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World Wrestling Entertainment: ECW

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[QUOTE]Backstory: WWE split all three brands into seperate companies, apparantly Shane and Stephanie wanted Vince and Linda to step aside but when they were'nt ready, they decided to split them into three, Vince and Linda took RAW and Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series, Stephanie took SmackDown! and Shane took ECW. As development goes OVW went with RAW, DSW went to SmackDown! and ECW got to take some talent for there current rosters. Shane's first call was to re-sign Paul Heyman to creative and assign some pay per views. Shane/Heyman decided to take Chris Guy (Ace Steel, DSW), Braddock (Roadkill, OVW), Vito (DSW).[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/chabbahs/ecwweb.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Roster[/B] [B]Babyface/Originals[/B] Bobby Lashley Rob Van Dam Sabu The Sandman Tommy Dreamer CM Punk Stevie Richards Litte Guido Maritato w/ Trinity Balls Mahoney [B]Heels/New Breed[/B] Hardcore Holly Snitsky Elijah Burke Marcus Cor Von Kevin Thorn w/ Ariel Matt Striker Sylvain Grenier Rene Dupree Mike Knox [B]Extreme Expose[/B] Kelly Kelly Layla Brooke [B]Announcer:[/B] Joey Styles [B]Commentator:[/B] Tazz [B]Road Agents[/B] Dusty Rhodes Dean Malenko John Lauriantis [B]New/Returning Talent[/B] Ace Steel Vito Roadkill [QUOTE][B]Rumors:[/B] apparantly ECW is in talks with recently released talent including: Tony Mamaluke, Justin Credible, Francine, Danny Doring and CW Anderson.[/QUOTE]
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[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/chabbahs/ecwweb.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]ECW on Sci-Fi Preview:[/B][/COLOR] with ECW now a seperate company, and the new breed and the originals in a un-splitable war it seems like the only way to get this sorted is to let them fight. ECW is in need of direction and owner Shane McMahon has said he will appoint a new General Manager tonight on ECW on Sci-Fi. the rumors have been confirmed that this month will see ECW on PPV with the return of Living Dangerously, so tonight the first two teams will go at it and they will face the winners of next weeks match at the PPV. matches: * Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn & Elijah Burke vs. Stevie Richards, Balls Mahoney & The Sandman * Rene Dupree & Sylvain Grenier (La Resistance) vs. Sabu & RVD - [B]ECW Tag Team Title Tournament[/B] * Marcus Cor Von vs. Tommy Dreamer * Bobby Lashley vs. Mike Knox - [B]ECW World Heavyweight Title[/B]
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[QUOTE]How was this done in game? In the Editor?[/QUOTE] yeh i edited it from 1RC but i wont release it as its there work. its easily done just copy RAW, twice call them WWE: RAW, WWE: SD! and WWE: ECW (or what ever you want, put all the workers, titles, teams, stables, shows and ppvs to the feds and there ya have it.
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Announcers: [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B] Arena: [B]Hammerstein Ballroom[/B] (1,000) Date: [B]Tuesday, Week 1 February 2007[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]New General Manager[/U][/COLOR][/B] Shane McMahon makes his way down to the ring, he recieved a mixed reaction, he told everyone that he decided to undo a wrong, a mistake his father had made, he said he was bringing back the so called ECW messiah, and the only man who can run ECW... [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Return of the Messiah[/U][/COLOR][/B] Out came Paul Heyman, he recieved a more of a positive reaction than his last appearance, he strutted with a purpose down to the ring, took the microphone from Shane (who left) and began to deliver his future plans, including the ECW World Tag Team Title Tourament and the upcoming PPV, Living Dangerously.[COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Make your Choice![/U][/COLOR][/B] Elijah Burke, Kevin Thorn and Matt Striker are on the way to the ring when they stop as CM Punk walks past, Elijah stops Punk and asks him why he hasnt joined The New Breed, Punk said he doesnt need to chose a side, he makes his own path, Burke said everyone has to pick a side your either with them or against them, he tells Punk that he has potential not as much as he but he does have something, he wants an answer next week, or he will feel the rath of the Elijah Experience. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]New Breed vs. ECW Originals[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Elijah Burke, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn[/B] vs. [B]Sandman, Stevie Richards & Balls Mahoney[/B] - [I]ECW World Tag Team Titles Tournament[/I] ... the match was a pretty open contest with the New Breed cheating to get the advantage and keeping Stevie Richards away from his team, Richards made the tag to Balls who cleared the ring, taking Striker and Burke to the outside with a double clothesline, with the referee distracted Sandman used his cane to take down a distracted Kevin Thorn with the White Russian Legsweep and the referee counted the three. [COLOR="Red"](C-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Styles hypes Tag Team Title Tournament[/U][/COLOR][/B] Joey Styles explains the rules of the upcoming match, with the winners going on to Living Dangerously to be crowned the ECW World Tag Team Champions, this week its La Resistance vs. RVD and Sabu, and for fans to stay tuned to [url]www.ecw.com[/url] for next weeks teams. [COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]La Resistance vs. RVD & Sabu[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Rene Dupree & Sylvain Grenier[/B] vs. [B]Rob Van Dam & Sabu[/B] ... RVD and Sabu looked really strong having the better of the offence, La Resistance managed to pick up the win hitting the Bonsoir on Sabu, while RVD was distracted by Elijah Burke who came from the crowd. [COLOR="Red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Make the right choice![/U][/COLOR][/B] ... CM Punk is stud in the back, he seems to be deep in thought, Tommy Dreamer who is on the way to the ring, asks him if he is going to listen to anything Elijah Burke has to say, Punk said he did make one good point he was not an ECW original, Dreamer said he embodies alot of ECW qualities including passion, drive and honor. Dreamer leaves Punk to ponder some more as Dreamer exits the curtain to the ring. [COLOR="Red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]New Breed Ambush[/U][/COLOR][/B] As Dreamer makes his way down the aisle he is jumped by Kevin Thorn who strikes Dreamer in the throat with his Cane and once again on the back of the head, he then throws him into the ring and leaves through the crowd as Sandman and Balls Mahoney give chase as Marcus Cor Von makes his way down to the ring in ultra ****y mode. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Tommy Dreamer vs. Marcus Cor Von[/U][/COLOR][/B] ... with Dreamer struggling from the beatdown at the hands of Kevin Thorn, it looked like easy work for Cor Von who dominated over powering his weaker opponent, Dreamer got a life line when he managed to surprise Cor Von with a Dreamer DDT but Cor Von kicked out, Dreamer went for a Dreamer Driver but was to weak leading to The Pounce and the victory. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Bobby Lashley vs. Mike Knox[/U][/COLOR][/B] Title: [B]ECW World Heavyweight Title[/B] ... Lashley dominated Mike Knox who only managed a limited amount of offence, Snitsky watched on from the ramp way as Lashley finished Knox off with a Dominator. [COLOR="Red"](C)[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] (the fans wanted more storylines - i have two running but i need to sign some talent before the others start). TV Ratings: [COLOR="red"]14.46[/COLOR] [QUOTE]a poor first show im quite disapointed in it, oh well i should have a few new signings for the next installment so it should be more improved.[/QUOTE]
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[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/chabbahs/ecwweb.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]ECW on Sci-Fi Preview:[/COLOR][/B] Shane McMahon and Paul Heyman have said they will address the ECW Originals vs. New Breed situation, Living Dangerously Pay Per View and new/returning ECW talent. Will CM Punk join the New Breed, after he was given the choice by Elijah Burke or will he choose his own path. Also will Snitsky reveal his plans, as he was seen watching last weeks main event of Bobby Lashley vs. Mike Knox. matches: - Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke - Mystery ECW Original Team vs. Mystery ECW Original Team -[B]ECW Tag Team Title Tournament[/B] - Sandman/Dreamer (ECW Originals) vs. Striker/Cor Von (New Breed) - Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly - [B]ECW World Heavyweight Title[/B] ([I]Extreme Rules[/I])
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Announcers: [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B] Arena: [B]ECW Arena[/B] (1,000) Date: [B]Tuesday, Week 2 February 2007[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Authority Conflict[/U][/COLOR][/B] Shane McMahon and Paul Heyman made there way down to the ring and Heyman said he was so happy to be back home, he mentioned that he had signed the ECW Originals (Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu and RVD) vs. New Breed (Burke, Striker, Cor Von and Thorn), Heyman shows more support for the ECW Originals which seems to upset Shane McMahon, Heyman explains he has signed some talent he knows well from his past including two teams who will compete tonight with the winners taking on La Resistance at ECW Living Dangerously, Shane grabs the microphone and is not happy with Heyman favouring the originals and says the New Breed have more talent and look more like superstars, he tells Heyman he will have no bias on his show, both me leave to the back obviously unhappy. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke[/U][/COLOR][/B] ... Rob Van Dam gets the win with a Five Star Frog Splash, despite a distraction from Kevin Thorn. The ECW originals and the New Breed fought to the back, Burke managed stayed in the ring grabbing a microphone.[COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Decision Wanted[/U][/COLOR][/B] Burke asked CM Punk to join him in the ring, he tried to suck up to Punk before asking for his decision, Punk looked to the fans but this seemed to annoy Burke who slapped Punk and demanded his answer... [COLOR="red"](C+)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Decision Made[/U][/COLOR][/B] ... Punk charged at Burke hitting his combination of slaps, kicks and a spinning back hand, he downs Burke with a Ura-nage, Burke rolled to the outside and left to the back, Punk took the microphone and said he didnt the New Breed or the ECW Originals he has his own group, he left to the back with everyone questioning who he means. [COLOR="red"](B-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]The FBI (Mamaluke & Guido) vs. Doring and Roadkill[/U][/COLOR][/B] ... Doring and Roadkill got the win after a Buggy Bang, so the last ever ECW Tag Team Champions will take on La Resistance for the titles at Living Dangerously. [COLOR="red"](D-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Dreamer/Sandman vs. Cor Von/Striker[/U][/COLOR][/B] ... Cor Von gets the win with The Pounc on Tommy Dreamer defeating him for the second week in a row. [COLOR="red"](C)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Huge Brawl[/U][/COLOR][/B] ... after the match the New Breed jumped Dreamer and Sandman until RVD and Sabu came down to help clear the ring. [COLOR="red"](C-)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]ECW World Heavyweight Title - Extreme Rules[/COLOR][/B] ... Bobby Lashley looked the stronger in the match getting the win with a Running Powerslam from the apron through a table setup on the outside. [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Snitsky sends message[/U][/COLOR][/B] Snitsky appears from the crowd behind Lashley who is on the top rope celebrating with his Title, Snitsky Powerbombs Lashley from the corner ontop of an awaiting chair. He stairs down the downed Champion glaring at the ECW World Heavyweight Title. [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] (more storylines needed) TV Ratings: [COLOR="red"]12.71[/COLOR]
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[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/chabbahs/ecwweb.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]ECW on Sci-Fi Preview:[/COLOR][/B] Shane McMahon was unhappy with Paul Heyman bringing back some ECW Originals and has vowed to inject his vision of ECW with some New Breed talent, will we see signs of this on ECW on Sci-Fi? CM Punk has said he has a group of his own, but he will team with the ECW Originals tonight, will we see his faction join up against the New Breed? Snitsky put a vicious beating on ECW World Heavyweight Champion Lashley, the Champion is fuming and is going to call Snitsky out! Matches: Tommy Dreamer vs. Hardcore Holly Doring & Roadkill vs. ??? & ??? (returning ECW Originals) Snitsky vs. Vito CM Punk, Sabu & RVD vs. E.Burke, M.Striker & M.Cor Von
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