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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE][SIZE="4"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] Live in front of 15,000 people in the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/KingOfTheRing-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Don’t forget to order King Of The Ring, coming to you in just six days time.[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A video is played hyping the formation of The Alliance, the team made up of The Undertaker, Kane, Owen Hart and Vince McMahon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon comes to the ring, complete with bumps and bruises after last weeks assault. He claims that, unfortunately for Jeff Jarrett, McMahon Jr had put a clause in any Intercontinental Title match that there would be a rematch if the contender failed to win. Therefore, at King Of The Ring, Shane McMahon will face Jeff Jarrett again, only this time it will be a No Holds Barred match! However, that is not the big announcement. The big announcement is that as Shawn Michaels was never pinned last week, it would be a bit harsh to write him out of the WWF Title picture. Therefore, the main event at King Of The Ring, currently a Triple Threat match between Kane, Owen Hart and the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, will also include Shawn Michaels, to make it a Fatal Fourway match! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Gangrel vs Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] A great match from two people not particularly popular in the company. Taka looked great despite everything going on at the moment, and appeared to have the win in the bag until someone mysteriously dressed as a ninja ran to the ring and took him out, giving Gangrel the win. [B]Winner: Gangrel in 8:53 Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] After the match, the ninja, whose face is completely covered so to not give away his identity, slides into the ring with a steel chair, and proceeds in delivering a Tornado DDT onto it, busting the former Light Heavyweight Champion wide open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile backstage Sable is once again arriving at the arena where she is greeted again by Marc Mero, who has an even bigger bunch of flowers than last week. Again he tries to apologise, but again Sable doesn’t want to know, saying he needs to do more than just buy a bunch of flowers to make up for putting wrestling in front of her. As Sable storms off, Sunny is laughing at her. Sable walks over and slaps her right across her face, then storms off. [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“Marvellous” Marc Mero vs “Dr Death” Steve Williams[/SIZE][/B] Mero doesn’t look particularly prepared for this match, as the previous exchange with his wife seems to have taken his mind off the game. Williams is perhaps the last man you’d want to give such an “in” to, and Dr Death picked up the win to enact a bit of revenge for last week. [B]Winner: Steve Williams in 7:03 Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] Once Mero comes to, he grabs a microphone and gets Sable to come to the ring. He says he lost the match because his mind was on her throughout, and hence she cost him the match. But he doesn’t care, because she is more important. He promises he is different now, he can’t imagine being without her and wants to start over. After some thought Sable agrees that they are better together, and they embrace in the ring, much to the disappointment of the fans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goldust and Taz are backstage in their locker room. Goldust tries to tell Taz that their whirlwind romance isn’t over just because he is teaming with Ken Shamrock tonight. Taz warns Golden Delicious that he needs to watch himself, because he is about an inch away from getting punked out. Taz also says that he just hopes that Goldust wins his semi-final, so they can meet in the King Of The Ring final and Taz can show him exactly what he thinks about him. However, this exchange does nothing but excite Goldust somewhat, until Goldust says he hopes they meet in the King Of The Ring final, and he hopes Taz wins. Then he can finally be his queen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam and “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock and Luke Goldwalker[/SIZE][/B] Today we see Goldust dressed up like Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, in a white robe style outfit and with plastic, gold lightsaber. These four men might well be the future of the company, and as expected following their series of matches last week, this was a truly world class match. Once Bagwell stopped taunting and once Goldust stopped trying to use the force on RVD, it turned into a top notch match which ended when Rob Van Dam managed to hit a 5 star frog splash on Goldust, to continue his ascent to the top ahead of the King Of The Ring. [B]Winners: Rob Van Dam and Marcus Bagwell in 11:32 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Cornette, who is not taking up his usual colour commentator role, comes to the ring and starts going into a rant about the state of wrestling today, that all this low crass swearing and nudity has turned wrestling into nothing more than a circus act, and that you don’t need to be talented to make a success at it, which is most clearly demonstrated by Lo Down. With that, the team of Mabel and D’Lo Brown come to the ring to a surprisingly good pop (they are faces now, after all) and corner JC, when D’Lo Brown tells him that he better recognise that he’s gonna get his ass kicked! Mabel grabs Cornette by the scruff of his shirt when Faarooq and Bradshaw run to the ring and begin dismantling the former tag team champions. They show inhuman strength as they follow Cornette’s instructions, leaving the crowd gobsmacked as Faarooq hasn’t been seen since the Nation disbanded, and last thing we knew Bradshaw was still part of the New Blackjacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mankind is sitting alone in his boiler room, rocking to and fro, talking to himself about how he doesn’t want to go to hell and he doesn’t want The Undertaker to make him rest in peace. From nowhere, The Undertaker, Kane and Owen Hart blast through the door and start assaulting him; throwing him through a glass pane and putting him through a conveniently placed table. Does this mean Mankind is out of the main event? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/KingOfTheRing.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]“Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Triple H[/SIZE][/B] This is what the WWF is all about. The New York crowd was rowdy, whilst supporting the red hot Triple H; they couldn’t help but also cheer Dreamer, whose roots lay with the local ECW. This led to some great chanting duals, and only assisting the two warriors in having one of the best matches you’ll see on free television. Both men went all out, and Dreamer did himself absolutely no harm at all in looking so good, but even he couldn’t avoid the Pedigree as Triple H progresses to the King Of The Ring semi-final. [B]Winner: Triple H in 10:53 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] Triple H celebrates his progression by climbing the turnbuckles when someone in a motorcycle helmet runs out of nowhere and hits him with a steel chair, which is followed by a crotch chop. Who was that?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perennial jobber Crush comes to the ring to face an unheard of rookie by the name Jim Force, seemingly an ode to the Ultimate Warrior. They’re expected to have a match, but Force grabs a microphone in an unexpected and unscripted moment of madness. [B]Force:[/B] For decades and centuries the mere mortals of man have wondered alone, digesting and digressing through the path that is brought unto them. One in a million, a billion, a googolplex will stand taller than the largest REDWOOD in the forest, STRONG as an ox, cold as a STONE, plucking the CHORD that gives LIBERTY to all, the one with the force will destroy each and every NEMESIS like a BLACK EAGLE, a DARK ANGEL sent to destroy BEELZEBUB himself, and will show each and every one of the people in attendance that the time has come to FEEL THE FFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRCCCCCCCEEEEEE! Crush, as well as the paying audience look truly bemused by this nutcase, until Finlay comes to the ring with a shillelagh and takes them both out viciously. Despite Jim Force choosing to no sell, Finlay’s intense and stiff style eventually wears them both down. He then grabs a microphone. [B]Finlay:[/B] For those ignorant nobodies in the crowd who don’t know who I am, I’m Finlay. I’m the guy who has spent his whole career being pigeonholed and held down simply because I’m from the United Kingdom. Well, this ends now. I will tear this place apart until people have no choice but to respect me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a graphical update on what has happened in the King Of The Ring so far, and a reminder that this is for the last remaining semi-final slot. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/KingOfTheRing.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]The Rock vs “Human Suplex Machine” Taz[/SIZE][/B] After so much trust has been put in these two, and so much time allowed for their match, you’d have thought the least they could do for me is have good chemistry. But they didn’t. Both men went full pelt, which only seemed to infuriate the other further. They eventually started brawling down the rampway, completely unaware that the referee was counting them out. [B]Draw via count-out after 14:53 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] After the referees have pulled them apart, The Rock returns to his locker room, where Triple H is destroying his belongings. Triple H accused Rocky for the assault he received earlier in the night as Shane McMahon walks in. He came in to tell The Rock that a she didn’t lose he will progress to the semi-finals along with Taz, and hence their match will be a Triple Threat, The Rock swears blindly that he saw the whole thing on the television but he had nothing to do with it. Triple H warns him that if he’s lying he will rip him apart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is in his office with Owen Hart, Kane and The Undertaker, when he announces that as neither man lost, both Taz and The Rock will be in the semi-finals, and their match will be a Triple Threat. However, their opponent won’t be Rob Van Dam as the brackets indicate, as he wants to shake things up a bit, and as such is switching the semi’s around. Rob Van Dam will now face Triple H, and the triple threat match will be between Taz, The Rock and Taz’s fellow tag team champion, Goldust. But that’s not it! As Triple H and The Rock can’t seem to keep their hands off each other, and as the tag champions are left and may choose to help each other out, he is announcing that if any of the King Of The Ring semi-finalists interfere in the other match they will be fired on the spot! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown on the screen to say the main event is up next, however, it will not be a 6 man tag as expected, but instead a three on two handicap match! [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Stone Cold Steve Austin and “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs The Alliance (Owen Hart, The Undertaker and Kane) w/Vince McMahon & Paul Bearer[/SIZE][/B] The Alliance work surprisingly well with each other, as they’ve all been enemies at some point in the last few months. HBK and the champ throw everything they can into the match, but unfortunately it isn’t enough as the superior numbers finally take hold as the Brothers Of Destruction hit a Double Chokeslam on Michaels for the win. [B]Winners: The Alliance in 15:16 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] The Alliance are standing together in the center of the ring following their win when... [CENTER]

[/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]Oh my! Don’t tell me… don’t tell me… [B]King:[/B] JR! It’s Dude Love! The Dudester walks through the curtain to a huge pop, dancing and grooving his way to the ring. Once there, he grabs a microphone. [B]Dude Love: [/B]‘Taker, baby, The Dude has one thing to say to you… oooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww…. Have mercy! Mr McMahon grabs a microphone. [B]McMahon: [/B]Have mercy?! Have mercy?! Mick, have you seen yourself? Do you really think someone like you deserves mercy from the greatest faction in history? Boys, you know what to do. The Alliance immediately go to work on Dude Love, ripping him apart with all their signature moves. They then walk away, ‘Taker and Kane looking serious but Hart, McMahon and Bearer laughing at the path of destruction they have left. However, Foley gradually gets to his feet, and rips off his headband and sunglasses, before tearing off his dude love tie due t-shirt to reveal the infamous “Wanted Dead” Cactus Jack t-shirt, much to the pleasure of the crowd. [B]Cactus Jack: [/B]Undertaker! You thought you could keep me down? Don’t you get it? You’ll never keep me down, ‘Taker; I swear to god you cannot keep me down. People think I don’t feel pain, which just isn’t true. But I sure as hell enjoy it. It doesn’t matter whether I’m Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love or even Mrs Foley’s baby boy. I can ask you to have mercy, I can tell you to have a nice day, but what it boils down to is I will take you to hell this Sunday at the King Of The Ring, I will make YOU rest in peace and one way or another I will walk out of the Cell after having beaten you yet again! Bang Bang! The screen fades out with Mick Foley grinning evilly as The Alliance look on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Final Rating: A*, [/B]it should have increased our popularity. Jeff Hardy was suspended, so obviously no-one turned up late.[/QUOTE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] Nitro was held in the NEC Arena in Birmingham, England and drew a C+ rating. Diamond Dallas Page was victorious in the main event over Scott Steiner, and Lex Luger and The Giant once again teamed to defeat the Outsiders. It was a great night for retaining titles as Dean Malenko, Madusa and WCW’s rip off of Goldust and Taz (The Barbarian and Booty Man) all held on to their gold.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;229073]Great show with the exception of the Jim Force segment. Please no more Force!!!! :( Seriously, great job![/QUOTE] Thanks buddy, appreciate it. As for Jim Force, I just wanted to get into the thing on the other thread. It was a one RAW only thing, and it was fine importing him in as I plan on converting to 07 at July and just won't convert him over. Once again, thank you for the feedback.
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From wwf.com [QUOTE][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/KingOfTheRing-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/U][/B] [B][U]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/U][/B] Two weeks ago on RAW is WAR we saw one of the biggest unions in wrestling history, as Kane, The Undertaker, Owen Hart and Mr McMahon joined together in an attempt to regain power in the World Wrestling Federation. Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin, as ever, have stood up to this new regime, and thus far paid the price in pain dollars. However, only a fool would count them out when Kane, Hart, Austin and Michaels all face off in the ring at the same time, each man on their own, battling for the greatest prize in the industry- the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Will Stone Cold once again put a spanner in the works for McMahon, will the Heartbreak Kid finally retain the title, or will Kane or Owen Hart win their first World Titles to give all the power back to McMahon and The Alliance? [B][U]Hell In A Cell Match[/U][/B] [B][U]“The Lord of Darkness” The Undertaker vs Mankind[/U][/B] At Breakdown these two warriors had one of the most brutal matches in history in a Boiler Room Brawl. This month at King Of The Ring they will go one on one in the most barbaric environment in the World Wrestling Federation; Hell in a Cell. After Mankind inadvertently cost The Undertaker a shot at the WWF Title, he has found himself permanently in the Deadman’s radar. The Phenom has quite literally destroyed Mankind at times, but has not managed to keep him down, let alone pin him. Mankind guarantees that he will once again walk out of a match against The Undertaker with his arm held in the air, but for The Undertaker it means to much more- this is revenge. This will be only the second Hell in a Cell match in history, but if this is anything like the first, expect blood, sweat, broken bones and one hell of a match! [B][U]King Of The Ring Semi Final Match[/U][/B] [B][U]"The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs Triple H[/U][/B] These two men may well be the future of wrestling. Both are in the best form of their career and both know how much winning the King Of The Ring tournament could mean for them- especially Triple H who has seen his career sky rocket since winning it last year. [B][U]King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match[/U][/B] [B][U]The Rock vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust[/U][/B] After Taz and The Rock failed to get the better of each other on RAW, we will see a first in the King Of The Ring- a semi-final match will take place under Triple Threat rules. Not only that, this match contains both of the Tag Team Champions! [B]Also, the winners of the two semi-finals will face each other to crown the 1998 King Of The Ring![/B] [B][U]No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/U][/B] [B][U]Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Shane McMahon[/U][/B] Last month at Breakdown, the owner’s son Shane McMahon came within a whisker of winning the IC title, before Jarrett got himself disqualified. Nevertheless, even though he had impressed all in attendance with his athletic abilities, no-one could have expected the magnitude of his revenge, an elbow drop off the top rope through the announcers table. Seemingly a fan of a more hardcore environment; Shane O’Mac has booked himself in a rematch for Jarrett’s title in a No Holds Barred Match. That’s right- no disqualifications, meaning there is no easy way out for the Intercontinental Champion this time. One way or another, King Of The Ring will see the emergence of a fighting champion. [B][U]Hell’s Henchmen vs Lo Down[/U][/B] After Jim Cornette’s verbal assaults on Lo Down turned physical, Lo Down wanted answers from the Outspoken One. Instead of answers, they got introduced to the newest tag team in the WWF; Hell’s Henchmen. Managed by Jim Cornette and having years of experience between them, Faarooq and Bradshaw will be looking to tear their way through the former Tag Team Champions to get a footing in the Tag Title scene. However, with the promising D’Lo Brown and imposing Mabel looking for revenge, and with several months of big tag team match experience, this match could turn very nasty, very quickly. [B][U]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/U][/B] “The Stuff” claimed at the start of the King Of The Ring tournament that he wanted to be taken seriously, and would go through anyone to make sure that happened. What he didn’t bank on was stepping into the crosshair of the “Worlds Most Dangerous” Man, Ken Shamrock. A win for Bagwell would surely give him the respect he desires, but few men step in the ring with Shamrock and walk out the same, if at all. [B][U]Bra and Panties Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Sunny vs Sable[/U][/B] Sable’s marriage to Marc Mero appeared up until last weeks Raw to be on the one way train to Splitsville, a fact Sunny took great joy in. Sunny has made it no secret that she wants to be the number one diva in the WWF, a position taken up by Sable in many people’s eyes. While in theory this match may look like eye candy, there is a deep seated resentment that boils in both women, and may overflow to catastrophic results at King Of The Ring.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] [B][U]Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/U][/B] “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) [B][U]Hell In A Cell Match[/U][/B] “The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs Mankind [B][U]King Of The Ring Semi Final Match[/U][/B] “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs Triple H [B][U]King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match[/U][/B] The Rock vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust [B][U]King Of The Ring Final[/U][/B] ??? vs ??? [B][U]No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Shane McMahon Hell’s Henchmen vs Lo Down “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock [B][U]Bra and Panties Match[/U][/B] Sunny vs Sable[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) [/B] Hell In A Cell Match [B]“The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind just dont let Mick take any crazy bumps King Of The Ring Semi Final Match “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H [/B] Please dont let RVD win this King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match The Rock vs [B]“The Human Suplex Machine” Taz [/B]vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final ??? vs ??? Tazz going over HHH No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs [B]“The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/B] Bra and Panties Match [B]Sunny [/B]vs Sable
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[B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Kane vs Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ~I know you are an Owen Hart mark and I think you are finally going to put the gold on him in what should be an awesome match! [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] ~RVD is coming on strong but time for Trips to shut down the show! [B]The Rock[/B] vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust ~Need to build up the Rock more so his ongoing feud with Triple H will get even bigger while the chance for a side feud between Taz and Goldust could spin out of this match if you wanted. KOTR Final [B]The Rock[/B] vs HHH ~I am just a Rock mark so I picked him but either guy winning is good and will help build up a great feud. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Shane McMahon [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down ~Need Lo Down to do the job and help build up the Henchmen. “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs [B]“The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/B] Sunny vs [B]Sable[/B] ~There really is no loser here. :D
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Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) Hell In A Cell Match “The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] King Of The Ring Semi Final Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Triple H King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match The Rock vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final [B]RVD[/B] vs. Rock No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett [/B](c) vs Shane McMahon [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down [B]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell [/B]vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Bra and Panties Match Sunny vs [B]Sable[/B]
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SCHEDULED MATCHES Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Hell In A Cell Match [B]“The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind King Of The Ring Semi Final Match “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final ??? vs ??? [B]The Rock[/B] vs HHH No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down [B]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Bra and Panties Match Sunny vs [B]Sable[/B]
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Looks like a great card. I can't wait for the show! [QUOTE]SCHEDULED MATCHES Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) Hell In A Cell Match [B]“The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind King Of The Ring Semi Final Match “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match [B]The Rock [/B]vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final ??? vs ??? [B]The Rock[/B] v Triple H No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [B]Shane McMahon[/B] [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down [B]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Bra and Panties Match [B]Sunny[/B] vs Sable [/QUOTE]
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did i win the contest again? if i did, bet i dnt win the king of the ring :P (edit: just checked, docstevens ties with me again! if i can count right) Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs [b]Kane[/b] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) Hell In A Cell Match [b]“The Lord Of Darkness”[/b] The Undertaker vs Mankind King Of The Ring Semi Final Match “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [b]Triple H[/b] King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match [b]The Rock[/b] vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final ??? vs ??? - rock wins :) No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [b]Shane McMahon[/b] [b]Hell’s Henchmen[/b] vs Lo Down [b]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/b] vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Bra and Panties Match Sunny vs [b]Sable[/b]
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Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Hell In A Cell Match “The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] King Of The Ring Semi Final Match “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down [B]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Bra and Panties Match [B]Sunny[/B] vs Sable
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Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs [B]Kane[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) - It's time for a new champion, and Kane could well destroy everything and everyone on his way to the gold. Michaels doesn't need the belt, Austin seems better as a challenger, while Owen's win is likely to be held off on until it's the focus of a card. Hell In A Cell Match “The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] - Mankind/Dude/Cactus/Mick needs a win to remain a threat. Would you dare put Foley through the same punishment he took in RL? If so, he'll lose - but if it's a bit more even, than UT loses. King Of The Ring Semi Final Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Triple H - Mr. Crash Helmet makes another appearance and costs HHH the chance to retain King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match The Rock vs [B]“The Human Suplex Machine” Taz[/B] vs Goldust - Just because HHH and RVD can't go after the Rock, doesn't mean someone won't - and then Goldust is likely to lie down and take whatever Taz gives him King Of The Ring Final [B]RVD[/B] vs Taz - Shenanigans aplenty, as Goldust's mind-games freak his partner out enough that Taz slips up. RVD to cement his place in the UMC with a major win No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon - If Jarrett wins, he could shoot on upwards. This could be enough to put him in the ME, albeit right at the bottom of it... [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down - They have been jobbers in another life, but with Jim Cornette in their corner, they're future champions. “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs [B]“The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/B] - So help me, I don't think I could cope with a Bagwell win Bra and Panties Match [B]Sunny[/B] vs Sable - I hear that Sunny's been training hard, working on her cardio, and generally just wants it more
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[QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"][CENTER]WRASSLIN’ NEWS[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][B][U][SIZE="5"]World Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"]WCW Weekly was held last night in the Hallam FM arena in Sheffield, England in front of a crowd of 8,102. It drew a rating of C+ This television taping was headlined by Randy Savage beating Scott Steiner, who appears to being given a main event push as of late. Elsewhere on the show, the British crowd got their moneys worth on title matches as Dean Malenko, Michael Wallstreet, Madusa and The Booty Man and Barbarian all retained their titles. Meanwhile off camera, James J Dillan signed a contract extension with the company. [B][U][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation[/SIZE][/U][/B] The latest WWF PPV: King Of The Ring will be held tonight, where the main event will be a Fatal Fourway match for the WWF Title between Kane, Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels and champion Stone Cold Steve Austin. Also at the PPV will be a Hell In A Cell match between Mankind and The Undertaker, and one of The Rock, Taz, Goldust, Triple H and Rob Van Dam will be crowned King Of The Ring. [B][U][SIZE="5"]National Wrestling Alliance: Texas[/SIZE][/U][/B] This week on NWA Texas saw the biggest event of the year for the small company, in which the NWA Heavyweight Champion The Outlaw (famous for his catchphrase “three, two, one… BANG!) went to a 30 minute time limit draw with Doctor Stevens in a great match. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Extreme Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] Despite seeing much of their talent be stolen by the WWF in recent months, ECW are still putting on good shows even without a television deal, and are rumoured to still be making money. However, one has to wonder how long this will last while there are still world class talents like Shane Douglas, the Dudley Boyz and Jerry Lynn likely to get picked up by the big two at some point in the future. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Down Under Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Australia we recently saw the anniversary of Kiwi Tristy winning the DUW Title, despite being CEO and Head Booker for the company. However, this may not be a surprise as he cites Vince Russo as his main influence and is a fan of old school, limitedly talented hosses like Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior, even going as far as to say another match between those two would be a “soiling myself” moment. He has also said he hates cruiserweight wrestlers because “they’re too small to be taken seriously”. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Artists[/SIZE][/U][/B] OMEGA, run by WWF superstar Matt Hardy, are in serious financial difficulties, according to one of our sources, and have been for a month or so. Things have got so desperate that they have called in Financial Consultant Mr G Prime to help out, as he has had previous success in pulling wrestling companies back into the black. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Brasilia Nationales Wrestlinreguez[/SIZE][/U][/B] South American wrestling has taken a huge blow as BNW Champion “Adildo” (real name Adam Ryland, see [url]http://www.minimalsworld.net/BrazilName/brazilian.shtml[/url] for reasons behind his name) has resigned from the company to make wrestling simulation games. Experts do not expect this gamble to pay off, because, lets face it, what sort of a sad case would want to play a wrestling simulation game, much less write a diary about their experiences?! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Jersey All Pro Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] At JAPW, the WWF’s development territory, Stevie Richards is still the JAPW Big Gold Belt Champion after besting Steve Corino, Mayumi Ozaki is still National champion and Michael Lockwood and Lisa Moretti are the Tag Team Champions after beating previous champions Chris Kanyon and Manami Toyota. [SIZE="5"][B][U]Elsewhere…[/U][/B][/SIZE] Rumour has it a cheap Keith Moon tribute drummer tried to form a promotion with people known simply as Neverbore and Pansucks, but they have refused and seem to want to go to war with him. The promotions aren’t expected to be ready until late 2001, but when they do, it should be huge and well worth checking out. However, everyone knows Keith Moon will win. Because lets face it, the other two suck. (Yes, that is fighting talk!)[/FONT][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] You've still got a few days until King Of The Ring, so keep those predicitions flooding in.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;229838]National Wrestling Alliance: Texas This week on NWA Texas saw the biggest event of the year for the small company, in which the NWA Heavyweight Champion The Outlaw (famous for his catchphrase “three, two, one… BANG!) went to a 30 minute time limit draw with Doctor Stevens in a great match. [/QUOTE] WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! [url]http://www.geocities.com/bosskdawg2/flair2.wav[/url]
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Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs [B]“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels [/B]vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) Hell In A Cell Match [B]“The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind King Of The Ring Semi Final Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Triple H King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match The Rock vs [B]“The Human Suplex Machine” Taz [/B]vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final ??? vs ??? [B]RVD[/B] vs Tazz No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Lo Down “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs “[B]The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/B] Bra and Panties Match Sunny vs [B]Sable[/B]
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OOC: Thanks to everyone for predicting. I especially love guys like James Casey who leave feedback on it as well. It really helps me see where you think I'm going. As for the conversion to 07, it will take even longer. I've noticed that due to additions to 07 that 05 doesn't have, I was struggling to get a decent game world out of it and things didn't feel right. Therefore, I'm using the Montreal mod from 07 and editing that to make it closer to where I'm at. But it will take a while. Luckily, I still have KOTR and another RAW to go until the end of the month, where I have to start on 07. There's still time to get your predicitions in guys, so if you haven't yet then please do. Last months winner still has their prize to come. It's written in, but the time isn't right just yet. So get 'em in!
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Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Hell In A Cell Match [B]“The Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind King Of The Ring Semi Final Match “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Semi Final Triple Threat Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz vs Goldust King Of The Ring Final HHH vs [B]The Rock[/B] No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon Hell’s Henchmen vs [B]Lo Down[/B] [B]“The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Bra and Panties Match [B]Sunny[/B] vs Sable
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;230587]Post the show already!!!!! The people need their fix! :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=rjhabeeb;230936]VERY TRUE MY FRIEND lets go TAZZ lets go[/QUOTE] Sorry for the lack of a show guys. And thanks to everyone who has predicted so far. Due to how my next week will work out, I'm going to take a hiatus from these boards, starting Monday and lasting between 4-7 days. In this time I won't play TEW and won't come on here. So I am warning anyone who is interested that the next week won't contain any more updates than the last. However, before Monday there will be another post from me. Either it will be King Of The Ring, or a pretty big announcement. I'm not sure which yet. So stay tuned. And thanks for the support everyone.
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This is my recollection of the I Quit match at Wrestlemania 13, written as if it was all real. [I]"It had been a great match, and one the people were really into. However, the veteran Bret Hart had finally locked in his Sharpshooter on Steve Austin. Even though Austin wanted to give up straight away, he hoped that eventually the pain would wear off and he could work through it. The pain became more intense as he tried to slide to the ropes, but it was to no avail. He wanted to quit there and then, but something told him that if he could just grab a second wind, he could reach the ropes and continue on to glory. However, Bret tugged that little bit harder, meaning the second wind never came, as he gradually lost conciousness and passed out on the mat."[/I] Right now, I see this diary as Stone Cold locked in the Sharpshooter. I want to quit, and have done for about a month. But I've tried to find the second wind that would propell me through it, but it hasn't come. I will do King Of The Ring, as I owe you guys at least that. I don't know when I will post it, it might be today, it might be next week, I don't know. The show will either serve to be that second wind, or it will be the end. And if I'm being honest, it will probably be the latter. I just don't have the passion or want to do this diary, nor play the game. I see constant diaries being started up and it has become really tough to gain any sort of noteriety. Before I went to bed last night, I posted an apology. Since then, at least three new diaries have been started, and I have fallen to the second page without a response. These things are normal and happen to everyone, but I don't feel like I have the motivation just to shrug this sort of stuff off anymore. So I guess I'm just warning you all. I've been working through this lull period for about a month and it hasn't ended. I can't see it coming to an end, so after King Of The Ring, I think this diary will retire. It may be a Mick Foley retirement when every now and again another show gets posted, but more than likely I'll just stop. I'll carry on with my joint diary with Nevermore and Panix, but I won't start another one. The reason for this is I don't want to be one of those guys that starts a new diary every week. If I do something, I want to go whole hog with it. Maybe I will get the second wind, and maybe even if I do stop I will restart it, from this point, in a few months and take it even further. But don't count on it. Thank you to everyone who has shown their vocal support for this; it has been far more successful than I thought it would, and the reason I carry on is people like theoutlaw, DocStevens, rjhabeeb etc whose constant support and feedback have been a joy to read when I log on here. Thanks again, Keefmoon
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As I have said privately and publically, I feel that this is one of the two best real world diaries on this forum. Your's with Tristram tell great stories, and to me that is the basises for a good diary. As you have said, there are multiple diaries popping up daily. That is good and in a way bad. Sometimes they last, but more often then not they go strong for a few days or maybe even a week and then thet seem to fizzle. I understand how frustrated you are. I'm not going to get into everything that we have spoken of off screen as that is a private conversation amoung firends. But I was there a month or so ago as this 'burnout' started to creep in. I could sense it then. I hated it. I was being selfish when I tried to talk you into continuing. I have come to the conclusion as I stated in response to Tristram's post concerning the same thing that without the passion and fire to continue on your part to continue the diary then it goes from being your story being told to just putting up posts to try and keep the masses (myself and others) happy and entertained. I know that you could pull that off as you have a gift for telling a great story. But I would rather you take what ever amount of time off that you need and refuel the fire that you need to WANT to do this. If it comes back then wonderful. Then I for one will be here waiting. If the passion doesn't return, then in the course of a week we(forum) may have lost two of the best diaries this forum has had the fortunes of hosting. Whatever decision you make I will support you 150%. I consider you a friend, and the decision you make needs to be for yourself and your reasons and no one elses.
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