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Thinking about getting Wresling Spirit...what is the lifespan of WreSpi?

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I'm thinking of getting a PS2 OR a PC equipped with WreSpi, is wrestling spirit really worth it? What's the life span how long will it last me? Few days? Couple Weeks? I played the demo Superstar mode and it was pretty cool.
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How long has the game been out? :) I really enjoy the game, and have since purchasing it last December. Coming up on 5 months, and I still have a lot of fun with it. While I haven't played every game he has made, Wrestling Spirit, in my opinion, is Mr. Ryland's best work. It might not be to everyone's tastes, but I love the required flexing of one's Imagination. I can honestly say that I haven't been as pleased in a game purchase in years.
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As a big fan of the pro wrestling game genre, I have to say that WreSpi is by far my favorite. Like D.Boon's Ghost, I have been playing constantly since the game was released. The life span of a game like this is much longer than any of the existing platform games out there due to the additions that can be made. The DOTT scenario (BIG shout out to DBG and Rick!) is an excellent addition for anyone who is a fan of old school and some of the other scenarios look to be shaping up nicely. Adam's most recent patch has added a great challenge! And if you're inspired and have the time, you could make your own database entirely from scratch. The possibilities are endless in my opinion! All of the platform games I own (Smackdown series, All-Star Pro Wrestling, King of Colosseum, etc...) have been gathering dust since I discovered the fine work of Adam Ryland. :D
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Guest Weden
It'll take 5 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 16 hours, 52 minutes and 23 seconds to complete :P But the lifespan is damn near infinite, and unless you get bored quick you'll love it for a while to come... Out of interest, how would equip a PS2 for Wrespi?
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As far as being more specific on lifespan, it's impossible to say. I have a rookie to legend career going with the original data and I'm up to year fifteen, which took 3 months of solid playing nearly everyday. The length of a career depends on a variety of factors: [B]1. How old the rookie is when he begins.[/B] (Obviously if you start as a 40 year old, your career will be noticeably shorter.) [B]2. The rookie's health.[/B] (Breaking your neck in your debut match will possibly lead to early retirement.) [B]3. Which data you use.[/B] (Original data has far fewer dates for all promotions, so a year could pass quickly. The DOTT scenario has three dates per week for each promotion on average, so a career could take considerably longer. It has taken me around one month to play six months in the DOTT.) [B]4. Whether you enjoy the style of your worker or not.[/B] (If you have a wrestler that you just don't enjoy playing, then you're likely to give up on the career sooner.) [B]5. The speed of stat advancement.[/B] (If you work for every company under the sun from day one, you will advance much more quickly than if you work for only one or two promotions at a time. Building stats too fast can lead to creating an unstoppable machine, which, in my opinion would get old very quickly.) [B]6. How often you play the game. [/B] (If you play three hours a day, obviously the lifespan is shorter than if you play only the weekend.) So that's my two cents. Each career is what you make it. It could last a day, it could last a year. There's no mathematical formula available! ;)
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I can only really echo the other replies that you have received so far ... a Rookie To Legend career is what you make it. What's more reasonable to consider, are your [B]options[/B] when you play WreSpi based on your taste and preference. You have the choice of sticking with the original fictional data provided with the game, or using one of the user-made data mods. Using the original fictional data you could play in a fantasy universe as one of numerous unique characters. Or you could use the modern day data, and play as one of the people that you might see on WWE television each week. Or maybe you could hop into your time machine and travel back 20 plus years by using the excellent Death of the Territories scenario .. my own personal favourite data update I'll add. There you could play as a wrestling legend like Harley Race (yes, okay Eric, or Nick Bockwinkel *sigh* :D), or maybe you could start as a 'future' legend just starting on the long road of his career such as Shawn Michaels or Mark Calloway. Or you could use any of these sets of data and create a unique wrestler of your own, where only your imagination is the limit. Pick from various wrestling styles, choose a nationality and travel through a career from the very bottom and strive to attain greatness .. or end up a journeyman curtain jerker that never quite makes it. All this without even mentioning the editor where you create your own gameworld exactly as you want it. So, with this in mind, don't ask yourself how long [B]'a'[/B] Rookie To Legend game lasts ... ask yourself how many different careers you [B]'could'[/B] complete if you were to purchase Wrestling Spirit ... the possibilities are endless.
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Troy and Ashley are being far too modest - even if both are excellent salesmen/advertisers with their praises of the game. If you check out the Dynasty Forum, you'll notice quite a few excellent diaries. XoX's fantastic Jushin Liger diary, for example, has been running since early February and shows no signs of slowing down. It really impresses me to no end - which is saying something, when you consider how many entertaining diaries there are going on. And Socko has the only 'visual diary' in the community that I an aware of. Were I a tenth as talented as he, I still would not have been able to come up with something as cool. [URL=http://www.troyperry.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/DOTT/]El Hombre Del Palillo[/URL]. :)
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I've been loving the game ever since I purchased it. I liked it so much I even purchased it for my home pc as well as the pc at work. Using the rookie to legend along with DOTT is terrific. D.Boon's Ghost, thanks again for all your help and the emails that you sent to give me the DOTT files.
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I'm very fickle with games. I tend to go crazy playing them, but my hard part is commitment. I don't know how many times I'd start playing the game and then suddenly find myself wanting to stop and go play another outline of a character all together. I know I barely scratched the surface of the game, but I lost intrest because I couldn't settle with just one character. I know I could go back to them, but I never seemed to. Don't get me wrong, everything Adam's put out I've enjoyed immensely as a wrestling fan, and this game is a gem. It's just I played it nonstop, and just got completely turned off eventually from not being able to get anywhere because of my own inability to commit to one thing. I guess that's just a idea of how unlimited the play style of the game is. And The Death Of The Terroritories Scenario literally changes it into a entirely different game, it's fantastic. I highly recommend it.
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