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Huge Questions...

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Hi... I bougth WreSpi game, and have the 1.6 Upgrade... Exlent game, by the way. I begun a "Road to the Top" Game and i´m in need of some help to meke it there... I´ve already passed to 2008 (3 game years), making average game ratings between C+ and B+(80% of B-), and these are some of my stats... USA - 33 UK - 38 Looks - 60 Psicology - 96 Feuds - 9 (9 wons) Age - 23 With these stats, I can only join the cult Federations... But i still cant manage to join the National or the World Federations... And some of the National or World Federation rosters are lower than me... what is the average stats for me to join a National or World Federation, and how many time does it takes to make it there??? Is there an easy way to do it???
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What type of wrestler is your chap? Some promotions will be a lot less likely to hire styles that clash with their own; e.g, Pure or Traditional not wanting Psychopaths. As far as an exact overness number you would need, I'm not very sure. I believe I have received Try Out invitations from National promotions while I was in the 40s - but I am not positive.
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Most of the big promotions are Sports Entertainment. Sports Entertainment promotions really don't like Strong Style workers. Keep plugging away, though, and they should eventually give you a chance.
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I think i found out... I think i found out what´s the thing about it... I´ve started the game whith a large heavywheigth - strong style whrestler... Thats the thing... I´ve found out that It depends of the type of wresler that you pick cause i started a new game with a heavyweigth regular whrestler and by the first year i was already contacted by the Nationals federations (It was dificulter thoe)... If you pick a too small or too big whrestler you´ll have less chances of being contacted by the larger federations... (unless u raise the stats over several, several years)
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Size of the wrestler doesn't matter, that just affects your stat maxes and what moves you can perform on other opponents. It's the style that matters. Strong Style offers a lot more points than Regular, if you tally up all the beginning stats for a Strong Style (discluding look which varies) and all the beginning stats for a Regular, then the Strong Style is obviously much better in terms of wrestling. But like someone mentioned already, certain promotions don't like certain styles. While Strong Style is great to win matches, Sports Entertainment Feds like WLW, TCW, and SWF won't be eager to hire you, you'll have to really increase your overness a lot more than normal to get a chance with them, which is especially hard getting anywhere in Japan without getting hired by WLW. I'm not sure what all the taboo styles are exactly but I know Strong Style is looked down on by Sports Entertainment and Technician is looked down on by Hardcore. My guess is Sports Entertainment would have trouble getting in a Pure fed logically, the rest I don't know. Brawler might not be favored by Luchadore I suppose.
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