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Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Challenge

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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-February 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- El Critico took over MHW, but rejected our working agreement offer.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- Critico celebrated opening his new company by becoming OLLIE’s new Universal Champion.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Due to a monumental balls-up, Ginko Kuroda’s contract expired ¬_¬ Oops. Oh well, things will go ahead as planned, with a slight change to paper over the chasm.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- The world’s most LDW-friendly radio station interviewed Daredevil Aero. He said that he hated debuting in a new promotion. Let me guess, they’ll interview Fearless Blue and he’ll say he’s “indifferent” to debuting in a new promotion?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Jesse Christian returns to wrestling after a long hiatus. I’ll let you guess what I misread the headline “Jesse Christian Returns” as. It gave me a laugh, anyway. And an angle idea, but he’s too expensive to do it himself so we’ll have to give his proposed gimmick to someone else.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Piano Interlude[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 12 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Daredevil Aero[/B] defeated [B]Evil Spirit[/B] in 9:37 by pinfall with an Aerosault.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Standard fare, really. After the match, Evil Spirit did the evil chanting “He’s coming” again, but the fans didn’t seem to believe him. Wonder why..[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Max Chaos[/B] interviewed [B]Rex Reeves[/B], who said that he’d finally got rid of his “servant, Gino wassername”, as he realised she was holding him back. Not quite sure how that works... anyway. Instead, he’s got himself a new woman. One who can actually speak English, and would show him the respect he deserved. Out came [B]Amber Allen[/B], and that was about it.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Max Chaos is microphone God.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]KURODA[/B] defeated [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] in 10:38 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Hoooly crap. Dungeonmaster found his wrestling boots. That surely has to be worth an E- show?[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E- [i]- *basks in glory*..[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- $825 for an E- show. This has to be the greatest show ever in LDW history. Except KOTDM, but that was more expensive than petrol. Still only a 0.4% increase, but who cares? E-! Welcome to the Coastal Zone has had worse shows than that.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- An $883 profit leaves us with just shy of $1000 in the bank, and thus a $4000 budget for our next show, which is actually looking quite a cheapie.[/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- Then it dawned on me that we’d booked precisely nothing for it. Ooops. Oh well, easily rectified with a few well-placed posters. Like this one:[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: South of Heaven[/u] [i]Friday, February, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: In the main event, [b]Rex Reeves[/b] defends his Lethal Dosage Championship against two men who’ve both tried to grab the gold in singles competition before. Reeves triumphed over both singly, but can he beat [b]Ash ‘Nemesis’ Campbell[/b] and [b]Xavier Reckless[/b] in a triple-threat match? After Rex Reeves fired his manager [b]Ginko Kuroda[/b], many thought that the suspiciously-similarly-named [b]KURODA[/b] would also disappear. This has failed to happen. What will the mysterious masked (wo?)man get up to in March? Back in January, Super Sonic’s [b]Xtreme Invasion Force[/b] took LDW by… heavy drizzle, as they stormed onto the scene and announced they were taking over. However, [b]The Guild[/b] have accepted a quest to save their kingdom from this invasion - despite the fans’ wishes to the contrary. Who’ll come out on top at South of Heaven? Furthermore, [b]The Dungeonmaster[/b] himself will take to the ring, to do battle with the leader of the XIF, [b]Super Sonic[/b]. Too long ago for most wrestling fans to remember, [b]The Lost and The Damned[/b] claimed that the man behind their quasi-religious devotion would arrive in LDW. He failed to do so. Lots of times. Will South of Heaven prove any different? And what’s going on between the cultists and [b]Head Kicker[/b]? In a desperate attempt to get on the card, [b]Stretch the Chicken Boy[/b] and [b]Drunken Dragon[/b] will team up to take on [b]Hyperformance[/b]. [/quote][/center]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-March 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- Lee Bennett retires from wrestling, and UCR miraculously rise to Cult size.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- Stretch the Chicken Boy has developed a friendship with someone in LDW. Erm… me. I guess this means I’ll need to find something for my new friend to actually do...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- In news that’ll make derek_b shed a tear or two, Optimus picked up a major injury. He’ll be out for four days with major food poisoning..[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- The economy is now back up to D-, and the industry is up at E, both still rising. [/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Piano Interlude[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 13 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Hyperformance[/B] defeated [B]Drunken Dragon[/B] and [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B] in 9:44 when Hurricane defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy by pinfall with an Eye Of The Storm.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Not a bad opener, considering Dragon and Stretch are a pretty random team.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Xtreme Invasion Force[/B] defeated [B]The Wizard[/B] and [B]Norris The Ninja[/B] in 9:32 when Fearless Blue defeated Norris The Ninja with a Sky Twister Press.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Bah, that was supposed to at least be bearable....[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match Three:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] defeated [B]Super Sonic[/B] in 5:37 by pinfall with a Minus 50 DKP! through a table that The Lost And The Damned, of all people, had set up at ringside for no apparent reason earlier in the match.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]The DM is getting into his stride it seems. Just at the right time, too.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]After the match, [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] got on the microphone, and asked [B]Super Sonic[/B] when he was going to learn that simply showing up in someone’s back yard and claiming to own the place was going to have consequences. Painful ones. Super Sonic claimed that his [B]Xtreme Invasion Force[/B] had clearly proven otherwise, but Dungeonmaster said that was merely to lure Sonic into a false sense of security. The Dungeonmaster rules the Dungeon. That’s why he’s called the Dungeonmaster (although, to be fair, I wasn’t previously aware the Weston Gymnasium was known as The Dungeon…).[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b] [i]That’s better. Go DM!.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Xavier Reckless[/B], [B]Rex Reeves[/B] and [B]Ash Campbell[/B] went to a no-contest after 12:57 when, just as Reckless was about to pin Reeves, [B]DeCipher[/B] and [B]Evil Spirit[/B] ran in and attacked the XDWer. Ash Campbell (who was incapacitated at ringside at the time of the pin attempt) crawled over while Reckless was fighting back, and tried a sneaky pin attempt but [B]Head Kicker[/B] hit the ring, in a mood to kick some heads. In the end, the referee threw the match out, then high-tailed it out of the arena as all kinds of crap hit the fan. Oh, by the way, Rex Reeves retains his Lethal Dosage Championship[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Lost and the Damned[/B] were double teaming [B]Reckless[/B] and the [B]XIF[/B] who’d unsuccessfully come to his ‘rescue’, [B]Rex Reeves[/B] had made a run for it to the safety of the rapidly-emptying locker room, leaving [B]Amber Allen[/B] to fend for herself (she quickly rolled under the ring out of the way). [B]Ash Campbell[/B] was frantically (but quite easily) avoiding [B]Head Kicker[/B]’s kicks to the head as he ran around the ring trying to escape him. After a while, generic eerie music hit the PA, and everyone stopped (except Campbell, until he’d run right around the ring and straight into the back of Head Kicker) and turned their attention to the ramp where a strangely familiar figure in a really cheap and crappy mask slowly walked out. DeCipher and Spirit immediately ran to the bottom of the ramp and knelt before him as he approached the ring with a microphone and one of those weird artificial voicebox things that Kane used to have. “Wrestlers of Lethal Dosage Wrestling. We are gathered here today to learn a very important lesson. A lesson of power. A lesson of one’s place in the world. A lesson of knowing one’s role, shutting one’s mouth, and doing as one is damn-well told. You see…” he begins fiddling with his mask, as [B]Norris the Ninja[/B] and [B]The Wizard[/B] arrive from the back, “when you step into this arena... you’re in a special place. A place where there are no rules other than mine. Nothing is possible, or indeed, impossible, unless I say so. Nothing is fair, nothing is right, and nothing is just. You’re in my dungeon, bitches…” more fiddling, until he gives up and just rips it off. “And I’m your Dungeonmaster!” The fans boo heavily, as you would if you’d just had to sit through an hour of this crap. Ash Campbell, followed soon after by [B]Hyperformance[/B] (who’d arrived earlier but just sat and watched), [B]Stretch [/B](entering from the crowd) and the [B]XDW crew[/B] all try to attack the DM, but the joint forces of The Guild, Head Kicker and The Lost And The Damned - reinforced by [B]KURODA [/B] (yup, (s)he's a bad guy) who appeared from under the ring, manage to hold them back long enough for him to escape.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Waaaaaaaaaaagh! Why do you have to be so damn inconsistent, DM?! That was clearly the best angle ever ¬_¬ Russo would’ve been proud. No, wait, it made a tiny bit too much sense for Russo.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] F+ [i]- Damnit. I knew I should’ve just made the last angle a short one *cries*.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- $2,025 spent on workers makes this the cheapest ever ‘big show’ we’ve had, but also the worst. Still enough for a 0.4% increase to finally take us over 5%, and up to F popularity in the Tri-State. But - as we proved just last month - we can do far better for far cheaper. It all comes down to balancing entertainment for the readers with entertainment for the little e-fan dudes who come to our TEW shows. Unfortunately, this show almost certainly failed on both fronts :D[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- Overall we lost $250 on Piano Interlude (I still can’t believe it ended up being called that. Thanks, Manowar!), which leaves us with $750 in the bank. So it wasn’t such a huge disaster after all - that’s by far the most we’ve ever had in the bank after a major show for quite some time. [/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- Thomas Morgan won his first ever title this month, beating Joey Poison to become 4C Champion. It was also the best match 4C have had since the game began, at C-. He only worked one show, but he’s still technically an LDW Alumni...[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- Cal Sanders has changed his style to be more of a Super Junior, which suits us fine. Rip Chord passed away this month though. Sob, sob.[/color] [center]-=-[/center] [U]Lethal Dosage Roster: April 2008[/U] (Name: Tri-State Overness | Momentum) Amber Allen: F | E Ash Campbell: F+ | F- Ben Williams: F- | F Daredevil Aero: F | E- DeCipher: F | E- Drunken Dragon: F- | F+ Evil Spirit: F- | F Fearless Blue: F | E- Head Kicker: F+ | E+ Hurricane: F- | F+ KURODA: F | E Norris The Ninja: F | E- Rex Reeves: F+ | F+ Stretch: F- | E- Super Sonic: F- | E Tempest: F- | F+ The Dungeonmaster: F | E- (Yay! Progress!) The Wizard: F- | E- Xavier Reckless: F+ | F+ [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Dungeonmaster's Guide[/u] [i]Friday, April, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the ‘The Dungeon’ - Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: We don’t know… The Dungeonmaster runs the place now, ask him![/quote][/center]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-April 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- The new MAW owner is… Sheik Mustapha! That’s bound to go down well in the Mid-West. In his first main event, Steven Parker immediately lost the MAW Championship to Kid Toma. Marcos Flores also left MPWF this month, leaving them bookerless too. Black Hat Bailey and Luis Montero are their respective replacements.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- DaVE get a PPV deal. Talking of contracts, Dale Kenney wanted a hilarious amount to renew his contract. We weren’t laughing, though, and now neither is he. Coincidentally, he’s not getting paid from now on either.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Stretch the Chicken Boy is currently suffering from Tingling Extremities. I really don’t want to know which particular extremities are tingling. Or why. Let’s move on; Larry Wood the Miracle Man has turned SWF around, and they’re back to National.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Dungeonmaster’s Guide[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 28 (?!) people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B]. Refereeing by the returning [b]Rob Perkins[/b]![/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] welcomes everyone to the show, and comments on the size of the crowd tonight. He says that they’re clearly all here to witness his display of power and might, and they won’t be dissapointed. [B]Xavier Reckless[/B] then appears, and asks if His Greatness would display some of that might by arranging him a title match. DM says he’ll do better than that; Reckless will face ‘The supreme might of [B]The Wizard[/B]!”, while [B]Rex Reeves[/B] will defend his title against [B]Ash Campbell[/B]. Reckless is pissed, and goes backstage.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] F+’s for throwaway angles now? Yes please.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Wizard[/B] defeated [B]Xavier Reckless[/B] in 8:05 by pinfall with a Conflagration of Doom after interference from [B]Evil Spirit[/B].[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Fleh, there was no flow to the match despite it being scripted and 8 minutes long.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event - Lethal Dosage Championship Match:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Ash Campbell[/B] defeated [B]Rex Reeves[/B] in 7:49 by pinfall with a Nemesis Driver.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]New champeen! New champeen![/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Campbell[/B] picks up the mic, to a huge ovation, and starts rambling about how [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] hasn’t got as much pull as he thinks around here. Otherwise, how is [B]Ash Campbell[/B] the new Lethal Dosage Champion? An enraged Dungeonmaster stormed out onto the stage, dragging [B]Norris the Ninja[/B] by his ear. He demanded that the referee restart the match, because Campbell won so abruptly that Norris didn’t have time to interfere. There followed a farcical turn of events whereby Norris actually ran to ringside to prepare his interference, right under the referee’s nose. Perkins of course had to oblige - it was his second first day at work, and he only lasted two months last time.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event - Part 2:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Rex Reeves[/B] defeated [B]Ash Campbell[/B] in 3:31 by submission after locking Ash in the Ravisher (Cattle Mutilation) while Norris held him down. Rex Reeves regains the Lethal Dosage Championship title.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b][i] Hehe, the Ravisher. *guffaws*.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E- [i]- Woo, E-. I wanted an E though. You’ve been waiting over a year for a title change and I gave you two in one night! Be grateful![/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- Ash wanted some time to heal after wrestling a grand total of eleven minutes in thirty days. Poor guy must be exhausted. Money-wise, $1,825 was spent.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- We ended up with a tidy $502 profit (thanks to increased merchandise sales from our inexplicably large crowd).[/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- Emma Chase has stabbed her boyfriend and her boss in the back and gone to work as a Colour Commentator for SWF. Sarah Silver seems to be her replacement. Maybe they’re hoping the fans won’t notice. I hope Sammy does…[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: LDW: Blood On The World’s Hands [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: [/u] [i]Friday, May, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the ‘The Dungeon’ - Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: The Lost And The Damned vs. Xtreme Invasion Force. The Guild vs. Hyperformance. Head Kicker vs. Xavier Reckless. [/quote][/center]
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;214354]That title change had me going...so excited and then so sad...[/QUOTE] Bah! Weakling! The Rex Effex just rolls on and on. And that's up there D with truly great hotshot booking. With a brilliant restart rule. My run in didn't have time to prepare. Heh! I hotshotted a title once but never *back* to the original champion. Makes me think that Ash Campbell just might be getting some interest from other companies and is too over to stay with LDW. And there is no way you were getting an E with that abomination of an F- between the Wonderous Wizard and the stinky yardtard Reckless. (Or Rexless coz he's SO not in Rex' Realm.) I find it impressive that with that 8 minutes of scripted tripe you still managed an E-. Truly that is the Dungeonmaster's Dungeon!
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-May 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- We were looking into the possibility of signing Jay Chord, but the amount he wanted would have doubled our outgoings whenever we used him, so we decided against it... He’s gone on tour with INSPIRE instead, about as far from LDW as possible.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- Sticking with the contracts theme, this month is ‘Contract Extention Month’ for all but the XDW crew. We didn’t bother renewing Ben Williams’ contract because he never does anything half the time (and does it badly the other half). Of the ones we did renew (everyone else), most have had rather large payrises. Where the basic pay at the start was $100, it’s now $150 for most people, $175 for selected individuals (including Dungeonmaster unfortunately), and DeCipher is now earning Special Attraction money (the same pay bracket that Angel and Ash get). We haven’t been using him that much of late, so I guess that’s ok. Thought it’s likely this’ll be the last contract we can afford to give him at this rate.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- You might want to strap yourself in. You’re about to witness the clear-cut highest rated angle in LDW history...[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Blood On The World’s Hands[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 43 (?!?!) people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Rex Reeves[/B] is in the ring, blabbing about how he and the Dungeonmaster ‘go way back’, and with The Dungeonmaster in charge, he’s never going to part with his title. At this point he’s interrupted by a voice from backstage. “You know, esse, you really should stop saying things like that!”. From the back walks [B]Angel De Mexico[/B]! The fans go ballistic, as the exiled Angel reappears in LDW for the first time since September “See, homes, I remember a similar threat last year. That I couldn’t come back while you were still champion? So… I guess that since you lost the title for seven minutes last month, that means I get seven minutes worth of pain to beat into you? But not now… no, no. Not now… how about next month, at the King of the Dark Match? See, I COULD come back to retain my crown, winning an entire tournament in seven minutes? That’d be hard even for me, ya know? I’d much rather spend those seven minutes of pain on YOU”.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]Notes:[/b] [i] D! Nothing else needs to be said. D![/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Wizard[/B] and [B]Norris The Ninja[/B] defeated [B]Hyperformance[/B] in 8:14 when Norris The Ninja defeated Tempest by pinfall with a Deadly Reunion.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Hurricane was visibly tiring towards the end. And he’s supposed to be worth $175 per show.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Lost and The Damned[/B] defeated [B]Xtreme Invasion Force[/B] in 9:39 when DeCipher defeated Daredevil Aero by pinfall with a Code Breaker after The Dungeonmaster slipped him a pair of nunchucku, which was a bizarre and potentially hilarious thing to do, but he seemed to know how to use them.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]And the euphoria of the D slowly slips away…[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] is cackling to himself as he walks away up the ramp, and tells the fans he’ll see them at King of the Dark Match, where he has a particularly epic plot twist planned out for them. But then his microphone is abruptly ripped from his hands, by [B]Max Chaos[/B] who’d run across from the announcers table. “Nah, see, that’s where you’re wrong. See, I’M the one with all the twists. You may call me “the twister”! No, actually, don’t because that’s kinda lame. Just call me Max Chaos like you usually do, it fits just as well.” DM retreats to the back looking… confused, mainly, but a bit embarrassed, and sort of angry.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] D- [b]Notes:[/b][i] Annnd we’re back…[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] D-! … no, sorry, F+. [i]- Pfffff! That last angle was six entire minutes long. That’s like, WrestleMania Hall of Fame Induction length, comparatively. And far more stuff actually happened. Pffft, I say. Pfffft! (It’s actually not possible to exclaim ‘pffft’. I tried, and nearly lost two teeth).[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- We spent the exact same amount of money this month as we did in March. Not good. However, I don’t really care about making money any more, as long as we don’t lose any at the end of the month. To help, though, I found an out-of-work Mexican Luchadore willing to be smuggled over the border to work for $75 a show and become cheaper than Max Chaos. Nearly. I also decided that our roster had become more bloated than the Big Show on Boxing Day, so we needed to dump a few useless and overpaid workers. Unfortunately, useless and overpaid accurately describes well over half the roster, so it won’t be easy.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- Despite losing $202 this month, we're still well into the black, near the $1000 mark, so no panicking necessary.[/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- Rising to F popularity and the recovering economy and wrestling industry have conspired to force me to make a decision. Not at KotDM, but at the show after that, we’ll be charging $1 each for tickets and seeing how that affects attendance.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- Not only has Steven Parker had to job the MAW title in the first card under his new boss, he apparently hasn't been offered a new contract either. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? It also seems that I've missed a rather large news item.. back in January, Jack Bruce left SWF and went on tour with PGHW.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: King of the Dark Match[/u] [i]Friday, June, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the ‘The Dungeon’ - Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: Angel De Mexico vs. Rex Reeves for the Lethal Dosage Championship in a Seven Minute Reign Of Pain match (a match, with a seven minute time limit. Complicated, huh?). The King Of The Dark Match Tournament, including: Four wrestlers. Four more wrestlers. Some wresting. A winner. And more! [/quote][/center]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-June 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- Raul Hughes will retire next month, at the tender age of 42. The INSPIRE loyalist is expected to stay in the industry in a backstage capacity. In shocking and quite frankly disgusting news, Jack Bruce the international superstar consideres us too small to even negotiate with. How dare he? ¬_¬ LDW has been running for almost a year and a half now, and during that time we’ve had such megastars as… Stretch the Chicken Boy on our roster! Who does he think he is? Two-time TCW International Champion with two year-long reigns, and ranked #21 in the world by Pro Wrestling Hits last year?! Oh… oh, right. Maybe he has a point.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- Steven Parker also turned us down, wanting to concentrate on his MAW career. Steven, your boss hates you and refuses to renegotiate your rapidly-running-out contract. YOU DON’T HAVE A MAW CAREER! What were you doing on this month’s MAW card, Stevie? Jobbing to Oscar Golden in the curtain-jerker? Great career prospects there…[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- AAA and NYCW both fired their head bookers this month. NYCW snagged Citizen X to book for them, AAA hired Farrah Hesketh. TCW rise to National, too. They’re now slightly ahead of SWF in popularity (they’re B- everywhere, but SWF are only C+ in Puerto Rico. That’s the ONLY thing separating them…), but SWF still lead B+ to B- in the Prestige stakes.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: King of the Dark Match[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 44 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Round One, Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Xavier Reckless[/B] defeated [B]Unidentified Flying Object[/B] in 7:57 by pinfall. UFO formed a gun with his fingers, pointed them at Reckless and shouted “PEW PEW! LAZAR!”. Reckless stood and looked confused for a while, before suddenly clutching his stomach and collapsing in a heap. UFO climbed a turnbuckle to celebrate, at which point Reckless sprang to his feet, sighed, and delivered a Reckless Abandon.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Unidentified Flying Object is.. erm, that Mexican guy with the alien mask that looks like a hippo and has a really long name. He probably won’t be a regular.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]On commentary, [B]Max Chaos[/B] announced that the next match was going to be a Lucha Libre Rules match. “Swerve! Chaos 1, Dungeonmaster 0”.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i][/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Round One, Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]DeCipher[/B] defeated [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B] in 7:36 by two falls to nil.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] E-? Higher than I expected, even for DeCipher. Mind you, last years KOTDM is still our best ever show, with an E final rating, so they’ve got to step it up even more.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Round One, Match Three:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Drunken Dragon[/B] defeated [B]Head Kicker[/B] in 1:33 after Dungeonmaster’s chairshot hit the wrong person and knocked out ‘Kicker. After the match, Dungeonmaster claimed that: “Due to outside interference, Head Kicker will progress to the quarter finals. Swerve! 1-1!”. Max commented that this wasn’t a particularly good swerve, as beating an unconscious opponent isn’t hard.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Drunken Dragon is getting stale, which considering he’s accomplished absolutely nothing and hasn’t progressed as a character at all, isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that a guy who’s entire gimmick is that he only knows three moves, ISN’T stale yet…[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Round One, Match Four:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Harry Wilson[/B] defeated [B]Norris The Ninja[/B] in 7:35 by pinfall after a move that was doubtless stolen from his brother.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b][i] Yeah, our ‘major star’ this year was Harry Wilson. Sorry.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Non-Tournament Tag Team Match:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Hyperformance[/B] defeated [B]Xtreme Invasion Force[/B] in 7:45 when Hurricane defeated Daredevil Aero by pinfall with an Eye Of The Storm.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b][i] Saving money by not using four workers in a bathroom-break match? Not having our supposed ‘top face stable’ jobbing to two dancing fools in said pointless match? Pffft, the rules of booking have no jurisdiction here![/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Ash Campbell[/B] came out in street clothes, and stormed over to the announcer’s table. He demanded to know why he wasn’t in the tournament. Max said that, as far as he knew, Ash WAS in the tournament. A voice from the back, we all know who’s, simply said “Swerve~! 2-1!”. Ash stormed backstage to find Dungeonmaster. "No, you fools! The blue bottle is the Potion of Conciousness! The green one is a Potion Of Unending Breath! Don't you know anything about alch...oops, microphone...".[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b][i] Dungeonmaster is… *sobs*… getting stale. It had to happen sometime I guess.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Semi Finals, Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Xavier Reckless[/B] defeated [B]DeCipher[/B] in 7:35 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Semi Finals, Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Head Kicker[/B], finally revived from his slumber, defeated [B]Harry Wilson[/B] in 2:48 by pinfall with a Kick To The Head '08.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Max Chaos[/B] announced that the next match would be the Seven Minute Reign of Pain match for the Lethal Dosage Championship. He also announced that, in keeping with the theme of the match and the circumstances leading to it, it would be a Submission Match. “Swerve, Rexy! 2-2!”.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b][i] This was largely to cover up for the fact that it was supposed to be all along, but I completely forgot to mention it.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Seven Minute Reign Of Pain Match:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Rex Reeves[/B] defeated [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] in 6:59. Angel was about to make Reeves tap, but, predictably, [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] appeared and nailed Angel with a chair, yelling “Swerve! Swerve! Swerve!” in an annoying fashion. Rex then locked Angel in the Ravager for the victory with one second to spare. How... unfeasibly convienient![/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b][i] … 3-2?.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]King Of The Dark Match Final:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Head Kicker[/B] defeated [B]Xavier Reckless[/B] after kicking out of a Reckless Abandon (‘encouraged’ by [B]Dungeonmaster [/B]and a chair to Reckless’s face) and hitting the Big Mother****ing Kick To The Mother****ing Head.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b][i] About as much as we could hope for with Head Kicker involved. Hopefully a ten minute angle will save the show…[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]”Hahahaha. Flawless Victory! You know, [B]Max[/B], you almost gave me a run for my money there, didn’t ya? With all that swerving and double-swerving, and changing things at the last minute for no reason? Of course, you don’t actually have any POWER here, that would be ludicrous, but I just wanted to play with ya, you know? Sometimes, being a God just gets boring… But who’s got the last laugh now, huh?”. Max gets up off the announce table and walks to the stage, before calmly stating: “Funny you should ask that…”. With a look nearly approaching fear in his eyes, [B]Dungeonmaster [/B]turns around after receiving a tap on the shoulder that would’ve scored an easy 0.9 on the Muta Scale. Followed by the Biggest Mother****ing Kick To The Mother****ing Head you have EVER seen, or at least read about, sending him stumbling over the ropes and into the crowd. “Hah”, says Max, and calmly walks away.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]A certain amount of show-saving has been achieved…[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E- [i]- With a show based largely around Head Kicker, and with no Ash Campbell and Angel and Rex not in the main event, I’m strangely happy with an E-. Especially if you look at it another way; it’s the joint-second best show we’ve ever held, and the only non-LDW regular (unless you count Angel), was Harry Wilson.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- Finance-wise, it was looking ok. $2,800 spent on workers; half what we spent on Season Finale and only $800 more than a ‘regular’ big show expenditure. I haven’t reported on our popularity for a while; it’s up to 6.0.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- $114 in the red at the end of the month means that we’ll get an angry letter from Mr. Bank Manager, but aren’t in any real trouble. Especially as next month we’ll be getting ticket sales income. A whole $40 worth![/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- GCG have risen to Cult. TCW re-sign Jack Bruce and sign Sean McFly, who hasn’t worked North of the Border since January.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Tickets Aren’t Free Any More![/u] [i]Friday, June, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the ‘The Dungeon’ - Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: King of Kings Match: Angel De Mexico vs. Head Kicker. Losing Finalist of Losing Finalists Match: Matt Sparrow vs Xavier Reckless. Max Chaos speaks. [/quote][/center]
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You know, if I had to come up with an angle to freshen up the Dungeonmaster, I'd have him somehow get "demoted" from Dungeonmaster (either by his own people turning on him or by some sort of Dusty angle maybe), and then he'd take up the character of "twink" (to those not in the know, a twink is someone who min-maxes their character to obscene levels in an attempt to gain as much power as possible). He would be a twink in order to eventually regain the mantle of Dungeonmaster. Just thinking out loud, though . . . :D
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;215217]3? Kick to the head, the other kick to the head, and then what? I thought he only knew 2![/QUOTE] Kick to the Head '07, Kick to the Head '08, and Big Mother****ing Kick to the Mother****ing Head :D P.S. To add to my earlier suggestion, Dungeonmaster could be renamed "Red Mage", hahaha! :D
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