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Conflicting Road Agent Notes?

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Have just booked my first show using the War's End data, and in a six man match I got the following notes: Shane Helms seemed off his game tonight. The performance of Shane Helms stood out as being good. Is Shane Helms so good that even on an off night he outperforms the others in the match, or is there another explanation?
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It's the obvious. If you booked a match between Triple H and Funaki and Trips was "off his game", wouldn't he still look good (in comparison to Funaki)? You get the "The performance of X stood out as being good" types of messages when someone in a match is head and shoulders above the others. That could mean overness or in-ring skill or both (depending on what your product places the greatest emphasis on). The notes don't conflict. It's possible for some workers to be at less than their best and still outshine other workers, isn't it?
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