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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Great show.. it brought back memories of Orndorff and Hogan on Saturday Night Main Event... In a similar vain to outlaw's "What if the NWA struck first?", I often wonder what if by some slip up 'Mr Wonderful' Paul Orndorff touched down first and he held the belt. What would have become of Wrestlemania? Would Paul Orndorff have become the leader of a new era? I'm thrilled with who you went with in Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart, quite frankly, they are both awesome workers. Truth be told, I'm a Bret Hart fan and therefore it hinders my praise of Michaels, but I think you could even build in that particular moment with the Owen Hart feud with HBK. Great stuff.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;273500]Nice ending! Very nice! Psicosis as champ is good by me as well - always liked him (seond only to Juvi in the lucha stakes imo). The main event was sweet, putting Christian and Edge over was a good choice and I loved the Sarge promo. My only gripe was RVD doing the job. I think he could be a really strong c0cky heel. Maybe that's just my ECW colours showing, though. Good woek, skip. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Thanks bud. Glad you liked Psicosis, his contract lapsed just before KOTR so I'd aldready brought him in. I've always liked him and thought he could add a bit of weight to a thin division. As for RVD, last night he beat Triple H in a KOTR Semi-Final match and faced The Rock in the final, so he's being taken care of, don't you worry! [QUOTE=DocStevens;273529]Triple H vs The Rock...oh yeah let the feud begin!!!! Good to see Edge/Christian get some love. Not a fan of Psicosis but I just need to give the whole light heavyweight division a chance and not judge too quickly. Of course Owen keeps getting the big push and I liked the wild brawl at the end with HBK. I am on the record as not being a huge Owen fan but it works in this diary because you are using him well and it is very believable. Good stuff![/QUOTE] Cheers. I'm pleased that Rocky and Hunter can go at it, I think their feuds have been some of the best of the last 10 years and I hope I can pull off their chemistry. I love Owen, was a fan when he was alive and I'm glad you guys are believing in him too. He really had the potential to make the step up but was just around at the wrong time, unfortunately, and was overshadowed. Allowed to stand up on his own and I think oyu've got a World Champion on your hands. [QUOTE=robertocarlos87;273552]Awesome show, and I only missed two predictions (damn fit, totally forgot about him!) You havn't lost anything, and I love it :D[/QUOTE] Thanks buddy, glad you enjoyed it. I was really nervous that some of the long term fans werern't going to like it as much this time around, so your support means a lot. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;273562]Great ending to a great first show back. You have not lost your touch. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Glad [B]you[/B] are back![/QUOTE] Thank you buddy, you know how much I respect your opinion and if I can keep you happy, I know I'm doing a good job. [QUOTE=G-Prime;273699]FINALLY!!! Montreal to Attitude has come back to the GDS Boards!!![/QUOTE] And don't you forget it! [QUOTE=Kyr96;273700]As a lurker, I enjoyed this, and I'm pumped for it's return. I love your ability to write promos, and the match descriptions are just fine.[/QUOTE] Thank you. I really hope every show that the promos are realistic (Dutah aside, who I love over-doing) and I'm glad that lurkers such as yourself are on board! [QUOTE=tristram;273775]Great show.. it brought back memories of Orndorff and Hogan on Saturday Night Main Event... In a similar vain to outlaw's "What if the NWA struck first?", I often wonder what if by some slip up 'Mr Wonderful' Paul Orndorff touched down first and he held the belt. What would have become of Wrestlemania? Would Paul Orndorff have become the leader of a new era? I'm thrilled with who you went with in Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart, quite frankly, they are both awesome workers. Truth be told, I'm a Bret Hart fan and therefore it hinders my praise of Michaels, but I think you could even build in that particular moment with the Owen Hart feud with HBK. Great stuff.[/QUOTE] The Hogan- Orndorff situation is fascinating. I doubt the new era would have taken off in the way it did in Hulkamania, but it's a fascinating topic. Luckily, there isn't much doubt that Michaels and Owen could both touch the mat at the same time- they're ultimate professionals and if anyone could nail it, they could. I love their feud, it seems idiotic it never happened in real life on any level. Fans can buy into Owen as he genuinely would have hatred for Michaels. He might also sign with the devil because he's seen that the way to the top is via the boss, and HBK wants to "rage against the machine". It just works, and I like the dynamic they have. Thanks everyone for the feedback, glad to see you are all reading!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;273922]they're ultimate professionals and if anyone could nail it, they could.[/QUOTE] Just thought I'd pick up on this. Owen, no doubt but, back in the attitude era, Michaels was an arse! I really hated him a few years back just because of how unprofessional he was. I'll never forget when he jobbed to Austin and, after recieveing the Stunner, he was visibly chewing gum and even scratched his nose... great selling there. I was so chuffed when I found out he was a born-again, not because I'm Christian ('cos I'm not) but because it finally meant he got his attitude in check. And, to be fair, he's always been one of the best workers... ever. Anyway, sorry if that came out as ranting, I just find the whole HBK transformtion quite remarkable. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Most of my thoughts have been covered by other people already, but yeah, that was a strong edition of RAW no doubt. Fantastic ending to the Battle Royal where a draw suited the situation perfectly whereas in recent years battle royal ties and dual eliminations have been overdone and usually don't mean a great deal. The progression of the Owen/HBK feud is no doubt a major highlight of this dynasty (at least for me). Also, I love the combo of Taz and Golddust and hopefully they can keep the tag team straps for a while longer yet. The Finlay beating was suitably brutal, even if I have a bit of a soft spot for the Headbangers, and continued to make him look a considerable, randomly violent threat.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;273947]Just thought I'd pick up on this. Owen, no doubt but, back in the attitude era, Michaels was an arse! I really hated him a few years back just because of how unprofessional he was. I'll never forget when he jobbed to Austin and, after recieveing the Stunner, he was visibly chewing gum and even scratched his nose... great selling there. I was so chuffed when I found out he was a born-again, not because I'm Christian ('cos I'm not) but because it finally meant he got his attitude in check. And, to be fair, he's always been one of the best workers... ever. Anyway, sorry if that came out as ranting, I just find the whole HBK transformtion quite remarkable. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Sorry, I meant he was the ultimate worker, just as Owne was. He was unlikely to botch something like that. As far as his attitude went, it stunk. However, I have to admit, I found his attitude entertaining at times. He was an arse, no doubt, but at times he was like the bad boy you couldn't help but laugh at. I do prefer his attitude now, though, and he is without doubt one of the greatest of all time. [QUOTE=sebsplex;273964]Most of my thoughts have been covered by other people already, but yeah, that was a strong edition of RAW no doubt. Fantastic ending to the Battle Royal where a draw suited the situation perfectly whereas in recent years battle royal ties and dual eliminations have been overdone and usually don't mean a great deal. The progression of the Owen/HBK feud is no doubt a major highlight of this dynasty (at least for me). Also, I love the combo of Taz and Golddust and hopefully they can keep the tag team straps for a while longer yet. The Finlay beating was suitably brutal, even if I have a bit of a soft spot for the Headbangers, and continued to make him look a considerable, randomly violent threat.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I love it when I get detailed thoughts from readers, it lets me know if you enjoy what I'm doing. As I've said beofre, I love the HBK - Owen dynamic and don't think it has to end just yet. I really want to give the feleing that neither can out-do the other, that they are very much on a level playing field. Goldust is a fun character to write for, because I can get pretty creative. And Taz is a great partner because he is so straight shooting. And what people may look over is if these two were a tag team they would be one of the most talented teams in the last few years, because both can go. I'm glad you view Finlay as a "considerable, randomly violent threat". That is exactly what I was going for! [QUOTE=wrestlinggod;274257]Man, I almost missed this. You go away on vacation and come back and so many things have changed. Let me just say 'Welcome back!"[/QUOTE] Thanks very much, I appreciate the support!
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In case anyone is interested, this hasn't died after one show of the comeback, I'm just tremendously busy at the moment. The next show will be up eventually but due to the random nature of my little world at the moment I can't say when. I hope you all stay interested for the next few days until it is up.
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Taken from wwf.com [CENTER][QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://www.wwf4ever.de/wweposter/FullyLoaded1998.jpg[/IMG] Following the confusion over the winner of the Battle Royal on last weeks RAW is WAR show, World Wrestling Federation Inc is proud to announce the main event of July's Fully Loaded event will be the last ever Triple Threat encounter between WWF Heavyweight Champion Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart. The event, which is to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, will see all three men gambling their health in the hope of walking out of Sin City with the biggest prize in the game. These three men faced each other in the groundbreaking main event of Wrestlemania XIV and again at Unforgiven, and WWF chairman Vince McMahon has guaranteed that this will the last time we will see the three of them battle in a Triple Threat match for the WWF Championship.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;276502]These three men faced each other in the groundbreaking main event of Wrestlemania XIV and again at Unforgiven, and WWF chairman Vince McMahon has guaranteed that this will the last time we will see them battle in a Triple Threat match for the WWF Championship. [CENTER][/CENTER][/QUOTE] This feud has had a nice run and it is good to see that it might be coming to a final conclusion although I am sure all three men will have their moments in the future. I have to assume you will go with Owen since I know you have a soft spot for him but I think a heel champ would be good storyline wise so I have to go with Michaels. You can spin off a second storyline from this if you have someone cost one of these guys the match, etc. Looking forward to it!
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;276522]This feud has had a nice run and it is good to see that it might be coming to a final conclusion although I am sure all three men will have their moments in the future. I have to assume you will go with Owen since I know you have a soft spot for him but I think a heel champ would be good storyline wise so I have to go with Michaels. You can spin off a second storyline from this if you have someone cost one of these guys the match, etc. Looking forward to it![/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback buddy. You know Michaels is a face, right? And Owen is a heel? To clarify, it doesn't mean that there won't ever be a spin off with two of them facing or anything, but the threeway feud between Austin, Michaels & Owen which has gone since the Rumble will end at Fully Loaded. There could, however, be any combination of the three feuding at any time. I think it's also worth noting that while this is a PPV, and there will be PPV moments on it, there will still be one eye on Summerslam. See Fully Loaded to Summerslam as what Royal Rumble is to Wrestlemania. Big moments, big matches, big events, but leading to even bigger ones down the road. Except the WWF Title feud. That feud ends in just over three weeks at Fully Loaded, live on pay-per-view! ;)
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;276534] You know Michaels is a face, right? And Owen is a heel? [/QUOTE] I guess I haven't really viewed it that way despite Owen's activities. Maybe it is kind of like what the WWF tried to do with Steve Austin. They positioned him as a heel and had him do heel "things" but the fans viewed him as a babyface and the rest is history!
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[QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://www.wwf4ever.de/wweposter/FullyLoaded1998.jpg[/IMG] World Wrestling Federation Inc is proud to announce another addition to the July pay-per-view Fully Loaded, which is to be held in three weeks from Las Vegas, Nevada. After Triple H ruined The Rock's coronation following his success in the King Of The Ring tournament, the Board of Directors have decided that the two men who claim to be the future of the World Wrestling Federation will face off one on one in an I Quit Match. They have been feuding for several months and the BoD hope a match of this magnitude may help them finalise their problems before it turns too nasty. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Current Fully Loaded Card[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/B] Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels [B]I Quit Match[/B] The Rock vs Triple H More matches to be announced in the coming weeks, so stay tuned to wwf.com for more![/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Okay folks, just wanted to add this little announcement, the Raw Preview will be up in a couple of hours and the show hopefully not too far in the future.
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]After being hospitalised at the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the chairman Mr McMahon makes his return to the WWF’s flagship show and has revenge on his mind. On his way to drawing in the Battle Royal, Shawn Michaels eliminated Alliance member Kane, who appeared to take exception by Chokeslamming the Heartbreak Kid through the announcers table in a move that nearly cost him the number one contendership of the WWF Title. Mr McMahon has accepted Paul Bearer’s request of a match between the Big Red Monster and the former WWF Champion. Also in the Battle Royal we saw Ken Shamrock get eliminated by an opportunistic Owen Hart, who will be joining Shawn Michaels in the Fully Loaded main event. Shamrock has requested a match with Black Hart which was accepted by Owen and apparently The Alliance will not be at ringside as both men look to prove they are the greatest technical performer in the WWF. Speaking of Shamrock, after his intimidating speech to Jeff Jarrett last week, what is the plan of the Intercontinental Champion? Jarrett has managed to keep an almost iron tight claw on the belt since December, spending just two months without the belt in that time and somehow managing to break the rules to hold the strap against all, but he’s never had the World’s Most Dangerous Man locked onto him. Fully Loaded promises to be one of the greatest WWF PPV’s of all time, following the announcement of a match between The Rock and Triple H at the Las Vegas show. Triple H ruined the coronation of King Rock on last weeks show, this week they sign the contract for the match up with one very interesting stipulation. Neither man is allowed to come into contact with the other one before their match at Fully Loaded or they are suspended for a year without pay! Can the future of WWF keep their hands off each other for three weeks, or will we see the temporary end of the companies finest? Also on RAW we will see Matt Hardy try to gain retribution on Finlay for hospitalising his younger brother last week, all four members of the Hardcore Division facing off in a Hardcore Tag Team match, one half of the Tag Team Champions Goldust facing one half of the team they defeated last week in Hell’s Henchmen Bradshaw and we will discover the number one contender of Psicosis’ Light Heavyweight Title as former champions Taka Michinoku and Chavo Guerrero go one on one. Be sure not to miss WWF RAW is WAR, live on the USA Network![/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] Kane vs Shawn Michaels Owen Hart vs Ken Shamrock Bradshaw vs Tag Team Champion Goldust Chavo Guerrero vs Taka Michinoku in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Finlay vs Matt Hardy Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow [SIZE="3"][I]Get yo' picks in now, dawgs...[/I][/SIZE]
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[B]Kane[/B] vs Shawn Michaels Owen Hart vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] [B]Bradshaw[/B] vs Tag Team Champion Goldust Chavo Guerrero vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [B]Finlay[/B] vs Matt Hardy [B]Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow
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Kane vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Owen Hart [/B]vs Ken Shamrock Bradshaw vs [B]Tag Team Champion Goldust[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero [/B]vs Taka Michinoku in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [B]Finlay[/B] vs Matt Hardy [B]Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam [/B]vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow
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Kane vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Ken Shamrock Bradshaw vs [B]Tag Team Champion Goldust[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] vs Taka Michinoku in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Finlay vs [B]Matt Hardy[/B] [B]Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Kane vs [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] Owen Hart vs [b]Ken Shamrock[/b} [b]Bradshaw[/b] vs Tag Team Champion Goldust Chavo Guerrero vs [b]Taka Michinoku[/b] in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [b]Finlay[/b] vs Matt Hardy Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam vs [b]Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow[/b]
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[B]Kane[/B] vs Shawn Michaels [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Ken Shamrock [B]Bradshaw[/B] vs Tag Team Champion Goldust [B] Chavo Guerrero[/B] vs Taka Michinoku in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title Finlay vs [B]Matt Hardy[/B] Hardcore Champion [B]Sabu & Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow
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Kane vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] HBK pulls through, I don't really see what taking a loss here would achieve. [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Ken Shamrock Similar to HBK, strong opposition, but I think Owen will take the win. [B]Bradshaw[/B] vs Tag Team Champion Goldust Bradshaw takes this one. Chavo Guerrero vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] I always loved Taka back in the day, it was just a shame the WWE lightweight title division was a bit too watered down for it's own good. [B]Finlay[/B] vs Matt Hardy No point making Finlay a badass backstage if he's going to lose in the ring. I could however see him possibly getting himself DQ'ed to allow Hardy a win. [B]Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow Close call.
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