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Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Challenge

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That was a year ago man, keep up :p [B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-July 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- DaVE have created possibly the worst tag team possible, teaming the ultra-talented Marc Dubois with… Travis Century. Meanwhile, Davis Wayne Newton’s career has got off to a bit of a slow start. It’s taken him twelve whole months to get to CGC’s main event and win their World Title ¬_¬[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- SWF’s tenure as a National federation was short lived, as they’ve fallen back to Cult after a string of C+ Breakdowns.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- A carefully-aimed spanner has halted the works, as Amber Allen has buggered off on tour with 5SSW. In fairness, we haven’t used her for bloody ages (she was Rex Reeves’ manager, remember?) so it’s not like she was an integral part of the roster, but she was going to have a pretty big angle. Oh well, bye then. We’ll just get someone else to replace you. Talking of replacements, one of our finance department staff was taken to hospital last night complaining of heart trouble. The cause of this has been discovered this morning: An email from Matt Sparrow containing his contract demands. To avert future cardiac problems, it has been decided to scrap the Matt Sparrow match on next month’s show, and replace him with the recently-forgotten-about KURODA.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Tickets Aren't Free Anymore![/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 28 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Xavier Reckless[/B] defeated [B]KURODA[/B] in 7:37 by pinfall with a Reckless Abandon.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] KURODA and Reckless have good chemistry.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event - King of Kings Match:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Head Kicker[/B] defeated [B]Ángel De México[/B] in 9:47 by pinfall with a Kick To The Head '08.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Holy crap, Head Kicker managed to pull off an epic nine minute match. Sure, he was exhausted by the end, but E-?! Wow! [/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][B]’Anarchy’ Max[/B] Ratings… er, [B]Chaos[/B], then takes to the ring for his big announcement. He announces that ‘The Dungeon’ is a lame name for a wrestling arena, and it shall be known henceforth as ‘The Chaos Zone’. He also says that the [B]Dungeonmaster [/B]wasn’t feeling himself this month, but he should be back next week to apologise for being such a huge dork. Finally, he announces that as of tonight, The Guild have disbanded, and [B]The Wizard[/B], so ashamed of his master’s demise, has run off back to Canada.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Deee! My favourite letter (but no, I have no plans to hire Frankie). Makes me wish it was a longer angle.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E- [i]- Five. Count them, FIVE workers, and it was just as good as KOTDM. Rob Perkins makes it six, but Max and KURODA are technically only half a worker each in terms of salary, so five. Gah. We did manage to nearly halve the attendance though. Cheapskates.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- $900 spent on workers. We haven’t had a show that cheap in forever. Well, since February.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- Whew! An $800 profit means we scrape through with $700 to the good at the end of the month.[/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- Toshinori Hyobanshi, the GCG star who broke his back last year and remained on contract with them throughout his injury, has been fired now that he’s recovered… strange Japanese people.... Also, this entry has been really, really short. Meh. Not short, 'easier to read', right? ;)[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Tickets Are Free Again, You Fickle, Tight-Fisted Gits![/u] [i]Friday, June, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the ‘The Chaos Zone’ - Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: The Dungeonmaster returns! Stretch the Chicken Boy vs. Norris The Ninja. Drunken Dragon vs. Rex Reeves. [/quote][/center]
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Pffft, my diaries don’t DIE… they just sleep… for long periods of time. [B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-August 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- ELPF have fired Derrick Merrick from his position of Head Booker. God (and possibly Razor Valentine, although I have my doubts on the latter) only knows why, because they’ve been frickkin’ awesome under his reign. My only reasonable guess is that he’s spent far too much money or something. They’re a Small promotion, in Europe, and every show so far has been a C… I hope Gil Thomas doesn’t notice that. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- After shooting to the main event in under a year and winning their World Title, Davis Wayne Newton has buggered off to NOTBPW, and left CGC championless. I’m sure they’re very grateful. He was also working for NYCW, but didn’t achieve anything at all.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Remo has finally won the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Now, let’s see how they can screw this up...[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Tickets Are Free Again![/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 35 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Stretch The Chicken Boy defeated Norris The Ninja in 1:39 by pinfall with a Poultry In Motion. During the match, Norris the Ninja refused to attack Stretch at all, and spent the entire match on the defensive.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Stretch is improving in performance skills, and Norris’s gimmick got neither a good or a bad reaction. Which, for Norris, is appropriate.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]After the match, a confused Stretch demanded to know why Norris refused to wrestle him. Norris responded that since the Guild dissolved, he had found a new mentor, who promised to teach him the ancient martial art of Pacifism. He doesn’t expect much success yet, as he is only a mere initiate, but when he powers grow stronger, he is sure he’ll start becoming more successful. His master said so.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Norris certainly reminded us all that he needs a manager...[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Rex Reeves defeated Drunken Dragon in 9:55 after a woman, announcing herself as Maria Harry from the New Jersey State Athletic Commission, called for the match to be thrown out. Apparently this was due to Drunken Dragon violating the Commission’s rules regarding competing under the influence of alcohol. The crowd were not impressed. [/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] How that makes Rex Reeves the winner, I’m not quite sure, but he seemed convinced, so… [/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E- [i]- I would write something witty here, but I've been away from LDW for six months and can't remember where the hell any of this is going.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- $1,175 spent on workers leaves a tidy $463 profit.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- We fired Extrajanero Loco, because he sucks and his gimmick is bad even by LDW standards. All four XIF members resigned though.[/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- You might be wondering why Dungeonmaster didn’t return. The tit only went and broke his back the day before the show, didn’t he? So now he’s out until June 2009, isn’t he? So now I have to rewrite loads of stuff, don’t I? Yes, yes I do. I don’t want to appear heartless by firing a newly-crippled 24 year old who helped build the company from day one… but I did it anyway. Sorry, Anubis ¬_¬.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Riding Tigers, Chasing Dragons[/u] [i]Friday, September, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: Xtreme Invasion Force in action! DeCipher vs Ash Campbell for no reason! Yes, this was supposed to be a large show, but I forgot. I’ve been away for six months, I’m allowed to screw things like that up. [/quote][/center]
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;287448]Pffft, my diaries don’t DIE… they just sleep… for long periods of time. [B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-August 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]- We fired Extrajanero Loco, because he sucks and his gimmick is bad even by LDW standards. All four XIF members resigned though.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][/center][/QUOTE] Whoah, how bad do you have to be to get canned from LDW for non-financial reason? :)
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-September 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]- Remo’s SWF title reign lasted three weeks, and one successful defence. He lost it to Steve Frehley on SWF’s first Breakdown of the month.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- NOTBPW decided to end one of their two TV shows.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- Max Chaos re-signs for us, but only after a $75 pay increase.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Angry Gilmore signs for PGHW. Millions of potential fetuses are massacred this night.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- Nemesis signs for TCW as a colour commentator, and leaves DaVE in the process. Mitch Naess must be laughing while he disconnects his phone. Nemesis’ first main event match was a terrible match between Sean McFly and Tommy Cornell that only got an A.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Shawn Gonzalez is given the book at DaVE, after his stint at CZCW.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Riding Tigers, Chasing Dragons[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 43 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Xavier Reckless defeated Norris The Ninja in 7:38 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. Again, Norris didn’t attack at all for the duration of the match, other than to block moves (but not counter them).[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Norris was off his game tonight. He didn’t exactly show much game to be off, as he was being Dominated and Protected all match, which is why it sucked.[/i] [COLOR=Blue][b]Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Head Kicker defeated Lorne in 0:55 by pinfall with a Kick To The Head '07.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Max did well at ringside (and on DVD commentary), which probably explains the F+. This match was basically here because I forgot why I signed Lorne, so decided to job his ass out to ‘Kicker and fire him.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Prior to the main event, Rex Reeves came out to the announce booth and sat down next to the returned Max Chaos, he announced over the live microphone that the following main event was Ash Campbell vs DeCipher, and that it would be for the Number One Contendership to his LDW Championship. Chaos asked him who he wanted to win, and Rex replied that he had a gameplan for either, so it didn’t matter.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Chaos wasn’t actually involved in the angle, I adlibbed that bit, which is why it was F instead of A*. ¬_¬[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]DeCipher drew with Ash Campbell in 7:54 following a double disqualification. As in last month’s main event, Maria Harry of the New England State Athletic Commission interrupted the match. This time, the voiding was due to “complaints from a local Catholic group about the nature of DeCipher’s headgear”. Harry made it clear that DeCipher would not be able to compete in New England while he wore it.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b][i] Campbell and DeCipher have good chemistry, which is useful. Two of your best workers having good chemistry is always nice. It’s also worth noting that DeCipher, due to his work with OLLIE, is slightly more over in the US than Angel, making him my most over worker. [/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]To booing from all in attendance (except Rex Reeves), Rex Reeves strutted to the ring. Triple R stated that, since DeCipher can’t participate in New England again and Ash didn’t win the match, nobody would get a shot at his title next month. Arguing followed, with Ash (and the fans) being of the opinion that since the voided match was DeCipher’s “fault”, Ash should therefore be named #1 contender. Reeves, lacking a comeback, pulled out the old “I’ve already beaten you” routine and walked backstage.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b] [i] [/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E- [i]- Another E- for a cheap show. I’m not complaining![/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- $1,700 spent on workers leaves a relatively huge $966 profit and hauls us to 7.4% pop in the Tri-State. We’re almost nearly Small![/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- As mentioned, Lorne has been fired for the simple reason that I’ve no idea why he was hired in the first place. We’re still way above our ideal roster size.[/color] [COLOR="Blue"]- I just realised, in April my reputation went up to Low. Go me. Also, in unrelated-but-I-can’t-be-arsed-to-do-another-bulletpoint-news, only three months until Gil gives me new goals and possibly cripples the diary.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Things That Should Not Be[/u] [i]Friday, October, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: Ash is angry. Beats someone up. Hyperformance wrestle. For once. [/quote][/center]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-October 2008-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]- In sad news (for his family, not especially for any wrestling fans), Atlas has been jailed for attempting to pervert the course of justice. At the time he was in RIPW under a development deal, jobbing to Valiant.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- In genuinely sad news, for once, Ring of Fire have gone out of business. However, the sudden flood of talented UK workers on the indy scene boosted the next British Indy show to a D-, with British Samurai and Walter Morgan involved in the match of the night.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- NYCW and MHW both rise to Regional size, and both PGHW and NOTBPW get PPV deals. The latter also rise to International size.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- 5SSW fire The Great Hisato. I decide to apply for his job for a laugh.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]- The Guage twins both sign for NYCW, thus multiplying the average talent level by an unfathomably large number. Remo Richardson, a free agent for several months now, signs a written deal with NOTBPW. He marks his debut (as a midcard heel) with an opening match loss to newly-turned-face Harrison Hash in the joint match of the night, and picks up a win over Whippy The Clown on the first PPV the week after.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]- Mainstream Hernandez signs a development deal with SWF, at RIPW.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="Blue"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: A Thing That Should Not Be[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 33 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Hyperformance defeated Super Sonic and Evil Spirit in 9:54 when Tempest defeated Super Sonic by pinfall with a Storm In A Teacup. Sonic had absolutely no way of communicating with his partner, and thus there wasn’t a lot he could do against the well oiled (relatively) machine of Hyperformance.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Tempest is getting stale as a face, which I actually already planned for.[/i] [COLOR=Blue][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Ash Campbell defeated Norris The Ninja in 12:35 by pinfall with an Ash 2 Ash. Seeing that Norris still wasn’t going to do anything to him, Ash absolutely unloaded on Norris and used him as a punching bag. Signs of frustration were starting to show on Norris’ face after yet another loss.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Why does Cal Sanders put on fantastic matches for everyone except me?![/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"] After the complete domination of the pacifist ninja, Ash got on the microphone and DEMANDED that he be given another title shot. He appealed not to Rex, or the Athletic Commission, but to the LDW management. Ash backed up his petition by announcing that should he not get the match he wants, he’ll leave LDW for good, and encouraged the fans to do the same.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b] [i] The title prestige, by the way, is being shot to bits by Reeves’ cowardice. Although to be fair, it’s mainly the budget that’s preventing title matches every month.[/i] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] F+ [i]- Cal Sanders really needs to buck his ideas up, or he’ll be out of here before the Pacifist Ninja angle is even over. [/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="Blue"]- $1,500 on workers = $255 profit. We’re nearing $3,000 in the kitty for our end-of-year-showdown.[/color] [COLOR="Navy"]- Warlord Pain, Lee Wright, Robert Oxford and Randall Hopkirk will all be retiring at the end of November. ELPF, it seems, are in financial trouble already too. Looks like that’s the reason they fired Derrick Merrick. New booker Roberto Milano has a C+ and a C- to his name (if you remember, Merrick booked a C show every month until he was fired in August.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Fade To Black[/u] [i]Friday, November, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: Will Ash get his match? Headkicker vs. Norris The Ninja XIF (Blue/Aero) vs Hyperformance [/quote][/center]
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