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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. TNA X-Division Championship

    Amazing Red © vs. Bryan Danielson

    Comments: As said above - Yes!


    Sonjay Dutt, Jason Cross & Low-Ki vs. Team Canada (Chris Sabin, Legend & ???)



    Bonus question, who is Scott D'Amore's "Canadian Ace"?: Can't say who exactly, but Scott D'Amore will probably spring someone that we're not expecting.


    Simon Diamond vs. Dustin Rhodes



    Battle Royal to crown the inaugural TNA Knockouts Champion

    Daizee Haze vs. LuFisto vs. Meiko Satomura vs. Sara Del Rey vs. Sarah Stock vs. Veronica vs. Allison Danger vs. Cheerleader Melissa vs. Daffney vs. Nattie Neidhart



    Jeff Hardy vs. Commissioner Roddy Piper

    Comments: The Enigma takes it, but not without a fight from the Hot Rod.


    TNA World Tag Team Championship

    America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) © vs. The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane)



    Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match

    AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

    Comments: The Phenomenal One narrowly takes it in three.


    No Holds Barred Match

    Savio Vega vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Comments: Planet Jarrett gets the W, probably with a guitar shot behind the ref's back.


    Submission Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Sting © vs. CM Punk


  2. Thank you. Now one more question, I can't for the life of me get the image to show up. I post the link like it says when I click on the image button, but it does not show up. Any tips?


    If you want your images to show up, type < first, then follow it with img src="_" (with your image's URL replacing the underscore within the quotation marks), then follow that with alt=" "> (make sure to put a single space between the first set of quotation marks and the alt) and you should get results.

  3. Hey everyone. Can anyone point me in the right direction on a few items. First, which image hosting sites work for the forums, and how do I delete a thread if I wanted to. Not sure if I am posting in the right place, but I might as well give it a shot. Thanks.


    Imgur and postimg.cc work out quite well for image hosting. As for deleting a thread, can't help you there, sorry.

  4. All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    May 13, 1965 - Montreal, Quebec




    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png

    Margot Bouchard defeated Claire Lepage* (making her debut here) by pinfall following an elbow drop.


    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png

    Ti-Blanc Richard defeated Yvon Racicot by submission to a bearhug.


    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png

    The Sicilians (Lou Albano** & Tony Altimore) defeated Larry Moquin & Louis Gubas when Albano pinned Gubas.


    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png

    Ilio DiPaolo defeated Bulldog Brower by disqualification when Brower threw DiPaolo over the top rope.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * IRL, Claire Lepage is a Canadian pop singer from Quebec, active from 1965 to 1972 and again in the early 2000s. ITTL, she became a wrestler instead and would become part of Renée Martel's inner circle.


    ** Yep, the Lou Albano who started out with a mobster gimmick as a wrestler is the same Capt. Lou Albano who guided 14 teams to 17 WW(W)F Tag Team Championships, was a lynchpin in the WWF's Rock 'n Wrestling era in the 1980s and later played Super Mario in a kids' TV show.

  5. The meeting of Johnny Rougeau and his entourage to get the ban on women's wrestling in Montreal would pay dividends a few days later, as the lead story on the front page of this wrestling program would show:



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


  6. Back in February 1958, Leopold Pigeon, then the president of the Montreal Athletic Commission, had banned women's wrestling in Montreal, denying female grapplers the right to ply their trade in the city alongside male wrestlers. Ever since then, wrestling fans in Montreal, as well as the female wrestlers themselves, had been pushing for the return of the ladies to the ring as they were a popular attraction included to spice up wrestling cards, but up to this point, the MAC had turned a deaf ear to the popular demands to bring back the women. But, as Bob Dylan once said in song, "The times, they are a-changin'"...


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    At the head office of the Montreal Athletic Commission in downtown Montreal, Marcel and Renée Martel, along with Johnny Rougeau (the owner of Montreal promotion All-Star Wrestling* and one of its top stars), were waiting in the office waiting room for their scheduled appointment with the MAC's current president. "All this waiting for the meeting's almost as bad as waiting for a dental appointment," Renée remarked as she looked at her watch. "Do they do this to everyone that wants an appointment with them?"


    "They're a pretty busy bunch of people," Johnny answered. "Eddie Quinn had to deal with them too before he retired and closed up his shop last year."


    "And he was both the owner and promoter," Renée pointed out.


    "Well, I'm not exactly chopped liver, am I?" Johnny said good-naturedly, making Renée laugh.


    "I sure hope we can get the ban on women's wrestling in Montreal lifted," Renée then said. "It wouldn't really matter if I make my debut out of town, but I'd much rather debut here."


    "All we have to do is have faith that we can succeed and we will, dear," Marcel assured Renée. "The Commission tried to hamper wrestling here before, but we always managed to bounce back and prevail."


    "True," Renée agreed. Looking at her watch again, she then said, "Wow, how much longer before she gets here?"


    "Who?" Marcel asked.


    "Michèle," Renée said. "Johnny asked her to join us for the meeting and she's running late."


    "Don't worry, she'll be here s..." Johnny started to say, when the office waiting room door opened and a young woman stepped through. Tall and raven-haired, she wore her hair in a flip bouffant that gave her a passing resemblance to American actress Mary Tyler Moore.


    "Well, speak of the devil, we were just talking about you," Johnny said to the girl.


    "Yeah, sorry I'm late," the girl, Michèle Richard**, said to the rest of the group. "The traffic outside's murder right now and I had to wait for two walk signals at the intersections after I parked two blocks away because I couldn't find a free space near here."


    "But you made it, that's what counts," Renée said as Michèle took a seat beside her.


    "Yep, I did," Michèle said. "I just hope the meeting doesn't run long - I don't want to end up getting my car ticketed if the meter runs out before the meeting ends."


    "Don't worry about that," Johnny reassured Michèle. "If it happens, I'll cover your ticket."


    "Good, thanks, Johnny," Michèle said with a sigh of relief.


    "Of course, the cost of that ticket will have to come out of the pay for your next match," Johnny then added, seemingly jokingly.


    Michèle's mouth dropped open in shock. "What, you think I'm made of money?" she said incredulously as Johnny, Marcel and Renée all started laughing.


    Just then, the door to the Commission president's office opened and the office secretary came out. "You can all go in now, Mr. Durocher's ready to see you," the secretary said.


    "Okay, thanks, Veronique," Johnny said as he, Marcel, Renée and Michèle all got up to file into the office for their meeting.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    About twenty minutes later, with the meeting ended, Johnny and the rest of the group left the office and stepped into the hallway to head for the elevator to the lobby of the office building where the MAC was headquartered. "I'm glad the meeting's over," Renée said as the group walked down the hallway. "I sure hope we were able to sell Mr. Durocher on why the ban on women's wrestling in Montreal should be lifted."


    "I think inviting him to see that practice match between you and Michèle at the training gym on Thursday might help make that sale, Renée," Johnny said.


    "Same here," Michèle agreed. "You know, I think Durocher must be new to the wrestling business because he either isn't a wrestling fan or he probably doesn't have a clue about it - he actually thought that my name really was Margot Bouchard*** and he didn't believe at first that my father's Ti-Blanc Richard**** when I had to correct him and tell him who I am."


    "Or that you have to use 'Margot Bouchard' as your ring alias because you wrestle as a villain and you don't want to be connected publicly with your father because he wrestles as a good guy," Renée jumped in. "I think you might be on to something about Mr. Durocher and what he knows about wrestling."


    "Well, as long as our practice match on Thursday convinces him," Michèle said. Checking her watch, she then added, "Hey, if we're gonna go for lunch, I need to go check on my car first to see if the parking meter ran out."


    "Sure, go ahead," Johnny said, clearing Michèle to take the elevator first. "We'll be at that coffee shop across the street from here when you're done with your car."


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * All-Star Wrestling, Johnny Rougeau's promotion, was also known in French as Les As de la Lutte ("The Aces of Wrestling" in English).


    ** IRL, Michèle Richard is a Canadian singer from Quebec, active since the late 1950s. ITTL, she instead became a professional wrestler in May 1964 at age 18, but because of the ban on women's wrestling in Montreal and Quebec City at the time, she had to wrestle in the Canadian Maritimes and in smaller towns in Quebec (which were not under similar bans on women's wrestling). She will be a major supporting character in this diary as she becomes part of Renée Martel's inner circle.


    *** As noted above, Margot Bouchard is the ring name used by Michèle Richard early in her wrestling career ITTL due to her wrestling as a heel.


    **** IRL, Ti-Blanc Richard was the stage name used by Adalbert Richard, a Canadian musician from Quebec, active from the 1940s until his death in 1981, and he was the father of Michèle Richard. ITTL, he instead became a wrestler active in his native Quebec and elsewhere in Canada, using a lumberjack strongman gimmick for his wrestling persona.

  7. May 1965


    Over the previous months, the unmanned Gemini 2 spacecraft was launched by NASA on a suborbital flight to test out its various systems, while Lyndon B. Johnson, who had finished out the remainder of John F. Kennedy's term as President following JFK's assassination, was sworn in for his first full term as President after winning the 1964 election. Canada introduced a red and white maple leaf design as the country's new official flag, replacing both the Canadian Red Ensign and British Union Jack flags. Civil rights leader Malcolm X was assassinated in New York City, while unrest began brewing in the South over civil rights for African-Americans, and protests against the Vietnam War (which included draft card burning) began making headlines. The 1965 World's Fair opened in Flushing Meadows, New York, and characters from the Peanuts comic strip appeared on the cover of Time magazine. In sports, the Green Bay Packers won the NFL Championship over the Cleveland Browns, the Buffalo Bills beat the San Diego Chargers for the AFL Championship, the Montreal Canadiens captured the Stanley Cup by beating the Chicago Black Hawks, and Muhammad Ali retained his World Heavyweight boxing title in a rematch against Sonny Liston in Lewiston, Maine under controversial and unusual circumstances via the much-talked about "Phantom Punch".


    In wrestling, Fred Kohler Enterprises, the Chicago-based promotion behind the nationally-televised Wrestling from Marigold Arena, closed up shop after 40 years in business, allowing Dick the Bruiser's World Wrestling Association to take over the Chicago territory. Famed wrestler Yukon Eric, best remembered for losing part of his left ear in 1952 as the result of a botched Killer Kowalski knee drop and the feud that stemmed from it, committed suicide via self-inflicted gunshot in a church parking lot in Cartersville, Georgia. A young Rocky Johnson, after making his debut in the Toronto area in 1964, began wrestling in his native Nova Scotia with the Provincial Sports Association and built up a fan following there. Meanwhile, in Montreal...


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



  8. October 1964




    Arriving for a planned meeting at a huge house in the Patterson Heights neighborhood of Calgary, Marcel and Renée Martel started walking up the walkway toward the house's front steps.


    "This is the first time I've been here, Papa," Renée said to her father about the house they were about to visit. "I'm a little nervous to meet him, but excited at the same time."


    "Don't worry, dear, the nerves will pass," Marcel reassured his daughter. "We go back a long way from my training days with him after his discharge from the Navy. I was even one of his first lineup of wrestlers when he started promoting in Edmonton in 1948."


    "I know, but I still don't feel any easier about it," Renée said as she and Marcel started going up the steps to the front door. Stopping at the door, Marcel knocked on it and waited a moment, then the door opened as a woman, a familiar face to him but someone new to Renée, answered.


    "Marcel, hello!" Helen Hart said in her New York accent as she saw him at the door with Renée, then hugged him and welcomed the Martels inside. "Well, comment allez-vous?"


    "Je me sens bien, merci," Marcel replied in French as he took his cowboy boots off and left them near the door. "I'm surprised the house isn't as noisy as it would be most of the time."


    "Well, most of the kids are out seeing friends right now and Ross and Diana are down for their naps upstairs," Helen replied. Taking notice of Renée, she then added with a smile, "And this must be your daughter here."


    "Yep, this is Renée," Marcel said, introducing the teen girl.


    "Bonjour, Renée," Helen said, greeting Renée in French. "Vous avez l’air très jolie."


    "Ah, merci beaucoup," Renée replied with an embarrassed giggle and a grin at the compliment. "You know French well enough?"


    "Oh, I picked up a bit here and there, thanks to your father," Helen admitted.


    A moment later, the front door opened again and a blond-haired teenage boy, aged 14, stepped inside. "Hey, Mom," the boy greeted Helen as he took off his coat and hung it up. "Is Dad around?"


    "He's downstairs cleaning up there," Helen said, referring to the famous training area in the basement of the Hart house that would gain the nickname the Dungeon in later years. "He'll be up later to get dinner started."


    "Okay," the boy said. As he was about to head to the dining room, he then spotted Renée standing with his mother and Marcel. "Wow, I haven't seen you here before," the boy said to Renée as he looked her over, looking somewhat google-eyed and fascinated with her.


    Renée giggled at the boy's remark. "I'm just here with my father to see your father," she said. "I'm Renée."


    The boy said nothing, but continued looking at Renée while Marcel watched with an amused grin. "Uh, are you still with us?" she then said, snapping her fingers to get the boy's attention, which brought him around.


    "Oh, sorry," the boy apologized. "Hi, Renée, I'm..."


    "Bruce, put your eyes back in your head," a gravelly-sounding voice then said, from behind him. Bruce, the second-oldest of the eleven Hart kids*, then turned and saw his father, Stu Hart, who had just come up from the basement.


    "Sorry, Dad, didn't know you were there," Bruce said apologetically.


    "Don't worry about it," Stu said. "Don't you have homework to do?"


    "I'm on it," Bruce said as he excused himself to the dining room where his school books were.


    Stu then turned to Marcel and Renée. "Don't mind Bruce, ever since he started noticing girls, it's like there ain't been a moment where a pretty face hasn't turned his head," he remarked. "Anyway, glad you made it here okay, Marcel - and speakin' of pretty faces, who'd you bring with you?"


    "My daughter, Renée," Marcel said, introducing Stu to her. "Renée, this is Stu Hart."


    "Hi, Renée," Stu said as he extended his right hand for a handshake. "Welcome to the zoo we call the Hart house."


    "Hello, Mr. Hart," Renée replied as she accepted the handshake, noticing the strong grip the Hart family patriarch had. "Why do you call it a zoo?"


    "It's a noisy and busy place most of the time when the kids are around," Stu explained. "Even more so when we have wrestlers staying here as guests."


    "Ah, ça l’explique," Renée then said in French with a giggle in an aside to Marcel, who also had a chuckle.


    "Anyway, besides the invite to dinner, I came to ask that favor of you that you said you'd do when I needed it," Marcel then said to Stu.


    "Okay, what's the favor?" Stu asked.


    "Renée wants to learn submission wrestling and I told her you'd be the best teacher for that," Marcel said.


    "Whoa, hold on a sec," Stu said. "I don't usually train girls for wrestling myself. If any girls come to me wanting to get wrestling training, I recommend them to the Fabulous Moolah instead."


    "I know, but Renée doesn't want Moolah training her," Marcel countered. "She hasn't heard good things about Moolah from some girls she met who dealt with Moolah in the past. I don't think Moolah teaches submission wrestling anyway, but you do and it's you Renée wants to have teach her about that."


    "Well, I hope she knows what she's getting herself into," Stu said, hesitant to have to show Renée what would be involved.


    "I do," Renée said with a nod.


    "Okay then, Renée, be prepared to get stretched," Stu warned her.


    "'Stretched'? What does that mean?" Renée wondered aloud.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Down in the Hart house basement a few minutes later, Renée soon found out what getting "stretched" meant as she was screaming while Stu had a submission wrestling hold applied on her and had applied some pressure. "OW, that hurts!" she complained as she was kept in the hold.


    "What? I'm only using half the strength on you that I normally do on the male students," Stu said as he then released the hold. "But you have to do this to improve your pain endurance so you'll be ready to step in the ring when it's time."


    "I know," Renée said while catching her breath. "I didn't think it would be that hard, though."


    "It's not supposed to be easy, Renée," said Marcel, who had been watching while his daughter had the hold put on her by Stu. "I learned the same style Stu did when we trained together."


    Just then, Helen came downstairs after hearing Renée screaming from the living room. "Stu, what's going on?" she asked, worried about Renée.


    "It's okay, Mrs. Hart, he was just showing me one of his wrestling holds," Renée explained.


    "Well, go easy on her, Stu," Helen gently chided her husband before returning upstairs. "She's a girl and she's only about half your size."


    After Helen left, Stu thought a moment. "Well, she does have a point," he then said. "This is why I'm hesitant to train girls for wrestling, I'd be concerned about hurting them during the training sessions."


    "Mr. Hart, you shouldn't have to treat me differently in training just because I'm a girl," Renée said. "Like you said, I need to get used to it and I'm sure I can if you give me the chance."


    "Yeah, there's that," Stu agreed. "You'd need to too because there may be times when you end up going against opponents that might weigh over 200 pounds and you'll need ways to offset the size disadvantage." Getting up from the wrestling mat on the basement floor, he then said, "I'll see what I can do about it. I gotta go up and get supper started anyway, but before that, I'll call in some favors from the athletic department at the UAC and get the ball rolling."


    "The UAC?" a puzzled Renée asked.


    "The University of Alberta in Calgary," Stu confirmed, speaking of the Calgary satellite campus of the University of Alberta in Edmonton.**


    "Oh, okay," Renée said as she and Marcel then followed Stu up the stairs from the basement to the kitchen. "While we're in the kitchen, could I get some ice from your freezer? I think I'll need it for the aches I got from that hold you used on me."


    "Sure," Stu said with a chuckle. "But don't worry, the holds that get used on you in training, they'll come in handy for you if you ever need to use them at some point."


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    As promised, Stu trained Renée in the finer points of submission wrestling and recruited amateur female wrestlers to spar with her to sharpen her skills. In due time, Renée had learned enough through her further training in the Hart house basement that Stu graduated her with honors. As thanks for the training, she suggested to Stu that instead of referring aspiring female wrestlers to Fabulous Moolah for training, he should send them to Mildred Burke instead as they would get superior training from her. As it would turn out, Renée would be the only female Dungeon graduate for decades until Stu's granddaughter, Nattie Neidhart, trained at the Dungeon in the early 2000s.***


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Helen was just over a month pregnant at this point with who would turn out to be her and Stu's twelfth child and youngest son, Owen, born on May 7, 1965.


    ** The University of Alberta in Calgary was the previous name for what would become the University of Calgary when it became independent of the University of Alberta in 1966.


    *** IRL, no female wrestlers trained at the Dungeon until Nattie Neidhart did so, primarily under her uncles Bruce and Ross Hart.


  9. The Suicide Blondes vs The Rock “n” Roll Express- Exhibition Match

    JJ, Steve and Scott Armstrong vs V.K Wallstreet, Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage- Dark Match

    Los Guerreros vs Syxx + ??? (??? will turn out to be Konnan, defecting to the nWo)

    Lord Steven Regal vs Ed Leslie – WCW World Television Championship

    NWO (Hogan, Hall, Nash) vs The Giant, Lex Luger and DDP

  10. 20 months is a long time to do anything and with that can come a sense of burnout and malaise. I'm currently sitting here trying to plan out this week's TV shows with a sense of dread and that does not lend itself to good creative writing or a product you deserve. Many of you have been reading this from day one and we have always strived to give you the best and I don't want to give less than that. We'll see if time can re-energize and re-purpose this project but for now we're going to take a much needed break.


    Thank you!


    Well, when you feel ready to return to this diary, we'll be there. :) JCP's peak during the 1980s (including its collaboration with the AWA on the Pro Wrestling USA project to counteract the WWF) was a great time for wrestling and its matches were fun to watch, and this diary brings back those times.

  11. Sonjay Dutt vs. CM Punk



    The Harris Twins vs. Elix Skipper & Kid Kash

    Comments: I've followed Ron & Don since their early days with Don Owen in Portland, and even now as grizzled veterans, they're still capable of doing damage against ring foes.


    Low-Ki vs. Chris Sabin



    Dragon Kid vs. Somber Serpent



    Veronica, Meiko Satomura, Sara Del Rey & Daizee Haze vs. Daffney, Cheerleader Melissa, Nattie Neidhart & Allison Danger

    Comments: Nattie's the granddaughter of a wrestling legend, Stu Hart. Enough said.


    Evan Karagias vs. Samoa Joe

    Comments: "Joe's gonna kill you", Evan.


    Sting & ??? vs. Brother Julio & Dustin Rhodes



    Bonus Question: who will be Sting’s tag team partner? I'll go with the others and guess it's "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles.

  12. Gedo + Jado vs Jericho + Storm

    Bobby Walker vs Ultimate Dragon

    Nasty Boyz vs Suicide Blondes

    Eddy Guerrero vs Rey Misterio Jr

    Steven Regal vs Juventud Guerrerra- WCW World Television Championship

    Meng + The Barbarian vs The Outsiders (Side note: Most of the time, I'd give the odds to Meng & the Barbarian, but the Outsiders were at their devious peak at that point, and with the nWo growing by leaps and bounds after Hulk joined and ready and willing to watch each other's backs, I don't see it turning out any other way)

  13. Predictions:


    Cruiserweight Battle Royal- Adam Copeland, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Chris Jericho, Eddy Guerrero, Gedo, Jado, Jerry Lynn, Juventud Guerrera, Kaz Hayashi, Lance Strom, Psicosis, TAKA Michinoku, Tiger Mask IV, Ultimate Dragon


    Konnan vs Manubu Nakanishi


    Disco Inferno vs Meng


    Four Horsemen (Benoit, Anderson, Mongo) vs Jobbers


    WCW World Television Championship- Lex Luger vs Lord Steven Regal

  14. <p>Predictions:</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Eddy + Chavo Jr Guerrero</strong> vs Syxx + Ultimate Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

    Lord Steven Regal vs <strong>Rick Steiner</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rock 'N Roll Express</strong> vs Nasty Boyz</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Marcus Bagwell</strong> vs Kenny Kaos</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>NWO (Hogan, Nash + Hall)</strong> vs Dungeon of Doom (The Giant, Meng + The Barbarian)</p>

  15. *L* Didn't even think of the her age at this time!


    Just think of her as 1997 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer JLH.[/Quote]


    It's actually pretty ingenious to use real-life celebrities in another line of work (e.g. as jobbers to the AWA stars in this diary) as part of an alternate history diary, just as I'm doing with my Rise of a Star diary, so I've no issues with that - plus, I did have a crush on the real JLH back around the time of that movie and Party of Five. :D




    Thanks for the kind words, OSF.


    They had that weird rule up there that required some content on your program be taped in Canada.


    Vince aced Verne out of his spot up there in '86.


    Yep, the ol' Canadian content rule. On the plus side in that case, fans in the rest of Canada got to see what the Winnipeg fans were already enjoying.

  16. Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent



    Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel



    10 Man Tag Team Match:

    The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)



    IWGP United States Championship Match:

    Lance Archer © vs ???

    Who is ???:

    Comments: ??? might be Jon Moxley, but we'll see...


    Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears



    AEW TNT Championship Match:

    Miro © vs Sammy Guevara






    AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021

    Prediction Key:


    2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



    Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch



    Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston


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