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[QUOTE] can people REALLY think they're going to be picked up by the WWE as a booker for their shows because of how well they book in TEW? [/QUOTE] Of course none of us will be picked up by the WWE. Why in the world would they want storylines that either make sense or haven't been used 10 times over? Silly little tristram
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[QUOTE=mad5226;211738]Of course none of us will be picked up by the WWE. Why in the world would they want storylines that either make sense or haven't been used 10 times over? Silly little tristram[/QUOTE] And somebody else purchasing the rites to WCW, thats never been done before? :rolleyes: incidentally, your diary is really good despite the backstory not being particuarly orignal!
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:D do you see my point though, it is difficult to write a backstory that makes sense and hasn't been used before. It is nice if you can do it and a decent backstory can get people hooked. But my best diary effort to date had a pretty naff backstory, but the actual diary itself was getting really positive comments from lots of people - having said that, lots of people were slating the fact that i was pushing Hulk Hogan in ECW!
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Making a realistic way to make yourself booker is hardly the case here. You don't have to make yourself a booker, you can simply start out and say ok, this is going to be a diary about Company X from Date X. You don't have to be buddies with Vince or Turner, you don't have to win a lottery and buy the company, hell you don't have to be a janitor who had the company left to him with Shane (good diary by the way :) ), all you have to do is just start it with what has already happened and where you are picking up at. Yes, realism is something that should be strived for in diaries, but it obviously isn't here. Does EWB have high standards for their diaries? Yes, they do but that makes for some fantastic reads too. However, on the note of this diary that was an absolute horrid attempt at a backstory. Your WCW diary had nothing to it at all, nothing that made it stand out or anything aside from the horrid unrealistic booking such as an un-trained wrestler, yet UFC fighter, suddenly being thrown into a match with Teddy Hart in ****ing WCW. Or your one match shows that you would post. It wasn't a good diary by any use of those words, but apparently the people here enjoyed it for some reason or another. Pardon me if I don't like to read something that consists of terribly unrealistic matches, story lines, and signings but thats just how I (and a lot of other people too) am.
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you don't have to think every diary on here is good, thats not the point im trying to make. I just think there is such thing as constructive criticism. People like Clarity, Undertaker, Stallion if the diary needs work they will offer advice to help people improve, they won't just post saying - this is rubbish, this is crap and if thats how business is done on the EWB boards, to be honest im glad im not a member! At the end of the day if you don't like a diary offer advice on how to improve it or just don't bother posting in the thread.
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I must say what a great backstory, and a long one too, 34 posts and counting! Most original backstory I have ever read, people fighting all over the place about the new announcement. Again perfect backstory! for those that are bitching about the "backstory", and the idea that the first post is the whole backstory they need to stop and relax. backstories can often be longer than the first post. Hell mine is the first 3 posts.
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Isn't part of the point of a back story to build hype for the actual diary? In that case I think he's done a pretty good job in building up the hype - like the way he's done it or not, you'll all probably tune in to read it when it starts (whether you continue to read it or not will depend on the diary itself of course) - but I think he's done a good job in getting his diary noticed.
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[B][CENTER]...Live from WWE.COM..... [url=http://www.freeimagehosting.net/][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/220a2f565f.jpg[/img][/url] We hear the voice of J.R...on a Solid Screen with the WWE Logo on.... "Obviously Folks, the thought of the most famous family in our great sport dancing with the devil again is getting people talking..........Thankyou for your time folks, you'll be glad you're watching..." The screen fades out again and into darkness, as the familiar voice of Vince McMahon begins to speak.......as we see various images flash up on screen..... Vince - "Ladies & Gentlemen, when you think of greatness........ [url=http://www.freeimagehosting.net/][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/58482267a1.jpg[/img][/url] when you think of sporting acolade............. [url=http://www.freeimagehosting.net/][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/b401b98855.jpg[/img][/url] when you think of toughness............. [url=http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?7b60521d41.jpg][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.7b60521d41.jpg[/img][/url] you think of Hart.......... [url=http://www.freeimagehosting.net/][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/926fd7661c.jpg[/img][/url] you think of The Hart Family...." jpg][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.2ccaa6daa3.jpg[/img][/url] The various images of the Hart Family flicker in front of us as the screen then cuts to Vince McMahon standing in an empty, dark room..... [url=http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?f3ed4c90d9.jpg][img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.f3ed4c90d9.jpg[/img][/url] "Im standing here, CEO of the WWE, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, in Calgary, Alberta Canada....im bringing you first, and full exclusive news, personally, of the biggest news in the history of our great sport....forget WCW, forget ECW, forget nWo, forget D-X.....The Hart Family are wrestling.... therefore i am proud to announce the end of the hatred, the end of the distain the McMahons and the Harts have manufactured for each other....that is the past....i am also proud to announce my personal backing to the a new venture....The Harts and the McMahons as one......" The screen then fades off as we are left with Vince smiling.......[/CENTER][/B]
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Dude, don't be an ass, alright? I myself got way too much sh*t from people at EWB, don't go bringing it here, understand? Nobody wants to hear your "OMG UNREALISTIC CANNOT COMPUTE CANNOT COMPUTE MUST COMPLAIN MUST COMPLAIN" junk. If the guy wants to do a diary, let him do a diary, don't pee on his parade just because his diary doesn't tickle your nana sundae in the right way. EDIT: ^ That was to that one guy from the first page complaining about your diary.
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