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James Casey

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Everything posted by James Casey

  1. <p>ThatChizzle, if possible, could you add the/a SWF logo/lettering to the generic WCW tag title, please?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GenericWCWTagTeam.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Always been a favourite belt of mine.</p>
  2. I'd be interested to see Joe in WWE. We can't say that they'd never use him - Punk is over, Danielson's just had a six month US title reign, Mysterio's a huge name for them and Jeff was given a huge a push. None of them are typical WWE guys, but all found the right niche. A lot would depend on Joe. I don't watch much TNA, but I do follow it a little. It seems that since his feud with Angle ended he's been neglected. Poor booking has led to him apparently pretty much giving up (I may be wrong, of course). He's out of shape, he's probably suffering somewhat due to the long-term injuries he's picked up over the years, and TNA have lost interest in him. He could ask for his release, spend six months on the indies and try and catch WWE's eye. He could probably get a development deal with them if he got back in shape and agreed to try hard - he's a big enough name I think WWE would go for it, and guys like Christian'd likely vouch for him. Would WWE do anything with him? Probably not a World title push, although in the last few years Kozlov and Khali have delivered main events without anything like Joe's skill. An Umaga push wouldn't be out of the question - he has the talent to be portrayed as a bulldozer, after all. I presume Joe's making decent money in TNA. It seems odd that he's prepared to stick around, as based on what I've read it seems he's been completely neutered there, and I'd have thought his ability to get a paying gig based on his TNA work of late must be fading fast. * Anyway, just wanted to share what I spent my Grand National winnings on yesterday: Chris Jericho: Undisputed - £11 Ultimate Ric Flair Collection - £6 'Cause Stone Cold Said So - £1 Shawn Michaels: From The Vault - £8 Bret Hart: Best There Is... - £6 God bless Amazon Marketplace - I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of state qualifies as 'Used - Very Good' for the DVDs...
  3. Hey, now, they haven't said very first time... ...they just haven't acknowledged the other time. Honestly, I keep expecting it to come up. Someone, somewhere, has got to mention it - if only as a sly aside to HHH backstage or something (a la the Katie Vick references). It's not like they're trying to pretend 2001 never happened - the whole point of the match is that these guys have 35 years in the WWF/E between them, and they've been there and done that since before Stephanie was more than a catalogue model.
  4. If they have a MitB match at Mania this year, Morrison will win it. If not, he'll be high on the list for a push after the show, when WWE tends to shake things up with a draft. The Rumble-Mania period is not generally the time when WWE makes stars - rather, they consolidate what they have and focus on Wrestlemania. And let's face it, the heat for Lawler/Cole is going to be way, way greater than Morrison/anyone right now. That's not a good thing, of course, but it just goes to show how odd wrestling can be at times...
  5. In a sense, absolutely - I wouldn't expect Vince to follow anything but the ongoign storylines all that closely, and none of these guys really had anything much going on during their time in WWE. Still, it does seem odd that the senior booker isn't familiar with his roster to at least the degree that he knows the basics about their gimmicks and so on. It almost seems that Vince has become complacent without any real challenge to the company.
  6. One word: Kizarney. Vince has day-to-day approval of everything that goes on in a WWE ring, but by no means is he said to pay that close attention to it. Even back in the mid-90s, Vince signed Mick Foley on the recommendation of his advisors. There's a story going around that Vince didn't know that the Major Brothers (Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins) weren't actually brothers. When he found that out, he ordered that they be repackaged. Eight months on TV and he didn't know? * Not only is EC on free TV tomorrow night, but coincidentally I have Monday off work. So early Monday morning I'll sit down with my breakfast and get my Chamber on. Or something slightly less dreadful sounding...
  7. That could make for some awesome segments, and would be a worthy headliner on name power alone, but the match couldn't hold a candle to the HBK matches it would inevitably be compared to and neither man would be doing anything to help out the younger talent. If it's the case, fine, but would HHH really put his career on the line? With HBK being taken out last year, surely it'd be too telegraphed to do at Mania. Go for Summerslam and career vs. career, fine, but a month's build for a match of that magnitude seems very short.
  8. I agree. Morrison usually puts in a decent stint purely because of his athleticisim making it easy for him to have several close calls, but it's rarely made much of post-Rumble. I can't see him winning the Rumble, not this year. MitB? Yes - right now, I'd say he's Raw's go-to guy for that match, albeit that we're six months away from the show. Still, I expect him to put in a good showing, and maybe get one or two biggish eliminations. Nothing related to Sheamus, though, please...
  9. <p>HHH is at the point of his career where fans will cheer him against anyone, and if it's true that he's enjoying being backstage much more than the wrestling side of things than having him do a couple of segments a night would seem to be the ideal way for him to bow out over time.</p><p> </p><p> That said, I assume he'll be back and active for a spell between the New Year and Mania at least - that blow-off match with Sheamus needs to happen.</p><p> </p><p> Otherwise, what about William Regal? Granted he's a joke character but he quickly got over as GM last time around, and if anyone can walk the line between being a bit of a joke, but being able to back it up, it's Regal.</p>
  10. Limited showings on two days only - afternoons as well, I believe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyzzyx_Road covers a film that had a similar return, although in that case it was a deliberate decision on the maker's part. Knucklehead is coming out on DVD/BR in a couple of weeks' time, so I guess it's a case of testing the waters for a theatrical release by WWE Films for future prospects (the Tiple H film?)
  11. Don't see why not - there's always a book running in the UK on who the next PM will be. However, as Brit I've been somewhat interested in following all this, and it does seem that McMahon is going down the Arnie route to electoral victory - she's famous enough to overcome the strikes against her (of which there are many, Vince's boat and Vince in general amongst them). Last time I checked she had the lead in the polls (although Nick Clegg had the lead in the polls about two weeks before the UK election, so...)
  12. Can I just vote for Maxine now? And has everyone seen Primo's pic in the NXT pages? Dude looks like Carlton Banks.
  13. Thayt'd be me, and the simple response is that it was his debut show, but it seems like the videos hyping him have been running since Wrestlemania. A guy shows up and tells you how superior he is, fine. Prove it. By the third week, you're curious enough to want to see him get out there and get his backside handed to him in his hat. By the tenth week - and sometimes the videos were shown twice a show - it's X-Pac heat. Short of being in that rarefied Flair/Hogan/Rock club where they can knock you sideways with the slightest movement, there was no way Del Rio could overcome the ennui I felt towards him on Friday.
  14. I'm not sure, but I imagine SD was taped in the south-west last week to benefit from a strong Spanish-speaking audience predisposed to react to Rey and del Rio appropriately. Similarly, Yoshi Tatsu was in the main event for WWE in Japan last week. Serena went on a drinking binge one night a few months back. The video was used to clear Punk of Undertaker's attack, as it was the same night. They haven't got into how addicted she was, but I believe the implication is that she was a casual drinker who's fallen under Punk's sway more than anything else. Her drinking wasn't so much a 'risking being a drunk again' as 'going against Punk's ideals' - obviously a major no-no for any SES member. Being Straight Edge means no alcohol (or drugs) so even a sip of alcohol would have been cause for the SES to boot her out, so it's serious enough as far as they're concerned. Punk kept her on, and since then there's been tension between the various members.
  15. It's more the granny trunks he's wearing - some guys they just don't suit. I know what you mean, though. The Legacy match at WM was spoilt for me as I kept looking at Cody and going "It's the biggest match of your career - maybe your life, ever. And you're wearing brown trunks." However, I did notice when I was flicking through his gallery on wwe.com earlier that he seemed to wear kneepads that fell down, just like Cody... Oh, and a funny slip on WWE's part from earlier today (fixed now): http://i34.tinypic.com/vczae8.jpg EDIT: I'll say this for him, though - I really like his music.
  16. I think I'm the only one who sees nothing in Del Rio. It's X-Pac heat for me - I'm so astonishingly bored of Del Rio, that unless they have Big Show doing those huge slaps of his on the guy next week I think I'm a lot more likely to turn the channel then watch. As for his outfit.... It looks like he goes to Cody Rhodes' tailor. Not a good look at all.
  17. Honestly, the NXT guys names are so lame (most of them aren't even their FCW names, right? I know Kaval is, but otherwise...) I can't help but feel it's deliberate on WWE's part - somehow, it's going to be tied into the Nexus thing. Six/eight weeks down the line, Nexus are going to be approached by a bunch of these guys who want to join, and Nexus are just going to destroy them for not having the guts to go their own way, or something.
  18. Just one request, and hopefully an easy one: WCW World Tag Team titles - SWF logo What can I say? I've always loved those belts.
  19. ReapeR, this is amazing and is giving me ideas. However, when you're in a do over mood again, would there be any chance of increasing the side $s to the same/similar height as the flanking diamond ones? I know it's less accurate to the real thing, but I think it'd look a bit more sturdy (which could be appropriate to someone I have in mind...) No rush, and if it's a lot of work please don't put yourself out.
  20. The streak won't end until and unless Taker chooses it to end. It won't end tonight, because HBK is on the verge of retiring for good this time, and this is the way of phasing him out to come back fit, healthy and energised once a twice a year for DX/WM spots.
  21. How did I miss this? One of my all-time favourite belts, and a great job by you on it, ReapeR!
  22. Vince/Hogan and Vince/Shawn both involved Vince getting his rear end kicked for 90% of the match and were great fun. I'm sure the match will be no classic, and will probably only last a few minutes, but when Bret locks in the Sharpshooter... that will be a Wrestlemania moment.
  23. With regard to DaVE, a few ideas: The 'conquered' company logos could feature somehwere: AMW, PPPW etc. It could be like the old NWA belt (I think) with the flags on the side plates. I always liked the AWA World belt - big and chunky looking, so that could be a starting point. Something about the belt(s) could emphasise the hardcore nature of the company. Caged, maybe? Or would that look too much like chicken wire. One alternative may be to have a blood-stained effect, or maybe even have the belt be deliberately crappy: This is DaVE. We don't fight for shiny gold titles, we just fight to see who's hardcore!
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