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[Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW)

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[B][U]Saturday, Week 1, July 1984[/U][/B] I signed a fairly big name to an Exclusive P.P.A. deal today. All I will say for now is that this fairly big name will play a fairly big role at the Great American Bash. This will be one for the record books, folks!
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Great American Bash '84 [SIZE="3"][B]Great American Bash[/B][/SIZE] Saturday, Week 1, July 1984 LIVE from the Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis, Tennessee [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Russians defeated The Kelly Twins in 5:02 when Nikita Koloff defeated Mike Kelly by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.[/B] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Ivan Koloff looked excellent out there. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]Ricky Steamboat defeated Steve Keirn in 4:32 by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]PAY-PER-VIEW HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle, Tony Schiavone, and Gene Okerlund hype the upcoming pay-per-view during the pre-show. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: D[/I] [B]MR. MONROE GREETS THE CROWD[/B] *Sputnik Monroe makes his way down to the ring, welcomes the fans, and hypes the upcoming show. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] The Assassin v Super Olympia[/B] *This was a pretty basic mat-based brawl with plenty of back and forth action *Assassin was in the lead early on, but was soon worn down by Olympia, who took control of the match *Assassin tried to cheat to win, but Olympia countered his attempts and emerged victorious *[I]Super Olympia defeated The Assassin in 6:47 by pinfall with a Spinebuster.[/I] *The Assassin and Super Olympia don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]WELTERWEIGHT/JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT HYPE[/B] *Tony Schiavone hypes the upcoming Title Unification Match between World Welterweight Champion Black Man and World Junior Heavyweight Champion Hector Guerrero [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: E+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] NWA WORLD WELTERWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH Black Man (c) v Hector Guerrero (c)[/B] *Black Man and Guerrero shook hands going into the match *This match was pretty good in the ring, but most of the crowd did not really care too much *After a slow start, the two wrestled on the mat, and Black Men eventually took control of the match *[I]Black Man defeated Hector Guerrero in 5:49 by pinfall with a Tope con Giro. Black Man wins the NWA World Junior Heavyweight title.[/I] *Hector Guerrero looked good out there. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] The Ladies' Men (Magnum T.A. and Curt Hennig) v The Invasion (Baron Von Raschke and Chris Markoff)[/B] *Baron started off against Magnum, but quickly tagged out to Markoff *Magnum and Hennig double-teamed and isolated Markoff *Baron got involved again by going around the outside and attacking Magnum *Markoff got the upper-hand on Hennig while Baron rammed Magnum into the guardrail and the ring steps *Baron and Markoff were not on top long as Magnum and Hennig both got second winds *Hot tags were made to Magnum and Baron, and the two went at it in the ring with some heavy brawling *Baron tried to ground Magnum, but had to settle with throwing him out of the ring *Magnum continued to dominate, nailing Baron and Markoff both; Baron decided to grab a chair and nail Magnum with it, causing a DQ finish *[I]The Ladies' Men defeated The Invasion in 7:33 when Baron Von Raschke was disqualified while fighting Magnum T.A..[/I] [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH THE LADIES' MEN[/B] *The Ladies' Men cut an interview with Gene Okerlund, hyping themselves. *Curt Hennig is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]JERRY LAWLER PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Ric Flair. *Lawler said that he would finally put Flair in his place tonight in front of his hometown crowd *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT HYPE[/B] *Tony Schiavone, back at the podium, hypes the upcoming match for the World Tag Team Titles between The Family and The Blackjacks [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 4] NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT The Family (The Great Kabuki and Jerry Brisco) v The Blackjacks (Blackjacks Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan) (c)[/B] *Lanza and Brisco started things off, wrestling to the mat *Brisco and Kabuki isolated Lanza and started to wear him down, taking control of the match *Lanza tried to recover, but was trapped; Mulligan was prevented from entering by referee Pee Wee Anderson *Lanza eventually managed to take Brisco down with a clothesline; the men made hot tags to Mulligan and Kabuki *Mulligan came in and cleaned house *[I]The Blackjacks defeated The Family in 10:40 when Blackjack Mulligan defeated The Great Kabuki by submission with a Blackjack Clawhold. The Blackjacks make defence number 4 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Gary Hart did some good work at ringside. *Blackjack Mulligan looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. *Blackjack Mulligan is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]FUNK TAUNTS WAHOO AND DUNVEGAN[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. comes out and cuts a promo in which he taunts Wahoo McDaniel and Doug Dunvegan *Funk gloats about forcing Wahoo into a retirement home *Funk adds that he'll be taking his game to the next level and whipping Dunvegan for the U.S. Title *Dory Funk Jr. could use something to freshen his character up. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]U.S. TITLE BOUT HYPE[/B] *Tony Schiavone hypes the upcoming match between Dory Funk Jr. and Doug Dunvegan for the United States Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 5] UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Dory Funk Jr. v Doug Dunvegan (c)[/B] *This match started off with Funk and Dunvegan wrestling for position *Funk quickly overcame Dunvegan's boxing-style offensive and took him to the mat where he proceeded to school him *Funk dominated most of the match, toying with Dunvegan *Funk got on the mic and said he may be ending another career tonight *Wahoo McDaniel came down to ringside and started arguing with Funk *Dunvegan tried to sneak in behind Funk, but was unable to take him down *Funk whipped Dunvegan into the turnbuckle, but accidentally caught referee Tommy Young as well *Wahoo entered the ring and hit Funk with a chair before putting Dunvegan on top of him and waking up the referee *[I]Doug Dunvegan defeated Dory Funk Jr. in 11:47 by pinfall following interference from Wahoo McDaniel. Doug Dunvegan makes defence number 11 of his United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]MASSIVE BRAWL![/B] *A massive brawl erupts between Dory Funk Jr. and Wahoo McDaniel. The riotous fight spills into the backstage parking lot, where the violence escalates to the point where Wahoo throws Funk through a car window. *Dory Funk Jr. could use something to freshen his character up. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]ORNDORFF AMBUSHES RHODES[/B] *Paul Orndorff attacks Dusty Rhodes backstage, and leaves him down and out. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 6] "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes v Paul Orndorff[/B] *Rhodes came into this match looking for blood, taking Orndorff by surprise *Rhodes was not able to keep up for long, though, with Orndorff quickly taking control of the match *[I]Paul Orndorff defeated Dusty Rhodes in 10:03 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Dusty Rhodes and Paul Orndorff don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]RIC FLAIR PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Jerry Lawler. *Flair says he's sorry he has to humiliate Lawler in his hometown, but that this was his own doing *Flair tells Lawler that there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide and that this is the end of the CWA *WOOOOOO! *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B]MR. MONROE PLAYS HIS TRUMP CARD[/B] *Sputnik Monroe comes down to the ring to explain all the rules regarding tonight's main event *Ric Flair and Jerry Lawler both appear as Mr. Monroe grins *Mr. Monroe then repeats that tonight, there must be a winner; no disqualifications, no countouts, no time limits, no draws, no way out *Flair looks confident, but Lawler just smiles and waves them off *Sputnik Monroe looked lost out there. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *Back at the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event Title Unification Match between CWA Southern Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler and World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair *Caudle went over the long history of this feud, talking about how Lawler had evaded the Title Unification Match so many times in the past *Caudle said that there is no way out for Lawler this time and that the championships will be unified once and for all *Bob Caudle did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][MAIN EVENT][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/CWASouthernHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/NWAWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/VS.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [size=3]CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Title Unification Match, There Must Be A Winner[/size] [B]Jerry "The King" Lawler (c) v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] They lock up. Jerry Lawler and Ric Flair wrestle for position. Neither man is able to get the upper-hand at first, and they continue pushing harder. Flair tries to whip Lawler into the ropes, but it is reversed. Lawler misses with a clothesline, then ducks a clothesline attempt by Flair. Flair comes back and hits a shoulderblock, then catches Lawler in a side headlock. Lawler throws him into the ropes, then hits a shoulderblock of his own. Lawler hits a fist drop and gets a one-count. Flair laughs at Lawler, then hits him with a series of chops. Lawler comes back with a series of punches of his own, rocking Flair into the corner. Lawler goes for a chop, but Flair grabs him and reverses him into the corner before hitting another series of chops. Flair takes Lawler over with a vertical suplex for a two-count. Flair then goes for Lawler's legs, but he escapes to the floor. Lawler regroups as Flair taunts him. Lawler yells at Flair, then makes referee Tommy Young back him off as he gets back into the ring. Flair charges in, but Lawler ducks and hits a series of punches. Lawler whips Flair into the turnbuckle, then removes one of the turnbuckle pads. The referee chastises Lawler, who reminds him that there are no rules tonight. Lawler grabs Flair and whips him into the exposed turnbuckle! Lawler hits a series of stomps on Flair, then heads to the top turnbuckle. Jerry Lawler executes the Flying Fist Drop on Ric Flair! Lawler goes for the pin, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, KICKOUT! Lawler complains about a slow count, and gets pulled down by Flair with an inside cradle for a near-fall. Lawler is up, and he starts kicking Flair viciously. Lawler pulls Flair up, who hits a low blow. Flair goes "WOOOOOO!" in Lawler's face, then goes to the floor and grabs a chair from ringside. Flair gets back in the ring, waits for Lawler to rise, and nails him with the chair. Flair goes for the pin and gets a two-count. Flair then puts Lawler's leg in the chair and starts stomping it repeatedly, getting a lot of heat from the Memphis crowd. Flair goes "WOOOOOO!" in Lawler's face again, then hits a series of elbowdrops. Ric Flair goes for the Figure-Four, but Jerry Lawler kicks him off. Lawler gets up, and Flair runs him over with a clothesline to get a two-count. Flair hits a series of stomps on Lawler, then hits him with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle for a near-fall. Flair pulls Lawler up and hits a series of chops, then whips him into the exposed turnbuckle! Flair clips Lawler's leg out from under him, then hits another elbowdrop for a two-count. Ric Flair goes for the Piledriver, but Jerry Lawler counters it with a backdrop! Lawler starts getting worked up now, drawing energy from the hometown crowd, and gets a second wind. Flair charges in only to get nailed by a series of punches from Lawler. Lawler then picks up the chair and slams Flair over the head with it. Flair is busted open! Lawler attacks Flair's neck with the edge of the chair, then drops it and pulls Flair up. Jerry Lawler executes the Piledriver on Ric Flair on the chair! Lawler goes for the pin, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, thr . . . KICKOUT! Lawler has Flair on the ropes now, stomping him. Lawler then whips Flair out of the ring through the ropes. Lawler nails Flair with a flying double-axhandle from the ring apron. Flair tries fighting back, but Lawler whips him into the ring post. Lawler then grabs Flair by the hair and slams him face-first into the ring steps. Lawler tries to whip Flair into the guardrail, but it is reversed. Flair then hits a series of chops on Lawler and whips him over to the timekeeper's table. Flair puts Lawler on the table and climbs onto the ring apron. Flair nails Lawler with an elbowdrop from the ring apron through the table! Flair whips Lawler back into the ring, then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Lawler is up just barely, and shakes the ropes, crotching Flair. Lawler goes up and tries for a superplex, but Flair shoves him off. Flair then nails Lawler with a top-rope elbowdrop for a near-fall. Flair pulls Lawler up and hits a knee breaker. Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four on Jerry Lawler! Lawler tries to fight the pain. Referee Tommy Young asks Lawler if he gives up; Lawler tells him NO. Lawler's shoulders are on the mat, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, shoulder up. Lawler reaches for the ropes, but Flair pulls him back. Referee Tommy Young asked Lawler if he gives up; Lawler shakes his head. Lawler tries to turn the move, but fails. Lawler tries to hit Flair, but is out of reach. Lawler tries to fight the pain. Lawler is inching his way to the ropes; Flair pulls him back in. Lawler tries to turn the move, but fails. Referee Tommy Young asks Lawler if he gives up; Lawler spits in the referee's face. Lawler tries to turn the move, but fails. Lawler looks close to passing out from the pain. Lawler's shoulders are on the mat, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, shoulder up. Lawler tries to summon a second wind. Lawler looks close to passing out from the pain. Lawler's shoulders are on the mat, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, shoulder up. Lawler is very close to giving up. Lawler summons a second wind! Lawler tries to turn the move, and succeeds! Flair is in agony, but manages to break free. Flair and Lawler are both slow to their feet. They charge each other, and take each other down with a double clothesline. Lawler is the first to his feet, but then the crowd erupts, prompting him to look around. ANDY KAUFMAN MAKES HIS WAY DOWN TO RINGSIDE! Lawler is shocked and very angry, and starts shouting at Kaufman. Kaufman just waves as he comes to the ring, grabs a chair from ringside, climbs the ring steps, enters the ring, sets up the chair, and sits down. Lawler gets into an argument with Kaufman, not noticing that Flair is coming to. Referee Tommy Young tries to get Kaufman to leave, but fails. Lawler spits in Kaufman's face, and he gets up and grabs the chair. Flair, meanwhile, is on his feet, grinning as Lawler is unaware of his presence. Lawler and Kaufman argue some more. Flair eventually nods to Kaufman, then shouts "WOOOOOO!" Lawler, startled, turns around to face the grinning Flair. At that point, Kaufman swings, but Lawler suddenly ducks down, and Flair is hit with the chair! Kaufman is terrified as Lawler confronts him, but then Kaufman smiles and attacks Flair's neck with the edge of the chair! The crowd erupts as Lawler grabs the other chair, and he and Kaufman wail on Flair with the chairs. Lawler then shakes Kaufman's hand and grabs Flair. Jerry Lawler executes the Piledriver on Ric Flair on the chair! Lawler goes for the pin, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, three! The crowd erupts, though the reaction is mixed at this point. Backstage, Sputnik Monroe is livid as he watches Lawler's arm get raised by the referee on the monitor. Kaufman then grabs the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt and puts it around Lawler's waist before shaking his hand again. [B]Jerry Lawler defeated Ric Flair in 26:46 by pinfall following interference from Andy Kaufman. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 21 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title. Jerry Lawler wins the NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating: A*[/B] *This match lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE]
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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.78 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.61 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.77 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.48 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.98 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 8.03 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.74 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.09 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.75 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.95 [/CODE]
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[B][U]Monday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] If it is not already obvious, the "fairly big name" I signed before Great American Bash was Andy Kaufman. Today, I released Black Man from his contract since I no longer need him for anything. After that, I signed PNW Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Buddy Roberts to a Pay-Per-Appearance deal and PNW Television Champion Easy Ed Wiskowski to a Short Term deal.
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, July 1984 Held in a Very Small Venue in the North West region of the USA [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Fuller & Golden defeated The Kelly Twins in 5:30 when Robert Fuller defeated Mike Kelly by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Jimmy Golden looked good out there. *Robert Fuller is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Dusty Rhodes defeated Bill Watts in 4:58 by submission with a Weaver Lock.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] PNW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Curt Hennig v Ricky Steamboat (c)[/B] *This was an excellent technical bout, with plenty of back and forth mat wrestling *Hennig did fairly well against Steamboat, controlling roughly half the match *Steamboat turned it around with a couple well-placed aerial maneuvers *After some more action, Steamboat took control of the match and picked Hennig apart *[I]Ricky Steamboat defeated Curt Hennig in 9:36 by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress. Ricky Steamboat makes defence number 1 of his PNW Heavyweight title.[/I] *Ricky Steamboat has now switched to a Machine gimmick. *Curt Hennig and Ricky Steamboat have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. *Ricky Steamboat looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: FUNK V WAHOO[/B] *It was announced that, at Clash of the Champions, Dory Funk Jr. would be facing Wahoo McDaniel [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] PNW TELEVISION TITLE BOUT "Playboy" Buddy Rose v "Easy" Ed Wiscowski[/B] *Rose took the fight to Easy Ed in an attempt to advance his MACW career *Easy Ed took Rose's offensive in stride, but it was back and forth for much of the match *Rose eventually slipped up, allowing Easy Ed to take control of the match *[I]Easy Ed Wiskowski defeated Playboy Buddy Rose in 6:40 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Easy Ed Wiskowski wins the PNW Television title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]FLAIR WANTS REVENGE[/B] *Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair, who swears that he will never rest until he has gotten revenge on Jerry Lawler *For Flair, losing the championship was only a small part of why he's angry, and he says he's angrier about how much of a snake Lawler is *Flair tells Lawler to watch his back *WOOOOOO! *Gene Okerlund did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]RACE TAUNTS FLAIR[/B] *Harley Race interrupts the interview and calls Ric Flair a crybaby *Bobby Heenan adds that Flair is just upset that "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" got played himself *Flair and Race almost came to blows, but were held back by security *Race taunts Flair as he and Heenan leave *Bobby Heenan helped Race during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 3] PNW HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT Roop & Hunter (Bob Roop and Rick Hunter) v Team Crime (Ricky Steamboat and Buddy Roberts)[/B] *Steamboat was still on top of his game despite the double duty *This was another excellent technical match which saw Steamboat get double-teamed by Roop and Hunter *Roberts broke up the double-teaming, allowing Steamboat to finish Roop off *[I]Team Crime defeated Roop & Hunter in 11:36 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Bob Roop by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress. Team Crime win the PNW Heavyweight Tag Team titles.[/I] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ricky Steamboat came out of the match looking good. *This match lifted the crowd. *Buddy Roberts is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]LAWLER CELEBRATES[/B] *Jerry Lawler comes down to the ring, which has been set up for a celebration. He shows off his new title for the crowd, enjoying the moment. *Lawler admits that he played the NWA in order to have the perfect championship victory *Lawler introduces Andy Kaufman as the master strategist behind the champion, and they shake hands *Kaufman congratulates Lawler for pulling off the plan perfectly, and Lawler plays himself up as champion as he gets boos from the crowd *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 4] UNITED STATES TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Greg "The Hammer" Valentine v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *This was a lackluster match in which Valentine mercilessly pursued and assaulted Baron *Baron quickly got fed up with Valentine and walked out to retain by countout *[I]Greg Valentine defeated Baron Von Raschke in 4:34 by count out.[/I] *Greg Valentine has now switched to a Man with the Hands of Stone gimmick. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]DOUG DUNVEGAN PROMO[/B] *Doug Dunvegan had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Jerry Lawler. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hypes the upcoming main event match in which United States Heavyweight Champion Doug Dunvegan will challenge Jerry Lawler for the World Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Doug Dunvegan v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Lawler attacked Dunvegan before the opening bell, knocking him into a corner *Dunvegan fought his way out, taking the fight to Lawler and pounding him with a series of punches *Lawler came back with a European uppercut counter, then took Dunvegan to the mat *Dunvegan escaped and went after Lawler's legs, as they were still hurting after last night's match *Andy Kaufman looked ready to interfere, but Dunvegan laid him out *Lawler took Dunvegan by surprise upon his return and laid into him again *Dunvegan tried to summon the energy to overcome Lawler, but he was on fire as he hammered him *Dunvegan was rocked against the ropes, and Lawler took him down with a vertical suplex before moving in for the kill *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Doug Dunvegan in 19:06 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 1 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: A[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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MACW Rise To National Size! [B][U]Tuesday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] [B][SIZE="7"]MACW Rise To National Size[/SIZE][/B] Indeed, it has finally happened, MACW has gone National! This is most certainly a turning point in the history of professional wrestling. We have beaten Vince McMahon and the WWF to the finish line, and now is the time to strike! With this, we now have enough power to turn McMahon's own plans against him. Onward to victory! In light of our no longer being a regional territory, Jim Crockett Jr. petitioned the NWA Board of Directors to have us become the national flagship for the NWA. This, of course, is purely academic since most of the NWA has already been absorbed. The NWA Board of Directors quickly agreed, and so we are now the national face of the NWA! [CODE] [B]The Popularity Race[/B] NWA WWF AWA GCW WCCW [Great Lakes ]: [COLOR="Green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR] [Mid Atlantic]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [Mid South ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [Mid West ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+ C[/COLOR] [New England ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [North West ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [South East ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D[/COLOR] [South West ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D[/COLOR] [Tri State ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [Puerto Rico ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+ C+ C+ C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [/CODE]
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[B][U]Wednesday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] In what will certainly be remembered as the shot heard around the wrestling world, I ended our working relationships with ASW, GCW, AWA, CSTATE, AJPW, and MLW. In response, both GCW and AJPW have declared war on the NWA. In the wake of all of that, I have sent out an astonishing 42 contract offers on top of the one already made to Lou Thesz. Let the games begin! [B][U]Thursday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] [B]AWA:[/B] Rick Martel defeated David Schultz for the AWA Television title [2 successful defences] [B][U]Friday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] [B]GCW:[/B] Paul Orndorff defeated Tommy Rich for the National Heavyweight title [2 successful defences] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 2, July 1984 This week we are in the Tri State region where Fuller & Golden will challenge The Blackjacks for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Wahoo McDaniel challenges Jerry Lawler for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. This will be the last "MACW In Your Town!" as we are about to change the way our house shows are run.
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[B][U]Saturday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] I finally signed Lou Thesz to an Exclusive P.P.A. contract. I also signed Tully Blanchard, Les Thornton, Grizzly Smith, Sputnik Monroe, Pee Wee Anderson, Gary Hart, Comrade Dink, Bobby Heenan, Andy Kaufman, Bill Watts, Blackjack Lanza, Rick Hunter, Greg Valentine, Mr. Wrestling II, Adrian Adonis, Wahoo McDaniel, Nikita Koloff, and Ivan Koloff to Written contracts. Bob Roop did not get a deal since he was trying to extort a championship run out of me as part of it. The good news, however, ends there. Jim Crockett Jr. apparently does not realize what it will take to make the NWA successful from here on out. I tried to sign our NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler to a Written contract as well as Tommy Rich, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul Orndorff, but each time, Mr. Crockett was unwilling to pay them what they are worth. As a result, I will not be able to sign any of them, and may even have trouble giving Ric Flair a contract extension. This is almost the final straw; if Mr. Crockett blocks any more of my business after all I have done for him, I will be parting ways with the NWA. [B][U]Sunday, Week 2, July 1984[/U][/B] Business continued today as I signed Roddy Piper, Tom Renesto, George Scott, Tony Schiavone, Gene Okerlund, Paul Jones, The Great Kabuki, Jerry Brisco, Curt Hennig, Blackjack Mulligan, and Dory Funk Jr. to Written contracts. My attempts to give Buzz Sawyer and Harley Race Written contracts were blocked because Jim Crockett Jr. again refused to pay them what they are worth. In a bit of good news, however, the NWA has a new PPV Carrier: Viewers Choice U.S. This happily gives us more exposure and more buys, so perhaps this will convince Mr. Crockett to start allowing me to spend the money we need to spend. If he blocks me from giving Ric Flair a deal, that will be the end of it. [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.78 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.87 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.57 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 3.21 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.89 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.75 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.06 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.78 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.08 [/CODE]
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[B][U]Monday, Week 3, July 1984[/U][/B] I gave Steve Keirn a Written contract today, but was blocked by giving a Written contract to Ricky Steamboat by Jim Crockett Jr. In addition, Hulk Hogan and Ole Anderson both rejected negotiations.
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 3, July 1984 Held in a Small Venue in the North West region of the USA [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Russians defeated Roop & Hunter in 4:50 when Nikita Koloff defeated Rick Hunter by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/B] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *The performance of Ivan Koloff stood out as being good. *This match lifted the crowd. *Bob Roop is improving in Technical skills. *Ivan Koloff is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]Ric Flair defeated Doug Dunvegan in 5:24 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]HYPE: THESZ V STEAMBOAT[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle confirmed that, indeed, Lou Thesz would be wrestling tonight *The match would be against Ricky Steamboat for the PNW Heavyweight Title, with the winner going on to face Jerry Lawler for the World Heavyweight Title at Clash of the Champions [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 1] PNW HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT The Ladies' Men (Magnum T.A. and Curt Hennig) v Team Crime (Ricky Steamboat and Buddy Roberts) (c)[/B] *This was a confusing and lackluster match in which Magnum and Hennig did use a couple dirty tricks *Despite all that, Steamboat dominated the match until Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff interfered *[I]The Ladies' Men defeated Team Crime in 10:50 when Magnum T.A. defeated Buddy Roberts by pinfall with a handful of tights. During the match we also saw Ivan Koloff run in and attack Steamboat, and Nikita Koloff do the same to Steamboat. The Ladies' Men win the PNW Heavyweight Tag Team titles.[/I] *Ricky Steamboat looked good out there. *Curt Hennig is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 2] PNW TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Super Olympia v "Easy" Ed Wiscowski (c)[/B] *This match was a bit better as Olympia took the fight to Easy Ed and dominated him *Failing to beat him fairly, Easy Ed decided to use dirty tricks to overcome Olympia *[I]Easy Ed Wiskowski defeated Super Olympia in 8:25 by submission after blatantly cheating. Easy Ed Wiskowski makes defence number 1 of his PNW Television title.[/I] [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] UNITED STATES TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Robert Fuller v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *Another poor match here, the crowd simply did not care about Fuller here *Baron had an easy match here *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Robert Fuller in 8:44 by submission with a Claw. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 3 of his United States Television title.[/I] [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH FUNK AND WAHOO[/B] *Gene Okerlund attempted to interview Dory Funk Jr. and Wahoo McDaniel, but due to the feud between the two men, it turned into a fight pretty quickly *Funk swore he would finish the job at Clash of the Champions *Wahoo said that dogs should know their places *Wahoo McDaniel could use something to freshen his character up. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 4] PNW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Lou Thesz v Ricky Steamboat (c)[/B] *This was an excellent technical match in which Thesz showed that he could still roll with the young guys *Despite still having the skill, Thesz was still decimated by a dominating Steamboat *Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff interfered once again to cost Steamboat the match *[I]Lou Thesz defeated Ricky Steamboat in 10:16 by submission after interference from Nikita Koloff. During the match we also had Ivan Koloff run in and attack Steamboat. Lou Thesz wins the PNW Heavyweight title.[/I] *Lou Thesz was visibly tiring toward the end. *Lou Thesz and Ricky Steamboat don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]STEAMBOAT AND ROBERTS BRAWL WITH THE RUSSIANS[/B] *Buddy Roberts came to the defense of Ricky Steamboat at this point *Team Crime brawled all over the ring and to the back with The Russians *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Buddy Roberts underperformed. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel v Tully Blanchard[/B] *Wahoo and Blanchard had a vicious fight here, brawling all over the ring *Blanchard was doing well early on, rocking Wahoo against the ropes and keeping him from having much of an offensive *Wahoo eventually got his second wind and came to life, knocking Blanchard senseless and taking control *Blanchard turned things around again with a low blow, and then removed referee Tommy Young by whipping Wahoo into him *Dory Funk Jr. came down to the ring at this point and nailed Wahoo with a chair; Blanchard woke the referee up in time to get the pin *[I]Tully Blanchard defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 17:51 by pinfall following interference from Dory Funk Jr..[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]FUNK AND BLANCHARD ASSAULT WAHOO[/B] *Funk and Blanchard attack Wahoo McDaniel in the ring, and leave him down and out. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]FUNK/BLANCHARD V WAHOO/WRIGHT[/B] *Sputnik Monroe comes out and forces Dory Funk Jr. and Tully Blanchard to leave Wahoo McDaniel alone *Mr. Monroe then says that, next week, Funk and Blanchard will be taking on Wahoo and Steve Wright [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B-[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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Funny how that worked out, huh? Would that be a "plot twist" perhaps? Doug Dunvegan, savior of the territories and traditional wrestling, did exactly what he set out to stop Vince McMahon from doing. :D Still, I am worried that I may be close to the end of my employment with the NWA. Basically, the way it will go down is like this: if Flair goes, Dunvegan goes. I can not put up with Crockett's stupidity much longer. :mad: Anyway, yes, an exciting time indeed. Just curious, but would people still follow the diary if Doug Dunvegan quit his job with the NWA and opened his own promotion? If so, what size or sizes would you be interested in seeing?
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I just don't wanna lose readers for leaving the NWA and starting my own promotion with far less known workers and such. Obviously, the longer this diary runs, the more it's going to deviate from history worker-wise, but still, I know a lot of people read due to familiarity with the workers. I may have to jinx Flair a bit by having him put over some less popular wrestlers in order to keep him and stay with the NWA. I mean, I do plan to make my own promotion eventually, but I was waiting until the late 80s or early 90s for that. Ideally, I would like to play out this entire storyline I have planned involving Flair/Race/Lawler/Thesz/Steamboat and maybe get to the era of the Horsemen before starting a new promotion of my own. I am especially curious how upgrading will shape the game from 1985 onward since a lot of the good workers in this are in pretty poor physical condition. It will get hairy to be sure. Thankfully, my house show woes are temporary due to my contracted workers having not left their old jobs yet, so the show will go on!
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[B][U]Friday, Week 3, July 1984[/U][/B] I tried to make peace with AJPW, but they refused to end the war. In addition, I ended the Non Aggression deal with IWA, and they declared war on me as well, not like that scares me or anything. In company business, I signed Robert Gibson to a Pay Per Appearance deal. [B]GCW:[/B] Barry Windham defeated Les Thornton for the National Television title [8 successful defences] [B][U]Saturday, Week 3, July 1984[/U][/B] I signed Tito Santana, Ricky Morton, and Ted DiBiase to Written contracts today. I also tried to end the war with GCW, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. Clearly, there will be no peace. As of now, the World War of Wrestling has begun! I have maintained Working Agreement deals with CMLL, CSW, and WWC, but everything else has descended into pure chaos. [B][U]Sunday, Week 3, July 1984[/U][/B] Finally, some good news! After some tricky and heated negotiations, I was finally able to persuade Ricky Steamboat to sign a Written contract! [B]GCW:[/B] Iron Sheik and Bob Armstrong defeated Hansen & Rich for the vacant National Tag Team titles [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.88 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.74 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.24 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 3.20 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.74 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.80 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.54 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.73 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.05 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 4, July 1984 Held in a Small Venue in the North West region of the USA [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Hollywood Blondes defeated Asesinos de Infierno in 4:38 when Ken Timbs defeated El Satanico by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/B] *The Assassin has now switched to a Brute Masked Man gimmick. He hadn't been off-screen long enough, and that hurt the change. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *The Assassin is improving in Technical skills. *Eric Embry is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]The Family defeated Bill Watts and Hector Guerrero in 5:25 when The Great Kabuki defeated Hector Guerrero by pinfall with a Heart Kick.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]LOU THESZ CELEBRATES[/B] *Lou Thesz comes to the ring and celebrates his winning the PNW Heavyweight Title and his upcoming Title Unification Match with Jerry Lawler for the World Heavyweight Title *Lawler comes down to the ring and proceeds to taunt and laugh at Thesz; they argue and get into a fight, and end up getting separated by security *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]CROCKETT HYPES THESZ/LAWLER[/B] *David Crockett hypes the Clash of the Champions main event where PNW Heavyweight Champion Lou Thesz will face World Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler in a Title Unification Match [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 1] Les Thornton v Ricky Steamboat[/B] *Thornton wrestled very well in his debut match, though Steamboat was not making it easy for him *Steamboat picked Thornton apart, and though he did not dominate, he was very effective *Thornton was eventually worn down, and Steamboat finished him off *[I]Ricky Steamboat defeated Les Thornton in 10:51 by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 2] PNW TELEVISION TITLE BOUT UNITED STATES TELEVISION TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH "Easy" Ed Wiscowski (c) v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *This was a fairly standard match *Easy Ed put up a fight, but was not much of a match for Baron *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Easy Ed Wiskowski in 8:26 by submission with a Claw. Baron Von Raschke wins the PNW Television title. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 4 of his United States Television title.[/I] *Easy Ed Wiskowski seemed off his game tonight. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]OKERLUND INTERVIEWS BOTH TEAMS[/B] *Gene Okerlund tried to interview Dory Funk Jr. and Tully Blanchard and Wahoo McDaniel and Steve Wright at the same time, but it did not go well *Plenty of threats were made back and forth, and security had to intervene to prevent a fight *The performance of Dory Funk Jr. looked good. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Dory Funk Jr. and Tully Blanchard v Wahoo McDaniel and Steve Wright[/B] *Blanchard and Wright started things off *Blanchard dominated the match early on, but then isolated Wright when he started fighting back *Blanchard and Funk double-teamed Wright until he made a hot tag to Wahoo *Wahoo cleaned house and went after Funk with a vengeance, but was cut off by Blanchard *Funk worked over Wahoo until he was forced to tag out to Wright *Wright came in with a second wind and shocked Funk by taking the fight to him and keeping up with him on the mat *Funk, desperate, used a low blow, then hit Wright with brass knuckles as Blanchard distracted referee Tommy Young; Wahoo tried to make the save, but was again cut off by Blanchard *[I]Dory Funk Jr. and Tully Blanchard defeated Wahoo McDaniel and Steve Wright in 7:56 when Dory Funk Jr. defeated Steve Wright by submission after blatantly cheating.[/I] *Tully Blanchard seemed off his game tonight. *This match lifted the crowd. *Tully Blanchard is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]THESZ: I CAN DO IT![/B] *Bob Caudle interviews Lou Thesz on the upcoming bout against Jerry Lawler. In it, Thesz promises to do his best. *Thesz says that he may be old, but he has always stayed in shape, and says that he thinks he can take the belt *Bob Caudle looked dreadful in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4] "Rowdy" Roddy Piper v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair[/B] *In this, Piper's debut match, he took the fight to Flair *Flair was surprised by Piper's onslaught and got dominated for a time *Piper was ready to finish him off when Flair got a second wind and made a comeback *[I]Ric Flair defeated Rowdy Roddy Piper in 11:43 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]LAWLER: I WILL DESTROY HIM![/B] *Tony Schiavone interviews Jerry Lawler on the upcoming bout against Lou Thesz. In it, Lawler promises to do his best. *Lawler says that a guy collecting social security shouldn't be wrestling in the Clash of the Champions main eventand that he'll destroy Thesz *Tony Schiavone did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Rhodes worked the crowd going into this fight, and went after Lawler even before the bell *Rhodes rocked Lawler against the ropes, then whipped him into a corner and gave him a series of punches *Lawler hit a European uppercut and fought his way out of the corner, then whipped Rhodes into the ropes and took him to the mat *Lawler pounded Rhodes, but could not keep him down *Rhodes got a second wind and came back with a vengeance *Rhodes look as if he might actually win, but was tripped up by Andy Kaufman; Lawler took him down with an inside cradle for a cheap win *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Dusty Rhodes in 13:55 by pinfall when Andy Kaufman interfered. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 3 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Anubis]I am apparently cursed this month. I have had one problem after another with my game, most of them due to some sort of absent-mindedness or air-headedness on my part. I'm not sure, but I have been feeling kinda weird lately, so I apologize if I seem a bit inconsistent. The latest mistake? I accidentally had Lou Thesz as a Heel. Of course turning him Face killed his momentum, so now I have to remember how to modify that in the data files so I can fix it since it or else my roster will be mangled within a couple game months. There shouldn't be any problems since I'm pretty good at such things, though, so no worries.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 4, July 1984[/U][/B] [B]AWA:[/B] [I]Nacho Berrera defeated Mike Graham[/I] for the AWA World Light Heavyweight title [15 successful defences] --- [I]Jim Brunzell and Steve O defeated Ken Patera and Steve Regal[/I] for the vacant AWA World Tag Team titles [B]NWA Puerto Rican Vacation[/B] Saturday, Week 4, July 1984 We are running a Huge event in Puerto Rico tonight; Greg Valentine and I will be taking on The Blackjacks for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Magnum T.A. faces Jerry Lawler for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Due to a scheduling problem, what was originally supposed to be a four hour event had to be condensed into a three hour event; thankfully, the shortened matches did not do any damage.
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[B][U]Sunday, Week 4, July 1984[/U][/B] I failed to cease hostilities with WCCW, and also failed to persuade CSTATE into allowing the NWA to become its parent company. So came the death of the territories . . . [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.84 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.95 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.44 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.82 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.98 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.80 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.49 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.75 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.07 [/CODE]
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July 1984 End of Month Report A good month. Not only did we finally go National, but we technically made money as well once you account for the money spent to buy out PNW. I only wish Jim Crockett Jr. would have more faith in me when it comes to the financial aspects of the NWA. [CODE] PPV Revenue: $1,088,864 Ticket Sales: $1,273,031 Sponsors: $ 758,695 Merchandise: $1,222,000 Workers: -$ 746,500 Show Costs: -$ 215,000 Marketing: -$ 100,000 Merchandise: -$ 751,550 Production: -$ 256,000 Misc.: -$3,107,924 ======================== Performance: -$ 834,384 Cash: $2,942,839 [/CODE]
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[B][U]August 1984 News:[/U][/B] Missy Hyatt Enters Wrestling CMLL Sign PPV Deal with Closed Circuit Mexico (Big) [B][U]Monday, Week 1, August 1984[/U][/B] This will prove to be a pretty big month, a turning point for the NWA. We are aiming to secure better television slots on top of our fine new PPV deal while continuing our expansion. On a more personal note, if Jim Crockett Jr. blocks me too much by not allowing me to spend money on workers, I will be leaving the company. I have decided that Ric Flair's upcoming contract negotiations will be the determining factor in whether I stay or go. [B]AWA:[/B] Brad Rheingans defeated Jerry Stubbs for the vacant AWA World Heavyweight title
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[QUOTE=Anubis;301770] [B][U]Monday, Week 1, August 1984[/U][/B] This will prove to be a pretty big month, a turning point for the NWA. We are aiming to secure better television slots on top of our fine new PPV deal while continuing our expansion. On a more personal note, if Jim Crockett Jr. blocks me too much by not allowing me to spend money on workers, I will be leaving the company. I have decided that Ric Flair's upcoming contract negotiations will be the determining factor in whether I stay or go. [/QUOTE] Man hate to hear Ol Jim is being a pain. Hope things work out. [QUOTE=Anubis;301770] [B]AWA:[/B] Brad Rheingans defeated Jerry Stubbs for the vacant AWA World Heavyweight title [/QUOTE] Hehe. In my diary game. The AI releashed Rheingans at the start of the game. Of course that was started in 2005, and before Fred started booking the AWA(when I converted over to 2007.) It just shows you that somebodies garbage is anothers treasure. Good luck on you TV deals.
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