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Everything posted by branana06

  1. Could I get an updated, aged Christian Faith for my new dynasty? I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Thanks. I wanted to do something that was focused on just one person as I have enjoyed reading those *cough* The Climb *cough*, but with my own spin on it. Hope you enjoy.
  3. <p>(Monday January 1st, 2016)</p><p> </p><p> Today was a great day for the start of FPW. I got a lease on a huge warehouse that I am turning into a training center and arena for our shows. I also talked to my friend Charlie, who also happens to run a full time film crew for our shows, which will hopefully go out on DVD and Blu-ray, as well as on FPW.com. After spending the first few hours of the day setting up the warehouse and luckily being able to get a leftover ring from Rich, I decided that if I wanted to have a show this month, I'd need to start hiring people fast. The first man that I wanted to go for was Xavi Ferrera. Xavi was undeniably loaded with potential, as well as being a great all rounder in the ring. I knew that Xavi could definitely be one of the stars that I based my company on. </p><p> </p><p> I pick up the phone and dial the number I got from Mitch Naess.</p><p> </p><p> "Hello"</p><p> </p><p> "Hi, is this Xavi Ferrara"</p><p> </p><p> "Yes"</p><p> </p><p> "I'm not sure if you've heard of me, but my name's Christian Faith, owner of the brand new Future Pro Wrestling." I tried to sound professional, but in all honesty I had no idea what I was doing.</p><p> </p><p> "Yea actually, I have heard of you before. What do you need?"</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> "Well, I heard you were in California for a few days and we need guys to fill out our roster, so if you need some extra bookings I would be happy to help you."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> "Sure, when do you want me to show up?"</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> "If you have extra time these next couple days, you can come up to our headquarters and we could work things out."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> "Yea, I can come by Wednesday. Is around 3 good?"</p><p> </p><p> "Sure, I'd love to get you on the show. Talk to you later"</p><p> </p><p> "Thanks, bye."</p><p> </p><p> Throughout the day I talked to numerous people, all big names on the indys looking for something extra to do. I had talked to almost 15 people by the time I was done, and they all seem like they could be a huge asset to the company. The Architect, Frankie Perez, Fox Mask, and Ash Campbell just to name a few. </p><p> </p><p> I had a few friends who helped set up the website as well as create posters for us. Everything was falling into place so fast, I just couldn't keep up with everything. I went home exhausted, but also super hyped for what the next smile on the road ahead is going to be.</p><p> </p><p> Today was definitely hard, and there will be plenty hard days for me and this company to come down the road, but if I want to give people the opportunity to shine like the one I got, I'll just have to forget about it and keep going.</p>
  4. This is still amazing after all this time, I really admire the work and effort you put into it. Thanks for creating something so enjoyable.
  5. <p>CURRENT FPW ROSTER:</p><p> </p><p> Xavi Ferrara </p><p> Ash Campbell </p><p> KC Glenn</p><p> The Architect</p><p> Frankie Perez</p><p> Brendan Idol</p><p> Chet Chavez</p><p> JD Morgan </p><p> Roderick Remus</p><p> Ernest Youngman</p><p> Dean Waldorf</p><p> Marv Statler</p><p> Matty Faith</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> CURRENT TITLES: </p><p> </p><p> FPW California</p><p> Current Holder: Xavi Ferrara</p><p> Won at: FPW Future Blast (January 26th, 2016)</p><p> Defences: 0</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> FPW Tag Team</p><p> Current Holders: The Ring Generals (Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf)</p><p> Won at: FPW Future Blast (January 26th, 2016)</p><p> Defences: 0</p>
  6. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/tew/images/3/3c/Christian_Faith.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180714034209 I remember like it was only yesterday, back in '85, when I first made it into SWF. Back then in the SWF the only people that mattered were Sam Strong and Rip Chord, although I can't argue with Richard about that one. They were the two most marketable guys in the business. Their matches weren't amazing, especially Sam's, but they had the charisma to carry the company. I still remember the two days, September '92 and August '94. The days that Chord and Strong left the company. Sam was just too tired of working the same guys every night, and felt he had already done everything in America. Rip just needed to focus on his personal issues. I also recall the creative meeting, July 15th, 1993. When Rich came to me and said that Sam wouldn't be the one to take the title of Bruce. It was me. I was so proud, just happy to be in the moment. I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I would ever be winning the SWF World Heavyweight championship. At the time, the SWF World title was the mecca of professional wrestling in North America, arguably even the world. That one title defined the fence between mega star and legendary. I looked at all the names in the past that have held that strap, Micky Starr, Dread, Corporal Doom, Rip and Sam obviously. I was in pure shock that my name would be in there. SWF Let The Game Begin, October '93. Rich had been hyping this match for damn near three months. Posters, radio ads, commercials, everything you could think of for marketing in 1993, Rich exploited it. He wanted to make this the biggest match in wrestling history. The match itself didn't feature amazing wrestling, but we had almost 50,000 fans that were so hot for the match it didn't even matter. I told Bruce before not to hold anything back and make this match the best it could possibly be, and he did. We beat the sh*t out of each other for almost 20 minutes. When I got the pin on Bruce, it was an amazing feeling. For years I had always been overshadowed by Rip and Sam, I was always told that I just wouldn't make it, including some of my closest friends and family. The opportunity to prove everyone wrong was absolutely amazing. I just soaked in the moment. Fast forward to '05, and I had been the SWF World champion four times, and I had still wondered why I had been chosen out of all the talented people to become the figurehead of SWF. When I dropped the belt for what proved to be the last time in January, I took a few months off just to let everything soak in, that for the past twelve years straight I had been the number one guy in North American wrestling. I finally got to spend time with my wife and Matthew/Matty, back when he was four years old and not one of RIPW's biggest prospects. When I went back in May, I had a whole new look on the business. I finally realized just how out of touch I was with the world. For the next few years, I really tried to keep in touch with the outside world, using every spare second I had to catch up on reality. By 2010, Jack Bruce had taken my place and I realized that I probably wouldn't get another title run again. At first I was upset, almost angry that I had been taken over after all I've done for Rich, but when I took some time to look back, I realized that Jack was the way to go. Let's face it, I was 43 and starting to slip in terms of skills. Everybody does, although what I did was what everybody who is aging never does, and that is accept that you won't be the same again, that you will be used to put people over, and that you will slide down the card (Although that never happened to me). I accepted that, and although to most people it would seem like a demotion, I actually enjoyed it more than when I was on top for 12 years. I enjoyed my chance to make other people stars, even at my expense. After all, I had my time at the top and now it was time for other people to be brought up to that level. To me, helping Rich to make stars was the holy grail of my time in SWF, and to this day, I still get people thanking me for everything I did for them. I will forever be grateful for that opportunity. After the Supreme Challenge 34, I told Rich that I wanted one more good year in my career, and that if I could have a good last year that I would be done by the Supreme Challenge next year. he accepted, and for the entire year the set-up for me vs Jack was prepared. That match was my favourite match I ever put on, just to be able to really pass the torch to Jack Bruce. The moment I went back through the curtain, I got a huge standing ovation from everyone in the locker room, even people that Rich brought in as a surprise that I haven't seen in years, including Rip and Sam. It was heartfelt, but I knew it was the right time. My body was breaking down, and I knew it was just a matter of time before it would break down, so I stopped before that could happen. I looked back at my 30 years in the SWF, and if I had the chance to go back and change something, you bet your ass I wouldn't change anything. I really went on the down low for the next few months after I retired, to relax and finally let it sink in that it was all over, and that I could finally have a peaceful life. It was fun for a few months, but after a while, I started to miss the business. I missed the chaos in the locker room, I missed the crowd and the reactions. I decided that I had to get back in the business somehow, and I remembered how Rich gave me the opportunity to make me a star, all those years ago. I remember how I felt during that moment, and from that point on I knew that I wanted to give other young guys that opportunity. That is why, on New Year's Eve 2015, I came up with the idea that I would start Future Pro Wrestling, as a chance to give people opportunities to make it big in the business. It is now January 1st, 2016, and I am back in the business, ready to start my next chapter in the wrestling business. http://www.jehdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/FPW-logo.gif
  7. <p>SWF Supreme TV Part 8</p><p> Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016</p><p> </p><p> Match #4- Jack Bruce (w Angry Gilmore) vs Marat Khoklov</p><p> </p><p> Remo was supposed to be in the corner of Marat Khoklov, but by bell time he was nowhere to be found. The story of this match is that, no matter what Jack Bruce tries to do, Marat just shuts him down immediately with a powerful strike. Marat uses his raw power to dismantle Bruce limb by limb, and never slows down. Jack Bruce is out cold by the end of the match, and is just laid out in a heap on the canvas. The match ends when Angry Gilmore gets on the apron to distract Marat, but gets pulled off when Remo runs in out of nowhere. Remo then stares Bruce down after being on the ground for ages. Angry Gilmore stops Remo from attacking Jack, and when Marat spits in Gilmore's face, Gilmore attacks Marat to no avail, although Marat still gets the DQ win. </p><p> </p><p> Bruce: Remo, you keep interfering in my matches, well, at Nothing To Lose, it'll be me versus you for the SWF World championship. </p><p> </p><p> (Angry Gilmore hits an Anger Management on Remo)</p><p> </p><p> Bruce: Think twice next time you try to **** with Jack Bruce!</p>
  8. SWF Supreme TV Part 7 Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016 (Before the match, Joey Morgan comes out and grabs a mic) Morgan: Now, I know I haven't been seen for the past couple weeks but, I must say I am very displeased with my role in recent weeks. Since I've came here I've been treated as just another boring bland midcarder. This all has to do with Richard Eisen. You see Richard, the rewson I work for you is because you promised me a main event run. My contract expires in 2 and a half months, but where is my main event push? It's because Richard Eisen couldn't accept to push different people and keep the old aging nobodys at the top. Richard Eisen is a self absorbed, egotistical, mercenary piece of s***! So Richard, this is my choice for you. Either you get me what I was told I'd get and finally become the SWF's biggest star. Because if you don't, when my contract is up, you'll be seeing me and this title in USPW. (Eric Eisen stroms the ring and tries to attack Morgan, but Morgan knocks him out cold with the North American title belt.) (Morgan stands over Eric Eisen, glaring into the hard cam.)
  9. SWF Supreme TV Part 6 Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016 Match #3- SWF Supreme Title- "Prime Time" Spencer Spade (With The Awesomeness) © vs Zimmy Bumfhole (With Randy Bumfhole) Everyone thought this match was going to be amazing, and they were not let down. They went all out with everything they did, from technical holds to high flying maneuvers to daredevil divee and everything in between. It truly was 15 minutes of spectacular wrestling. Near the end of the match Zimmy Bumfhole threw Spencer Spade to the outside, right into Huey Cannonball. Huey gets in the ring and gets in Zimmy's face, which is when Randy Bumfhole steps in (At this point, referee Ric Young is about to throw the match). Spencer Spade comes back with Jefferson Stardust, and the two sides keep yelling at each other until eventually all five men start brawling and the match is called a double DQ. (The brawl continues until Zimmy breaks away from the pack and grabs a mic) Zimmy: You know Spade, you might have the numbers now, but we have backup. Turn around, idiots! The returning Des Davids knocks Spade and The Awesomeness on their asses. (Richard Eisen is standing on the stage) Richard: Well, it's good to see that you're finally back Des. Now, as for the six of you, you guys seem to want each other painfully bad, so you're going to get that. At Nothing To Lose, it will be Spencer Spade and The Awesomeness versus The Amazing Bumfholes and Des Davids in a SIX MAN TAG MATCH! But here's the catch, the SWF Supreme title will be on the line, and whoever scores the pin or submission in that match, will become the new SWF Supreme champion!
  10. <p>SWF Supreme TV Part 5</p><p> Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016</p><p> </p><p> (Spencer Spade is in the ring)</p><p> </p><p> Spade: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Spencer Spade and I am the reigning, defending, SWF Supreme champion. Now, I have an important announcement to make. If you somehow missed the latest episode of RIPW Weekly, I held an open challenge for this very title, and who to answer it but Matty Faith, except for the fact that I beat him. The son of a man who is in the Hall Of Immortals could not beat Spencer Spade, because I am the best thing this company has ever seen! Which is why tonight, I'm issuing an open challenge for MY SWF Supreme championship! For anyone in the world to step up and prove they have what it takes to be on top.</p><p> </p><p> (Zimmy Bumfhole makes his way to the ring with his brother Randy)</p><p> </p><p> Zimmy: Now Spade, I must say, from the bottom of my heart, you are one of the most disrespectful rookie sh*tpiles I've ever met! You think that you can just waltz your stupid ass in here, claiming you are the best when you have been here all of a month? You are pathetic, and I can't wait to kick your ass tonight, right here, right now!</p><p> </p><p> (Jefferson Stardust makes his way to the ring, alongside Huey Cannonball)</p><p> </p><p> Stardust: I'm gonna keep this short and sweet, Spencer Spade is without a doubt the future of this company, and you honestly think you will beat him? I'm telling you it would be in your best interest to get your asses outta here before Spencer Spade beats you, right here, right now!</p><p> </p><p> Zimmy: Spade, you realize I'm not going to go easy, right? I don't sugarcoat sh*t, I'm not Willy Wonka.</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rocco100rounds" data-cite="rocco100rounds" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41303" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Maybe his head booker position in CZCW since it prevents him from signing exclusively.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yep. It really sucks because he is such a great heel mic worker.</p>
  12. <p>SWF Supreme TV Part 4</p><p> Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016</p><p> </p><p> Match #2- Marc Dubois vs Joe Sexy</p><p> </p><p> After both men losing their respective matches at When Hell Freezes Over, both Sexy and Dubois could really use a win. This match is surprisingly one sided for the first half, as Dubois maintains the higher workrate, but evens out more towards the end as Dubois slows down. Some highlights include Joe Sexy reversing a hurricanrana into a powerbomb, and Marc Dubois hitting a top rope Moonsault that connects with Sexy from halfway across the ring. In the end, Sexy gets the win after a One Night Stand (Clothesline From Hell) for the win.</p>
  13. <p>SWF Supreme TV Part 3</p><p> Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016</p><p> </p><p> (Everest is shown walking out of the arena, with everyone laughing at him on his way out)</p><p> </p><p> (Jack Bruce and Angry Gilmore are backstage for the second week in a row)</p><p> </p><p> Bruce: I feel like that fat sack of crap got what was coming to him. Anyways, Gilmore, I have a match tonight against Marat and I might require some assistance. Because I rrally don't want my head ripped off and shoved up my own ass.</p><p> </p><p> Gilmore: Well it would probably help your prostate at least...</p><p> </p><p> Bruce: For the love of god! Will you do it or not???</p><p> </p><p> Gilmore: Jack, I really don't feel well about this. I'm not ready to fight tonight and with what I said to Marat, it might be my head that ends up your ass.</p><p> </p><p> Bruce: Listen, joining forces is the only way we are going to be able to take down this steroid popping b*tch, and we need to take him out fast as possible so you can focus on Rogue, and I can reclaim my SWF World Heavyweight championship!</p><p> </p><p> (Remo shows up and stands behind Bruce, glaring at him)</p><p> </p><p> Remo: You think so? Well, one thing's for certain now. I'll damn sure be in Marat's corner tonight, and if your little firned decides to cause any s*** I will end him.</p><p> </p><p> (Remo walks off, leaving Gilmore with Bruce)</p><p> </p><p> Gilmore: Jack, count me in.</p><p> </p><p> (Gilmore walks off, Bruce nods, apparently pleased)</p>
  14. SWF Supreme TV Part 2 Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016 Match #1- Everest vs Robbie Retro In a match that was headed straight for the garbage, Everest faced Robbie Retro in a pretty bad match that had people running towards the exit faster than Everest runs toward catering. In the end, Robbie Retro danced his way to victory after Everest simply collapsed in the ring due to exhaustion, at that point Darren Smith called it off. (After the match Richard Eisen comes out) Richard: You fat son of a b****! You think that having you on TV is going to help us claim back our spot at the top of the industry? You need your god damn head examined! Everest, for all I care you can go back to screwing around in Japan. Elmer, YOU'RE FIRED!!!
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DevilofNG" data-cite="DevilofNG" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46286" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry haven’t posted in a while but I’ve been reading. Those promos by Gilmore and Crippler were AWESOME. Interesting addition bringing Khoklov in.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks. I brought in Khoklov because I really lacked a Super Heavyweight or above monster heel, and I'm not willing to push Everest. Also to stop USPW from snagging him.</p>
  16. <p>SWF Supreme TV Part 1</p><p> Tues Wk 4, Jan 2016</p><p> </p><p> (Angry Gilmore comes out to a strange cross of Steve Austin's theme mixed with thunderstruck by AC/DC, I honestly don't know how I thought of that.)</p><p> </p><p> Gilmore: Last week, I went into the tag match confident, and left in a streak of my own piss due to one Marat Khoklov. If there was one man on the face of the planet I wouldn't want to face, it would be Marat Khoklov. I would rather face Chuck Norris in a decapitation match for F*** sake! Marat may be intimidating, he may be one of the strongest guys in the wrestling business today but that doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't know how to wrestle. For the love of god, not many people can botch a lock up but Marat takes the cake for that one. I know how to wrestle. At least I can put on a decent match. Why is he getting main events when he does nothing but stink up the entire place. According to the LAPD, the suicide rate was three times greater than normal while Marat was wrestling. Althouh I'll have to carry him to something good, I am challenging Marat Khoklov at Nothing To Lose, to prove that you are nothing but a 500 pound piece of trash that needs to go back to wrestling school! No matter how strong you are, you will never outwrestle Angry F***in Gilmore!</p>
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ink625" data-cite="ink625" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46313" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This won't total the 184 I listed above because I didn't list the 20+ game generated wrestlers on the roster. All but 2 are lower than midcarders anyway.<p> </p><p> <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTw1wez_y6T0fwVdtxH8WGgoRalXm9qOxCubfTQ8ZPZ531YpyWPH7RahDNoseSOxwRrTlpaIAouzYHL/pubhtml" rel="external nofollow">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTw1wez_y6T0fwVdtxH8WGgoRalXm9qOxCubfTQ8ZPZ531YpyWPH7RahDNoseSOxwRrTlpaIAouzYHL/pubhtml</a></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Holy crap this is amazing what you were able to do with some of these guys!</p>
  18. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ink625" data-cite="ink625" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46313" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I run three 3 hour A shows and a 2 hour B show, along with 2 PPVs per month, in my National level CZCW. No auto booker. I'll probably add another of each too, when I hit International in a couple months and go on another hiring spree.<p> </p><p> I also have 40 dojos across 7 countries, 6 developmental companies featuring over 120 workers, and a main roster with 184 active wrestlers.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would love to see what that roster looks like.</p>
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rhyme1234" data-cite="Rhyme1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46286" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Need more metal entrances. Btw, I wanted to know more about the crippler, any short description of him?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll try.</p><p> </p><p> The Crippler is a veteran worker (Age 42 at start of game) who started in CGC but worked his way to SWF under a mask. He was named "Lobster Warrior" and was a huge hit, although he was stuck in the upper midcard due to the goofy gimmick. With the SWF main event seen in tatters, "Lobby" turned heel for the first time and was repackaged as The Crippler, which has made him a true main event player. </p><p> </p><p> Hope that helped</p>
  20. SWF Supreme TV Part 7 Tues Wk 3, Jan 2016 Match #5- Jack Bruce and Angry Gilmore vs Remo and A secret partner Before the match, fans are highly anticipating who Remo's mystery partner is. Everyone turns and stares at the entrance, when a song hits that instantly turns the looks of confidence on Bruce and Gilmore's faces into looks of doubt, when the returning 7'2, 495 pound monster MARAT KHOKLOV rushes into the ring. As talented as Bruce and Gilmore are, they were no match for Marat on this night. Marat dominated all match on Bruce, destroying him with brutal lariats that nearly decapitate Bruce. The only time Remo gets tagged in is for the finish, when Remo picks up the scraps and hits the Destroyer (F-5) onto Angry Gilmore for the win. (After the match, Marat hits Remo with a Moscow Lariat out of nowhere, only to hit another one on Bruce and one on Gilmore, before leaving the ring and glaring at the carnage he left in his wake.)
  21. SWF Supreme TV Part 6 Tues Wk 3, Jan 2016 (The Crippler comes out to the ring in a leather jacket) (Fans boo loudly) Crippler: Shut Up! (More boos) Crippler: Do you understand me? Get it through your damn thick skulls! Shut the hell up! (Continous boos) Crippler: Before I shove my **** down everyone's throats, they need to shut their damn mouths so I cam talk! (Chants of Small C*** Crippler are heard) Crippler: Enough! All I have to say is that I am issuing an open challenge, right here, right now to anyone who dare step up to challenge the most skilled man to ever grace the SWF. (Marc Dubois's music fills the crowd's ears, and massive cheers can be heard as Dubois sprints down to the ring) Dubois: You know what Crips? I only have two words for you, F*** OFF! (The Crippler swings at Dubois before the match starts) Match #4- The Crippler vs Marc Dubois The Crippler and Marc Dubois hold nothing back, with both men hitting each other with stiff forearms and an especially beautiful enziguri by Dubois. The match goes on with both men never stopping to let the other catch a breather, which actually leads to both men tiring out surprsingly fast. The Crippler at one point locks in the Crippler Crossface, but Dubois counters into a Dubious Dubois pin, only tombe reversed back into the Crippler Crossface, which at that point leads Dubois to tapping out.,
  22. SWF Supreme TV Part 5 Tues Wk 3, Jan 2016 Match #3- "Prime Time" Spencer Spade vs Joe Sexy The SWF Supreme champion Spencer Spade proves why he deserves that title with a strong showing against Joe Sexy, who really showed in this match that he isn't able to keep up in the ring like he used to, but he still no doubt put in a solid performance tonight. Although Sexy is a decent all rounder, he is no match for the much more athletic Spade, who uses his speed advantage to outmaneuver Sexy, eventually wearing him down enough for the Supreme Stunner (RKO).
  23. SWF Supreme TV Part 4 Tues Wk 3, Jan 2016 (Angry Gilmore is shown sitting down in the locker room when Jack Bruce walks in) Gilmore: You know Jack, I just can't seem to ever win the big one. I was this damn close on Thursday, but Remo was just a little bit better than me. Every time I work my way up to an opportunity, I fail the f*** out of it. I just don't know what to do anymore. Bruce: Listen, I have a tag team match tonight, how would you like to prove yourself with me against Remo tonight. Gilmore: Sounds good, but who's on Remo's side? Bruce: I don't think even Richard (Eisen) knows, but god knows it sure ain't gonna be easy. Gilmore: I was born always looking for a challenge. I once kicked a kid in kindergarden for stealing my orange slices, but I got sent to the corner. Bruce: You got sent to the corner? Damn, you're a dork! Gilmore: That was 30 something years ago! Anyway, my point is, there is no one I won't go up against. Bruce: That's better, maybe you aren't the dork I thought you were. Gilmore: (Laughs) Shut up! (Sarcastically) Bruce: Anyway, I'm gonna grab a beer before I go out, catch ya later. Gilmore: Thanks Jack.
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