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How exactly do the historical blocks work?

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Topic. Do PPV carriers suddenly become available at the start of 1985? What is the TV show limit prior to August 1983? Does that suddenly change at the start of August 1983? I just need precise details as to how it all works. Also, how does it affect existing games? Do all your shows and deals suddenly get cancelled? Does it hurt your Prestige?
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All of your shows and PPV deals that are in place will continue until they expire at which time you will not be able to redo your PPV deal and you will be limited to one show. Beyond that I do not know much else about the Historical Blocks although I will say I really like the idea of them and hope to see Adam post more information once they are fully completed (when the official 1.4 patch is out?).
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What I can tell from playing DOTT is that the WWF is the only company that starts out with a ppv deal with MSG network. They still run their ppvs so you might want to go in and edit that at the beginning so no one starts out with a technology that's not available to everyone. If you try to negotiate with a ppv carrier it tells you that pay per view will not be available until 1985...etc and you can't negotiate.
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