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Biggest Crime?

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[QUOTE=Wildcat;199288]MYSTIC failed a drug test Luke Cool was involved in an incident with the police (didn't say why) and the biggest crime of all, Salty Larry was sent to prison for 15 years for 2nd Degree Murder.[/QUOTE] That's one salty SOB then. He probably eats rocks and ****s gunpowder.
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I had my ref, Todd Sinclair, be sent to Prison for a year. I think it was for Assault, or Drugs. One of those. Everything else is the regular, Failed Drug test, etc... I did have 1 wrestler have the Incident w/Police, but I actually went to fire that wrestler the same day, before I even found out about that message.
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I had Cal Sanders no show one of my events. He claimed it was a travel issue, which luckily for him panned out to true according to officials. Aside from that, Mainstream likes to show up late, which is fine really since I just keep giving him fines. :)
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Playing with SWF i have fined Eric Eisen for showing up late, I have suspended jerry eisen for constant tardiness, But the biggest offender on my Roster is Richard Eisen He no shows just about once a month and I can not due anything about it. Eric has dropped so far down the card that he is working dark matches. Jerry is no longer on TV. And Richard has been removed from his Road Agent Job, and only appears on Camera as a Auth Fig, when he shows up.
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