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JeriLynn was driving Kirk back to the airfield after the show. She really wished she could take the time to go back to Minnesota with him, even just to spend time with him on the plane and then jet back to Halifax, but she couldn't. While they spent a lot of time emailing and IM-ing back and forth, and more than a few evenings a week on the phone (when it wasn't a show night), JeriLynn wished she could spend more time with him; absence making the heart grow fonder and all that. Usually Kirk was very talkative when they were alone, but on this drive he stared out the car window at the lights of the city. [COLOR="Red"]"Hey babe, are you OK? You did fine tonight, really -- or is that not what's bothering you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Hm? No, I'm OK with tonight -- Kashmir's a neat guy, he was really helpful."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"OK, so what is it? Do you just want some space?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I don't know. I'm just tired -- I have a bunch of stuff to read before my final next week. On one hand, it's cool having just one class, but they make you do so much on your own."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Yeah, J-term is definitely a change of pace."[/COLOR] Saint Knud's ran a 4-1-4 calendar, which meant that in the month of January, you only took one class, but it crammed a semester's worth of content into the one-month timeframe -- that's why you only ever took one class. [COLOR="red"]"Do you have your schedule for next term?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Yeah, I was able to set my schedule up pretty well -- my Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes are all early, I'm done by noon, which gives me time to hop on the plane on Wendesday if I'm scheduled to perform. I only have one Tuesday-Thursday class and it's not until 2pm, so it works out. It would be impossible if I was trying to be on the wrestling team at Saint Knud's as well -- I might as well only work NOTBPW shows in the summer then. Dad is still furious with me for not being on the wrestling team, but he at least bought the notion that I wanted to focus on football."[/COLOR] [I]Now we're getting someplace[/I], JeriLynn thought to herself. [COLOR="Red"]"Have you told them anything about us?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"They know I have a girlfriend, but I haven't told them really anything else."[/COLOR] There was a brief pause. "[COLOR="blue"]Look, I know I haven't been very open about my family. To be honest my parents and I don't have the healthiest of relationships, and I have wanted to spare you any crap along that line for as long as I can, especially with everything you've been doing the past few weeks."[/COLOR] JeriLynn nodded. [COLOR="Red"]"OK, I can deal with that -- but you're going to have to tell them something, especially if you're planning to spend the summer with me."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I know, I just need to be able to find the right time to do it."[/COLOR] They pulled up to the business aviation terminal at the airport in Montreal. JeriLynn pulled Kirk to her and they kissed for a minute or so in goodbye. --- [QUOTE][B]The Week in Wrestling (January 2007 Week 3)[/B] Warlord Pain defeated Tribal Warrior for the USPW National title ([url]www.uspw.com[/url]) Darryl Devine has left 4C, signing a written contract with SWF ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Whippy the Clown signs a PPA contract with 4C ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Joey Poison signs a PPA contract with CGC ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) CGC Elimination pulls a 0.25 buy rate; show is rated C ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Chance signs with 4C as a road agent ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Trent Shaffer signs with 4C ([url]www.tew.com)[/url][/QUOTE]
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Growing up in the Maritimes, I thought I had an appreciation for what 'remote' meant. Halifax is a decent size city, but it doesn't take long to get out and into some desolate country. That being said, there was an element of structure to it, as you couldn't go too far before hitting another town or the ocean. The Prairies are entirely different. You can literally drive for hours without seeing anything. You can feel very small out there, and very alone. It was unnerving to be honest. What towns and cities are out there stand like a giant oasis in the desert. This was the setting for my first show in Saskatchewan -- Saskatoon, to be precise. The theme for this touring show was "let's put some of our new guys out there as tag teams and see if we can find some potential regulars" [QUOTE][B]NOTBPW Presents -- Mat Masters Tour -- Monday, Week 4, January 2007[/B] Emma Bitch defeated Grace Harper in 7:57 by pinfall with The Payback. [B]D+[/B] The Natural defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 7:32 by pinfall with a Nature Calls. [B]C-[/B] Melody Cuthill defeated Tamara McFly in 7:45 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 3 of her NOTBPW Womens title. [B]C+[/B] Tim Westybrook defeated Nathan Coleman in 13:48 by pinfall with a Double Powerbomb. [B]B-[/B] Flash and Hash (Steve Flash and Harrison Hash) defeated The Demolition Crew in 9:45 when Steve Flash defeated Alysian Scottsfield by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [B]D[/B] The Stone Siblings defeated Marc Speed and Joss Thompson in 13:47 when Jeremy Stone defeated Marc Speed by pinfall. [B]C[/B] The McWade Brothers drew with Hard Working Wild Men (Jungle Jack and Freddie Datsun) in 10:00 when the time limit expired. [B]C+[/B] The Flying Stones defeated Samoan Insanity (Rhino Umaga and Insane Machine) in 14:28 when Duane Stone defeated Insane Machine by pinfall. [B]B-[/B] Sean McFly defeated Owen Love in 21:39 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 6 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B]B+[/B] Final Rating: [B]B[/B] This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Mat Masters tour last night at Pengrowth Place, and drew 1700 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, with most having liked the vast majority of the show.[/B] [/QUOTE] Like last week, we found more things not to do than things to do: [LIST] [*][COLOR="Green"]Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. [/COLOR][I](Good to see, I like Tamara a lot and want to see her look good.)[/I] [*][COLOR="Red"]Grace Harper and Emma Bitch don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. [/COLOR][I](In many ways I'm still trying to figure out what to do with Grace -- I know she wants to focus on wrestling, but I'm not finding many ways to use her well, and I could really use her in other roles quite effectively...)[/I] [*][COLOR="red"]Marc Speed and Joss Thompson have absolutely zero chemistry as partners.[/COLOR] [I](Crud. I was hoping this one would work better, but at least it was the only negative chemistry pairing we found in the show.)[/I] [/LIST] That being said, I was glad to see that most of my pairings worked out OK -- we will be seeing more of Flash and Hash, Hard Working Wild Men and Samoan Insanity in the tag division. Unfortunately, this show had one particularly sour note -- Rhino Umaga caught Uncle Duane just wrong on a very stiff superkick and drilled him in the side of the head. He still couldn't hear out of his left ear the next morning and a trip to the doctor confirmed that he'd blown his eardrum out. Luckily that was all it was; it could have turned out much worse. He'll be able to work through it, but I will see if I can rearrange the schedule for him a bit so he can get some recovery time in.
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[B]From:[/B] JL Stone [mailto:jlstone@notbpw.ca] [B]Sent:[/B] Monday, January 22, 2007 11:15 AM [B]To:[/B] Cliff Wilson [mailto:cwilson@notbpw.ca] [B]Subject:[/B] Something for you to consider Hi Cliff, Hope your show in Tokyo went well tonight. Is your plane to Toronto on schedule? I'm a little concerned about all the plane time you're logging -- I know you're a Super Double Platinum Lifetime frequent flyer on Canadian Air and get treated like royalty, but going back and forth every week, sometimes even twice, is going to wear you down, and folks are starting to notice. I'm really happy with how the fans are responding to you and Sean and I want to set this feud up to go for a good long time, even having you trade the strap back and forth a couple of times. You need to be at 100% to make that work, though, and I don't think that can happen with you on a plane for 20+ hours a week. Your NOTBPW contract comes due in two months, but I would like to know now: What will it take to put you on a written contract with us? JL ---------- [B]From:[/B] Cliff Wilson [mailto:cwilson@notbpw.ca] [B]Sent:[/B] Monday, January 22, 2007 11:25 AM [B]To:[/B] JL Stone [mailto:jlstone@notbpw.ca] [B]Subject:[/B] Re: Something for you to consider JL -- At airport now, plane is on time. About contract: 21K per month, no less. --CW --- Sent from my Blackberry Wireless ---------- [B]From:[/B] JL Stone [mailto:jlstone@notbpw.ca] [B]Sent:[/B] Monday, January 22, 2007 11:30 AM [B]To:[/B] Cliff Wilson [mailto:cwilson@notbpw.ca] [B]Subject: [/B]Re: Something for you to consider Cliff, I can't promise that much without talking to Dan Sr. first. I'll meet with him tomorrow and follow up with you at Wednesday's show. JL ---------- [I]Oh, joy and rapture -- not! Grandpa will NEVER agree to that much...[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U]NOTBPW CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING[/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling returns to Waterloo University Arena this Wednesday! This week's card includes: [I][COLOR="Red"]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifier[/COLOR][/I] Nathan Coleman vs. Jungle Jack vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Alysian Scottsfield Frankie Perez vs. Shooter Sean Deeley The Stone Seductresses (Victoria Stone and JeriLynn Stone) vs. Jana Marie Bowen and Stephanie Hazel [I][COLOR="red"]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title Match[/COLOR][/I] Edd Stone vs. JD Morgan Dark Angel vs. Tim Westybrook Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[B][I][SIZE="4"]OOC Announcement:[/SIZE][/I][/B] I will be taking the family on vacation starting Thursday 3/15 and not getting back until Sunday 3/25. While the laptop that has TEW is coming along, it won't be a very high priority, so there will likely be no updates in that time -- I will try to write up the TV taping that I just put the preview up for before I leave.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Wednesday, Week 4, January 2007 Waterloo University Arena, Waterloo, Ontario 5,000 in attendance (sellout!)[/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Match 1 Mighty Cavanagh vs. Rolling Johnny Stones[/B][/CENTER] [I]I have been none too kind with Cavanagh in past evaluations, and while Grandpa says he sees some improvement in his performance, it is still way below standard. Contract is up in six weeks, and I just don't see a reason to re-sign him.[/I] [B]Mighty Cavanagh defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 7:58 by pinfall. (D-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2 The Kelowna Playaz vs. Samoan Insanity[/B][/CENTER] [I]A good outing for Rhino and Insane Machine, or at least as good an outing as one can have with Gregg and Craig. By all accounts, Gregg is the least skilled worker on the roster, but I need a jobber face tag team, and that is the only reason I don't hand him walking papers.[/I] [B]The Kelowna Playaz drew with Samoan Insanity in 8:00 when the time limit expired. (D+)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]It's Wrestling Night in Canada! Welcome to NOTBPW Professional Wrestling, coming to you from Waterloo University Arena! I'm Tommy London, along with Tom Towsend, and we have a great show in store for you tonight![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]I swear, Tommy, do these kids ever lay off the Elsinores? Every time we come here it's a beer-soaked nuthouse![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]You say that like it's a bad thing, Tom![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]It is when I don't get any! And speaking of not getting any, Jeremy Stone ain't gettin' any -- mercy that is, when he faces R.K. Hayes in the main event tonight![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Perhaps, Tom, but we've got a lot of ground to cover first. Last week, Dean McWade became the first qualifier to the Donnybrook Title match at Clash Classic -- who will join him tonight?[/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match -- NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifying Match Jungle Jack vs. Alysian Scottsfield vs. Nathan Coleman vs. Kashmir Singh[/B][/CENTER] [I]Tom and Tommy really helped lift this otherwise unremarkable match. Seemed almost too orderly for what is supposed to be a all-out brawl, but it did work, nonetheless. Alysian was the only one dragging, everyone else held up pretty well.[/I] [B]Jungle Jack defeated Alysian Scottsfield, Nathan Coleman and Kashmir Singh in 9:52 when Jungle Jack defeated Kashmir Singh by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. (C-)[/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Coming up later tonight, Duane Stone squares off against Johnny Bloodstone![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Earlier this week, Duane took a viscious kick to the head from Rhino Umaga during the Mat Masters tour show in Saskatoon -- perhaps tonight Johnny Bloodstone can finish what Rhino started and completely separate Duane's empty head from his body![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Honestly, Tom, you're just not a nice person sometimes.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Hey, that's the nature of the sport, just like it was for me playing pro hockey. You know that as well as I do, and if you can't take it, don't bother showing up![/COLOR] [I]I continue to be impressed with the development of Tommy's charisma -- he's really gelling with Tom as they banter back and forth.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Frankie Perez[/B][/CENTER] [I]A solid undercard match -- my only real complaint about Frankie is his uber-stiffness which when paired with Sean Deeley's technical style made for very little selling.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Frankie Perez in 10:32 by pinfall with a German Suplex. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]The Stone Seductresses vs. Jana Marie Bowen and Stephanie Hazel[/B][/CENTER] [I]Sigh. I still have so much to learn from Aunt Vickie as far as in-ring work goes. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. Well, it did both JMB and I some good experience in front of the camera.[/I] [B]The Stone Seductresses defeated Jana Marie Bowen and Stephanie Hazel in 9:53 when Victoria Stone defeated Jana Marie Bowen by pinfall. (D+)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]As alluded to earlier, our main event has rough and tough R.K. Hayes taking on the eldest of the Stone Brothers, Jeremy. Contrasting styles from the two superstars makes for an interesting matchup, I think.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Come on, Tommy, even you have to admit R.K. is on fire right now -- he's put together a nice little streak for himself, and against good opponents, along with the occasional Stone.[/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]It's true, R.K. has been looking very solid lately, and with such a crowded title picture, it's easy to forget his credentials.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]People forget that R.K. was a NOTBPW Champion a few years back and given his current form, could easily be a champion now, if they'd give him the shot![/COLOR] [I]Not much to add from my previous comments, if anything, this segment was a little better because of the subjects.[/I] [B](B)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title Match Edd Stone vs. JD Morgan[/B][/CENTER] [I]Hmm. Edd was really off his game tonight and it showed -- he should have been able to carry this match to an above average result, but he didn't. I will have to have Grandpa get after him -- I don't think Edd takes me too seriously as an authority figure yet.[/I] [B]Edd Stone defeated JD Morgan in 9:56 by pinfall with a Party's Over. Edd Stone makes defence number 2 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][A video recap of the Sean McFly/Dark Angel storyline is played.][/I][/B] [I]Good, solid, predictable angle segment. [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Tim Westybrook vs. Dark Angel[/B][/CENTER] [I]Again, Tim impresses by holding his end of a top-flight match up -- a solid performance all around. Dark Angel stepped up his game too; I think he's trying to prove he's worth the boatloads of money he's asking for...[/I] [B]Dark Angel defeated Tim Westybrook in 15:36 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. (B+)[/B] --- [B][CENTER]Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/CENTER][/B] [I]Wow. Even with his head ringing like Big Ben, Uncle Duane manages to have a great match with Johnny -- they're good enough to keep Duane's head protected without making it look apparent to the casual observer. Had Duane not been injured, this might have been a Match of the Year candidate.[/I] [B]Duane Stone drew with Johnny Bloodstone in 20:00 when the time limit expired. (A)[/B] --- [B][I][Sean McFly and Victoria Stone come down the aisle and take up seats behind the announcer's box.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Our main event is coming up next, and look who's coming down to get a bird's eye view! It's the first couple of NOTBPW, Heavyweight Champion Sean McFly and Victoria Stone![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]First couple?? Lord is it getting deep in here! Someone throw me a rope, please![/COLOR] [I]It may be deep in here to Tom, but there was definitely a pop for them, even in street clothes! [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B][I][R.K. Hayes comes down to ringside, microphone in hand.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Purple"]WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET SOME GODDAMNED RESPECT AROUND HERE?!?! Ain't nobody in this sorry excuse for a wrestling promotion's been able to stop me, and yet I'm not in line for a title shot? Sounds like somebody's using their connections to avoid having to get messed up at my expense![/COLOR] [B][I][He gets to the ring and notices the McFlys in the front row.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Purple"]So you brought the little woman down to see me beat down her brother -- hope you enjoy the show, since you're not man enough to face me in the ring![/COLOR] [I]THAT got folks a little peeved at R.K. [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Main Event Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes[/B][/CENTER] [I]A good, but not outstanding, match -- both Dad and R.K were a bit stiff and didn't sell as much as they have in the past. Still, it's a good high note to wrap up the evening on.[/I] [B]R.K. Hayes defeated Jeremy Stone in 14:22 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. (B-)[/B] --- [B][I][The match is over, and R.K. Hayes celebrates in the ring for a moment, then asks for a microphone and looks down at Sean McFly and Victoria Stone sitting in the front row.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Purple"]So, you going to keep ducking me, McFly? I've beaten up every Stone that's come my way recently. Or would you rather hide behind Victoria? Doesn't matter to me, I'll go through her too.[/COLOR] Sean McFly: [COLOR="Green"]Watch your mouth, R.K. You want a go at me, that's fine, we can do that. Mess with my wife, though, and I won't just beat you -- I'll humiliate you.[/COLOR] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Purple"]Big words, big words. I don't think you can back them up. Hell, I don't even think you wear the pants in your family. Next week, I want you in this ring, where I will take your belt and your manhood, if you still have that.[/COLOR] Victoria Stone-McFly: [COLOR="Orange"]Not that it's any of your concern, but let me assure you he does, more than you'll ever hope for, little boy.[/COLOR] [I]And the image of a stewing R.K. fades to black as the show closes. The fans were pumped at the idea of a McFly-Hayes main event next week! [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B This show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night at Waterloo University Arena, and drew 5000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been pretty good, people seemed to have enjoyed the show. 7.22 (down from 7.43) rating on Canada On-Air 0.06 rating on National Pride TV[/B]
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After the show, we drove into the city to meet the rest of the crew at a little out-of-the-way bar where we could enjoy a few beers without undue attention -- Grandpa and the owner are old army buddies, and he pretty much clears the place out except for a handful of longtime patrons when we're in town for us. Dad was driving the car and I was in the backseat talking with Grandpa. [COLOR="Red"]"Grandpa, please reconsider."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"No."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Grandpa, his contract expires in two months, and we have the Cup in that timeframe. That only gives us one more PPV unless we renew, and his price won't change between now and then."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"No. It's too much money."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"It's not too much money! Yes, it's the high end of the scale, but it's not out of line with what the other top main eventers are getting. Besides, have you looked at the month end numbers??"[/COLOR] --- [CODE][B][SIZE="2"]NOTBPW Finance (January 2007) Cash: 8,472,847 Performance: [COLOR="Green"]472,847[/COLOR] Income PPV Revenue: 188,210 Ticket Sales: 1,217,068 Sponsors: 505,971 Merchandise: 46,308 Misc.: 0 Expenditure Workers: 213,275 Show Costs: 218,000 Marketing: 100,000 Merchandise: 144,731 Production: 256,000 Misc.: 552,724[/SIZE][/B][/CODE] --- [COLOR="red"]"We cleared almost half a million this month. That includes 5 dates Cliff worked at $2,200 a show, for $11,000. If I have him work every Mat Masters date as well in a month, that's 9 dates in total for $19,800. That, however, means expecting him to show on Monday when he has likely worked both of GCG's weekend shows -- it's not reasonable to expect that of him physically, and it's worth the premium -- only $10,000 a month more than we paid him last month, to have him healthy and exclusively working our shows."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You do realize, dear, that GCG will go off tour next month?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"And they go back to touring in April -- March is Cup month for us, which is exactly the month we could spare him. PGHW made an offer to him earlier this month, and Burning Hammer will come calling sooner or later."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"$21,000 a month is too much, regardless."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"He has already put in two Match of the Year candidates in, with Dad and Uncle Sean, and every other match has been top quality. We're not going to find equivalent talent and overness for less."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You're going to have to, my dear. If he won't accept $16,000 a month, then NOTBPW will let his contract lapse, and we will wish him our best in his future endeavors."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"There's no way he'll take that, Grandpa! You're tying my hands here!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"If and when you inherit the business, you can run it the way you see fit. Until then, you would do well to remember that [B][I]I[/I][/B] own this company."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Dad, talk to him!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Oh no no no, Miss Head Booker, you're not dragging me into this -- I know better than to go up against my father when his mind is made up, and trust me, his mind is made up."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Don't get me wrong, dear, you make a strong case. You're almost sound like Cliff's agent -- and that's the problem. You need to act like [B][I]MY[/I][/B] agent, and make just as strong a case that his request is not optimal value for us. Also, you need to consider an alternative main event feud for the moment, on the assumption that Cliff decides to let his contract lapse. Now, I've discussed this as much as I care to tonight, and besides, we've arrived at the bar."[/COLOR] Even I know better than to press at this point -- nothing gets in the way of Grandpa's after-show beer, even me.
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I chatted with Cliff the next day over breakfast. Without going into too much detail, I let him know that we were still trying to get numbers to work out and that it would probably be better to hold off until he could be in Canada for a longer period of time, perhaps as the GCG tour was winding down. It was clear, however, that Cliff picked up on the unstated message as well, that his number was too high and that he would need to reconsider it over the next few weeks. He was very cordial throughout and we left each other on good terms as we headed to our respective planes. Despite the setback, I was in a good mood. J-term was wrapping up at St. Knud's and Kirk would be in Halifax with me over the term break as well as working the Monday Mat Masters show before heading back to Minnesota. On Friday we had our month end business/creative meeting. This time we actually went to the office downtown, as we had time scheduled with Tom and Tommy as well as Richard Coleman and Craig Prince to review personnel issues. However, as Grandpa, Dad, Aunt Vickie, Kirk and I arrived at the office, the front office manager handed us printouts of a TEW.com article published just thirty minutes earlier: --- [QUOTE]EDMONTON, ALBERTA (TEW.COM) -- A group of Edmonton-based investors announced today the formation of the Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation. The CWWF is the first promotion in Canadian history to promote shows entirely based around female athletes. The precedent for sucessful women's wrestling promotions is already well established based on the success of the Angel Athletic Association and the women's divison of Dan Stone's North of The Border Professional Wrestling. The lead investor, whose name is being withheld temporarily due to his being unable to be present for the announcement, is already well known in Canadian professional wrestling circles, but has been in Japan for the past few years. It is believed that his experience in the Orient, where women's wrestling is even more popular than it is in North America, will give CWWF a leg up in quickly develolping a credible promotion that will give AAA a serious run. How AAA will respond to serious competition in the North American market to women's wrestling is yet to be seen; owner Anne Stardust was unavailable for comment when TEW.com contacted their Seattle headquarters. Another factor in CWWF's early fortunes will be how NOTBPW responds. Their recent pursuit of market share in the western provinces, along with key talent signings in the past month, send a strong signal that the Stone family fully intends to use its market position to its advantage. Despite these challenges, early indications from the CWWF investor group reveal a well organised promotion who seem to be willing to take risks. They have the potential to become a big success story.[/QUOTE] --- Grandpa stroked his chin. [COLOR="Green"]"Hmm. An interesting development. I wonder who their lead investor is."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"You haven't heard anything?"[/COLOR] Aunt Vickie asked. [COLOR="Green"]"Hrmph. No one tells me anything anymore, at least not scuttlebutt. They're all afraid if I hear something I'll go do something about it."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Well, would you?"[/COLOR] I queried. [COLOR="Green"]"It would depend on what it was. JeriLynn, I want you to pay attention to this story, see what you can dig up out there in the internet. If their mystery owner is someone we know and can work with, it may be an opportunity for us."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"The flip side, however, is also possible, Dad -- they may not want to work with us at all."[/COLOR] Victoria said. [COLOR="Green"]"True enough. It is worth drawing up some extention paperwork for our key women's workers -- who aren't named Stone, of course."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"That will probably cost us some money, Grandpa," [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="Green"]"You were so gung-ho on spending it just two days ago, JeriLynn."[/COLOR] Grandpa replied with just a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. Dad tried, and failed, to hold back a chuckle. [COLOR="Red"]"[I]Anyway[/I], we can offset the costs by releasing lower-quality workers. I think it's time we let Alysian and Mammoth go."[/COLOR] Grandpa frowned. [COLOR="Green"]"It is the correct business decision -- go ahead and start the process."[/COLOR] Grandpa never liked firing people, it went against his nature. He genuinely thinks of NOTBPW as his extended family, which is an admirable quality, so far as it goes. But there have been times I have thought that his reluctance to "hurt a family member" has hurt the quality of both the product and the bottom line. After reviewing the remainder of the roster with the road agents and booking team, we looked at our popularity numbers as they had been gathered by our marketing department. --- [CODE]Region Popularity (Beginning) Popularity (Ending) Difference Maritimes 85.0 84.4 -0.6 Quebec 72.0 72.7 +0.7 Ontario 72.0 72.7 +0.7 Prairies 50.0 53.2 +3.2 BC 50.0 53.2 +3.2 US Regions 35.1 35.9 +0.8 Prestige 70.0 70.7 +0.7[/CODE] --- [COLOR="Red"]"Some solid gains, especially out west. This will be good ammo to take into the TV negotiations." [/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Purple"]"Agreed. Who are you looking to target?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"I'll send initial proposals to all the North American networks and see who bites. We absolutely need a better US carrier than National Pride. I'd be happy if Canada On-Air renews, but we'll have to see, and we may even get interest from someone else."[/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The Week in Wrestling (Week 4, January 2007)[/B] Dark EAGLE defeated The Incredible KOYAMA for the World Level Show Stealer title. Steven Parker wins Rip Chord Invitational, defeating D.C. Rayne in the first round, Des Davids in the semifinal, and Ricky Douglas in the final. Corporal Doom joins TCW European League of Professional Fighters opens in Central Europe. Gareth Wayne and Chaos Demon #2 defeated The Pack for the WEXXV Blood Brothers titles[/QUOTE]
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A new month takes us a new direction -- south to Pennsylvania Park, a neat little venue out on the edge of Philadelphia. [QUOTE][B]NOTBPW Presents -- Mat Masters Tour -- Monday, Week 1, February 2007[/B] Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Marc Speed in 7:40 by pinfall. [B](C-)[/B] Dan Stone Jr defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 8:22 by pinfall. [B](D)[/B] Frankie Perez defeated Kashmir Singh in 8:51 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. [B](C-)[/B] Jungle Jack defeated Nathan Coleman in 8:31 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. [B](C+)[/B] Melody Cuthill defeated Stephanie Hazel in 8:36 by submission. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 4 of her NOTBPW Womens title. [B](C-)[/B] Flash and Hash defeated Samoan Insanity in 9:52 when Harrison Hash defeated Insane Machine by pinfall. [B](C)[/B] Edd Stone defeated Joss Thompson in 13:53 by pinfall with a Party's Over. Edd Stone makes defence number 3 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. [B](D+)[/B] Jeremy Stone drew with The Natural in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [B](B)[/B] Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 20:59 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 7 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B](B)[/B] Final Rating: [B]B-[/B] Used Joss Thompson far too much on this show. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Mat Masters Tour last night at Pennsylvania Park, and drew 2000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been pretty good, people seemed to have enjoyed the show.[/B] [/QUOTE] This time around we didn't run into any chemistry notes, good or bad. The show, however, gave us 0.7 percent jump in Tri-State, which isn't too shabby at all.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U]NOTBPW CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING[/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]R.K. Hayes threw down the gauntlet on NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last week -- can he back it up and take the Heavyweight Title from Sean McFly? Also on this week's card: Grace Harper vs. Emma Bitch [I][COLOR="Red"]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifier[/COLOR][/I] Steve Flash vs. Derek Frost vs. Tim Westybrook vs. Rhino Umaga [I][COLOR="red"]NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match[/COLOR][/I] The Can-Am Blondes vs. Hard Working Wild Men Dallas McWade vs. Duane Stone Dan Stone Jr vs. Johnny Bloodstone Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone [I][COLOR="red"]NOTBPW Heavyweight Title Match[/COLOR][/I] Sean McFly vs. R.K. Hayes [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Wednesday, Week 1, February 2007 Molson Palais des Sports, Laval, Quebec 5,000 in attendance (sellout!)[/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Match Kirk Heidenreich vs. Shooter Sean Deeley[/B][/CENTER] [I]Since both Sean and Kirk have solid amateur backgrounds, they really played off of each other well -- lots of mat wrestling, holds and counter-holds, etc. The improvement is slow, but it is there where Kirk is concerned and Sean was able to make him look credible.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 7:38 by pinfall with a German Suplex. (C+)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Good Evening and Bonsoir! This is NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! Tommy London and Tom Towsend here, and tonight we are in for a treat![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]R.K. Hayes is pissed and he's not taking it anymore! Undefeated in 2007, and yet he gets no respect! Last week, he called out Sean McFly, and tonight they go at it for the Heavyweight title! I smell a new Heavyweight Champion in the air tonight![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]I don't know about that, Tom, the last thing you want to do to Sean McFly is get him angry, and threatening is wife has assuredly done that![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Do you think R.K. cares if McFly is mad? The only thing R.K. cares about is getting his hands on the NOTBPW title again, and he'll do anything he has to in order to get it![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match Grace Harper vs. Emma Bitch[/B][/CENTER] [I]Hrmm. Could have been better, but could have been worse too. Grace and Emma's timing seem to be off a bit, and while each of them are demonstrating improvement, they don't seem to be gelling very well at all.[/I] [B]Emma Bitch defeated Grace Harper in 9:43 by pinfall with The Payback. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"] Johnny Bloodstone has had an up and down few weeks, but never count the Submission Demon out! He faces off tonight against Dan Stone Jr.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Those Stones all stick up for each other, don't they? Last week Johnny took little brother Duane Stone to a time limit draw, and Dan seems to feel the need to defend his brother's honor![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Seems to me that Duane defended his honor just fine by himself, even while competing injured. We've been told that Duane had a chance to recuperate over the weekend and is back at 100%. We're glad that it wasn't a more serious situation.[/COLOR] [I]Pretty typical, solid mic work by Tom and Tommy and it's what I've come to expect from them.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifier Steve Flash vs. Derek Frost vs. Tim Westybrook vs.Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [I]The best Donnybrook match so far! And I must give props to Derek, who I have not been impressed with overmuch, mostly because of his pairing with Alysian, but as a singles competitor, he has use in a JTTS role.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook defeated Derek Frost, Steve Flash, and Rhino Umaga in 9:32 when Tim Westybrook defeated Derek Frost by pinfall with a TNT Whirlwind. (B)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Now that R.K. Hayes has inserted himself into the title picture, where does Dark Angel stand? Tonight he and Jeremy stone lock up![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Make no mistake, Tommy, Dark Angel is still a force to be reckoned with, and with his new...um...follower...the lights aren't going to go out again, are they?[/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]I don't know, Tom, but even if they do, Jeremy Stone is not a man that frightens easily, as we'll see later tonight.[/COLOR] [I]With every show, Tommy's charisma shines through just a little more.[/I] [B](B)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match The Can-Am Blondes vs. Hard Working Wild Men[/B][/CENTER] [I]A very nice match all the way around! Freddie and Jack are making for a good pairing, and they really pushed Damien and Owen. The crowd was smelling upset and they were really getting into it! There's definitely some possibilities here...[/I] [B]The Can-Am Blondes defeated Hard Working Wild Men in 11:57 when Owen Love defeated Freddie Datsun by pinfall with a Love Gun. The Can-Am Blondes make defence number 3 of their NOTBPW Tag Team titles. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Duane Stone vs. Dallas McWade[/B][/CENTER] [I]I was really worried about having Dallas, whom I consider the weaker of the McWade brothers, this far up the card, even with one of my uncles. But I must confess that Dallas brought his best game tonight, and while Duane certainly carried most of the load, they had an outstanding match![/I] [B]Duane Stone defeated Dallas McWade in 10:20 by pinfall. (B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dan Stone Jr vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/B][/CENTER] [I]Outstanding work all the way through! Uncle Dan did most of Johnny's training when he started with us, and they know each other very well as a result -- the flow of the match was consistent and no one knew which way it was going to go until the last second when Uncle Dan rolled through the Bloodstone Mutilation before Johnny could lock it in, then caught him with a nasty superkick when Johnny turned around to look for Uncle Dan.[/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 16:48 by pinfall. (A)[/B] --- [B][I][A video recap of the Sean McFly/R.K. Hayes events from last week's show is played.][/I][/B] [I]Purely time filler, but good stuff, nonetheless. [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B][CENTER]Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel w/Acolyte[/CENTER][/B] [I]Another solid match, not quite to the same intensity as the last one, but very good regardless. Dad let himself be 'distracted' by the Acolyte, providing the window for Cliff to catch him unawares and hook in the Descent into Hell. [/I] [B]Dark Angel defeated Jeremy Stone in 17:01 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. (B+)[/B] --- [B][I][Dark Angel and Acolyte depart from the ring area immediately and head straight for their locker room, which is dimly lit by candles and decorated in a variety of occult symbolism. The Acolyte turns on a television and we see that R.K. Hayes is making his way to the ring for the main event.][/I][/B] Acolyte: [COLOR="Purple"]How dare this mortal insert himself into our plans for vengence! His interference in our affairs is not acceptible, and he shall be made to suffer as a result. Angel of Darkness, your followers gladly give their souls and spirits to you so that you may crush all in your path, including this ignorant fool![/COLOR] [B][I][Dark Angel nods, almost imperceptibly.][/I][/B] [I]Good thing this angle was rated on Dark Angel's overness! [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B][I][R.K. Hayes comes down to ringside, microphone in hand.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Our main event is next! The challenger, R.K. Hayes, is already in the ring. [/COLOR] [B][I][Sean McFly's music blares over the loudspeakers][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]And there he is, NOTBPW champion Sean McFly! And surprise, surprise, look who's with him! Victoria Stone is standing by her man![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Oh give me a break, eh? What is Victoria doing here?! She has no business at ringside! She's not a manager![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Main Event Sean McFly w/Victoria Stone vs. R.K. Hayes[/B][/CENTER] [I]Unfortunately, this one was a bit of a letdown after the last two matches. It lifted the crowd, just not quite as much as the previous matches did. Still, it wasn't a bad match, and now we have a twist in our title storyline. [/I] [B]Sean McFly drew with R.K. Hayes in 15:00 when the time limit expired. Sean McFly makes defence number 8 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (B-)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B This show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night at Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 5000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, people seemed to have enjoyed the vast majority of the show. 7.40 (up from 7.22) rating on Canada On-Air 0.06 rating on National Pride TV[/B]
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The recent snow gave the Saint Knud campus a sense of quiet as Kirk and I made our way to his dorm. Classes wouldn't start up again until Monday, but there was still quite a bit of activity as people made their way back to school from whereever they'd been. Grandpa was kind enough to let me go back with Kirk to Minnesota for the weekend and I would rejoin the family in Vancouver for the Mat Masters show. Kirk's roommate, Derek, was already back when we opened the door to Kirk's room on the seventh floor of Bering Hall. Derek was a stoner from North Dakota, and was a philosophy major (naturally). Kirk was none too fond of him, but kept his distaste to himself mostly (except to kvetch to me). [COLOR=blue]"Dude, there's like three messages on the answering machine from your mom,"[/COLOR] Derek said as we walked in the door. Kirk's eyebrow raised. [COLOR=indigo]"Why is she calling the room? She knows my cell phone number."[/COLOR] Almost on cue, Kirk's cell phone started ringing. He stepped out into the hall. Derek grabbed a Leinenkugel's from the mini fridge and put his headphones on to listen to music. Saint Knud is supposed to be a dry campus - which is the second most broken rule on campus. The first most broken rule is that there aren't supposed to be girls in the boys dorms and vice versa. None of us did very well at being good Lutheran boys and girls, apparently. Kirk came back into the room, noticeably upset. He strode across the room and tapped Derek on the shoulder. [COLOR=indigo]"Hey, could you do me a favor and make yourself scarce tonight?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"No trouble at all, dude,"[/COLOR] Derek replied. He looked over at me with a pathetic grin and continued, [COLOR=blue]"Planning a little badonkadonk tonight?"[/COLOR] Kirk's eyes narrowed. [COLOR=indigo]"I should drill you for that, but I have other issues right now. My parents are in town and are springing a surprise visit on me."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Ohh, harsh. Gimme a minute and I'll bail. And I didn't mean nothin' by that, just giving you a hard time's all."[/COLOR] I tried hard to surpress a smirk -- it's not a good idea when you're someone like Derek to mouth off to someone like Kirk, especially if he's in a pissy mood. True to his word, Derek grabbed a few things to stuff in his knapsack and cleared out. Once he left, Kirk turned to me and said, [COLOR=indigo]"No matter what, we do not mention wrestling to Mom and Dad at all."[/COLOR] I stared at him, puzzled. [COLOR=red]"Why?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Because they don't know I'm doing it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"WHAT?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Remember, not healthy relationship? I don't have time to get into it, they'll be here any minute! We gotta get down to the entrance lounge, they'll freak if they find you here in the room -- hell, they may even tell the head resident!"[/COLOR] We made our way downstairs and settled into the comfy chairs by the fireplace. Kirk was fidgeting and constantly looking over toward the doorway. It was very much unlike him. After a few minutes, they arrived. I was struck immediately by their, well, perfectness. Kirk's dad was a broad shouldered, rugged looking man with a square jaw and perfectly placed hair, with only a few wisps of grey belieing his age. Kirk's mom was a beautiful, slender woman with a confident air in her stride. It was clear that Kirk's genetics were no fluke. [COLOR=green]"Well, there you are! Good to see you, son! How was your break?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"It was fine, Dad, only got back a few hours ago. In fact, Mom, Dad, this is JeriLynn."[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"Ah, so this is the wench who kept my son from coming home last week!"[/COLOR] Kirk's face went white, and I'm sure I was beet red. Apparently Kirk's dad noticed the discomfort and attempted to recover: [COLOR=green]"I'm sorry, I was only trying to break the ice and didn't do too good a job, obviously. JeriLynn, I'm John Heidenreich and this is my wife, Sue. We've heard rather a bit about you and I'm glad we finally had the chance to meet."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"It's good to meet you both as well, Mr. and Mrs. Heidenreich."[/COLOR] Looking John in the eye, I grinned and said, [COLOR=red]"It's very clear where Kirk gets his good looks from."[/COLOR] Now he was the one blushing. A few more minutes of small talk later, it was decided that we would all go into town for a bite to eat. Dinner didn't seem particularly awkward, though you wouldn't have thought that from Kirk's temperment. It was like he was an entirely different person. We got back to campus and it was clear I was going to need to make an exit, since I couldn't go with them up to his room. [COLOR=red]"Well, I'm sure you need to catch up on a few things, so I'll go over to Thorsen Hall and see if any of my friends have made it back yet."[/COLOR] I had just stepped outside and was starting the walk accross the campus green (which, of course, wasn't very green at the moment with all of the snow) when I heard Kirk's mother call out behind me, [COLOR=magenta]"Wait for a moment, JeriLynn!"[/COLOR] I stopped and turned back to face her. [COLOR=magenta]"JeriLynn, just between us women, can I ask you a question?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Certainly, Mrs. Heidenreich, what is it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta]"Do you have any idea why Kirk quit the wrestling team?"[/COLOR] I could feel my heartrate quickening -- I hate lying, but Kirk's given me little choice. [COLOR=red]"I don't, Mrs. Heidenreich. He never really talked to me about it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta]"I see. I really don't understand it, Kirk has always loved wrestling. The coach was really upset after finding out, he believes Kirk can be a national champion. At home, Kirk was focused and determined to achieve his goals. It seems like he's distracted here, and it's important that Kirk have as few distractions as possible so he can focus on his priorities."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"He seems to be doing fine, Mrs. Heidenreich. He made all-conference in football this year as a freshman, led the team in tackles, and the Fighting Reindeer made the postseason for the first time in 15 years. On top of that, he's pulled decent grades in fall semester and J-term. That doesn't sound like someone who's distracted to me."[/COLOR] Of course, I couldn't tell her how un-distracted he's been as he's learned the ropes of professional wrestling, or how much of a perfectionist he is and how much he beats himself up when he doesn't get something right. [COLOR=magenta]"Well, there are distractions here. Kirk is at an awkward stage in his life and right now he really needs to focus on what's important. To be frank, JeriLynn, I think his relationship with you is a distraction, and I think it would be in his best interests if you stopped seeing him."[/COLOR] I bit my tongue to keep what I wanted to say from blurting out. Regaining my composure, I replied in a level tone, [COLOR=red]"I'm sorry you feel that way, Mrs. Heidenreich. But the only people who have any say in Kirk's and my relationship are Kirk and me."[/COLOR] I turned around and quickly walked away. As I replayed the confrontation in my head over and over again, I could feel myself getting more and more worked up, so that by the time I got to Thorsen, I was fighting back tears.
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[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=5][B][U]Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine Online[/U][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][B][I]Upcoming TV Season Negotiations Proving Fast and Furious, Especially in Japanese Market[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]--by Remmington Remus[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Less than a week into the February TV negotiation cycle, no less than eight professional wrestling promotions have announced new shows with networks, including four new shows in Japan.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][COLOR=blue]5 Star Supreme Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] came to terms with All Japan TV for a new highlights show to premiere in March. According to AJTV sources, the network agreed to a two-season contract for a 60-minute slot on Monday nights at midnight. The all-ladies promotion has not been on TV previously and hope that the additional exposure will catapult them to new heights of success.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Also making their TV debut this spring is [B][COLOR=blue]Inspire Diversity Group[/COLOR][/B], who signed a two-season contract with Japanese Sports Vision 2 for a one-hour highlights show, to be named [I][B]INSPIRE Point of Impact[/B][/I] on Wednesday nights at midnight.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][COLOR=blue]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/COLOR][/B] solidified its relationship with Japanese Sports Vision when it announced the debut of a second show on the network. [B][I]BHOTWG High Impact[/I][/B] will air on Wednesday nights from 9-11pm, complimenting the Monday showing of [B][I]BHOTWG Lords of the Ring[/I][/B], the highest rated wrestling show in Japan currently. JSV expects similar ratings success from [B][COLOR=black][I]High Impact[/I][/COLOR][/B], which will initially run for two seasons.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][COLOR=blue]Golden Canvas Grappling[/COLOR][/B] entered into a two-season agreement with Japanese Sports Vision 3 for a one hour highlights package to be shown on Tuesday nights from 11pm-midnight. It is not known if the show, with its late timeslot on a small network, can match the ratings of GCG's current show, [B][I]Stars of the Golden Canvas[/I][/B].[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]The North American market has also been busy with a number of new projects announced this week and rumors of more to come. [B][COLOR=blue]Canadian Golden Combat[/COLOR][/B] expanded its TV footprint into the US market when it signed a two-season deal with The Pop! network to broadcast a new one-hour show, [B][I]CGC Passion[/I][/B], on Monday nights at 11pm. For the first time, both major Canadian promotions have TV exposure south of the 49th Parallel.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]The Pop! Network also announced a two-season agreement with Phil Vibert's hardcore promotion [B][COLOR=blue]Danger and Violence Extreme[/COLOR][/B]. [B][I]DAVE Retribution[/I][/B], a one-hour show, will debut next month on Saturday nights at midnight, and marks the first time DAVE will be available on national TV. [B][I]Danger Zone TV[/I][/B], DAVE's flagship show, will still be seen in the northeast US on regional network East Coast Today.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][COLOR=blue]Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation[/COLOR][/B] makes its TV debut next month with the introduction of [B][I]MPWF La Demostracion De La TV[/I][/B] on Mexican network Los Deporte Hoy. The one hour show is scheduled to air on Saturday nights at 11pm.[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Finally, [B][COLOR=blue]Total Championship Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] added a second show with current carrier GNN Total Sports for a two-hour show, to be named [B][I]TCW Battering Ram[/I][/B]. The show will be broadcast on Friday nights starting at 9pm. [/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Sources at GNN indicate that there is at least one major project still in negotiations, leading to speculation that Richard Eisen's Supreme Wrestling Federation is looking to expand its North American TV presence and keep Tommy Cornell's TCW in its #2 spot in the US market.[/FONT]
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My head was pounding and my stomach was in knots. After finding a couple of my old roommates and telling them of my woes, they took me back into town for a girl's night out. I don't drink much usually, but I had to do something to get that damn woman's image out of my head. When we got to the bar, we grabbed a table and I went to the bar. When I demanded two bottles of Crown Royal Special Reserve at the bar, the bartender looked at me like I was crazy -- college students usually don't ask for $50 bottles of whiskey. But since I paid cash, I obviously wasn't as crazy as I looked. The three of us emptied both bottles over the next couple of hours. I'm not entirely sure how I got back to campus, but I found myself in my old bed, in my old room the next morning -- luckily for me, they never found a new roommate for Krystal after I moved out before Christmas. Krystal asked a few questions, but I was somewhat evasive; even in my hungover state, I remembered that Krystal and Kirk were related and I didn't want anything I said getting back to him at the moment. Now, I was down in the computer lounge catching up on work. I had seen the article in Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine Online and had already been exchanging emails with our lawyers in Halifax getting status updates on our negotiations. CGC getting an American network was a concern, along with TCW's expansion. I also fired off an email to an old NOTBPW friend, to both congratulate him on his new endeavor and to see if he wanted to partner with us... --- [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="3"][B]Larry Wood Introduced as Lead Owner of CWWF[/B][/SIZE] EDMONTON, ALBERTA (TEW.COM): Canadian professional wrestling star Larry Wood was revealed to be the lead owner of the recently founded Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation at a news conference Friday afternoon in Edmonton. Wood, who gained noteriety in Canadian wrestling circles as a three-time NOTBPW tag team champion and winner of the inaugural Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup, said that he looked forward to the challenges of ownership and of building a company from the ground up. Wood announced that CWWF's first show, Crazy Crazy Nights, would be held in the last week of February, and that a number of contract offers were already in the works for talent.[/FONT][/QUOTE] --- Later that morning, my IM panel started blinking... [QUOTE] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: yt?[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: I am SO sorry.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: What are you sorry for?[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: ??[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: youre not mad?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: Oh I am f***ing PISSED OFF! :mad: [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: wtf then? I'm trying to apologize![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: WHAT ARE YOU APOLOGIZING FOR???[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: youre not making sense![/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: I know youre upset and I know its my fault[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: WHAT is your fault![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: you don't get off that easy[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: You can't just say 'sorry'[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: Do you know WHY I'm so mad?[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: Because my parents are jerks and treated you like s**t[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: WRONG F**KING ANSWER!!![/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: ...[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: Please, I can't deal with both you and my parents hating me now.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: Dad was screaming at me to break up with you and I don't want to do that.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: I can't fight both you and them, its too much[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: Look, I've f**ked this whole thing up and I don't know how to fix it[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: Please don't shut me out...[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]HeidyK[/B]: JeriLynn?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: Until you know what's broken, you can't fix it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]TheStoneGirl[/B]: Figure it out, then we'll talk.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] --- [QUOTE][B]The Week in Wrestling -- Week 1, February 2007[/B] Razor Valentine takes control of ELPF Red Dragon defeated Igor Ivanoff for the 21st Century United Kingdom title Silver Shark defeated Dark EAGLE for the World Level Show Stealer title Sports America drops USPW American Wrestling Haru Kurofuji defeated Dean Daniels for the World Level Streetfighting title Champagne Lover signs with Burning Hammer for their upcoming tour DAVE signs PPV deal with USA Free Choice INSPIRE signs PPV deal with Emperor Choice Honest Frank and Land Mass defeated Wiley Coyote for the NYCW Tag Team titles Derrick Merrick becomes Booker of ELPF[/QUOTE]
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I moved up my flight to Vancouver to Saturday night -- I was in no mood to stay in Minnesota given the circumstances. [QUOTE][B]NOTBPW Presents -- Mat Masters Tour -- Monday, Week 2, February 2007[/B] The Stone Seductresses defeated Grace Harper and Stephanie Hazel in 7:33 when JeriLynn Stone defeated Grace Harper by pinfall with a Girl's Best Friend. [B](C-)[/B] Frankie Perez defeated Nathan Coleman in 8:22 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. [B](D+)[/B] Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 10:12 by submission with a Front Choke Lock. [B](C-)[/B] Hard Working Wild Men defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 10:39 when Freddie Datsun defeated Gregg Boone by pinfall with a Patriot Press. [B](D-)[/B] Edd Stone defeated Marc Speed in 13:01 by pinfall with a Party's Over. Edd Stone makes defence number 4 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. [B](C-)[/B] The Can-Am Blondes defeated The McWade Brothers in 11:32 when Owen Love defeated Dallas McWade by pinfall with a Love Gun. The Can-Am Blondes make defence number 4 of their NOTBPW Tag Team titles. [B](C)[/B] R.K. Hayes defeated Kashmir Singh in 9:34 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. [B](C+)[/B] The Stone Siblings defeated Samoan Insanity in 15:40 when Dan Stone Jr defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall. [B](C)[/B] Johnny Bloodstone drew with Tim Westybrook in 20:00 when the time limit expired.[B](B+)[/B] Final Rating: [B]B-[/B] You used Rolling Johnny Stones far too much on this show. You used Kashmir Singh far too much on ths show. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Mat Masters Tour last night at King Edward Multiplex, and drew 4304 fans. The feedback from viewers has been pretty good, people seemed to have enjoyed the show.[/B] [/QUOTE] The only pairing that didn't seem to work was Frankie Perez and Nathan Coleman --they were just awkward in the ring together. --- OOC: [quote=Remianen;224730]OH MY GOD! Wallbanger, you nailed that IM conversation! "What are you apologizing for?" "Until you know what's broken, you can't fix it. Figure it out then we'll talk". That's gold, right there. :) [/quote] Remi, thanks for the kind words -- poor Kirk didn't know what hit him, but then again, he's an 18-year old guy. The clue may need to be surgically attached. :)
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U]NOTBPW CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING[/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]The final qualifier for the Donnybrook Title Fatal Four Way goes down Wednesday night! Also on this week's card: [I][COLOR="red"]NOTBPW Women's Title Match[/COLOR][/I] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JanaMarieBowen.jpg[/IMG] Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Jana Marie Bowen [I][COLOR="Red"]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifier[/COLOR][/I] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Mammoth.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] JD Morgan vs. Dallas McWade vs. Mammoth vs. Frankie Perez [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG] Emma Bitch vs. Tamara McFly [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG] Marc Speed vs. Shooter Sean Deeley [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] Samoan Insanity vs. The Flying Stones [I][COLOR="red"]NOTBPW Heavyweight Title Match[/COLOR][/I] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] Sean McFly (c) vs. Johnny Bloodstone [/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Short Form:[/B] Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Jana Marie Bowen (NOTBPW Women's Title Match) JD Morgan vs. Dallas McWade vs. Mammoth vs. Frankie Perez (NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifying Match) Emma Bitch vs. Tamara McFly Marc Speed vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Samoan Insanity vs. The Flying Stones Sean McFly (c) vs. Johnny Bloodstone (NOTBPW Heavyweight Title Match)[/QUOTE]
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[B]Melody Cuthill (c)[/B] vs. Jana Marie Bowen (NOTBPW Women's Title Match) JD Morgan vs.[B] Dallas McWade[/B] vs. Mammoth vs. Frankie Perez (NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifying Match) [B]Emma Bitch[/B] vs. Tamara McFly Marc Speed vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] Samoan Insanity vs. [B]The Flying Stones[/B] [B]Sean McFly (c)[/B] vs. Johnny Bloodstone (NOTBPW Heavyweight Title Match) Just wanted to comment. I read thru all the way last night at work. Man excellent job. Man the whole doing it as a women concept is different, but you are doing a great job with it. Keep up the good work.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/cW.jpg[/IMG] [B] [SIZE="4"]Wednesday, Week 2, February 2007 Waterloo University Arena, Waterloo, Ontario 4,304 in attendance[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JoseThompson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dark Match 1 Dan Stone Jr vs. Joss Thompson[/B][/CENTER] [I]Good solid dark match, Uncle Dan gets a relatively easy outing and Joss picks up some solid experience. Could have put this on the main show without too much issue.[/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated Joss Thompson in 7:46 by pinfall. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DerekFrost.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/AlysianScottsfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/HarrisonHash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dark Match 2 The Demolition Crew vs. Flash and Hash[/B][/CENTER] [I]Getting a couple of more uses out of Alysian before I can the hoser. Surpisingly, I got a performance that exceeded expectations! Of course, my expectations were appropriately low.[/I] [B]Flash and Hash defeated The Demolition Crew in 7:52 when Harrison Hash defeated Derek Frost by pinfall. (C-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][We see R.K. Hayes walking backstage, gym bag in hand, heading towards the locker room. He turns a corner and runs into Dark Angel and his Acolyte. R.K. glares at them, then tries to step to the side. Dark Angel steps in front of him, blocking his path.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Green"] Get out of my way, freak! [/COLOR] Acolyte: [COLOR="Purple"] Show more respect to the Angel of Darkness. You are meddling in affairs that are not your concern. [/COLOR] [B][I][R.K. looks over at Acolyte with contempt, then looks back at Dark Angel.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Green"] You need to put your bitch on a leash, scary man. 'Course, looking at her she'd probably like that, eh? [/COLOR] [B][I][Dark Angel steps in front of Acolyte and gets face to face with R.K.][/I][/B] Acolyte: [COLOR="Purple"] You are a fool, R.K. Hayes, to provoke the Angel and his legions. [/COLOR] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Green"] You think you're the only one who has a beef with McFly? You had your chance already. [/COLOR] Acolyte: [COLOR="Purple"] And what of you? You had your chance last week and failed. All you have done is waste the Angel's time! [/COLOR] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Green"] SHUT UP, ELVIRA, OR I'LL-- [/COLOR] [B][I][Dark Angel attacks R.K. Hayes -- the two exchange blows for a few seconds until multiple officials and security officers arrive to pull them apart.][/I][/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET AND THINGS ARE OUT OF CONTROL! Welcome to NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! Tommy London and Tom Towsend at ringside, and what do you make of that confrontation?![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]People will do almost anything for the Heavyweight title! Dark Angel is upset that R.K. Hayes wants his turn at the champ, and is looking to put R.K. in his place![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Tom, hold on a second, I just got handed a note...OH MY LORD! It has been decided that R.K. Hayes and Dark Angel will face each other TONIGHT in a no holds barred match, and the winner gets his shot at Sean McFly and the Heavyweight Title at Clash Classic Saturday night![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]That's about the only way you're gonna decide this one -- put 'em in the ring and let 'em fight for it![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JanaMarieBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]Opening Match NOTBPW Women's Title Match Melody Cuthill vs. Jana Marie Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [I]Melody is continuing to improve her level of performance, and the crowd genuinely likes her. The match was back and forth until Melody made JMB miss a frog splash off the top rope, and from there finished her off with relative ease.[/I] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Jana Marie Bowen in 9:58 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 5 of her NOTBPW Womens title. (C-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Mammoth.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [B]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifier JD MOrgan vs. Dallas McWade vs. Mammoth vs. Frankie Perez[/B][/CENTER] [I]And in an amazing display of stupidity on my part, I allow Mammoth to completely wreck this match. Even though he was the first eliminated, he was exhausted. No more, now that the Donnybrook qualifiers are done, I can get rid of him.[/I] [B]Dallas McWade defeated JD Morgan, Mammoth and Frankie Perez in 10:47; the order of elimination was Mammoth first, then JD Morgan, and finally Frankie Perez. (D+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Emma Bitch vs. Tamara McFly[/B][/CENTER] [I]Oh, do these two click in the ring together! The chemistry is outstanding and their contrasting styles make for great viewing. [/I] [B]Emma Bitch defeated Tamara McFly in 10:05 by submission. (C+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Marc Speed vs. Shooter Sean Deeley[/B][/CENTER] [I]Another great chemistry pairing, these two young guys put on a show that the crowd enjoyed. Sean is continuing to impress and his push continues apace.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Marc Speed in 9:40 by pinfall with a German Suplex. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][Duane Stone and Edd Stone come down the aisle for their match. Edd has a microphone.][/I][/B] Edd Stone: [COLOR="Orange"] Heeeeey Waterloo! My big bro, Duane-boy, and your Unlimited Party Champ, the Eddster, are in the building and ready to bring the house down! Let's get this parrrrr...well hel-LO there, my dear! [/COLOR] [B][I][Edd has taken notice of a pretty young lady at ringside wearing a VERY revealing bikini top and cutoffs along with a masquerade mask holding a sign that says 'Edd's #1 Fan'. Duane looks bemused as he gets into the ring. The woman looks seductively at Edd and beckons him closer with a finger. Edd leans in and the woman caresses his cheek while striking a provocative pose.] [/I][/B] Edd Stone: [COLOR="Orange"] Oooohhh my my my my my! Aren't you a fine one! You just wait right there and as soon as I'm done kicking these guys butts, I will be back to get to know my #1 fan a little better! [/COLOR] [I]Edd, you just made half the audience jealous, dear oh dear...[/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samoan Insanity vs. The Flying Stones[/B][/CENTER] [I]An OK outing, but I was really hoping for a better result in this one -- can't really put my finger on what went askew. Duane had a really good showing, and no one else did poorly, but it just didn't seem like the crowd was getting into it. A bit of a concern with Cup season coming up.[/I] [B]The Flying Stones defeated Samoan Insanity in 11:46 when Duane Stone defeated Insane Machine by pinfall. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/no_picture.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][As the Stones celebrate, Edd goes down to ringside and invites his fan over the railing and into the ring to dance for a bit. After a few moves reminiscent of Dirty Dancing, the woman picks up a microphone and we hear her sultry voice for the first time][/I][/B] Mystery Woman: [COLOR="Lime"] True to your word, you are a party animal! Would you like to party with me? [/COLOR] Edd Stone: [COLOR="Orange"] I'll party with damn near anyone, but for you, I'll clear my calendar! [/COLOR] Mystery Woman: [COLOR="Lime"]Then let's make a date for Saturday night at Clash Classic, big boy! I'll even bring a friend -- think you can handle partying with me and my friend? [/COLOR] Edd Stone: [COLOR="Orange"] Trust me my dear, I can party all night long with two, three, twenty, it don't matter! Now let's you and me hit the town, baby![/COLOR] [I] I get the distinct impression that the fans were getting a little impatient with the love patter in the ring...fortunately it didn't drag out too long...[/I] [B](E+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][I][R.K. Hayes stands on the entracnce stage, microphone in hand.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes: [COLOR="Green"] FREAK BOY, YOU'VE STARTED SOMETHING YOU CAN'T FINISH! No one takes a cheap shot at me without paying the price. Oh, and if you think you're gonna sic your bitch on me in this no holds barred match, you've got another thing coming, 'cause I gotta muzzle for her.[/COLOR] [B][I][A small, wiry, but tough looking man steps out onto the stage.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StetsonHatt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] S.L. Hayes: [COLOR="Green"] Allow me to introduce myself to you people. I'm S.L. Hayes, and this bad ass that stands before you I am proud to call my nephew. It is a damn shame that you people don't give my boy here his due, and we sure aren't taking any crap from the likes of these face painting pansies! R.K., you just take care of business in the ring, and I'll make sure that no one gets in your way.[/COLOR] [I] R.K. can surely generate heat, and railing against the Goth subculture has riled up the younger crowd here![/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StetsonHatt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]R.K. Hayes w/S.L. Hayes vs. Dark Angel w/Acolyte[/CENTER][/B] [I]This should have been better, but R.K. didn't sell near enough and the match looked very stiff as a result. The antics outside the ring were almost more entertaining than what was going on inside the ring -- R.K.'s 'uncle' makes for a good manager. [/I] [B]R.K. Hayes defeated Dark Angel in 13:55 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][Sean McFly comes down to ringside, microphone in hand.][/I][/B] Sean McFly: [COLOR="DarkRed"]Congratulations, R.K. -- but don't think for a minute that this belt is going anywhere on Saturday other than back around my waist where it belongs! Bring your whole clan if you want, it won't matter in the end! And Johnny, don't think I'm looking past you, you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time -- in my way![/COLOR] [I]Uncle Sean is on a roll, the fans are eating up anything he offers up at this point. [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [B]Main Event Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/B][/CENTER] [I]Outstanding match! The great thing about Uncle Sean is that he can rumble with guys like R.K., but can also put on great technical matches with guys like Johnny -- either way, he can have great matches with almost anyone. [/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 21:36 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 9 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (A)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B- You used Marc Speed far too much on this show. [I][Ed.-- So much for great chemistry!][/I] This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night at Waterloo University Arena, and drew 4304 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, with most having liked the majority of the show. 7.43 (up from 7.40) rating on Canada On-Air 0.06 rating on National Pride TV[/B]
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[quote=theoutlaw321;225461][B]Melody Cuthill (c)[/B] vs. Jana Marie Bowen (NOTBPW Women's Title Match) JD Morgan vs.[B] Dallas McWade[/B] vs. Mammoth vs. Frankie Perez (NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifying Match) [B]Emma Bitch[/B] vs. Tamara McFly Marc Speed vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] Samoan Insanity vs. [B]The Flying Stones[/B] [B]Sean McFly (c)[/B] vs. Johnny Bloodstone (NOTBPW Heavyweight Title Match) Just wanted to comment. I read thru all the way last night at work. Man excellent job. Man the whole doing it as a women concept is different, but you are doing a great job with it. Keep up the good work.[/quote] Again with the predictable booking on my part. Shoulda let Mammoth win. :p Thanks, Outlaw, for the kind feedback.
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