belt! Terry blasted Dusty with it and tossed it outside, making a cover and getting the 3 count in a cheap finish! [B][U]The Funks and Ivan Koloff b. Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][cOLOR=RED]In Your Town Main Event![/COLOR][/B] Before the show left the air, Bob Caudle and David Crockett made sure to plug the main event for shows all around the nation as Ric Flair will be defending his NWA World Heavyweight Title against Bob Orton, Jr! =C+
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[QUOTE][CENTER]April Week 4 Mid-Week Report[/CENTER] -We are coming up on the final show here in April, folks and it should be a great one! -Due to accepting of challenges, we are going to be having several matches that could be main events anywhere in the country! We are also pleased to announce that this week the show will be 3 hours instead of 2 to accomodate all those great matches! -Ric Flair seems a little more confident going into his title match against Bob Orton, Jr. Flair walked out last week in the match against Orton, thus securing the title match for the cowboy. What will the Dirtiest Player In The Game have up his sleeve this week? -Wahoo McDaniel is hoping for some revenge at MACW In Your Town as he will be facing Ivan Koloff in a Russian Chain match. The object of this match is to incapacitate your opponent to where you can hit all 4 turnbuckles in succession. -The Midnight Express will be getting a non-title match against the Briscos to prove themselves one more time to determine whether or not they will be the top contenders to the tag belts. It will be interesting to see how the Express do and we all know that Jim Cornette will be in their corner. -The American Wrestling Association signed a couple of bigger name guys. Manny "The Raging Bull" Fernandez and the Maddog Buzz Sawyer will both be coming up north to do some work. -Paul Jones and the Assassin have both been released from their MACW contracts. We wish them both the best of luck in the future. [B]Confirmed Matches for MACW In Your Town![/B] [I]Main Event NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line[/I] Ric Flair(C) vs. Bob Orton, Jr. [I]United States Heavyweight Title On The Line[/I] Greg Valentine(c) vs. Mike Rotundo [I]Russian Chain Match[/I] Ivan Koloff vs. Wahoo McDaniel [I]Non-Title[/I] The Brisco Brothers vs. The Midnight Express [I]LarryLand Challenge[/I] [I]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line[/I] Dory Funk Jr. (c) vs. Dusty Rhodes Jimmy Valiant vs. The Great Kabuki [I]Pinfalls Count Anywhere![/I] Harley Race vs. Terry Funk PLUS MORE![/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC always appreciated!
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