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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Sun. W4, Jan. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] I guess things aren't quite as bad all over. In Mexico, there was a new promotion opening it's doors today. [B]Mexican Hardcore Wrestling[/B] who offers Lucha Libre to the Hardcore. That could be interesting. Because they won't be outdone, Europe opened 2 new promotions. The [B]European League of Professional Fighters, [/B]which seems to be a weird pro-wrestling/MMA mix, and [B]European Wrestling Federation, [/B]which advertises an old-school type venue. A nice collection of signings, as well. From TEW.com [QUOTE]A lot of major league deals were signed yesterday: [LIST] [*]Chris Harris signs with TNA [*]SWF signed Howard Finkle, Remo Richardson and Golden Delicious [*]Lisa Marie Varon signed with WWE [*]BHOTWG signed Raul Hughes, Shinjiro Otani and Chris Jericho [/LIST][/QUOTE] Also [B]AJPW [/B]and [B]NJPW[/B] had their tour dates last night. From the shows, the Main Events were as follows: [QUOTE]NJPW Deadlock Tour Horri/Nakasaw def. Kikkawa/Hyobanshi to retain the [COLOR="gold"]IWGP Tag Team Championships[/COLOR] (B) Attendance: 12,315 Overall: B-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]AJPW Amazement Tour Lee Bennett def. Kansuke Konda in a non-title match (C+) Attendance: 2,293 Overall: C+[/QUOTE] Don't think I agree with the title not being defended, but, what do I know? I'm not a booker. I also don't agree with [B]NJPW[/B]'s decision to put 2 titles around the waist of [I]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/I]. But, again, I'm not a booker.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Meanwhile, behind the facade of a strange looking bookstore....[/SIZE][/CENTER] It's been a month, and God and God Ryland were looking over their handiwork. God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Well, this is another fine mess you got us into."[/COLOR] God was known to shift blame. Ryland-[COLOR="Red"]"ME?! This was your world. I just got thrown in."[/COLOR] Ryland was known to not take the blame. God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Well, now what are we going to do?"[/COLOR] God didn't like to think of solutions. Hence, free will. Ryland-[COLOR="Red"]"How am I supposed to know? I just wanted to watch wrestling. This was supposed to go smoothly."[/COLOR] Ryland was known to let things go, hoping others would find the flaws. Hence, patches. God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Yeah? Well, it didn't. Now we got 4 billion people who can't remember what happened last year, or even what date it is. What is with your silly calender, anyway?"[/COLOR] Ryland-[COLOR="Red"]"I didn't like yours, so I made my own! It's even this way."[/COLOR] Ryland had a point. No silly 28/29 day months. God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"The fact of the matter is, all of my people are confused. This wasn't supposed to happen. And, how come all of your people look like cartoons?"[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/Payne666/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/Payne666/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] See the difference? Ryland-[COLOR="Red"]"That's not my fault. Blame Poser!"[/COLOR] God-[COLOR="darkorange"]"Who's Poser?"[/COLOR] God looked around the earth. Ryland-[COLOR="red"]"Doesn't matter. Listen, when people came in, we abolished racism, so no one cares about what my people look like. Why should you?"[/COLOR] Score 1 for Ryland, for bettering humanity. God-[COLOR="darkorange"]"I don't. I am just concerned for my people."[/COLOR] Ryland-[COLOR="red"]"Your people? Half of them are mine. And you're going to have to make a bigger planet!"[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Mon, Week 1, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] A month has passed. Things are almost under control. The networks have decieded that Wrestling might make for good TV, and have started accepting applications for new Wrestling Television shows. Four events were held last night. [B]NJPW[/B] had their [COLOR="Red"]Deadlock Tour.[/COLOR] [B]Z-1 Max[/B] started a new [COLOR="red"]Big Trouble Tour[/COLOR], [B]Osaka Pro[/B] started it's [COLOR="red"]Free Fall Tour[/COLOR], and the [B]WWE [/B]had [COLOR="red"]New Year's Revolution[/COLOR]. Let's get to the action. From [B]NJPW[/B], there were no title defenses, but the whole show scored a B, and was held infront of 15,657 people. [B]Z-1 Max[/B] had one title in the mix: [QUOTE]Shingen Mayazaki def. Washi Heat for the [COLOR="gold"]Z-1 Max Arena Championship[/COLOR] (C)[/QUOTE] They had 1,580 people, and scored a C overall. I think they could have done better. They only had the lowest level title up for grabs, and that was in the 2nd out of 5 matches. I think that a Main Event title match might have upped the numbers a bit. But, what do I know? [QUOTE][B]Osaka Pro Free Fall Tour (Sunday)[/B] [I]From Fuchu Municipal Gymnasium, in the Chugoko Region[/I] [U]Attendance: 368[/U] Sai/Kei def. Shu/Miyamoto for the [COLOR="gold"]Osaka Pro Tag Titles[/COLOR] (E+) Brother YASSHI def. Masato Yoshino for the [COLOR="gold"]Osaka Pro TV Title[/COLOR] (D+) The Incredible Koyama def. Larry Vessey (C-) Eguchi the Great def. Keiji Mutoh for the [COLOR="gold"]Osaka Pro World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] (D+) [U]Overall: D+[/U][/QUOTE] I think that one needed a bit of work. The best match of the night wasn't a title match. Oh well. [QUOTE][B]WWE New Year's Revolution[/B] [I]From The Dust Bowl in the South East[/I] [U]Attendance: 15,000 [COLOR="Yellow"]Sellout![/COLOR][/U] Rich Money def. Rob Van Dam (B-) Lisa Varon def. Helen Wheels (D) Steve Frehley def. Raven for the [COLOR="gold"]WWE US Championship[/COLOR] (C+) Jack Bruce/Randy Orton def. John Cena/Kurt Angle for the [COLOR="gold"]WWE World Tag Team Championships[/COLOR] (B-) Angry Gilmore def. Matt Hardy for the [COLOR="gold"]WWE Cruiserweight Championship[/COLOR] (C+) Catherine Quinne def. Wanda Fish for the [COLOR="gold"]WWE Woman's Championship[/COLOR] (D+) Ricky Dale Johnson def. Jeff Jarrett (B) Triple H and Liberty went to a No Contest (B-) Shawn Michaels def. Christian Faith for the [COLOR="yellow"]WWE World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] (B) [U]Overall: B-[/U][/QUOTE] Good showing by the WWE. Remember what I said about an owner doing the job in the first match? Jeff Jarrett proved that point. Talk about professionalism! In other news, from TEW.com [QUOTE]After all the dust settled from 4 shows last night, a few more signings were done. [LIST] [*]WWE signed D-Von Dudley, and Black WIdow [*]DAVE signed Spike Dudley, Sgt. Slaughter, Teddy Long and James Storm [*]Sam Keith finally remembered he owned a Wrestling Promotion, signing Captain Hero as Head Booker, and the talents of Danny Doring, Zimmy Bumfhole, Justice Pain, Ian Rotten, and others [*]Cameron Vessey and Carlos Gonzalez entered wrestling [/LIST][/QUOTE] Who knew that the sport was still popular enough to have people want to do it a month in. I mean, I know I liked it, but I can't remember a damned thing about it!!! Also from TEW.com [QUOTE][B]Foolinc[/B], our resident Professional Wrestling Analyst, had this to say in regards to the last month of wreslting; "It is a fair assumption to assume that the last month has been hectic, to say the least. Professional Wrestling organizations have been trying to collect all the talent they can to try and dominate the scene. Sadly, enthusiasm all over the world is plummeting, as well as the economy. People do not have the disposable income to pay crazy amount for a form of entertainment they know nothing about." Also in the interview, Mr. Foolinc gave a graded scale of what the world seems to be like: [LIST] [*]Canada-Economy: E (and falling) Wrestling Industry: D- (and falling) [*]USA-Economy: D- (and falling), Wrestling: F+ (and falling) [*]Mexico-Economy: E (and falling), Wrestling: B+ (and falling) [*]United Kingdom-Economy: E (and falling), Wrestling: B (and falling) [*]Europe-Economy: D (and falling), Wrestling: E- (and falling) [*]Japan-Economy: B- (and falling), Wrestling: B+ (and rising) [/LIST] So, as you can see, Japan is a current hotbed, and the only place where the interest in wrestling is rising. Those crazy Japanese people, them.[/QUOTE]
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Wow, that last one was huge. Well, 4 events and a breakdown will do that. Well, with the coming of TV shows, there are going to be a lot of events. How should I do this? Breaking each one down will be a tall order. You let me know what you want, okay?
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Maybe just highlights of the major ones plus the spcific wrestlers want to know about i.e Shark Boy and Cal =) but seriously man great job with this just try not to get to burnt out. Doing a watchers journal is very tiresome especially if you log the daily activity kudos to you my friend.
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Mad and fool, thanks for the help. Doing the shows for National and above gives me 7 full shows to do. I can deal with that. Also, I will put Main Events, Title Changes and matches about Workers you want to know about. So far: Cal Sanders Shark Boy CM Punk (who is working for DaVE and the Head Booker for NWA:UK) Payne (hey, that's my guy)
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Tues. W1, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] Booker T signed with WWE, and Ultimo Dragon signed with BHOTWG. [B]AJPW[/B] had another [COLOR="Red"]Amazement Tour[/COLOR] show. [QUOTE]Yosuke Narita def. Emerald Angel to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]Dragon's Gate[/B] started its [COLOR="red"]Stay Hungry Tour[/COLOR]: [QUOTE]Mitsunobu Kikuzawa def. Kizushige Nosawa for the [COLOR="gold"]DG National Title[/COLOR] Golden Scorpion def. Dragon Kid for the [COLOR="gold"]DG Big Gold Belt[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]Osaka Pro[/B] has another [COLOR="red"]Free Fall Tour[/COLOR]: [QUOTE]Silver Shark def. Eguchi the Amazing for the [COLOR="gold"]Osaka Pro World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]MOSC[/B] had its first show, [COLOR="red"]Wave of Mutilation[/COLOR]: [QUOTE]Muscles Mansfield def. Nigel McGuiness for the [COLOR="gold"]MOSC Triple Crown[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]MOSC[/B] also had the pleasure of rising to a regional level. After one show. So far, so good.
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Ah Payne... You've created a monster. Mainly because I don't see how you can possibly continue to update 80+ promotions. That's just an obscene number to try to deal with. It's point form and yes, I'm a huge fan of Jeffy being so un-Jeffy. What's up with Danny Dynamic? If you don't have Danny in this 'verse merge I'll go my utmost to ruin your debut diary. Also. What about Lucha? And Bobby Rude? And what... No Post for Norcross. You bastard! AND you've actually created (and sold!) great shirts for Monkeypox... oh how I hate you now Doc Payne!
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Danny is still unemployed as of yet. I don't remember Lucha, what his name was, and, of course Bobby Rude/Roode is still around. Haven't seen Norcross. What were his stats, and I will make him. And I don't plan to do this for very long, as I will be making/joining a fed at some point in time. As for shirts, don't worry, Pox, Beeky's just jealous. What was her name again? You call me a bastard? You ABANDONED the WEF. After all I did for you! Shirts, logos, name calling!!! I even held up your wire!!!! To this day I am finding straw in places I forgot I had!
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Fear not, fans of the eitherworld, for I have not abandonded thee. Time has been tight, lately, for I do have a career, school, a wife, a child, and I do actually sleep sometime. This weekend I am dedicating to UFC, then TEW. There will be many updates this weekend. Thanks for everything. Oh, and don't worry about me and Beeky, we're just joking around.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Wed. W1, Feb. '07 It's been a looong weekend[/SIZE][/CENTER] OOC: Starting with a HUGE poker victory for yours truly, to shopping, partying, and a few things in between, I haven't had time for....anything. But, fear not, this shall go on as planned. BIC: Only action today was overseas, as [B]New Japan, All Japan[/B], and [B]Zero-1 Max[/B] all had tour dates last night. In [B]NJPW[/B]'s [COLOR="Red"]Deadlock Tour:[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Hiroyasu Gakusha def. Akinori Kwakami for the [COLOR="gold"]IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE] In the Main Event, [I]Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/I] beat [I]Junnosuke Fukazawa[/I], but the match that stole the show was the pre-ME, with Kikkawa and Nakasawa beating Inukai and Horri to get a B. From [B]AJPW[/B]'s [COLOR="red"]Amazement Tour[/COLOR]: [QUOTE]Yosuke Narita def. Kiminobu Kuroki to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] (C)[/QUOTE] The two Main Events stole the show, with the last one seeing Kansuke Konda beating Lee Bennett in another non-title match. [B]Zero-One[/B]'s [COLOR="red"]Big Trouble Tour[/COLOR] saw [I]Okumura and Hosaka[/I] beat [I]Hijikata and Taka****a[/I] for the [B]Z-1 Max Tag Team Titles[/B]. They didn't have much else to write home about. Other than that, [I]Marat Khoklov and Dread[/I] signed with [B]NJPW[/B], and [B]WWE[/B] picked up [I]Apolo, Henry Lee and Shelton Benjamin.[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Thurs. W1, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] Wow, this is what a wrestling schedule should be like, 5 shows in one night! Oh, the options!! [B]AJPW[/B] put out a rather large event outside of their tour, called [COLOR="red"]The Day After Yesterday.[/COLOR] What ever that means....I meant, besides today!! Anyway, in the show, [QUOTE]Yosuke Narita def. Emerald Angelk to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] (C+) Lee Bennett def. Kansuke Konda to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Triple Crown Championship [/COLOR](C+)[/QUOTE] I hope that ends the feud between Konda and Bennett. I hate jobbing out the champ. [QUOTE][B]Dragon Gate's[/B] [COLOR="red"]Stay Hungry Tour[/COLOR] Fujita and Mochizuki def. Saito and Nosawa for the [COLOR="gold"]DG Tag Titles[/COLOR] (C) Golden Scorpion def. Kaz Hyashi to retain the [COLOR="gold"]DG Big Gold Belt[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Nu Wrestling Evolution [/B][COLOR="red"]Genocide Tour[/COLOR] Jason Reso and Herschel def. Jed High and Dan Stone for the [COLOR="gold"]NWE World Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] (D) Byron def. Scheming Behemoth for the [COLOR="gold"]NWE International Title[/COLOR] (D)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Ring of Honor [/B][COLOR="red"]Found Guilty:[/COLOR] Storm/Low-Ki def. Primetime Elix Skipper/Samoa Joe for the [COLOR="gold"]ROH Tag Team Championships[/COLOR] (C+) James Maritato def. Shawn Daivari to retain the [COLOR="gold"]ROH World Championship[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA: Anarchy[/B] [COLOR="red"]Good Times Gone Bad[/COLOR] Alonso/Danovich def. Mack/Smooth for the [COLOR="gold"]NWA-A International Tag Titles[/COLOR] (D) Chaz Warrington def. Ryan Reeves for the [COLOR="gold"]NWA-A World Title[/COLOR] (C-)[/QUOTE] And, to top it all off, [I]Rhyno[/I] signed with the [B]WWE.[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Fri. W1, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] Another rather busy day, yesterday. And I hear about it today. [B]BHOTWG, NOAH, PGHW, WWE, TNA, SWF and TCW[/B] all signed PPV deals. Should be interesting. In other news, from TEW.com [QUOTE] [LIST] [*]NOTBPW to Debut [*]OLLIE Television to Debuy [*]PGHW The Week That Was to Debut [*]SOTBPW Tiro Abajo to Debut [*]TCW Super Nova to Debut [*]WLW On Your TV to Debut [*]WWE Ring Warriors to Debut [*]Rey Mysterio signs with NJPW [/LIST][/QUOTE] And let's not forget the shows last night: [QUOTE][B]NJPW [/B][COLOR="Red"]Deadlock Tour[/COLOR] Hiroyasu Gakusha def. Akinori Kwakam to retain the [COLOR="gold"]IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Zero-1 Max [/B][COLOR="red"]Golden History Fight[/COLOR] Shingen Miyazaki def. Ryota Chikuzen to retain the [COLOR="gold"]Z-1 Max Arena Championship[/COLOR] (C-) Tasuku Iesada def. Shigeo Okumura for the [COLOR="gold"]Z-1 Max Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Blood, Sweat and Ears [/B][COLOR="red"]One Wild Night[/COLOR] Johnny Devine def. Black Dragon for the [COLOR="gold"]BSE Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] (C-)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Chaotic Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="red"]Lightning Strikes[/COLOR] Lance Hoyt def. Big Babi Slymm for the [COLOR="gold"]CW Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] (D-) *worst match of the night[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Sat. W1, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] Shaping up to be a big month, next month, with all the new Wrestling Shows. I wonder how the big boys will play together? Only a few contracts got signed yesterday: [B]SWF [/B]picked up [I]Matt Anoai[/I], and [B]TNA[/B] got [I]Aaron Aguilera[/I]. In the TV department, [B]CGC[/B] is set to debut [COLOR="red"]RUMBLE[/COLOR], [B]DaVE[/B] is getting [COLOR="red"]Crush 'Em[/COLOR] into the foray, [B]USPW[/B] is debuting [COLOR="red"]Turbo[/COLOR], and [B]Z-1 Max[/B] is set to debut [COLOR="red"]Z-1 Max Direct.[/COLOR] No titles were defended at [B]NJPW[/B]'s [COLOR="red"]Deadlock Tour[/COLOR], or [B]BHOTWG[/B]'s [COLOR="red"]The Cowardly King[/COLOR]. [QUOTE][B]AJPW[/B] [COLOR="red"]Amazement Tour[/COLOR] Lee Bennett def. Kansuke Konda to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Triple Crown Championship[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]5 Star Supreme Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="red"]Receding Hope Rescued[/COLOR] The Bloody/Toshie def. Chikayo/Omukai for the [COLOR="gold"]5SSW Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] (C) Misae Genki def. Takako Inoue for the [COLOR="gold"]5SSW Unified Japan Championship[/COLOR] (C) Manami Toyota def. Yoshiko Tamura for the [COLOR="gold"]5SSW World Championship[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Sun. W1, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] Contracts are flying around all over tha place, what with PPV deals and TV deals, and talent getting picked up. [B]BJPW[/B] has got a TV deal with a local Honshu network to debut [COLOR="Red"]Chaos[/COLOR], while [B]TNA[/B] is going to show [COLOR="red"]Crossfire[/COLOR] on Telemundo Mexico. [QUOTE][B]NJPW[/B] [COLOR="red"]Deadlock Tour[/COLOR] Hiroasu Gakusha def. Akinori Kwakami to retain the [COLOR="gold"]IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]PGHW[/B] [COLOR="red"]We have fight![/COLOR] Natsu Miyamae def. Tajiri for the [COLOR="gold"]PGHW Arena Championship[/COLOR] (B-) *MOTN Robinson/Honma def. Cox/Jado for the [COLOR="gold"]PGHW International Tag Titles[/COLOR] (C+) Tadao Ysuda def. Katsushi Takemura for the [COLOR="gold"]PGHW Big Gold Belt[/COLOR] (C)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]AJPW[/B] [COLOR="red"]Amazement Tour[/COLOR] Yosuke Narita def. Kiminobu Kuroki to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] (C) *9 defenses so far Lee Bennett def. Akira Taue to retain the [COLOR="gold"]AJPW Triple Crown Championship[/COLOR] (C) *6 defenses[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]CZW[/B] [COLOR="red"]Time Crisis[/COLOR] Shannon Moore def. Jimmy Yang for the [COLOR="gold"]CZW Iron Man Championship[/COLOR] (C+) Scorpio def. Funaki for the [COLOR=""]CZW World Championship[/COLOR] (C+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]UXW[/B] [COLOR="red"]Breakin' Down[/COLOR] Chris Hamrick def. Huracan Castillo for the [COLOR="gold"]UXW TV Title[/COLOR] (D+) Marty Wright def. Clark Alexander for the [COLOR="gold"]UXW Global Title[/COLOR] (D)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWE[/B] [COLOR="red"]Suicide Solution[/COLOR] Team XXX (Jay Reso/Herschel The Hammer) def. Morelli/Joey Beauchamp to retain the [COLOR="gold"]NWE World Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] (D-) Byron def. Dr. Insane to retain the [COLOR="gold"]NWE International Title[/COLOR](D-)[/QUOTE] [I]Chris Benoit[/I] and [I]Naomichi Marufuji[/I] signed deals with [B]BHOTWG[/B], and [B]SWF[/B] grabbed [I]Dave Bautista[/I] and [I]Devil's Daughter.[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Mon. W2, Feb. '07[/SIZE][/CENTER] Overseas: [QUOTE]Hiroyasu Gakusha def. Akinori Kwakami to retain the [COLOR="gold"]IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Okumura/Hosaks def. Chikuzen/Miyazaki to retain the [COLOR="gold"]Z-1 Max Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] Tasuku Iesada def. Takeshi Morishima to retain the [COLOR="gold"]Z-1 Max Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Full Forcedef. Shu/Koyama to retain the [COLOR="gold"]Osaka Pro Tag Titles[/COLOR] Eguchi the Amazing def. Brother YASSI for the [COLOR="gold"]Osaka Pro TV Title[/COLOR][/QUOTE] This side of the pond: [QUOTE]Credible/Taylor def. Kanyon/Aguilera for the [COLOR="gold"]TNA Tag Team Championships[/COLOR] Wolf Hawkins def. Stevie Richards for the [COLOR="gold"]TNA X-Division Championship[/COLOR] BG James def. Carly Colon for the [COLOR="gold"]TNA World Championship[/COLOR] PPV Buy Rate: 0.72[/QUOTE] Our very first PPV, and it wasn't a bad one, managing a C+ overall. Over the last month, I have been thinking about starting my own promotion. I have the money to burn, so, why not. I'll think about it.
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