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Posts posted by BigJ

  1. IWGP Jr Heavyweight Title - Hiromu Takahashi vs Yusuke Kodama

    Hiromu loses after some Suzuki Gun's shenanigans and go on to graduate to Heavyweight


    NEVER 6-Man Titles - Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi & Ryusuke Taguchi vs Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & YOSHI-HASHI


    Tetsuya Naito & EVIL vs Zack Sabre Jr & Taichi


    Taiji Ishimori, Yujiro Takahashi, Dick Togo & Ikuto Hidaka vs Hirooki Goto, Yuya Uemura, SHO & YOH


    Yuji Nagata, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Pegaso Iluminar & Gabriel Kidd vs Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado, DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru


    SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi vs Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Mikey Nicholls


    Togi Makabe vs Yota Tsuji

  2. mMqgu0oYTiNZ2Tdw7dsPCZjyU5Q.jpg





    JOEY STYLES x. Welcome everyone to the 2nd annual November to Remember!

    Tonight, an olympic rules wrestling match, David meets Goliath, a huge six men tag action with an ECW Television Championship shot in the balance, a grudge tag team match, plus the NWA World Tag Team Champions being defended, and - of course - NWA World Heavyweight Champion and Entourage leader Shane Douglas defends against the Funker, the man who'll never die: Terry Funk. This is going to be a huge night of action, a milestone in wrestling history... You don't wanna miss it.


    Up next is a match between a man who's out to prove himself and who had a change of attitude and a new manager: Stevie Richards ; and a tough as nail beer drinking brawler who recently saw the light again and got back to his wife, the Sandman. This is a going to be a Olympic Rules Match. There will be two 3-minutes round with a scoring system. No punche kick or headbutt allowed, no biting, no gouging, no hair pulling.


    This match is all about proving itself in the current changing state of ECW under the NWA's umbrella: no more barbed-wire, just wrestling!






    THE SANDMAN with Peaches VS. STEVIE RICHARDS with Woman


    Stevie Richards is wearing a wrestling singlet, a protective head gear and a mouth guard, whereas the Sandman is in his usual jeans and black tank top.


    Lots of posturing to beging, as Richards insists on referee John Finnegan being knowlegable about olympic rules, even giving him an olympic rule book. He also insists that the Sandman is frisked to be sure he hides no weapon.


    The match finally starts, as Stevie Richards tries to go for a takedown, shooting for his legs, but the Sandman stops him... with a brutal knee to the face!


    Ref John Finnegan gets in the middle, and Samdna argue it was accidental as Richards is on the ground holding his head and screaming like a toddler.


    Woman gets on the apron and screams at Sandman, asking for him to be disqualified. Sandman turns to her and to the ref... And starts pounding on Stevie Richards with big punches. Finnegans disqualifies him.





    THE SANDMAN x. Listen boy, i'm not an amateur wrestler. I'm not even sure i'm a professionnal wrestler. But i'm a fighter, and the NWA is about fighters. I can't wield my singapour cane anymore, but I have two fists, and I can thrust them into your face. You want olympic rules wrestling? I'm not the guy. But if you want wrestling as a combat sport, i'm your guy. Call me when you want to fight for real.






    JOEY STYLES x. Well the Sandman sure made his point here, he's not here to play catch as catch can wrestling, but he's a fighter and he has a spot in the NWA! It sure wasn't what we were expecting but it's something!






    TERRY FUNK x. Listen up, boy. We both know you're not the favouriste. Hughes is stronger. He's taller. He's bigger. Quite honestly and I don't know how that's possible considering your frame but he might also be faster than you. But you got something Mr. Hughes doesn't. You got heart. Mikey Whipwreck, you got the biggest heart in ECW, maybe in the whole NWA! You will not stay down, you hear me? You will fight this beast!... Okay?


    MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. Erm... I guess...


    TERRY FUNK x. Say it!


    MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I... I... I will... Beat him?


    TERRY FUNK x. You will beat him up!


    MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I guess... I mean yes... Yes I will beat him up.


    TERRY FUNK x. You will kick his ass!


    MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I will kick his ass...


    TERRY FUNK x. LOUDER! You're going to drive him head first into the mat!


    MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I'll DDT him straight down!...














    This match was billed as David vs. Goliath, and not without reasons! Shane Douglas' enforcer weights twice as much as Mikey and is twice as big. We see the difference right off the bat as Whipwreck charges at Whipwreck screaming, gives him a bunch of quick punches in the belly, only for Hughes to no sell it and shove him to the ground.


    This opening sequence is a great introduction to this match which is essentially an ass-whooping. But it's not a total squash, as Mikey gets a few hope spots and comebacks, only to be severly crushed by Hughes each time.


    After ten minutes of Hughes crushing Whipwreck, he still can't keep him down and only gets nearfall. This angers Hughes, who untie his tie and roll up his sleeves. He's about to deliver a powerbomb, but Mikey rolls behind him, sunset flip! Hughes staggers, but is finally taken down for the first time in this match, one, two, three, Mikey wins!







    Mikey has done it! The underdog is quick to escape the wrath of Mr. Hughes and runs circles around the ring, arms up in the air. Meanwhile, Hughes is pissed at ref John Finnegan and gets in his face, arguing that he made a fast count. Hughes shoves the poor Finnegan to the ground. He’s making menacing steps towards the referee, but out comes three men…




    Ready for their next match, Superlfy, the Tazmaniac and Sabu gets in the ring. Their menacing presence is enough for Hughes to get out the ring without a single blow being exchanged.








    with Jason


    The man who makes the winning pinfall will have a shot at Jason’s ECW Television Championship. Joey Styles reminds us that Snuka, Sabu & Tazmaniac all are former ECW Television champions.


    This match is chaotic, as are most of its participants. Tazmaniac & Sabu are crazed and out of control, and so are the Pitbulls. Dean Malenko, on the other half, is still cold and calculated in everyone of his moves. We get a sequence in which he isolates Jimmy Snuka and works on his left knee with various strikes and holds. He nonetheless gets frustrated when he tags one of the Pitbulls who stop working the leg, instead focusing on giving powermoves to Superfly who finally counters one of them and makes the tag.


    Sabu & Tazmanic show surprising cohesion, often being on par with the Pitbulls. We got two matches in the match : them two of them often going after the Pitbulls, and Dean Malenko insisting on being tagged in everytime Jimmy Snuka gets in the ring, getting back at his left knee.


    The finish of the match, after twelve minutes of match, is even more chaotic as the rest. Tazmaniac gets double powerbombed out of the ring by the Pitbulls, who get taken out by Sabu after a running crossbody send the three of them to the floor. In the meantime, Snuka bodyslams Malenko and motions for the Superfly Splash. Being hurt in his left knee, it takes him some time to get to the third rope. Outside, Jason tries to get in his face, but the ref stops him. He doesn’t see Pitbull #1 shoving Snuka off of the turnbuckle… But Snuka lands on Malenko ! Pitbull #1 inadvertantly threw him directly onto his partner ! The ref turns around and makes the pin : 1, 2, and 3 !






    JIMMY SNUKA x. Jason boy ! Your time with the ECW Television Championship is over. Next Hardcore TV, I will beat you. I will fly from the top rope and give you the Superfly Splash, and I will run you out of ECW and the NWA !






    TOMMY DREAMER x. Where’s Terry, man ? I thought he will be in our corner tonight.


    CACTUS JACK x. He told me he needs to prepare for the main event. At hi sage he needs 45 minutes of stretching before getting in the ring !


    TOMMY DREAMER x. What ? Why didn’t he tell me ? And where’s Mikey ?


    CACTUS JACK x. The old man asked him to help him prepare for his main event.


    TOMMY DREAMER x. But he told me he was gonna be in our corner, he’s supposed to be my damn mentor, man. Why is he never there to back me up ? What if Entourage uses the number’s game to cheat us tonight ?


    CACTUS JACK x. Man, don’t get too harsh with Terry, he tries to do the best, be there for everyone. I guess he just thinks Mikey needs him more than you. And don’t mind the number’s game, you know I’m not alone in my head ! There’s at least three of us ! Hahahaha !








    with Mr. Hughes


    Cactus Jack insists that he’ll be the one to start the match against Matt Borne, who puts him to sleep with a sleeper hold one month ago. Dreamer and Cactus argue about who should begin, and Borne & Benoit gain the advantage by jumping them. They throw Cactus out of the ring and assault Dreamer, getting few good shots before the referee gets in the middle.


    Borne starts the match with Dreamer and uses his very aggressive offense to keep him down. The Entourage men double team Dreamer for the majority of the match. He gets some hope spots, like a double clothesline on both men, but is always short of making the tag to Cactus Jack who jumped back on the apron. Chris Benoit clinically dismantles Dreamer with a serie of suplexes, and Matt Borne gets at him with classic 80’s nasty brawling. The former Doink the Clown also cheats as much as he can. He gets Dreamer with an eye poke after positioning the ref behind his back. He puts Dreamer and the ropes and distracts the referee, allowing Hughes to choke him or punch him for the outside.


    It’s a nightmare for Dreamer for ten minutes, but just when Chris Benoit is about to put in him an abdominal stretch, he hip tosses him and jumps to Cactus, hot tag !


    Cactus Jack is a house of fire and CLEANS HOUSE. He even gets a shot at Mr. Hughes with a baseball slide, then gets on the third rope and delivers an elbow drop on Benoit for a 2 count. Cactus fights with both Benoit and Borne, and the fans love this.


    Cactus really shines in the match, but gets overwhelmed by the crisp teamwork of his opponents. He fights off Benoit and puts him down with a jumping knee, and gets to his corner to team with Dreamer… Who refuses the tag ! Dreamer jumps down and refuses the tag ! Cactus is puzzled, then furious. Behind him, Benoit gets up and german suplexes not once, but twice.


    Dreamer leaves as Cactus is left fighting a 2 on 1 fight. Despite the disadvantage, he holds his own, fighting almost 5 minutes, and almost winning with a DDT on Borne. But the number’s game and Matt Borne’s cheating ways are the strongest, and Cactus Jack gets caught in a sleeper hold of which he passes out, never giving up.









    JOEY STYLES x. What was that ? Why did Tommy Dreamer walk out on his partner Cactus Jack ? Oh and look at those punks, look at the Entourage, they’re parading like they won the Superbowl. What a bunch of jerks. I’m disgusted, i’m puzzled, and i’m pissed !


    But up next ladies a gentlemen is a match for the NWA World Tag Team Championship ! The pinnacle of tag team wrestling will be decided when the Public Enemy defend against the team of 2 Cold Scorpio and Ron Simmons. It sure will be a great match, you don’t want to miss it !









    A great match with the opposition of two complementary tag team that work well together. The team work is through the roof with a succession of quick tag and double team manoeuver from each side to start the match.


    Ron Simmons uses his size advantage to shine in the match, powering through his opponent with force. His team with Scorpio seems like the perfect combination of power & speed. On the other side, the Public Enemy show why they have been the #1 team of ECW for quite some times with their willingness to put their bodies on the line and never say die attitude.


    Late into the match, Rocco Rock gets a cut above his eye following a Scorpio spinning wheel kick. Even in the « new » ECW, there’s blood on the mat. After a twenty minute competitive match, the Public Enemy seem on their way to a title defence, hitting the Drive-By on Ron Simmons. Rocco Rock pins him : one, two… He kicks out ! The Public Enemy get Simmons up and try to hit another Drive By, but he powers out, throwing Rock into the ropes and Grunge into the mat. He hits a spinning spinebuster on Rocco Rock coming off the ropes for a three count, and we have NEW World Tag Team Champions.





    An exhausted Ron Simmons is on his knees, but the fresher Scorpio is quick to pick up the belts from the time keeper and puts each on of them on his shoulders. « 2 Gold Scorpio baby ! I told ya ! I told y’all ! » Scorpio pats Simmons on his back and goes to celebrate on the turnbuckle.












    These two men know each other well, having already fight for the ECW Championship, most notably in the 1 hour time limit triple threat with Sabu.


    But this time it’s even more personal, after Terry Funk extended the olive branch to Shane Douglas only to be splapped in the face, and beat up by the Entourage.


    Terry Funk gets Shane Douglas to school early on, with a sequence of chain wrestling that ends with Terry Funk getting the upper hand with a wrist lock. He transitions to the mat and tries to work Shane Douglas’s knee, in preparation of his Drop Toe Hold. But the Franchise is quick to push Terry Funk with a boot to the rear and retreats in his corner.


    This is the pattern of the match : Terry Funk being more skilled and experienced, but Shane Douglas getting out of harm’s way with a fantastic instinct and more athleticism. This disadvantage in expercience scares him as he almost loses two times early in the match : with a small package out of nowhere, and with a sunset flip roll up that he barely escapes before the three count.


    It’s important to note that during the match, Shane Douglas often gets in referee’s Jim Molineaux’s face, accusing him of making fast counts on behalf of the Funker. He also gets in heated argument with some fans in the first row multiple times during the encounter.


    This lack of concentration costs Shane Douglas, as each time he has the upper hand, he gets distracted by the fans insulting him, or gets too cocky, allowing Terry Funk to get back at him. On a particular sequence, Douglas gets an atomic drop on Funk, and mocks him instead of capitalizing, allowing Funk to make a quick recover and punch him in the face. This lead to Douglas rooling out of the ring and accusing Funk of hitting him with a closed fist and asking him to be DQ’ed.


    The match picks up in intensity and gets more and more brutal. Terry Funk is getting tired so he throws more and more dangerous move, like a superplex for a 2 count. Douglas, a fantastic cardio specimen, is playing the long game and wants to tire Terry Funk. But the longer the match gets, the more he risks getting caught by Funk’s ruse.


    After almost thirthy minute of match, Shane goes a Figure Four Leglock, but Terry Funk gets him in a small package, one, two… Douglas reverses the roll up ! One, two, three ! Shane Douglas is still the world champion !






    Shane Douglas has outsmarted the Funker! Douglas celebrate, craddling the NWA World Championship title in his hands as he’s on his knees at the center of the ring. Meanwhile, Terry Funk goes to get the microphone.


    TERRY FUNK x. Shane Douglas, you’re one hell of a son of a bitch. But you’re one hell of a man. Last time I extended you my hand you slapped me because you thought you were better than me. Tonight, you proved it, you beat me fair and square. So that’s why, like a man, I’m going to extend my hand again as a show of respect for your skill. Not because I like you, you’re still a piece of shit to mye yes, but because that’s sportsmanship.

    And that’s why, if you’re a man, you will accept this show of respect and shake my hand back. You will do this because you’re a man. Because you got nothing left to prove to me. And because you are the NWA World Heavyweight Champion.


    SHANE DOUGLAS x. I told you you were an old relic, Funker. A thing of the past. But you still had THAT left in the tank. You still had the great match we just had. I beat you, and I am still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The REAL heavyweight champion of the world. You know I don’t like you either, but I’m going to shake your hand. Because this is the NWA. And because I beat you. You said it, I got nothing left to prove : the Franchise is better than the Funker. So imma shake your hand.


    The two men exchange a tense but firm handshake.


    SHANE DOUGAS x. Now get the hell out of the champion’s ring old man.


    That’s right, walk.


    Tonight, I proved that I am the best wrestler in the world, ONCE AGAIN! The Franchise is the man what will carry the torch for the NWA. A torch that was dropped down by DICK Flair when he went up north his his robes to kiss McMahon’s ass. A torch that was dropped when the NWA Champion was a surfer boy with paint on his face. A torch that was forgotten when Ricky Steamboat started to spit fire and when Harley Race bleacher his hair blond and began wearing a crown.


    I stand here tonight as STILL the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. STILL the best wrestler on god’s green earth. I don’t wear no pink and sun glasses. I don’t take any vitamins. I am what I am and that is a wrestler. I will take on any challengers in order to bring back this championship to the place it belongs: right at the top!


    Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, DICK Flair, Mistuharu Misawa, the Great Muta, Stan Hansen, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Sting, Diesel, I am better than each and every single one of it, and i’m willing to prove it. If anybody want to prove himself, to test his strength and to wrestle with real men… This is the place.





  3. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="mMqgu0oYTiNZ2Tdw7dsPCZjyU5Q.jpg" data-src="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/mMqgu0oYTiNZ2Tdw7dsPCZjyU5Q.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>LIVE FROM THE VIKING HALL IN PHILADELPHIA, PA</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FFD700;">NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">NWA World Heavyweight Champion</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> "The Franchise"</span></p><p> <strong>SHANE DOUGLAS</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#800080;">VS.</span></span></strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"The Living Legend"</span></p><p> <strong>TERRY FUNK</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FFD700;">NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">NWA World Tag Team Champions</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> "Fly Boy" Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge</span></p><p> <strong>PUBLIC ENEMY</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#800080;">VS.</span></span></strong></p><p> <strong>2 COLD SCORPIO & RON SIMMONS</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FFD700;">GRUDGE TAG TEAM MATCH</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"The Human Suplex Machine"</span></p><p> <strong>CHRIS BENOIT</strong></p><p> & </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"Borne Again"</span></p><p> <strong>MATT BORNE</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#800080;">VS.</span></span></strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"The Hardcore Legend"</span></p><p> <strong>CACTUS JACK</strong></p><p> &</p><p> <strong>TOMMY DREAMER</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FFD700;">THE MAN WHO MAKES THE WINNING PIN GETS A TITLE SHOT VS. JASON</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"Superfly"</span></p><p> <strong>JIMMY SNUKA</strong></p><p> &</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"The Death Defying"</span></p><p> <strong>SABU</strong></p><p> &</p><p> <strong>THE TAZMANIAC</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#800080;">VS.</span></span></strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"Ice Man"</span></p><p> <strong>DEAN MALENKO</strong></p><p> & </p><p> <strong>THE PITBULLS</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FFD700;">DAVID VS. GOLIATH</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"All Heart"</span></p><p> <strong>MIKEY WHIPWRECK</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#800080;">VS.</span></span></strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">"The Entourage's right hand man"</span></p><p> <strong>MR. HUGHES</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FFD700;">OLYMPIC STYLE WRESTLING MATCH</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p> <strong>STEVIE RICHARDS</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#800080;">VS.</span></span></strong></p><p> <strong>THE SANDMAN</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">with Peaches in his corner</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51353" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> 1st Prize: You can chose the next challenger to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship belt amongst ECW's roster.</p><p> </p><p> 2nd prize: You can chose the next challenger to the ECW Television Championship amongst the ECW roster</p><p> </p><p> SHANE DOUGLAS VS. TERRY FUNK</p><p> </p><p> PUBLIC ENEMY VS. TOO COLD SCORPIO & RON SIMMONS</p><p> </p><p> MATT BORNE & CHRIS BENOIT VS. TOMMY DREAMER & CACTUS JACK</p><p> </p><p> JIMMY SNUKA, TAZMANIAC & SABU VS. DEAN MALENKO & THE PITBULLS</p><p> </p><p> MIKEY WHIPWRECK VS. MR. HUGHES</p><p> </p><p> SANDMAN VS. STEVIE RICHARDS</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
  4. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>OCTOBER 1994: DAMN!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><span style="font-size:8px;">After a first month at the helm of ECW, Shane Douglas can be happy: business is good, Hardcore TV is broadcasted in the Tri State, in the South-East and in the Great Lakes, which is a solid base to grow from. </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;">

    What is more, the NWA is expanding, with the board accepting the membership of young Canadian company Border City Wrestling, thanks to Scott d'Amore friends he made while working in WCW.</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;">

    There still are some dark clouds, as Shane Douglas' lack of diplomacy is hurting ECW's locker room. If Terry Funk taking young upstart Damien Stone (James Maritato/Little Guido) under his wing is good, lots of people have been in alteractions.</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;">

    Reports said that Shane Douglas might have to do some firings if he wants to keep his locker room afloat, and he fired the first shot by firing Ian Rotten after he beat up referee John Finnegan backstage.</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;">

    If the Franchise indeed wants to be the captain of the ECW & NWA, he's going to have to learn to lead his troups.</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-size:8px;">

    Elsewhere, there are rumors that WCW will be far more enclined to work again with ECW like they did in early 1994, now that Heyman is nowhere around... </span></em> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><ul><li>Show opens with a video recap of the formation of the Entourage. Tonight, <strong>Terry Funk</strong> faces <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> as the Entourage's bodyguard cost him his match against Chris Benoit last week.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck</span></strong> defeat <strong>The Sioux War Party</strong> (Dancing Wolf & White Cloud) easily disposing them with a Double Arm DDT on Wolf.<br /> <br /><strong>Cactus Jack</strong> takes the mic. He tells everyone he forgives Mikey Whipwreck for not running to make the save last week when The Entourage beat him and Terry Funk up. "<em>Mikey's just a kid, don't be too harsh with him</em>". He says he will get his revenge on Matt Borne for attacking him and putting him in a sleeper. He turns his attention to the <strong>Public Enemy</strong> and swears on Mikey's head that they're gonna beat them next week. Whipwreck is terrified and tells Jack the Enemy are going to tear him apart. "<em>That's that it takes to become NWA World Tag Team Champions, Mikey! SMILE!</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">2 Cold Scorpio</span></strong> defeat <strong>Hack Myers</strong> with a Tumbleweed.<br /> <br />

    Post match, Scorpio says he wants gold. And he wants not one, but two belts, to finally evolve into "2 GOLD Scorpio baybay!". Yikes.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>ECW Television Champion <strong>Jason</strong> is in the ring with his entourage of <strong>Dean Malenko</strong> and the <strong>Pitbulls</strong>. He answers to Tazmaniac, Snuka & Sabu's challenge: "<em>you three savages will never touch my beautiful face! I will not face you in a 6 Men Tag. But you can face my three loyal men here... For a price.</em>" Jason wants Pitbulls & Malenko vs. Snuka, Tazmaniac & Sabu, but if his team wins, he gets the services of one of them for a month! <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In a wild brawl, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">The Sandman</span></strong> (/w. Woman) defeats <strong>Tommy Cairo</strong> (/w. Peaches) with a Heinekenrana.<br /> <br />

    Post match, <strong>Woman</strong> is screaming at <strong>Peaches</strong> that she's an ungrateful bitch. She drags her by her hair to the center of the ring to face her husband, <strong>Sandman</strong>. <br /> <br />

    But out comes <strong>Stevie Richards</strong>, what is he doing here ?<br />

    Richards has a mic. He says it's nonsense that a "<em>no good drunk who can't wrestle</em>" like Sandman has a match, but HE, "Superstar" Stevie Richards didn't get book for the last few weeks. As Sandman is about to answer, Woman grabs the microphone out of his hands and insults Stevie Richards. She says he's just a child. Woman says she will bring Sandman to the top. <strong>Sandman</strong> takes the mic off and tells her to **** off. He helps his wife Peaches to his feet and apologize to her for everything. They kiss as Woman is enraged. Stevie Richards, furious at not being the center of the attention, superkicks Sandman to the back of the head! He leaves the ring, <strong>Woman</strong> running at his heels to wait for him.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Terry Funk</span></strong> (/w. Tommy Dreamer) defeats the behemoth <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> (/w. Shane Douglas) in a competitive match where the Funker took a lot of the offense.<br />

    During the match, Shane Douglas tried to cheat on behalf of his bodyguard on multiple occasion. <br /> <br />

    Post match, we get a repeat of last week as <strong>Douglas</strong> motions to the back and out comes <strong>Matt Borne</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit</strong>. Entourage beat down Funk, and Dreamer is of no help.<br /> <br />

    But in the back, we see <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> and <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong>. Jack is encouraging Mikey, "<em>this time you're not afraid, Mikey! Come with me! And take his!</em>". Cactus gives Mikey a chair, and they rush to the ring!<br /> <br /><strong>Douglas</strong>, <strong>Benoit</strong> and <strong>Borne</strong> leave the ring, but the slower <strong>Hughes</strong> gets caught by a chairshot courtesy of Mikey Whipwreck! Whipwreck is struck with disbelief that he's done that at first, but encouraged by Cactus, he delivers three more blows to the back of Hughes!<br /> <br />

    As the Entourage retreats, Funk gets back up with help from the ropes and get a microphone. <br /> <br />

    "<em>Hey Shane! Hey you egg sucking blonde moron!</em><br /><em> </em><br /><em>

    I wanted to be the first to tell you... I spoke to the NWA Championship Committee... And Denis Coraluzzo... And Tod Gordon... And I, Terry Funk am your number one contender!</em><br /><em> </em><br /><em>

    You know what that means, Shane? That means at </em><em><strong>November to Remember</strong></em><em> on the 4th, I take the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, I bring it back to Armadillo, and i'll drink a beer with all of my friends in the ring to you ass whooping, boy!</em>"<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><ul><li>Show opens with <strong>Joey Styles</strong> hyping up tonight's Main Event: <strong>Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck</strong> face the <strong>Public Enemy</strong> to crown the new NWA World Tag Team Champions! Also tonight, <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> makes his return to competition against <strong>JT Smith</strong>, and <strong>Tazmaniac & Sabu</strong> face <strong>the Pitbulls</strong><br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Stevie Richards</span></strong> defeat <strong>JT Smith</strong> with a Superkick.<br />

    During the match, <strong>Woman</strong> made her way to the ring and observed the match.<br /> <br />

    After the match, Woman gets in the ring. She says she made a mistake last week: Richards is not a kid, he's a man. And he needs a real Woman to lead him to glory. <strong>Richards</strong> tells her that he's ok but he wants some sex!... Cringe. Before the dumbfounded Woman can answer, <strong>Sandman</strong> comes out. He tackles Richards to the ground and punches him until his mouth bleed. He then turns to Woman <strong>"you manipulative bitch will now stay away from me and from my family! Understood?"</strong> He then leaves the ring, and we see his wife <strong>Peaches</strong> waiting for him in the aisle.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">2 Cold Scorpio</span></strong> defeat <strong>Don E. Allen</strong> with a Spinning Wheel Kick.<br /> <br />

    Post match, Scorpio goes to the announcer booth and tells Joey Styles he'll stay with him for the rest of the show.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Footage from after the show last week, where <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> furious, rallying his troops. He tells his <strong>Entourage</strong> there's no way in hell hardcore stuntmen like Terry Funk and his friends will hold gold in HIS NWA. Not now, not never. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Sabu & Tazmaniac</span></strong> (/w. Jimmy Snuka) defeat <strong>The Pitbulls</strong> (/w. Jason & Dean Malenko) when Sabu hits the Arabian Facebuster on #1.<br /> <br />

    Post match, <strong>Snuka</strong> gets on the mic. He says he spoke to Tazmaniac and Sabu, and well, they don't talk that much, but they agree: they'll face Jason's team. If they lose, he gets the service of one of them of a month... But if they win, one of them gets an ECW Television Title match, with Jason's men barred from ringside. <strong>Jason</strong> accepts but tries to manipulate the stipulation: only the man who makes the winning pin - if that happens - will have the title shot. Snuka accepts as Sabu & Tazmaniac growl behind him. "<em>good luck getting on the same page with these two savages, old man Snuka!</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Cactus Jack</strong> & <strong>Terry Funk</strong> jokingly congratulate <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> on finally "growing a pair" and helping them. <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> is also here, and says he had no thank you when he did the same thing two weeks ago. Funk puts him apart and tells him Whipwreck is just a kid that needs encouragement. "<em>you're not jealous, are you?</em>". Funk & Dreamer wish the other two good luck in the main event, which is up next!<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In a match for the <span style="color:#FFD700;"><strong>NWA World Tag Team Championship</strong></span><br /><strong><span style="color:#800080;">The Public Enemy</span></strong> defeat <strong>Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck</strong> when they hit the Drive-By on Whipwreck.<br />

    During the match, we saw <strong>Matt Borne</strong> & <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> interfere, attacking Cactus Jack, laying him outside of the ring when the ref's back was turn. This led to Whipwreck fighting a 2 on 1 battle for the remainder of the match.<br /> <br /><strong>The Public Enemy</strong> celebrate their title. "<em>this is for the innercity! This is for your boyz in the hood! This is for the money we'll get! No need to steal wallets anymore! - But Johnny we actually LOVE stealing wallet! - Ok, we'll continue to do that, but after a little party!</em>" <br /> <br />

    Rock & Grunge dance together to close the show, some of the fans geting in the ring to celebrate with them. In the announcing booth, <strong>2 Cold Scorpio</strong> who commented the match tells us they'll be a huge challenge for our two party boys. "<em>that two gold belts are coming to Too Cold baybay, 2 GOLD, yeah!</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>But just before the credits, we see <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> giving <strong>Matt Borne</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> a bottle of champagne each to "celebrate" what they done. He tells them they could go after that tag gold to continue the cleaning of ECW and the NWA. Benoit reminds him that he still wants a world title shot. The Franchise answers that he'll see to that after his defense against Terry Funk.<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><ul><li>We see a short highlight video of <strong>Jason</strong> training with <strong>Dean Malenko</strong> and <strong>The Pitbulls</strong>. We see Jason benching what seems to be an enormous amount of weight, but as the camera pans out, it shows Pitbull 1 & 2 are actually on each side of the weight and they're the one doing the work. Meanwhile, Dean Malenko as let out a single smile and his doing some jumprope. <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Chris Benoit</span></strong> (/w. Matt Borne) defeat <strong>The Sandman</strong> (/w. Peaches) with a Tiger Suplex.<br />

    During the match, <strong>Woman</strong> made her way to the ring and observed the match.<br /> <br />

    Post match, <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> gets on the mic to insult <strong>Sandman</strong>, proceeding to telling him he's not a wrestler but just a brawler, and that there's no spot for him in the NWA that the Entourage is building.<br /> <br />

    This brings out <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> followed by <strong>Woman</strong>. He's happy he's not the only one who's disgusted by Sandman's lack of wrestling ability. He challenges Sandman to a straight 1 on 1 olympic style wrestling match to prove his worth. He also turns to Benoit and tells him he wants to join The Entourage.<br /> <br />

    But out comes <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> & <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> who want revenge on Benoit & Borne after being cost the NWA World Tag Team Championship. They brawl with Borne & Benoit, and Richards get in on the fun. Sandman, getting up, also joins, and it seems like we have an impromptu match.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Cactus Jack, Mikey Whipwreck & Sandman</span></strong> (/w. Peaches) defeat <strong>Chris Benoit, Matt Borne & Stevie Richards</strong> (/w. Woman) when Mikey gave the Whippersnapper to Stevie Richards.<br /> <br /><strong>Matt Borne</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> are quick to escape, insulting their rivals on the way. In the ring, <strong>The Sandman</strong> tells Stevie Richards he accepts his challenge. He'll face him in a 1 on 1 Olympic Style Rules to prove he's not just a brawler, and to choke his ass out!<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Public Enemy</span></strong> defeat <strong>Hack Meyers & El Puerto Ricano</strong> with a Drive-By.<br /> <br /><strong>2 Cold Scorpio</strong> comes out and issues a challenge for the NWA World Tag Team Championship. <strong>Johnny Grunge</strong> points that he has no partner and he doesn't deserve this shot. Scorpio answers that he'll bring his partner next week, and if they beat the Public Enemy in a non-title match, they'll get a title shot at <strong>November to Remember</strong>. It's on! But who is his partner going to be?<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Terry Funk</strong> psyches <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> up for the main event where he'll face <strong>Shane Douglas</strong>. Funk tells Dreamer he will be in his corner to prevent the Entourage from interfering. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In out Main Event of the evening, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">Shane Douglas</span></strong> (/w. Mr. Hughes) defeat <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.<br />

    During the match, <strong>Terry Funk</strong> stopped Mr. Hughes from interfering. <br /> <br />

    As <strong>Terry Funk</strong> is checking on <strong>Dreamer</strong>, <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> tells him it's a preview on what will happen at <strong>November to Remember</strong>. Funk tries to get in his face, but <strong>Hughes</strong> gets in the middle. Funk hesitates... Then slaps him! This starts a brawl and brings out the rest of <strong>Entourage</strong> and <strong>Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck</strong>. We get a chaotic, 4 on 4 brawl to close out the show!<br /> <br />

    Funk brawls with Douglas in the ring. Cactus Jack is beating up Matt Borne on the ringstairs. Elsewhere, Chris Benoit and Dreamer are exchanging fists. But the most impresive thing is tiny Mikey Whipwreck trying to get one over Mr. Hughes. The bodyguard of the Entourage lifts him above his head ringside and... <strong>TOSSES HIM INTO THE FIRST ROW OF THE CROWD!</strong> As the brawl continue, the credits appear and the show ends without a conclusive ending.</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><ul><li>Last show before November to Remember starts with a video replay of last week's huge brawl that ended the show. The focus is put on <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> military pressing <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> into the crowd, which is replayed multiple times.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Stevie Richards</span></strong> (/w. Woman) defeats <strong>Damien Kane</strong> (/w. Lady Alexandra) with an Olympic Slam.<br />

    Stevie Richards wore a singlet for the match and protective wrestling headgear.<br /> <br />

    Post match, <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> claims he will outwrestle <strong>Sandman</strong>, embarrass him and most importantly run him out of the NWA. He once again makes comments about wanting to join <strong>The Entourage</strong>.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>We do backstages with <strong>Terry Funk</strong> <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> and <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong>. Funk is adamant Whipwreck has to fight his fear of <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> after what he did. That's why he went to Tod Gordon, and the match has been made : <strong>Mikey Whipwreck will face Mr. Hughes at November to Remember</strong>! Whipwreck seems afraid but Cactus Jack consoles him and assures him he's going to do great... But he kinda wanted to face <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> and <strong>Matt Borne</strong> with Mikey at the PPV, and already went to Tod Gordon who penciled in the match... Funk tells him it's no problem, Dreamer will replace him! Dreamer seems to discover this fact, but it's the moment Funk sees the cameraman and kicks him out of the locker room.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">The Sioux War Party</span></strong> defeat <strong>Hack Meyers & El Puerto Ricano</strong> with double DDT..<br /> <br />

    Post match, <strong>Dancing Wolf</strong> is approached by an unfamiliar face. The obese man claims to be <strong>Chubby Dudley</strong> and reveals Dancing Wolf to be his long lost half-brother! He shows Wolf a picture and the two hug it out.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Shane Douglas</strong> is giving a press conference on the <strong>NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match</strong> with Tod Gordon representing ECW and Denis Coraluzzo representing the NWA. Douglas tears Terry Funk into pieces, insisting on his old age and hardcore tendencies. Douglas is glad every member of the Entourage has a match against the more hardcore wrestlers of ECW, because he says they will prove their supremacy. He thanks Denis Coraluzzo for his trust and says he will lead the NWA to its past glory in no time. When asked by a reporter if <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> would get a title shot if Douglas defends, the Franchise eluded the question.<br /> <br /><strong>Tod Gordon</strong> also hyped the big show and says it will be syndicated on commercial broadcasters MSG, Sunshine Network in the South East, and KBS in Chicago. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Before our Main Event, as the <strong>Public Enemy</strong> are in the ring awaiting their opponents, <strong>2 Cold Scorpio</strong> comes out to reveal his partner. He tells us he is a close personal friend, none other than...<br /> <br /> <br /><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="42arpHQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/42arpHQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p><br /> <br /> <br /><strong>RON SIMMONS! DAMN!</strong><br /> <br /> <br /></p></li><li>In out Main Event of the evening, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">2 Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons</span></strong> defeat <strong>Public Enemy</strong> when Simmons hit a spinebuster on Johnny Grunge.<br />

    With this win, Scorpio & Simmons earn an NWA World Tag Team title match against the Public Enemy.<br /> <br />

    The show comes to an end with <strong>Scorpio</strong> taking the NWA World Tag Team Championship belts "<em>Kiss 'em goodbye because those sweeties will come to us! I told you I was hungry for gold. And at November to Remember, all the gold... Is for 2 Cold baybay, MWAH!"</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Joey Styles</strong> ends the show by running down the card of the upcoming <strong>November to Remember</strong> Supercard!<br /></li></ul><p></p>

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="EpicCorey" data-cite="EpicCorey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51353" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I want to hate Shane douglas so much which means your doing great!<p> </p><p> also the Doink bit. was Mickey scared of the Clown or gettin beat down? I read it and just envisioned Mikey scared of clowns so he wouldn't go out. </p><p> </p><p> and poor poor sandman</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You know what? I didn't even think about Mikey being afraid of the clown, and that's fn hilarious. I just pictured him being afraid lf getting his ass kicked, but i might steal you the idea!</p><p> </p><p> And who doesn't hate Shane Douglas ? <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51353" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well I gave you one of the five stars. I have really enjoyed what you are doing thus far. I tend to not read Real World diaries because I have very little interest in the current industry. But when someone goes to the past I am all about that.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Man, really appreciate it! Thank you</p>
  6. <p>Wow didn't ewpect Bulletproof, that's fn cool (ans there's already a picture for the stable in the database.i think <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> )</p><p>

    The #1 contendee tournament is a cool way to legitimize the title with a strong challenger</p><p>

    Some huge signings, i like the MCMG, they were the Bucks before the Bucks at the time, not just in ring but because they were everywhere</p><p> </p><p>

    Bit disappointed that MJF turned on Wardlow and not the contrary, i feel it diminishes Wardlow and makes him less of a face, but when he gets the mic it should be good, and MJF is an asshole</p><p> </p><p>

    AEW World Tag Team Championship:*<strong>FTR*© </strong>vs. Motor City Machine Guns</p><p>

    <strong>Cody*</strong>vs. Frankie Kazarian</p><p>

    #1 Cont. Tournament:*<strong>Chris Jericho</strong>*vs. Luchasaurus</p><p>

    #1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs.*<strong>Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

    #1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Sammy Guevara</strong> vs.*Orange Cassidy</p><p>

    #1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Shawn Spears </strong>vs.*Matt Hardy</p>

  7. Hey that's a really cool background for a 1991 fed! I feel that with the large pool of talents there's plenty of room for a 3rd Big Fed. Looking forward to seeing this


    AEW Dynamite Prediction List

    Randy Savage vs Rick Rude (AEW Heavyweight Championship)

    Eddie Guerrero vs Great Muta (AEW Elite Championship)

    The Road Warriors vs Cali Boyz v Harlem Brothers (AEW Tag Team)

    Big.T (Tony Norris) vs Ken Shamrock

    Chris Jericho vs RVD

  8. You know what? I got a soft spot in my heart for some of late ECW's losers like EZ Money, Julio Dinero, Confederate Currency Chris Hamrick and Simon Diamond (and his DICK!) so this show gets a big up for me with the two first matches


    The match/interference/run/in match is the kind of fast paced realistic booking that I loved with ECW. Everything just goes from cause to consequence and it feels so organic to me


    I'm surprised Dreamer & The Hardcore Chair Swingin' Dadbods lost, PTP seem in line for a big push, maybe they'll go after Mikey?


    Love the ending with the image of Sandman dragging the almost dead corpse of Whipwreck on top of Bigelow. This opens a huge feud between the Beast and Sandman, and i'm curious to see who's gonna be Mikey's next challenger


    ...but hey! Where was Steve Corino?...


    Good show mate :D

  9. Austin Gunn ins Dark Order is sooo clever! Imma steal this idea for my current AEW game :D


    Rey Fenix vs. Jungle Boy


    Mr. Brodie Lee & Austin Gunn vs. The Natural Nightmares

    Post match, Billy looks like a fool


    Darby Allin vs. CIMA


    Jake Hager vs. Marko Stunt

    Man the idea of Marko Stunt being ragdolled by Hager all over the place is sadistic but incredibly cool


    Who is the new signee in the AEW Women's Division?:*Let's say Rosemary



    September was destined to be a huge month for ECW, following the events of the NWA Title Tournament. It was Shane Douglas' first month with the book, and he took some decisions that were strong and made it clear what his style would be... and some others that were more intriguing.


    Here are the results of the first month of tapings, all recorded on the first week of Septembre 1994 and aired on each Wednesdays of that month.






    • Show opens with a video recap of the post-match event at the NWA Title Tournament.
    • Joey Styles introduces us to the show, running the card with 2 ECW World Tag Team Tournament matches and an announcement from Shane Douglas. He updates us on Dory Funk Jr.'s medical condition following the brutal match between the Funks & Public Enemy at Heat Wave in "ECW's last ever Barbed-Wire Rope Match".
    • Chris Benoit squashes Don E. Allen with the Crippler Crossface.
    • Public Enemy defeat MUGA (Osamu Nishimura & Tatsumi Fujinami(!) with a Drive-By in a clash of brawling and japanese strong style.
      Post match, the Enemy say they're coming for Cactus & Whipwreck to get their gold back.
    • Shane Douglas NWA Title in his hands and imposing bodyguard Mr. Hughes by his side, is interviewed by Joey Styles backstages. He says he wants to be the leader of this new ECW and do things "the right way". He states that from now on "Hardcore" stands for the most committed men to the sport of wrestling. He says he will take on all challengers approved by the NWA Championship committee.
    • The Tazmaniac & Jimmy Snuka defeat The Pitbulls (/w. Jason) in a chaotic brawl that ended with a Superfly Splash onto #2.
      Post match, Tazmaniac chases Jason around the ring, only for him to run into Jimmy Snuka who clotheslines him and pick up the TV title belt.
    • Backstage, Shane Douglas comes to the imposing 911's locker room with an envelop full of cash and an offer he can't refuse: putting their bad blood aside and teaming with Mr. Hughes in the tag tournament. Now that Paul E.'s gone, 911 will need back up. 911 answers that he'll think about it.
    • Show ends with Joey Styles hyping up the just announced Snuka vs. Jason for the former's ECW TV Championship next week.







    • Joey Styles welcomes us to the show, tells the NWA Championship Committee is currently debating on who will be Shane Douglas's challenger for his upcoming NWA World Championship defence at November to Remember
    • ECW Television Champion Jason makes his entrance and introduces us to his new bodyguard: Dean Malenko.
    • Jimmy Snuka (/w. Taz) defeats Jason (/w. Dean Malenko) by disqualification after an attack by Malenko. Jason makes first defence of his ECW TV Championship.
      The fans are not happy at the disqualification but hey, this is NWA style now!
    • In the chaotic post match, Snuka & Tazmaniac brawl with Jason & Malenko, only for the Pitbulls to run in and beat them down. Jason's crew stands tall.
    • Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipreck are backstage and wonder who they will face in the next round of the tournament: will that be the HUGE duo of 911 & Mr. Hughes who confirmed they'll be teaming? Or the veteran, Cactus' idol Terry Funk and his protege Tommy Dreamer? Jack is eager to face any of of these teams, but Mikey is terrified at the idea of facing either of them!
    • A video package recap the rivalry between The Sandman and Tommy Cairo involving Sandman's wife Peaches and his new "business manager" Woman. After claiming Cairo owed him money for sleeping with his wife Peaches, Sandman finally won against Cairo earlier this summer. The package ends with a shot of Sandman counting the money he won in his living room, wearing nothing but socks and underpants.
    • Chris Benoit squashes Rockin' Rebel in a matter of minutes with brutal suplexes.
      Post match, Benoit takes the mic and says the NWA Championship Committee should design HIM the #1 contender. He says Douglas is afraid of him.
    • In our main event, Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk defeat 911 & Mr. Hughes (/w. Shane Douglas) after a miscommunication between the two behemoth enables them to hit a double DDT on 911.
    • Post match, 911 & Hughes argue about the loss, but Shane Douglas comes in the middle and try to calm them down.
      Meanwhile, Terry Funk takes the mic and say he respects Shane Douglas for what he's doing for the NWA and wants to shake his hand. The Franchise answers him that he's dead weight and one of the reason NWA is so low. He tells Funk he should go back to Japan do garbage wrestling. Shane Douglas slaps Terry Funk!
      Funk & Dreamer immediately go after Douglas but he escapes the ring, followed by Mr. Hughes. 911 is still in the ring but Douglas screams at him to follow. 911 flips him his middle finger to a huge ovation and "9!1!1!" chants to end this show.







    • Show begins with a shot from Shane Douglas backstage after the last show. He's pissed at 911 and say he will outwrestle him. Tonight, Shane Douglas vs. 911.
    • Public Enemy defeat Jimmy Snuka & The Tazmaniac following a distraction by the Pitbulls.
      Post match, Jason's crew look to beat up Snuka & Tazmaniac once more, but the light go out...

      Seemingly out of nowhere, the crazed high-flying sheik fights off the Pitbulls and Dean Malenko as Jason looks panicked. The combined force of Sabu, Snuka & Tazmaniac clears the ring as Jason's crew escape the scene.

    • Terry Funk is accompanied by Tommy Dreamer for this backstage promo.
      "In life, it's easy. You don't step on Superman's cape. You don't steal food from and hungry cheetah. You don't play games with a madman. AND YOU DON'T SLAP THE FUNKER IN THE FACE! SHANE DOUGLAS! I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU RESPECT BOY! YOU'RE SO GREEN YOU PISS GRASS, AND YOU INSULT ME?! I MADE A PLEA TO THE NWA CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE, AND WHETER I'M MADE #1 CONTENDER OR NOT, I'M GOING TO GET YOU!"
    • Shane Douglas (/w. Mr. Hughes) defeats 911, totally outwrestling him and finishing him off with a Figure 4 Leglock.
      Post match, Douglas gets on the mic. He insults 911, Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Cactus Jack and the "hardcore garbage wrestling stuntmen." "This is the NWA! We WRESTLE!" Douglas goes to the back to do commentary with Joey Styles for the main event.
    • A video package replays Sandman and Tommy Dreamer Singapoure Cane match from Hardcore Heaven. Joey Styles then informs us that due to the controversy surrounding this match and the political events in Singapoure, the NWA has banned the use of this weapon.
    • In the second semi-finale of the NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament, Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck defeat Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer in an hard fought battle, when Jack pins Dreamer following a Texas Piledriver.
      During the match, Shane Douglas who was on commentary insulted Terry Funk time and time again.
      The match also saw ECW's undercard's mainstay Stevie Richards in the crowd with a sign that said "get Stevie on TV"
    • After the match is over, all four main who fought in the Main Event hug. Funk takes the mic. He puts Cactus Jack over as the new breed of wrestler, saying he's not just hardcore. He puts over Whipwreck & Dreamer as the future of ECW. He challenges once again Shane Douglas for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
    • As Funk drops the mic, Chris Benoit cimes out from the back and challenges him to show the NWA Championship Committee just who deserves to be the #1 contender. Terry Funk accepts the challenge.






    • Show begins with a Chris Benoit promo. He hypes the Main Event where he faces Terry Funk. He knows members of the NWA Championship Committee are in attendance, and he hopes they watch.
    • Tazmaniac, Sabu & Jimmy Snuka defeat Don E. Allen, El Puerto Ricano & Ray Odyssey in a short one sided match.
      Post match, Snuka gets the mic: there are three wild animals in the ring, and they're gunning for Jason and his crew. They challenge him and two of his goons to a 3v3! As Snuka is talking, Sabu & Tazmaniac grunt in each other's face.
    • Woman is berating Sandman who's laying down in his couch, half drunk at home. He tells him if he can't fight with his cane he won't fight at all. "It's like asking me to f*cuk a b*tch without my cock.". Woman answers that Tommy Cairo is still banging his wife, so he owes him even more money than before, so she made a match. Next week. Sandman seems motivated.
    • Public Enemy squash Rockin' Rebel & Chad Austin.
      Post match, they hype the NWA World Tag Team Championship match vs. Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck in two weeks. They say they don't care about the NWA, all they see is more money for them if they're the champs. "And more money, more party, ain't that right Rocco?!"
    • Backstage, Tommy Dreamer asks Funk is he can be in his corner for the Main Event. Funk regrets, but he already asked Cactus to be there, and he doesn't want the Championship Committee to think he wants to cheat. Dreamer seems upset.
    • Stevie Richards is in the crowd, holding this time a "Book Stevie" sign. He gets in arguments with the crowd and flirts with some girls. One of them slaps the taste out of his mouth.
    • In our Main Event, Chris Benoit defeats Terry Funk (/w. Cactus Jack) but not without some controversy.
      As Funk was having the upper hand after 15 minutes of match, Doink the Clown (?) got ringside and distracted both him and Cactus by throwing balloons in the crowd. At the same moment, Mr. Hughes jumped the guardrail and attacked Terry Funk from behind, allowing Chris Benoit to put him in a Tiger Driver for the 3 count.
    • It's pandemonium after the Main Event! Cactus gets in the ring and starts a brawl with Chris Benoit. But the man disguised as Doink gets in the ring and puts him in a sleeper hold!
      Backstage, we see Tommy Dreamer urging Mikey Whipwreck to come with him to the rescue, but Mikey is too afraid. Dreamer goes out solo and tries to fight the bad guys, but he's alone against the gigantic Hughes, Chris Benoit and the fake Doink. As he's been put down, Shane Douglas comes out with a huge smile on his face.
      "There was no way Terry Funk, an old relic, the past of the NWA, had a chance against Chris Benoit, the FUTURE of wrestling, right?
      There was no chance Cactus Jack, his glorified stuntman without an ounce of wrestling ability was able to do something against the behemoth Mr. Hughes, right?
      There was NO CHANCE Tommy Dreamer could do something for his "hardcore" friends.
      Because the era of ECW as Noah's ark for passed their times hardcore entertainers is DONE. I, the Franchise Shane Douglas, will lead ECW and the NWA into the future. Shane Douglas is the man who ignites the new flame of the sport of professionnal wrestling, and i can't do that alone.
      To my right is the Wrestling Machine, CHRIS BENOIT, who's been denied by the NWA Championship Committee for a shot at my title. I told Chris: ride with me, and you'll get a title shot down the line. Ride with me, and we'll revolutionize this sport.
      To my left is Mr. Hughes, my bodyguard, the black glove of destruction and the man that will protect me from the crazy Philadelphia fans if they want to throw chairs at me. He will DEFEND me from those hardcore degenarated and their singapour cane and their barbed wire.
      And behind me!... Oh, behind me is a man who's been made into a joke. He's been made into a laughing stock... No more!... NO MORE!... Behind me is a man who dedicated his career to the NWA, who won NWA Gold on the Pacific Coast and in Mid-South and in the Carolinas. But you ECW fans LAUGHED at him!... You LAUGHED!... He is Matt Borne and tonight he is Borne Again.
      THIS, ladies and gentlemen, NWA Championship Committee, this is my Entourage. These are the men I chose. They're the men who will be by my side as I lead the NWA to the promise land and get rid of the garbage.





  11. Hey guys! :D


    Few interesting things happen with my NJPW Save using Questlove's amazing Real World Mod that I wanted to share with you!


    I had Okada defeat Naito at Dominion.

    During Dominion, all other members of LIJ either retain (Hiromu & Shingo) or win championship (SANADA, EVIL & BUSHI are 6 men champion)


    After his loss, Naito called LIJ to the ring. As he raised his fist for the bump, EVIL left the ring, followed by SANADA and BUSHI. Shingo did not follow, but left his own seperate way.


    On the next tour, EVIL introduced us to his new stable called DARKNESS, consisting of him, SANADA, BUSHI, newcomer Judas Mesias (using the Mil Muertes mask) and they also recruited YOH who took back his Fujin mask and pseudo from Mexico.


    Naito on his side recruited Ryu Lee & SHO to LIJ, meanwhile Shingo took Shibata's spot as the hard hitting lone wolf (dragon?)


    Elsewhere, Karl Anderson returned and took the US title off of Jon Moxley. His led to tension between him & Jay White.

    When White won the G1 Climax, after tense bout with Tama Tonga & Anderson in his Block, he refused to raise the Bullet Club flag ala AJ Styles.


    Instead, Jay White left Bullet Club with Gedo & Jado, proclaiming BC to be old and the birth of NEWERA

    He recruited former friends and dojomates Juice Robinson & David Finlay, now a lot more vicious and aggressive. Juice former WTL's partner Sami Callihan was also on board, as well as White's compatriot Toa Henare. White also recruited Shotaro Ashino, claiming he's the successor of the Great Muta, Wrestle-1's former Ace and that NJPW shut him down despite him being one of the leader of this New Era.


    This way, got myself 2 new stable. BC is back to his roots, LJ will be used as a platform for Hiromu & SHO to be pushed, EVIL has his own thing.


    Speaking of Hiromu, after Okada vacated the IC Belt, having no interest in it, he won the 16 men tournament to win the championship, defeating EVIL in the Main Event.


    Elsewhere, Taichi is orchestrating a putsch, Goto & Ishii are forming a tag team to go after Golden Ace, and Karl Fredericks has become Togi Makabe's pupil.


    My Wrestle Kingdom card should look like this :


    Okada © vs. Jay White for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship

    Hiromu © vs. SANADA for the Intercontinental Championship

    Kota Ibushi vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Naito vs. EVIL

    SHO vs. Fujin as a finale of the Super J Cup and for the Vacant IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship

    Shingo © vs. Will Ospreay for the Openweight Belt

    Karl Anderson © vs. TBD for the US Championship

    Tomohiro Ishii & Hiroki Goto © vs. Dangerous Tekkers

    Ryu Lee vs. BUSHI in a mask vs. mask match

  12. KENTA & Jay White vs Miro & Josh Barnett

    --> Miro will then go to Japan to get his revenge, and will get the NEVER Openweight Title to put on clusterf*ck of matches with Goto, Ishii, Ospreay, Suzuki, EVIL, and most importantly Shingo


    Tom Lawlor vs Travis Huckabee


    Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens vs David Finlay Jr, Cheeseburger & Alex Coughlin


    LX Ken vs Marty Scurll


    Karl Fredericks vs Clark Connors

    Just got more potential


    Rocky Romero vs Mystery Opponent


    Bonus- Who is the new Suzuki-Gun member?: Guess it's a swerve and it's not the Mystery Opponent but someone already on the card... Josh Barnett ?

  13. I liked the ending of that. It's strange because the whole idea causes you to just shout out like this is wrong! ECW never having existed would be such a shame. So it's almost like some cursed alternate history you're writing. But then that itself works as a great hook for this. Who knows maybe in this timeline ECW never folds and the NWA is resurrected to compete with WWF/WCW more than ECW ever could.


    Thanks for the comment man, really appreciate it!

    As a biased ECW fan myself, a world without ECW sounds like a wrestling dystopia, so it's kinda fun to go from here


    And hey, maybe un this timeline Shane Douglas becomes the next.... Jeff Jarrett i guess? :p


    Hey, thanks man (Mortimer is a guilty pleasure of mine also, very fun to write).


    Enjoyed your press conference -


    - When asked by a reporter if he thinks he has what it takes to run the book, Shane Douglas answere: "kiss my ass".


    Nailed it. :D


    Total fan of Douglas's prickliness, should be reaaally fun to write :D


    The first show tapings will be up this afternoon! (Western Europe time)

    Still messing around with the presentation as I don't want to over complicate it but also want it to be pleasant to read, hope it'll be nice!

  14. <p>I don't know sh*t about BJPW, but i LOVE me some Daisuke Sekimoto!</p><p> </p><p>

    + the presentation is crisp and clean.</p><p> </p><p>

    0. Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu vs. <strong>Ryuichi Kawakami & Kazumi Kikuta</strong></p><p>

    1. Yuji Okabayashi, Akira Hyodo & Takuho Kato vs. <strong>Shigehiro Irie, T-Hawk & El Lindaman</strong></p><p>

    2. <strong>Daichi Hashimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani </strong>vs. Ryota Hama & Yasufumi Nakanoue</p><p>

    3. Barbed Wire Board Deathmatch: J<strong>aki Numazawa & Takumi Tsukamoto</strong> vs. Toshiyuki Sakuda & Yuki Ishikawa</p><p>

    4. BJW Jr. Heavyweight Title Next Challenger Tournament - Semi-Final: Koju Takeda vs. <strong>Tatsuhiko Yoshino</strong></p><p>

    5. BJW Jr. Heavyweight Title Next Challenger Tournament - Semi-Final: <strong>Kazuki Hashimoto</strong> vs. Shinobu</p><p>

    6. Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match: Ryuji Ito, Yuko Miyamoto & Isami Kodaka vs. <strong>Minoru Fujita, Abdullah Kobayashi & Masashi Takeda</strong></p><p>

    7. BJW Tag Team Title: <strong>Daisuke Sekimoto & Kohei Sato ©</strong> vs. Takuya Nomura & Fuminori Abe</p>

  15. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Wrestlingobserver.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a8/Wrestlingobserver.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51353" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Report on Tuesday's press conference </strong></p><p><strong> regarding the future of the NWA and ECW</strong> </p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">with Denis Coraluzzo (president of the NWA), Tod Gordon (promoter of ECW) and Shane Douglas (NWA champion and new ECW's booker)</span></em></p><p> </p><p> - It was confirmed that Shane Douglas will be taking over the booking duties from ECW from now on, and that Paul Heyman has been fired following his attempt to double cross the NWA.</p><p> </p><p> - Tod Gordon and Denis Coraluzzo have officially bury the hatchet following the former's cancelations of the later's various ECW promoted shows.</p><p> </p><p> - Gordon explained his dislike towards ECW with the "<em>brash, in your face, hardcore</em>" style promoted by Paul Heyman. He has no problem with Shane Douglas.</p><p> </p><p> - ECW will continue to exist as an individual promotion, under the NWA banner. It will be promoted as NWA flagship show, similar to what Jim Crockett Promotions was back in the 80's.</p><p> </p><p> - Gordon described Shane Douglas as "<em>World Champion material</em>", is confident he will lead the Alliance back to relevance.</p><p> </p><p> - Shane Douglas said there will still be violence in ECW but the "<em>over the top, Japanese style deathmatch madness</em>" will stop. The company will focus more on "<em>competitive sport of wrestling, with a deep emphasis on story telling</em>."</p><p> </p><p> - When asked by a reporter if he thinks he has what it takes to run the book, Shane Douglas answere: "<em>kiss my ass</em>".</p><p> </p><p> - The ECW Championship as been deactivated, as there is no need for a double champion nor too many titles. That likely means the NWA World Championship will not change hands outside of ECW for the moment.</p><p> </p><p> - Tod Gordon announced a tournament to crown new NWA World Tag Team Champions as the title is currently vacated.</p><p> As ECW World tag team champions, Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck have been given an entry and a first round bye. Also announced : Tazmaniac & Jimmy Snuka, Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer, The Pitbulls, and former champs the Public Enemy who lost the tag titles the same night Douglas won the NWA Title tournament. 2 more teams to be announced.</p><p> </p><p> - On the subject of ECW's third belt, it's been confirmed that the ECW Television Championship will continue to exist and that Jason is still the champion.</p><p> </p><p> - No current plan on introducing a female division in ECW for the moment, but "everything is possible" according to Coraluzzo. </p><p> </p><p> - When asked what would have happenned if Douglas had follow Heyman's plan, Coraluzzo answered "<em>no way ECW would have survived without the NWA. They would have folded in 3 months time and be nothing more than a footnote in wrestling."</em></p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
  16. <p>Reaaaaaaally dig the format of this diary, concise and to the point!</p><p> </p><p>

    I was really surprise at the signing of Bigelow who I don't imagine in 2001 ECW at this point. But him being a transitional champ to Mikey (whom I always loved, especially in his red dyed hair Unholy Alliance time) is really interesting</p><p> </p><p>

    I like what you're doing in mixing up young ECW up and comer like Dinero or Kash (ok he's not really young at this point but he never made it) and interesting names like BG James and TAKA.</p><p> </p><p>

    Really dig that TAKA/Crazy/Psicosis is your spiritual successor to Guido/Crazy/Tajiri also!</p><p> </p><p>

    Keep up the good work <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

  17. <p>Hey there guys !</p><p> </p><p>

    Long, long, looooong time lurker here. Think the first diary I read was Final Countdown's ROH. So many greats dynasties here, WCW War of the Thrones, some fantastic NJPW stuffs or WWF/NWA Golden Age to name a few that I've been a fan of.</p><p> </p><p>

    I finally decided myself to join the place where the big boyz play (look at the adjective) with this (i think) unusual 1994 ECW diary.</p><p> </p><p>

    Disclaimer : I'm not a native english speaker being from the glorious country of Napoleon (no, not Dynamite) so I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammar/etc mistake I will be making</p>

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