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[Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW)

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For the upcoming tour dates worldwide, MACW in Your Town! will be aired on pay-per-view. World Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.44 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.27 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 2, September 1983 Information: Cien Caras and Máscara Ano 2000 form the team [I]Cien Caras & Máscara Ano 2000[/I] As I mentioned, we are now once again touring around the world as part of the working agreements we have with promotions in other countries; this week we are headed to Mexico. Representing Mexico, Cien Caras & Máscara Ano 2000 challenge Roop & Hunter for the NWA Tag Team Titles while El Gran Markus challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
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The business side of things has finally settled down, and the company is in a good position. Because of that, I can now focus more on my booking strategies. The world tour on pay-per-view is proving profitable thus far, and will go a long way toward helping me overtake Vince McMahon and the WWF. Still, there is a lot of ground to cover, so I will need to be flawless in the execution of my plans. Hopefully, my plans will take MACW to the next level! [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 3, September 1983 Ivan Koloff switch to a "Wild Man" gimmick in the opening match, which he lost to Dusty Rhodes. Ric Flair finally got what he wanted tonight, as Mr. Monroe announced that he would have a shot at Harley Race and the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Starrcade in November. While it is quite a long wait, the reasoning for the timing was so the NWA would have plenty of time to promote the event and such a huge main event. Steamboat & Youngblood took on The Brisco Brothers, the winners to face Roop & Hunter for the NWA World Tag Team Titles at the NWA Anniversary Show later this month. Unfortunately, nothing was resolved as the match ended in a time limit draw. At long last, it was time for Ric Flair to reveal his big surprise: an alliance with Wahoo McDaniel against Slater & Orton and NWA World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race! Slater & Orton were not he least bit impressed, though, and merely came out and taunted Flair and McDaniel. The main event was yet another blockbuster match, which makes three times in a row that Paul Orndorff has been involved in. I do believe I see a big push in the future for "Mr. Wonderful" if he keeps up such fantastic work.
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No business to tend to this week, which is a nice change of pace. [B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 3, September 1983 We opened with an annouancement that Jos Leduc would be getting his rematch for my Mid-Atlantic Television Title next week. I then put away Playboy Buddy Rose, whose tricks were not enough to secure the championship. Leduc then came out and cut a promo against me, hyping the upcoming match and thanking me for keeping the belt warm for him. Asesinos de Infierno then lost a match to Slater & Orton by DQ when Ric Flair and Wahoo McDaniel ran in and beat down Dick Slater and Cowboy Bob Orton. Enraged, Slater & Orton challenged Flair and McDaniel to a match at the NWA Anniversary Show. Flair and McDaniel, of course, were more than happy to accept the challenge.
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I am having some difficulty with Ricky Steamboat concerning contract negotiations, but I will do whatever it takes to keep him around as he is one of the most talented wrestlers in the business. World Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.74 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.44 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 3, September 1983 Information: Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin form the team [I]Hayes & Garvin[/I] This week we are headed to Canada where Hayes & Garvin (representing MLW) challenge Roop & Hunter for the NWA Tag Team Titles while Sgt. Slaughter (representing MLW) challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
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Cowboy Bob Orton was late to another show, and thus got a warning for his first strike at Discipline Level 2. After some very tricky negotiations, I finally managed to renew Ricky Steamboat's contract. He held out for more money over and over again, and when I finally offered him the lucrative deal he deserves, Mr. Crockett blocked my offer and told me that if I could not get him cheaper that we would have to release him; of course Steamboat is one of the most valuable members of the MACW roster, so I had to figure out a way to keep him. In the end, he ended up getting $3900 per appearance along with a $3900 downside and 20% of merchandise sales, and I also promised him a midcard title run. I firmly believe, however, that he is worth all that and more. Still, if Mr. Crockett is worrying about money for whatever reason, I need to quickly start bringing in more money so as to calm him down. I would hate to lose the wrestlers we depend on just because Mr. Crockett thinks that we can not afford them. I also offered to buy out ASW and UWA yet again, but they are still refusing to accept. It looks as if these two promotions will be closing and fading away before too long. They only have themselves to blame if that happens. [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 4, September 1983 We have a pretty big show tonight to be certain! We start with Tony Schiavone hyping the Starrcade bout in which Harley Race will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Ric Flair. Race finally comes out and starts arguing with Schiavone, and he refuses to face Flair. With that, Mr. Monroe comes out and confronts Race, who refuses to defend the belt against Flair again. Mr. Monroe, however, produces a contract that leaves absolutely no doubt: Race will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Flair at Starrcade! Wahoo McDaniel defended the United States Heavyweight Title against Chris Markoff next. After the match, Slater & Orton came out and taunted McDaniel. Tony Schiavone interviewed them at that point, and they hyped their upcoming match against McDaniel and Ric Flair, promising to send both of them home permanently this time around. Now the time had come to determine who would face Roop & Hunter for the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Steamboat & Youngblood fought a hard match against The Brisco Brothers, but the two teams once again took it right to the time limit. The crowd was in an uproar, demanding that the match continue. Mr. Monroe came out to settle the fans down, and succeeded upon ordering the match to continue until there was a clear winner! So the match continued, with The Brisco Brothers using every dirty trick in the book to take out their opponents. Steamboat & Youngblood, however, would not be denied, and Steamboat finally pinned Jack Brisco to win the match! Steamboat & Youngblood will face Roop & Hunter for the NWA World Tag Team Titles at the NWA Anniversary Show! Paul Orndorff now came out and cut a promo against Ric Flair. He demanded that if he win this match here tonight that he get the Starrcade title shot against Harley Race. Flair accepted and defeated Orndorff to keep his title shot. Sadly, Orndorff's streak of match-of-the-year candidates came to an end tonight.
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Jos Leduc was late again, and since that was the third strike of Discipline Level 2, I had to let this one slide in order to preserve my booking plans. He did not get off completely, though, as while he did not get suspended as per the normal rules, he did get a hefty fine. [B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 4, September 1983 I hyped my rematch with Jos Leduc to open the show. That match ended in a time limit draw, after which I had a staredown with Leduc. Later in the evening, Tony Schiavone (who has dropped any gimmicks) took a few moments to talk about the tag team match between Slater & Orton and Ric Flair and Wahoo McDaniel, after which Flair and McDaniel cut a promo against their opponents. In the main event, Flair interfered and cost Orton his match against Dusty Rhodes.
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I tried one last time to buy out ASW and UWA, but both rejected. Sadly, this is probably the end of the line for both promotions. In other news, Thursday on WWF in Your Neighborhood, Don Muraco defeated Bob Backlund to become the WWF Heavyweight Champion; Backlund managed 24 successful title defenses during his reign. World Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.04 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.58 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 4, September 1983 This week we are back in Canada where The Hollywood Blondes challenge Roop & Hunter for the NWA Tag Team Titles while Jos Leduc challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
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NWA Anniversary Show 1983 [B]NWA Anniversary Show[/B] Saturday, Week 4, September 1983 Pre-Show: For the NWA Anniversary Show of 1983, we headed to the Charlotte Coliseum and completely packed that place. The dark matches were nothing too special, but they got the crowd warmed up for the main show. NWA World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race then came out to get the fans worked up, a task he was successful at. My hope is that this will be a pay-per-view to remember! The main show opens with Slater & Orton talking to The Assassin backstage. They are obviously up to no good, a point which is confirmed by the fact that they are suggesting that he demand a shot at Wahoo McDaniel's United States Heavyweight Title tonight. A hype video then plays for our opening bout between Paul Jones and Gene Anderson. With this appearance, Jones has switched to using a gimmick of an "Old School Manager", to signify his managing of Roop & Hunter. This match was primarily an exhibition between two seasoned veterans of the squared circle. After the match, we see The Assassin with Mr. Monroe, demanding a shot at the United States Heavyweight Title. His reasoning is that since this is such a huge show, it is only right that such an important championship be defended. Though not too happy about it, Mr. Monroe reluctantly agrees and grants him the match. Steve Wright takes on the returning Mike Rotundo next, with Rotundo moving over to a "Disco Stud" gimmick. After the match, highlights are played from the match for the Mid-Atlantic Television Title between me and Jos Leduc. Leduc, fuming over some of Bob Caudle's comments, comes out. Leduc confronts Caudle and argues with him. Mr. Monroe eventually comes out to intervene, telling Leduc to get ready for a tag team match. Leduc and I will pick partners and we will have a tag team match. Leduc thinks for a moment and picks Dory Funk Jr. as his partner. Now a video plays hyping the upcoming match between The Assassin and Wahoo McDaniel for the United States Heavyweight Title, including the grim events leading to this match being booked in the first place. As most would suspect, Slater & Orton interfered and beat Wahoo down. The Assassin was not all that happy taking a loss, even if it was by DQ, but it was obviously planned all along by Slater & Orton. Tony Schiavone interviewed Wahoo after it was all over, and Wahoo was very angry. He said he would have his revenge later tonight. Next up, I come out and reveal my partner for the upcoming match: Terry Funk. After a video plays hyping the [I]Dunvegan v Leduc[/I] storyline, the match is on. While Terry and I did win, I only managed to pin Dory, not Leduc himself. The returning David Crockett, who has switched to a "Staff Member" gimmick, interviews me and Terry after the match. Stan Hansen was supposed to face Sgt. Slaughter next, but a huge wrench was thrown into my plans. Though Slaughter was loaned to us by MLW, Slaughter apparently conspired with the WWF, his other employer, to make MACW look bad. The WWF held a show tonight, and Slaughter decided to skip out on the pay-per-view to be at their show. Slaughter will most certainly be punished for this, since he has an obligation to appear two more times for us. Hansen had to improvise, and came out to hype himself and call Slaughter a coward for running up to New England. Rick Rude came out in an attempt to shut Hansen up and got crushed for it. Steamboat & Youngblood cut a promo regarding their match with Roop & Hunter for the NWA World Tag Team Titles. A video then plays showcasing the huge war between Roop & Hunter, Steamboat & Youngblood, and The Brisco Brothers over the NWA World Tag Team Titles. The Brisco Brothers came out during the match, but stayed out of the action, opting to just watch from ringside. Steamboat & Youngblood eventually won, taking the NWA World Tag Team Titles, and that is when The Brisco Brothers acted. They got in the ring and challenged Steamboat & Youngblood right then and there for their newly won championships. Steamboat & Youngblood initially refused, but Jack Brisco upped the ante by offering to put his career on the line in order to get the match. Steamboat & Youngblood accepted that offer. Jack would live to regret making the challenge, however, as Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Brisco Brothers fair and square in the middle of the ring to retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Indeed, Jack Brisco's career is over! Gene Okerlund interviewed Steamboat & Youngblood after it was all over; Ricky Steamboat was relieved that all the drama and tension would come to an end now that the war with The Brisco Brothers was over. A hype video played for the next match, which would have Greg Valentine in a losing effort against Paul Orndorff. This was followed by a video hyping the [I]Flair for the Gold, Part 2[/I] storyline and the upcoming match between Slater & Orton and Ric Flair and Wahoo McDaniel. Flair and Wahoo got a decisive win, then added insult to injury after the match with a brutal beatdown. After it was all over, Flair and Wahoo celebrated in the crowd. (A* Rating for the Celebration angle involving Ric Flair and Wahoo McDaniel) Dusty Rhodes now cut a promo regarding his shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Harley Race and switched to an "Inspirational Leader" gimmick. He said that Race would not even make it to Starrcade because Rhodes would be taking the championship home tonight. A hype video for the match then plays, leading into the main event. In what was a memorable and fitting main event for the NWA Anniversary Show, Race used every trick in the book to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title, just barely succeeding. Definitely a match of the year candidate! The final result was definitely disappointing, leaving me to wonder how I could have booked it better. It was quite difficult to fill four hours, which is why there were a few filler matches, but the absence of Sgt. Slaughter was most likely one of the biggest contributing factors. He will definitely face some serious consequences for his actions! For the record and for those who are curious, Sgt. Slaughter's role on the WWF show was a match with Big John Studd against The Soul Patrol (Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas) in a match that was worse than even Stan Hansen's squashing Rick Rude. As you can imagine, he will sorely regret skipping the NWA Anniversary Show!
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September 1983 End of Month Report All is well on the financial front. Nothing special to report this month. It is business as usual. On a more positive note, the banks have not closed down ASW or UWA quite yet. Both are deep in debt, however, meaning it is only a matter of time before they either sell their companies or close their doors. To add to the tension, JPUK, CWA, and MSW are all reportedly in serious financial trouble as well.
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[B]News:[/B] ASW Rise To Regional Size Mickie Henson Enters Wrestling Jack Brisco Retires From Wrestling Ian Campbell Retires From Wrestling MSW Action Packed To Debut SWCW Wrestling Night To Debut GCW In Your House To Debut The World Wrestling Council Ends Run Sadly, Jack Brisco has retired, which means I have lost one of the best wrestlers on my roster. [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 1, October 1983 This week, we mainly have some good wrestling on the card along with a bit of an aftermath of the NWA Anniversary Show. The main storyline points are a promo in which Ric Flair hypes the upcoming Starrcade match against Harley Race and a promo by Wahoo McDaniel in which he insists that he is not done dealing with the "dogs" Dick Slater and Cowboy Bob Orton. For the main event, Jerry Brisco attempts to make a name for himself in a match against Flair. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair and Harley Race)
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I sent proposals out to buy out ASW, UWA, JPUK, CWA, and MSW. ASW, JPUK, CWA, and MSW all rejected; UWA were finally willing to sell, but for no less than $1,000,000, so I pulled the plug on that deal and decided to just let them fold. On the home front, I had even more difficulty. Cowboy Bob Orton had arrived very late to the NWA Anniversary Show, and Dick Slater arrived late to the World Championship Wrestling taping. Since their roles in the main storyline have finally ended, I decided to suspend them both for a week. [B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 1, October 1983 We start this show with me challenging Jos Leduc to one more match for the Mid-Atlantic Television Title, but only one more match. Leduc gladly accepts, but then we are interrupted by Sgt. Slaughter, who issues his own challenge for the Mid-Atlantic Television Title. I accept his challenge. This is where things get interesting. In the main event, I originally booked myself to go over Sgt. Slaughter to retain. Vince McMahon, however, contacted MLW, and forced them to use creative control from the talent trade in order to block the booking. So I change the booking to a countout win by Slaughter, allowing me to retain. The new deal is that he makes me look good in the match in exchange for a win over me. I, of course, decided to shoot on him during the match, making him look bad before taking the loss by countout thanks to interference from Jos Leduc. McMahon and Slaughter are pissed! The bad news for Slaughter, of course, is that he is still obligated to appear one more time for MACW. It will not be pretty! My antics did hurt the overall show, but in the end, I am certain it will be worth it. This is war, after all!
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World Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.11 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.48 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 1, October 1983 This week we are headed to Japan where Kabuki and Fuchi of the Family challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA Tag Team Titles while Terry Funk challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Also on this card is a match in which Stan Hansen crushes Sgt. Slaughter.
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First order of business this week was to renew my pay-per-view deal. This was easy to do as we have been bringing in good numbers and plenty of money. Everyone wins here! In other news, in searching for ways to make Starrcade all the more special, I have decided to sign former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Gene Kiniski. His role will be revealed at a later date. [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 2, October 1983 Information: Ivan Koloff and Chris Markoff form the team [I]The Comrades[/I] This week, I start trying to make Jerry Brisco look like a strong singles wrestler. Next, Sir Oliver Humperdink shows up calling himself Comrade Dink, and introduces his new clients: Ivan Koloff and Chris Markoff, The Comrades. After crushing The Hollywood Blondes and mercilessly beating them down, Roop & Hunter show up to defend the United States against this new Communist threat, igniting a new feud. In the main event, Ric Flair swears that he will never give up his quest for the NWA World Heavyweight Title and revenge against Harley Race. Race then barely retains the championship in a brutal match against Greg Valentine.
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[B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 2, October 1983 Mostly good wrestling this week. A hype video was also shown for the [I]Dunvegan v Leduc[/I] storyline, followed by Bob Caudle hyping the upcoming match between me and Jos Leduc for the Mid-Atlantic Television Title.
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Chris Markoff has done a fine job since I bought out WWA, so as many have likely predicted by now given his new role in a major storyline, I decided to renew his contract and give him a permanent position on the roster. World Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.17 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.03 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 2, October 1983 This week we are headed to Japan where The Funks reunite for one night only to challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA Tag Team Titles while Stan Hansen challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. If The Funks manage to capture the championships, they will no longer be barred from teaming together, which could possibly make for some interesting drama.
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First I renewed Terry Funk's contract for another three months, though he is starting to cost more than he is worth. This very well may be his final three months in MACW for the time being. Anyway, next up I initiated a talent trade with AWA, allowing them Paul Orndorff in exchange for Nick Bockwinkle for three appearances. This will probably be my main event heading into Halloween Havoc. Lastly, I renewed Cowboy Bob Orton's contract for another three months, though he is also starting to cost more than he is worth, especially in light of his behavior backstage. He is quite talented, but if I am unable to rely on him, this may be his final three months as well. [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 3, October 1983 Some more great wrestling this week, with a promising main event. This week's show is mainly about getting the ball rolling on setting up Halloween Havoc. The opener where Ron Bass and Jos Leduc challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles, we see Ricky Steamboat switch to a "Dragon" gimmick, and he certainly seems revitalized. Bob Roop and Rick Hunter are both victimized by The Comrades, being screwed out of their matches against Cowboy Bob Orton and Dick Slater. Tony Schiavone interviews The Comrades after the two matches, and Ivan Koloff and Chris Markoff are quite pleased with their work and brag about making Roop & Hunter look weak. Nick Bockwinkle made his appearance in the main event with a great promo against Ric Flair. The match itself was, as expected, stellar, with Harley Race joining Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone on commentary. Both men looked absolutely great out there, and neither of them were willing to give up. In the end, they took it all the way to a time limit draw in 30 minutes. After the match, Race berated the two, calling their techniques sloppy; he then taunted them both, saying neither of them were worthy of the NWA World Heavyweight Title. The fans were livid, and Race had to be escorted out by security for his own safety. (A* Rating for the Taunt angle involving Harley Race, Nick Bockwinkle, and Ric Flair)
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I signed Mark Youngblood, hoping to develop him into a wrestler similar in talent to his brother Jay Youngblood. He will be teaming with Wahoo McDaniel for an upcoming storyline. [B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 3, October 1983 The feud between me and Jos Leduc is reaching its climax at long last. Tony Schiavone interviews Leduc, and he swears he will defeat me at long last next week. I got the jump on him, however, by costing him his match against Greg Valentine. For the main event, Terry Funk and I cut promos on each other and then fought to a time limit draw in 20 mintues. That was quite an exciting main event!
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The world tour has concluded, so there will be no further weekly pay-per-view events until the next time we venture to foreign lands. World Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.56 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 1.94 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 3, October 1983 We have returned to the USA now, the world tour having come to its conclusion. This week we are in New England where Roop & Hunter will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA Tag Team Titles while Dusty Rhodes challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
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Dick Slater was late to yet another show, which puts him on his first strike at Level 2 and earns him a warning. This is getting ridiculous! [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 4, October 1983 Now is the time to lead into Halloween Havoc. Nick Bockwinkle comes out and challenges Harley Race to a match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Halloween Havoc. Race refuses, however, but says he will agree to a match if Bockwinkle, Ric Flair, and Wahoo McDaniel can defeat him, Dick Slater, and Cowboy Bob Orton in the main event tonight. Bockwinkle, Flair, and Wahoo agree to the match. The Comrades attack Roop & Hunter during their match, beating them down and causing a disqualification. Roop & Hunter pay them back by attacking them during their match and actually screwing them out of winning. It is later announced that the two teams will meet at Halloween Havoc. The main event is a great one in which we see Nick Bockwinkle pin Dick Slater, thus earning his shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Halloween Havoc!
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[B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 4, October 1983 Wahoo McDaniel and Mark Youngblood form the team [I]Aspect of the Eagle[/I] The time has finally come for the finale of the feud between me and Jos Leduc! First we have some interviews with Gene Okerlund, then we have one last great match with each other. To the victor goes the Mid-Atlantic Television Title! In other news, Aspect of the Eagle takes on Slater & Orton, and the winners will get a show at Steamboat & Youngblood and the NWA World Tag Team Titles at Halloween Havoc. It is also accounced that Wahoo will be defending the United States Heavyweight Title against Greg Valentine at the pay-per-view, so if his team wins this match, he will once again be working double duty on pay-per-view. Lastly, I join the announcers to watch a match between Terry Funk and Paul Orndorff. Why am I so interested? The winner gets a shot at the Mid-Atlantic Television Title next week! Everything is looking good heading into Halloween Havoc!
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Jos Leduc's performance at MACW in Your Town! will be his final appearance with the company as I decided not to renew his contract. World Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.57 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.03 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 4, October 1983 This week we are in the Tri State region where The Comrades will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA Tag Team Titles while United States Heavyweight Champion Wahoo McDaniel challenges Harley Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. During the event, Harley Race did an absolutely fantastic interview with Gene Okerlund. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Harley Race and Gene Okerlund)
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Halloween Havoc After not being able to get the wanted results out of my last couple pay-per-view events, I decided to scale back a little bit from now on, at least until the company grows large enough to sustain a bigger roster. As such, I have shortened the pay-per-view event lengths to better fit the current roster. In order to buff the roster just a little bit to keep things fresh, I sent out offers to Mike Kelly, Pat Kelly, Paul Christy, and Miss Bunny Love. [B]Halloween Havoc[/B] Sunday, Week 4, October 1983 Pre-Show: Nothing out of the ordinary here. Had a couple decent dark matches followed by a promo by NWA World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race. In the opening match of the pay-per-view itself, I took on Terry Funk. Funk was slowly down by an injury he sustained back in Japan (Broken Fingers), but the match was still pretty good. Since we are back in the South East region, we are once again taking advantage of the popularity of Roop & Hunter here. The fans were not happy, though, that The Comrades were able to cheat their way to a victory. After the match came the havoc as a brawl broke out between the two teams over the finish of the match. Bob Caudle hyped the next match in which Greg Valentine would be challenging Wahoo McDaniel for the United States Heavyweight Title. This one was not anywhere near as good as expected, and I have no idea why that is. Anyway, Slater & Orton decided to make their move here, assaulting Wahoo. After the match, Mark Youngblood came out and helped Wahoo brawl with Slater & Orton. Dusty Rhodes then took on Ron Bass in a good match. Nothing special here, just good wrestling. Bob Caudle then hyped the next match in which Slater & Orton would face Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles. The match was fairly even until Aspect of the Eagle decided to get involved. After giving Slater & Orton a taste of their own medicine, Steamboat & Youngblood joined Aspect of the Eagle in a post-match beating on Slater & Orton. Harley Race came out now with Bobby Heenan and cut a promo against Nick Bockwinkle. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Harley Race with Bobby Heenan and Nick Bockwinkle) Race then brought Jerry Brisco out and claimed that Ric Flair was not worthy of facing him at Starrcade unless he were to beat Brisco first. Flair came out and got into a verbal confrontation with them, which Tony Schiavone tried to get under control by suggesting that Flair face Brisco. Race ordered Brisco to the ring, and they had the match. Flair completely creamed Brisco in what was really a lackluster performance, but it still lifted the crowd. After the match, Flair was interviewed by Gene Okerlund; Flair said Brisco was a chump, that Race was finally going to be his come Starrcade, and that he would be taking back the NWA World Heavyweight Title. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair, Gene Okerlund, and Harley Race) Nick Bockwinkle now came out and cut a promo against Harley Race. Addressing Race and Ric Flair, he stated that it would be Bockwinkle versus Flair at Starrcade because there would be a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion tonight. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Nick Bockwinkle and Harley Race) Bob Caudle then hyped the upcoming match between Bockwinkle and Race for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. The match itself, which saw Flair join Caudle and Tony Schiavone on commentary, was done absolutely perfectly; Bockwinkle almost had the championship, but Race pulled out all the stops and cheated his way to retaining the belt. After the match, Bockwinkle got in Race's face. Brisco joined Race to help, and Flair came to the aid of Bockwinkle. From there, pure anarchy erupted, with a massive brawl between Flair and Bockwinkle and Race and Brisco; several other members of the roster had to come out to break it up. Despite everything I did to make the event perfect, the reviews were terrible. I have no idea what went wrong on this show, unless having the huge brawl end the pay-per-view hurt things. I am mistified to be certain.
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October 1983 End of Month Report Despite the bad reviews for Halloween Havoc, this was a solid month on the financial front. In fact, Halloween Havoc earned more money than all the weekly pay-per-views and the NWA Anniversary Show put together!
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[B]News:[/B] NJPW Rise To Cult Size Victor [The Bear] Returns To Wrestling I started things off by sending out offers to buy out CWA, MSW, SECW, and SWCW. UWA and JPUK are still alive, albeit on life support, but I have decided to withdraw my interest in buying out territories in other countries. I hate to dismantle the territory system myself, but I have a feeling that it will happen regardless of my actions, all thanks to Vince McMahon's aggressive expansion. The only thing I can do now to stop him is to beat him to it. The NWA must become a unified National promotion! [B]World Championship Wrestling[/B] Monday, Week 1, November 1983 After the opening match, Wahoo McDaniel comes out and uses his rematch clause for a chance to get the United States Heavyweight Title back from Greg Valentine. Valentine gladly accepts, stating that Wahoo deserves the rematch not because of contracts, but because he was cheated out of the championship by Slater & Orton. The two shake hands and agree to meet next week. Mark Youngblood is not doing so well. He looks awful next to Wahoo McDaniel and simply does not have the ring presence his brother has. Thankfully, Wahoo and Slater & Orton are more than capable of carrying the feud. Both Aspect of the Eagle and Slater & Orton got wins tonight, but the tension is thick. Ric Flair came out now to hype his upcoming match against Harley Race. Race then comes out and swears that he will make life miserable for Flair and destroy him before they even get to Starrcade. (A* Rating for the Quest angle involving Harley Race with Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair) Flair just grins at that and says nothing will get in his way now because he has some insurance; with that, Dusty Rhodes and Greg Valentine come down and join Flair, and the three announce that they have formed an alliance, which puts a worried look on the face of Bobby Heenan. (A* Rating for the Alliance angle involving Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and Greg Valentine) Race just laughs it off and tells Flair he is just going to get himself and his friends hurt with such nonsense. Dusty Rhodes then has a good main event match with Ricky Steamboat to close the show with some good wrestling.
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SECW and SWCW both rejected being bought out. MSW and CWA, however, were both willing to sell, though they would each cost $1,000,000. After due deliberation, I decided that I really had no other choice, and thus accepted both offers. We are still doing very well financially, so I believe these purchases will not have any negative impact. So it came to be that WWA, MSW, and CWA were now all consolidated under the MACW banner for the National Wrestling Alliance! Of course, in order to bring in the proper champions from MSW and CWA, I have sent out offers to bring in AWA International Champion Steve Keirn, CWA Southern Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler, CWA Southern Tag Team Champions Austin Idol and Moondog Rex, Mid-America Heavyweight Champion N.Y. Assassin #1 (Don Bass), Mid-South Television Champion King Kong Bundy, and Mid-South Tag Team Champions Mr. Wrestling II and Junkyard Dog (who is also the North American Heavyweight Champion). [B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B] Wednesday, Week 1, November 1983 We started the show with me defending the Mid-Atlantic Television Title against Paul Orndorff in a match that was pretty good. The winner then cut a promo hyping himself. Did I retain the championship, or is there a new Mid-Atlantic Television Champion? Slater & Orton took on Roop & Hunter in the next match which saw a lot of interference. The Comrades eventually cost Roop & Hunter the match, and the two teams brawled after it was all over. As Slater & Orton celebrated their win, they were assaulted by Aspect of the Eagle. Before the main event, Tony Schiavone took some time to hype the Starrcade match in which Harley Race would defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Ric Flair. In the main event itself, Jerry Brisco and Ricky Steamboat wrestled each other in an excellent technical match.
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