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[IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBbanner.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=5][B]Exclusive NOTBPW.ca Video: Blockbuster Signing!!![/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][The scene is the 'press room' at NOTBPW headquarters in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a wood-paneled conference room set up with a podium, a few chairs and a 50" [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]flat panel videoconferencing unit. A small group of reporters, photographers, and cameramen are chatting amongst themselves. A side door opens and Dan [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Stone Sr. enters the room. Walking to the podium, the press pool immediately turn their attention to the NOTBPW owner and call out to get his attention. [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Dan Stone Sr. arrives at the podium and holds up a hand; the room slowly quiets down.][/FONT][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DanStone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Dan Stone Sr.: [COLOR=red]Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for bringing you in at 7am, did everyone get their fair share of coffee and doughnuts?[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][The gathered reporters express subdued approval.][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Dan Stone Sr.: [COLOR=red]Good, good. Rest assured, wouldn't do this to you without good reason. I've got a short prepared statement and presentation.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][Dan Stone Sr. reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his reading glasses, then puts them on and begins to consult his notes.][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Dan Stone Sr.: [COLOR=red]North Of The Border Professional Wrestling is proud to announce the latest in a number of key talent acquisitions desiged to further enhance [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]NOTBPW's reputation as the premier wrestling promotion in North America and the place that professionals in our business want to be. 2007 has been a year of [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]growth for NOTBPW, not only in size, but in quality. We've brought back favorite sons, like Steve Flash, we've discovered new talent like Bulldozer Brandon [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Smith, we've brought in hungry young indy stars like Jacob Jett, top calibre athletes like Shooter Sean Deeley, and high profile stars like Freddy Datsun and [/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=red]Joey Minnesota. Today's announcement follows in this tradition of excellence, with its own unique identity.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=red][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]In my 40-plus years in this business, I've come to appreciate a number of things. One is the value of having wrestling in your blood and be part of the [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]fabric of your family. You only need look at my sons, daughter and granddaughter to see that. Another is the value of quality training -- learning from the [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]best helps you become your best. Yet another is the passion and desire to make an impact -- in the ring, with the fans, and in the business. I'm interested [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]in people who value the traditions of our business, but aren't stuck in the past. I'm interested in people who not only want to carry those traditions [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]forward, but also make their mark on them, make them their own, add their own narrative to a story that thrills and entertains our fans every time they watch [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]us on TV, on pay-per-view or live in the arena.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I've been excited about signings in the past, but I don't think I've been more excited than I have today. This talented, exciting athlete is a [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]second-generation wrestler and has spent nearly an entire lifetime preparing for this moment. This debuting professional has been under the exclusive [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]tutelage of one of the greatest wrestlers this business has seen in a generation. Moreover, this young superstar wants to change the face of this [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=red][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]business and be the future of professional wrestling. With this person's talent, heritage, dedication, and desire, I believe it can happen, and I want it to [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]happen here in NOTBPW. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to introduce to you the newest member of North of the Border Professional Wrestling's Women's division, Alicia Strong. Alicia joins us via satellite feed from her dojo in Sapporo, Japan. Alicia, can you hear me?[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][The videoconference screen lights up and we see Alicia Strong's face.][/B][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/AliciaStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Alicia Strong: [COLOR=blue]I sure can, Mr. Stone.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Dan Stone Sr.: [COLOR=red]I know it's getting late over there, so we'll keep this brief. In fact, I'll just ask you one question. Given your circumstances, you could easily sign on with any wrestling company you wanted, and they'd be thrilled to have you. Why us?[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Alicia Strong: [COLOR=blue]It's a good question, Mr. Stone. I could stay here in Japan, I could go over to Europe, or I could come back to North America and know that folks would be interested, just because of my name and having been trained by Sensational Ogiwara. But let's be honest; right now, it's just hype. I'm not tested, and I'm not proven. And if I'm going to prove myself, I have to do it in an environment where I can measure myself against the best. People like Victoria Stone, like Melody Cuthill, like Stephanie Hazel. I need to be part of an organization that values women's wrestling, doesn't treat it as a sideshow or only as eye candy. Where holding a title MEANS something about who you are as a wrestler, not how much silicon you carry around. That's why I signed with NOTBPW. Because being part of the NOTBPW women's division puts me in great company, and because one day, when I hold that NOTBPW Women's title up for the first time, I'll have EARNED it, and proven myself worthy of the attention I've garnered and the contract you've given me.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Dan Stone Sr.: [COLOR=red]Couldn't have put it better myself, my dear. Alicia will be joining us in the next few days, and you can look forward to seeing her compete in the NOTBPW Women's division on our TV shows, Masters of the Squared Circle and NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. Thanks very much for your time, ladies and gentlemen, copies of my statement will be made available to you through our PR office.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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I watched the video clip on notbpw.ca with a wide mix of emotions. You have to understand, Alicia and I have an...interesting...relationship. I don't mean that in a bad way either. It's just that we're very different people, despite being raised in very similar environments. Of course, we knew each other through our families; Grandpa was finishing out his contract in APWF when Alicia's dad, Sam Strong, debuted in 1975, getting called up from their developmental territory in Chicago. Even though they didn't work together again after Grandpa came back to Canada to stay, he was one of the folks that Sam seemed to respect and they've maintained a cordial professional relationship since. The Stones and Strongs would get together every year or so, except for the time that Sam worked for Burning Hammer when Alicia and I were tweens. Despite not seeing each other very often, we considered each other friends, if for no other reason by default, as both of us had very few close friends our own age due to our families' work and could empathize with the other easily because of it. I would find out later that I was the only person outside of her family that she wrote to the two years in the 90's she lived in Japan. Snail mail gave way to email and IM, and we've kept in touch ever since. There were things we could tell each other that no one else in our peer groups would understand, and that became a vital link as we grew up in the business. We even joked with each other that one day we would be the main event in a sold out pay per view, putting more butts in more seats than our fathers ever dreamt of. But then something odd happened. We pursued our fathers' legacies in different ways. I had received my acceptance letter to Saint Knud only a few days prior when Alicia emailed to tell me she was going back to Japan. She was thrilled, and humbled, that Ogiwara would take her on as a student. Somehow my going to college seemed so...normal in comparison. It surprised me how strong the twinges of jealousy were as I thought about it. In some ways I resented the feelings of obligation, of duty, that influenced the choices I made. While it was rarely talked about, there was a tacit understanding regarding what would happen to NOTBPW when Grandpa couldn't run it anymore. Dad and Aunt Victoria were expected to co-manage the business, stepping out of the ring and allowing the rest of the family their opportunities to be the headline draw. That was fine, but I was thinking even further ahead. What would happen after Dad or Aunt Vickie got to the point that they couldn't manage the business? None of my other uncles had expressed any interest in (or in Edd's case, demonstrated any aptitude for) taking on those responsibilities. I found myself just as comfortable in the office with Grandpa as I was in the ring with Aunt Vickie. But being good in both places meant that I couldn't be great in either, at least not without much more preparation. That was why getting a business degree was important to me, to do my part to ensure the future of the business so that my kids would have a place to pursue their dream, if wrestling was to be part of it. No one ever told me I had to do it. No one pressured me into a path not of my choosing. But the obligations were there nonetheless, and I felt like I could not ignore them. Alicia had no such obligations. She had no 'family business' to consider, at least at the time. She could pursue in-ring greatness free of distraction, while I would always feel like I had given something up, wondering what my true potential was and if I would ever actually achieve it. Over time, I recognized my jealousy for what it was, and came to terms with it. And now, as I had the opportunity to bring my friend into NOTBPW, it occurred to me that even though we chose different paths, didn't mean we wouldn't end up in the same place. I looked forward to the day when I could give her that first push towards superstardom, and it wasn't that far down the path. And how cool is it now that Alicia and I can actually have the very match we dreamed of as kids, and perhaps one day it will be for the NOTBPW Women's title?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Random_Female08.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Preparations for the Monday night show were well underway -- the ring area and ramp were already up and we'd already had the pre-show TV meeting. I was running around backstage looking for the catering table when I heard someone call out to me. [COLOR=blue]"JeriLynn!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/CliffWilson.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER] Cliff called out to me from across the room, beckoning me over with his hand. He still had his coat on and gym bag slung over his shoulder, indicating that he'd only just arrived. I grabbed a bottle of water from the table and walked over to him. [COLOR=blue]"I need to talk with you. In private."[/COLOR] The tension radiating from him was palpable. [COLOR=red]"OK, Cliff, the VIP lounge should be open, let's go there."[/COLOR] A minute or two later we sat across from each other on the leather couches in the room Grandpa and I used as our office. [COLOR=red]"Cliff, you look terrible." [/COLOR]He did, too. His eyes had dark circles under them and he appeared on the brink of exhaustion. Cliff smiled weakly and replied, [COLOR=blue]"That would still be better than I feel."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Please tell me you didn't work both GCG shows over the weekend."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"I could, but that wouldn't be true. Pistol Pete Hall on Saturday and Hiroyasu Gakusha on Sunday. I begged Kazu to take me off the Sunday card but he refused."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Cliff, you can't keep this pace up. You're going to get yourself hurt, or worse."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"I almost did in the match with Hiro -- I under-rotated on a Senton Bomb and nearly landed square on my head. I'm lucky I didn't break my neck. Then Hanshiro decides he's going to give me a lecture on safety in the locker room in front of the roster. That didn't sit well at all with me, especially after asking to be taken off the card. I just lit into him. Told him not to bother even sending me a renewal offer for my GCG contract, or even to set another date with me."[/COLOR] My eyes grew wide. [COLOR=red]"Cliff, you do understand--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Yes, I do. You don't have any more money now than you did six weeks ago. That's business, and I understood it even then. That's why I haven't complained as you've jobbed me out over the past couple of weeks. But now, as the circumstances have changed, I'd like to see if we can't make something work."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"All right, let's set up a meeting with you, me, and Grandpa later this week."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Good. Now as far as tonight goes--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Uh-uh. You NEED to take a night off--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"And I doubt you have anyone here that can fill in. Just don't put me in a 20 minute match, and I'll talk with Richard about keeping the pace scaled back."[/COLOR] I frowned. [COLOR=red]"All right. But you be careful out there--stay off the turnbuckles tonight, keep it on the mat--and I AM taking you off Wednesday's card. You PROMISE me that you take three full days off before heading to Super Slam."[/COLOR] Cliff threw his hands up. [COLOR=blue]"No argument from me, I swear!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]After Cliff left to get dressed and put his face paint on, I sat there for a moment -- an opportunity I'd thought I'd blown had now reappeared and I could only hope I didn't blow it again.[/COLOR] [quote][I][OOC: Yes, there's an acutal show that'll get posted soon! Most likely tomorrow, over the weekend for sure!][/I][/quote]
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This dynasty delivers! I started reading when you first put it up but I stopped reading during the hiatus. I'm very glad it resumed and have been on the edge of my seat ever since. I would say the most amazing thing is the incredible amount of behind-the-stage details that are going on. Heck, you have more story arcs out of the ring then inside. All I can say is wow. Keep up the good work, I hope you sign Dark Angel, and push Kashmir Singh to the moons, he deserves it.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Masters.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NOTBPW Masters of the Squared Circle[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Monday, Week 2, April 2007[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Molson Palais des Sports, Waterloo, ONT[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]5,000 in attendance (SELL OUT!)[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Dark Match 1[/B] [B]Melody Cuthill vs Alicia Strong[/B][/CENTER] [I]Despite being a bit jetlagged, Alicia does not fail to disappoint in her first in-ring action. We've both agreed we're not rushing into anything, giving her ample opportunity to work with as many of the women as possible before making any kind of hard push.[/I] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Alicia Strong in 7:31 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. (C+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2[/B] [B]Dan Stone Jr vs Kirk Heidenreich[/B][/CENTER] [I]This whole situation with dropping out of school, moving to Canada and dealing with me and the resulting issues around my graduation is starting to wear on Kirk, I can tell -- Uncle Dan is really just pulling him through the match. I feel for Kirk, and I know he's still very raw, so I hope things can settle down and we can get back to something resembling normal soon.[/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 8:26 by submission. (D+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]It's Monday night in Montreal, and we welcome you to NOTBPW Masters of the Squared Circle! We're only one week away from Super Slam and what could be the end of Sean McFly's six month reign as Heavyweight Champion![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]Even the grand keener Tommy London is questioning whether his boy McFly will retain? Somebody write this down![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Very funny, Tom Towsend -- but it doesn't take a genius to realize that the events of the past few weeks point to what is sure to be a battle for the ages Saturday night! Both champion and challenger are in action tonight, so let's get things underway![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match[/B] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Random_Female08.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stephanie Hazel vs JeriLynn Stone[/B][/CENTER] [I]A good opener and I get the opportunity to help Stephanie build some momentum going into the weekend.[/I] [B]Stephanie Hazel defeated JeriLynn Stone in 8:34 by pinfall. (C-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][A video package plays highlighting NOTBPW Heavyweight Champion Sean McFly and his current championship reign, including snippets from key title defenses agianst Dark Angel, R.K. Hayes and last month's Fatal Five Way. From there, the video shifts focus to the events of the past month with Johnny Bloodstone and their fued going into Super Slam, where the title is on the line.][/I][/B] --- [I]A good video package that puts Uncle Sean over well. [B](B+)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DeanMcWade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hard Working Wild Men vs The McWade Brothers[/B][/CENTER] [I]Not bad at all, really. Freddie and Jack are one of the few pairs that match up well with Dean and Dallas, making for a pleasant surprise getting an above average match for them.[/I] [B]Hard Working Wild Men defeated The McWade Brothers in 10:47 when Freddie Datsun defeated Dean McWade by pinfall with a Patriot Press. Hard Working Wild Men make defence number 1 of their NOTBPW Tag Team titles. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG] [B]Duane Stone vs Joey Minnesota[/B][/CENTER] [I]While Joey will be fairly well known to the American TV audience, he's less well known to this Quebecer crowd, and this put a damper on the result, I think. Had we done this match in front of a Tri-State audience, I suspect we'd have had a much different level of crowd energy. There was nothing wrong with the match per se, and with time and further exposure I think Joey's gonna be fine.[/I] [B]Duane Stone defeated Joey Minnesota in 12:38 by pinfall. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][We cut backstage and find Edd Stone and Katie Cameron in Edd's locker room as he prepares for his upcoming match.][/I][/B] Edd Stone: [COLOR=green]Babe, did ya get those flats put in the fridge 'fore we left the hotel?[/COLOR] Katie Cameron: [COLOR=purple]I did, Eddie. Your beer will be cold and I'll be hot, just the way you like it, eh?[/COLOR] Edd Stone: [COLOR=green]Oh, don'tcha know it! But business before pleasure tonight -- that numb-nut Bloodstone's been making life miserable for my bros, so tonight we're gonna teach him a lesson Eddie-style![/COLOR] Katie Cameron: [COLOR=purple]Just be careful, Eddie, you've got to defend your Unlimited Action title Saturday at Super Slam against that jerk Jacob, and I don't want you getting hurt tonight and giving him any edge.[/COLOR] Edd Stone: [COLOR=green]Bah, that friggin' hoser's got no chance, 'specially since he can't seem to think straight without you, and you're on Team Eddie's Partymeisters now, so as long as you're with me there's no worries. You know, babe, I missed you last Wednesday when I fought Robot-Boy; where were you anyway?[/COLOR] Katie Cameron: [COLOR=purple]I'm sorry about that, Eddie, I had some things I had to take care of.[/COLOR] [B][I][Walks over to Edd and embraces him.][/I][/B] [COLOR=purple]I can make it up to you tonight, I bet...[/COLOR] Edd Stone: [COLOR=green]Oh, I'm sure you can...[/COLOR] --- [I]This segment did better that I anticipated it would, actually. I like pleasant surprises, and it provides a good setup for Saturday. [B](B-)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dark Angel w/Acolyte vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [I]I changed this at the last minute given my talk with Cliff before the show. I also told Rich Coleman, the road agent working this match, to get Karen involved more in order to help with the pacing of the match, keeping the action going even if Cliff himself wasn't doing as much. I know the result suffered some, but as fatigued as Cliff is I'm not sure how much better we could have done. Cliff has to rest this week so he's back to 100% for Super Slam.[/I] [B]Dark Angel defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 13:08 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StetsonHatt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]R.K. Hayes w/S.L. Hayes vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [I]Pretty good match by R.K.'s standards -- even with the size and style difference, these two seemed to mesh pretty well together. Of course, that's one of the reasons I wanted Steve back with us, he meshes pretty well with just about anyone.[/I] [B]R.K. Hayes defeated Steve Flash in 12:49 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. (C+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] [B]Johnny Bloodstone vs Edd Stone w/Katie Cameron[/B][/CENTER] [I]Good match which covered a lot of key needs. Johnny continues his build to Super Slam with a win. We pushed the Edd/Jacob story a little further; Jacob came down to ringside to confront Katie; they argue, she slaps him, he grabs her, Edd rushes over to save Katie, but gets blindsided by Johnny for his trouble, and Jacob gets a cheap shot in while the ref's back is turned before Edd gets caught in the Bloodstone Mutilation.[/I] [B]Johnny Bloodstone defeated Edd Stone in 12:39 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation. During the match we also had Jacob Jett run in and attack Edd Stone. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][Sean's entrance music hits and he comes down the ramp to a huge pop. Sean spends a little more time than usual interacting with the fans at ringside, really getting them pumped up.][/I][/B] --- [I]Uncle Sean's heat is peaking at just the right time, it seems. Saturday can't get here fast enough! [B](B+)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][B]Main Event[/B] [B]NOTBPW Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean McFly vs Jacob Jett[/B][/CENTER] [I]Turnabout's fair play in love and war, or something like that. Edd comes back to the ring and gets a modicum of revenge by causing Jacob grief during his match with Uncle Sean. I'm a little disappointed in the overall match, though I think I probably should have left this match clean of interference -- having both of the final matches have run-ins was perhaps a bit much for this crowd.[/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Jacob Jett in 19:37 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. During the match we also had Edd Stone run in and attack Jacob Jett. Sean McFly makes defence number 24 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (B-)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith was slightly over-used. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Masters of the Squared Circle at Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, with most having liked the vast majority of the show.[/B] [B]2.12 (down from 2.16) rating on Sports America[/B]
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Sitting in the VIP lounge after the show, Grandpa and I were talking with the Sports America production team, reviewing the show and looking at some of the early ratings numbers. Grandpa was looking at a monitor, asking a question about a particular choice of camera angle during Edd's match, when a knock on the door interrupted his train of thought. The door opened and the head of Richard Coleman, our main road agent for Masters of the Squared Circle, stuck his head in. Glancing around, his eyes locked on Grandpa. [COLOR=darkred]"Boss, sorry to interrupt, but we've got a situation that needs your personal attention."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Rich, can't it wait?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"'Fraid not. I gotta SQ with papers and an attitude says he's only talking to you."[/COLOR] My ears perked up. I glanced quickly at the Sports America staff, who to a person sported confused looks. I gave a mental sigh of relief that they didn't pick up on what Rich had said -- SQ is short for "Surete du Quebec", or in other words, the Quebec Provincial Police, which meant something was up. Grandpa scowled for a moment, then turned back to the table. [COLOR=blue]"JeriLynn, go ahead and wrap this up. I'll catch up with you afterward."[/COLOR] [CENTER]----------[/CENTER] An hour later, after the Sports America crew had left, Grandpa returned. In tow, he had Uncle Dan, Aunt Victoria, Uncle Sean and even Kirk. [COLOR=blue]"Get Jeremy on the phone, he needs to hear this too."[/COLOR] I punched the house number into the phone on the coffee table and hit the 'speaker' button. Once Dad had answered, Grandpa began to speak. [COLOR=blue]"When you told me about what was going on with JeriLynn and her degree, I was more than a little surprised. I'm no stranger to politics, but to hold up her degree as some form of retaliation for daring to fall in love with their star football recruit is perhaps the most petty thing I've ever seen, and that's saying something. It seems, however, that the powers that be in that ivory tower have decided that petty isn't enough, they've moved on to full blown stupidity."[/COLOR] Grandpa tossed a thick envelope on the table. [COLOR=blue]"This evening NOTBPW was served with legal papers naming it a party in a lawsuit with Saint Knud College. Saint Knud is suing the US Intercollegiate Athletic Union on the grounds that its bylaws do not, and I quote, 'adequately protect its member schools' athletes by not forbidding them to engage in any activity other than athletics outside the school which may involve a significant risk of personal injury'. The school is also suing NOTBPW for, and this is another quote, 'willfully endangering its student-athlete and interfering in the student's contractual obligations to the school'. There's also a temporary restraining order here barring Kirk from engaging in any wrestling activity or even being present at an NOTBPW event."[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"Jesus H. bald-headed Christ!"[/COLOR] Uncle Dan hollered. [COLOR=green]"They can't be serious!"[/COLOR] Kirk's face was ashen. Aunt Vickie reached over and put a hand on his shoulder, but Kirk seemed not to notice. Quietly he reached for the envelope and began shuffling through the papers. [COLOR=blue]"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what they're playing at, Jeremy. On first glance, I think they're hoping we'll want to settle rather than deal with the negatvie publicity. Surely with all that's happened they don't expect they can force Kirk to return to Saint Knud? I mean, calling a scholarship a 'contractual obligation' is a real stretch, I would think."[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]"It could be they're figuring a local jurisdiction would be sympathetic to them,"[/COLOR] Dad's voice crackled on the phone. Kirk snorted in response. [COLOR=purple]"That would be part of it for sure."[/COLOR] He looked over at me. [COLOR=purple]"Guess who's representing the school in this suit? My dear mother. She's friends with enough of the area court officials that she probably cashed in a favor or two to get all this rammed through the system."[/COLOR] It figured. I didn't know whether I wanted to scream or cry. [I]Why??[/I] Why do they treat him this way? Why do they [I]use[/I] him like this, with no consideration to his own feelings or desires? Why go to all this trouble to hurt him? It's clear they're proud of him, but it's a pride of ownership, like he's a finely tuned car or a prize breeding stud. They love what he [I]represents[/I] more than they love [I]him[/I], for Christ's sake! Can't they see he's happy?? That [I]we're[/I] happy?!? Grandpa smiled. [COLOR=blue]"Well, she's already made one mistake -- in her rush to get us served, she had to have the papers delivered by a Canadian official in Canada. That gives the NOTBPW legal boys an opening to force a jurisdiction change."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"You mean the way they did when Eisen tried to have my NOTBPW contract voided?"[/COLOR] Uncle Sean asked. [COLOR=blue]"Exactly, Sean. Almost an identical situation."[/COLOR] Grandpa noticed the confused look on my face. [COLOR=blue]"It's a longer story than we have the time for at the moment, my dear. Suffice it to say that you aren't the first Stone woman whose romantic interests gave my lawyers opportunity to earn their paychecks." [/COLOR]Aunt Vickie's cheeks flashed a bright crimson. [COLOR=blue]"Unfortunately, time marches on and we have Championship Wrestling day after tomorrow and Super Slam on Saturday."[/COLOR] Grandpa continued. [COLOR=blue]"Jeremy, put off coming into Toronto until Wednesday -- I'll need you to go to the office tomorrow morning and ride herd on the legal boys. I want responses to these documents by end of day tomorrow faxed to the courthouse in Saint Paul and a teleconference set up with the judge in question before Wednesday noon. Once we've poked some holes in this so-called lawsuit, I expect Mrs. Heidenreich will be calling. We'll invite her to Toronto to meet -- hell, I'll even send the jet for her. It's high time I met the people making my grandaughter's life so miserable."[/COLOR]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Simply stunning! I love that the actual wrestling shows are almost a side-plot, rather than centre-stage. Not your standard fare dynasty. Truly something special. Just so you know, we don't actually use the word "hoser" in conversation. I do love the 'Great White North' reference, though.
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Thanks for the kind words, Greg. Of course now I feel obligated to put a show up. What a pleasant coincidence that I have one almost ready. :) "Hoser" is more for the American TV audience anyway. And Great White North was a GREAT movie -- I even make a reference to Elisnore Beer [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=217453&postcount=33"]here[/URL].
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/cW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Wednesday, Week 2, April 2007[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Waterloo University Arena, Waterloo, ONT[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]5,000 in attendance (SELL OUT!)[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Dark Match 1[/B] [B]Emma Bitch vs Tamara McFly[/B][/CENTER] [I]Emma and Tamara can always be counted on to put a good match together and get the crowd going. Tonight was no exception.[/I] [B]Emma Bitch defeated Tamara McFly in 7:51 by pinfall with The Payback. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2[/B] [B]Victoria Stone vs Alicia Strong[/B][/CENTER] [I]Another solid outing from Alicia. Aunt Vickie was very complimentary afterwards. We'll get her on live TV in short order and as her popularity improves I think we'll really have something special here.[/I] [B]Victoria Stone defeated Alicia Strong in 7:43 by pinfall. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling is LIVE from the Waterloo University Arena! Tommy London and Tom Towsend at ringside, and we are just three days from Super Slam, and the atmosphere tonight is one of anticipation as the NOTBPW superstars get their final tuneups for Saturday night's pay per view extravaganza! Let's quickly run down the card, Tom.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]The Can-Am Blondes demanded their rematch for the NOTBPW Tag Team titles and they are getting it Saturday night! They look to reclaim what they lost two weeks ago to Freddie Datsun and Jack Marlowe, the Hard Working Wild Men![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Jeremy Stone renews his rivalry with the mysterious Dark Angel in what is sure to be a classic confrontation![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]The Unlimited Action Title is on the line as Jacob Jett challenges Edd Stone -- in Edd's corner is Jett's ex-girlfriend Katie Cameron![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Also defending his title is Donnybrook champ Tim Westybrook, he'll be in a triple threat match with Duane Stone and Shooter Sean Deeley![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]The brute from northern Alberta, R.K. Hayes, takes on Dan Stone Jr. in a confrontation that promises to be anything but pretty![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]What WILL be pretty, however, will be the participants in the Women's Title match as Melody Cuthill defends her belt in a four-way dance with Emma Bitch, Victoria Stone and Stephanie Hazel![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]And in the main event, Johnny Bloodstone, who has devastated everyone who has crossed his path since getting screwed out of the NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship last month, gets his shot at Sean McFly one-on-one for the gold![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]It promises to be an exciting night indeed, but there's plenty to get excited about tonight as well! Let's go to the [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]ring![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match[/B] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jacob Jett vs Frankie Perez[/B][/CENTER] [I]As usual, the only thing really holding this match back was how stiff Frankie tends to be. Otherwise a solid opener that gives Jacob that final push going into the weekend.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett defeated Frankie Perez in 11:58 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Shooter Sean Deeley vs Stuart Ferdinand[/B][/CENTER] [I]A good momentum building outing for Sean with a good solid technical matchup. I'm really pleased with how he's progressing and I'm confident he'll hold up well Saturday night.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Stuart Ferdinand in 11:40 by pinfall with a German Suplex. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tim Westybrook vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [I]A good match, though my personal expectations on this are perhaps a bit high. It really seemed like Tim and Rav were having a hard time getting on the same page -- both are professional enough to not make that obvious, but I noticed, as did Grandpa.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook defeated Rhino Umaga in 11:57 by pinfall with a TNT Whirlwind. (B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TheNatural.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/OwenLove.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/HarrisonHash.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Can-Am Blondes Vs Flash and Hash[/B][/CENTER] [I]If I would have told you four months ago that Harrison Hash would be involved in a match this good you would have probably laughed at me. Putting him with Steve has just done wonders for him. He's starting to really come into his own.[/I] [B]The Can-Am Blondes defeated Flash and Hash in 11:33 when The Natural defeated Steve Flash by pinfall with a Nature Calls. (B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][Sean McFly comes down the aisle, hits the ring, and hoists his NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship belt into the air. After a minute or so of posing and hyping the crowd up, he grabs a microphone.][/I][/B] Sean McFly: [COLOR=green]The moment is almost here, Johnny Bloodstone. The moment when you step into this ring with me and try to take my championship away from me. And you will try. But you will fail. You'll fail because right now I'm at the absolute top of my game. Right now I'm the best competitor in NOTBPW, and quite possibly the world. I have taken on all comers and the result is the same every time. I walk in the champ, and I walk out the champ. That won't change Saturday night, end of story![/COLOR] --- [I]Uncle Sean is on a roll right now, he is as over now as he's ever been. [B](B+)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean McFly vs Insane Machine[/B][/CENTER] [I]A solid, if unspectacular outing for both Uncle Sean and the Machine. A great setup to take us into the second hour and the main events.[/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Insane Machine in 11:58 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][The unfamiliar theme of Joey Minnesota hits the speakers and he comes down to the ring to a somewhat mixed ovation. He enters the ring and faces the stage waiting for his opponent. As Dan Stone Jr.'s music hits, the arena explodes with cheers. Stone Jr. emerges onto the stage and poses for the fans, then takes a microphone and addresses the crowd.][/I][/B] Dan Stone Jr.: [COLOR=darkred]You know, it's good to see new faces in NOTBPW. It's good to see competitors from all over the world recognizing that THE place to be is here in North of the Border. New faces mean new challenges for me, and new excitement for you. So when I hear that Joey Minnesota went to my dad and asked to face me, well, you gotta give credit where credit's due -- he's looking to test himself. But let's be clear, Joey, up here we settle things in the ring, not with chairs, not with baseball bats, not with barbed wire and broken glass. If you can't do it with what God gave you, boy, then you can't do it, period. So show me what you've got![/COLOR] --- [I]That got the crowd going pretty well, and their anticipation for the upcoming match was palpable now. [B](B+)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dan Stone Jr vs Joey Minnesota[/B][/CENTER] [I]Wahoo! Joey and Uncle Dan just tore it up in there tonight. Even though he's young, Joey really meshed well with Uncle Dan and came across very professionally. Joey gained a lot of credibility with the fans in this match by taking it to Uncle Dan, even in defeat.[/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated Joey Minnesota in 17:53 by pinfall. (A)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StetsonHatt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][R.K. Hayes and his manager S.L. Hayes come down the aisle. R.K. is taking flak from the crowd and he relishes in dishing it back out to the ringside patrons. S.L. makes a big show out of 'holding him back' from the crowd and getting him into the ring.][/I][/B] --- [I]Ah, the man NOTBPW fans love to hate. [B](B+)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][B]Main Event[/B] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StetsonHatt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeremy Stone vs R.K. Hayes[/B][/CENTER] [I]Great match from Dad and R.K.! Of course they just kept going at each other long after the bell rang and were still at it when the show faded out as Tommy screamed "We'll see you at Super Slam!". The crowd was raising the roof on this one. Outstanding main event.[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone drew with R.K. Hayes in 15:00 when the time limit expired. (A)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B+[/B] [B]This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling at Waterloo University Arena, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews.[/B] [B]11.85 (up from 11.76) rating on GNN Total Sports[/B]
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[quote=Greg McNeish;361845]Great show. I'm shocked we didn't see the soon-to-be-champion, Johnny Bloodstone. I wanted to see someone get mutilated. McFly has gotten so ****y, I can't help but cheer against him. It's like he's turned heel, without actually doing so. I saved up, and can't wait for Saturday![/quote] According to my notes (this was actually played a good while back) Johnny was starting to be pretty fatigued at this point, so I gave him the evening off to make sure it didn't affect the PPV match. The Super Slam show is actually written, but I need to wrap up the backstory arc first.
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I paced nervously in the living room of Grandpa's penthouse suite in our customary pre-PPV hotel in Markham. As a general rule, I'm not confrontation-averse, but were I to be honest with myself, I dreaded the upcoming meeting. I kept trying to tell myself that the situation was well in hand and that with the support of the family things were going to be fine. And while rationally, I knew that to be true, all my mind could do was conjure up worst-case scenarios which so worked me up that my stomach hurt. The silence was broken by the whirring of the lock mechanism and the opening of the door. I turned to look but missed whoever had entered. I strained to listen as muffled voices came from the kitchen/dining area, but could not distinguish their owners -- I knew one had to be Grandpa and I thought the other would be Aunt Vickie. Sure enough, a moment later she came into the room and approached me. [COLOR=blue]"You OK, kid?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Yeah, I guess so,"[/COLOR] I replied in a flat monotone. [COLOR=blue]"Really now,"[/COLOR] Aunt Vickie said with more than a hint of sarcasm. [COLOR=blue]"I've heard more convincing lines from Steve Flash, you know."[/COLOR] I couldn't help but let out a giggle. As valuable as Steve was to us, it was with the explicit instructions that microphones were kept at minimum 20 feet away from him. Vickie reached over and gave me a reassuring hug. [COLOR=blue]"It's going to be fine, JeriLynn. It's going down just like Dad thought. And we still have one or two aces up our sleeve."[/COLOR] What Aunt Vickie said was true; to this point, Grandpa's plan had worked as he had anticipated. The NOTPBW legal team had more than earned their pay on Tuesday, putting together a number of motions to address the injunctions imposed by the lawsuit, including a [I]forum non conveniens[/I] motion to argue that the proper venue for suing NOTBPW was in the jurisdiction of its headquarters (Nova Scotia) and a motion to separate the NOTBPW action from the USIAU action. From a purely legal point of view, the motions filed were little more than a coin flip as far as actually having them granted, but their purpose was to send the signal that NOTBPW would not simply roll over and move to settle. So when the motion for a separate hearing was actually granted, it was icing on the cake, really -- given what we knew about the real motives behind the lawsuits, having them seperated really put the Heidenreichs and their cronies in an awkward place. And, as Grandpa predicted, Kirk's mom did indeed call in order to arrange a meeting. And here on Friday afternoon, my father and grandfather were going to meet Kirk's mother and father for the first time, and it was likely to be far from pretty. [COLOR=blue]"They'll be here soon,"[/COLOR] Aunt Vickie stated quietly. [COLOR=blue]"You ready?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"I think so."[/COLOR] The door lock whirred again, and I involuntarily stiffened. But when I turned around to look, it was like a weight had been taken off me. [COLOR=red]"Kirk!"[/COLOR] I rushed over and threw my arms around him. His embrace was warm and strong and as I rested my head on his chest I could feel the tension draining from me. [COLOR=purple]"Gee, I think I've officially achieved chopped liver status -- what do you think, Vickie?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Oh, let her be, Jeremy. It's the happiest I've seen her all day."[/COLOR] Untangling myself from Kirk, I moved over to Dad and gave him a hug. "[COLOR=red]I'm sorry, Daddy, I honestly didn't see you at first."[/COLOR] Just then the phone rang. It stopped after one and a half rings, indicating that Grandpa had picked up. We stood there in collective silence until Grandpa came into the living room. [COLOR=green]"Ah good, we're all here. That was the concierge -- the Heidenreichs have arrived and are being brought up presently."[/COLOR] Grandpa stepped over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. [COLOR=green]"Don't worry, my dear. It's almost over."[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
For some reason, only Kirk's mom came up to the penthouse suite. Grandpa met with Mrs. Heidenreich alone in the dining room, though the rest of us could hear well enough from the next room. Mrs. Heidenreich began. [COLOR=green]"Mr. Stone, I very much want to thank you for the opportunity to meet and settle these issues without the need for a long, protracted legal proceeding."[/COLOR] Her tone was gracious, but a hint of smugness came through despite her best efforts. She was sure that she was in control. Grandpa's response was no less gracious, and no less confident. [COLOR=blue]"Yes, long and protracted wasn't what you were hoping for by initiating these lawsuits, was it now?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"I may be an attorney, Mr. Stone, but despite what you may think, I'm only interested in protecting my client. A client that I have a strong, passionate, emotional attachment to, Mr. Stone, just as you have a similar attachment to your company. Surely you see that it isn't in either of our interests to spend countless hours dragging this out? Neither one of us wants to air our grievances in public -- we both represent institutions that live and die by public relations. You don't want the negative publicity this lawsuit will bring. You may think that you've won something by bringing this to Canada. But I have colleagues who are very capable barristers in this country. That leaves me free to be the distraught mother, making the rounds on Canadian TV, bemoaning the [/COLOR][COLOR=green]fact that you and your family's company duped my son into throwing away a career as a professional athlete to become a carnival sideshow. And what of the risk of ruining his career, or even his health, permanently? I'll make sure we subpoena the medical records of your employees -- I think both Mr. Coleman's and Mr. Prince's stories will make for interesting courtroom drama, yes?"[/COLOR] There was a protracted pause. I could only imagine Grandpa staring coldly at Mrs. Heidenreich. [COLOR=green]"I see that I've made my point. But we CAN avoid all of that unpleasantness. I'm prepared to make you a very generous offer, Mr. Stone, and I suggest you give it due consideration. I'm prepared to drop this entire lawsuit, AND petition the court to seal the entire record of this affair. All you have to do is terminate your company's relationship with my son."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"That's it?"[/COLOR] Grandpa asked incredulously. [COLOR=blue]"You just want me to fire Kirk?"[/COLOR] Mrs. Heidenreich's response had all the practiced polish of the experienced negotiator she was. [COLOR=green]"Well, that and making it clear to your granddaugter that her relationship with my son is finished. Come now, Mr. Stone, it's not like Kirk is key to your plans at the moment. I've watched the past few television shows you've put on, and Kirk hasn't appeared on any of them, has he? So really it's no big loss to you from a business perspective. Unless, of course, having Kirk around isn't strictly a business choice."[/COLOR] Grandpa’s response was firm. [COLOR=blue]"Mrs. Heidenreich, your insinuation is hardly original. Having Kirk as an NOTBPW talent is a business choice. Having him as part of our family isn't."[/COLOR] Another pause, but this one felt slightly different. It seemed that Grandpa realized he'd found his opening. [COLOR=blue]"You know, it's unfortunate that our finally meeting one another had to be under these circumstances. Your son is an outstanding young man--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"We know that, Mr. Stone,"[/COLOR] interrupted Mrs. Heidenreich testily. [COLOR=green]"That's why we're trying to protect him."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Protect him?"[/COLOR] Grandpa asked with staged astonishment. [COLOR=blue]"Protect him from what, precisely?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"Quite frankly, from you and your family. You see, we've done everything we can to ensure that Kirk has every advantage. We've put in countless hours of driving him to practices, sending him to camps, and all because Kirk wants nothing else than to be a professional football player."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Oh, your investment in Kirk is quite clear. You've made sacrifices for him, like any good parent would, that much is apparent. But what I don't understand is why after all the advantages you've given him, when because of those advantages any top football program would give anything to have a player like Kirk, why Saint Knud?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"I wouldn't expect you to understand, Mr. Stone." [/COLOR]Mrs. Heidenreich said derisively. [COLOR=green]"Saint Knud is an institution that the Heidenreichs and Rommedahls have been associated with since the school's founding. Kirk's part of a great legacy."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"And how does that legacy help him achieve what he wants, presuming that professional football is indeed what he wants?"[/COLOR] asked Grandpa. [COLOR=green]"It gives him a story. Pro sports icons today are as much media creations as they are athletes. His talent transcends the school he goes to -- if the rules would have allowed, he could have been drafted straight out of high school! But as a third-generation Saint Knud athlete, there's a story to go along with his talent, making him all the more valuable for endorsements and other marketing activities."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"My, that sounds nice. I think you may even believe it. But the fact of the matter is that wasn't the way KIRK wanted to do it. And that bothered you, because it went against all the plans you'd made. Just like meeting my granddaughter went against the plans you'd made. And you couldn't have that, now could you? You needed Kirk exactly where he was, and the LAST thing you wanted was for him to start making his own decisions."[/COLOR] Mrs. Heidenreich's tone became distinctly cooler. [COLOR=green]"You make it sound like I only consider my son nothing more than an asset, a resource, a tool."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Then you understand me perfectly, Mrs. Heidenreich. You are using your son, nothing more."[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"How DARE you--!"[/COLOR] Grandpa cut off Mrs. Heidenrich quickly. [COLOR=blue]"I DARE, madam, because I see the evidence with my own eyes! When my boys played hockey, I saw parents that rode their sons into the ground, and for what? The hope that one day they'd go pro and set the family up for life! But you? You're even worse. You don't need the money, you have plenty of that -- no, you exploited his athletic gifts not for money, but for you own ego! You sent him to Saint Knud not because it was the best place for HIM, but instead it was the best place for YOU to send him! The 'story' you referred to earlier isn't for HIM, it's for YOU! For YOU to build YOUR monument, whether Kirk cares about it or not! Nothing must stand in the way of YOUR family getting their precious name on your stadium!"[/COLOR] Yet another pause -- but this one had an air of shock attached to it. Grandpa continued, [COLOR=blue]"You seem surprised that I know about your husband's pet project. You clearly did your homework, why would you think that I wouldn't do mine? And in this case, the source of my information is much closer than you think."[/COLOR] Grandpa rose from his seat and walked over to the side door. Opening it, he beckoned Kirk and me in. [COLOR=blue]"Come on in, Kirk, JeriLynn. I do believe it's been a while since you've seen your mother, Kirk."[/COLOR] As we entered the room, Kirk smiled as he looked at his mother. [COLOR=red]"Hi Mom."[/COLOR] Kirk's and my appearance clearly shook Mrs. Heidenreich. [COLOR=green]"You've been here the whole time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Oh yes, we have. In fact JeriLynn's dad and aunt are back there to. They don't think too highly of you either."[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"And just how did you find out--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"About the stadium?"[/COLOR] Kirk cut in. [COLOR=red]"Dad's been lazy since I left -- must have figured without me in the house he didn't need to keep things under lock and key anymore. Tsk, tsk, tsk. It was JeriLynn, though, that put two and two together and made me realize that everything you ever told me was a pile of crap."[/COLOR] Mrs. Heidenreich seethed. [COLOR=green]"You ungrateful child. How could you do this?? After EVERYTHING we've done for you, the favor is returned by throwing it all away for HER? WHY, Kirk?!? [B]WHY?!?[/B]"[/COLOR] Somewhere deep inside Kirk's psyche, I could feel something snap. [COLOR=red]"Why? Because you forced me to choose, Mom. You've made it absolutely clear over the past three months that I had to choose between you and JeriLynn. I've spent my WHOLE LIFE doing everything I could to earn your respect, to be worthy of your love, to have your approval. I did EVERYTHING you wanted me to! But when I wanted to do it MY way, you threatened to cut me off! And then, on top of all of that, to figure out that the whole **** and bull story about "family legacy" and "tradition" and "giving the scouts a story" isn't about ME, but about YOU and Dad's goddamn TRUSTEESHIP and getting even richer off of building this stadium! Guess what, Mother?? [B][I]I DON'T GIVE A FLYING **** ABOUT HAVING MY NAME ON A STADIUM!!![/I][/B]"[/COLOR] Kirk paused for a moment to suck in a couple of lungfuls of air, his gasps the only sound in the room. [COLOR=red]"All I ever wanted, all I ever asked for, was the love and support of those I care about."[/COLOR] His blazing eyes still locked on his mother, he raised his arm and pointed at me. [COLOR=red]"Since the day I met her, she has given me that, without hesitation, qualification or condition. She has accepted me, stupid and broken as I am, without judgment. At first I couldn't figure out what to do with that, because I'd never, EVER, experienced that before. All I ever knew was your demands for perfection -- and the consequences of failure."[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"Kirk, listen to me--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"NO! I'm done listening. You're going to give me the speech about how anything worth achieving requires sacrifice and discipline and that how everything you do is about instilling that discipline in me! I look at JeriLynn's family, and I see what they've accomplished, and I see their sacrifice and discipline, but it's not the same -- which tells me I could have achieved the same things without your kind of 'motivation'."[/COLOR] I looked at Kirk and could see the vortex of emotions swirling in his eyes. He was near rigid with tension. Did he mean what I think he meant? [COLOR=red]"Understand this, Mother. I'm not under your thumb anymore. And you're not the only one that can talk to the media."[/COLOR] Mrs. Heidenreich's face was ashen, emotionless. Kirk continued, [COLOR=red]"You're going to drop this stupid lawsuit and you're going to accept the fact that I'm NOT going back to Saint Knud, ever! And whatever the hell you and Dad did to screw up JeriLynn's graduation; you're going to fix it. And if you don't, I start talking to the media back in Minnesota. I'll tell them about this stadium crap, but that's not all I'll talk about. I'll tell them about what really went into my going to Saint Knud. But most importantly, I'll tell them about what would happen to me growing up whenever, God forbid, I didn't come in first place, or get straight A's, or I wasn't the perfectly behaved boy of John and Sue Heidenreich. Wouldn't THOSE be juicy tidbits to come out a few weeks before you start your campaign for Attorney General?"[/COLOR] She stared at Kirk for what seemed like minutes. Then in a soft, hoarse, angry whisper, she replied. [COLOR=green]"All right, you win. Mr. Stone, rest assured that upon my return to Saint Paul we'll make this go away. All of it."[/COLOR] She quickly gathered her belongings and stood up to leave. She approached Kirk and stared up at him. [COLOR=green]"You've made your choice, young man. The consequences are yours alone. When she realizes that you're more trouble than you're worth and she leaves you, you have no place to return to. As of now, [I]I have no son[/I]."[/COLOR] With that, she spun on her heels and walked out the door. Kirk stared at the door as it snapped shut. A single, solitary tear streaked down his cheek.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/notpbwss.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]NOTBPW Super Slam[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Saturday, Week 2, April 2007[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Canadian Air Centre, Toronto, ONT[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]10,998 in attendance[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Dark Match 1[/B] [B]Flash and Hash vs Coleman and Ferdinand[/B][/CENTER] [I]Good match to get the crowd going. Solid work by all involved but nothing that would overshadow the main card.[/I] [B]Flash and Hash defeated Coleman and Ferdinand in 7:46 when Steve Flash defeated Stuart Ferdinand by pinfall with a Flash Bang. (C)[/B] [B]---[/B] [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2[/B] [B]Alicia Strong vs JeriLynn Stone[/B][/CENTER] [I]That was fun! A nice open match that fired the crowd up some more. I think we've got them at just the right place to kick this show off.[/I] [B]Alicia Strong drew with JeriLynn Stone in 10:00 when the time limit expired. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Canadian Air Centre in downtown Toronto! Tommy London and Tom Towsend here to call the action as North of the Border Professional Wrestling presents Super Slam! The card tonight is simply outstanding, with every NOTBPW title on the line along with some heated grudge matches![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]London, I'm going out on a limb and making a prediction -- we will see at least two new champions before the night is out, and I think Johnny Bloodstone is one of them! You're not going to be able to deny him after he's had a month to focus on nothing else other that gaining what he was screwed out of last month at the Ed Henson Cup![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Bloodstone has used that narrow loss a month ago to motivate him into the position he finds himself in tonight, one-on-one with the champ, Sean McFly. Also on tap tonight is the Unlimited Action champion, Edd Stone as he squares off with his new girlfriend's ex, Jacob Jett in a reprise of the ladder match they had two months ago that marked Jett's debut in NOTBPW![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]I'm tellin' you, London, Eddy is playing with fire here. I'm not sure it's too smart to let the man whose girl you stole in the ring with you![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]We'll soon see, Tom Towsend. But before we do we have a great opening match to get to -- this four-way contest is for the NOTBPW Women's Championship, let's take it to the ring![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match[/B] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWWomens.jpg[/IMG] [B]NOTBPW Women's Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/VictoriaStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Melody Cuthill vs Stephanie Hazel vs Victoria Stone vs Emma Bitch[/B][/CENTER] [I]It was clear from the outset that Stephanie and Emma came into this match with a plan. Whenever the opportunity presented itself Stephanie and Emma would double team one of the others. It was also apparent that Emma was 'protecting' Stephanie and would intervene whenever she got in trouble. In the final moments, Emma managed to dump Melody out of the ring long enough for her and Stephanie to set up Aunt Vickie in a double Russian leg sweep, then as Stephanie covered, Emma cut off Melody from breaking up the pinfall by knocking her back to the floor as she tried to climb back onto the apron. Both Bitch Clique members celebrated in the ring as Melody furiously looked on from the outside looking in.[/I] [B]Stephanie Hazel defeated Victoria Stone, Emma Bitch and Melody Cuthill in 9:32 when Stephanie Hazel defeated Victoria Stone by pinfall. Stephanie Hazel wins the NOTBPW Womens title. (C+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWUnlimitedAction.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Edd Stone w/Katie Cameron vs Jacob Jett (Ladder Match)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Great match from these two! Some amazing ladder spots sprinkled throughout the match -- but the real story of the match is in the ending. [/I] [I]At the eleven minute mark, Edd dropkicks Jett through the ropes and out of the ring, giving Edd the opportunity to get the ladder in place and make another move towards the belt. But just as Edd gets about eye level with the top of the ladder, we hear a scream from off camera -- Jett has grabbed Katie Cameron and is dragging her into the ring! With Katie on the mat, Jacob grabs her leg as if to put her in the Jett Engine, looking up at Edd, daring him to take another step up the ladder. Edd hesitates, then jumps off the ladder to save Katie. Jacob lets go of Katie and bolts across the ring. While referee Matthew White admonishes Jett for dragging Cameron into the ring, Edd picks Katie up and embraces her in a comforting gesture. Then, without warning, Katie drives her knee deep into Edd's groin! Edd doubles over in pain, and while Cameron rolls out of the ring, Jacob executes his Emergency Landing tradmark move by running over to the corner where Edd is bent over, jumping up to the top rope, springboarding off and driving the back of Edd's head into the mat with his leg. From there Jacob climbs the ladder and grabs the title belt uncontested. [/I] [I]As Jacob is announced as the new Unlimited Action champion, Katie comes back into the ring and jumps into Jacob's arms. As Edd starts to recover from having his head driven into the mat, he looks up to see Katie passionately kissing Jacob with the UA belt draped over both their shoulders. The look on Edd's face makes it obvious that Katie's actions hurt him far greater than Jacob's did.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett defeated Edd Stone in 12:42 when Jacob Jett retrieved the item. Jacob Jett wins the NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][The camera cuts over to the announce table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Well, it's shaping up to be a volatile night tonight! We've had two title matches and two new champions in Stephanie Hazel and Jacob Jett![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]And I'm not sure we're done yet, London! I think the tag titles are up in the air, and even the mighty Sean McFly is facing as focused a challenger as he's ever faced during his run![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]You could well be right, Tom, but one thing I've learned is never to sell Sean McFly short. He always seems to be able to rise to the occasion, regardless of what is thrown at him.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]Speaking of selling folks short, let's not forget about R.K. Hayes, who is set to beat the living hell out of Dan Stone Jr. coming up![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]The brute from Alberta has been looking dominant lately, no doubt about it -- folks have thrown everything including the kitchen sink at him and he keeps on coming.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=red]The man only knows one direction, London, and that is straight ahead! Dan Stone Jr. is about to find that out the hard way, I do believe![/COLOR] --- [I]Solid hype for both the next match and the main event. [B](B for McFly/Bloodstone, B+ for Stone/Hayes)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/StetsonHatt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Dan Stone Jr vs R.K. Hayes w/S.L. Hayes[/B][/CENTER] [I]Really good match! Uncle Dan had no problem trading haymakers with R.K., but R.K. struggled a bit when things turned more technical, exposing the fact that they really don't click that well. To be fair, I'm nitpicking a bit, and the result was certainly satisfactory![/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated R.K. Hayes in 14:48 by pinfall. (B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWTagTeam_1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Tag Team Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TheNatural.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/OwenLove.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Hard Working Wild Men vs The Can-Am Blondes[/B][/CENTER] [I]A back-and-forth match that did what it was supposed to, but in all honesty was an anticlimactic ending to the mini-feud. It's always a bit of a letdown when the return match doesn't come off as well as the original. On the other hand, it's a good breather match in terms of show pacing, so it's not a total loss. The Blondes take the straps back and waste no time regaining their arrogant attitude.[/I] [B]The Can-Am Blondes defeated Hard Working Wild Men in 14:36 two falls to one, with the final fall happening when The Natural defeated Jungle Jack by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. The Can-Am Blondes win the NOTBPW Tag Team titles. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWDonnybrook.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Donnybrook Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tim Westybrook vs Duane Stone vs Shooter Sean Deeley[/B][/CENTER] [I]Good solid match for all involved -- everyone got some time to shine, but eventually Tim managed to leverage his size and strength over his smaller opponents.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook defeated Duane Stone and Shooter Sean Deeley in 14:36 when Tim Westybrook defeated Shooter Sean Deeley by pinfall with a Double Powerbomb. Tim Westybrook makes defence number 5 of his NOTBPW Donnybrook title. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][The lights go out and Dark Angel's eerie music hits the speakers. Angel and his acolyte slowly make their way down the aisle and into the ring. Acolyte removes his robe and Angel stands in the middle of the ring as the lights come up.][/I][/B] --- [I]That entrance always gives me chills. [B](B)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/KarenKiller_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Jeremy Stone vs Dark Angel w/Acolyte[/B][/CENTER] [I]Simply amazing. Dad and Cliff just went all out on this one and it showed in the fan reaction -- they were eating it up from start to finish. It was good to see Cliff back at 100% as well, he desparately needed the rest.[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone defeated Dark Angel in 21:47 when Dark Angel was knocked out. (A*)[/B] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][The respective themes of challenger and champion sound off as Johnny Bloodstone and Sean McFly come down the aisle. They consider each other warily as Tommy London stands between them in the center of the ring, microphone in hand.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR=blue]Ladies and Gentlemen, North of the Border Professional Wrestling, in cooperation with Consumers Drug Mart, is proud to present the main event of the evening! This contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Introducing first, in the corner to my left: He weighed in this afternoon at one hundred seven kilograms, or two hundred thirty five and one-half pounds. He hails from Drummondville, Quebec, and he is the challenger. He is "The Submission Demon" Johnny Bloodstone![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]And now introducing in the corner to my right: He weighed in this afternoon at one hundred ten kilograms, or two hundred forty two pounds. He hails from Halifax, Nova Scotia by way of Kansas City, Missouri. He is a six-time world champion, and is your defending NOTBPW Heavyweight Champion, this is Sean McFly![/COLOR] --- [I]It's been a solid month's buildup to this moment -- ring the damn bell! [B](B+)[/B][/I] --- [CENTER][B]Main Event[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Sean McFly vs Johnny Bloodstone[/B][/CENTER] [I]Simply an outstanding match from beginning to end. Bloodstone starts off quick, trying to get Uncle Sean into one of his many submission holds, but for the early going Uncle Sean manages to stay a step ahead, either avoiding the move altogether or using ring positioning to his advantage the couple of times he does get caught. After weathering the initial onslaught, Uncle Sean goes on the offensive, in particular going after the right arm and shoulder of the challenger -- Tom and Tommy make note that weakening the arm is a defense against the Bloodstone Mutilation. But even a weakened arm doesn't take Bloodstone's entire repertoire away from him, and manages to catch Uncle Sean in an Indian Deathlock in the middle of the ring. The crowd smells blood in the water and is screaming their heads off, desperately trying to cheer on Uncle Sean as he struggles in agony. After two or three gruelling minutes Uncle Sean manages to inch his way to the ropes, but the damage is done and Bloodstone attacks the leg with new ferocity. After a series of elbow drops on the leg, further softening it up for another submission hold, Bloodstone picks Uncle Sean up by the bad leg, apparently to set him up for a screw legwhip, but Uncle Sean peels off an enzigiri kick that just clocks Bloodstone in the back of the head. Uncle Sean then grabs Bloodstone's legs and cranks him over into a Scorpion Deathlock. Bloodstone fights valiantly, and even comes within inches of the ropes, only to be drug back into the middle of the ring. Bloodstone taps a minute or so later and the crowd explodes as the bell is rung.[/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 23:57 by submission. Sean McFly makes defence number 25 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (A)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: A[/B] [B]This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Super Slam at Canadian Air Centre, and drew 10,998 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews.[/B] [B]0.34 (down from 0.35) rating on Canada 1-Choice[/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]OOC: Intermission[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] And now, loyal "Generations" fans, for an honest-to-God [I][B]"State of the Dynasty"[/B][/I] post. I find it both surprising, and a bit overwhelming, that the one-year real time anniversary of this diary is coming up in a few weeks. This story, and these characters, have been rattling around in my head for a long time, and I've grown quite fond of them. For whatever reason, I've had this chunk of the C-verse playground mostly to myself and in some ways, I feel a kinship to the Stones and their characters in the same way that, say, Monkeypox feels with DaVE or JSilver feels with USPW or Tigerkinney feels with Burning Hammer. Still, I find myself at somewhat of a crossroads. This last installment, as should be apparent, is the climax of the background storyarc. It's my hope that at this point the protagonist (JeriLynn) feels like a real C-Verse character to you and that her personal and professional challenges have made for a positive reading experience for you. So now that we've hit a good transition point I'd like to get some feedback on where to go from here. Some additional pieces of context before I set out what I think are the potential paths: [LIST] [*]The actual diary savegame is in December 2007. I know, it's WAY far ahead. An idea popped into my head that I just HAD to run with, and before I realized it I had booked over 100 shows. On one hand it doesn't bother me to be doing writeups from so far back in my game, but trying to narrow the gap between where the diary is and where the game is never seems to work out very well. The other drawback to being so far ahead is that I really can't respond effectively to user comments like "Push Kashmir Singh to the moon!" or "Get the strap on Jeremy Stone!", etc.[/LIST][LIST] [*]The next real 'story' that I want to tell in this setting isn't a backstage story, it's an in-the-ring story. I think you would enjoy it. That being said, the setup for it takes a good chunk of game time, and it doesn't really get started until later in the 2007 game year.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Writing this thorough a backstory is fun and challenging. However, it REALLY slows the pace of the diary down. It's taken me a year realtime to get through four months game time. If I want to move the diary ahead at a faster pace, I can't keep up the level of effort I've put into the backstory. On the other hand, the backstory is one of the things that really distinguishes Generations in the dynasty forum, and hopefully adds color and context to those that enjoy playing TEW07 as NOTBPW.[/LIST]Given that, I know I need to make some changes in style, presentation, or both, or else another year realtime will have gone by and I still won't be out of 2007 game time, never mind the fact that TEW08 will be out by then which creates an entirely different set of issues (do I upgrade the savegame? do I retcon using the TEW08 database?) Here's what I see are viable options. [LIST] [*]Write the epilogue to this story and give the dynasty a proper ending. Perhaps that means I start a new dynasty at some future point in this savegame's future. Perhaps that means I start a new diary with a different company, or even a real-world diary.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Just jump forward to the point in time that I want to, with a big "Interlude" post to cover things like title changes, comings and goings, etc.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Go into "superfast-forward" mode and just summarize key events for the next few months using a DVD "Year in Review" kind of format, then pick back up with full shows later on with a much narrower gap.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Go into "fast-forward" mode and trim back the show writeups to a style more like Welcome to the Coastal Zone or MWA - This Means War! in order to get through shows faster, and continue to focus on backstory character development.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Keep the current style of show writeups and continue as normal, but de-emphasize the backstory now that JeriLynn's an established character.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Stop playing/modding that damn Mafia game and spend that time keeping this dynasty up in its current format/style! (ok, this isn't a likely choice... :p )[/LIST][LIST] [*]Something I haven't thought of yet?[/LIST]So what would you like to see? I would really appreciate your thoughts.
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My vote's for fast forward. If I don't know the point where a diary begins/have the ability to load a mod and see I honestly can't get into it, and the jumps could do that here - and I'd really miss that. Honestly, I don't think any of us expect JeriLynn or anyone else at NOTBPW to have in-ring or out issues constantly, but we'll keep watching for the wrasslin' between times. (It says something that my favourite moment from this dynasty is still Dan Sr talking to Sean's daughter to book a match.)
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For me, the thing that has really drawn me into it is the backstory. I'd hate to see that de-emphasized. Since you've said that you have another story to tell (and apparantly one hell of a feud coming up), I'm voting for "super-fast-forward" mode, until you're ready to tell the next story. It's always important to remember that time is a relative value, and can be played with at will. I suggest "liberally". Cheers!
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