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Posts posted by BigJ





    You weave your spell, your eyes they beckon me

    Your lips they speak, lies and misery

    I know it's wrong, but I can't turn away

    The flames draw near, they're telling me to stay

    Into the fire! I'm falling

    Into the fire! I'm falling





    Welcome everyone NWA Powerrr! We open the month of February with a BANG, with three matches scheduled tonight: a hoss grudge match between the Question Mark and Brian Milonas, James Ellsworth defending his unrecognized Inter-Gender championship against Maria in NWA's first ever intergender match, and a BIG women's tag team match with NWA Women's World Champion Serena Deeb teaming with former champion Thunder Rosa against potential NWA Women's title challenger Kamille and Thunder Rosa's former friend Marti Belle. But first, we go to Sean Mooney.






    Paul Ellering is there with Sean Mooney. Mooney asks him how he's doing, as we replay the footage of Thomas Latimer violently shoving him to the ground on his way to interfering in last week's main event. Ellering says he's seen worse, way worse. He doesn't shy away from pain, even at his ripe age. Mooney asks where are Sunny Dhinsa & Gzim Selmani, his tag team. Ellering says he had to force them into not coming. Because they are like his sons, and what do good sons do when their father is mistreated and brutalized? They avenge him. But Sunny & Gzim are not mere sons, they are monsters. If he let them in, they would have wrecked the wrestling Studio and everyone in it, with a blind rage. So he told them to stay home. Mooney says that might be a wise decision, and asks Ellering what's next after Strictly Business' interference in last week's Main Event. Ellering says the only thing next is VIOLENCE. Occam's Razor is officially the undisputed challengers for the NWA World Tag Team Championship. They WILL face Thomas Latimer & Doug Williams, and they will take the tag belt from their dead bodies... The Championship Committee didn't set a date yet, but it will happen in February...






    Jay Briscoe storms the set and interrupts. "Paul Ellering, you're dope and imma let you finish but NICK ALDIS!... NICK ALDIS!... YOU BRITISH SNOB SON OF A **** ATTACKED ME!... And well, I threw the first stone, so I guess we're even. This is WAR after all, right?!". Jay explained that when he attacked Nick Aldis at Hard Times 2, he opened the war. He went by himself, but Aldis had to drag his gang in. He's pissed that Strictly Business held him up for Aldis to slap him. "IT'S OK TO BEAT ME DOWN, NICK... BUT YOU DON'T SLAP MY FACE!" Apparently Jay's not so much pissed about the attack, but about the slap! "YOU'RE A GROWN MAN, NICK! YOU DON'T SLAP ME! LITTLE GIRLS SLAP, NOT WORLD CHAMPION!" Jay Briscoe rants about Aldis' accepting his world title challenge, and asks when he is getting his shot. He asks Ellering if he went to the committee for his team's shot. Ellering's about to answer but Jay cuts him off, going on an insane and incoherent rant about violence, payback, little girl's slap and Nick Aldis owning too many suits. But he's cut off by someone else entering the studio.






    "Jay Briscoe... LEMME TALK TO YA!". Eli Drake says he has no beef with Jay Briscoe... Excepts he has. Because he's taking exception to Jay Briscoe storming into the NWA without a written contract and positioning HIMSELF in world title contention. Eli Drake says he's been after this title shot for 2 years! At the beginning of Powerrr, he was after a title shot. At the relaunch post-pandemic, he made his intention clear. But Nick Aldis doesn't want to face him for some stupid reasons, the championship committee tells him to be patient... And Jay Briscoe just gets a title shot, like that?! Jay answers that maybe, JUST MAYBE he has his title shot because he went for what he deserved, he didn't wait. He didn't complain and whine like Eli Drake! Drake's pissed: so HE'S whining? The tension escalates, and both men gets into each other's face... And Paul Ellering mentions that back in the 80's NWA, when people had a quarrel like that... They fought. "Oh Yeah?... YEAH?! YEAH?!" Briscoe says they can go right now, but Eli Drake's in street clothes, he says he's gonna go change and they'll fight. Sean Mooney notes that they've got a scheduled show, and that they can't cut off other matches... Eli Drake tells Jay that whatever time is left after the other matches, whether it's two minutes or 15, he'll come back to this ring and KICK HIS ASS. We've got a main event!... If we got time.








    1. Brian Milonas vs. The Question Mark



    HOSS FIGHT! Milonas is still pissed that Aron Stevens didn't pay him for dressing up as "Question Mark Jr" like they agreed. After some running after Steven & Question Mark, he faces the master of Mongrovian Karate himself!


    With Aron Stevens waving the Mongrovian flag ringside, Question Mark Jr. goes right after Milonas with some chops... But Milonas no sells them, instead slapping his belly and smiling! Question Mark wants to go for his Mongrovian Spike, but Milonas grabs his hand to counter it, and hits him with an headbutt. He then picks the huge Question Mark up to the "wow" of the crowd in the studio and bodyslams him! Aron Stevens gets onto the apron, and the referee gets in between. This allows Question Mark to go for the flag he brought behind the referee's back, and he hits Milonas in the back with it! He broke the flag on his neck!


    From then, Question Mark tries to keep Milonas down with his karate's shot, but Milonas slowly gets up, progressively getting angrier and angrier. He finally stops at karate kick to the gut, and pushes Mark to the rope. Upon his return, Milonas hits him with a devastating clothesline that puts him down. Milonas then "runs" to the rope... Splash! Milonas get up, goes to the rope once again, and it's another splash! "Question Mark is now Mongrovian's first pancake!" says Joe Galli. He's out cold, and Milonas pins him.








    As the bell rings, Milonas goes straight out of the ring and after Aron Stevens, shouting for his money. Stevens runs around the ring, and the heavy Milonas struggles to keep up with his pace. As Stevens escapes, the Question Mark is still laying unconscious in the ring, and Milonas, upset that he did't get his money, goes back to the ring and bodysplashes him once again for good measure.









    Sean Mooney is with NWA Women's World Champion Serena Deeb, who's making her first appearance on Powerrr since winning the championship! Sean Mooney welcomes her, and calls her "champ", what does that do? Serena is all smiles, she says it's the pinnacle of her career. She now understands what Tim Storm meant when he spoke about his mountain top. Deeb went from that girl who could never win it in SHIMMER, to that woman who got shaved bald on TV, to that retired never-was coach... TO NWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION! Deeb gets a huge applause from the studio, and Mooney asks her what's on her mind for the future. Deeb she says winning it was exhalting, but now she can't even fathom losing the belt. As long as she holds it, she's on top of women's wrestling. She also makes sure to tip her hat to Thunder Rosa. She says he has been a great champion, holding this belt for over a year and expanding the division, defending the title on national TV in AEW. She wants to walk in her footsepts and expand the legacy of this championship.






    This brings out the former champ. Thunder Rosa already congratulated Deeb on the first Powerrr after the title change. But she's happy to come with her face to face and shake her hand. The two women shake hands, and Deeb says that Thunder Rosa can have a rematch whenever she wants. Rosa thanks her, but says it's natural she gets back to the end of the line and work her way up. Rosa says she got this "slytherin" Vipress on her mind after she attacked her two times. "But for now, we got some tag team action, so what do you say we kick their asses?"





    2. Serena Deeb & Thunder Rosa vs. Marti Belle & Kamille.



    Lots of history gets into this match. Rosa & Kamile already wrestled the last months, with Kamille losing a non-title match and never earning a title shot. But the biggest emotional story here might be between Rosa & Belle! At the beginning of NWA Powerrr in 2019, the two women were friends and team mates under the tutelage of Melina. But Thunder Rosa, after winning the championship, parted ways with Melina who tried to hog her spotlight. This led to a feud between Belle (who stayed on Melina's side) and Rosa. Another story here is Kamile's pursuit of the NWA Women's World Championship on behalf of Strictly Business.


    This makes a huge match that tries to steal the show. Thunder Rosa's fire, Serena Deeb's veteran experience, Kamille's raw brute strength and Marti Belle's willingness to put it all in the match makes for a great combo. Kamille realy shines, as she matches both Rosa & the champion move for move, really making herself notice as their equals. Marti Belle, for her part, seems to be a little step lower than the three other competitors in the ring.


    While Deeb is fighting with Kamile, someone just walks out to the entrance of the studio...






    It's Vipress! The Serpent of Evil continues her mind games, just standing her and playing with her hair with no facial expression. Thunder Rosa notices her, and she seems torn between staying in the match and going after the woman who jumped her from behind 2 times. Finally, she sees Serena Deeb in control with a headlock on Kamille... And she leaves the apron! She goes after Vipress, but Vipress runs backstages. Both women leaves the studio to the back, and that's the moment Kamille reverses Serena's headlock into a German Suplex! Deeb crawls to her corner, she didn't notice Rosa left!... She's dumbfounded, and as she gets back up and turns around, she gets hit by Kamille's spear for a three count. Kamile pinned the champ!








    Marti Belle celebrates with joy, as Kamille stays stoic, staring a hole through Serena Deeb. Her husband and Strictly Business' partner, who was ringside in her corner, steps into the ring and grabs a microphone.






    Latimer tells everybody that Kamile is the best before kissing her. The Wildcard claims that Kamille just pinned the Women's World Champion, she's undefeated in 2021, and next is winning the championship! Surprisingly, this brings out Famous B to the ring.






    Famous B fast-talks his way into saying that Kamille's not the only winner tonight, Marti Belle is! As David Marquez reminds us that Famous B came to Marti Belle after her loss last week, the Pope's lawyer says that Marti Belle never had a break, but she also won tonight, so she DESERVES a title shot! She DESERVES an opportunity! Marti Belle seems uncomfortable, and Latimer looks at her, smiles... And slaps the taste out of Famous B's mouth! Famous B is down and he quickly scurry back, as Latimer laughs and leaves with Kamille.









    In a rarity for NWA Powerrr, we go to the locker room where Mike Bennett is sitting with Doug Williams. Williams asks him why he isn't going to Maria's corner for her title match. Bennett says he disaproves of her going back to the ring, she's retired, she's a mother of two! Bennett is anxious at her getting hurt... And wants her to stay home and take care of the children! Williams says that a man's gotta be here for his wife... And tells Mike Bennett that he may want to be by his wife's side if she wins. After all, he didn't have much of winning himself. Bennett gets upset and asks what that means. Williams, ever the diplomat, helds his hand up. He means no offense, but Strictly Business is a... Business. And Mike hasn't make a lot of profit for THEIR business since joining. He just wants to advise him.[








    3. James Ellsworth vs. Maria Kanellis



    Maria, with Sal Rinauro in her corner, acting like a crazy excited fanboy, competes for the unofficial and unrecognized Inter-Gender World Championship in her in-ring return.


    The match is rather short and straight to the point. Ellsworth wants to test Maria's strength and over powers her. He uses a lot of time to taunt her and the crowd, carrying most part of the match with his antics. After two or three minutes of hitting Maria and celebrating every shot, he sends her to the rope... And Maria comes back with a Lou Thezs Press! Ellsworth is down, and Maria gets up. Sal motions to the rope, and Maria climbs to the second rope... ELBOW DROP! MARIA COVERS AND WINS!








    She did it! Maria holds up the Inter-Gender World Championship and celebrates with great joy. Sal is EXTATIC. He runs around Maria in a victory lap, makes the fans shout her name and... Hugs her! In all the celebration, Maria gives back his hug with a great smile. We over-hear her thanking him for being there to encourage her and says he was very important to her. We see a close-up of Sal's face... And there's no way he didn't misinterpreted that, right? Somewhere backstages, Joe Galli notes that Mike Bennett might not be too happy with this physical celebration.









    NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis makes his entrance after a short advertising break. He walks to the commentary desk on the side of the studio and sits next to Joe Galli and David Marquez. Aldis grabs a headset, and Marquez asks him what he's doing here. The champion says that he MUST be here when his #1 challenger fights... And he's speaking about Jay Briscoe. Aldis says Eli Drake has to prove himself worthy of a title shot. He isn't, like Jay Briscoe, a former world champion. If he beats Jay... Well maybe, MAYBE he would have make a few steps towards contendership. Joe Galli asks him what's his take on Jay Briscoe's words earlier and his feelings on "the slap". Aldis laughs, "it was the slap heard all around the world!" Aldis says he understands business, and it's strictly business between him and Jay Briscoe. There's no emotion in there, nothing is personal.





    4. Jay Briscoe vs. Eli Drake



    Two world class wrestlers go toe to toe for free on Youtube, thanks to NWA Powerrr! The tension is high after the exchange of words in the beginning of the show. On commentary, Aldis never misses on an occasion to takes a shot at Eli Drake, and he praises Jay Briscoe as a great wrestler, but being intellectually inferior to him and not athletic enough for being a top guy. He also is upset that Jay Briscoe doesn't recognize the prestige of the NWA World title and just wants it as a gift to his nostalgic father like he said last week. Aldis says he neverminds it, he's gonna use Jay Briscoe's stature to elevate himself and the prestige of the championship a little more.


    In the ring, this is an all out match. Eli Drake drags Jay to the mat for a wrestler's wrestling match, but the redneck from Sandy Forks Delaware surprisingly out chain wrestlings him and sends him to the ground with a legsweep. Drake then goes all out with some nasty brawling, and we get a furious sequence of blows echanges, as forearms are hit in the middle of the ring. This time Eli Drake gets the better of Jay Briscoe and sends him to the ground, before going to the ropes and attempting an elbow drop that gets dodged.


    It's a rather competitive match, with neither man conceding ground. They both have something to prove here, and Eli Drake in particular stuns the crowd with his never say die attitude, always quicking out even after a monstruous superplex. As Eli Drake is mountng a comeback, Nick Aldis leaves the commentary and goes ringside. He appears to be chatting with the time keeper, but this of course distracts Eli Drake. Drake turns to Aldis and inveighs him, with Aldis ignoring him. This distraction could lead to a win for Jay Briscoe, but Eli Drake stays in the game with some expert veteranship. The two men continue their no nonsense brawl, but both of them gets distracted by NWA Champion Nick Aldis ringside, and both of them go out of their way to insult him. This upsets Nick Aldis, and he gets closer and closer to the ring.


    The match has been going on for 18 minutes and fatigue is becoming an issue. Jay Briscoe attempts a Jay Driller but he can't quite lift Eli Drake up, and Eli back bodydrops him. Eli once against insults Aldis ringside, but this time Aldis gets up on the apron. The ref gets in between, as the two men trades insults. Jay Briscoe gets back up and tries to attack Drake, but Drake dodges, and Jay knocks Nick Aldis out of the apron and to the ground! Eli Drake got behind Jay's back, he tries to go for a German but Jay elbows him to the face and gets him in position... JAY DRILLER!








    Aldis is pissed, and of course he wants a piece of Jay Briscoe. He gets into the ring and jumps him. The two men fight off, but meanwhile Eli Drake made it back to his feet. He runs at both men and clobbers them. Aldis wisely runs out of the ring, and makes his way back up the ramp, but...






    Paul Ellering is behind him with a microphone. "Nick Aldis... Remember earlier when I said I prevented Occam's Razor from coming to the show?... I lied."






    They're here! Occam's Razor menacingly walk towards Nick Aldis, who retreats to the ring. In the ring, Drake & Briscoe stopped their shoving and insulting match, and turn their attention to the champ... He's trapped! Aldis is at the center of the ring, with the four men circling him, one in each corner. But as they jump on him, the cavalry cometh!






    Here comes Strictly Business! They storm the ring and we get a quick brawl. In the chaos, Doug Williams kicks Sunny Dhinsa in the groin and grabs Aldis to exfiltrate him from the ring. Latimer, who's fighting off Selmani, manages to shove him into Eli Drake and scurrys away... But Mike Bennett didn't have much chance. As Nick Aldis, Thomas Latimer and Doug Williams escape, he tries to follow them but Jay Briscoe grabs him back to the center of the ring. What follows is total anihilation, as Jay hits his Jay Driler in the middle of the ring. Eli Drake then picks him up and hits his Gravy Train. Mike Bennett is basically done for, and Occam's Razor pick him back up for a double powerbomb. As Bennett is totally laid down, the rest of Strictly Business make their way to the back, and the show ends with their rivals having one upped them.

  2. Brian Milonas vs. The Question Mark

    Marti Belle & Kamille vs. Serena Deeb & Thunder Rosa

    [unrecognized] Inter-Gender World Championship: James Ellsworth © vs. Maria - Will Sal cost Maria the match somehow? Can I be Sal's #1 fan?

    Jay Briscoe vs. Eli Drake - Not sure who wins this tbh, but I picked who I was rooting for.


    Thank you tobin!

    We'll have to fight over being Sal's #1 fan, because I really like writing him up! :D

  3. Brian Milonas vs. The Question Mark


    Marti Belle & Kamille vs. Serena Deeb & Thunder Rosa

    My guess is Marti hasn’t decided what to do yet so she flounders for a bit more.


    [unrecognized] Inter-Gender World Championship: James Ellsworth © vs. Maria

    I’m thinking that Michael Bennett comes in and just destroys Ellsworth and Sal after Sal first tries to defend Maria, then he just walks out


    Jay Briscoe vs. Eli Drake

    Now one guy is the man that’s going to get a title shot, the other is probably the true #1 contender. Both need the win (especially Eli long term to “prove” he deserves an eventual shot). So what does a Booker do with a studio TV match? Does it get tossed out like last weeks? I see a screwy finish where Risky Business cause Drake to get DQ’d or CO, but then all 5 of them take out both Drake and Briscoe. It could be a no contest but my guess is not 2 weeks in a row.


    Really some tough matches to call on the whole show.


    Thank you buddy!

    I take a great pleasure in seeing you all reasoning and trying to guess the outcomes and where I am going, it is really satisfying :D


    The show will be up tomorrow if other people want to make predictions

  4. ECW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Taz vs. Brian Lee (w./ Shane Douglas)

    > Taz is the obvious choice


    Tag-Team Grudge Match

    The Sandman and Stevie Richards vs. Raven and ???

    > Never bet against ??? !


    ECW Television Championship Match

    Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve "Dr Death" Williams

    > Dreamer can't lose so soon but it'll be a tough test


    ECW Tag Team #1 Contenders Match

    The Chair Swingin' Freaks vs. The Dudleys vs. The Pitbulls vs. The FBI

    > Dudleyz seem the obvious choice here for me


    Grudge Re-Match

    Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam

    > To set up a final 3rd match before they go team en wreck the competition

  5. I think your shows are unpredictable to me, which is my favorite part. My compliments are all earned by you man, keep up the solid work. It earned one of my votes for DOTM for a reason.


    Wow thanks a lot for this dude!


    Knew I should’ve gotten my predictions early. Ah well.


    Brian Milonas vs. The Question Mark

    Marti Belle & Kamille vs. Serena Deeb & Thunder Rosa

    [unrecognized] Inter-Gender World Championship: James Ellsworth © vs. Maria

    Jay Briscoe vs. Eli Drake - Double DQ


    The last two are the toughest to figure out. At best I’d wager Ellsworth wins either off a roll up or Bennett attacking him to give the DQ win. Drake and Briscoe are both positioned well at the title and neither can really afford a loss, so I’m guessing another Strictly Business attack.


    Oh, I sometimes wonder if i don't post too much too quick, guess the answer is yes, sorry mate!


    I like your analyzing of the Jay/Drake situation! :D

  6. I am pretty sure by this juncture my predictions are meaningless as I'm always wrong, haha. That said, I like your shows for keeping me guessing. Jay Briscoe for the title has got me intrigued as a fan of theirs. The visual of Sal getting kicked three times until Maria said yes was great, and her inner-battle with what is right is something I'm really enjoying a lot.


    Predictions: Someone will win, it won't be who I think it is. Haha


    Hey man, you can't always win :D


    I like being unpredictable in my shows as long as it makes sense, won't swerve for the kick of it!


    Thanks a lot as always for your kind words, glad you appreciate. Trying to go within the complexity of Maria's feelings, hope the payoff will be as good to you!


    Thank you to Texasrangers13 & falling_star for your predictions!




    falling_star: 1/3

    Texasrangers13: 2/3

    tobin834: 1/3

    Theheel: 2/3


    Thank you guys!

    Was surprised half of you guessed the Main Event results, but I guess that's ANOTHER common wrestling trope I can't help but use :D

    As Vipress/Thunder Rosa never happened, I didn't count it in the results





    Texasrangers13: 4/6

    Theheel: 3/6

    falling_star: 3/6

    tobin834: 2/6

    TheLariat: 1/3





    You weave your spell, your eyes they beckon me

    Your lips they speak, lies and misery

    I know it's wrong, but I can't turn away

    The flames draw near, they're telling me to stay

    Into the fire! I'm falling

    Into the fire! I'm falling





    Welcome everyone NWA Powerrr! This is the last Powerrr of January 2021! We digested all our Christmas and New Year's Eve feasts, and we continue 2021 with more NWA action! As the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly regressing in the USA and the world, thanks to a miraculous vaccine, the crowd is more dense here in the NWA Studio in Atlanta GA, although everyone is still wearing sanitary mask.


    Joe Galli and David Marquez welcome us, and they of course come back on last week's Tim Storm retirement ceremony. They reflect on Tim Storm's career and thank him, but as Freddie Mercury would say: The Show Must Go On! Tonight we got a packed night of action with a title defense and what some have called a DREAM tag team match in the main event, when the Briscoe Brothers face Occam's Razor, FKA the Authors of Pain. Speaking of the Briscoes, they're with Sean Mooney right now!






    As Mark Briscoe walks back and forth like a mad man in the back, Sean Mooney welcomes the Briscoes to the desk. He asks Jay the question that's on everybody's mind: why did he brutally attacked NWA World Champion Nick Aldis after his title defense at Hard Times 2? Jay Briscoe says you don't have to be a college graduated to guess, HELL he never went to college, and Mark didn't even pass high school, and they know. Jay Briscoe says he did what he intended to do: he got Nick Aldis' attention. Because last week Aldis came in his fancy suit with his Ric Flair's pricy watch and his expensive pocket handkerchief, "WHAT'S A HANDERKCHIEF FOR?!" asks Mark. Jay Briscoe says that he grabbed his attention, because Aldis said that he wanted to elevate his title and defend against world-class wrestlers, against former world champion. "I'm RIGHT HERE, BOY!"


    Sean Mooney asks him if that is a formal challenge for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. "What do you want, an handwritten letter?! Of COURSE this is a formal challenge! I'm after this sweet piece of gold. Imma win it and bring it back to Sandy Forks, Delaware!" Mooney reminds us that Jay is a Ring Of Honor contracted wrestler, and is wrestling here thanks to the large agreement between the NWA and other wrestling promotions. Why is an ROH Wrestler after NWA Gold? Jay Briscoe says it has aaaaalways been on his mind. Back in 2019, he and his brother invaded NWA. They got in a fight with Nick Aldis, they beat him down, and then he came to ROH at Best in the World 2019 to fight them with Eli Drake in a tag match. The Briscoes won but it was a count out, it was a fluke, that ain't counting. And now, 2020, the Briscoes CAME BACK to the NWA to collect some hardware. But they got eliminated from the Crockett Cup thanks to 2 morons. So they dealt with the morons. And now, 2021, it's about DAMN time to get straight and stay focus on their gold: COLLECT HARDWARE. And that's what the NWA Gold is for him. But you know who this is important for? "Good ol' Papa Briscoe". Jay says his father Mike was a huge fan of the NWA. He was a fan of Buzz Sawyer, of Ron Garvin, of Carlos Colon and of SOME OTHERS BRISCO BROTHERS, who went on to became STOOGES. Jay wants Sweet Charlotte to drap it in a Confederate flag and GIFT IT to his papa, that's what's up.


    Mooney then asks Jay if he got a comment on tonight's tag team Dream Match: "a dream match?... We aint got no time for dreamin'. The Briscoe are here for VIOLENCE!".








    1. Sal Rinauro vs. James Ellsworth



    As often, we ease into the show with some lower carders, but hey, James Ellsworth is a "HUGE STAR" as his t-shirt says! He has his custom and unofficial Inter-Gender World Championship around his waist, and he makes a big deal of it, asking to be introduced as such.


    The match begins more seriously than we would think, with Sal - who has custom tights that say "MARIA'S #1 FAN" on his butt - going straight after his opponent. He uses some moves of "Gentleman" Jervis Cottonbelly, who he's becoming friend with over the last months. James Ellsworth is still the coward we saw on national TV, he ducks, he cheats, and he's very vicious when he has the chance, often going for dangerous moves like numero eye pokes behind the ref's back, and even bitting Sal's back!


    In the end, it's a fun quick 8 minutes match that lifts the crowd. Sal attempts a chinbreaker but... Ellsworth no sells it, mentioning that "I have no chin, idiot!" He then hits his "No Chin Music" to the face of his opponent for the win.








    Jimmy Dream has the microphone. He says he's like Nick Aldis, he wants to lifts the prestige of the title he's holding, the world-reknown Inter-Gender World Championship. That's why he's out to face the most legendary female wrestlers in the NWA! And like Aldis, he only wants to face former world champion. And he has the PERFECT woman on his mind for that, a legend that's on the roster... MARIA KANELLIS! He says she's a former 24/7 champion in "the E", and "SHE WON A SLAMMY AWARD! DO YOU REALIZE?" Ellsworth seems really serious and calls out Maria right here, right now.






    Maria comes out to the desk. She says she's flattered, but she retired from active competition. She must decline Ellsworth's challenge, although she likes the looks of his "custom replica belt". Ellsworth gets angry, and says it's a real championship! He angrily asks Maria to reconsider, but she refuses a second time. Ellsworth then turns to Sal Rinauro, who's just got up... AND KICKS HIM IN THE BALLS! Ellsworth says that if Maria doesn't accept, he will torment his biggest fan! Maria is a little chocked by his action, but says she's a mother of two and just gave birth a few months ago, she can't come back to the ring. Ellsworth walks back and forth in the ring... And just as Rinauro is getting up, he gets kicked once more in the balls! Ellsworth says he won't stop until Maria accepts his challenge, and that Rinauro's pain will be HER fault. Maria begs him to stop, says Rinauro is a "good guy" and doesn't want him to be hurt. She seems conflicted, then says "ok... Ok you have your match!"






    This brings out Mike Bennett. Bennett is furious and, off mic, he shouts at Maria. The source of the argument is clear: he doesn't want her to risk her health in a ring for a stupid match like that. "THINK OF OUR CHILDREN!". Maria is obviously conflicted, but has Ellsworth kicks Sal a third time in the d*ck, she screams that she accepts! Her husband is pissed and the two exchange some very angry words that we don't really hear. We just over-hear the end of their conversation, as Maria says "I have to do this! I can't let my fans down!", and Bennett answers "FINE, so you made your choice between your fans and your family!" Bennett furiously walks off, leaving Maria all alone and panicked, wondering if she made the right call.









    Thunder Rosa makes her entrance for her upcoming match against Vipress. We see a quick recap of how Vipress attacked her from behind last week, and unseen before footages of Thunder Rosa storming the backstages post-attack, searching for Vipress. Thunder Rosa is pissed, and we know she's one bad woman. As she stands on the ring, waiting for her opponent, we see some agitation behind her... Someone is sliding from under the ring, it's...






    Vipress! The Serpent of Evil slythers inside the ring and she jumps Thunder Rosa from behind with a shoulder block to the knee! Vipress beats down Rosa, stomping on her left knee. Like last week, she's not inhabited by anger or fury, but she stays cold and calculating as she preys on Thunder Rosa. The former champ tries to fight back, but the element of surprise had the better of her. Two referees get in between, and a medic comes to Thunder Rosa. He asks her if she's fit to compete, he checks on her. As he motions to the referee that she can't compete, Rosa throws a fit. She wants to fight! But Vipress coldly leaves the ring, and the ref decide that this match will NOT happen, has the medic says Rosa can't fight, she can barely put weight on her left knee! This leaves Thunder Rosa in a state of rage, as Vipress leaves without even a smile.










    2. Anthony Bennett © vs. Jervis Cottonbelly



    This is Anthony Bennett's 3rd defence of the NWA World Television Champion, and the first time we see him compete since his crazy match vs. The Pope at Hard Times 2 that stole the show. The match begins as the two competitors shake hands then go on to wrestle a sequence of mat-based chain wrestling that's to the advantage of the "World's Sweetest Man".


    This is a surprisingly competitive match, as Cottonbelly steps up big time to the champion, never seeming too weak or inferior to the champion. This fairly open match tells a story of Bennett being a fighting champion, never hiding behind the 7-minutes time limit and never stalling, always going towards his opponent.


    In the end, there's still not so much Jervis can do against the more athletic Bennett, who surprises us all to close the match. As Jervis has him down, the Gentleman goes to the top rope for his finish, but Bennett kips-up, and jumps DIRECTLY ONTO THE THIRDS ROPE! He hits Jervis with a monstruous belly-to-belly overhead suplex from the third rope and then crawls onto him to pin him down and win the match.








    The champ holds his title belt up high in celebration and motions for "3" with his finger. That's right, it's his third defence! If he manages to defend his title 4 more time, he will have to vacate the belt, but will secure a NWA World Heavyweight Championship match! But as he's celebrating, a familiar face comes out of the back and to the commentator desk.






    The Pope is here, and he wants to comfort Bennett: he's not here to attack him. He's not here to set up an ambush. He's here to CONGRATULATE HIM. Pope "congratules" Bennett on stealing the championship and holding two fluke wins over him. Pope says that the first time was a fast count, and says he should have won at Hard Times 2. Pope blames the loss on Famous B's stupid plan of making the match a 5-count finish. He says he had a 3-count pin the first, so he should be champion... But that's not a problem. Because the Pope says he's above the TV Championship. Yes, it was a promise of greatness, as it was a mean of fighting for the world championship, and earning more money for his already wealthy Congregation that helps the brothers and sisters in need... But now the Pope has bigger goals. Always speaking of himself at the 3rd person, Pope says that "He" is after something great: now he's not out to be a champion of a pseudo TV show that runs on Youtube... He's out to represent a country. He's out to represent the USA, and all its citizens who are never in the light. On these cryptic words, Pope leaves, just after saying that there will always be a spot in his Congregation for Anthony Bennett.








    We're treated to a short video of Kamille training, sometimes with the help of her husband Thomas Latimer who spots her up on heavy lifting. The narrator's voice announced that after winning the Triple Threat last week, Kamille has earn a spot as NWA Women's Champion #1 contender. The video ends on a graphic announcing that NWA Women's World Champion Serena Deeb will be in action next week, as she will team with former champion Thunder Rosa to face Kamille and Marti Belle.








    3. Occam's Razor vs. The Briscoe Brothers



    Gzim Selmani and Sunny Dhinsa are two huge powerhouses, with training respectively in MMA and Judo. But the Briscoes are two of the toughest warriors the NWA has ever known, and this match is a total wild brawl that stuns the crowd.


    It starts immidiately when Jay Briscoe attempts his Jay Driller on his very first move, but Selmni reverses by pushing him back to the ropes, and hitting him right in the mouth with an elbow. He expects Jay to falls, but the former 2 time ROH World Champion takes the hit... Then stares back at his opponent and SMILES! What a mad man.


    The match is a total slobberknocker, with both team going all out and hitting themselves with everything they've got. Even Mark reverts into his older, more serious self, and goes toe to toe with his opponents. This gives us a great tag team match, but in life, we can't always have great things...






    NWA World Tag Team Champions Doug Williams and Thomas Latimer come out, Latimer brutally shoves Paul Ellering to the ground and slides into the ring... And they just hit Occam's Razor in front of the referee! They're attacking their challengers! Meanwhile, Nick Aldis & Mike Bennett also came to the ring, and attacked the Briscoe, with Nick Aldis targeting Jay!










    It's chaos in the ring! Latimer and Williams are beating on the tired Occam's Razor, Aldis goes right after Jay Briscoe, looking for retaliation after Briscoe attacked him at Hard Times 2, while Mike Bennett lashes all the frustration he accumulated in the lask few weeks at Mark Briscoe. This is a Strictly Business beat down, and the Briscoes & Occam's Razor can't even defend themselves, because they just fought like mad men for 15 minutes and they're already tired. Some referees try to stop this mess, but Latimer threatens them, and his menacing figures stops them from stepping inside the ring. In the middle of the ring, Aldis directs his men. He orders Bennett and Williams to hold Jay Briscoe, and motions for Thomas Latimer to hit his Curb Stomp on Jay! The elder of the Briscoes is down, and Aldis asks his men to pick him up... To slap him right accross the face! The show ends with Strictly Business celebrating in the ring and posing, proud of their dirty deed.

  9. James Ellsworth vs. Sal Rinauro

    I guess I can’t call him a jobber anymore but I’m still not a fan


    Vipress vs. Thunder Rosa



    NWA WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Anthony Bennett © vs. Jervis Cottonbelly



    Occam's Razor vs. The Briscoe Brothers


    This would be a great PPV match but I see Strictly Business getting involved and causing a no contest or double DQ


    Thank you for your predictions man!

    That's true, Sal is little more than a jobber know, thanks to segments with Maria he's now recognisable!


    Good show. Sal with the win which is great (you've made me a fan, THIS IS YOUR FAULT). Also love the Tim Storm part at the end as well and the inclusion of females seems like a great balance for me and an entertaining show throughout.


    James Ellsworth vs. Sal Rinauro

    Vipress vs. Thunder Rosa

    NWA WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Anthony Bennett © vs. Jervis Cottonbelly

    Occam's Razor vs. The Briscoe Brothers


    Oops, sorry for making you a fan of Sal :D

    Got lots more in stock for him, because he scored a Great new gimmick, and never disappoints me, surprisingly!


    I'm glad you like the incorporation of women's wrestling. It's always hard to balance, because the division is not huge, but Rosa is a stud and I think Kamille could be a huge deal, so i've got to showcase them!



    Show will be posted tomorrow morning if someone else still want to predict!

  10. Another really good show.


    James Ellsworth vs. Sal Rinauro

    Vipress vs. Thunder Rosa

    NWA WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Anthony Bennett © vs. Jervis Cottonbelly (love Bennett's run)

    Occam's Razor vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Hard to pick against Occam's Razor but with Jay going for Aldis, I can't see them losing here)



    Thank you mate!

    I'm glad you're liking Bennett's run, it has been one of my challenges during the write-up and i really like writing him





    You weave your spell, your eyes they beckon me

    Your lips they speak, lies and misery

    I know it's wrong, but I can't turn away

    The flames draw near, they're telling me to stay

    Into the fire! I'm falling

    Into the fire! I'm falling





    Welcome everyone NWA Powerrr! This is your home and the Wrestling Studio in Atlanta Georgia is roaring! Last saturday was NWA return to Pay Per View with Hard Times 2! Joe Galli and David Marquez recap the results from the show, with Serena Deeb's shocking win of the NWA World Women's Championship, Strictly Business winning all of their matches, and the shocking end of the show when Jay Briscoe attacked NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis. We immediately go to the desk, where all Strictly Business is here, wearing their matching outfits with their nicknames on the back and heart of their jackets.







    Aldis is taking centrale stage, the Ten Pounds of Gold firmly around his waist. Aldis says it's good to be back in Atlanta. He celebrates a total victory for Strictly Business: he beat UFC and Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock to keep Sweet Charlotte. Doug Williams and the Wildcard defended the NWA World Tag Team Championship... And send Tim Storm packing. "And Mike Bennett... Well Mike Bennett dealed with his thing I guess." We can see that "the Prodigy" is clearly in the background, and that his wife is conspicuous by her absence. Aldis declares this a total win, and claims that 2021 and this decade will be theirs. Strictly Business will lift the NWA on its shoulders and carry the torch for the sports of professional wrestling.


    Sean Mooney asks Nick Aldis about Jay Briscoe, and Aldis displays a smirk on his face. He says he doesn't respect Jay Briscoe. He disaproves of the way Jay Briscoe attacked him when he just fought a match and has his back turned. He strongly resents his way of challenging him... But what he sees is Jay Briscoe's acolade. Jay Briscoe is a 2 times Ring Of Honor World Heayvweight Champion. He was undefeated in over two years. He's a world-class wrestler... And exactly the kind of challenger Nick Aldis is seeking in order to lifts the NWA World Heavyweight Championship's profile and prestige. Mooney questions if he's going to defend against Briscoe, but Aldis doesn't answer. He instead says that tonight is not about him. It's about Tim Storm! Aldis says Tim Storm is closing the chapter of his career, courtesy of Strictly Business' Widlcard, and Nick Aldis best friend: Thomas Latimer. Aldis claims that he has tremendous amount of respect for Storm, and that their careers are deeply intertwinded. He'll see him later when we bid him our farewells.


    Aldis then turns to Kamille and claims she has something to say. Mooney adresses her and Kamille grabs the microphone from his hands. She congratulates Serena Deeb on winning the NWA Women's World Championship... And issues a challenge. She says Strictly Business are on a quest to be draped in gold this year, and it will happen very very soon. Mooney reminds us Kamille will face Marti Belle and Allysin Kay later tonight, and that if she wins she'll be in good position to challenge. Mooney also wants to ask Williams & Latimer their thoughts on Occam's Razor, who seem to be next in line for a shot at their gold. Latimer wildly shouts that he doesn't care, with his brute strength and Williams' superior mind, they will beat anybody. Doug Williams more carefully comments that Selmani & Dhinsa are a great tag team and a colossal challenge that they will have to eventually adress.


    Promo seems over, and Aldis wishes us a great show. As he leaves, followed by Kamille, Doug Williams & Thomas Latimer, Bennett stays with Mooney. He grimly asks him if he doesn't have any question for him. Mooney is taken a back, and stutters: "How... How's Maria?". Bennett says she hasn't spoke to him since Saturday, because she claims he cares more about wrestling than her. She says he hit her by accident, but didn't check on her, instead focusing on winning his match. Mooney doesn't know what to say, and Mike Bennett says he's tired of always being asked about his wife. In WWE it was all about her, they even changed HIS name to HERS. He's tired. He'es upset. And he's angry. Mooney asks him if things are done between him and Rinauro, but Bennett doesn't answer, instead leaving the stage.








    1. Aron Stevens & The Question Mark vs. Jervis Cottonbelly & Sal Rinauro.



    Sal Rinauro makes his way to the ring holding a sign that says "Maria's #1 fan". He and Jervis face Aron Stevens & The Question Mark who lost their six men tag match at Hard Times 2. It was later revealed that "Question Mark Jr." was Brian Milonas under a mask, paid by Aron Stevens. Milonas asked for his money, and Stevens bailed out.


    The match is short and fairly simple. Stevens & Question Mark do their usual shtick, with Question Mark doing the heavy lifting and Stevens posing and taunting, only tagging in when they have the advantage, just for immediately losing this advantage because he's such a dork. Cottonbelly & Rinauro are doing some comedy stuff, with some over the top "gentlemen" poses, and shaking their hands each and every time they hit a double team move.


    In the end, Sal hits a bronco buster on Aron Stevens that got the later screaming like a little girl for the win.








    Of course, Jervis Cottonbelly offers Sal Rinauro a hug. Sal jumps at him for a huge hug. He then takes a microphone and shouts, apparently to the missing Maria Kanellis "I'M SORRY MARIA! I'M STILL YOUR BIGGEST FAN! WE NEED TO SEE YOU WRESTLE!" He tries to lead the crowd in a "Maria" chants, but this fails, and someone else enters the ring.






    Milonas enters the ring, and Rinauro & Cottonbelly gently exits, apparently a little concerned by the behemoth. But Milonas is after Aron Stevens and his money! Stevens is still down, but The Question Mark gets in between. He motions for his über devastating "death touch", but Milonas grabs his hand and crushes it. Question Mark falls on his knees, and Milonas picks him up with a bodyslam! Meanwhile, Aron Stevens escapes again. As he runs to the back, Milonas screams that he wants the money he's owed.









    Sean Mooney welcomes now-former NWA Women's World Champion Thunder Rosa to the desk. He tells us she asked for this interview time so the floor is hers. Thunder Rosa says she has been the NWA Women's World Champion of a year. It was a great pride for her. She wrestled with the bests, she defended the title all around the world, and she was the first ever NWA Women's World Champion to fight on National TV when she fought on AEW Dynamite. Thunder Rosa admits she met her match in Serena Deeb. She wants to congratulate her on her win. Thunder says she knows how this works, she won't cling on her spot. She's back to the bottom of the ladder, and she will fight her way back to title contention... She hopes Serena Deeb holds on to the title during this time, because Thunder Rosa craves for a rematch. As the former champ thanks Mooney and is about to leave, she's jumped from behind and thrown into the interviewer's desk! It's... Vipress!






    The Serpent of Evil stomps Thunder Rosa and throws her two more times into the hard desk. Referees come rushing to restrain her. Vipress is not shouting nor fuming. She seems cold and calculating, like the snake she bears the name of. She doesn't fight off the referees, instead letting herself being gently escorted to the back.








    We get a short video from NWA President Billy Corgan. The leader of the Smashing Pumpkins could not be here tonight, but he wanted to take a moment to thank Tim Storm. He thanks him for carrying the NWA into its new age, being the transition between the past and the future. He acclaimed his dedication, his strength and his huge heart. He says Tim Storm might never be a Hall of Famer, but he'll always be a special part of the NWA... And Corgan offers him an honourary seat on the NWA Championship Committee..








    2. Marti Belle vs. Kamille vs. Allysin Kay



    This triple threat match is a rarity in the NWA, but serves the purpose of reasserting the pecking order in the Women's Division following the title change last saturday.


    The match starts with Marti Belle and Allysin Kay agreeing on double teaming Kamille... Only for Kay to back off at the last moment, leaving Marti Belle to Kamille's hand. The Brickhouse bodyslams Belle and turns her attention to former NWA Women's World Champion Allysin Kay.


    This match is super competitive, but it's clear Marti Belle is one small step above Kay & Kamille. She never seems to be about to win the match, and often is on the receiving end of pinfall that get broken up by the third competitor. Kamille, for her part, really shines. She demonstrates a brute force that is unmatched by perhaps any woman wrestler alive. At one point, Belle & Kay attempts a double suplex on her, but she reverses it and suplexes both of them at the same time!


    In the end, Kamille spears Marti Belle, but she throws her out of the ring. Her intention is clear: she wants to pin the former champion! Kay comes at her with forearms, but Kamille takes the hits, almost no selling it, and coldly stares at her. Kamille then powerbombs her for the winning pin.








    As the Brickhouse celebrates, Marti Belle is left desperate in the ring. She was almost a non-factor in this match. Before she can walk to the back, someone comes for her.






    Famous B runs towards Marti Belle and offers her a bottle of water and some - apparently - encouraging words. He puts her arm on his shoulders and helps her walk to the back, meanwhile talking non-stop. As he's a loud one, we can hear some of his words: "let me help". "We can help you." "We'll be here for you next time." "We'll unleash your potential."... Joe Galli on commentary suggests that Famous B must be here on behalf of The Pope's Congregation.









    Speaking of the Pope, we're gifted with a 3 minutes edited version of Pope and Anthony Bennett match at Hard Times 2, that was voted match of the night by the crowd. We see the ending, where Pope could have won - being the first wrestler to score a 3-count pinfall - but got tricked at his own game, because HE asked this match to be a 5 count pinfall. In the end, Anthony Bennett prevailed, and the video claims that he'll defend his TV Championship next week on Powerrr.











    3. Trevor Murdock © vs. Scorpio Sky


    Scorpio Sky won this opportunity by winning a 10 man battle royal on last episode of Powerrr. He's Trevor Murdock first real challenge since he won this championship from Aron Stevens on UWN Primetime back in november. This is Murdock's first real test as a champion.


    And he seems to be failing it. The more mobile Scorpio Sky comes at him from all angles and has the upper hand in the first minutes of the match. Sky has been a breakout star in All Elite Wrestling, and he's here to collect the gold. Sky really shines, but Murdock slowly makes his way back into the match with stiff looking shots that rock his opponent so bad it gives him extra time to recuperate.


    The match is a total clash of style, the slow moving, heavy hitting Trevor Murdock is chasing after the lighter, more athletic Scorpio Sky. Murdock tries to hit his Western Texas Lariat, knowing it could end the match, but Sky avoids it multiple times, always at the last moment. He runs circle around his opponent, using his speed to attack him with low kick, drop kicks and fast manoeuver like a running crossbody for a two count.


    In the end of an open match that really got the crowd going, Sky is climbing up the rope with Murdock on the ground. He dives at the champion, but Murdock catches him mid air with his Western Texas Lariat! Sky makes a full 360° in the air upon impact, almost decapitated, and Murdock is able to secure the pinfall.











    Tim Storm is in the ring and gives an emotion but short speech about his career. He thanks the fans for always making him feel at home in the NWA. He says this will always be his own, and he'll always be grateful. He went to the mountain top, and now he's leaving in the sunset. "Mamma Storm's baby boy is coming home!"






    Eli Drake makes his way to the ring, as David Marquez reminds us that is was Drake who gifted Tim Storm with a NWA Tag Title shot, but also him who teamed with Storm in his defeat and subsequent retirement match. Drake embraces Storm. He wanted to be here tonight, because he feels guilty. He was there for the tag, but Doug Williams blindsided him, and he wasn't there for Tim. He wasn't there to tag in, and then couldn't stop Latimer from hitting him with his dreaded Curb Stomp. Eli Drake feels guilty, and wants to apologize. Storm answers that there is nothing to apologize for. He fought the best he could. Drake promises he won't stop his hunt for the NWA World Championship, and when he wins it he'll dedicate it to Tim Storm.






    The sharp-dress NWA World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring. He ignores Eli Drake and talks to Tim Storm. He recaps the bad blood between them, and the 1 year feud they had over this. The Ten Pounds of Gold. Aldis says he couldn't have bring back the NWA to relevance without Tim Storm. Every match needs two men, and Storm was the perfect opponent for him to lift the NWA on his shoulder. He offers Tim Storm to shake his hand.


    Tim Storm, although Aldis' compliments were a little self-indulgent, agrees to shake his hand and concedes that he's one hell of a man, and one hell of an NWA World Heavyweight Champion... But he better enjoy his time at the mountain top, because Tim Storm's been there and he knows one thing for sure: it doesn't last forever. It never does.


    Aldis smiles, and Eli Drake gets in his face. He wants a title shot. Now that Aldis made his little shtick with Shamrock, Jarrett and his Impact wrestling's friend, he's next in line. Aldis rhetorically ask him why he has to ruin this moment. This is supposed to be about Tim Storm, but he makes it about his claim. Drake asks what more does he need to do to be a challenger: he already beat all of Aldis' friends! Aldis answers him that things didn't change. Nick Aldis is STILL looking to lift the NWA World Heavyweight Championship's profile. He wants to defend against the BEST to uphold the belt's prestige... And he wants to face world champion materials, men who HAVE BEEN world champion, men like Ken Shamrock... Men like Jay Briscoe... And Eli Drake never held a major world championship. If he wants to prove himself, he'll have to beat numerous former world champions and prove himself. Drake gets upset, but Tim Storm restrains him, and Nick Aldis leaves with a last congratulation for the retiring Tim Storm.


    As we thought this was about to end, Drake turns to Tim Storm... And asks him to reconsider retirement for one last match, one last match against him! If maybe Eli beats him, he'll have beaten a former world champion and could earn HIS title shot. Storm sadly smiles but says it's done, he won't wrestle again. Eli Drake doesn't answer and leaves the ring, visibly upset.


    Tim Storm gets one last round of appluse as this episode of Powerrr ends.

  12. <p><p>Thank you all very much!! </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    Theheel: i'm so obsessed with the fact that Murdoch could/should have been a modern day Stan Hansen that I didn't even realize ressemblance with Dick Murdoch!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    Texasranger13: Jay has really good stats, and Aldis keeps on improving. I think these two are gonna make wonders in my game</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    Show will be up tomorrow! <img alt="<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></p>

  13. Cezar Bononi (0-1) vs. "Savage Gentleman" Victor Benjamin (1-1)

    Gods of War (Odinson (0-1) and Kratos (0-0)) vs. Local Talents

    Real1 Krew (Alanis (0-1) and Gray (0-1)) vs. Artemis Spencer (1-1) and ???

    SCHAFF (3-0) vs. The Steiners "New Age" (Debut)

    Davey Boy Smith Jr (2-1) and "Big" Sean Studd (0-1) vs. Afa Jr (1-1) and Sefa Fatu (Debut)

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