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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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5,000 attendees, and it was suitable that there was a complaint over the lack of storylines (I had an unchained Tag one going with Angel de Mexico in), and this was one of my duller shows for a while. That’ll change soon. Hopefully. Well, certainly as long as I put more effort into the shows. *** Unleashed manages a 5.50. *** Bairei Yasuhiro’s WL Universal Title win sees WLW stride up to National level. I share five workers… at the moment. *** Emma Chase leaves DaVE, and now solely works for FWE. Quick run over the border for a show in Ontario, gives us: [B]FWE Presents... Invasion[/B] (in front of 1,466 people in Ontario): [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Ed Larkins [/COLOR]in 6.08 [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Mohammed[/COLOR] in 7.27 [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 11.44 [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in 11.32 [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I] I would note that Flash and Mohammed don’t click… but I already know. *** GCG lives up to its injury causing record, and its Bairei Yasujiro who lands on his head in a match against UK Dragon. As such, the WL Universal Title is vacated, without Yasujiro ever making a defence. *** Hugh de Aske defeats Tommy Cornell, and is one of the most over wrestlers in the US. I don’t know how USPW kept him, but I’m not so sure that I’ll be able to pull off the same trick. *** Kashmir Singh’s mini-push sees him earn in MAW contract. *** It’s a sixth (at least) A* match this year, and for the second time its Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell – this time with Andrews winning. Amazingly, it wasn’t the Main Event of the TV show – Hugh de Aske was there once more, teaming with Joel Bryant to get a win over The Amazing Bumfholes. *** Fox Mask signs a new 18 month deal with me. Almost unnoticed, a combination of his FWE work and CZCW Xtreme Title reign have taken him to B+ overness in the South West (he’s D+ to C- elsewhere). *** WLW crowns another Universal Champion, with owner Koiji Kojima defeating Americana (American Elemental) for the vacant belt, and his fourth reign. He was without it for just one week. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West Fox Mask vs Insane Machine Alicia Strong, Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Rick Sanders American Elemental and Masked Cougar (c) vs Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh for the FWE Tag Titles Brendan Idol vs Greg Gauge[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West We didn’t show highlights from last weeks show… as there weren’t any. [COLOR="Blue"]Insane Machine beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 8.52 [B](B-)[/B] -Some high flying action to start, from two men well known in the South West. Very even, the match was only won when Fox Mask flew straight into a Termination Kick. Foxy sold it damned well too. *** We get a graphic showing the Main Event, with Rock Downpour saying that we’ll be hearing from Greg as well tonight [B](B+)[/B] *** Quick Dawn the Cheerleader promo (new client coming soon!) [B](B+)[/B], but she was pushed out of the way by Kristen Pearce. She was ushering Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh through, telling the interviewer that there would be no comment before their title shot. Neither Flash or Singh looked too pleased at this assistance they were receiving [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh beat American Elemental and Masked Cougar[/COLOR] (c) by DQ in 6.57 [B](C+)[/B] -The challengers started well, but the champs soon got into a rhythm. That’s when Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson hit the ring, chairs in hand. Elemental and Cougar awaited the attack, but were confused as Thompson and Andrews struck down the challengers with a chair each, giving them the match by DQ. *** The champions tried to go to the challengers’ aid, but were warded off by the chairs of the heels. Joss Thompson grabbed a mic, and declared that Flash and Singh could have won the titles tonight – but it’s not their turn. Liberation have never had their rematch for the titles, and as the contract never stated who partnered him from Liberation, he chose Aaron Andrews as his partner for the rematch, which would happen next week at No Agents [B](B+)[/B] *** Backstage, and Hugh de Aske hyped up his allies for the night, Enforcer Roberts and Rick Sanders. De Aske said that Alicia Strong has begun her fall from grace, and would have her career finished at No Agents [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Ed Larkins[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 6.05 [B](C+)[/B] -You know what, I had the inkling that these two didn’t click, so I checked my records. Checking them again now, I see the note. Not a disaster by any means, but Larkins was never going to win. *** As Jett celebrated, Easy Emma stood up. She said that Jett needed a challenger for No Agents, and she would provide one. She had tried to give Kashmir Singh a title shot for this week, but Liberation ruined that. At No Agents the Extreme Title shouldn’t affect them, as it will be Jacob Jett defending against Kashmir Singh [B](B)[/B] *** Alicia Strong cut a promo with Gumble and Extraordinario, saying that the difference tonight was that Hugh de Aske had found two men to tag with tonight. She, on the other hand, had found two men to team with, to work together to a common goal, and that is the difference that’ll see them win [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong, Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr beat Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 12.04 [B](B-)[/B] -Strong and de Aske both dominated the other wrestlers, until we finally got the meeting between the two. Neither of them could drop the other to the match, and de Aske was the first to flinch, teaming in Roberts. As the match became messy, Extraordinario Jr flew out of the ring, taking out both Sanders and Hugh de Aske. The pirate was not happy, and proceeded to give the Mexican an out of ring beating, but concentrated on that so much that he didn’t notice Alicia Strong pinning Enforcer Roberts after a Butterfly Affect. *** De Aske looked angry, and gave Extraorindario Jr one more kick, he stormed backstage, and was caught for an interview. De Aske told Alicia Strong that maybe she was right – she had a team, he had two men he was just working with for the night. He works alone – and it’ll be just the two of them next week, so Strong will hold no advantage [B](B+)[/B] *** Liberation were shown before Greg Gauge came to the ring, and he told his allies to stay out back – if “he” showed up, he’d deal with him [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 11.21 [B](B)[/B] -Idol found himself once more in the underdog role that he plays so well, while still managing some top rope rallies. He missed an Idol drop, which left him completely exposed to the Proton Lock. *** Greg Gauge took a mic after the match, and openly said that he was worried for his brother. It’s been two weeks since he taught him so home truths at Happiness, and Mathew hasn’t been seen since. The suddenly he heard a rumour that he wrestled for FWE in Canada last week. Now, Greg wasn’t at that show, he was busy in Mexico, or Japan, he said he couldn’t remember, he was so busy nowadays, in demand all over the world (incidentally, it was OLLIE). He said that at long last he’d be able to talk to his brother again, but here he is tonight, and Mathew’s nowhere to be seen. Greg goes on to say that he knows the problem – his brother is scared. He knows that Greg is correct – Mathew is in a lower class which doesn’t get to tour Japan, which doesn’t get title shots. Greg demanded that Mathew come out, and show him wrong. Greg stared towards the entrance ramp, but Mathew didn’t appear. Greg shrugged, and said that that proved it, when suddenly Mathew jumped a guard rail and launched himself at Greg. Mathew unleashed blow after blow upon Greg, barely giving him enough time to cover up. Mathew then dragged his brother and through him against a barrier, before dumping him on the announce table. Mathew turned Greg towards a monitor, and told him to look carefully. That was his brother – not scared, not one little bit. That was his brother telling him that talk was cheap – but action spoke louder than words. That was his brother, who would be meeting him on the ring, one on one for the first time ever, at No Agents next week [B](A)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A 5,000 sellout, and an infinitely better show than last week. It was really capped off by a great segment between then two Gauge brothers, setting up their match at No Agents beautifully. It’s over two years since they joined FWE, and they finally get the chance to meet on another for genuinely the first time next week. We also booked most of the card for No Agents, which makes a change… but not necessarily for the better. *** Aaron Andrews teamed with Joss Thompson to defeat Jimmy Cox and Casey Valentine in a dark match, a match in which Aaron Andrews received a mild concussion. Although he made the main show to challenge for the Tag Titles, he was forced to go to hospital after the show, where he’s been signed off for a month. In a way it’s fortunate that he didn’t have a Warrior Title match at No Agents, so this shouldn’t affect the show too much. What happens to the Tag Match remains to be seen. Usually I could have substituted Greg Gauge in – but with his match with his brother meaning so much, I can’t justify it. *** Unleashed holds at 5.50. *** Everest takes his 5th BHOTWG Tag Title, remarkably with his 5th partner. This time it’s the underused Samoan Machine, having previously won the titles with Yasunobu Masuno, Chuichi Sanda, Toshihrau Hyobanshi and Eiji Hamacho. *** Vita leaves FWE, after nine months of never being used, but still managing to annoy my favourite wrestler, Masked Cougar. *** Trent Shaffer re-signs at Cult CGC, despite being one of the most over men in Canada. *** Jacob Jett gets to tour with PGHW, which shouldn’t cause too many scheduling conflicts. He’ll be joined by the slightly larger Bruce the Giant. *** Eric Tyler loses that DaVE Unified Title to Nevada Nuclear, in a Triple Threat match that also included Black Eagle. The rumours are going around that Tyler is to leave DaVE when his contract runs out. *** Rhino Umaga gets his second GCG Heavyweight Title reign. Interestingly, his CZCW work has made him uber over in the South West and Mexico. *** American Elemental does re-sign with me, still costing a fortune despite having taken two recent losses. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East Casey Valentine and Jimmy Cox vs Rick Sanders and Enforcer Roberts Alicia Strong vs Dragon Assassin Steve Gumble vs The Gambler Ed Larkins vs Trent Shaffer Extraordinario Jr vs Hugh de Aske[/QUOTE] Followed straight away by FWE Presents… No Agents on PPV!
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East *** We started off with Mathew Gauge’s return last week, and the end of show brawl that he partook in with his brother [B](B+)[/B] *** Greg started the show, looking a little worse for well, but still focused. He said that he didn’t want to see his brother until the PPV starts – otherwise they’ll fight here and now and there’ll be nothing left to tune in for. Greg says that he’s itching for revenge – he wasn’t beaten last week, he was caught off guard. Greg said he wanted their match to be purely about skill… now it means so much more than that [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Rick Sanders and Enforcer Roberts beat Casey Valentine and Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 9.46 [B](C+)[/B] -This match meant nothing, but as this show is much more about the angles, I needed a long match to eat up the time. This was it. *** Joss Thompson catches up with Greg Gauge backstage, and asks what they’re going to do now Aaron Andrews is out of action. Greg snorts, and says they’ll continue on as usual. Joss says that there’s no way he can do that – he’s got no partner for his Tag Title match later. Greg shrugs and tell Joss it’s not his problem – he’s 100% focused on Mathew, and his problems are his own tonight [B](B+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske cut an interview, claiming Strong’s six man victory last week was a fluke, meaning nothing. To prove it, he will permanently eliminate the man who was illegally distracting him, the “Extra Ordinary” one, while Alicia Strong watches what is going to happen to her later [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Dragon Assassin[/COLOR] in 6.03 [B](B-)[/B] -I know these two don’t click, but it really doesn’t matter her, Strong matching up to Assassin, and putting her away with the Strong Arm Tactic. *** Alicia Strong stood in the ring staring to the entranceway after the match as if daring Hugh de Aske to come out, but it wasn’t happening [B](B+)[/B] *** Joss Thompson was still pacing around the back, when he opened the door of the Tag Champions locker room. He tried for the quick exit, but the champions were quick to note that he seemed to be missing someone, before Thompson slammed the door shut [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat The Gambler [/COLOR]by DQ in 8.17 [B](C)[/B] -Gumble was well on top, and a desperation low blow got The Gambler DQ’d. *** When Gumble recovered his manly voice, he took a mic, and said that no match should end like that. He’s been recently introduced to a revolutionary new match, where wrestlers climb on overhead wires to claim the winning prize – no DQ’s, just one winner. He says that later tonight at No Agents, the US will have their first ever Wires match, and there’s an open invitation for competitors [B](C)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge cut an interview on his brother, pointedly wondering how alone he was feeling – Aaron Andrews was laid up in a hospital somewhere, Joss Thompson was looking for a new ally. Mathew said that was never the case when they were younger – they always had one another. They always competed with one another, and who could say who won those many youthful competitions – but tonight they’d be a definitive winner, and everyone will know the better man [B](B+)[/B] *** Dawn the Cheerleader came to the ring, and introduced her client – [COLOR="Purple"]KC Glenn[/COLOR]. Anybody who had been at an FWE show recently recognised him from his dark match, but no-one else did. He drawled how he was honoured to be at FWE, and Dawn invited any man to come out and face him. The challenge was answered by… the returning Plague [B](C)[/B]! [COLOR="Blue"]Plague beat KC Glenn[/COLOR] in 4.35 [B](B)[/B] -KC showed what he was made of, but just couldn’t seem to hurt Plague at all. On the other hand, with a neckbreaker, double arm DDT and then a Creeping Death, KC Glenn learnt the definition of pain tonight. *** Trent Shaffer came out, and again claimed to be the number one Canadian in the world, and challenged fellow Canadian Ed Larkins to prove him wrong [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Trent Shaffer beat Ed Larkins [/COLOR]in 5.18 [B](C-)[/B] -They don’t click. At all. Shaffer won with the Heart Burn. *** Shaffer ripped off a turnbuckle, and seemed ready to drive Larkins through it, when my only other Canadian, Steve Flash, made the save [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Extraordinario Jr[/COLOR] in 7.46 [B](B+)[/B] -I did fear that unexpected poor chemistry could have cost me the show here, but it came in the previous match, so I got away with it. Much more than that, in fact, as this was a really good match. First de Aske, then Jr had their chances, before de Aske took over. He could have had the match won at several points, but seemed to want to send a message to Alicia Strong – something that almost cost him when Jr almost got the pin with a roll up. One Cut Throat Driver later, and the match was over. *** Alicia Strong strode out to the ring, armed with a mic. She asked if she just saw correctly – did de Aske almost lose that match? She jumped up to the apron, but de Aske grabbed Jr and threw him into Strong. As they both fell outside the ring, de Aske bounded the ropes, and hit the Queen of FWE with a massive leg drop, staggering to his feet as the show ended [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I] [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… No Agents[/B] Steve Gumble’s open challenge Wires Match Steve Flash vs Trent Shaffer Mathew Gauge vs Greg Gauge American Elemental and Masked Cougar (c) vs ??? and Joss Thompson for the FWE Tag Team Titles Jacob Jett (c) vs Kashmir Singh for the FWE Extreme Title Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske in a street fight[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… No Agents [/B]on PPV Hmm, somehow I worked out that this one should only be 2 and a half hours. I was wrong. This one’s a little… crammed. *** Our hype videos concentrated on our big singles matches – The Gauge Brothers meeting for the first time, and Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske in a street fight for a Warrior Title shot [B](B+)[/B] *** We got a quick interview with Alicia Strong, being seen to backstage after being leg dropped from the ring by Hugh de Aske. Strong claims that she’s had much worse, and she’s come through much worse, and will not let this minor wound get in the way of her victory [B](B)[/B] *** We cut to the ring, and see Steve Gumble stood under intercrossing cables, with a target FWE logo hung where the cables meet. He invites the competitors out, and rolls out of the ring as Insane Machine, Brendan Idol, Fox Mask and The Gambler come out one by one. As the bell rings, Plague runs in as the sixth competitor, clotheslining down Gumble on the way into the ring [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask beat Steve Gumble, Brendon Idol, Insane Machine, Plague and The Gambler[/COLOR] in a Wires Match in 13.31 [B](C+)[/B] -Plagues going to kill me for this one. He was a monster out their, and was very disappointed not to win it. Saying that, Insane Machine wasn’t too happy either, but I’m not one to bow down to pressure. There were a few missed spots, with everyone getting used to this new set up, and it didn’t quite deliver the “Wow” moment that we thought it would. Plague was the closest to the title, but Idol dragged him down, and it was left to Fox Mask and Insane Machine to swing above the ring on different wires. They exchanged kicks, but Fox Mask’s proved telling, forcing Insane Machine to fall. Foxy swung his legs up to keep him out the way of the men below, and removed the FWE symbol before The Gambler could get to him. *** Fox Mask leaped down with his symbol of victory, scuttling off as many a glare settled upon him [B](D+)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge was the first of the brothers to cut an interview, telling Greg that tonight wasn’t about his strange alliance to Liberation. It started off with Greg claiming that Mathew wasn’t worthy – well he’s proved that he is. He’s certainly the more honourable, and now he has no choice but to prove that he’s better [B](B+)[/B] *** Small pop, as we see that Tory Tornado has returned to FWE (having been a semi-regular loanee from NOTBPW over the last few years). He shakes hands with Masked Cougar, telling him that he’s glad that he’s back and Cougar still has a title. He knows what rubbish Liberation pull, and offers to have Cougar’s back tonight [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 10.37 [B](C-)[/B] -Kashmir Singh gets his big break – a PPV match, and a title match at that. And it turns out to be against a match that he can absolutely not get into sync with in the ring whatsoever. Always the way (well, occasionally). Singh brawled well, but Jett just flew at him from every conceivable angle, taking the upper hand. This brought out Kristen Pearce who looked as if she was trying to assist Singh, but just distracted him enough for Jett to hit the Jett Take Off. *** Singh smacked the mat, and rolled out of the ring, while Jett got in Pearce’s face. He claimed that she was ruining people’s chances out here, and should stay well away from the ring in future [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] in 4.50 [B](B-)[/B] -Unexpected poor chemistry is followed by unexpected great chemistry, in a match that was unfortunately cut short due to time constraints. Shaffer’s greatest Canadian claims were put to bed with a clinical Flash win, hitting the Flash bang to end it. *** Greg Gauge hype time, and he said that Mathew was right. This wasn’t about Liberation. Aaron Andrews wasn’t here. Farrah Hesketh has been ordered to stay away – she can help Thompson find a partner if she really wants a job. This is personal. This is like all their fights as a youth – fights where Mathew got hurt. The thing is about those fights is that they were play fights – imagine what’s going to happen to Mathew in the real thing [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Mathew Gauge [/COLOR]in 19.51 [B](B+)[/B] -The two men spent a lot of time shouting at one another, before they finally broke into a great show of technical wrestling – and brawling at that too. Both tried to weakening each other’s necks and legs for the Proton Lock, but the best that anyone could apply was a Scorpion Lock from Greg, that Mathew was able to find a way to a rope to escape. Greg went for a top rope splash, but Mathew was able to roll out, and went for the Proton Lock. He didn’t quite have Greg’s legs locked in properly, so Greg was able to spin Mathew over, putting him in a pinning position. As the ref began his count, Greg increased his leverage by putting his feet on the middle rope, and Mathew was unable to break the pin. *** Totally ignoring the method of victory, Greg Gauge backed away from the ring, pointing at himself, claiming to be the greatest [B](B+)[/B] *** Joss Thompson comes down to the ring with Farrah Heskth, followed by the Tag Champions, with Troy Tornado at their side. The music died down, before Hesketh and Thompson looked towards the entranceway. The champions follow their gazes, and are completely unprepared for the attack from behind by Troy Tornado [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental and Masked Cougar (c) beat Troy Tornado and Joss Thompson[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles in 14.32 [B](B)[/B] -Tornado and Thompson dominated the first few minutes of this bout, until Masked Cougar managed to slow it down by crashing onto Tornado from the top rope. Slowly the champions got back into it, and it gradually became clear that the challengers weren’t exactly on the same page, both uneager to tag the other one in. This resulted in a full blown argument between Tornado (in ring) and Thompson (on the apron), which ended when American Elemental flew from the ring, crashing down on top of Thompson and then Hesketh, leaving Troy Tornado to Masked Cougar in the ring. Cougar fought vigourously against the man that he once called a friend, dodging s Star Masker, but hitting the High Rise Cougar Pounce for the win. *** Tory Tornado and Joss Thompson get into a right old argument after the match, which leads to the former TCW man storming off, ignoring Hesketh completely [B](B+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske cut the last prom before the Main Event, telling Alicia Strong that the games were over. No longer would her pretty features get her anywhere – this is a street fight, and she’s already injured. But even more than that – there’s a Warrior Title shot on the line, and he doesn’t need any more motivation than that to make sure that he completes the job that he started last month [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in a street fight in 27.57 [B](A)[/B] -We let these two go at it in the ring, around the ring, through the crowd, using whatever they could get there hands on. The highlights included Strong being opened up by a camera, Hugh de Aske going through a table as Strong moonsaulted from a barrier, and a double chair shot that left commentary suggesting that this match may have to end with no decision. Neither competitor were going to allow that, and got back into the ring to finsh things off, both a bloody mess. De Aske went for the Cut Throat Driver onto a chair, but Strong fought out, grabbing the chair and smashing it over the head of her opponent. He kicked out of a Butterly Effect, but finally fell to the Strong Arm tactic. *** Strong was overjoyed as her pyro went off, commentary reminding everyone how the next Warrior Title is now hers, and she could become the first woman to hold a title at FWE [B](A*)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A 15,000 sellout, and apart from a minor Extreme Title blip, a good show. Okay, I thought that the wires match could be a little better, but it did contain wrestlers from a wide area of the card. *** Two minor injuries from No Agents – Insane Machine’s ear, and Jacob Jett’s finger. Nothing too serious, with neither one missing any time. *** Unleashed draws 6.05, while the buy rate for No Agents is 2.05. Not only is this a record for us, but is also higher than any SWF PPV this year. We’re behind DaVE’s PPV’s from the beginning of the year (but they’ve changed networks, and are drawing really poor numbers currently), and way behind NOTBPW and SWF. *** Masked Cougar arrived very late for our TV show. Everyone knows that for Cougar I’ll turn a blind eye. *** Troy Tornado joined on loan to fill Andrews vacancy, with Enforcer Roberts going the other way (to NOTBPW). This was Troy Tornado’s first defeat at FWE, having previously defeated Masked Cougar, Steven Parker and Steve Gumble in singles action (and a few more in dark matches). I did try and bring in Eric Tyler when he dropped the DaVE Unified Title, but DaVE wouldn’t let me have him with contract negotiations ongoing. I haven’t posted my roster… for several years, so here is how it looks after that show (faces in blue, heels in red, with their average US overness afterwards). [B]Main Event:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong [/COLOR][B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Hugh de Aske [/COLOR][B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR][B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Greg Gauge[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Plague[/COLOR] [B](A)[/B] Possibly Cougar and the Gauges show be lower than this on the card, but what I say goes. [B]Upper Midcard:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Joss Thompson[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [B]Midcard:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jimmy Cox [/COLOR][B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]KC Glenn [/COLOR][B](F+)[/B] (deliberately overpushed by me) [COLOR="blue"]Kashmir Singh [/COLOR][B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Rick Sanders[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] (ouch, I haven’t done his career any favours) [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] (A* in NY) [COLOR="red"]Mohammed[/COLOR] [B](D+) [/B](touring with BHOTWG) [COLOR="blue"]Fox Mask[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [B]Lower Midcard:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Hell Monkey[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] (touring with BHOTWG) [COLOR="red"]Dragon Assassin[/COLOR] [B](E-)[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Gambler[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Extraordinario Jr[/COLOR] [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Fuyuko Higa[/COLOR] [B](F+) [/B](injured) [B]Openers:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR] [B](E-)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Ed Larkins[/COLOR][B] (E-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] [B](F+)[/B] [B]On Loan:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [B]Staff:[/B] Rock Downpour (announcer) Easy Emma (colour commentator) Kristen Pearce, Katie Cameron and Dawn the Cheerleader (managers) Baby Jamie (referee) Crippler Ray Kingman and Robert Oxford (Road Agents) My big problem? The huge drop off between my Main Event (who wouldn’t currently re-sign if their contract were up), and the rest of my card. I need a few more workers around the B- mark. *** It looks as if Mathew Gauge is to leave NYCW, as he’s definitely outgrown them. *** The 4C Championship moves from Sayeed Ali to Thomas Morgan. *** Henry Lee can definitely claim to have held titles all over the world, and defeats former DaVE colleague Hell Bouncer to win the SWF North American Title. *** UK Dragon signs an exclusive extension with WLW. A pity, as he’s has some fantastic matches with Greg Gauge in Mexico, and I really wanted to put them together when my hiring blocks changes. Not too happen now. *** At MAW Where It All Begins Again, new Tag Champions are crowned, after the titles were vacated when Hell Monkey left them. The new team of MAW veterans Erik Strong and Des Davids win the titles in a match against The Canadian Blondes. *** While checking where to hold my next show, I realised that No Agents has taken me to B- in the South West and South West! A third B- will be a while off, but I’m getting there. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from South West Fox Mask vs The Gambler Jacob Jett (c) vs Steve Flash for the FWE Extreme Title Troy Tornado vs Joss Thompson Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs Brendan Idol and KC Glenn[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from South West *** Alicia Strong started the show, demanding to know when Aaron Andrews would be back at FWE – when she could take her title. Farrah Hesketh informs Strong that he’ll be back when he’s good and ready, but certainly won’t be here tonight. The only member or Liberation who will wrestle tonight is Joss Thompson, to get rid of the incompetent Troy Tornado. That brings out Mathew Gauge, demanding a rematch with his brother after he cheated his way to victory. Farrah shrugs, and say that Greg isn’t here, but he shouldn’t expect a rematch – losers don’t deserve anything. Strong calms down Mathew, and informs Farrah that they will still wrestle tonight, even though Liberation are too chicken to [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 5.31 [B](C-)[/B] -A little bit of high flying action to start the night, with Fox Mask bringing down the FWE symbol that he claimed in the US’s first ever Wires Match last week. He won here too, with the Fox Hunter. *** Kristen Pearce is talking to Steve Flash about his forthcoming title shot, when Jacob Jett comes up and asks what she’s doing. She ruined Kashmir Singh’s shot, and now she thinks that she can help Flash? Who does she think Flash is – some kind of rookie? He tells Pearce to do Flash a favour – and not come to the ring [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Jacob Jett (c) [/COLOR]by DQ in 5.57 [B](B+)[/B] -Whoa! Holy fantastic match alert! This slow snippet just blew everyone away, and it was unfortunate that we had it ending prematurely, with Trent Shaffer attacking Steve Flash for the DQ. *** Pearce ran down from out back to help Flash, but she proved about as useful as ever. It was Jett who came to the rescue in the end, vaulting the top rope to crash down on Shaffer [B](B-)[/B] *** Tory Tornado cut a promo, asking Joss Thompson what his problem was. He was asked over especially to team with him to win Tag gold, and what happens? Thompson’s ego gets in the way, and he won’t even tag him in. Tornado calls Thompson an over rated flash in the pan, which he’ll prove next [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 12.58 [B](C+)[/B] -Nope, they don’t click. Well, it had to happen with Tornado one of these days. Hesketh was ringside with Thompson and tried to assist him, but Tornado’s class just shone through. Thompson did well, but eventually fell to the Star Maker. *** Masked Cougar comes out armed with a mic, and asked what the point of that match was? What was the real betrayal here – Thompson and Tornado having a falling out, or Tornado, a man he once respected, turning against him, and trying to cost him his Tag Titles. Tornado shrugged, blaming Cougar on not bringing him back, and he took the one opportunity that he was given. Cougar said that he’d give Tornado one more opportunity – wrestle him next week, and if he loses, disappear back into whichever hole Liberation found him in. Tornado smirked to himself, and said that they’ve faced once before, and it only took half of his effort to defeat Cougar. Next week, he’ll have to maybe move into third gear to get the job done, so he accepts [B](B+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske is shown backstage, noting that there’s still no Warrior Champion. He demands that Aaron Andrews is stripped of his title, and wants to be involved in any match for the vacated gold [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr drew with Brendan Idol and KC Glenn[/COLOR] in 7.31 [B](B-)[/B] -Idol and Glenn don’t work as a team, but I don’t think that I really had plans for them. This was just a high flying spot fest, ended when Insane Machine and Plague made an impact, attacking both teams. *** One by one the faces try to stand up to the attack, but one by one their met by a Termination Kick, or Creeping Death, and it was the two masked men who stand high over everyone else [B](C+)[/B] *** The faces come out for the Main Event, with Alicia Strong acknowledging Hugh de Aske’s comments about Aaron Andrews. She declares that if Andrews is stripped of the title, she doesn’t want to be given the title, she will beat whoever is put in front of her for it [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge and Alicia Strong beat Enforcer Roberts and Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 11.31 [B](B)[/B] -Despite the fact that we made the match out to be competitive, there was only going to be one winner, especially with Liberation down to just the one person today. Mathew Gauge got the win for the team, getting Sanders to tap to the Proton Lock. [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A 5,000 sellout, and a total shock in the middle as just five minutes of Jacob Jett and Steve Flash just blew everyone away. Me thinks there will be a return match. *** Unleashed holds at 6.05. [B]November:[/B] *** Haruki Kudo calls it a day as a six time BHOTWG World Champion, and is expected to become a Road Agent for them. Corporal Doom also retires, and will also probably Road Agent at TCW. *** Sad news, as OLLIE colour commentator Lorenzo Blanco passed away peacefully in his sleep. *** OLLIE finally put Greg Gauge and Black Eagle together, garnering an A rated match. *** Samoan monster Kanishoki gets a major break, signing with National WLW. Pretty good going, considering in his three years pro, he’s never had a Japanese contract, having just one short (and unsuccessful) stint at FWE. *** Seven time DaVE Unified Champion and USPW booker, Eric Tyler, suffers a major head injury in defeat to Masked Cougar in the Main Event of DaVE Snap Shot. With his contract running down, that will be his last bout there, and a DaVE legend is at an end. It’ll be also interesting to see how USPW do without one of their stars. Somewhere, a Monkey cries. *** TCW wrestler Alex Braun looks set to be released when his contract’s up. His most noticeable achievement was winning the Tag Titles with Aaron Andrews, but with the youngster going onto bigger and better things has found himself surplus to requirements. *** Mathew Gauge signs with TCW, on PPA terms due to our working agreement. Tommy Cornell and Joel Bryant seem to be using FWE as a place to find their new, young wrestlers. They also sign Lead Belly, who recently left DaVE, as well as signing up for a new Monday night show on CBA. *** Fox Mask becomes double champion at CZCW, adding the Tag Titles (with Jesse Christian) to his Extreme Title, after victory over Jim Force and James Prudence. *** FWE sign Freddie Datsun, who left TCW last month having retired in June. He would certainly be an adequate road agent, but we’re wondering if we can get the odd match or two out of him yet. *** Amber Allen may have her big break, as she’s signed on for 5SW’s next tour. *** Larry Wood books himself to an SWF Title reign, taking the North American Title off Henry Lee in his first defence. It’s actually Japan where he’s having more success – he’s a current six times WL Streetfighting Champion. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England Steve Gumble and Extraordinaro Jr vs Plague and Insane Machine Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and KC Glenn vs Enforcer Roberts, Rick Sanders and Casey Valentine Steve Flash vs Trent Shaffer Masked Cougar vs Troy Tornado[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England *** Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge started off the show, wondering if Liberation were around to answer any questions this week, or were they still hiding away. This brought Hesketh, Thompson and Greg Gauge out, wondering what the two in the ring really wanted. Alicia Strong had her title match – she’d just have to wait and see when she’s get it. Mathew Gauge – he was a loser, and deserved nothing. Hesketh claimed Liberation were never scared, and would prove it with a match, next [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge beat Brendon Idol and Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 7.46 [B](B-)[/B] -The two high fliers had typical underdog rallies, but Idol got double teamed by Liberation, and Greg made him tap to the Proton Lock. *** Easy Emma caught up with Farrah Hesketh, and told them that she needed an answer as to when Andrews was coming back. Hesketh shook her head, telling Emma that only the doctors could say that. Emma brought up the possibility of stripping Andrews’ title, which Hugh de Aske overheard, and he was all for the idea. Hesketh changed tune, and said that maybe by next week she’s have an answer, bringing a smile to Easy Emma. She said she would give Hesketh that extra week, but only if she did something for her [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague and Insane Machine beat Steve Gumble and Extraordinaro Jr[/COLOR] in 5.32 [B](B)[/B] -The new high flying duo revealed last week took apart Gumble and Jr, Plague pinning Gumble to take the win. *** Masked Cougar hyped up his match with Troy Tornado, focusing on how he was once a friend, but had now completely betrayed him [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Trent Shaffer [/COLOR]in 5.38 [B](A*)[/B] -And the reward for surprise A* match ever goes too… Steve Flash and Trent Shaffer! Sure, these two have chemistry, but a couple of weeks ago they garnered a B- rated match. Flash has scored a few wins since then but… I’m staggered. Anyway, this was also known as a Steve Flash showcase, and he won with the Flash Bang. *** Steve Flash went backstage, and met up with Kashmir Singh and Kristen Pearce. Pearce congratulated Flash on his win, and said that she was sure that Singh could follow it up. She said was going to see Easy Emma, and get the Extreme Title rematch that he deserved [B](D-)[/B] [I]Let’s just hope the crowd remember Flash’s match[/I] *** Alicia Strong cut a promo, firstly criticising Hugh de Aske for trying to slide his way into a title match – a match that she beat him to be in. She moved onto Farrah Hesketh, convinced that the woman was playing games, and if she doesn’t reveal the situation with Andrews, de Aske may very well get that title shot [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and KC Glenn beat Enforcer Roberts, Rick Sanders and Casey Valentine[/COLOR] in 10.35 [B](B-)[/B] -Mathew Gauge really dialled in his performance for this one, perhaps hoping he could get away with it with five other wrestlers around. KC Glenn was the face in distress, but survived to bring in his high class allies. Strong even tagged Glenn in, who hit Valentine with the Tuning Up The Sunshine Band and took the pin. *** We cut backstage, to where Hesketh and Greg Gauge were in the middle of a hushed argument. Hesketh told Greg that he had to do it for his boss, leading the youngster to turn to the camera, and said he was accepting his brother’s challenge to a rematch at Fireworks. However, just because he was forced into this, doesn’t mean that the match won’t be under his terms. He proved to be the master of the Proton Lock at No Agents, and will only sign up for the match if Mathew agrees to meet him in an Ultimate Submissions match [B](B+)[/B] *** Troy Tornado hype. He claims to have never been a friend of Masked Cougar – and will do the same thing as he did the one time they’ve previously met in the ring – pin him 1-2-3 [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Troy Tornado [/COLOR]in 12.50 [B](B)[/B] -Last match in a trade – who really thought that Troy would get the win? We did book him as a star, with Masked Cougar digging deep to pull out everything in a repertoire, which included his own Star Maker for the win. *** Cougar rolled out of the ring, but was met by a kick to the head by Insane Machine. Plague threw him against the barrier, which brought out American Elemental to help his Tag partner. With Cougar out of it though, American Elemental suffered, being left down and out by the Memory Remains from Plague [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A 5,000 sell, out and an extraordinarily good match in the middle which was most unexpected. Steve Flash was more over in New England (not quite sure why), and has now moved above my midcard in overall popularity. *** Unleashed scores 6.08. *** Troy Tornado finishes his spell at FWE, having taken his first singles defeat with us to Masked Cougar. *** NOTBPW sign up to a third show – High Velocity, which will be shown on GNN. *** Cameron Vessey wins his first professional title, defeating Stevie Grayson to take the WL Tap Out Championship. And, as we’re pushing growth in the Mid Atlantic: [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents... Invasion[/B] from the Mid Atlantic (attendance 6,978) [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 7.18[B] (B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Freddie Datsun [/COLOR]in 10.56 [B](A)[/B] [I]Wow. That wasn’t chemistry either.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash beat Trent Shaffer [/COLOR]in a ladder match in 16.25 [B](A*)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I][/QUOTE] *** I promise that’ll be the only Flash / Shaffer match that I run there – but I couldn’t resist the opportunity of that one. The Thompson / Datsun match was a huge surprise. *** At USPW, former World Champion Valiant defeats the big ugly lug known as T-Rex to win the National Title. *** Hell’s Bouncer leaves NYCW (his career continues at SWF and DaVE). Is it wrong that if my blocks were different I’d make a play for him? *** Jacob Jett signs a new 18 month deal with me. Suffice it to say, it cost me a fortune. *** Mathew Gauge Main Events the latest TCW show. But in defeat to Fred Garcia – who has somehow got over. *** As predicted, Mathew Gauge leaves NYCW. *** Fuyuko Higa is allowed to leave FWE, her contract having expired. She’s still out injured for a few months, but we’ll keep an eye on her rehab at 5SW. *** Current SWF and DaVE Tag Team Champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith signs onto GCG’s next tour. *** Farrah Hesketh obviously likes the look of KC Glenn, bringing the youngster to DaVE. GCG were also interested. *** Eisaku Kunomasu and Buddy Garner make it three years running winning the PGHW Elite Tag Team Series. They’ve never won either of the Tag belts. *** An injured Eric Tyler does leave DaVE. A legend ends. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] the South West Jimmy Cox vs Hugh de Aske Jacob Jett and Kashmir Singh vs The Gambler and Ed Larkins KC Glenn vs Casey Valentine Masked Cougar vs Plague Alicia Strong vs Joss Thompson And the signing for Gauge vs Gauge II[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]the South West [I]I tell you what, this Freddie Datsun isn’t too bad – he’s just pulled out a second A match in the dark.[/I] *** Easy Emma started off, calling out first Alicia Strong, then Aaron Andrews. Strong came out, but in Andrews replacement was Farrah Hesketh. Hesketh pleaded for more time, but Emma refused – Fireworks is just seven days away, and she wants the big matches signed up right now. Hesketh promised there would be an answer by the end of the night – and Emma responded that she hoped that she wasn’t being made to waste her time [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 6.42 [B](B+)[/B] -Resident jobber Jimmy Cox rocks. And loses. *** Hugh de Aske grabbed a mic, and reminded Emma who should be in line to Main Event Fireworks when Andrews fails to fulfill the demands set upon him by being a title holder [B](B+)[/B] *** Masked Cougar and American Elementals hype the fact that they will defend their Tag Titles against Plague and Insane Machine at Fireworks next week, and Cougar / Plague will be a warm up tonight [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett and Kashmir Singh beat The Gambler and Ed Larkins[/COLOR] in 6.59 [B](C+)[/B] -We’ll put this one down as a no contest, which shouldn’t surprise anyone as its 14 months since The Gambler won a match at FWE. Jett pinned him after a Jett Take Off. *** Flash congratulated Singh after he’d left the ring, and Kristen Pearce said that she was proud of her client. She also revealed that Emma had given her the next Extreme Title shot, and she was going to get Singh signed up for it [B](D)[/B] *** Pearce and Singh walked away down the corridors out back, when they were suddenly set upon by Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson. As Pearce screamed the building down Singh got double teamed, before being drilled headfirst to the ground [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]KC Glenn beat Casey Valentine[/COLOR] in 7.16[B] (D)[/B] -I had Glenn against many men in the dark, yet chose not to put him against Valentine, so did not see this poor chemistry coming. Tuning Up The Sunshine Band won it, and I promise the next two matches will be better. *** Joss Thompson cut a quick promo, claiming that he deserved an Extreme Title shot now that Singh was out of the picture, and Easy Emma knew where to find him [B](B)[/B] *** Pearce was shown with Emma, telling her that she couldn’t guarantee that Singh would be fit for next week, as he was going for a scan. Emma apologised, and said that her rules for Aaron Andrews had to apply here – she needed the Extreme Title match booked tonight. Pearce looked frustrated, before asking if she could substitute someone else in. Emma told her that the shot was her to dish out how she pleased, so Pearce announced that Steve Flash would be given the shot [B](B-)[/B] *** After that one was settled, we headed to the ring, and it was contract signing time. Hosted by Easy Emma (I think she’ll be overused tonight), first Greg Gauge and the Mathew Gauge came out. Before they signed, Greg set out his conditions, as this would be the match of his choosing. It would be an Ultimate Submissions match, with whoever gains the most submissions in thirty minutes declared the winner. There will be no draw – if it is even at thirty, then the match continues. Mathew never took his eyes off his brother, and asked Greg if he though he would win. Greg said he guaranteed it, so Mathew suggested one more condition. If Greg thinks he can win fair and square, he won’t mind that if a wrestler gains a disqualification, it will count as two falls against him. Greg started to shake his head, but as the crowd started to call him yellow, he changed his mind and signed the contract, closely followed by his brother [B](A*)[/B] *** The two brothers went eyeball to eyeball, leaving Joss Thompson clear to sneak it take Mathew down to the mat. Mathew rolled through and pulled himself up on the ring ropes, levering a charging Greg over the ropes. Thompson forcibly followed Greg, leaving Mathew in the ring to tell Greg that if he tried that next week, he’d already be 2-0 down [B](B+)[/B] ***Alicia Strong cut a quick promo, announcing that she thought Hesketh and Andrews were trying to hold onto the Warrior Title for all their worth – but if he can’t defend it, he must relinquish it [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar drew with Plague[/COLOR] in 11.32 [B](A)[/B] -Hopefully the crowd have forgotten about the rookie match up earlier by now. These two went hell for leather at one another, watched by their partners (who we allowed to rest, as were both also working a busy WLW schedule this month). First it was in the ring, then they started pulling off moves from the ring down to outside, and finally it ended with all four men in the ring. Which was at about the time the match was called a no contest. *** Insane Machine and American Elemental stop at the sound of the bell, but it had no affect on the two actual participants. They continue to roll about the ring, and have to be dragged away from one another by their partners [B](B+)[/B] *** Joss Thompson comes out for the Main Event ready to cut a promo. Strong cuts him off, telling him he’s failed tonight – he hasn’t got an Extreme Title shot, Mathew Gauge wupped him, and his boss is about to lose his title. She says all that’s left is for him to lose in the middle of the ring[B] (B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] by DQ in 10.55 [B](B)[/B] -Another non finish is slightly bad booking – but what better way for Aaron Andrews to announce that he will be defending his title than by attacking his challenger when she had the better of Thompson? *** Just to remind everyone how mean Andrews was after a month out, we continued the booking for several minutes, leaving Alicia Strong a bloody mess in the ring [B](A*)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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A 5,000 sell out, and a B+ show with a D rated match. I’ll take that. Now that Aaron Andrews has returned all three title matches have been signed for Fireworks next week (which will run directly after Unleashed), as well as Gauge vs Gauge II in an Ultimate Submissions match. *** Unleashed draws 6.36. *** Despite Eric Tyler’s concussion, he re-signs with USPW and will continue to book their shows. *** A stellar TCW Showdown. Raul Darkness defeated Groucho Bling to take the Areana Championship, before Aaron Andrews and Tommy Cornell went to a no result in an A* rated Main Event. *** Sayeed Ali signs with NYCW after being a success at CZCW. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]the South East Steve Flash vs The Gambler Fox Mask vs Hugh de Aske Jimmy Cox vs Rick Sanders Brendan Idol and Extraordiario Jr vs Enforcer Roberts and Casey Valentine Steve Gumble vs Joss Thompson Plus the build up to Fireworks![/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]the South East *** So our Main Event mostly aren’t wrestling this show, but they’re damned sure going to hype up Fireworks, which starts as soon as we go off air here. It’s Alicia Strong to hype her title match first, with Aaron Andrews and Farrah Hesketh out afterwards to claim that they always knew he would be back – and just waited until Strong had let slip her defenses. Alicia Strong shrugged pointing out how each beating made her a stronger woman – potentially the first woman to hold a title at FWE [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 6.49 [B](C+)[/B] -Our Extreme Title contender gets a warm up, winning with the Flash Bang. *** Joss Thompson cuts a backstage promo to complain about how he’s been screwed out of an Extreme Title shot. Which isn’t really true, but heels will complain [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Jimmy Cox [/COLOR]in 7.46 [B](C)[/B] -Reasonable technical encounter, won by the boss (Sanders). *** After Sanders dispatched Cox we allowed him a mic (he has improved since when he started up FWE), calling out KC Glenn. The youngster appears with Dawn the Cheerleader, while Sanders ranted about how Glenn’s victory in six man tag action a couple of weeks ago. Sanders tell Glenn not to revel in the victory caused by his stronger associates then – later tonight, he wants him one on one, to teach him how much he’d got to learn [B](C-)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge was backstage talking to Alicia Strong about his match with Greg Gauge later, when his brother stormed in with Joss Thompson, chairs in hand. They stopped abruptly when they noticed American Elemental and Masked Cougar join Mathew Gauge, before slowly moving away. Mathew just shook his head, wondering what else Greg would try to do to get an advantage for their match [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 6.32 [B](B)[/B] -Something for de Aske to do. *** After the match Hugh de Aske complained once more about the lack of credible wrestlers for him to face. He’s left with no one to face at Fireworks, having either beaten everyone, or having to wait while someone else gets a title shot ahead of him. The crowd pop when the music of [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] hits, refuting that claim. He says he’s come back to FWE – and what does he find? Hugh de Aske claiming to have beaten everyone. Mainstream Hernandez brings up a video of the one time they have faced, at The Grind earlier this year, when Hernandez cleanly pinned de Aske. The pirate angrily asks if that’s a challenge, and when Hernandez nodded, de Aske said that he would definitely accept he chance to set history straight [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol and Extraordiario Jr beat Enforcer Roberts and Casey Valentine[/COLOR] in 9.39 [B](C+)[/B] -Roberts looked strong, but Valentine weak, leaving him to take the pin from Idol. *** Kristen Pearce found Jacob Jett backstage, asking if he thought she had made a mistake by giving Steve Flash the Extreme Title shot. Jett refuted it, pointing out how Thomspon had no claim to the challenge – simply eliminating Kashmir Singh from the picture hardly counted. Jett asked Pearce how Singh was, but Pearce had not seen the man since last week [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 12.50 [B](B+)[/B] -Wow, this one turned out to be far better than expected, especially as Steve Gumble is beginning to become the forgotten man of FWE. He lasted quite a long time, only falling to a Clean Cutter after an unseen low blow. *** After the match Kashmir Singh slid into the ring, and went right after Thompson. The Liberation member had enough wits about him to defend himself, before rolling out of the ring, probably wondering what Kashmir Singh was doing ending a TV show [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I] *** B+? Better than all the shows I ran in October? I guess people are hyped for the PPV. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Fireworks:[/B] KC Glenn vs Rick Sanders Mathew Gauge vs Greg Gauge in an Ultimate Submissions Match Mainstream Hernandez vs Hugh de Aske American Elemental and Masked Cougar (c) vs Plague and Insane Machine for the FWE Tag Team Titles Jacob Jett (c) vs Steve Flash for the FWE Extreme Title Aaron Andrews (c) vs Alicia Strong for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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KC Glenn vs Rick Sanders [B]Mathew Gauge[/B] vs Greg Gauge in an Ultimate Submissions Match Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] [B]American Elemental and Masked Cougar (c)[/B] vs Plague and Insane Machine for the FWE Tag Team Titles Jacob Jett (c) vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] for the FWE Extreme Title [B]Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] vs Alicia Strong for the FWE Warrior Title I didn't read back far enough so I don't know about the Sanders/Glenn match. I picked Matt because Gregg ditched me in my CZCW and I'm bitter. You seem to have stuff for Hugh to do so I see him winning. The tag match is full of all my favorites but I'm gonna go for the good guys. You will rarely if ever see me pick against Steve Flash. As great as Alicia is I'm not a big fan of mixed gender matches.
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[B]FWE Presents… Fireworks[/B] on PPV: *** Highlights of our opening video included Aaron Andrews attacking Alicia Strong, Mainstream Hernandez challenging Hugh de Aske, and the Ultimate Submissions match made between the Gauge brothers [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental and Masked Cougar (c) beat Plague and Insane Machine[/COLOR] by DQ in 15.36 [B](C+)[/B] -I don’t like PPV matches ending in disqualifications. Nonetheless, I want this feud to continue, so a very even contest which saw both Cougar and Plague hitting finishing moves did end in DQ, after Plague DDT’d American Elemental into a ringside chair. *** We cut backstage, where Liberation (Andrews, Greg Gauge and Thompson) were together for the first time in a while, claiming to be unbeatable as a unit [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 5.47 [B](B)[/B] -Commentary announced that this match had been made just before the PPV started, after Thompson cost Kashmir Singh a shot at the Extreme Title last week. Unfortunately it was plain to see that Singh was not fit for the match, and Thompson made him tap to the Joss Lock. *** Thompson took a mic after the match, and told Singh that his anger was misplaced. It was Kristen Pearce who gave away his Extreme Title shot – and he never got it, so he’s after the wrong person [B](B+)[/B] *** Jacob Jett got in a quick hype for said Extreme Title defence, telling Steve Flash that he deserved the shot, and Thompson that he was just jealous that he never got given it[B] (B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 10.58 [B](B+)[/B] -Strong, and incredibly even match. Joss Thompson came out to attack Flash, but Kashmir Singh came out to the rescue. However, when Flash turned his back Singh produced a lead pipe, and blasted Flash over the back of the head. Jett, having missed the attack, caught Flash as he fell into his and hit the Jett Take Off, and made the pin, unaware that Flash was unconscious. *** As Jett celebrated, Singh entered the ring, issuing Flash a stiff kick. A confused Jett looked on, before being thrown out of the ring by Singh. Kristen Pearce rushed out to the ring, but Singh just yelled at her that it was all her fault, before storming off [B](B)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske came out, claiming that this evening he would right a great wrong. At The Grind this year, he was defeated by Mainstream Hernandez – but what if he had won. In the next round Hernandez beat Strong – he’d done that before. And then in the final, it was Aaron Andrews – the first time the two would have met in one on one action. He doesn’t know what would have happened – but he could have won it, and there was just one persons fault that he didn’t – Mainstream Hernandez [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] in 15.36 [B](A)[/B] -Wow, these two really stepped it up form their meeting at The Grind – and I’ll have to say, it’s really Hugh de Aske that has gone to the next level, leapfrogging Mainstream Hernandez at TCW. Although Hernandez got to showcase his much missed moves, de Aske got his knees up against the Apparition #14, and proceeded to hit the Cut Throat Driver for the win. *** Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge cut a joint promo for their respective matches against members of Liberation, claiming to be as strong as an alliance, and certainly honourable. Mathew Gauge reminded everyone how any attack on him in the Ultimate Submissions match would earn Greg a DQ and two falls against him, evening the scales right up [B](A*)[/B] *** At that point, Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson stormed in with chairs, this time with Plague and Insane Machine along as allies. The masked duo stormed right in, but the two Liberation members stopped when Brendan Idol, Steve Gumble, Masked Cougar, American Elemental and Jacob Jett came to the faces aid. Gauge and Thompson split, leaving the other faces to chase off the remaining heels [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]KC Glenn beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 8.37 [B](D+)[/B] -What this match was doing on PPV I’m not quite sure. Although Sanders dominated the match, he played to the crowd a little too much, getting caught with the Tuning Up The Sunshine Band, which was enough for the pin. *** Easy Emma came down to the ring, and brought out the two Gauge brothers. She went over the rules of the Ultimate Submissions match, reminding everyone how the person with the most submissions falls after 30 minutes would be the winner, else the match would go to sudden death. She also reminded, particularly Greg Gauge, that any DQ would count as two falls against [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] in an Ultimate Submissions match by 4 falls to three in 30.23 [B](A*)[/B] -Their matches have just got better and better, and the Main Event will have a lot to live up to. Early in the match Joss Thompson sneaked down to the ring and set off a pyro right next to Mathew Gauge’s head, leaving him dazed and confused. Greg swooped in for the first fall after just the Scorpion Lock, which Mathew quickly tapped to ([B]3.24 Greg 1, Mathew 0[/B]). Even after the ten second recovery period Mathew didn’t have his bearings, and floundered widely in the ring to keep Mathew at bay. He flailing caught ref Baby Jamie in the jaw, who harshly called the DQ, giving Greg two more falls ([B]4.11 Greg 3, Mathew 0[/B]). For the next couple of minutes Mathew was purely on the defensive, but soon got himself going again. After two failed submission attempts, Greg brought a chair into the ring and blatantly attacked Mathew with him. He got in three crunching blows before being disarmed and DQ’s, but Rock Downpour on commentary thought that Greg may have thought that he still had the leave, and how now left Mathew seriously injured ([B]15.42 Greg 3, Mathew 2[/B]). Again Mathew had to fight on the defensive, using every reversal and every rope break to save his skin. Greg went for the Scorpion Lock, but as he went to lock up Mathew’s neck, Mathew managed to get a neck lock on Greg. With half of the Proton Lock applied on each man, both were crying out in agony before Greg was the first to tap ([B]26.46 Greg 3, Mathew 3[/B]). Mathew almost managed to capitalize upon the restart, going for a crossface, but Greg reversed, and Mathew had to scramble to the ropes to escape for a Boston Leg Crab. Greg hauled Mathew to his shoulders, but again Mathew managed to get his arms around Greg’s neck. Greg tried to drop his brother over the ropes, but Mathew hung on, and dropped Greg’s neck to the ropes. As Greg spun back into the ring, Joss Thompson came out once more, but Mathew flew off the apron and hit the Liberation member with a flying dropkick that left both men out. Greg dragged his brother in, and as they went into the final minute applied the Figure Four Leg Lock. First Mathew reversed, and then Greg, before Mathew finally got to ropes. Greg went to kick Mathew, but he caught the leg and applied the ankle lock, before landing an elbow on Mathew in the middle of the ring, and locking in the Proton Lock. Time expired, but the Sudden Death started instantly, and Greg had nowhere to run, and tapped out ([B]30.23 Mathew 4, Greg 3[/B]) *** Mathew left triumphantly, but backstage Hesketh rejected that result as affecting the Main Event in any way. She told Alicia Strong that Aaron Andrews wasn’t the only two Warrior Champion out of luck – his skill and resilience wins through every time. Hesketh jumped a mile when Strong came up next to her, reminding her that skill and resilience were two aspects she found very important, and would never go to the ring without [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Alicia Strong[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 24.43 [B](B+)[/B] -I’ll be honest – we’ve seen this match a few times before, and we got much the same again – Andrews’ as the bully, Strong making comebacks. Strong was opened up again, and gradually run out of energy, falling to a Joss Thompson attack while Hesketh distracted the ref, allowing Andrews to debut the Omega Driver on her. *** Rock Downpour really sold the Omega Driver, and Hesketh encouraged him to repeat the trick. Fortunately Mathew Gauge was down for the save, dragging Strong from the ring [B](A*)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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9,841 attendees is our lowest for a while, but anyone who wasn’t there, or didn’t buy it, missed out on a hell of a good show. There was a complaint that Mathew Gauge was slightly overused, but… tough. Breakout match for the youngster. *** Fireworks draws 2.09, and was more successful than any DaVE PPV this year. Arguably we’re the Number 2 promotion in the US at the moment (ignoring NOTBW, who hold equal popularity in the US as in Canada). Unleashed drew 6.38. *** Fireworks also goes down in the record books as my best show booked ever. *** Trent Shaffer leaves FWE with his contract expiring. He did work a dark match at Fireworks… where typically I find he has really good chemistry with Fox Mask. *** Mainstream Hernandez is currently in on a loan deal worked out with DaVE, his TCW career yet to take off. *** Current MAW Tag Champion Des Davids signs with DaVE. They may very well have seen a great B- rated match that he had with Rhino Umaga at CZCW, which is easily his best ever match. *** USPW look to finally be done with Al the Hillbilly – but unbelievably they seem to be interested in renewing Pete’s contract. *** Ronnie V Pain shatters his elbow in TCW against Joe Sexy, ending his recent push. *** With Tyler injured, the only thing going for them seems to be a Hugh de Aske / Runaway Train feud. Fortunately for them, it’s going well, with them pulling out B rated matches against one another. *** Brett Biggz gets his first contract since quitting since leaving SWF for bigger pastures. It’s at 4C. Way to go. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic Brendan Idol vs The Gambler Mathew Gauge vs Rick Sanders Mainstream Hernandez vs Insane Machine Alicia Strong vs Enforcer Roberts[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic *** Aaron Andrews opened the show, boasting as usual, before Hugh de Aske came out to challenge him for the Warrior Title. Then Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge joined the mix, leaving Andrews to shrug, and let the management sort out who would be beaten by him. He did point out that Alicia Strong should be careful though, as she’s facing a man who has beaten her before in the Main Event tonight [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 5.47 [B](B-)[/B] -We let these two put on some hard hitting high flying action for the opener, Idol winning with the Key Change. *** Out back, Kristen Pearce is shown demanding to know why Kashmir Singh attacked Steve Flash last week. Singh tells her that Flash cost him a title shot, and he got his revenge. Pearce just shook her head, asking him who he was going to have partnering him against Jacob Jett and Steve Flash tonight, to which Joss Thompson strolled over, saying it would be him. Pearce stared on incredulously, before Joss told Pearce that they didn’t need her [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 8.03 [B](B)[/B] -Good technical encounter, but with Sanders having lost to KC Glenn last week, his wasn’t winning here, and Mathew dropped him with the 12 Gauge. *** Hugh de Aske bemoaned to Easy Emma that he wasn’t on the card tonight, while he should be Main Eventing, winning the title that he knows could be his. Emma tried to calm him down, and told him that tonight’s show was full – but there was an opening next week. She said he could fight any wrestler he wanted – and told him to prove he was worthy of TV time [B](A*)[/B] *** We got a short video, showing Kashmir Singh attacking Steve Flash last week on PPV, for those who missed it [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett and Steve Flash drew with Kashmir Singh and Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 8.36 [B](B+)[/B] -Apparently Singh and Thompson don’t work as a team, but considering how great this match was, I’m surprised that the road agent (Robert Oxford) noticed. Both teams took this one seriously, with Singh eager to get the pin. Too eager, as he constantly missed the chance to tag Thompson in. Eventually Thompson waltzed over to Singh, and dragged him off Steve Flash, and asked him what the hell was he was doing. A shoving match started, and as the ref tried to split them up Greg Gauge hit the ring, and hit Flash with a 12 Gauge. Jacob Jett vaulted the roped onto Gauge, and the ref turned to see a fight behind him, a fight in front of him, and just gave up. *** Singh and Thompson paused, looked at one another, and then joined Greg Gauge, forcing the faces from the ring, and leaving no-one sure if what just happened had been planned or not [B](B-)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge was shown talking to Alicia Strong, and told her to watch herself for any tricks that Andrews’ would play tonight. That brought the Warrior Champion over, denying that he had any interest in her match. He’s seen Roberts make tap Alicia Strong before – taking away her power at FWE, so he already knows what will happen later [B](B+)[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez was with Tag Champions American Elemental and Masked Cougar, and he told them that this was his last night with FWE. He said that he wouldn’t go out on a whimper – he’d help put the crazy Insane Machine in his place [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 8.11 by DQ [B](B)[/B] -A no result followed by a DQ – that’s poor booking. Ah well. Hernandez and Insane Machine simultaneously hit the Super / Termination Kick, leaving both men down and out. Plague decided that was the best time to attack Hernandez, hitting a leg drop on him, and earning his partner the DQ. -Plague dragged Hernandez out to the floor, and drove him headfirst into the ground. American Elemental and Masked Cougar were out to attempt the save, but the damage had already been done, and Hernandez left on a stretcher [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] in 14.07 [B](B+)[/B] -If you count their previous singles matches over the last couple of years, this was actually the rubber match, Strong having knocked Roberts out of The Grind, after losing to him to lose her control of FWE to Rick Sanders (who went on to lose it to Easy Emma). Roberts proved a worthy opponent, but just isn’t heading back into the Main Event, and Strong put him away with the Butterfly Effect. ***Strong posed for the cameras, leaving commentary to suggest that she was still a worthy challenger for Aaron Andrews. We did cut over to Andrews who was leaving the arena, who grunted that Alicia Strong didn’t deserve to face him ever again [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A nice 5,000 sell out, and strong all round show to cap off the month. *** Unleashed draws 6.17, quite a dip on our pre-PPV show. *** Mainstream Hernandez leaves FWE, going back to DaVE (he’s also at TCW and CGC). [B]December:[/B] *** Well, TCW A Little South of Insanity, as well as being a great show, had a surprise of two. Guide defeating RDJ for the TCW International Title was one. Insane Machine wrestling Christian Faith in a dark match was another (he hasn’t joined – it was a trade). But the main surprise was the Main Event between Mathew Gauge and Joey Minnesota, which Mathew sensationally won to win the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at his first attempt – in fact in just his second ever TCW match (he lost his first to Fred Garcia, which I’m guess was Minnesota interference caused). *** Monday night is officially wrestling night, with new shows from the two biggest promotions in the world – TCW and NOTBPW. The Canadian promotion drew an impressive 29.19, a number dwarfed by TCW’s massive 48.42 *** My friend Otsune Tsumaru teams with Yoko Ikina to win the 5SW Tag Team Titles off Seek and Destroy, Tsumaru ditching her usual partner. *** At NOTBPW, Acid takes the Unlimited Action Title off Dark Angel, for his first title at NOTBPW. At 5SW their main title changes hands for the first time, with DEVIL Karube dethroning Gorgon. *** Masked Cougar signs up to tour with WLW… again. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic Steve Flash vs Kashmir Singh Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs Rick Sanders and Mohammed Jacob Jett and KC Glenn vs Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge vs Aaron Andrews and Enforcer Roberts[/QUOTE]
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[B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Kashmir Singh [B]Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr[/B] vs Rick Sanders and Mohammed Jacob Jett and KC Glenn vs [B]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson[/B] [B]Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge[/B] vs Aaron Andrews and Enforcer Roberts Steve Flash is always the way to go. I'm getting a lot of good matches out of Extraordinario and you can too. It's hard to bet against a team with a Gauge on it.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: *** Aaron Andrews and Farrah Hesketh start off the evening, with Andrews demanding to know who his opponent will be at No Agents. Easy Emma says she hasn’t decided, at which point Andrews cuts her off, demanding that Alicia Strong not be given another shot. Emma says that she was impressive last week, but Andrews dismisses Enforcer Roberts skills, and says it wasn’t a true test. Emma stops him going any further, telling Andrews she will watch what happens tonight, and then give him her decision [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/COLOR] in 7.13 [B](C+)[/B] -With BHOTWG resting, Rick Sanders resumes his team with Mohammed – unsuccessfully. It’s Mohammed who takes the Siempre Peleandro for the Mexican in the losing effort. *** Quick shot of Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge backstage, where Alicia is telling Gauge that if they can pin Andrews in the Main Event, they’d both have to be considered title contenders [B](A)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske comes out, and we’re reminded that Easy Emma challenged him to find a decent opponent to fight tonight. De Aske says that he’s stepped outside FWE, as he’s beaten away everyone there – but he’s found someone that FWE have cheered as one of there own not once, but twice. He introduces his opponent – Jungle Jack [B](B)[/B]. [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Jungle Jack[/COLOR] in 8.55 [B](B+)[/B] -I’ve always been a Jack fan, and after two short spells in FWE’s infancy, we got to bring him back for a truly great match. He was immediately on top, getting the crowd on his side, and his momentum only stopped when de Aske raked his eyes. It was an excellent brawl, ending when de Aske fought out of the Jungle Jack Jammer, and hit the Cut Throat Driver. *** De Aske heads backstage, and he comes across Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge. Hugh asks where the boss is, as he’s going to demand a title shot. The two Liberation members claim negligence, leaving de Aske to wonder off. Greg pauses, watching Steve Flash head to the ring, before motioning to Thompson to follow him [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 8.05 [B](C+)[/B] -This could have been a blow off match on PPV, but I’m moving Flash elsewhere, so he got his win here. It wasn’t clean cut, as Thompson distracted the ref, and Greg Gauge tripped Flash to the mat. The brought Jett and KC Glenn out in Flash’s aid – Glenn even putting Flash’s boot on the bottom rope to help him out. With no more interference Flash’s quality showed, hitting the Flash Bang on Singh for the win. *** The two teams outside the ring continued to fight, until Easy Emma stood up, and told them to get into the ring and actually compete in their scheduled match [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson beat Jacob Jett and KC Glenn[/COLOR] in 8.41 [B](B-)[/B] -The former champions showed more unity in the ring than Glenn and Jett – which wasn’t helped by Kashmir Singh pulling Glenn from the apron, allowing Gauge and Thompson to double team Jett, Thompson pinning the Extreme Champion. *** A graphic flashes up that we’ll see Plague and Insane Machine challenge Masked Cougar and American Elemental for the Tag Team Title at No Agents in a Wires match (they did appear in dark matches – but we couldn’t fit them onto the show) [B](B)[/B] *** Andrews and Roberts come out for the Main Event, Andrews giving the orders to Roberts, with the veteran not looking too happy. Not a surprise considering how Andrews dismissed him as a credible threat at the beginning of the show [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge beat Aaron Andrews and Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] in 14.50 [B](B)[/B] -Roberts did his share of work, but Andrews continued to berate him, until his just got fed up and left. He was met by Thompson and Greg Gauge, but he just pushed past them and walked out, leaving Andrews in the ring to fall to a Butterfly Effect. *** Easy Emma stands up, and her mind is made. Firstly, after Thompson pinned Jacob Jett earlier he will get an Extreme Title shot at No Agents (B+). Andrews nods, but Emma goes on to say that by the same logic Alicia Strong should get a Warrior Title shot. Andrews starts to protest, but Emma holds her hand up, pointing out that we had seen that before, and wanted to see something new. Therefore, Strong will be just one contender, as Hugh de Aske and Mathew Gauge will also be contending in a Fatal Four Way at No Agents. Lets just say Andrews wasn’t impressed [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I] [I]And with 4 out of 4 Apupunchau wins, beating... er well done![/I]
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*** Unleashed scores 6.36, as we book our PPV slightly earlier as it won’t be on a Saturday (due to Japan tours being kind to me this month). We got another 5,000 sell out, and another decent all round show. *** Jungle Jack’s appearance was a one off trade that saw Insane Machine take on Christian Faith at TCW last week. Jack left twice before due to other contracts, but this performance showed that he’ll always be welcome back. *** Rocky Golden and Mick Muscles form a tag team with potential at CGC, and win the titles of The Gilberts. *** Has Japan run out of fliers? I ask as WLW two new signings are the monster Marat Khokluv, and the only slightly smaller 6’7” Sozen Ishinomori. *** DEVIL Karube’s 5SW Triple Crown reign ends at just one, losing the title to Yuma Maruya. *** SWF manage a D+ Main Event (from the US), but I guess that what happens when you team up T-Rex and Hell’s Bouncer. It’s not as if opponents Citizen X and Warlord Agony were going to make them look that good. *** Aaron Andrews defeats Mathew Gauge at SWF, in what must have been a non-title match. *** Enforcer Roberts leaves FWE as his contract expires. A great, professional wrestler, he was already on a fortune before his contract came up, and a never saw what he was going to ask for – I just accepted that I didn’t want to give it to him. In six months time, I hope he’ll still be around, as I’m still interested in him. *** Fox Mask, who hasn’t seen a push since winning FWE’s first ever Wires match, loses the CZCW Xtreme Title to Remmy Skye. *** As the world waits for him to be called up, Jay Chord wins the RIPW Tag Team Titles, teaming with Matt Sparrow. *** It’s one lucky man, as Extraordinario Jr has struck up a friendship with Easy Emma. Not to be outdone, her boyfriend Sammy Bach also gets a new friend – Grunt. Okay, he was outdone. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West Masked Cougar and American Elemental (c) vs Rick Sanders and Mohammed in a non-title match Fox Mask and Brendan Idol vs Plague and Insane Machine Steve Gumble vs The Gambler Jacob Jett and KC Glenn vs Kashmir Singh and Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and Steve Flash vs Liberation[/QUOTE]
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Masked Cougar and American Elemental (c) vs [B]Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/B] in a non-title match Fox Mask and Brendan Idol vs [B]Plague and Insane Machine[/B] Steve Gumble vs [B]The Gambler[/B] [B]Jacob Jett and KC Glenn[/B] vs Kashmir Singh and Hugh de Aske [B]Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and Steve Flash[/B] vs Liberation I know you like Cougar but this is a non-title match so Sander and Mohammed. Plague and Insane Machine on the same team, sign me up. I'm not paying attention so I'm hoping The Gambler is Nathaniel Ca$ino because he rocks. I'll take Jacob Jett over Hugh de Aske. I always hire Singh but he never really does anything for me and Glenn I don't know. So you've got a Strong, a Gauge and Steve Flash all on one side. That's an unstoppable force. Edit: P.S. There's a tournament going on in my diary Eayragt you usually don't predict the small shows which is cool because they get the small write ups. But the tournament spans the show so if you want to predict who gets the new title at the end of the tournament nows the time.
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Masked Cougar and American Elemental (c) vs [B]Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/B] in a non-title match [I]- Owner's perogative and it's non-title[/I] Fox Mask and Brendan Idol vs [B]Plague and Insane Machine[/B] [I]- Just more talent on the Plague and IM side.[/I] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs The Gambler [I]- Gumble seems to be on a bit of a roll, when eayragt remembers he's on the roster.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett and KC Glenn[/B] vs Kashmir Singh and Hugh de Aske [I]- The overpush of Glenn continues![/I] Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and Steve Flash vs [B]Liberation[/b] [I]- The comraderie of Liberation leads to an el cheapo victory.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;393979]I'm hoping The Gambler is Nathaniel Ca$ino because he rocks.[/QUOTE] Yep, he is. I looked at his name and decided that I didn't want to type that every time he was in a match. Whether that explains why he's yet to win a match this year, I'm not quite sure... [QUOTE=Beeker;394052][I]- Gumble seems to be on a bit of a roll, when eayragt remembers he's on the roster.[/I][/QUOTE] Ah, you got me - Steve Gumble, my least popular worker on my roster. What has he done short of a minor feud with Masked Cougar 20 months ago? There's a man who wouldn't have his job without his previous National exposure. [QUOTE=Beeker;394052][B]Jacob Jett and KC Glenn[/B] vs Kashmir Singh and Hugh de Aske [I]- The overpush of Glenn continues![/I][/QUOTE] Er... guilty as charged. Now if only there was the possibility of getting Joey Minnesota on board as well, but he's solidly in TCW's Main Event.
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