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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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The Undertaker vs Mankind vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) [/B]for the WWF Championship The Nation (The Rock, D-Lo Brown, Mabel and Faarooq) vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) in an End Of A Stable match [B]No contest[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Steve Williams King Of The Ring Qualifier Match Christian vs [B]Taz[/B] King Of The Ring Qualifier Match Billy Gunn vs [B]Goldust[/B] King Of The Ring Qualifier Match [B]Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero King Of The Ring Qualifier Match Legion Of Doom vs [B]Hardy Boyz [/B] A little birdie told me that I needed to get my picks in.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] Live from the sold out Cox Arena in San Diego, California. [/CENTER] After the usual pyrotechnic display, the camera meets our announce team for the night. [B]JR: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen welcome once again to WWF RAW is WAR, I’m good old JR sitting alongside the usual suspects; the King and and JC- guys, how pumped are you for this slobberknocker edition of RAW is WA? [B]Cornette: [/B]JR, I cannot tell a lie; I couldn’t be more pumped! What a night we have ahead! And what a shame we will see Faarooq and The Rock without a stable because of that fat sack of crap Mabel and his buddy D’Lo can’t cut it in the Federation! [B]JR: [/B]What is your problem with Mabel and D’Lo, JC? [B]King:[/B] Who cares what his problem is?! This is perhaps the biggest RAW is WAR ever! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] The Road Warriors try to slow the high-fliers down from the start, but the this new-era style the Hardyz are sporting is just too much for them as Jeff Hardy gets the pinfall on Animal after a Swanton Bomb. [B]Winners: Hardy Boyz in 7:31 Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAKA Michinoku is walking backstage. Vaguely in the background you can see someone watching him, whilst TAKA remains totally unaware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is then played to show the growing feud between Mankind and The Undertaker, which continued last week when the Deadman ripped Mankind apart. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="5"][B]Billy Gunn vs D-Golderation X[/B][/SIZE] Gunn came to the ring on his own as the rest of DX prepared for their huge match later tonight. Despite having a massive match later on, Gunn didn’t hold back against his bizarre opponent, who came jumping, hopping and crotching his way to the ring as an apparent Shawn Michaels meets Triple H concoction, and even did the crotch chops explosion, however, the explosions were obviously gold and not green. It was a particularly even match, where Golderation X managed to freak out Badd Ass on several occasions. However, Gunn seemed to have a victory in his grasp when Faarooq ran to the ring and took him out with a Dominator, allowing Goldust to pick up the win, and costing DX a victory early on in the night. [B]Winner: D-Golderation X in 6:46 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett is sitting in a locker room smoking a cigar along with Terri and Dusty Rhodes, when Shane McMahon enters. Shane wants to know when he’ll get his rematch, but Jarrett refuses to tell him and just warns him that he better be ready at all times, as Jarrett hasn’t forgotten that assault from behind at Breakdown. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart then gets interviewed by Michael Cole, and looks more focused and dangerous than ever. He blames Shawn Michaels for costing him the WWF Championship, and plans on adding that to the list of things HBK has done to ruin his life. However, he has not forgotten about Austin, and guarantees that his time with the gold is not far away and he will be champion before you know it, because he is the best in the world. Yes, he’s that damn good… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell w/Sunny vs “Marvellous” Marc Mero w/ Sable[/SIZE][/B] In what will probably be the last match in the Mero/Bagwell feud, both men are on top form as they hope to progress in the King Of The Ring tournament. Neither man was willing to give an inch, but Bagwell picked up the victory when Sable reached in to the ring to grab his leg when she accidentally caught Mero instead, tripping him up and allowed Bagwell to roll him up for the victory. [B]Winner: Marcus Bagwell in 7:10 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] After the match, whilst Bagwell is celebrating, Shamrock walks onto the entrance way and stares a hole right through Bagwell, who just panics and runs through the crowd. Meanwhile, Marc Mero simply storms out of the ring and to the backstage, as Sable runs behind him tearfully and tries to apologise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backstage, TAKA is still walking backstage (man, where is he going?!) when suddenly gallons upon gallons of blood fall from the skies and soak TAKA. The culprit is nowhere to be seen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Christian w/Edge & Michael Hayes vs “Human Suplex Machine” Taz[/SIZE][/B] A top notch from two men who can lay claim to being the future of the Federation. Edge & Michael Hayes try to interject into the match but still cannot stop the undefeated Taz as he locks in the Tazmission. [B]Winner: Taz in 6:57 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Mero is backstage and about to climb into a limousine when Sable catches up to him. She tearfully apologises to him over and over again but he doesn’t want to know, until he yells at her, saying he can’t remember why he liked her in the first place, and she is nothing more than a cheap whore. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamrock is in his locker room when there is a knock at the door. He goes to check it; meanwhile, Bagwell slips in through the other door and steals his bags. Shamrock turns around in time to see him, and gives chase through the arena. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Dr Death” Steve Williams[/SIZE][/B] Another solid match which brings to an end the first round of King Of The Ring matches. Both men know what a win would do for their careers, but it is RVD that gets the win after a 5 Star Frog Splash. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 7:57 Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz are backstage saying after their win tonight it is about time they got a Tag Team Titles match, when Edge & Christian walk passed. The Hardyz laugh as they go by and congratulate them on their failure to qualify in the KOTR tournament. After a brief argument, the two young teams start brawling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kane is backstage with Paul Bearer when Blackjack Windham come sin swinging a chair, seemingly as retaliation for Kane hospitalising Bradshaw last week. Following the assault, a video is played showing Kane’s assault last week, and the announcers then say an impromptu match has been booked between Kane and Windham. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Kane vs Blackjack Windham[/SIZE][/B] If you looked up “squash match” in the dictionary, it should come with a free video of this match. Windham barely got in a punch as Kane tore him limb from limb, before putting him away with a Tombstone. Apparently it’s not just Owen Hart who is getting more dangerous. [B]Winner: Kane in 2:50 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Shamrock is still chasing Bagwell. Bagwell turns a corner and then goes missing. Shamrock looks confused, but doesn’t give up looking for him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker is in his morgue. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Tonight, the Lord Of Darkness and the repossesser of souls finally gets his chance to again be seen by all as the number one being in the World Wrestling Federation. Despite mere mortals such as Mankind try to challenge The Undertaker hasn’t clouded my vision as I look at Stone Cold Steve Austin and his title. Tonight may be the biggest chance I will ever get, not only to be champion but to finally put Mankind to rest. I will fulfil my destiny by kneeling in the centre of the ring with the World Wrestling Federation Championship after taking away the lives of Steve Austin and Mankind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown on screen to indicate the next match will be the end of a stable match between D-Generation X and the Nation Of Domination. A video then accompanies it highlighting the battles D’Lo and Mabel have had with the New Age Outlaws, as well as the feud between Triple H and The Rock. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]End Of A Stable 8 Man Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]The Nation Of Domination (The Rock, Faarooq, Mabel and D’Lo Brown) vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) w/Chyna[/SIZE][/B] There has perhaps never been a more titanic battle of two stables in a WWF ring, as all eight men showed just how much their respective factions mean to them. No-one wanted to be the man responsible for putting their friends out of a stable, although Jim Cornette seemed to think it would be Mabel or D’Lo Brown who would be responsible. No, no-one is quite sure what he has against them. The announcers hyped up what an opportunity this match presents, especially for a man like Faarooq who is a former World Heavyweight Champion, and it was indeed Faarooq who was in the ring with HBK as the others battled down the rampway. Owen Hart ran to ring and took out Shawn Michaels with a lead pipe, laughing as he retreated at handing the victory to the Nation. Faarooq picked up HBK for the Dominator, but Michaels slid out of it and hit a Sweet Chin Music! Owen Hart ran to the ring but was too late as the referee counted to three! [B]Winners: D-Generation X in 13:57 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] HBK slides out of the ring and joins DX as the Nation congregate in the ring and looked shocked… and stunned (a Beatles joke for you there, lets see who gets it!) Triple H grabs a microphone. [B]Triple H:[/B] Hey, Rocky, Nation! I don’t know if you realise what just happened, but D-Generation X just proved they are the top stable in wrestling history and put the Nation out of business forever. And if you ‘aint down with that…. I got two words for ya…. [B]CROWD:[/B] SUCK IT! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock is backstage, looking for Bagwell, when from nowhere Bagwell jumps out and breaks a 2x4 on his back. He then punches him over and over again, before getting up and throwing his bag at him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown on screen to say the Triple Threat match for the WWF Title is next. Stone Cold is then standing by with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch: [/B]Austin, your title defence is up next, what are your thoughts? [B]Austin: [/B]My thoughts are that I’m not surprised in the slightest that I have another title defence. But to be honest, I couldn’t give a rats ass. You can keep lining them up, Vince, and I’ll keep knocking them down. I swear to God I’ll take out everyone you put in front of me, and after that, I’ll shove the WWF Title down your throat so far it comes out your ass! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Title[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs Mankind vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/SIZE][/B] Despite holding onto his title against all odds, Stone Cold took a backseat to The Undertaker through much of the match, who has quite possibly never looked better. The Deadman targeted the injured Mankind through most of the match, and apparently hasn’t forgiven him for his win at Breakdown. After ten minutes, though, all three men were going full out as the bodies went flying and the violence hit ridiculous levels. Referee Earl Hebner allowed the match to continue despite the use of illegal weapons like the title belt and a steel chair. The Undertaker appeared to have the match sown up when he delivered a Tombstone to Mankind, however, Austin came out of nowhere to clothesline ‘Taker out of the ring, before hitting a Stunner on Mankind to pick up the ring. [B]Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin in 15:45 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] After the match, The Undertaker got back into the ring and began pummelling Mankind, seemingly blaming him for the loss. The lights went out as Kane came to the ring to join in the beating, taking out Stone Cold Steve Austin, whilst signalling he wants to be the WWF Champion. The Undertaker tries to get Kane to do a beatdown together, but Kane just backs out of the ring, leaving The Undertaker looking bemused. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Final rating: A,[/B] it should have increased our popularity. Marc Mero also signed a contract extension today, meaning he will be with the WWF for the next 18 months. Road Warrior Animal, however, was not offered a new contract and will leave next week. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] Nitro was held in a small arena in Puerto Rico, and drew a C+ rating. Hollywood Hogan headlined yet again when he pinned up and comer Chris Jericho, seemingly giving Jericho a push to the main event. Harlem Heat picked up a huge win over DDP and Randy Savage, and there were new Tag Team Champions crowned, as the Barbarian continued his feud with them by winning the gold, this time with Booty Man. Talk about an odd couple.[/FONT]
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Excellent show and it is nice to see some new feuds shaping up while keeping some of the current ones going strong. I am disappointed to see RW Animal leaving which means LOD is out of business but all good things come to an end I guess. Time for LOD to do the job until they are gone (although they pretty much have been from the start). I was also said to see that Mero signed a contract extension. He is a useless sub-human but at least you have someone to work the Dark Matches! :) Also I got confused at the start of the show when JC made it seem like D-Lo and Mabel had been fired or something! I am enjoying JC's wild claims and like to see that he has it out for some of the same workers that I also dislike. Bottom line is another great show and the best diary on the boards just keeps getting better which is a scary thought! BTW who won the predictions for this show???
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;227401]Excellent show and it is nice to see some new feuds shaping up while keeping some of the current ones going strong. I am disappointed to see RW Animal leaving which means LOD is out of business but all good things come to an end I guess. Time for LOD to do the job until they are gone (although they pretty much have been from the start). I was also said to see that Mero signed a contract extension. He is a useless sub-human but at least you have someone to work the Dark Matches! :) Also I got confused at the start of the show when JC made it seem like D-Lo and Mabel had been fired or something! I am enjoying JC's wild claims and like to see that he has it out for some of the same workers that I also dislike. Bottom line is another great show and the best diary on the boards just keeps getting better which is a scary thought! BTW who won the predictions for this show???[/QUOTE] Thanks for the support! You and robby carlos won the predictions, however, I can't give any real rewards for RAW's. But it's nice practice for the PPVs! And it helps me as I can see where people think I'm going. As for Cornette, he does have his finger on the pulse of pro-wrestling, he is in on what people think and I wanted to try and get that feeling across. And besides, that hatred he has for them is going somewhere, storyline wise. As for Mero, I'm liking the Sable storyline so far. I think it is giving her an entity beyond being Marc Mero's wife, which she didn't have at this point. And besides, he's pretty over (B- and C+ in the US) so I can't get rid of him yet. As for LOD, I loved them. But by this point they were well into their 40s. With young teams like the Hardyz and Edge & Christian coming through I felt it was important to milk them of their experience and overness somewhat. Inever had any intention of keeping them on as I wanted to try and build for the future. Thanks again for the feedback.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;227412] As for LOD, I loved them. But by this point they were well into their 40s. With young teams like the Hardyz and Edge & Christian coming through I felt it was important to milk them of their experience and overness somewhat. [/QUOTE] That is pretty much what happened in real life so it is the way to do it. Give them the win once in awhile just to keep them viable but they work best as "the muscle" for a stable. Even if you lose one of the LOD the other one could be jobbed out nicely or used as a goon enforcer for someone else.
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Meanwhile, down in Crazy Land... [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]WEEKLY[/SIZE][/B] WCW Weekly was held in the Haas Pavillion in front of just over 9,000 fans. No points for guessing who was in the main event, however, he shockingly lost by pinfall to Sting. This was his first singles match loss since February 1874, where he lost against a then 52 year old Ric Flair by a disqualification count out. Also on the show we saw Dean Malenko successfully defend his United States Heavyweight Title against Rick Martel, and following Kevin Sullivan's second retirement in 6 months, the TV Title was vacated and picked up by Michael Wallstreet, who bested Disco Inferno. Overall it drew a B rating and was a decent show, however, it wasn't a patch on anything the WWF has done in the last six months. Of course.[/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Why do I get the feeling all my WCW bashing is going to cost me in my upcoming diary? What diary you ask? It's a joint diary with panix04 and Nevermore, where I will be Head Booker for WCW and they will be assuming roles within the WWF and ECW after the Invasion angle, and it's called Clash Of The 'Titan Sports'. Can now cross WCW update and cheap plug for my new diary off my 'to do' list.
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GREATEST WCW SHOW SOO FAR IN YOUR DIARY Hogan loses Malenko-Martel was probably a really good match IRS...I mean Micheal Wallstreet gets some gold watch out keefy they might listen to Mean Gene soon Great Raw my KOTR predictions are shapeing up nicely RVD winning one match doesnt hurt me....i was hoping you'd give DR. Death one final moment of glory but O well
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keef, there are two things you do amazingly well with your diary Firstly, it's near impossible to pick a winner because the way you've booked all your characters gives them all enough reasons to have them win. Secondly, it flows. One thing leads to another. There's just a gradual increase in momentum to the end of the show with all stories being well advanced. Keep it up mate, this is still obviously an all time GDS boards great, and I sincerely hope you win Real World Dynasty of the month because you freakin deserve it.
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Thanks everyone for the feedback, I really appreciate it all and it's what keeps me going. However, one piece of feedback needs special treatment... [QUOTE=tristram;227568]keef, there are two things you do amazingly well with your diary Firstly, it's near impossible to pick a winner because the way you've booked all your characters gives them all enough reasons to have them win. Secondly, it flows. One thing leads to another. There's just a gradual increase in momentum to the end of the show with all stories being well advanced. Keep it up mate, this is still obviously an all time GDS boards great, and I sincerely hope you win Real World Dynasty of the month because you freakin deserve it.[/QUOTE] It never fails to really cheer me up when you give me huge praise like that. You're a legend around these parts so to get such praise from you is amazing. I'm glad you like the momentum my storylines get. I have every show until Wrestlemania on my laptop and when I come up with a storyline I fill out the relevent shows, and I think it's worked so far. I'm glad you like my booking; I think that the best stories in general have conflict and unpredictability. I wanted everyone to be a threat and if the king of making threats out of someone thinks I'm doing it well, I must be doing something right! Thanks for saying I deserve to win diary of the month. I partially get the feeling I won't ever quite get there but always come close, but it is great just to be nominated two months in a row. Thanks for your feedback, buddy, I really appreciate it.
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RAW Preview! [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] The blockbuster RAW events show no signs of slowing as we have another huge WWF Title match! Vince McMahon has done everything in his power to dethrone champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, including making him defend his title every week. This week’s opponent is the man who has seemingly had his back in the last few shows, Shawn Michaels. It was the Heartbreak Kid who the Rattlesnake took the title from, will HBK win his title back or will Austin flip the bird at McMahon yet again? How will this event affect Owen Hart? Hart is known to have a pure hatred of both Austin and Michaels, and he is desperate to win the WWF Title. Will he be involved in the match in any way, or will he have something to say to Mankind, The Undertaker or Kane, who have all had title shots recently? Speaking of The Undertaker, how will he react after his own brother walked away from him last week? Will The Undertaker feel used that when his brother needed him he was there, but now Kane seemingly wants nothing to do with his big brother. The King Of The Ring tournament flows on with the first half of the Quarter Final stage. “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell, who is determined to be taken seriously, will face his polar opposite in the tag team champion Goldust. Meanwhile, the brightest star in the WWF Rob Van Dam will go one on one with the worlds most dangerous man; Ken Shamrock. Both men are touted as the future of the company and winning the King Of The Ring will surely see their careers skyrocket. Elsewhere, the former Nation members Mabel and D’Lo Brown will be hoping to prove they can survive outside of the stable when they team to face the young team of Edge & Christian, who will be looking to prove a point to the Hardy Boyz. Last week saw Sable and Marc Mero’s marriage crumble beyond belief. Whilst seemingly unsaveable, will the couple be trying to patch up their differences or are the Fed’s favourite couple permanently split? Also last week we saw TAKA Michinoku be the recipient of a blood bath. Will the mystery stalker reveal themselves or will TAKA have to continue to watch his back? Shane McMahon is anxiously awaiting Jeff Jarrett’s acceptance of a Intercontinental Title shot. Like last week, Shane better be ready at all times because there can be no doubt Jarrett will only do it on his terms, and when he’s virtually guaranteed to win! Tune in tonight to RAW is WAR to see all this, and of course much, much more. The one thing that can be said about RAW is you never know what will happen![/CENTER] [B]Scheduled Matches[/B] [LIST] [*]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs Shawn Michaels WWF Title [*]Rob Van Dam vs Ken Shamrock [*]Marcus Bagwell vs Goldust [*]Edge & Christian vs The Nation [/LIST][/QUOTE] I know; this event is looking pretty weak so far compared with the last few weeks, but believe me, this week will be most unpredictable! There are several other matches not pre-booked that are scheduled to happen, and hopefully I can live up to my reputation of being unpredictable!
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[B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] vs Shawn Michaels WWF Title ~No reason to drop the top title in the company at a non-PPV. I think Austin will retain but it could be a draw or dq, etc. Good matchup! Rob Van Dam vs Ken Shamrock [B][/B] ~I think it will be a no contest, dq, double count-out, or something like that. This could be a really good feud and starting it off with no clear winner is the way to go in my opinion. [B]Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Goldust ~Bagwell should be an interesting character with the right push and gimmick but of course Goldie is your boy so I am probably wrong on this one. [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs The Nation ~No brainer here. The Nation needs to be used to push up E & C. A run in by the Hardy Boyz would be great but should not cost E & C the win.
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[B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] (c) vs Shawn Michaels WWF Title [B]Rob Van Dam [/B]vs Ken Shamrock Bagwell run in... [B]Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Goldust DQ...maybe causing a tag match...??? [B]Edge & Christian [/B]vs The Nation
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] WWF RAW is WAR is LIVE from the DC Armory in Washington DC in front of a sold out crowd of 10,000.[/CENTER] A video is played recapping the end of last weeks RAW, where Kane refused to help out his brother of whom he used to work with. After a pyrotechnic display, JR, Jim Cornette and The King discuss the huge main event, where Stone Cold defends his title against Shawn Michaels. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Road Warrior Animal w/Road Warrior Hawk vs Matt Hardy w/Jeff Hardy[/SIZE][/B] Animal’s farewell match and the fans knew it. He was given a really strong send off from the DC crowd but he left on his back following a Leaping DDT from Matt Hardy. [B]Winner: Matt Hardy in 4:44 Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D’Lo Brown and Mabel are backstage. D’Lo tries to convince Mabel that since they are no longer in the Nation, he can finally “humanise” and show his fun, friendly size. He tells Mabel to wa;k into the locker room to make friends, and D’Lo will wait outside. Mabel walk in, and within a few seconds there are crashes and bangs, as chairs seem to be flying around the room with a thud on impact. Mabel then walks out of the room and the camera looks in, to see every single person in the room decimated, including one man with his head through a wall. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock is doing chin ups, obviously preparing ahead of his King Of The Ring match. Out of nowhere, Bagwell swings a chair into the back of Shamrock, leaving him down and out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Hardcore Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Crush vs Al Snow[/SIZE][/B] Another unannounced match, as the newest member of the hardcore division takes on the hard as nails Crush. Crush demonstrates all his power and resilience, but with the spiritual help from his mannequin head, Al Snow picked up the victory. [B]Winner: Al Snow in 5:16 Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAKA Michinoku walks into his locker room, and sees a note on his bags in Japanese. He looks angry, and then exits. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A limousine pulls up, and Sable walks out with a bag, where she is greeted by Marc Mero. He brandishes a bouquet of flowers and tries to apologise, but she doesn’t want to know and tells him that no-one speaks to her like that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Edge & Christian w/Michael Hayes vs Lo Down (Mabel and D’Lo Brown)[/SIZE][/B] Lo Down get a pretty decent pop as they come to the ring, Michael Hayes, as ever, tries to keep involved in the match, but is quickly taken out via a big splash by Mabel. Edge & Christian have been looking really solid as of late and show immense potential, as does D’Lo Brown, who has been a somewhat surprising hit with the fans. With Christian down, D’Lo climbs to the top rope to hit a Lo Down Frog Splash, when Jim Cornette climbs out from behind the announcers desk and pushes D’Lo off, before clocking Mabel over the head with the ring bell to hand E&C the win. [B]Winners: Edge & Christian in 8:07 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Bearer and Kane burst into Vince McMahon’s locker room, as Kane backs him into a corner. Bearer says that they are angry at Vince for helping Owen Hart so much, as he promised Kane would be the WWF Champion. Vince says he is still on their side and they can all work together, but Bearer refuses and says Kane wants a piece of Owen Hart here, tonight, to which McMahon is too scared to refuse! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon walks to the ring and grabs the microphone, where he laughs at Vince McMahon for trying to end DX, but instead lost The Nation. He said that his father is famous for his predatory business tactics, but Shane will show he can use the exact same tactics when he finally gets the chance to face Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental title. From nowhere, Jeff Jarrett attacks with the title belt and takes him out, before Dusty Rhodes joins him in taking Shane down. Jarrett then grabs the microphone and says that Shane’s chance at the IC title will be right now! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Jeff Jarrett (c) w/Dusty Rhodes and Terri vs Shane McMahon[/SIZE][/B] A complete non-match, as Jarrett spends little over a minute slapping and taunting at Shane. He picks him up and hits him with a face first Russian Legsweep, before locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock, to which Shane doesn’t react to as he has passed out and the referee has to end the match. [B]Winner and still WWF Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Jarrett in 0:55 Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to see TAKA Michinoku on the floor beaten and bloody, apparently the victim of a sneak attack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sable is crying backstage, when Sunny walks over laughing. Sable can’t understand how anyone can find a marriage ending funny, and Sunny says she wouldn’t if it weren’t Sable. However, seeing Sable going through such pain can’t help but bring a smile to her face. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/KingOfTheRing.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs The Goldinator[/SIZE][/B] Goldust this time came to the ring in the guise of the Terminator, which obviously didn’t set well with his opponent. Bagwell seemed a bit distracted, as though he was expecting Shamrock to make his big entrance. Whilst obviously a bit on the weird side, Goldust isn’t someone you don’t give your 100% concentration, and picked u the victory via a roll up. [B]Winner: The Goldinator in 9:54 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dr Death” Steve Williams is standing by with Sable, trying to cheer her up and it appears to be working. Sable even manages to laugh at one point; however, Marc Mero sees this and takes it as flirting. He doesn’t think twice about laying out his former partner viciously. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker is in his morgue for a short message to Mankind. Undertaker: Mankind, I will keep this short and sweet. At Breakdown, in your speciality match, you scraped and cheated your way to a victory. At King Of The Ring, you will face me in my speciality match…. Hell… [B]In A Cell…[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/KingOfTheRing.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] A top notch match that showed that Rob Van Dam may well be at the forefront of the next generation of WWF Superstars. Shamrock, as always looked dangerous and somewhat unbeatable, but RVD’s innovative offence was sometimes too much to bear for Kenny. Van Dam particularly made use of his “educated feet” (© Jim Ross), leading The King to ask which university football team they had played for, as he usually seems to bash on about that. After taking Shamrock down with an armbar and rolling into an Anklelock, Bagwell ran down to the ring, but kicked Rob Van Dam squarely in the face! The referee called for the bell as Shamrock and Bagwell seemed to be on the same page. However, when the announcement came that the winner was Rob Van Dam, Bagwell hightailed out of the ring leaving Shamrock irate and livid. [B]Winner by DQ: Rob Van Dam in 12:25 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chyna makes her way to the ring and grabs a microphone, challenging The Rock to come out there and prove how much of a man he is by fighting a woman. The Rock comes to the ring and squares up to her. The camera then cuts backstage where the DX locker room has been blocked shut. DX had tried to trap The Rock, but he didn’t fall for it! He was then left alone with Chyna, and he proceeded in beating her around, slapping and even punching her. He then took her to the outside of the ring and nailed her with a Rock Bottom through the announcers table! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kane and Paul Bearer are walking towards the Gorilla position when they are cut off by The Undertaker. He tells them he didn’t appreciate them playing him around, he thought that the past was behind them and they would finally be able to take over the company together. Nobody uses the Deadman and he will have no problem, once again, making Kane taste the Tombstone as he rests… in… peeeeeeeeaaaccce! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Kane w/Paul Bearer vs “The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/SIZE][/B] A good match between perhaps the two biggest breakout stars of the year, as both man tries to prove their worth in the WWF Title stakes. As good as Owen looked, and he looked more dangerous than ever, he was no match for the pure power and evil side of Kane, and was eventually put away with a Tombstone. [B]Winner: Kane in 10:39 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] Kane is in the ring after the match, and attempts to do his explosion ting when the lights turn a bluey colour. Smoke fills the ring as a lightning bolt causes a huge explosion on the rampway, as the message “Be Afraid…” is shown on the Titantron. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is in his office when joined Michael Cole, who wants to know who he hopes to win in the title match. Vince says he hates both HBK and Austin, but has a plan that will see the right outcome, which causes The King to speculate that either HBK or Austin may join McMahon, a claim JR laughs off as both men have more integrity than that. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Stone Cold Steve Austin vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] An instant classic on free television as both men show the passion and desire they have to be the WWF Champion. Although they have been on the same page recently, neither man had any issue in giving the other everything they have. The match showed no signs of ending when Kane and Owen Hart ran to the ring and took them out, causing a Double DQ. [B]Draw after 20:38 due to Double DQ Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] Vince McMahon comes to ring to help the bearting when Mankind sprints to the ring, but is quickly subdued by this new alliance. McMahon grabs a microphone and says that this is the greatest union ever seen in the World Wrestling Federation. However, as he’s talking, the lights go out and The Undertaker makes his way to the ring, and the union hightail out of there. The crowd cheer ‘Taker’s apparent change of heart. He helps Stone Cold to his feet, before delivering a devastating Chokeslam to the champ! McMahon, Kane and Hart get back in the ring as McMahon proclaims this “Alliance” is about to take over the World Wrestling Federation, and there isn’t anything anyone can do to stop them! And to prove it, at King Of The Ring, Stone Cold will face both Owen Hart and Kane in a Triple Threat match with the title on the line! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Final Rating: A,[/B] it should have increased our popularity. Guess who turned up late?! He had been doing better but this may be the last straw, he was getting rewarded with a decent push Road Dogg was also late, which bit me in the wrong place as I can’t see Jeff turning a corner whilst the older tag team wrestlers are behaving no better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] WCW Nitro was held in the Praries, with a main event that saw Kevin Nash retain his title against Diamond Dallas Page. Dean Malenko also retained his title against the TV Champ Michael Wallstreet, and Kevin Sullivan came out of retirement after less than a week to beat hot young Japanese star Ultimo Dragon. Meanwhile, the Booty Man beat hot prospect Eddy Guerrero and we have a new Cruiserweight Champion as Psicosis dropped the strap to Madusa. I feel like regardless of what I do (and hell, an Alliance between The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Kane and Vince McMahon is pretty damn huge) I can’t beat WCW to the headlines. Unluckily for them, it’s for all the wrong reasons.[/FONT]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/Summerslam2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="4"]On 22 August 1998, the World Wrestling Federation rolls into the mecca of sports entertainment, Madison Square Garden in Manhattan, New York, for the biggest event of the summer- and you can be a part of it! Tickets go on sale tomorrow for what promises to be one the biggest nights in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. WWF Head Booker David Holt appears to be leading towards making history with the flagship PPVs, and Summerslam, traditionally the second biggest PPV on the WWF calender, should be no exception. "I really feel that the big four (Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam and Survivor Series) need to be taken especially seriously from now on" said Holt. "I tried to make Wrestlemania XIV the biggest and best in history, and on some level, I think I succeeded. Now I want to do that with Summerslam." However, such is the state of the WWF these days, it is almost impossible to say who will be at the event. Who knows if Stone Cold Steve Austin will still be employed come the huge summer event, let alone the champion? His chances seem especially slim since the formation of "The Alliance", made up of Vince McMahon, The Undertaker, Kane and Owen Hart. Add to the mix former champion Shawn Michaels and the never-better Mankind, anyone could be the champion come 22 August. The King Of The Ring promises to give birth to a new star this year, with Goldust and Rob Van Dam already ino the semi-finals, and two from Triple H, Tommy Dreamer, The Rock and Taz soon to join them. The King Of The Ring has propelled such men as Bret Hart and Steve Austin into the main event in the past, will this years winner be in the main event of Summerslam? Regardless of what unpredictable events occur, the only guarantee is Summerslam will blow the roof off the "worlds most famous arena", and you can be there to witness the magic unravel. Tickets can be bought at the arena itself or online at wwf.com or ticketmaster.com[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER] I have a lot of plans in mind for Summerslam, so thought I'd do a bit of hyping as it's only two months away!
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man Madusa again....didnt she already have the Cruiserweight title.......how much you paying the bookers over there to tank........Damn RVD winning again my bracket is almost as broken down as World Championship Wrestling......he needs to lose he SUCKS.....
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;227868]man Madusa again....didnt she already have the Cruiserweight title.......how much you paying the bookers over there to tank........Damn RVD winning again my bracket is almost as broken down as World Championship Wrestling......he needs to lose he SUCKS.....[/QUOTE] No this is her first reign. So far it's gone Eddy, Rey, Malenko, Psicosis and now Madusa. Ironically, the previous 4 all defended their title 8 times. As for RVD, that's a bit harsh, isn't it?! He could be a bonafide main eventer if he wasn't prone to disciplinary issues. In the right environment and with the right push, RVD could really take off. As he is now in the King Of The Ring semi-finals, I think I'm doing that.
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[B]Mr Vince McMahon's Office World Wrestling Federation Headquarters 12:43 pm, 8 June 1998[/B] I walked in to Vince McMahon's office, knowing full well that this meeting would be short and sweet, but essential nonetheless. As always, perrenial lapdog Jerry Brisco was standing next to him. "Vince?" "Dave, hi, come in. What can I do for you?" "I won't take up too much of your time, I just wanted to pick your brains about something." "Shoot." "The roster is starting to get a bit bigger with these new guys I'm bringing in and the kids from development getting called up." "And even more so if you get that guy you're after from WCW." "Exactly. To keep everyone happy and to lower costs somewhat, I'd like to make some roster cuts." "Who did you have in mind?" I passed McMahon the list, which he and Brisco read. At almost exactly the same time, their faces formed perfect scowls. "Dave Batista?" enquired Vince. "I thought Mr McMahon told you to keep him on?" Brisco added. I swear I don't actually know what role he performs at the company except shoving his head up Vince's ass. "I know, but we need to be reasonable here. The guy does nothing except occassionally follow you around. He has no charisma, virtually no talent, and the crowd have done nothing but sh*t on him since he arrived. The only time the crowd react to him is when the boo him. Not because he is a hell, it's because he sucks." "Hmm... I don't know. The guy has potential." "Mr McMahon, you know I respect you as a businessman and a person" I began, lying through my teeth for the second one, "but Dave hasn't improved at all since he signed. As you know, I've given him a few dark matches as of late and he's even stunk up the ring against a veteran like Fit Finlay." "So you intend on releasing him?" "To be honest, I don't think anyone would even notice he's gone." "What about his partner?" "Buchanan? He does have potential, but I think another spell in development could work." I was ready for the flat out refusal as I gritted my teeth while McMahon pondered the course of action. He looked up at Brisco, who subtley but definitely shook his head in disagreement, then McMahon looked at me. "Sure thing, kid. I respect your opinion, and you seem deadset on this. All the people on this list can be moved on." As the clunk of Brisco's jaw hit the ground, my eyes widened to a point where they actually hurt. Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the guy I was told to agree with on every part of the job when I took over, changed his mind and went with what I said. Had I finally earnt his respect in a way so few men had before? Possibly. I went against my better judgment to laugh and shout "Ha! In your face, Brisco!" whilst doing my celebratory dance and instead backed out of the room before he changed his mind. I won. I had actually won. Is the tide of power gradually shifting in my direction?
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... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][SIZE="6"]Latest News[/SIZE][/B] WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett has signed an extension on his current deal that will keep him exclusive to the World Wrestling Federation for the next two years. Tommy Dreamer has also put pen to paper on a two year deal. This contract means he will work on for the World Wrestling Federation, rather than also working for BCW on a pay-per-appearance deal. Following repetitive behaviour issues, Jeff Hardy will be suspended for a week, and hence miss next weeks RAW taping. Former Tag Team Champion, New Age Outlaw and D-Generation X member Road Dogg has been fined after arriving at the arena late after the last RAW show. The World Wrestling Federation has come to terms on the release of Barry Horowitz, Dave Batista, Don Harris and Ron Harris. The WWF would like to wish them all the best in their future endeavours. Former Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Animal has left the company following the expiration of his contract. [/SIZE][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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