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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[QUOTE=eayragt;394250]Ah, you got me - Steve Gumble, my least popular worker on my roster. What has he done short of a minor feud with Masked Cougar 20 months ago? There's a man who wouldn't have his job without his previous National exposure.[/QUOTE] For a long time I felt the same way about Stevie Grayson. The least talented of my Main Eventers but his preexisting national overness meant he was useful. Lately though he's been putting on stellar matches especially since I found his chemistry with Matthew Guage.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;394250] Ah, you got me - Steve Gumble, my least popular worker on my roster. What has he done short of a minor feud with Masked Cougar 20 months ago? There's a man who wouldn't have his job without his previous National exposure. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;394257]For a long time I felt the same way about Stevie Grayson. The least talented of my Main Eventers but his preexisting national overness meant he was useful. Lately though he's been putting on stellar matches especially since I found his chemistry with Matthew Guage.[/QUOTE] Gumble was a disappointment for me as well, until I found out he had chemistry with my David Mack user character. That guaranteed his employment from that moment on! :D Grayson has been up and down for me as well. I probably wouldn't have signed him in the first place, but I was under a no signing other promotion worker restriction at the time and the talent pool was limited. He started off good, faded for a while, then bounced back strong. But he keeps going to japan every other month in my game so I don't push him much.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West *** It’s a Liberation start to the show, and we find out the Greg Gauge has a match with Steve Flash in five days time, along with Thompson and Andrews title matches. Which they all promise to win [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Plague and Insane Machine beat Fox Mask and Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 7.37 [B](B-)[/B] -Idol and Foxy showed excellent chemistry, and I can definitely see them as a team in the future (although I also then envisage an Idol singles run). It didn’t do them too much use here, Insane Machine winning the match with a Termination Kick to Fox Mask. *** Mathew Gauge and Alicia Strong do the good old joint promo, promising to work together to take Aaron Andrews out of contention for the Warrior Title at No Agents [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat The Gambler [/COLOR]by count out in 3.58 [B](C+)[/B] -Gumble was going along comfortably, when fiery pyrotechnics went off, and the arena was bathed in an orange light. The Gambler cowered out of the ring, and got counted out for his troubles. *** Gumble looked confused up the ramp, where Dragon Assassin stood, holding up a blazing torch. It proved the suitable distraction for Hell Monkey to make his TV return, dropping Gumble like a stone with the Hell Fire Kick [B](D+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske promised to deliver on the Warrior Title, and didn’t mind stepping to one side while the other competitors take one another apart in the Main Event. He then turns scornfully to his partner for the night, Kashmir Singh, and tells him that he better get to it [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Kashmir Singh and Hugh de Aske beat Jacob Jett and KC Glenn[/COLOR] in 7.51 [B](B-)[/B] -This win was all about Hugh de Aske, who simply outclassed everyone else in the ring. Jett flew off the room straight into a forearm, and then de Aske hit the Skull and Crossbones on KC Glenn. He even tagged in Singh to make the pin, leaving the ring before the bell was rung. *** Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge were watching the monitor, Joss telling his partner that he was glad that they didn’t have to face the pirate in the Main Event tonight. Greg asked if his partner thought that Andrews was biting off more than he could afford, which caused Thompson to shrug, saying that in the end it wasn’t down to either of them [B](A)[/B] *** Tag Title hype – Masked Cougar and American Elemental declaring the honour that it would be to win the first ever Wires Title match [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and American Elemental beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/COLOR] in 6.57 [B](B-)[/B] -Sanders and Mohammed just couldn’t keep up with the champs, Cougar getting an easy win after an I am Cougar, Here Me Roar on Sanders. *** What would set up the title match on Thursday better than a post match attack? Nothing, I hope, as that’s what we got [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Liberation beat Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 17.55 [B](B)[/B] -Great all round battle, with various people taking there terms, and a small reminder about how good the Gauges are when facing one another. As Liberation cheating started (double teaming, Hesketh distraction), Hugh de Aske came out to pull Strong off the apron, and as Mathew Gauge went to her aid Flash was left isolated in the ring. Andrews (not the legal man) hit the Standing Hot Shot, and Greg Gauge hit the 12 Gauge for the win. *** Mathew Gauge suffered a bloody nose in his attempt to help Alicia Strong, who continued to brawl with Hugh de Aske. They only stopped when they realised Andrews was casually buffing up his title, watching his competitors taking one another out [B](A)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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*** A 5,00 sellout, with a TV rating of 6.40. We’re now ready for No Agents, having completed the suitable (if short) build up. *** Extraordinario Jr signs up for another WLW tour. *** Acid’s first NOTBPW title reign is somewhat short, losing the Unlimited Action Title straight back to Dark Angel. Built up the PPV match quite well. *** Slayyer is the man to take the OLLIE title off Marcos Flores, who had a great feud with Greg Gauge previously. *** Megumi Nakajima wins the 5SW Top Contenders title back off Yoko Ikina, having lost it to her at the end of the last tour, while at CGC Nathan Black wins his first ever title – the Canadian Title from Skull deBones. *** In just his third MAW match, Kashmir Singh wins the Mid Atlantic Championship from Knuckles, a first title for someone who’s been with FWE from the start. *** Mathew Gauge gets his win back over Aaron Andrews at TCW, while Joey Minnesota takes the Main Event loss to Eddie Peak. Great show. *** USPW think that Enygma defending his world title against Charlie Thatcher is suitable for a large monthly show (they have no PPV contract). It’s not. *** Mathew Gauge (A* overness over the US) signs a new contract with DaVE, while Black Eagle (B+ - A overness over the US) looks to leave them as they’re too small. My working agreement with TCW definitely changes the rules somehow. *** Those keen eyes among may have realised that I ran “No Agents” several months ago, and December’s PPV should actually be “In the House”. Well, we’ve got another “No Agents”, as I’ve booked everything for the wrong show. [I]Oh, and I’ve missed a PGHW show. So I’ll have no Jacob Jett, which is a little annoying. Makes it difficult for him to defend the Extreme Title.[/I] [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Fireworks on PPV:[/B] Steve Flash vs Greg Gauge KC Glenn vs Kashmir Singh Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs Hell Monkey and Dragon Assassin Masked Cougar and American Elemental (c) vs Plague and Insane Machine for the FWE Tag Team Titles Aaron Andrews (c) vs Mathew Gauge vs Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Greg Gauge [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs Kashmir Singh Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs [B]Hell Monkey and Dragon Assassin[/B] Masked Cougar and American Elemental (c) vs [B]Plague and Insane Machine[/B] for the FWE Tag Team Titles Aaron Andrews (c) vs [B]Mathew Gauge[/B] vs Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske for the FWE Warrior Title You will almost never see me bet against Steve Flash. You do push KC Glenn. Hell Monkey rocks although I'm still not big on this mixed gender stuff yet but maybe it'll grow on me. I said it before and I'll say it again Plague and Insane Machine sign me up. I haven't given him the big one yet but Matthew Guage is definitely worthy of a title.
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[B]FWE Presents… Fireworks[/B] on PPV: *** Hype video. Four Main Eventers. Lots of tension. Plenty of good production [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Plague and Insane Machine beat Masked Cougar and American Elemental (c)[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]FWE Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] in a Wires match in 17.17 [B](B+)[/B] -Our second Wires match, this time for a title. Plague and Insane Machine had the edge over the champions having both participated in the first ever Wires match a couple of months ago (won by Fox Mask), and showed a lot more confidence on the Wires. Cougar did hit a modified I am Cougar Hear me Roar from the wires onto Insane Machine, but Plague managed to beat American Elemental to grab the titles. *** Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge are once again on joint hype, but this time they get interrupted by Hugh de Aske. He asks Mathew how long it’s going to be before he makes the move on Alicia. Mathew’s mouth gapes open, but de Aske goes on to see that everyone can see it – they’re always together backstage, making challenges, and Mathew was Alicia’s “valiant” rescuer last week. He does point out that last week that cost them they’re match, and only someone who’s looking out for number one will win the Main Event tonight [B](A*)[/B] *** We get a quick video of Brendan Idol being beaten down by Mohammed at a PPV… several months ago. We had ten minutes to kill [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol beat Mohammed[/COLOR] in 9.22 [B](B)[/B] -Idol gets his win back, with the Idol drop, in a match watched by both men’s partners. *** Fox Mask celebrates with Idol before they head out back, concreting them as a Tag Team [B](C-)[/B] *** Joss Thompson comes out, and says that he’s heard a rumour that Jacob Jett is not here tonight. Easy Emma stands up and admits that it true – and it’s her error. Jacob Jett had been double booked, and she didn’t check before she made the match. Thompson is furious, saying that this was meant to be the time that he became a singles champion. He says he’s ready, and demands a match, a call which is answered by [B]Freddie Datsun [/B][B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Freddie Datsun[/COLOR] in 11.41 [B](B+)[/B] -The commentary team seemed stunned to see Datsun, who was last seen retired and helping train younger wrestlers. He does start schooling Thompson on the mat, dominating the first few minutes. Thompson gradually got into the match, but Datsun always looked on top, until he got distracted by Farrah Hesketh. He turned around into a Clean Cutter, and that was it. *** Thompson grabs a mic as he leaves the ring, and says that he will not rest until he has his Extreme Title [B](B+)[/B] *** Backstage, Aaron Andrews and Farrah Hesketh are watching a monitor, with Andrews appreciating the vigour that Thompson is showing. Hesketh smiles at Andrews, and tells him that he’ll show a great deal of vigour later tonight after he’s retained his title [B](A*)[/B] *** Gumble and Extraordinario Jr cut a quick promo, confused about what happened last week, but determined to get a valuable PPV win [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr beat Hell Monkey and Dragon Assassin[/COLOR] in 7.36 [B](B)[/B] -Wow – these four put on an unexpectedly great little match that I thought would be a disaster. Although Hell Monkey and Dragon Assassin have a decent fiery entrance, Monkey is committed to BHOTWG, and Dragon Assassin’s contract is running down, and I’m not sure if I have a long term role for her. So, despite them being touted as “new team favourites”, they lost, Extraordinario Jr pinning Dragon Assassin after a Siempro Peleandro. *** KC Glenn hyped up his match with Singh… in his irritating Southern drawl. Dawn the Cheerleader tried to help, but it still wasn’t that exciting [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Kashmir Singh beat KC Glenn[/COLOR] in 7.49 [B](B-)[/B] -This is apparently not clicking, but it wasn’t by any means a bad match. *** We cut backstage to Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge, sitting in silence. Mathew says he needs to say something, but Alicia tells him to wait until after tonight. Tonight, they have to remain focused [B](B+)[/B] *** Greg Gauge came out for his match with Steve Flash, and got on the mic. Greg paused while the crowd reminded him of how he tapped to his brother last month, before declaring that was why he was here. Steve Flash had a couple of wins, and suddenly everyone was thinking that this man was the next big thing. Greg scoffed, saying that Flash’s next major action was retirement – it’s youngsters like him that should be taking the plaudits [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Greg Gauge [/COLOR]in 20.53 [B](B)[/B] -Greg looked extremely focussed throughout this match, but whatever he did would not put Steve Flash down. He escaped several attempts at the Proton Lock, even catching Greg in a small package tjhat almost got him the victory. After that Greg went nuts on Flash, opening him up on the announce tale as he brawled with him around the ring. After rolling Flash back inside he wasted time bringing in a chair, which Baby Jamie quickly took off him. As Greg argued, Flash recovered enough to hit the Flash Bang, and got a huge surprise win. *** Main Event hype – first by Aaron Andrews, and then by Hugh de Aske, who interrupted up to tell him who would becoming out of the match as champion – and it wasn’t Andrews [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Mathew Gauge, Alicia Strong and Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 26.56 [B](A*)[/B] -Well, this one was well a truly chaotic. The Matt / Alicia vs Hugh / Aaron fight shown broke up, as everyone fought except Matt and Alicia. Their alliance held, distracting Mathew after he’d dropped Andrews in the ring, and turned around to see Alicia being beaten over the ring barriers by de Aske. He tried to go to her aid, but foolishly turned his back on Andrews, who picked him up for the Omega Driver to retain his title. *** Andrews left the ring and threw Hugh de Aske into the crowd, before dragging Alicia Strong into the ring. He kicked Mathew in the face, and told Hesketh to hold him in the corner watching him. He picked on Alicia Strong for an Omega Driver, but Steve Flash sprinted out from the back, making the successful save [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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Well, some people moaned that they saw Freddie Datsun too much. Well, if it wasn’t for him Joss Thompson wouldn’t have even had a match, so I’ll ignore them. Not quite a sell out, hitting an attendance of 13,753, and going down as my best show ever. *** No Agents draws 2.21, another record. [I]I’ve been thinking for a while of changing my style of write up so I could spend more time playing the game, and less time doing write-ups, and the new style starts now. You’ll now be getting event results and a recap. It’ll take less time to write up, but will hopefully give everyone a good idea of what’s going on – it’s a style Marcel and Apu among others seemed to have pulled off well. You’ll still get my running through of some of my reasoning behind matches, and any chemistry (or lack of) discovered. I’ll also go into more detail about the PPV, going back to a (short) individual match write up.[/I] [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England (5,000 attendance) [COLOR="Blue"]Plague and Insane Machine (c) beat Steve Gumble and Exrtaordinario Jr[/COLOR] to retain the Tag Team Titles [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] by DQ [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Jacob Jett (c)[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]FWE Extreme Title[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I] Joss Thompson finally got his shot at Jett’s Extreme Title, and he got the win that I’d previously planned at the PPV, ending Jett’s ten month reign. Steve Flash had a decent match against Hell Monkey, which ended in DQ after a viscous Andrews / Greg Gauge beatdown – the two Liberation members not happy with him appearing at the end of the last PPV. The save was made by a another veteran, Freddie Datsun, making a tag match for next week. Other highlights including tension between Mathew Gauge and Alicia Strong, with Alicia not sure if any relationship between them will prove a hindrance to their title challenges, and Rick Sanders getting a revenge win for his partner over Fox Mask.[/QUOTE] *** After a year out of the industry, Jumbo Shrimp signs for USPW. *** Kurt Laramee defeats PRP for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. The match was… poor. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East (attendance 5,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] by DQ [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fox Mask and Brendan Idol beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Casey Valentine[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Kashmir Singh beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge beat Steve Flash and Freddie Datsun [/COLOR][B](A)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I] A lightning start to the show saw Alicia Strong and Hell Monkey show great chemistry, in a match which Monkey got a little carried away, getting himself disqualified. Mathew Gauge made the save – something Alicia Strong clearly did not appreciate, mounting the tension between the two. Fox Mask and Brendan Idol became number one contenders to the Tag Team Titles, before Masked Cougar won his match with Valentine. Cougar then announced himself a contender for the Warrior Title as the only Triple Crown holder at FWE, which Hugh de Aske came out to refute – he had no titles, but was more worthy than Cougar. After some argument, they agreed to meet for the first time ever at The Start next month. After Singh beat Cox (stumbling across more good chemistry) he asked Joss Thompson for the Extreme Title shot that he never got when he was injured, but Thompson told him he would have to join the queue. Finally, Aaron Andrews pinned Freddie Datsun in the Main Event after Farrah Hesketh took out the ref, leading to Easy Emma announcing that next week FWE would hold their first show in New York – and Steve Flash would have a shot at the Warrior Title.[/QUOTE] *** After leaving TCW, Wolf Hawkins makes the move across the border to CGC. *** A Special New Year’s Eve show, run from Canada for everyone: [B]FWE Presents… Invasion [/B]from Ontario (attendance 1,439) [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong and Masked Cougar beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed [/COLOR][B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Jacob Jett[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Plague[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I] *** TCW Psycho Circus main event – Mathew Gauge vs Hugh de Aske. They got over their poor chemistry to put on a B+ rated match (Mathew retaining gold), and were only outdone by Tommy Cornell and Joel Bryant.
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[B]2011:[/B] [B]Wrestler of the Year – Aaron Andrews[/B] Andrews had a disappointing 2009, losing the FWE Warrior Title and TCW Tag Titles within a space of a few days, and never recovering to find a role. How that changed in 2010. He found himself in the TCW World Heavyweight Championship picture, and also won the FWE Warrior Title on his return to the promotion. He went 87-7-36 (24-9-19 at TCW, 29-2-13 at CGC and 34-1-4 at FWE), averaging a B- (a B in the US), and garnering four A* matches – three with Tommy Cornell, and his last title defence at FWE with Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and Hugh de Aske. [B]Young Wrestler of the Year - Gino Montero[/B] For the second year running, going 34-3-24 at SOTBPW, having several A rated matches, but no title reign. [B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year - Haruki Kudo[/B] Also for the second year running, went 15-2-14 at BHOTWG before retiring to become a Road Agent in October. His last singles match was a defeat against Eisaku Hoshino, rated B+, the highest of the year for him. [B]Female Wrestler of the Year - Alicia Strong[/B] Again, second year running, and no contest. Going 39-5-12 at FWE, and hitting an A* match in December put her well above the competition at NOTBPW, AAA and 5SW. [B]Promotion of the Year - NOTBPW[/B] Like a broken record, second year running. Both they and TCW have awesome rosters, but NOTBPW show’s quality doesn’t seem to dip when they hit the US. [B]Most Improved Promotion of the Year - FWE[/B] I’d have been disappointed if I hadn’t won this one, as I’m running shows on the same level as NOTBPW and TCW much of the time. A talented and young roster – but will they all stay in the forthcoming year? [B]Match of the Year – Plague beat Greg Gauge at FWE Presents… Unleashed (A*)[/B] There were several A* rated matched in FWE and TCW this year, butt his one topped in, helped by incredible chemistry between the two. It remains the only time they have faced one another at FWE (although they’ve had two great matches at OLLIE), both being heels for most of the year. A surprise that was given away free on TV. [B]Show of the Year – FWE Presents… No Agents (A)[/B] My final PPV of the year, my best show booked ever, and the best show of the year. A superb Fatal Fourway Main Event was backed up by the Tag Titles exchanging hands in a Wires match, and obviously the critics got over the disappointment of Extreme Champion Jacob Jett missing the show. The Top 100 wasn’t quite such a success for FWE, [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] (17) and [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR] (19) the only entrants in the top 40. The top five went Joey Minnesota, Yoshimi Mushashibo, Dan Stone Jr, Gino Montero and Tommy Cornell. [COLOR="blue"]Plague[/COLOR] (41), [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] (62), [COLOR="blue"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR] (67), [COLOR="blue"]Freddie Datsun[/COLOR] (74) and [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] (86) were FWE’s other entrants. I’m stunned about Valentine’s appearance – he went 0-0-27 last year (26 FWE losses and an independent loss to Land Mass), but never disappointed. I may have to keep an eye on him. [B]FWE Wrestler of the Year – Aaron Andrews[/B] I wasn’t going to give it to Andrews, having only appeared back on our screens in March, but the number two decision was impossible. Greg and Mathew Gauge, Alicia Strong, Hugh de Aske, Plague and Masked Cougar all had thirty something wins and less than a dozen defeats, with all but Cougar getting an A* rated match. So I didn’t make the decision, Andrews’ 34-1-4 wins it. [B]FWE Young Wrestler of the Year – Greg Gauge[/B] At 24 I ruled out Andrews and Strong, which still left the Gauges and Hugh de Aske. De Aske’s poor start to the year (and no title reign) ruled him out, so I had to chose between the Gauges, both of whom had a Tag Title run, and an A* match against one another. Greg had two less defeats, and the MOTY against Plague, so took this one. [B]Newcomer of the Year – Jacob Jett[/B] The veteran Steve Flash almost won this, but his TV debut was just before the turn of the year, although he went through a remarkable change from jobber to Main Eventer. Instead Jacob Jett wins it, having been snapped up after being surprisingly dropped by NOTBPW and quickly taking the Extreme Title from American Elemental in his third match. He went on to make a record 17 defences before dropping the title to Joss Thompson, ending the year with a 25-2-13 record. Now would also seem a good time to look at our title history, as we haven’t done it for a while: [B]FWE Tag Team Titles:[/B] April 2010 Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge [I]Defeated Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge for the new titles[/I] June 2010 Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge September 2010 Masked Cougar and American Elemental The Tag Team division should be for the midcard, but ours most certainly isn’t. The early months of our newest titles life did, however, bring to the fore the qualities of the Gauge twins, establishing both as a force in FWE. [B]FWE Extreme Title:[/B] January 2007 Black Eagle [I]Defeated Insane Machine in a ladder match for the new title[/I] March 2007 Insane Machine December 2007 Bulldozer Brandon Smith [I]Defeated Insane Machine in a Triple Threat ladder match also including Steve Gumble[/I] March 2008 Masked Cougar November 2008 American Elemental [I]Title vacated in February 2009 due to injury[/I] April 2009 Insane Machine (2) Defeated Ultimate Phoenix in a tournament final to crown new champion August 2009 American Elemental (2) March 2010 Jacob Jett December 2010 Joss Thompson The one FWE Title with a hole in its history, due to American Elemental picking up an injury during his best of seven series with Ultimate Phoenix. Newcomer Jacob Jett holds the record for most defences of the title (17), having dominated the division in 2010. [B]FWE Warrior Title:[/B] June 2007 Barry Kingman [I]Defeated Eisaku Hoshino in one of my more interesting booking decisions[/I] September 2007 Eisaku Hoshino December 2007 Frankie Perez November 2008 Aaron Andrews [I]In a Triple Threat match also including Mainstream Hernandez[/I] May 2009 Masked Cougar February 2010 Plague June 2010 Aaron Andrews (2) The who’s who of FWE’s history (and the bosses mate, Barry Kingman), with Masked Cougar holding the current record for most defences (14).
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;399041]Good job on the awards, especially best show of the year. :D I have managed to get match of the year and wrestler of the year, but never the best show.[/QUOTE] I got show of the year in 2009 with CZCW which is funny because didn't get wrestler of the year or match of the year. Congratz though on the awards.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;399041]Good job on the awards, especially best show of the year. :D I have managed to get match of the year and wrestler of the year, but never the best show.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;399095]I got show of the year in 2009 with CZCW which is funny because didn't get wrestler of the year or match of the year. Congratz though on the awards.[/QUOTE] Many thanks - I really sneaked out show of the year at the end, in a show which definately exceeded expectations. [B]January:[/B] *** Eric Tyler, still a year away from returning to the ring, calls it a day, but will continue booking for USPW. BLZ Bubb also announces his retirement, at a time where my owner goals allowed me to consider him for signing up. *** James Brandon signs up to tour with INSPIRE. I finally get the chance to sign some hoss’s, and they’re becoming less and less available to me! [I]Interestingly (or not, perhaps), I’ve now got a free reign on signings. My signing goals only lasted two years, while I had a three year goal to rise in size. So, I’ve just got the one goal for the next year (which I’ve already achieved), and no signing blocks. Expect some new talent – not just wrestling athletes like I was forced to sign previously.[/I] *** AAA’s Femme Fatale title changes hands after Catherine Quine’s 20 month reign – Cherry Bomb noe has the AAA Triple Crown to her name. *** The toll of working three promotions has hit Primus Allen, and a semi-severed spinal column suffered at CZCW could end what was a promising career. *** Rock Downpour signs an extension, as Rocky Golden, Freddy Huggins and Alex Braun turn me down. Roderick Remus, Billy Russell and Hell’s Bouncer all overprice themselves (Remus ridiculously), but I’ve made two signings, two of which have been at the promotion before. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Tri State (attendance 4,778) [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske beat American Elemental [/COLOR][B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett beat The Gambler [/COLOR][B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Casey Valentine beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat KC Glenn[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Aaron Andrews (c)[/COLOR] by DQ [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I] The highlight was certainly the Main Event, with Steve Flash looking set to overcome Aaron Andrews (and the ringside interference of Farrah Hesketh and Greg Gauge), when Aaron Andrews’ old running buddy Rhino Umaga returned, hitting Flash with the Rhino Charge to save the champion’s title. Easy Emma looked furious, having pinned her colours to Flash, who was left bloody by the end of the show. Elsewhere, Alicia Strong scouted Hell Monkey’s match, even after Mathew Gauge warned her to stay away from the masked man. Jacob Jett and Kashmir Singh both argued their side for a shot at the Extreme Title, with Thompson refusing to meet either of their challenges. Also, Mean Jean Cattley also redebuted, answering Casey Valentine’s open challenge, with him looking to prove his worth in the Top 100 wrestlers list. And I got lucky with the chemistry shown between the two.[/QUOTE] *** Three more wrestlers debuted in dark matches, Edwin DeVille (average rookie wrestler with a good look) lost to Mathew Gauge, and Amazing Firefly and El Alorotador Seguro (renamed Flying Leopard, as it’s easier to type!) teamed as Libre Masters in defeat to Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson. *** El Fuerza and Kurt Laramee reject my advances, but four more signings are made. Not amongst them is Sam Pratt, who was too expensive considering he wasn’t setting NYCW alight. *** Amongst all the new stars, Baby Jamie inks a new FWE contract. *** We already have our first A* rated match of the year, with Joey Minnesota defeating Tommy Cornell. *** Plague leaves DaVE as a one time Brass Knuckles Champion. He wants to go onto bigger and better things, but unless I become National it’ll have to be Japan or Canada, as he’s never forgiven Tommy Cornell for sacking him four years ago. *** We have A* rated match number two… exactly the same as number one. *** The Hugmiester goes to CGC, while USPW get Steven Parker, who will hopefully be given a chance. *** Mathew Gauge and The Gambler strike of friendship at USPW. Whether that will help The Gambler beat his 16 month FWE losing streak is another thing entirely.
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[QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East (attendance 5,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] by DQ [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rhino Umaga beat The Gambler[/COLOR] [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Extraordinario Jr[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental drew with Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews, Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson beat Masked Cougar, Jacob Jett and Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I] Liberation showcased their new member in Rhino Umaga, who took just 80 seconds to win his comeback match. An attempted attack on Steve Flash was ended by Jimmy Cox, who was signed to a match at The Start with the Samoan Beast. An Aaron Andrews / Steve Flash rematch was also announced by Easy Emma – with the added announcement that it would be in a cage, with Emma promising to provide some insurance that Liberation wouldn’t run riot. A Fatal Four Way Extreme Title match was made, with American Elemental and Kashmir Singh joining champion Joss Thompson and former champion Jacob Jett, after they drew a five minute challenge for sole entry into the match. That five minutes was extraordinary action, and they’ll certainly get more time together in the near future. The Main Event was won after Hugh de Aske eliminated Masked Cougar from the face team, but Steve Flash was down to help out in the aftermatch brawl, and show his PPV opponent that he was fully fit for their match. Elsewhere, Fox Mask beat Insane Machine by DQ after Plague attacked, but Brendan Idol was right at his partner’s side, and the Tag Team challengers didn’t back down one inch from the champions. Also, Mathew Gauge tried to eliminate Hell Monkey, but a too much interaction with Alicia Strong at ringside saw him eat a Hell Fire Kick. After the match Mathew demanded an apology from Alicia, which was not forthcoming, with the Queen of FWE pointing out that she never asked Mathew to take on Hell Monkey to protect her.[/QUOTE] *** There were debutants in dark matches, but they’re Easy Emma’s insurance for The Start, so I’ll wait until then for the reveal. *** Dragon Assassin leaves FWE. I couldn’t continue to waste the uber talented Japanese woman. *** Insane Machine signs a pretty ridiculous new contract – I’m just glad I’m making money. Idol and Singh also get large raises – but of more importance it’s 18 months till I have to renegotiate their contracts. Casey Valentine signs for 9 months, but even his $1,050 wage is a nine fold increase on what he was earning. *** Steroid rumours alert… who? Missy Masterson? What? *** Trent Shaffer joins DaVE, and deserves more than his 6-12 FWE record there. *** El Fuerza signs with SWF, which is a bit cheeky as he refused to even negotiate with me. He starts off with a defeat to T-Rex. *** Former SWF World Heavyweight Champion and current SWF Tag Team Champion Puerto Rican Power leaves the former giant of wrestling, having out grown them. Hopefully he didn’t drop the tag titles so his partner in crime (Bulldozer Brandon Smith) current push wasn’t affected. *** MOSC, led by Jonathon Faust, crawl their way up to a Regional promotion, but have to make cuts to balance the books, releasing Ultra Violence and former Tag and UK Champion Thug. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Tri State [I](The Start preshow)[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Mohammed[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Casey Valentine beat The Gambler[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Citizen X beat Jared Johnson[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat KC Glenn[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat JD Morgan[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I] If there’s been one criticism of The Start on the Internet, it’s been that neither Gauge brother had a match, and it’s a theme that ran through this show. Both tried to get Easy Emma to add them to the card, but she was having none of it – both coming off PPV defeats. Emma also was punishing Greg as part of Liberation, while trying to make Mathew realise that his protecting of Alicia Strong was unnecessary. Mathew insisted that it was he who was wronged, and instead of trying of showing concern for Alicia Strong after Hell Monkey attacked her, he just made a point of telling her that he had been proved correct. Whether I’ll regret having the TCW World Heavyweight Champion not wrestling is something I’ll have to see. Most of the rest of the interest in the show was the hype, which also saw Easy Emma introduce her “insurance” in the face of continued Liberation interference. It was in the shape of the Shady Riders, a group of bikers consisting of Shady K, Knuckles (former winner of MAW Championship and Rip Chord Invitational), Grease Hogg and Jesus Chavez, who would be ensuring no interference in the Main Event. Meanwhile, with the rest of the upper card saved for the PPV running after this show, we had three debuts. The first two coming in an “Earn a Contract” match, won when Citizen X (former RIPW Champion) defeated Jared Johnson with the X-Wave. Afterwards, he insisted the FWE was a growing cancer on the world, and that he was here to put an end to it. The other debut was veteran British worker JD Morgan (3x DaVE Extreme 2x DaVE Tag Team and 1x DaVE Brass Knuckles Champion) proving an able opponent for Mathew Gauge in the Main Event, taking him far before being put away with the 12 Gauge. Elsewhere Casey Valentine continued his winning ways since being named in the Top 100 wrestlers of 2010, and Gumble defeated Mohammed to set up Gumble / Extraordinario vs Sanders / Mohammed at the start. [/QUOTE] Announced for [B]FWE Presents… The Start[/B]: Masked Cougar vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs Hell Monkey Jimmy Cox vs Rhino Umaga Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs Rick Sanders and Mohammed Joss Thompson (c) vs Jacob Jett vs American Elemental vs Kashmir Singh for the FWE Extreme Title Plague and Insane Machine (c) vs Fox Mask and Brendan Idol for the FWE Tag Team Titles Aaron Andrews (c) vs Steve Flash for the FWE Warrior Title in a cage match
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[B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs [B]Hell Monkey[/B] Jimmy Cox vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [B]Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr[/B] vs Rick Sanders and Mohammed Joss Thompson (c) vs Jacob Jett vs [B]American Elemental[/B] vs Kashmir Singh for the FWE Extreme Title [B]Plague and Insane Machine (c)[/B] vs Fox Mask and Brendan Idol for the FWE Tag Team Titles Aaron Andrews (c) beat [B]Steve Flash[/B] for the FWE Warrior Title in a cage match At work so no reasons for the predictions except cause I said so.
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Announced for FWE Presents… The Start: [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs Hugh de Aske - [I]quite the opener! But I see your love of cougars... even the masked kind giving him the nod.[/I] Alicia Strong vs [B]Hell Monkey[/B] [I]- Not a Monkey mark, but I think the better story is Alicia realizing she might not be all powerful.[/I] Jimmy Cox vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]- Umaga needs to look dangerous.[/I] Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr vs [B]Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/B] [I]- Um. Owner's perogative?[/I] Joss Thompson (c) vs [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs American Elemental vs Kashmir Singh for the FWE Extreme Title [I]- Liberation loses![/I] [B]Plague and Insane Machine (c)[/B] vs Fox Mask and Brendan Idol for the FWE Tag Team Titles [I]- I know Idol has skills, I just can't see him hanging with the other three.[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] beat Steve Flash for the FWE Warrior Title in a cage match [I]- I'm probably wrong, but Andrews is this dynasty's version of Tigerkinney's Hooded Kudo... it's never wise to bet against him.[/I]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Start[/B] on PPV (attendance 12,582): [COLOR="Blue"]Rhino Umaga beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 6.36 [B](B-)[/B] -Jimmy Cox fought valiantly, but was not to get his first PPV victory, Umaga taking him down with the Rhino Charge. [COLOR="blue"]Plague and Insane Machine (c) beat Fox Mask and Brendan Idol [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles in 11.48 [B](B)[/B] -More valiance, and only the ref not noticing a tag between Foxy and Idol stopped the challengers’ charge, Insane Machine dropping Idol in the surrounding confusion. [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson (c) beat Jacob Jett, American Elemental and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 12.36 [B](B-)[/B] -The man on fire in this match was American Elemental, who hit the Inferno Splash on Jacob Jett to look ready to take the match. Singh recovered to pull Elemental off, and just held him back as Thompson swooped in to steal the pin. Elemental raged at Singh after the match, but he casually left with the champion. [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/COLOR] in 6.38 [B](C+)[/B] -No more than a filler match, with Extrordinario pinning Mohammed for the win after hitting the Siempre Peleandro. Rick Sanders left after the match without ever acknowledging his partner. [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 15.40 [B](B+)[/B] -A great match, and the crowd actually booed Mathew Gauge when he came down to the ring. It certainly threw Strong off her game, allowing Hell Monkey to rally, and almost take the match. However, when Hell Monkey went to the top rope Mathew Gauge was there to push him off, into the waiting arms of Strong who hit the Strong Arm Tactic for the win. It was only after the match that she realised what Mathew had done, and she stormed away from him furious. [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in 21.43 [B](A)[/B] -Throw in two talented workers for their first match together, and a smidgen of good chemistry, and you have a great bout. Beforehand Hugh de Aske had mocked Alicia Strong for having to rely on a lovestruck fool for assistance, and claimed that a victory for him would see him getting a Warrior Title shot. It didn’t quite go to plan, as Cougar became the first man to kick out after a Skull and Crossbones, and a stunned de Aske fell to a High Rise Cougar Pounce. [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in a cage match in 26.37 [B](A*)[/B] -Absolutely stunning match, with both men trading near falls and near escapes. Shady’s Riders kept guard outside the ring, forcibly ensuring that neither Rhino Umaga nor Greg Gauge, who both came out during the match, had any affect on it. Flash hit the Flash Bang, but even when Andrews kicked out he had the wits to hit it again, before climbing the cage. That’s when the lights dimmed, and the silhouette of a huge man appeared at the top of the stage. He charged down the ramp, to where Jesus Chavez awaited him, and the crowd got there first look at [B]Runaway Train[/B] in FWE. He flew into Chavez, sending him crashing into the cage, flinging Flash down to the ring. Shady’s Riders congregated around Runaway Train, but he fought them all off, while Greg Gauge threw Aaron Andrews a chair. Chair shot, DDT, Omega Driver, and Andrew’s had retained – and his new ally outside the ring was not to be tamed. [I]Overall Rating B+[/I] *** After JC Morgan, Citizen X, Jared Johnson, Shady K, Knuckles, Grease Hogg and Jesus Chavez debuted on television, the biggest debut came at the PPV, where Runaway Train helped Aaron Andrews retain his Warrior Title in a superb match, which helped me deliver my highest ever buy rate (2.34). *** Ryu Kajahara leaves his booking position at 5SW, and the void is filled by Burning EXILE. *** The new duo of Akima Brave and Larry Wood take the WL Tag Team Titles under the moniker of The Assassins. Which is apt, as but men are really, really stealthy… *** California Love Machine gets called up by SWF, leaving RIPW stars Jay Chord and Champagne Lover wondering what they have to do to get noticed. *** Sgt. Bubba Lee West goes through Oscar Golden, Teddy Powell and Sam Pratt to win the 2011 Rip Chord Invitational. *** Insane Machine wins his fifth WL Show Stealer Title – his 19th professional title reign. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B], from the South West: [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Masked Cougar beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson (c) beat Jacob Jett[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Runaway Train beat Jesus Chavez [/COLOR][B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rhino Umaga and Greg Gauge beat Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I] At the beginning of the show Liberation stood as six – Aaron Andrews, Joss Thompson, Greg Gauge, Runaway Train, Rhino Umaga and Farrah Hesketh, but this soon changed to five. Andrews noticed Thompson’s absence when he was in trouble at The Start, and he suffered a viscous four on one beatdown after his title defence, which made it perfectly clear that he wasn’t welcome in their group any more. They didn’t show any let up there though, with Runaway Train and Umaga / Greg Gauge picking up wins, while Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge got on for fifteen minutes… but one in ring disagreement saw them lose their match. Train looked to beatdown Chavez (who has been established as the goof of the riders) after the match, but Shady K stood up to him to help his boy out. With our next PPV just two weeks away, Easy Emma was eager to make matches, and there were two big announcements after the Main Event. First off Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge would meet in the ring as opponents for the first time, while Steve Flash would get one more match against Aaron Andrews – and this time they’d be locked together in a steel cell – the first time such a structure has ever been used in FWE history. As well as Flash and Cougar keeping up their momentum, the event also saw the first ever Warrior Champion, Barry Kingman, redebut. After Rick Sanders and Mohammed lost once more, Sanders called a day on their partnership, and an attack by his former partner sealed it. American Elemental accused Kashmir Singh of letting himself down by helping Thompson retain his title at The Start, while Citizen X also showed up to let everyone know that he was bringing the promotion down one step at a time. Apparently.[/QUOTE] *** One downside to the show – I tried to move Farrah Hesketh into a Runaway Train management role. It didn’t work.
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[B]February:[/B] *** BLZ Bubb and Eric Tyler (who’s still on the disabled list for 10 months) both retire – both being men I would have like to sign once my blocks lessened. Bruce the Giant is to go the same way next month, having enjoyed a few Japanese tours in the twilight of his career. *** Brussels Pro Wrestling open, but I can’t see their squeaky clean image catching on. But I’m sure their owner, Luis Figo Manico, may find himself with a title belt, just like he did at UCR and EWF. *** Plague signs with CGC, wisely exploring his options in Canada as he’s sworn to never go back to TCW after being cut in 2007. *** Joss Thompson gets himself out of the USPW Tag Title scene, his partner Java taking the pin against Two Aces (Charlie Thatcher and Genghis Rahn). *** Kazuma Narato finally gets called up from SAISHO as a former champion, and leaves the tag belts vacant. *** Mohammed signs to tour with PGHW, and his INSPIRE work will be on TV from next month. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B], from New England (attendance 5,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Plague, Insane Machine, Rick Sanders and Barry Kingman beat Fox Mask, Brendan Idol, Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Steve Flash beat JD Morgan and Mohammed [/COLOR][B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Citizen X beat The Gambler[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews, Runaway Train and Greg Gauge beat Joss Thompson, American Elemental and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I] Unleashed started off with a huge eight man tag match setting up all four teams fighting for the Tag Titles at Arrival – this one Plague got the winning pin on Steve Gumble. Three more matches were also set up for Arrival – at the request of Joss Thompson he’d take on Greg Gauge (although it’ll be non-title), American Elemental and Kashmir Singh will fight for the number one contendership to the Extreme Title, and Masked Cougar will take on Rhino Umaga after he was attacked by the Samoan after the match on Unelashed. Unleashed also saw Alicia Strong get a clean win over Hell Monkey, watched all the way by Mathew Gauge, and it was difficult to say whether Mathew was watching Strong with lust or anger. Also, after Citizen X beat The Gambler he was propositioned by Hugh de Aske, who felt they could help one another reach their goals. It also looks as if Shady K vs Runaway Train is being set up for the future, with the biker leading his troops out after the Main Event to ensure that the monster couldn’t do any for damage after obliterating Thompson with a Train Wreck.[/QUOTE] *** We’ve looked at Rafael Ruiz before – but after his failed steroid test, we’ll give him a wide birth. *** DaVE realise that the Brass Knuckles Title is a bad use of Mathew’s Gauge ability, and Des Davids is the man to benefit from that decision, winning the title in just his fifth DaVE match. Mathew still holds the DaVE Tag Titles with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. *** Greg Gauge signs up to tour with BHOTWG – which will see him off TV for four months. *** Ash Campbell and Jerry Martin form The Posse, winning the vacant SWF Tag Titles on PPV against Mick Muscles and Ernie Turner. *** CZCW hold a Triple Threat Championship match with three FWE’ers (Rhino Umaga, Citizen X and Brendan Idol), with Idol winning to take the title off X. *** SWF sign KC Glenn on a development contract – we’ll find someone for him to job to on TV. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West: [COLOR="blue"]Freddie Datsun beat Mohammed[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske and Citizen X beat The Gambler and Erik Strong[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Shady’s Riders beat and Ed Larkins and Mean Jean Cattley [/COLOR][B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Runaway Train beat KC Glenn[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I] The preshow to Arrival, which is why there was only one person wrestling on this show and the PPV. Even he, Freddie Datsun, didn’t expect to be wrestling twice, but answered a challenge by “the hottest youngster in wrestling today”, Casey Valentine. Someone who most definitely wont be wrestling at Arrival is KC Glenn, after being brutally destroyed by Runaway Train in his last appearance in an FWE ring, which he was forced to leave by stretcher. Shady’s Riders, who would have normally tried to prevent this, were busy brawling with Greg Gauge and Rhino Umaga backstage, after being attacked after their match. Elsewhere, it was all PPV hype. Mathew Gauge and Alicia Strong continued to argue, and when Steve Flash tried to split them up, it allowed Aaron Andrews to attack him unhindered. Alicia tried to help, but Mathew held her back, earning him a slap for his efforts. One more debut as well, Erik Strong unsuccessfully teaming with The Gambler as “Strong Odds” against the new alliance of Hugh de Aske and Citizen X.[/QUOTE] Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Arrival[/B] on PPV: Plague and Insane Machine (c) vs Fox Mask and Brendan Idol vs Steve Gumble and Extraordiario Jr vs Back in the Day for the FWE Tag Team Titles Freddie Datsun vs Casey Valentine American Elemental vs Kashmir Singh Alicia Strong vs Mathew Gauge Masked Cougar vs Rhino Umaga Joss Thompson (c) vs Greg Gauge in a non-title match Aaron Andrews (c) vs Steve Flash for the FWE Warrior Title
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Announced for FWE Presents… Arrival on PPV: [B]Plague and Insane Machine[/B] (c) vs Fox Mask and Brendan Idol vs Steve Gumble and Extraordiario Jr vs Back in the Day for the FWE Tag Team Titles [I]All you need now is either Acid or Ota and you too can have your very own Cult of the Gray Dragon! ;) [/I] Freddie Datsun vs [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [I]Valentine should be reaching Datsuns level by now.[/I] [B]American Elemental[/B] vs Kashmir Singh [I]can you say 'mismatch'[/I] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs Mathew Gauge [I]Matt gets beat up by a girl![/I] Masked Cougar vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] Joss Thompson (c) vs [B]Greg Gauge[/B] in a non-title match [I]Thompson just doesn't impress me for some reason.[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] (c) vs Steve Flash for the FWE Warrior Title [I]This will upset Apu, but Andrews retains[/I]
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;406500]Announced for FWE Presents… Arrival on PPV: [B]Plague and Insane Machine[/B] (c) vs Fox Mask and Brendan Idol vs Steve Gumble and Extraordiario Jr vs Back in the Day for the FWE Tag Team Titles [I]All you need now is either Acid or Ota and you too can have your very own Cult of the Gray Dragon! ;) [/I] [/QUOTE] Both unfortunately unavailable :(. Acid's got a contract with NOTBPW, and the few times I trade with them it's for Troy Tornado. Ota, on the other hand, is slowly wasting away at RIPW. Not that he was too impressive in his first FWE run - although that may have partly been down to the fact that his major feud was with Steve "I'm rubbish" Gumble.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;406540]Both unfortunately unavailable :(. Acid's got a contract with NOTBPW, and the few times I trade with them it's for Troy Tornado. Ota, on the other hand, is slowly wasting away at RIPW. Not that he was too impressive in his first FWE run - although that may have partly been down to the fact that his major feud was with Steve "I'm rubbish" Gumble.[/QUOTE] That is where the beauty of good chemistry with the user character helps. :D Too bad I can't get the same results with Frankie Perez though. For every person that has good or great chemistry with David Mack, I have an equal number that have bad chemistry with Frankie Perez. :(
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[QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Arrival [/B]from the South West on PPV (attendance 14,035): [COLOR="Blue"]Plague and Insane Machine (c) beat Fox Mask and Brendan Idol, Steve Gumble and Extraordiario Jr and Back in the Day [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles in 9.58 [B](B-)[/B] -My goodness – this almost comprises a Tag Team division. The champions were still dominant, with Plague pinning Gumble after a Memory Remains. [COLOR="blue"]Freddie Datsun beat Casey Valentine[/COLOR] in 7.54 [B](C+)[/B] -The youngster’s streak since the beginning of the year came to a halt here, without him seeming to realise that he was in trouble of losing the match until it was far too late. He tried to rally, but Datsun kept him tied down until hitting the Patriot Press. [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] in 15.03[B] (B)[/B] -Aaron Andrews sent a rallying cry to his troops before this match, which had the inevitable effect of leading Runaway Train and Greg Gauge coming out during this match. However, Shady’s Riders and Joss Thompson quickly followed, and the members of Liberation were unable to reach the ring, allowing Cougar to finish Umaga off with a High Rise Cougar pounce. [COLOR="blue"]Kashmir Singh beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 11.43 [B](A)[/B] -Finally we gave their good chemistry a PPV airing, and it was a surprise win for the Puerto Rican, even if it came with a good handful of tights. [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Alicia Strong[/COLOR] in 24.12 [B](A)[/B] -A first ever match up for these two second generation youngsters, and they both gave it their all. They had cut excellent interviews before the match, blaming one another for the breakdown of their relationship, and they really let everything loose here. There were numerous nearfalls, but when Mathew applied the Proton Lock there was no escape for Alicia, and although she took her time, she was forced into tapping. [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson (c) beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] in a non-title match in 17.39 [B](B+)[/B] -Another excellent match, with Thompson getting his revenge for being forcibly removed from Liberation. The ex Tag Champions knew one another really well, and had a counter for everything, eliminating the Joss Lock and Proton Lock from the win conditions. With no help coming from Liberation (Hugh de Aske and Easy Emma had convinced Liberation and Shady’s Riders to stop fighting if they promised to stay out of all of the remaining matches tonight), Greg tried more a more moves, which eventually saw him vulnerable to the Clean Cutter – an opening that Thompson couldn’t, wouldn't, resist. [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 19.56 [B](A)[/B] -Not quite as good as last month, but that was a one off where everything just came together. The steel cage did keep everyone else out of the match – and left Flash fighting off a barbed wire bat that Andrews’ conveniently managed to find underneath the ring. A bloody Flash almost pulled off the win after a suplex onto the bat, but Andrews kicked out – something Flash couldn’t do after the Omega Driver. After the match, Masked Cougar came out to challenge Andrews, claiming that his run of form and their long history should make him the Number One Contender to the Warrior Title. [I]Overall Rating A[/I][/QUOTE] *** A superb show with a record buy rate, but still not quite as highly rated as my last PPV from last year. Unleashed also saw a rise, breaking 7.00 for the first time (6.67 being our previous best). *** We extend our contract with Sports America for one more season – hopefully the time it’ll take us to outgrow them. We also re-sign The Gambler (Nathaniel Ca$ino), despite having jobbed him for the last 39 matches. *** Anti-Authority (Mick Muscles and Rocky Golden) have their short CGC Tag Title run ended by The Crunchers, Skull DeBones and Zeus Maximillion. *** KC Glenn leaves FWE (and DaVE) to head into development at RIPW, where he should put on some interesting matches with Champagne Lover and Jay Chord. *** Roger Dodger breaks Aaron Andrews’ nose at the latest CGC show. Now you know why he won’t be wrestling on Unleashed. [QUOTE][B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic (attendance 5,000) [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Alicia Strong beat Strong Odds[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Jacob Jett[/COLOR][B] (B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Back in the Day beat Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr. [/COLOR][B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Runaway Train beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I] Liberation started off the show, with Aaron Andrews none too impressed about Greg Gauge’s loss to former member Joss Thompson. He asked him to prove his worth against Rhino Umaga, and although he won that match, he was attacked afterwards by Runaway Train, Andrews’ seemingly having already made the decision that Greg was no longer welcome. Perhaps he should have heeded Joss Thompson’s warning earlier in the night, telling him that Liberation had grown too large, and he wasn’t going to be the only one kicked out. Greg wasn’t the only member to feel the effect of Runaway Train – Hell Monkey was obliterated and slammed onto the concrete floor, becoming the second person in two weeks who faced the Train and ended up leaving on a stretcher. Shady’s Riders belatedly came to the rescue, but the Train was in fighting mood, dropping everyone except Shady himself. Elsewhere, Mathew Gauge was furious that Alicia Strong was reassociating herself with Masked Cougar, and blamed the former Warrior Champion for breaking up their relationship – which had Strong asking the very valid question, “What relationship?”. Back in the Day got a win in the tag division, while Citizen X assisted Hugh de Aske in victory over Jacob Jett in a great little match – and Jacob Jett challenged X for a match next week to get his revenge. All round, a particularly strong show.[/QUOTE] *** Des David’s Brass Knuckles reign couldn’t be much shorter, as he loses the title to Trent Shaffer. *** Aaron Andrews’ nose heels, which is good news. Jacob Jett signs to tour with BHOTWG, which isn’t, as he’ll miss my forthcoming TV shows. And I can’t job him to Runaway train like I did with Hell Monkey. *** Insane Machine announces that an era is to end – after 9 years and the Triple Crown, he is to leave CZCW.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;407900] *** Aaron Andrews’ nose heels, which is good news. Jacob Jett signs to tour with BHOTWG, which isn’t, as he’ll miss my forthcoming TV shows. And I can’t job him to Runaway train like I did with Hell Monkey. [/QUOTE] I knew Andrews was good, but even his nose can turn heel? Damn that's one top notch heel that is! Good write-up. Good to see you're still going strong and things continue to seem to go very well for FWE. Just what is your position in the US and in the world for prestige n' whatnot?
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[QUOTE=eayragt;407900] *** *** Aaron Andrews’ nose heels, which is good news. Jacob Jett signs to tour with BHOTWG, which isn’t, as he’ll miss my forthcoming TV shows. And I can’t job him to Runaway train like I did with Hell Monkey. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Beeker;407985]I knew Andrews was good, but even his nose can turn heel? Damn that's one top notch heel that is! Good write-up. Good to see you're still going strong and things continue to seem to go very well for FWE. Just what is your position in the US and in the world for prestige n' whatnot?[/QUOTE] I was so going to comment on that! But I decided to play nice guy. ;) :D
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