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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;203898]If I have two workers feud eachother, then somewhere down the line after the feud decide to team them together. Will this affect my fans? In a WTF kind of moment and hurt my ratings?[/QUOTE] If they are still feuding, it could ignite fun things... Like an after match beat down on a team member! If they are in a heated feud, and later down the line your looking to get them to collaborate, a team by choice... I'm not sure of the consequence's. I believe one turning would make it alot better for you (if it's a heel vs. face thing). If they are the same (Face, face, etc.) then it might actually increase the fans desire to see them. One thing I love about this game is, you CAN do just about anything you can think of (or write down). SO if you want them to be bitter enemies today, and then team up tomorrow, you can. How to get the crowd on your side with it, has to do with how you present it (and if you meet the required steps... as in length of time as a Face or heel, etc.).
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