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[B]TNA Sacrifice[/B] Ladder Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title [B]Samoa Joe(c)[/B] vs. Christian Cage NWA World Tag Team Championship [B]Team 3D (c)[/B] vs. The Naturals World X Cup Finals [B]Chris Sabin[/B] vs. Tiger Mask IV vs. Petey Williams Kurt Angle vs. [B]A.J. Styles[/B] Hardcore Triple Threat [B]Abyss[/B] vs. Scott Steiner vs. Rhino [B]Jeff Jarrett and Robert Roode[/B] vs. Sting and Ron Killings Chris Harris vs. [B]James Storm[/B] Nigel McGuinness vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B]
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[CENTER][COLOR="White"]Sacrifice[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA Sacrifice May 14, 2007 Live from UCF Arena Attendance: 4,750[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] TNA Sacrifice gets kicked off with a high action video showing the action that has taken place in the World X Cup, the threats between A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle, the hard hitting action between Abyss, Scott Steiner, and Rhino, and it culminates with the showdown between NWA World Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe and Christian Cage. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/3DNaturals.jpg[/IMG] Team 3D makes their way down to the ring with their Tag Team Championships to kick off the action at Sacrifice. They are facing off with one of TNA’s most storied tag teams, The Naturals. The Naturals use their speed to their advantage in the onset, but speed can only take you so far, and Team 3D used their brute strength and teamwork to slow them down fairly quickly. They didn’t let Douglas or Stevens to do much in the way of offense throughout the match. Their highpoint saw Chase Stevens come off the top with a shooting star press, but they both moved and he bit it hard. They then set him up for the 3D, which they hit perfectly and retained their titles. [B][SIZE="3"]Winners and Still NWA Tag Team Champions: Team 3D Time: 9:21 Match Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] Christopher Daniels makes his way down to the ring for his match with Nigel McGuinness, and he had something to say before this match. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Christopher Daniels[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Tonight you people are going to see the dismantling of a supposed great British wrestler. Nigel, you are stepping into the pros tonight. This isn’t so po-dunk gym in Philly, this is Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, the company that I built from the ground up. After I get done going through you, I’m putting the NWA World Heavyweight Champion on notice. I’ve been here too long to never have a World Title reign, and that will all come to an end sooner or later, because I will be Christopher Daniels, your NWA World Heavyweight Champion.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/NigelDaniels.jpg[/IMG] McGuinness must have taken exception to what Daniels said, because he came out with his smash mouth style and he had Daniels on the ropes on a number of occasions, but Daniels used his great technical skill to get his way out of a few situations that would have put the match away. Daniels fought back with some of his signature moves, but none of them could put Nigel away, which frustrated Daniels very badly. Nigel then went back on the offensive, and he hit a huge lariat on Daniels, who landed with his feet under the ropes, so McGuinness couldn’t get the pin on him. Later he went for another one on Daniels, who avoided it, and then spiked McGuinness down with the Last Rites, and got a hard fought victory. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Christopher Daniels Time: 12:31 Match Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] A video then plays showing the long history of America’s Most Wanted. It shows all their triumphs as a team, and then in slow motion it repeatedly shows James Storm smashing his beer bottle off of Chris Harris’s face. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/StormHarris.jpg[/IMG] This was a fight for blood, these two men were like brothers for so long, and after one act of betrayal, they were now finally facing off one on one in the TNA ring. Each man knew the others move before they even did it, so their was a lot of reversals to start off the match. It eventually broke down into a fist fight, with both men unloading with rights, just trying to take the other off of his feet. Harris eventually took Storm down, and he did not let him back up, he stomped him with everything he had. Storm evened things out though, and then he hit a superkick out of nowhere to keep Harris down for good. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: James Storm Time: 10:51 Match Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG] After the match James Storm looks like he hasn’t had enough of Chris Harris, and he gets on top of him and delivers stiff rights and lefts to him. The announcers call for help, and it comes down to the ring in the form of the NWA World Tag Team Champions Team 3D. They pull Storm off of Harris and throw him out of the ring. With their backs turned to him, Chris Harris shocks the Impact Zone by jumping them both from behind. James Storm then runs in the ring and the two men take out Brother Ray and Brother Devon. They then hit each man with the Death Sentence, then stood with their arms raised, and it seemed like the whole America’s Most Wanted split was just a sham to get at the Tag Team Champions when they least expected it. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] Sting and Ron Killings appear backstage before their match with Jeff Jarrett and Robert Roode. [B][SIZE="3"][U]Sting[/U][/SIZE][/B] [I]Robert Roode, tonight is the night that you get what is coming to you. You think tonight you are going to run over the icon known as Sting? You’ve got another thing coming because tonight you will become famous, but for being the man that Sting and Ron Killings take down in the ring. And Jeff Jarrett, me and you have been around the block a few times before. I’ve gotten rid of you before, and tonight I will help the Truth take you down again. Now, IT’S SHOWTIME FOLKS![/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/StingKillingsJarrettRoode.jpg[/IMG] Robert Roode proved that he wants to make a name for himself, as he caught Sting off guard by charging right at him to start the match off. Roode and Jarrett worked to keep Sting isolated for most of the match, and when it looked like they were going to keep him out of his corner for good, he went into full on attack mode, chopping Jarrett and Roode down with big backhand chops. He then got over to Ron Killings who came in and cleaned house. All four men then entered the ring and the match broke down. Jarrett leaned against the ropes, and Sting took both men out of the ring with a Stinger Splash. Roode then snuck behind Killings and connected with a low blow, and then he ran from behind and nailed him with a big Northern Lariat, earning the big victory. [B][SIZE="3"]Winners: Robert Roode and Jeff Jarrett Time: 10:43 Match Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] A limo then pulls up backstage, and out steps former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage. He looks very confident because he is fighting Samoa Joe in his specialty match tonight, the ladder match. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesMitchell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] James Mitchell and Abyss make their way down to the ring for the big triple threat hardcore matchup. Before the match though Mitchell has a special announcement about the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. [B][U][SIZE="3"]James Mitchell[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Tonight you are going to see my monster Abyss hit a new pinnacle of violence when he takes out Rhino and Scott Steiner. There are no rules holding Abyss back, which only means bad things for his competitors. But we are looking past this match to the big picture. We just talked to Jim Cornette, and at Impact next week, a 10 man battle royal will be held, with the winner facing the NWA World Heavyweight Champion at next months pay-per-view Slammiversay. You all know that nobody can throw Abyss out of the ring, so we will be seeing you all in the main event of that show. Now let’s get Rhino and Steiner out here and let’s get the massacre rolling.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/Hardcore.jpg[/IMG] For the first part of this matchup the only weapons that the three competitors needed were their fists. Punches were thrown quicker than most could keep up with, and all three men were reeling, although none of them went to the ground. Steiner and Abyss clotheslined Rhino out of the ring, then they started going at it. While on the outside though, Rhino found the weapons under the ring and he threw a chair, table, and even a kitchen sink into the ring. Steiner found the chair when Rhino threw it in, and he took both men out with it. He then locked Rhino in the Steiner Recliner, but Abyss kicked Steiner off. Those two then went at it again, swinging chairs at each other. Mitchell then set the table up outside, and Abyss coerced Steiner to the edge of the ring, where he threw him over the top and threw the table. He then went to pick up the kitchen sink to go after Rhino, when all of a sudden Rhino was charging at him. Abyss thought quick and held the sink up, and Rhino gored the sink. Abyss quickly pinned him and got a big victory. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Abyss Time: 13:21 Match Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] Kurt Angle is standing backstage, readying himself for his big match against A.J. Styles. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]A.J. Styles, you sure do have a lot of guts calling me out like that. You think that you are going to break my neck? Is that what I heard in your little rant last week? Let me tell you something A.J., the moment that you focus on your offense and let your defense down, that is when I will pounce, and I’ll rip your ankle from the rest of your leg. Styles, you couldn’t beat me last month, so what makes you think that you can beat me here tonight? A.J., I hope your paid your health insurance, because I guarantee you that your are not walking out of the arena on your own tonight, It’s Real, It’s Damn Real![/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/AngleStyles.jpg[/IMG] Styles must have listened to Angle’s words before the matchup, because Angle came out of the gate and dove straight at Styles’ ankle, and A.J. quickly jumped out of the way and went to the outside of the ring to get away from Angle. He entered the ring again, and Angle dove straight at his ankle again, but Styles saw it coming and jumped up, then drove his feet straight into Angle’s back. Styles then controlled the match for quite some time. Angle then went into the zone and took control of the match. He hit every kind of suplex under the sun, and Styles really lost his barrings. Styles fought back for a time, but Angle just snapped, and hit a big Olympic Slam. He then put the straps down and locked A.J. into the Ankle Lock. Styles fought it and refused to tap out, and then he got to the ropes. Angle refused to let go of the hold, and the referee started the five count. Angle pulled back even harder on the Ankle Lock when he saw this, and the referee got to five and had no other choice but to disqualify Kurt Angle from the matchup. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner by DQ: A.J. Styles Time: 18:51 Match Grade: B+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] After the referee calls for the bell Kurt Angle still has Styles in the Ankle Lock on. He drags Styles back into the center of the ring, and then grapevines the Ankle Lock, as Styles screams out in pain. Referees and security officials run out and try to get Angle off of Styles, and he finally lets go of the hold. Then he suplexes all the security and puts the Ankle Lock back on Styles. Styles is screaming at the top of his lungs, begging with Angle to let go of the hold. Finally he does, and walks back to the locker room looking very content. Medical staff then heads out to look at Styles, and they help him up to his feet, but he can’t walk on his ankle. They then help him out of the ring and put his arms over their shoulder and carry him out of the Impact Zone. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/XCup.jpg[/IMG] The crowd is buzzing for getting to see this potentially great matchup, and the crowd continues to boo Chris Sabin, not wanting to see him represent their home country. There was some very fast action to get it started, with Tiger Mask IV standing tall after the opening series of events. He laid Sabin and Williams next to each other and ran at them, then leaped up and hit both men with a senton. Williams and Sabin fought their way back though, and Williams took Tiger Mask IV down with a big hurricanrana off the top rope, but then Sabin spiked Williams with a big piledriver. The finish came when Chris Sabin took Tiger Mask down with a big Cradle Shock, but then was met with the Canadian Destroyer by Petey Williams, and he picked up the World X Cup for Canada. He hoisted the trophy in the air and draped himself in the Canadian flag and motioned that he wants Sabin’s title as well. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Petey Williams Time: 10:57 Match Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] Samoa Joe appears backstage with his NWA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Samoa Joe[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Tonight may be one of the toughest nights in my wrestling career. It is no secret that Christian Cage knows his way around a ladder match, and it is going to be no walk in the park. With that being said, Christian, I will stop at nothing to keep this title over my shoulder. I didn’t work as long as I have to become World Champion just to let it go in a month. You are going to have to kill me to climb that ladder and take the title. So Cage, the chips are all in from me, how about you? Are you willing to do anything to get your title back? It’s put up or shut up time Cage, I’m ready, are you?[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sacrifice%2007/JoeCage.jpg[/IMG] These two men hate each other with a passion, and the crowd was buzzing because of the history between these two men. They hung on every move that the two competitors performed, and it created a great atmosphere in the UCF Arena. The two men went all out from the onset, and they hit each other with huge right hands, and then Christian hit an eye poke on Joe, getting the first advantage. Christian held on to the advantage for quite some time, with the crowd getting heavily behind Samoa Joe, wanting him to make a comeback. At around the fifteen minute mark the two men started trading blows and signature moves, and the ladder was finally brought into play. With it laying on the ground Joe charged at Christian, but he back body dropped him onto the ladder. Christian then scaled the ladder to try to grab the title, but Joe got up and delivered a running kick to the ladder, knocking it over and taking Christian out with it. Christian recovered after a few moments, and the two went at it again. Christian then got the upper hand, and was going to frog splash Joe off the second to last step of the ladder. Joe quickly recovered and ran at the ladder, and Muscle Bustered Cage off the ladder. Samoa Joe then climbed the ladder and started to grab his title, when Cage started back up the ladder very slowly. He reached the top as Joe was about to grab the title, when Joe headbutted him, sending him back down to the mat. Joe then took the title off the hook, and he was still the champion. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner and Still NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Samoa Joe Time: 26:12 Match Grade: A+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] After the match Samoa Joe sat on the ladder and hoisted his title high into the air, as the crowd went absolutely crazy, after seeing possibly the best match in TNA history. The pay-per-view went off the air with Samoa Joe holding his title in triumph. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Overall Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/15/07:[/B] [B][U]TNA Loses Pay-Per-View Providers[/U][/B] TNA lost their big American pay-per-view providers today because Sacrifice only brought in a 1.84 buyrate. That leaves TWC Fight! as their only provider left. TNA has entered termination procedings with them so that they can sign with Setanta Sports, which is smaller, but covers USA, Canada, Mexico, and the UK. [B][U]TNA Wrestlers Disciplined[/U][/B] Kip James and Senshi showed up late to the pay-per-view event last night, and TNA has taken action against both. Kip James was reprimanded by officials, but Senshi has showed up late three times in a row, and he was hit with a one week suspension. Head booker Sam Haynes is said to be a fan of Senshi's work, but his patience is wearing very thin with him. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/16/07:[/B] [B][U]Monday Night Raw Results[/U][/B] Raw's rating shot up to the highest it has been in a very long time last night when it hit a 36.22. The matches of the night saw Cena and Michaels defend their World Tag Team Championship against Brian Kendrick and Goldust, Johnny Nitro defend his Intercontinental Championship against Chris Masters, and in the main event, Ric Flair defeated Edge. [B][U]BG James Leaving TNA?[/U][/B] Word is that BG James' contract is running out with TNA, and they can't do anything about it becuase one of Dixie Carter's new rules is that anybody who has a history with alcohol problems can't be signed or re-signed. BG has a known past history of drinking, so that puts him out in TNA. It is unknown if they will keep Kip James around as a singles competitor after BG leaves within the next thirty days. [B][U]New Champion in NOAH[/U][/B] Pro Wrestling NOAH crowned a new GHC Champion last night, when Mitsuharu Misawa was crowned champion for the fourth time in his storied career. He defeateed Akitoshi Saito, who managed to get twenty title defenses. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/17/07:[/B] [B][U]ECW on Sci Fi Results[/U][/B] WWE held their ECW on Sci Fi show last night, and it was main evented with a marquee ECW World Title match. The fans saw Bobby Lashley defeat Shawn Michaels to retain his title, and it seems that the dominance of Bobby Lashley just keeps growing each and every week. [B][U]Scott Hall Seriously Injured[/U][/B] Scott Hall fought in a triple threat match at ECW last night, and he was seriously injured in it. RVD went for a spot on him, and imagine this, RVD botched it. This caused Hall to fall awkwardly, and he broke his pelvis. It was not a horrible break, and Hall is expected back in a little more than a month. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/18/07:[/B] [B][U]Smackdown Results[/U][/B] WWE taped Friday Night Smackdown last night, and fans said it was a very good show. They saw a new Cruiseweight Champion be crowned, as Jamie Noble defeated Chavo Guerrero for the title. This is Noble's second Cruiserweight Title reign. William Regal defened his United States Championship against Finlay, and in the main event, Batista and Rey Mysterio fought Mr. Kennedy and King Booker to a no contest. [B][U]Little Guido Re-Signs[/U][/B] WWE announced today that they have resigned Little Guido to a written contract. Word is that TNA was pushing very hard to get him, as he would have provided a great veteran influence to the locker room, and he would have been on of the companies more sound in-ring workers. [B][U]Impact Preview[/U][/B] Be sure to tune into TNA Impact, as the show will be kicked off with a word from Christian Cage, who failed to win his title back at Sacrifice. Also the ten man battle royal for the number one contendership will be held, with the winner getting a title shot at Slammiversary. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR="White"]Impact[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ImpactLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! May 18, 2007 Live from Universal Studios Orlando Attendance: 1000[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] Impact opens up with the usual pyro show, and then the lights go out in the arena and the big screen starts counting down from ten, which means Christian Cage is going to grace the crowd with his presence. He makes his way down to the ring, still minus the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, after failing to regain it at Sacrifice. He then demands the microphone. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Christian Cage[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]If you haven’t heard, Sunday night at Sacrifice, I was robbed. That’s right, Samoa Joe stole the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from my grasp. Joe, I don’t take kindly to people stealing from me. So tonight I am demanding one more chance at what you know is my NWA World Title. I’ve already got it approved by Jim Cornette, so tonight after the battle royal for the number one contendership, you all are going to see Cage vs. Joe III, and this time, I take back what is mine.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/NormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JayLethal2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Norman Smiley versus Jay “Macho Man” Lethal w/ Kevin Nash[/SIZE][/B] This was a matchup where two charismatic forces met head to head. It was the Big Wiggle versus the crazy antics of Jay Lethal. Lethal used his speed and youth to start the match off getting the upper hand on Smiley, catching him off guard with just how technically sound he is. He went to jump over the top rope and clothesline Smiley on the top rope, but Smiley stepped back and Lethal just flew to the outside. Smiley took this opportunity to Big Wiggle around the ring, but he didn’t see that Lethal landed on his feet. He then came in the ring and hit the Lethal Injection on Smiley, then pinned him for another big victory. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Jay Lethal Time: 5:31 Match Grade: C[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] A video airs replaying America’s Most Wanted’s shocking reunion last night, when they fooled Team 3D and the rest of the world when they jumped the tag team champions when they least expected it. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChrisHarris.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/BGJames.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]America’s Most Wanted versus Voodoo Kin Mafia[/SIZE][/B] AMW showed very little rust in this one, and they made the veteran team of VKM look fairly bad in this match. VKM couldn’t get any offense at all, their only glimmer came when BG got the shake and rattle in, but they cut him off at roll, and VKM was done after that. Kip was thrown from the ring, and then AMW teamed up on BG. They hit a big high and low, and then hit the Death Sentence on him, getting their first win since coming back as a team. [B][SIZE="3"]Winners: America’s Most Wanted Time: 4:42 Match Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] Sting appears backstage before the big number one contender’s battle royal, and he makes his intentions very clear. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Sting[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Sunday night things did not go exactly as planned for the Stinger. Myself and Ron Killings gave our all against Jeff Jarrett and Robert Roode, but their slimy ways got the best of us. Well tonight, Robert Roode is in the battle royal, as am I. Roode, I’m going to make sure that you come nowhere close to winning that match, and after I dump you out on your head, then I’m going to show you what a true superstar is made of, and I’m going to go through the other eight men, and then the Stingers’ bringing home the gold. Get off your feet, cause it’s showtime folks![/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RobertRoode.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]10 Man Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership at Slammiversary[/SIZE][/B] This battle royal saw all ten men start in the ring at once, and then they broke off into mini-fights pretty quickly. Rhino, Scott Steiner, and Abyss all went at one another, Angle and a very hobbled A.J. Styles fought each other, but he couldn’t do much of anything because he was only really using one leg. Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings were having a fist fight in one part of the ring, while Sting tried to take Robert Roode out. This left Christopher Daniels just floating around the ring, not taking any offense, and only delivering some when he had a wide open opportunity. The first two to leave were Robert Roode and Ron Killings, as they were taken out by Sting and Jarrett respectively. This caused Sting and Jarrett to face off with eight men left in the ring. The next four to go out were Scott Steiner, A.J. Styles, Jeff Jarrett, and Rhino. This left Sting, Abyss, Christopher Daniels and Kurt Angle in the ring. Angle got his sights on Daniels, but he was cut off by Abyss, and he threw him out of the ring. Daniels and Abyss then focused on Sting, but Abyss wasn’t going to work with anybody, and he shocked Daniels when he grabbed him by the throat and threw him over the top rope. This left Abyss and Sting, who fought tooth and nail trying to get the title shot for next month. Sting came at Abyss with a Stinger Splash, but Abyss used Sting’s momentum to force him over the top rope, and out to the floor. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner and Number One Contender: Abyss Time: 16:54 Match Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesMitchell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] James Mitchell then gets on the microphone to put whoever the champion is on notice. [B][U][SIZE="3"]James Mitchell[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]I told you all that Abyss would be coming after the NWA World Heavyweight Championship sooner than later. And that time is less than a month away at Slammiversary. We are going to sit out here and scout this match, but it doesn’t matter who Abyss faces at the pay-per-view, he will tear them apart. Now let’s get going with this main event, I don’t get paid by the hour.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/World.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Samoa Joe versus Christian Cage NWA World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] Christian Cage was more focused than usual in this one, and it was aided by the fact that “The Monster” Abyss was sitting at ringside. Joe was forced to look over his shoulder on numerous occasions to make sure Abyss was still there. He finally got focused and started stringing together moves on Cage, and things were really looking up for Joe in this title defense. That is until Jim Mitchell got up on the ring apron and distracted the referee, and then Christian delivered a low blow to Joe. This swayed things heavily in Cage’s behavior, and he then spiked Samoa Joe to the mat with a reverse DDT. He only got the two count on the cover, which angered the former champion badly. He took his eyes off the prize after this, and as he went to argue with the referee Samoa Joe took him down from behind. Samoa Joe then proceeded to chop Cage all the way out of the ring. Joe followed him to the outside, where he knocked Cage up against the rail. Joe then took some steps back to set up for the face was. He sprinted at Christian, when out of nowhere Abyss exploded into the picture and smashed Samoa Joe into the ground with a Black Hole Slam. The referee quickly called for the bell, as Christian look confused, Joe looked like he was in pain, and Abyss stood over the body of Samoa Joe, claiming that he wanted his title back. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner by DQ: Samoa Joe Time: 9:31 Match Grade: B+ Overall Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/19/07:[/B] [B][U]TNA Impact Rating Jumps Up[/U][/B] TNA Impact hit an all-time high in ratings last night, as the rating jumped up almost two full points to a 12.41. SpikeTV and TNA were shocked by such a high rating, and it will hopefully force SpikeTV into giving them a two hour show. [B][U]ROH Weekly House Show[/U][/B] Ring of Honor held their weekly house show last night, and the match that stood out saw The Briscoe Brothers defend their Tag Team Championships against Adam Pearce and Bryan Danielson. In the main event Brent Albright defend his ROH World Heavyweight Championship against Chris Hero. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/20/07:[/B] [B][U]Scott Steiner's Contract Running Out[/U][/B] Scott Steiner has about a month left on his contract, and TNA is debating whether they should keep him around or not. He has not been very impressive since rejoining TNA, but he does provide some name recognition to the company. More on this story in the coming few weeks. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/21/07:[/B] [B][U]Bryan Danielson's FIP Contract Expiring[/U][/B] Bryan Danielson's Full Impact Pro contract is running out. This is causing rumors to run rampant. Danielson has been busy with three promotions, and many people are saying that Danielson may drop FIP for another Florida promotion that is fairly well known, becuase they think they can turn him into their next big star. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/22/07:[/B] [B][U]WWE Judgement Day Results[/U][/B] Last night WWE held the Smackdown pay-per-view, Judgement Day. The show brought in a 7.21 buyrate, and was full of action. Homicide made his WWE debut by losing to Chavo Guerrero, William Regal defended his United States Championship against Finlay, London and Kendrick defended their Tag Team Gold against the team of Jamie Noble and Vito, and in the main event, Batista defeated Mr. Kennedy to retain his World Heavyweight Championship. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/23/07:[/B] [B][U]Monday Night Raw Results[/U][/B] Last night's Monday Night Raw brought in an impressive rating of 36.35, and it featured one of the better matches WWE has put on all year long. That match saw Brian Kendrick defeat CM Punk, but the match was hampered by the fact that CM Punk was injured near the end, more on that later. The show also saw Kenny Dykstra beat Johnny Nitro, and in the main event, Ric Flair defeated Randy Orton. [B][U]CM Punk Injured[/U][/B] During his great match with Brian Kendrick last night, CM Punk suffered a fairly serious injury when he went to clothesline Kendrick when he came at him with a flying cross body. Punk's arm bent wrong, and he suffered a break in it. He is expected to miss about a month of in-ring time, and when he returns he will most likely have to wear some sort of protection. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/24/07:[/B] [B][U]ECW on Sci Fi Results[/U][/B] ECW showed on Sci Fi last night, and it was said to be a great show. In the main event Bobby Lashley defeated The Undertaker, but in the match that stole the show, Chris Benoit defeated Shawn Michaels. The fans gave both men a standing ovation, and it seems like WWE has been puting some dream matches together the last few weeks. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/25/07:[/B] [B][U]Smackdown Results[/U][/B] WWE held Smackdown last night, and it was a decent show, but nothing special. The match of the night saw Finlay defeat Gregory Helms, and in the main event, Rey Mysterio and Batista defeated Mr. Kennedy and William Regal. [B][U]Impact Preview[/U][/B] Be sure to tune into TNA Impact tonight, as Samoa Joe will surely have a response to being attacked by Abyss last week. The main event will feature a great one-on-one matchup, as the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle will face off with "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]Impact![/COLOR] [QUOTE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ImpactLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! May 25, 2007 Live from Universal Studios Orlando Attendance: 1000[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Abyss w/ James Mitchell versus Kip James[/SIZE][/B] Abyss looked even more focused than usual in this one, as he has his sights set on the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and he will not let anything stand in his way, including Kip James. James tried to put up a good fight in this match, but Abyss was way to much. James’ rights and lefts seemed to have no effect on the monster, who eventually put Kip James away with a thunderous Black Hole Slam. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Abyss Time: 7:19 Match Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] NWA World Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe appears on the big screen after the match, and he has a message for James Mitchell and Abyss. [B][SIZE="3"][U]Samoa Joe[/U][/SIZE][/B] [I]Abyss, last week at Impact you may have made one of the worst mistakes of your career when you interfered in my NWA World Title defense against Christian Cage. You slammed me on the ground harder than anybody has ever done, but Abyss, the only damage you did is that you set off a fire inside of me that has not been lit in a very long time. You are going to get to see this fire first hand at Slammiversary Abyss, and let me tell you something, when you play with fire, you get burned.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AustinStarr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] Cameras quickly head backstage to where a big brawl is happening. It is then revealed that Austin Starr and Roderick Strong are attacking the Naturals from behind, trying to take them out of their match with them next. Starr and Strong run off when security approaches, but it looks like they got the job done as the Naturals were down. Then all of a sudden they started stirring to their feet, and they looked very angry as they headed out towards the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: E+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AustinStarr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Starr and Strong w/ Kevin Nash versus The Naturals[/SIZE][/B] The Naturals looked very angry after being jumped from behind by Starr and Strong, but that wore off fairly quickly when the fact that they just got ambushed set it. They wore out quickly due to this, and Starr and Strong were able to capitalize fairly easily. The finish came with Andy Douglas unable to come to his partner’s aide, and then Starr and Strong delivered the 450 Backbreaker, and the match was over. [B][SIZE="3"]Winners: Austin Starr and Roderick Strong Time: 4:31 Match Grade: C-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] Christian Cage appears in the ring, seemingly ready for some in-ring action. He has some words to say before the match though. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Christian Cage[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]That big dumb oaf Abyss stole my chance at the Championship! And I’ve been informed by Jim Cornette that my title chances are up! This is a load of crap. It looks like I am going to have to fight my way back to the title, so tonight, I start my treck back towards the summit, so let’s get this no good piece of crap out here so I can get started.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/BrotherRunt.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Christian Cage versus Brother Runt[/SIZE][/B] Christian Cage absolutely unloaded on Brother Runt for almost five minutes in this match. The much smaller Runt took punches, kicks, chokes, and just about everything else that somebody can endure in a match. Christian took him down with a variety of moves, before mercifully putting him away with the Unprettier. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Christian Cage Time: 4:59 Match Grade: D+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RobertRoode.jpg[/IMG] Robert Roode appears backstage, and he looks very smug for a man that lost an opportunity to headline a TNA pay-per-view last week. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Robert Roode[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]You may all be wondering why Robert Roode looks so happy. Let me tell you, I’m sure you all heard Sting saying that he was coming after the Title, well, what happened there Sting? You let all of your little Stinger’s around the world down pal. Just think about it, you promised that you would win that battle royal and win the title back, well you didn’t. You don’t have what it takes anymore, your just an old hack. Nothing more. Give me a few more weeks, I’ll prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sting is nothing more than a fraud, and that Robert Roode deserves to be headlining shows, not him.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] A video plays of Kurt Angle nearly breaking A.J. Styles ankle at Sacrifice, and it is followed up by showing A.J. have great difficulty getting around in the battle royal last week. The announcers then stated that AJ Styles re-injured his ankle in the battle royal because he was not ready to wrestle yet. They say he will be out an undisclosed length. Grade: B [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Senshi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Senshi versus Kazarian[/SIZE][/B] This was a very good match between two of the most decorated X-Division superstars in TNA today. They traded spectacular moves back and fourth, and the match captivated the audience watching it live. Kazarian tried to use his technical expertise to win the match, but Senshi’s speed was just to great to over come. Senshi hit Kazarian with some kicks, and then set him up for the Warrior’s Way, which he hit perfectly, leading to a win to get him back on track in TNA. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Senshi Time: 4:47 Match Grade: C[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Christopher Daniels versus Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/B] This match was a technical showcase. The first few minutes of the match looked like unscripted amateur wrestling, which lots of go behinds and takedowns. The two men then pleased the crowd with nearly a minute of near falls, with each man reversing an attempted pinfall into one of their own. Daniels put a stop to this showcase though with a slap to the face of Kurt Angle, which set something off in the Olympic Gold Medallist, and he headbutted Daniels right between the eyes. He began chopping and uppercutting away on “The Fallen Angel”, and Daniels immediately regretted the slap. The two men traded punches and suplexes after that, until Daniels got the upper hand. He went to the corner for the B.M.E., but Kurt Angle hit him with the Angle Slam out of the corner. He then put the straps down and locked Daniels in the Ankle Lock, and he had nowhere to go and was forced to tap out from the intense pain. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Kurt Angle Time: 10:22 Match Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] After the match A.J. Styles comes out to the ring with a pair of crutches. He hobbles into the ring and stands nose to nose with Kurt Angle, then out of nowhere he kicks Angle right between the legs. Styles then drops the crutches, proving to everyone that it was a hoax, and he was not really hurt. He proceeded to stomp away at Angle, and then beat him down with a crutch. Impact went off the air with Styles yelling at Angle, telling him that he could not hurt The Phenomenal One. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B Overall Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/26/07:[/B] [B][U]TNA Impact Rating[/U][/B] Spike TV and TNA officials were pleasantly suprised when the rating came in for Impact today. After hitting an all-time high of 12.41 last week, Impact nearly maintained that rating, as it hit a 12.40. They expected it to fall back down to around the 10.5 range, but it stayed up in the 12's. TNA hopes that this means that they are turning the corner into being real competition for the WWE. [B][U]Bryan Danielson Injured[/U][/B] Bryan Danielson was slightly injured last night, as he blew out one of his eardrums. This is not expected to keep him out of the ring, and TNA is still interested in signing him......they'll just have to talk to him louder. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/27/07:[/B] [B][U]Bryan Danielson Re-Signs[/U][/B] Full Impact Pro has come to terms with Bryan Danielson on a new contract, meaning that he will not be signing with TNA due to him already being stretched so far between three different promotions. Many have speculated that TNA should bring him in on a talent trade, but TNA wants him full time so he can develop his own unique character there. He was rewarded for this my losing in the main event of the FIP show last night to Adam Pearce. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 5/28/07:[/B] [B][U]Breaking News: TNA Signs Pay-Per-View Contract[/U][/B] TNA Wrestling announced today that they have signed a pay-per-view contract with Setanta Sports, which is a big PPV carrier that covers America, Canada, Mexico, and UK. This is huge news for TNA, and it means that their next six events will be covered on pay-per-view. [/QUOTE]
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Bryan Danielson Injured Bryan Danielson was slightly injured last night, as he blew out one of his eardrums. This is not expected to keep him out of the ring, and TNA is still interested in signing him.....[B].they'll just have to talk to him louder.[/B] Classic :) The wife is wondering what I'm laughing at.
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 6/1/07:[/B] [B][U]BREAKING NEWS: ECW on Sci Fi Pulled[/U][/B] In a shocking move, WWE announced the end of ECW on Sci Fi today. This was a total shock, as ECW seemed like the companies strongest brand of late. More on this huge news regarding ECW as it comes along. [B][U]Hell Freezes Over[/U][/B] We all knew it would come one day, but nobody was really prepared for it. Today wrestling legend Terry Funk announced that at the end of the month he is hanging up the boots. He had a great career that spanned nearly half a century, and was highlighted by a NWA World Heavyweight Championship reign, and two ECW World Heavyweight Championship reigns. [B][U]Another Hart Enters Wrestling[/U][/B] A few months ago, Jade Hart entered wrestling. She is the daughter of Bret Hart. Today Bret announced that his oldest son Dallas is going to enter the wrestling scene. Dallas is said to be full of potential, and he hopes to follow his father's footsteps and be a world champion someday. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 6/2/07:[/B] [B][U]Raw Results[/U][/B] WWE held Monday Night Raw last night and it brought in a rating of 36.50. The show saw John Cena and Shawn Michaels team together to beat the formidable tag team of The Great Khali and Randy Orton, and in the main event Edge defeated Ric Flair. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 6/3/07:[/B] [B][U]ROH Action Packed Debuts[/U][/B] ROH first ever weekly television show debuted last night on MSG. The show brought in a whopping 0.03 rating and was headlined by Christopher Daniels defeating Brent Albright, and then in the main event Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Rave. [B][U]TNA Negotiations[/U][/B] TNA is said to be in negotiations with two very big stars in the wrestling industry. One is currently unemployed, and would add huge name recognition to TNA, while the other is currently a part of WWE, and TNA would love to have him jump ship. They are not releasing the names, but will surely let the public know if they sign these two big names. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 6/4/07:[/B] [B][U]Smackdown Results[/U][/B] WWE put on one of it's worst shows in quite some time on Smackdown this week, or so the fans at the tapings say. There were no big star on the card and the main event featured Scotty 2 Hotty and Joey Mercury fighting William Regal and Finlay to a no contest. [B][U]TNA Negotiations Continue[/U][/B] Add another name to the list of people that TNA is trying to take away from the WWE. Neither side is releasing a name, all that has leaked out is the fact that he has headlined multiple WrestleMania's for the company. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]Impact[/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ImpactLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TNA Impact! June 4, 2007 Live from Universal Studios Orlando Attendance: 1000[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] The opening pyro gets another edition of TNA Impact underway, and the fans go crazy when they see what the main event of the evening is…..Christian Cage versus Sting. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/EricYoung.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Chris Sabin versus Eric Young[/SIZE][/B] This is the first time that Chris Sabin has been at Impact since losing in the World X Cup finals to Petey Williams, and he had the task of taking on crowd favorite, Eric Young in this match. Young tried to show some respect towards the reigning X-Division Champion, but he wasn’t having any of it and started kicking away at Young. The crowd got behind Eric Young very hard, but it wasn’t enough as Chris Sabin had an answer for every Young move. He eventually put him away with the Cradle Shock for the rebound victory. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Chris Sabin Time: 5:40 Match Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/PeteyWilliams.jpg[/IMG] After the match instead of Chris Sabin’s music playing, the music of World X Cup Champion Petey Williams played, and the proud Canadian made his way onto the entrance ramp. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Petey Williams[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Very impressive Sabin, but you know what’s more impressive, me winning the World X Cup. Now I plan to ride that momentum as far as it will take me, so that’s why at Slammiversary, it’s going to be me and one facing off one on one. And your X-Division title there, you better hold onto it tight, because the match is for that very title.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: E+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] Christopher Daniels appears backstage, and he has a message for his fellow TNA wrestlers. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Christopher Daniels[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Over the past few months, I have gone through nearly every hurdle that TNA has thrown my way. It’s about time that I make my own path to the championship, because TNA management isn’t doing me any favors by putting me in there with jobbers each and every week. So I am challenging any body who thinks they can take me down to do just that, try to take me down. Whoever wants to get a piece of “The Fallen Angel” at Slammiversary, just say the word by next week, and you can claim your spot as the next victim at the hands of Christopher Daniels.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Senshi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/MattBentley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JayLethal2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Senshi versus Matt Bentley w/ Raven versus Jay “Macho Man” Lethal w/ Kevin Nash[/SIZE][/B] This three way X-Division showcase had three of the fastest men you will ever see in a squared circle at one time. Jay Lethal was in rare form in this match, and the fans say he was moving so quickly that all you could see was a flash of rainbow colored attire and you could smell the faint odor of a Slim Jim. The three men traded chops and kicks like crazy, and the fans were drawn in by this fast paced action. The ending came when Senshi was caught right in the jaw by a superkick from Matt Bentley, but then Jay Lethal came down off the top rope with a bionic elbow to the head of Bentley. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Jay Lethal Time: 5:48 Match Grade: C[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JamesMitchell.jpg[/IMG] James Mitchell and Abyss appear in a dark room with red lighting, and Mitchell has something to say to Samoa Joe on behalf of Abyss. [B][U][SIZE="3"]James Mitchell[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Samoa Joe, you are telling Abyss that he shouldn’t play with fire. I think you have things backwards Joe. Are you six foot eight inches tall? I don’t think so. Are you three hundred and fifty pounds of pure unadulterated violence. Not the last time I checked. Joe, you are trumped in every facet of this matchup, so you may as well surrender before Slammiversary rolls around, it’ll be a lot less painful for your family to watch.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: C+[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]A.J. Styles versus Ron Killings[/SIZE][/B] These two men fought in this unannounced match, and the crowd was behind Ron Killings to shut A.J. Styles up once and for all. The crowd was also chanting for Kurt Angle nearly the entire time, but he never showed up during this match. Killings controlled the pace, and Styles was just fighting hard to keep Killings from putting it away though. Styles dug deep near the end of the match, and pulled out some great moves on Killings, and he ended the match with a Styles Clash. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: A.J. Styles Match Time: 7:15 Match Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] A.J. Styles then gets on the microphone after the match and he has something to say to Kurt Angle, who still hasn’t appeared in the arena to respond to what Styles did to him last week. [B][U][SIZE="3"]A.J. Styles[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]People, you can chant that loser’s name all you want, he ain’t comin’ out here. He doesn’t have the guts to face me in this ring man to man after I gave him that beatdown last week. He ran off to Mexico or something because he didn’t want to face me. You will all soon see that Angle isn’t coming back, I’ve gotten rid of him for good.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring with a microphone in one hand and a guitar in the other, he wastes no time and heads straight into what he has to say to the fans. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Jeff Jarrett[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]What does a man have to do to get a decent singles match around here? Ever since I’ve made my return I’ve been booked in “B” level matches, and I’m sick and tired of it. I built this company, I am the greatest champion it has ever seen. So I am taking matters into my own hands. I looked over the people who don’t have a match for Slammiversary, and I saw my old buddy Rhino on there. Rhino was a great NWA Champion, for two weeks, and then he lost the title back to me. Rhino, you know I’m the greatest World Champion of all time, and I’m challenging you to a match at the pay-per-view in less than two weeks, and I’ll prove it. What do you say?[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] Rhino quickly runs into the ring behind where Jarrett is and sets up for the Gore in the corner. When Jarrett turns around Rhino charges, but Jarrett has already got his guitar ready to fire, and he cracks Rhino right over the head with it, sending the War Machine down to the mat in a heap. [B][U][SIZE="3"]Jeff Jarrett[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll see you at Slammiversary.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B-[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Sting versus Christian Cage[/SIZE][/B] These two men have a long history, and it showed in this matchup as they knew each other move by move. The crowd was behind Sting all the way, and he used the great energy the crowd was feeding him to get Christian Cage on the ropes often. Christian has the will of a champion though and he fought back against Sting with all he had, and around the five minute mark he took control of the match. He kept Sting down in the ring, locking in several tire-down moves, almost putting Sting to sleep on numerous occasions. The crowd willed Sting back into the match, and he looked like he was going to put Cage away when Ms. Brooks came out to ringside. She stood up on the apron and distracted the referee, and then Robert Roode came in the other side and hit a huge Northern Lariat on Sting. Christian Cage then went up top as the ref turned back around, and he came off the ropes with a Frog Splash, and he got the huge victory over Sting. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Christian Cage Time: 9:27 Match Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] After the match the cameras quickly go backstage to the dark room that Abyss was in. It can then be seen that Samoa Joe and Abyss are fighting tooth and nail, with James Mitchell urging Abyss to take out Samoa Joe. Impact then goes off the air with security trying to separate the two behemoths, but they have no luck. [B][SIZE="3"]Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Overall Grade: B[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]News[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [img]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/SHaynes23TNA/Gerweck.jpg[/img] [B]Newswire for 6/5/07:[/B] [B][U]TNA Impact Rating[/U][/B] Things continue to look up for TNA Wrestling, as today they set a new mark for their highest rated show of all time. Impact this week brought in a 12.54 rating, breaking the two week old record by more than a tenth of a point. This is great news for TNA, and is a sure sign that they are growing day by day around the country. [B][U]TNA Talks Continue[/U][/B] TNA is said to have contacted a third WWE wrestler about jumping ship to TNA. This puts it at four wrestlers currently contacted about working; three that work for WWE, and one free agent. No names have been released, but word is that three out of the four names have headlined a WrestleMania event and held a World Title. [B][U]ROH Weekly House Show[/U][/B] ROH held it's weekly house show last night, and their potential match of the year came when Austin Aries and Chris Hero teamed to beat Adam Pearce and Bryan Danielson. In the main event, Brent Albright sucessfully defended his ROH World Championship against Roderick Strong. [/QUOTE]
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