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"Not big enough" inconsistancies

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So I finally hit Cult in my game. Cool, this also makes me the biggest promotion in the world at the moment in DOTT. I manage to successfully hire Harley Race (who also works for several other companies), who has pretty much B all across the United States and Japan. Then I try to hire Dick Murdoch, who has C across the United States and Japan, and is less popular and not as big as Harley Race in every conceivable way, and he rejects negotiations because my promotion isn't big enough. Huh? I checked, and there are no relationships capable of producing this result. In addition, the only personality differences is that Dick Murdoch is Joker/Normal and Harley Race is Normal/Professional. Would someone mind explaining to me why Dich Murdoch isn't willing to join, but Harley Race is?
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Here's one possibility that may be completely off the wall. This may be a John Wayne scenario - the town ain't big enough for the both of them. It could be that Murdoch looks at your roster, sees ol' Handsome Harley at the top of the card and figures that his chances of moving into the main event are pretty much zero. It may be that your Ideal Roster is now complete, and he won't have the same place on your roster that he would have if you were a bigger fed with the same roster, where he'd get autopushed into the main event. Not sure if that makes sense... Incidentally, is he unemployed? And where is your fed based?
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I do think that money should matter more than promotion size. If some billioneer watned to start a new promotion, the promotion would begin with no real size at all, but I bet lots of stars would be willing to sign on if they were guarenteed big money. Even if the promotion falls through, they can still sue for their money.
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Maybe the fact that Harley Race is professional? Perhaps that makes him more likely to sign with a promotion despite size stuff? Also, is it possible that Murdoch is more over in foreign regions than Race is? If he's more over worldwide than Race, this might impact his decision. Just speculation, but it's my two cents.
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Wow, different people have different opinions and personalities? I must say, I'm utterly shocked ¬_¬ I always thought everyone was exactly the same and made the same decisions and had the same goals. :p You're dealing with representations of people in TEW, not characterless bits of data anymore.
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